#are pulling the same shit
I find it frustrating how being a gnc and gay makes it hard to talk about my experiences as a trans person.
Both because the experiences themselves are so different from the norm. And because, if i try to talk about transphobia I face there's this underlying idea that because im a feminine trans man, I deserve it or at least could avoid it by being less feminine.
And there really is no way to win because if I'm feminine, then I'm not really a man (or not trying hard enough to be one) but if im masculine then I'm not queer enough and get shit from within the community for that too.
And I cant relate to the average trans masc experience (tm) because my (lesbian) mother's idea is that I should be a butch lesbian instead of a fem gay man so the lack of acceptance from them comes in the form of barring me from wearing makeup or "flashy" clothes, as opposed to the more typical enforced femininity.
How much of myself am I expected to give up? And more importantly, why is that expectation coming from other queer people, people who should know better?
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sabertoothwalrus · 4 months
I wanna make sure people appreciate genderbent izutsumi
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Harley has a relapse. Well, up until she realizes the teenager she kidnapped needs help.
She hadn't meant to, she really hadn't. But.
There'd been a store alarm, smoke had started filling the aisles, there were gunshots, she'd gotten scared taken by surprise, and someone was laughing nonstop.
Very abruptly, she was back under the Joker's thumb, and the only way to survive was to play along so hard she herself believed it.
Later, she'd learn it was a bunch of teenagers from out of town lighting the firecrackers that had been on display for the Chinese New Year.
But she'd kidnapped another teen, one that had nothing to do with it.
She was outpacing the Bats with said teen thrown over her shoulder, when she started to slow down.
His ribs kept digging into her shoulder, and he wasn't putting up a fight. He wasn't even panicking.
That was...not right. That was not something that had ever happened when she'd been with the Joker.
She came to a complete stop.
She put the kid down on his feet.
She noted the lack of baby fat, even though the kid definitely wasn't even sixteen. Bruises that disappeared into his shirt. Dead, almost bored eyes that stared back at her, blurred by clear sleep deprivation. Scars that did not look good on a civilian. The world-weary expectation the kid held himself with, like getting hit was going to happen and he just had to be prepared for it.
"Babe, you back?" Ivy asked, voice tentative.
Harley turned and pointed at the kid.
"I want this one."
Or; Danny was getting beat up by his bullies, got kidnapped by a lady with wild eyes, went with it because he didn't really want to be with the school group anymore, and now said lady is trying to adopt him because he's "too skinny". Later, when he's awake enough to understand that Harley Quinn and Batman are fighting over who gets to adopt him, he realizes this is a good opportunity to get Dani a family, considering he's taken. (If anyone can keep tabs on her and make sure she's safe it's Batman after all) (But if she doesn't like Batman he just knows she'll love Harley)
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jangmi-latte · 9 months
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sluttylittlewaste · 3 months
It's wild how many people took Kristen's line of questioning as her saying Tracker isn't taking her religion seriously instead of what I heard her asking which was:
How many of these people would be here if it wasn't religious Coachella?
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magicandmundane · 4 months
I just rewatched The Crossing, and with the added context from s3, it’s honestly a wonder how the Batch got literally anything done during the Clone Wars before Echo and Omega joined them between Wrecker and Tech bickering over every little thing that goes wrong and Hunter and Crosshair beating each other up over snide comments lmao
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kingdaddydaichi · 10 months
but like...
daichi slamming into you but SLOW. drawing his cock almost all the way out, moaning your name as his mouth falls open, your tight, creamy cunt sucking his fat dick so good before he snaps his hips flush with yours again.
daichi's coarse fingertips dimpling the plush of your hips with one hand as he grips the headboard w the other. his heavy balls are smacking against your clit, wet with your combined pre.
you arch your back for him, preen for him. you whimper his name like a pathetic whore in heat, presenting yourself to the most basic, carnal beast inside of him
and it fucking works.
daichi drapes his larger body over your back, the pressure of his weight only feeding into your impending orgasm. he wraps his fist around the longest part of your hair and insists that you cum for him. and who are you to deny your devoted husband and father of your children?
you obey, squeezing and squealing...clenching and crying out as you come apart around him, repeatedly telling him how much you love him.
"baby, you know i love you too," he huffs, slamming his hips against your ass with sharp, wet slaps of skin. "love you more than anything..." he almost sounds drunk now. "...so good, nhhn~ love you so much~" he groans, spilling his thick seed inside you as his trembling hips push hard against your bottom.
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smol-bean-buchanan · 2 years
court: you realize it’s a crime to help a prisoner escape from jail, right?
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Gaius and me, we... had a bit of a falling out. Look, I row with my father all the time. You should do what I do, just lie low and wait till he comes to his senses. It'll soon blow over.
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queerdiazs · 5 months
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buddie and bathena + parallels 1/?
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cologona · 2 months
Jason’s angst is always going to be about Bruce and Batman I’m sorry but the other batboys don’t factor in nearly as much as fanon likes to think it does.
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chaos-in-one · 1 month
I am once again asking people to stop degendering multigender and genderfluid people, especially to justify how we can fit into specific definitions of sexualities instead of just letting us define our orientation and what it means to us for ourselves. I promise you, it is not appreciated by a good portion of the community.
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Just remembered the ending of Merlin
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the artblock be hitteth Harder than normal, for tis not normal artblock. woe. Wally be upon ye
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soupy-sez · 3 months
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box-dwelling · 9 months
I think a lot of Phoenix and Apollos relationship is characterized by the fact Phoenix is fully convinced he's Apollo's dad and Apollo has not agreed to that yet.
In Phoenix's head Apollo is an orphan and Trucy's brother so has just accepted that this is his kid now because that's what he does with every lost kid with a passing relationship to him. So as a result he does the kind of teasing family like familiarity and thinks it's fine because he's his son. Which like is kinda understandable given that's exactly what happened to him with Maya, Pearl, and Trucy so at that point it's kind of a reasonable way for his mind to go. And of course he isn't going to communicate this because he's Phoenix and he doesn't do that.
But for Apollo this is his idol/mentor/co-workers and he has none of the appropriate context for why Phoenix has made that assessment and doesn't get why this guy is acting like this because he's an adult and not related to him.
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