danikatze · 7 months
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Dunno why but it took me almost a year to post these drawings I made in Ireland. I actually like them a lot, the coloured ones in particular :)
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Sea Cave by Philip McErlean
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trekkitkat · 10 months
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Thomas Andrews family home, Ardara, still exists and it makes me ridiculously happy.
You don't get that often enough with history. A place that was just peaceful, where people lived lives of love and joy. And it's still there, over a hundred years later.
When of a Saturday evening he opened the door, so the servants at Ardara used to say, they like all the rest waiting expectantly for his coming, it was as though a wind from the sea swept into the house. All was astir. His presence filled the place. Soon you would hear his father’s greeting, “Well, my big son, how are you?” and thereafter, for one more week’s end, it was in Ardara as though the schoolboy was home for a holiday. You would hear Tom’s voice and laugh through the house and his step on the stairs; you would see him, gloved and veiled, out working among his bees, scampering on the lawn with the children, or playing with the dog, or telling many a good story to the family circle. Everyone loved him, everyone. (Excerpt from Thomas Andrews-Shipbuilder)
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celticculture · 1 year
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​📷 fiac mangan
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
‘Dedication’ by Patrick MacGill | The Navvy Poet
‘Dedication’ by Patrick MacGill –The Navvy Poet I speak with a proud tongue of the people who were And the people who are, The worthy of Ardara, the Rosses and Inishkeel, My kindred– The people of the hills and the dark-haired passes My neighbours on the lift of the brae, In the lap of the valley. To them Sláinte! I speak of the old men, The wrinkle-rutted, Who dodder about foot-weary– For their…
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donncha · 2 years
A tiny red car
A tiny red car
I spotted a tiny red car parked on a bend in Ardara, Co Donegal on a visit there in 2017. I forgot to take a photo of the logo on the bonnet, so if anyone knows what type of car it is, please let me know! Lovely town too.
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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19 MAY 2019 || Kensington Palace released photographs featuring the Duchess of Cambridge as a sneak peak for the 'Back to Nature Garden' at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
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verita-lapalissiana · 5 months
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mi spezza che qualcuno abbia pagato dell'ad space su tumblr!!! per la festa patronale di telti!!! who should this be for exactly
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irishhousecore · 4 months
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the-rmstitanic · 2 years
Today I'd like to commemorate Thomas Andrews 150th birthday.
He was born on 7 February 1873 at Ardara House in Comber, Northern Ireland.
May he rest in peace and always be remembered for the true gentleman, gifted shipbuilder, loving father and husband as well as the exceptional human being he’s been.
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Saw this lovely wee cottage on the back from Ardara ☘️🏡
#donegal #ireland
Love Ireland
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rabbitofthearchitect · 2 months
i’m thinking about my (very) old ocs again…
their names are aoife and ardara and they are lovers. they live in middle of nowhere ireland and raise sheep :)
aoife slowly gets very sick and dies.
ardara tries to “transplant” aoife’s soul into the body of a dead deer. it works, but aoife slowly rots until she’s nothing but a skeleton.
aoife lives in the woods and ardara comes everyday to check on her, until one day ardara doesn’t come back.
aoife doesn’t want to believe ardara is gone, so she roams the woods in search for her lover for the rest of forever.
i love these woman so much you don’t understand…
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pwlanier · 1 year
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ALICIA BOYLE RBA (1908-1997)
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lethalice · 2 years
personal thanks to Mr. Eddie Doherty of Ardara, Donegal for handweaving the beautiful wildflower tweed wool blanket that I wear like a wizard robe in front of my laptop after walking around in the snow rain for two hours
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sardies · 2 months
Cantiere Sassari-Olbia, aperti al traffico altri 17 km
Cagliari. Aperto al traffico a partire da oggi il lotto 2 della Sassari-Olbia. «La riapertura dei 12 km tra Ardara e Ozieri è la conferma che stiamo rispettando il cronoprogramma che ci siamo dati con Anas nell’ultimo sopralluogo lo scorso giugno». Così l’assessore regionale dei Lavori pubblici Antonio Piu commenta la riapertura del lotto 2. «L’attenzione del mio Assessorato sui cantieri stradali…
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novumtimes · 4 months
Heavy workload forces yet another rural GP to quit as manpower crisis worsens
Dr Mireille Sweeney (63), who is a single-handed GP, was a family ­doctor in Ardara, Co Donegal, for 29 years. She came to this country from her native Provence in France as a young doctor in the 1980s to be “cured of her love for Ireland”. She is one of a falling number of GPs based in villages around the country. As more of these solo GPs face retirement, the onerous level of work means there may be nobody willing to take their place. The mother of four and grandmother, who is married to Irishman John, previously told the Irish Independent the issue is not about extra fees for doctors. “I am very privileged and in a job I love. It is about a service for rural patients, saving burned-out GPs and seeing areas do not lose their doctor.” In a notice to her patients in the last week, Dr Sweeney said: “It is with a heavy heart that I have handed my resignation to the HSE, my employer. For years, I have highlighted to the HSE the looming manpower crisis that single-handed rural GPs are facing, while also proposing practical solutions to these problems. GP crisis investigation: Rural Ireland worst hit as two-thirds unable to take on new patients “Schemes introduced in recent years by the HSE aimed at improving patient care, although highly successful, have put a huge additional demand on any single-handed GP practice.” She said in the past two years at Ardara Health Centre, the post of GP assistant, GP partner “and my post as principal GP have been offered to 11 doctors, nationally and internationally. [They all showed] genuine interest in the practice but [were] unwilling to accept the demands of a single-handed rural GP practice. “In the past five years, there have been two occasions when I found I could not continue without a period away from work for my own wellbeing. “On these occasions, it was up to me to provide my own cover. I relied on ­agency locum doctors to run the practice.” Dr Sweeney said she has now “exhausted all possible avenues to ensure a successor to my position as GP in Ardara and the matter is now in the hands of the HSE. Myself and my staff have no information on the procedure for appointing a new GP for Ardara”. A spokesman for the HSE said: ”The HSE can confirm that Dr Mireille Sweeney, GP Ardara has tendered her resignation. Dr Sweeney will be working out her period of notice. “The HSE will continue to work towards finding a new GP as a priority.” Earlier this year, the Irish College of General Practitioners announced 350 training places for doctors wanting to become a GP, an increase of 22pc. A scheme is also in place for 250 international doctors to work in rural practices for two years in the hope they will stay. . Source link via The Novum Times
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