#ardyn having therapy here or somewhat
noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: The Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub (5)
FFXV Drabble/ ficlet dump (AU)
I kinda feel bad taking up the tags. The more i post the more i feel like yeeting myself.
Their resolve is tested. And the conclusion to Etro’s Trial as someone heals.
PART 1   PART 2  PART 3   PART 4 (possible crossover of FF lores ahead in this AU.OOC-ness and plotholes  are all on me.Do I know what I’m doing?NOPE.)
- If there is one thing Noctis is fed up with is stupid gods.His entire life was damned by a rock while he watch his father become weaker because of ‘duty’ and war.He had to see Luna hurt herself to let him fulfil a prophecy of his death because a damn lizard said so.Now? Now he is looking at his friend getting damned into one as well.
- Nyx was the first one to be livid after finishing the revelations, throwing them down, swearing a storm in galah as he pulls out his kukris, about to pull down the temple to bring Prompto back from whatever trial Etro is putting him through. Luna is horrified before she pulls out her new pole arm,following close behind.All seems straightforward enough if not for the coeurls that have turned aggressive and poised to attack.Nyx doesn’t care and Cor both are ready to simply plough through them until a shadow drops down and casts multiple thundaga spells, throwing them back as ozone fills the air, destroying the ancient tomes, before effectively blocking their way.
-The white coeurls are already huge. But this one Noctis had to admit, takes the cake.This can’t be a coeurl. This is almost the size of a damn behemoth.The creature’s whiskers flicking with magic, Noctis recognises the beginnings of the Death spell anywhere as does the rest.The horns grand and curling like a crown.This is not a normal Galahd coeurl.
-“You will not interfere with the Farseer’s Trial.”
-Yuuup,not a coeurl. Noctis readies his sword as his father restrains him. Noctis is not sacrificing anymore lives for the divine or higher being.His friend that saw him as Noctis and not the Prince,always standing by him despite what others have said about him being a niflheim refugee and with the galahd braids. Even despite the troubles of him being a prince, he never left.And unexpectedly, is also the one that ended their family’s dependancy on a stolen rock, no, he’s not leaving till he has Prom safe.
-Nyx is furious as he snarls at the coeurl in defiance, eyes rimmed red as he challenges the Great Coeurl in his mother tongue. Even without understanding the language, it is clear he is making his stand known.He will pass and have his son regardless. (He unknowingly had brought his son to his homeland to die and he is beyond terrified, his hands with his kukris are shaking.)
-Noctis then quietly steals a glance at his father.He knew Regis too, had tried to find a way around his fate as Chosen King but in the end…he was still powerless against fate.So he instead gave the best to Noctis within his capabilities. As King, as a father. Maybe after all this mess, they can spend some time together again...(No he still violently refuses to send a luncheon invite to his many times Great-Grand Uncle whom he was suppose to fight to the death with, that can of worms will not be opened till later. Also why is he casually standing there??)
-(“Foolish whelp.you will fight the old beliefs and traditions of your tribe,The last Keepers of Etro’s ways to save a child meant for the Goddess?”
“A mother coeurl will not send her cubs to die.I will fight a belief that sends my son to his death!”
“Then you will perish in going against the ways of your forebears.” The Death infused whiskers strikes in warning barely an inch away from them.That was a clear threat.
“Fuck this! I have raised that boy by my hands and I will be damned if I can’t protect my family again. Following a faith blindly…sending our own brothers and blood and betraying their love was what got us all in this mess! And this ridiculousness is not what should be upheld by our people. I refuse to acknowledge this! Now.Move.” )
-All else aside, they had to try.With or without magic.They survived Gralea without their powers too.He refuses to his friend up the chopping block for a stupid trial that he need not take for their sake. He knows Prom,too good and willing if it meant he can save the ones he loves.He will drag that silly chocobo back if its the last thing he does.
-Theres a standstill, as the Great Coeurl’s eyes (like Etro’s..?Huh.) meets each of their’s, one by one, almost digging into their souls, searching.After a long while, takes a step back, the magic in her whiskers fading, and judges.
- “We see your resolve.You forge your own path even without the divine. Etro will be pleased to know her children will be strong for what awaits beyond here. Remember the resolve that you have shown here. Fight your fate! And win. Coeurl-Kin…You do your people proud. ”
- She purrs, almost sounding like laughter as she leaps back and fades away in a burst of crystallised lights.The rest of the coeurls, not knowing when, had long vanished.
-“Prompto!” Ignis is the first to gather his wits and charges forward but the door opens and out comes Prompto, eyes back to normal, with colour back in his skin, healthier and back to his usual self. He jumps back at the sudden appearance of the adviser in his face, almost confused.
”Heya Iggy!Wha-?” 
“Check him for marks! She marks them!”
”Huh??Noct-what-You guys why are you trying to strip me!!My dads are right there!?The King is there!Luna!!”
- Luna strides over in all her fierce grace and hugs Prompto, sobbing.The tears she have held back for since the start of this mess finally leaving her.(“Please Prompto, no senseless sacrifice, you hear?””I’m not-I-Luna really!See!I’m fine! No biggie.””Prom…You are terrible at comforting.”) The group huddles Prompto, they can’t take so much madness in such short time.
-Cor and Nyx comes over and the group quickly parts as Nyx crushes Prompto in a crushing hug.Nyx muttering words of thanks in Galah softly against his boy’s hair as Cor holds his family together. While he gives his son a careful once over, wary, before bumping foreheads in their quiet greeting, Just making sure and feeling each other’s presence.(Although Noctis does not doubt that Cor has reserved a lecture for later probably.Likely.)
-“Well he is still in one piece!” The groups tsks at the ancient King.
-“There’s no dying, I swear I’m okay! Listen, um, we just, talked about things and so Etro can help us, but needs her remaining power that have scattered across Eos and finding all her powers is definitely impossible…The only one place that we may find most of it is that creepy weird tower.””...Costlemark?””Mmhm, That tower was actually hers? But the Astrals got Solheim to build over after they tore most of it down…”He tells after all the excitement.Before turning to Noctis.
-“Heya Noct, also, um, think I can have the Ring?”Prompto turns and holds out his palm, almost seeking permission.”Huh?But its pretty broken now though-“ Noctis hands him the now defunct Ring, trusting but confused.Prompto holds it in his grasp, bringing the last solid piece of the Crystal to his lips quietly in reverence. And breathes. Only by hearing closely, Noctis hears it as he watches the Ring of Lucii dissolves into crystalline light into Prompto.
-“Come forth.Kings of Lucis.”
- As twilight falls, the stone lamps come to life and the Kings answers the call. The souls of his forebears surround them as light dances around, Etro’s magic rising. Prompto turns and in the voice of his friend, echoing power of Etro as his eyes glow, he bequeaths the magic of the past rulers of yore to the Kings. The past(Ardyn),The present(Regis) and the future(Noctis) of the Lucis Caelum. It is their birthright hence, they are returned to the rightful ones.
-(“This was what was stolen from you, will you still accept it, Ardyn Lucis Caelum?And before you make your choice…will you first hear the words of a dead man?”Prompto gestures and The Mystic, the founder king steps forward.And suddenly Ardyn comes face to face with a forgotten face from his past. Somnus.)
-Noctis really just wants all these awkward family reunions to stop.
-Ardyn is pissed and hurt, Somnus regretful and apologetic, all these past hatred and sorrow, finally began to untangle.And in the end, it was Ardyn who reaches out and accept’s his brother’s blade, accepting the armiger blessed by Etro.
-Prompto also deeply apologises to Luna, he can’t give her Oracle powers back because they are Bahamut’s ‘blessing’.Unlike the souls of the dead, he is unable to help. Luna doesn’t mind, she has accepted and rather prefer it this way. However Prompto assures her, if necessary, Shiva and her messengers will at least answer her call as they rightfully have gained their individual covenants.(“The weak must obey the strong.This is the inviolable law they must follow.”Noctis suddenly isn’t certain if that was truly Prompto or Etro...)
-The ceremony ends and Kings fade away with a bow as the light of Her Eyes dims. Prompto beams at Noctis, so proud!(“Did I do good Noct?””Fuck.” Decorum be damned, he hugs Prompto tightly and pulls away reluctantly.With an encouraging nudge, Noctis flexes his palm and the Armiger materialises, followed by Regis and Ardyn. Nyx summons a fire spell in his palm and does a warp while the rest tries to access the magic as well.
-(“I’m so sorry, this is all I got for now, I know its not as powerful as you had before with the actual Crystal but for now I can’t-“Noctis dives and knocks the blond over, buries his head into Prompto’s neck.”Prom.Shut up.And-Thank you-This-You are so good,Prom.Thank you-”)
-They leave the shrine, letting Prompto rest more once they arrive back into civilisation.Running high on hope, they aim to try and gather Etro’s last remaining powers before the confrontation with Bahamut. They really are running against time now.
-(“Out of curiosity, humour me for a moment, Ulric? We have a long trek afterall.”“Yes, your Majesty?””How the Galahdians look to you earlier, even the Ruling Leaders...Why is that?”The new Captain of the Kingsglaive pauses, he knows he is walking on thin ice here as he feels Cor’s gaze on him. “Oh, all Ulrics are still considered Old Blood, their words still carry weight among our most of our people besides spiritual leaders.That’s why everyone in Little Galahd knows Nyx.”Libertus quips without a thought. “So you mean to say The crown could have had a solution here and mediated with unhappy Galahdians years ago and resolved it?” The key clicks in Clarus’s head. “...Technically-”
“Technically, Libs, I’m gonna give you a 2 minutes head start. Get running or start warping.”)
-Although in the chaos, no one actually realised, Prompto never once actually mentioned what was his Trial. And discreetly, he peeks down at his wrist.If he blinks, that eerie eye mark warps back into that cold, lifeless barcode. ---.-
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