#ardaric vaanes
mirdans-100challenge · 9 months
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Trying to practice drawing armour more. And its also a chance to show off a blorbo a bit. Lil renegade Raven Guard.
Im enjoying the Iron Warrior books way more then I expected to. There is a high chance we get to see more of them from me soon 😅
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ladymirdan · 9 months
First fic of the new year! 🎉
(yes it's an Iron Warrior shameless PWP and you can't stop me!)
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caiusmajor · 2 years
I have to go for a Ultramarine and say Ventris for that character thingy.
Prefacing this by saying that I haven't actually read most of Ventris' books -- just Dead Sky, Black Son, and the beginning of Chapter's Due. So I'm not very familiar with the various Ultramarine pairing options.
My NOTP for them 
I don't think I have one? I feel like there's some obvious choice over in the Ultramarines but (a) I don't know them and (b) I'm in favor of poor Uriel being buttfucked by Ultramarines politics actually.
My BROTP for them
Pasanius. Obviously bros even though I'm also in favor of it sexually/romantically.
My OTP for them 
Also Pasanius actually? As fun as Uriel/Honou is I don't really think of them as OTP as such. Also: size kink, mmm.
My second choice pairing for them 
Honsou. Good fucking luck getting them together but then -- Ventris had that whole little monologue of "I'm just like Honsou actually" and I'd LOVE a nice little corruption arc to bring that out.
My fluffy pairing for them
Pasanius I guess? Insofar as anything is fluffy in the grimdark future.
My angsty pairing for them 
I think Uriel/Ardaric Vaanes has potential in this direction.
My favorite poly ship for them 
I've *definitely* considered Honsou/Uriel/Pasanius in, uh, varying levels of non-con.
My weirdest pairing for them
...Uriel/the Unfleshed. Not letting them die virgins is the LEAST Uriel can do, really.
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Timeline of the 41st Millennium: 934.M41
* Ardaric Vaanes, Shadow Captain of the Raven Guard's 4th Company, is declared Excommunicate Mortis. 
* Elysian Drop Troops of the Imperial Guard end a decade-long blockade of the Stranthium Orbital Space Docks, driving off Ork Kaptin Blacklaw and his Freebooterz. 
* The Toran VI Massacres. The Crimson Fists defeat the warband of Chaos Lord Sathash the Golden.
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ladymirdan · 9 months
So I finished reading Dead Sky, Black Sun yesterday and I got some feelings.
I have skipped this book for ages since it has a reputation for being “the worst”.
Sure, if you are very squeamish about body horror/gore, it is pretty graphic in that sense, but it wasn't as bad as it was portrayed to be. I would say its pretty much on par with Nighthaunter or the Night Lords books in gore factor, but with far less horror/suspense elements.
The thing that chocked me the most reading this book was that I rather enjoyed it 😅
I have made no secret that I dont vibe with MacNeill’s writing usually, but this book was so god damn funny and whacky, I wouldnt mind reading it again. It is in no way a literary masterpiece, and some real bafflingg choises were made. But did I have fun? Yes.
Do I recommend this book?... Doubtful. If you like gore and dont care about plot holes and just want some mindless action? Sure.
There are so many delightful characters, and that has always been MacNeill’s strength. The dialogue is laughable, but the concepts are strong.
One I didn't think I would like so much was Ardaric Vaanes. (me? Liking a raven guard? Bizarro world I know!)
I have joked before that Honsou is just a single mom, trying to hunt down Ventris to make him pay child support. But having Vaanes as Honsou’s bitchy goth rebound girlfriend/newborn-stepmom is not something I expected, but I'm so living for it.
Honsou and Vanes just hate-fucking each other to get back at Ventris (who is lightyears away, not giving either of them a single thought).
There needs to be more art of Vaanes... Will I manage to not be lazy for once and draw some? Who knows? 😂
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caiusmajor · 2 years
obligatory Honsou ask for the shipping meme
My NOTP for them 
I don't think I have one? It's Honsou, no mere pairing could be cringier or more awful than the shit he does in canon.
My BROTP for them
Honsou goes through allies SO fast, man. Forrix, maybe? More of a mentor thing but I get the impression they worked together for a long time and Forrix almost liked him.
My OTP for them 
Uriel Ventris. Epic HATRED, and also somehow the longest-lasting relationship in Honsou's life post-Storm of Iron.
My second choice pairing for them 
Caderas Grendel, because Honsou loves playing with fire so fucking a Khornite berserker who's probably gonna try to kill him sooner or later sounds like his kind of fun.
My fluffy pairing for them
I think the fluffiest relationship Honsou's ever had is with Perturabo, which is hilarious. Let Perturabo pet him on the head and call him a good boy and show him Forrix wasn't lying about some of the good times with their Primarch.
My angsty pairing for them 
Honsou doesn't actually angst very much, mostly he causes other people to angst. If I really wanted Honsou angsting, though, I'd write something about his younger days being bullied by every goddamn Iron Warrior on Medrengard for being a half-breed.
My favorite poly ship for them 
Honsou/Caderas Grendel/Ardaric Vaanes/Notha Etassay (& Newborn) has SERIOUS wacky polycule hijinks potential.
My weirdest pairing for them
I haven't gotten that far with Chapter's Due, but I think Honsou/M'Kar has potential to be seriously weird.
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