edgemis · 1 month
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Final Fantasy princesses, inspired by Disney princesses!
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void-symphony · 10 months
dare to defy current batch thread, haven't got stage vi cleared yet, probably not going to do the next batches. anyways:
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freyayuki · 5 days
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Spheres List Part 3
After finding out that, sadly and unfortunately, the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game will discontinue or end its service on February 29, 2024, started spending my saved resources and upgrading the chars who I ended up skipping before.
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The end of service announcement news came as a shock. I talk more about that in another post, but I really wish the news wasn’t true. Wish the game wasn’t ending at all.
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But since the game is unfortunately ending soon, there’s no longer any reason to save resources.
Started working on maxing out chars who I may have skipped before or who aren’t fully built yet. This includes equipping Spheres to these chars.
Some of my chars already have real Spheres while some have RF Spheres while others have no Spheres at all.
Some chars have RF Spheres which I now replaced with real Spheres while some chars have no Spheres but I now gave them some.
Jessie Rasberry from Final Fantasy VII
My Jessie Rasberry from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing her out, equipped her with 3 real Spheres.
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Cissnei from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
My Cissnei from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing her out, equipped her with 3 real Spheres.
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Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
My Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Kurasame Susaya from Final Fantasy Type-0
My Kurasame Susaya from Final Fantasy Type-0 used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Arciela V. Adoulin from Final Fantasy XI
My Arciela V. Adoulin from Final Fantasy XI used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing her out, equipped her with 3 real Spheres.
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Vaan from Final Fantasy XII
My Vaan from Final Fantasy XII used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Lann & Reynn from World of Final Fantasy
My Lann & Reynn from World of Final Fantasy used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After maxing them out, equipped them with 3 real Spheres.
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Strago Magus from Final Fantasy VI
My Strago Magus from Final Fantasy VI used to have 1 RF Sphere.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Auron from Final Fantasy X
My Auron from Final Fantasy X used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Yda Hext from Final Fantasy XIV
My Yda Hext from Final Fantasy XIV used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing her out, equipped her with 3 real Spheres.
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Ciaran from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
My Ciaran from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles used to have 3 RF Spheres.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
My Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Kelger Vlondett from Final Fantasy V
My Kelger Vlondett from Final Fantasy V used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing him out, equipped him with 3 real Spheres.
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Cater from Final Fantasy Type-0
My Cater from Final Fantasy Type-0 used to have no Spheres, real or otherwise.
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After fully maxing her out, equipped her with 3 real Spheres.
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So what about you? What do you think about the news that DFFOO is ending its service on February 29, 2024? Did you build any of the chars mentioned above? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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toggle1-mrfipp · 10 months
Opera Omnia Burst Themes 2/?
With Opera Omnia shutting down, I decided to make a few posts about one of my favorite parts of the game: The Burst Weapons. Not because they were a powerful, much sought after weapon tier that gave big numbers with massive benefits, but because I have a love for Final Fantasy music, and what BTs I wanted was strongly dependent on what song would play when used.
These posts are meant to be more for the sake of archiving what there had been more than anything else, but at the very least I am going to list a large number of great FF songs.
The first listings will be the songs that we had gotten during the game's lifetime.
Final Fantasy XI Shantotto: Iron Colossus Prishe: A Realm of Emptiness Arciela V Aloulin: Arciela's Theme Iroha: Dance of the Tengu Selh'teus: Dusk and Dawn Kam'lanaut: Tough Battle #2 Eald'narche: Belief
Final Fantasy XII Vaan: Flash of Steel Penelo: Penelo's Theme Balthier: Giving Chase Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca: Boss Battle Reks: Boss Battle (Zodiac Age) Vayne Curudas Solidor: The Battle for Freedom Gabranth: Life and Death
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning: Blinded by Light Hope Estheim: Hope's Theme Snow Villiers: Savior of Souls Cid Raines: Desperate Struggle Jihl Nabaat: Test of L'cie Serah Farron: Paradigm Shift Noel Kriess: The Last Hunter Caius Ballad: The Unseen Abyss
Final Fantasy XIV Y'shtola Rhul: Ominous Prognosticks Yda Hext: Defender of the Realm Papalymo Totolymo: Another Brick
Final Fantasy XV Noctis Lucis Caelum: APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS Ignis Scientia: Omnis Lacrima Gladiolus Amicitia: Clash on the Big Bridge (Episode Gladiolus) Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Advent of the Apocalypse Cor Leonis: The Trials of the Shield Iris Amicitia: Up for the Challenge Ardyn Izunia: Magna Insomnia Aranea Highwind: Invidia
Tactics Ramza Beoulve: Antipyretic Agrias Oaks: Battle on the Bridge
Type-0 Ace: We Have Arrived Deuce: War: The Quiet Bloodbath Cater: War: Howl of the Dreadnaught Queen: The Heart Boils Rem Tokimiya: Rem Tokimiya Machina Kunagiri: Servant of the Crystal Kurasame Susaya: War: Breaking Through
Crystal Chronicles Ciaran: United, Heaven-sent Sherlotta: The Creation of the Origin Yuri: Final Decisive Battle Layle: This is The End For You! Keiss: Narrow Escape Jegran: This is The End For You!
World of Final Fantasy Lann & Reynn: World of Battle Enna Kros: Mega World of Battle
Stranger of Paradise Jack Garland: Jack's Theme Neon: Battle: The Fiend of Fire-Motif from Mt Gulg Astos: Battle: The Suffering of Fools
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Book III: Prometheus' Gift: Ch12: What Do You Want?
They walked towards the gangway. "Siren?" Japheth asked. "Can you talk to the Mistress of Flame, and have her call a Parliament?"
"Master." she affirmed. "Roxie, can you get a hovercart with our Energon. Ciel, get your trailer."
"Master." Roxana affirmed.
"Master." Arciela stated.
"And what about me?" Arcee asked.
"Headpats." Japheth said, as he put his hand on her head and gently pet her. She was furious, frozen from embarassment, and strangely enjoying it.
"And me?" June asked.
"Also headpats." Japheth stated, and his hand over to his mother's head.
She stood neutrally, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"It's every man's right to do this when he grows taller than his mother." Japheth chided.
June waited a few moments before lifting her hands to push his hand away. "Alright, that's enough." an irate June stated.
"And me?" Vera asked.
Japheth looked at his mother, and then back at Vera. And then at his mother. And then back to Vera.
"You don't want her to feel left out." Arcee sardonically added.
June looked at Vera and then back at Japheth, "I'm shorter than her."
"By like an inch." Arcee stated. Vera transformed and looked up at her. June smiled and knelt down to pet her.
"We kind of need rules for this." Arcee stated.
"Or not, and just keep winging it." Japheth stated. He then reached over to pet her again.
"Stop it." Arcee firmly said to him, and pulled his hand away. "At least in public."
June stood up, and looked at Japheth. "And what do we do now?" she asked.
"Not fit into Sirenia's house." Japheth replied. "The problem is that Arcelia is the one with the trailer."
"I could go?" June asked, "Sirenia showed me the building authority."
"And what about Vera?" Japheth asked, "And someone to show her around?" He then looked distant as he connected his com. link, "Siren."
"Master?" she eagerly asked.
"Have her send a priestess to show Vera around." Japheth finished.
Vera looked nervous. June kneeled down to look her in the eyes, "Don't worry. I'll tell you as soon as I know where we're going to stay." Vera still looked lost, "Trust me." she said with a reassuring smile, and Vera started to relax. June stood back up, only to find her son's hand touching her head, "Jack?" she firmly stated, and he withdrew his hand.
"Be nice to your mother." Arcee said, and Japheth moved his hand over and pet her once. "Happy?" she asked, and got a brilliant smile in reply.
* * *
Japheth stood with Arcee, June, and Vera, as Arcelia gently drove up, Roxana walking just behind her. Japheth turned to his mother.
"Wish me luck." she said with a smile.
"If anyone doesn't need any more luck, it's you." Arcee stated.
"Care to join me?" June asked.
Arcee looked at Japheth, and he just smiled in reply. Arcee transformed, and June transformed right after her. They then drove off.
Japheth transformed, and opened his doors. Vera jumped in. Roxana transformed behind him. "Where to?" she asked.
"Parliament?" Japheth asked, "We can't fit into Sirenia's house. And you're not keyed into her house."
* * *
Japheth oepend his doors, and Vera jumped out. He transformed, with Roxana quickly following him. He moved to unhook Arcelia's trailer, and push it off to the side. He extended the leg and put it down. He then turned to the Parliament building. He looked in the opposite direction, seeing the statues of the fallen. He then proceeded to walk in that direction. Arcelia transformed, and all of the femmes walked behind him.
* * *
They stood amongst the statues as a motorcycle drove up to them. Covered in flame, though far less audaciously than the Mistress of Flame herself. She transformed, and looked up at him. Both with recognition and confusion. "A secret." Japheth stated, and she looked at him curiously. "That's what the Parliament is about." he said with a smile. "More importantly, this is Vera." he said. "Could you transform?" he asked. She did, and Sundance was astounded and horrified. "We'll let her explain it, if she wants to." Japheth stated, "But she needs a place she can call home."
"Well, welcome to Caminus." Sundance stated. "All sisters are welcome here."
"Even me?!" Vera angrily shouted, as she reverted to her robot form.
"Even you." Sundance warmly replied. "If you want to scream into the night, we would ask you do so outside of the city." she said with a smile. "And we will give you time to become part of the city, before you need to work."
"What - work?!" Vera screamed.
"Whatever works for you" Sundance smiled, "As a beast, you could keep track of local animals."
"Sirenia said she used to do that." Vera barked.
"That should be something you can do as you grow accustomed to us, to Caminus." Sundance said warmly.
"Why are you so bubbly?" Vera nearly spat.
"Patience?" Sundance warmly asked, "Love?" Vera just glared at her. "I can show you where you get your Energon. We can get you a home."
Japheth looked up as Sirenia flew over to them. She transformed into a landing. "Siren?" he asked.
"Master?" she eagerly asked. "June is getting us a new home. Would you be willing to give yours up to Vera?"
"Oh?" Sirenia asked, but said nothing else.
"Siren?" Japheth asked.
"She forgot it existed." Roxana stated.
Sirenia shot her a harsh glare. She then looked at Japheth, and her harshness evaporated. "Is that true?" Japheth asked, and Sirenia shyly nodded. "Look at me." he said, and she looked him in the eyes, "Can Vera have your house?" he asked, and she firmly nodded. "Arcelia, Sirenia, go with them to rekey the house."
"Master." Arcelia eagerly said. Sirenia was stunned for a moment before eagerly nodding.
* * *
June transformed in front of the housing authority and sashayed inside, Arcee right behind her.
* * *
She walked up to the front desk. "How can I help you?" the femme asked, and looked at her curiously. "Are you new to Caminus?"
June thought about it for a moment, "Been here before, but likely moving." June stated. The femme eyed her up, as there was very few femmes that could apply to. "We'll need some place big, lot of room."
"And what are you planning to do here?"
"Live?" June asked, and got a blank look in reply. "Isn't that what?.."
"Most people have living spaces in their workplace." the femme replied.
"How can I explain this without revealing anything?.." asked herself. She refocused her eyes and looked the femme in hers, "There's going to be a Parliament to explain everything."
"You seem so certain of that?" the femme asked.
"Oh, I can guarantee there's going to be a Parliament." June simply stated.
"Then we can probably wait until afterwards." the femme stated, "Unless you want to tell me what you are actually going to do with it, so I know what to give you?"
June tried to breathe in deeply, and ended up sighing. "I guess we'll have to wait."
The femme's com. unit kicked in. "This is the Mistress of Flame, I am hereby calling an immediate Parliament.
The femme simply eyed June, "That can only mean..." she said, and looked at June closely.
"If you do figure it out?" June asked, "Could you keep it to yourself?"
"It's impossible?" she asked, and June just smiled at her.
"What's your name?" June asked.
"Lunamaria." the pale white femme replied. "And yours?"
"You'll find out soon enough." June said with a smile.
* * *
June transformed, Arcee behind her, and Lunamaria transformed into a Cybertronian hovercraft beside them.
* * *
The gallery was largely filled. The Centurions were all in their places. From the podium, Windblade on the right. Then Ridgehopper, Whitehead, Tethys, Molana, Helia, Michaela, Amalthea, again with Arcelia supporting her. Last but not least, there was Apple Eye.
Lunamaria stepped towards the gallery, while June stepped towards the podium, standing far behind it. This all made so much, and too little sense.
* * *
Japheth walked in, incredibly obvious in a theatre full of femmes. He walked up to the podium. Most of his femmes remained by the door, Arcee being the one to walk over with him.
"My name is Japheth Prime," he said, and paused to gasps and other, incomprehensible noises. "But, you probably know me as Jack Darby." he said. The entire assembly erupted with any number of emotions. Japheth simply smiled a gentle smile, and waited. And waited. And waited. He was not expecting this to be easy. After a few minutes it seemed to drop to a dull roar.
The Mistress of Flame loudly tapped her staff, and the room was silenced. She stepped out, each time her staff tapped against the ground reverberating about the chambre. "Do you have any proof of this?"
Arcee and Arcelia raised their hands.
"He opened his chest." Windblade stated, "He opened the ark." she continued, and paused, "He showed us the Matrix of Leadership. Jack Darby walked into Vector Sigma, and Japheth Prime walked out. His face has changed, because it is filled with the weight of his duty and wisdom, but he is still the same bright young spark we saw last time."
"And so, you want to just control us?" Apple Eye asked.
"No." Japheth simply uttered, and it echoed about the chambre.
"Then why are you here?" Michaela asked, and Japheth looked at Windblade.
"Because I asked him to go back to Vector Sigma to see what happened." Windblade stated. "He has proven himself worthy of being Prime, not just before Vector Sigma, and Cybertron itself, but before us. Arcelia?"
Arcelia stepped around the semi-circular desk and onto the floor, "In Cybertron's Undergrid, we encountered a war. A forgotten war. 5 of Shockwaves horrifying experiments broke free, and were fighting against the others. He would kidnap Cybertronians, surgically alter them to adopting Beast forms, and brainwash them to fight for his cause. To kidnap others. The 5 Dinobots were fighting against hundreds, and at a stalemate. Jack was able to break the stalemate, end the war with only one fatality, and recruited scientists to undo the brainwashing."
"Not by myself, obviously." Japheth stated.
"As a commander." Arcelia continued, "He was able to coordinate his own group, the Dinobots, and the Elite Guard. Oh, and the one fatality was a Forged modified to be like a Predacon, one that breathed ToxEn. She was killed with Japheth's own, Human hand."
Japheth shyly looked about.
"What do you want from us?" Molana harshly asked.
"A house?" Japheth asked, "For my entourage?" He said. At first he looked back, and then at the femmes waiting by the door. He turned back to June, "Oh, and this is my mother, June. Please take care of her."
She walked up, "Hello!" she said, and waved, "Things have changed, a bit. On Terra, I was a nurse, for Humans, obviously, but would love to learn to take care of Cybertronians."
"Or teach our medics to take care of Humans?" the Mistress of Flame asked.
"Or both." Whitehead stated.
The Mistress of Flame loudly tapped her staff to the ground, "Motion to grant his request?" she asked. All of the Centurions raised their hands. "Unanimous."
"What about the rest?" Tethys asked.
"Housewife?" Arcee replied.
"Militia." Windblade stated.
"Honour guard?" Arcelia asked.
"That does have a nice ring to it." the Mistress of Flame stated.
"And the others?" Tethys asked.
"Roxie is still a medic," Japheth stated, "and Arcelia is still an archivist."
"If our duty is now to him." Arcelia stated.
"And Sirenia?" Tethys asked.
"Personal attendant?" Japheth asked.
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vantasei · 1 year
[ Lufenia 265 / Shinryu 100 ]
D4D1: Yuffie Shinryu
Cor BT/BT+/FR (3/3)/UW 5/HA+ (3/3) + Seymour LD Call
Rydia FR (3/3)/HA+ (0/3) + Arciela LD Call
Yuffie FR (1/3) + Setzer LD Call
Red D3 Crystal Passive
Bahamut 50 Summon
33 turns
yay shinryu 100. i love copying r/dffoos runs. rydia fr + all echoes and cor bt+ into bt during boss' fr to say bye bye to him and then a second rydia fr at 15%/5%
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Spanish forenames, forced to end with "S"
Abarces Ablos Abunicios Aburedebas Adades Adelles Adenes Adides Adiolas Adios Adomas Adres Adridoles Adris Adrores Adros Afanes Agregides Agros Aguaribas Aguncios Agustonsus Aimermas Aimons Ainatenes Airos Aitanes Albares Albas Alberes Alenis Alenjaces Alenjas Alias Alinarbas Alios Alises Alodes Aloros Alotalias Altagres Alucasios Aluis Alvarampas Alvicis Amandros Amarlos Amasus Amilas Amirenes Amons Ampaquines Ampaures Anacisores Anatines Ancias Ancios Ancorieves Andislas Andridios Andros Angenes Antseros Anuelipas Arbas Arcias Arcielas Argaros Aricas Aricios Arlas Audianias Audis Aulas Aulines Aulios Aurafres Aures Aurilvanis...
Bablarcos Banteres Baris Becios Belens Belines Belislas Bencas Bencedes Benes Bergines Berions Bermines Bermons Bernes Beros Bersus Bertomias Blalens Boricecios Brayes Caeles Camasidios Canias Carcens Cardes Caris Carlonsios Catades Cayes Caytens Cedos Ceduanes Cenehayes Ceses Chayes Chectomas Chedes Chemiros Clasus Clotefres Cobas Coldes Conias Coros Coswaloros Covades Crialornes Crildes Cruthipas Dades Dadricas Damas Debalis Debonces Denaimas Denis Dermas Deses Didos Dores Dortomedes Dosarces Ecardes Edades Edados Edamuros Edides Edolas Edres Edrinayes Eguis Elanes Elicens Elions Ellos Eloros Emacundros Emagros Emelas Emines Emirenes Enjas Ernes Erteodolas Erturos Esaulbas Esticiosus Eufedines Eufelias Eufernes Eugons Eugunarmas Eulanes Eulas Eulbas Eulcalbas Everquis Evesarces Ezequis Fabas Fabigus Facitlas Fadres Fandos Fanes Fanicedes Fedeses Felalbas Felas Feles Felidales Felines Felisodes Femas Femines Feracises Feremens Feres Fermas Fernaros Fernes Ficias Fildoros Filvanes Fines Flavieres Flaydes Flodes Flomas Florenrias Flores Florieves Floros Frandres Friternes Frordos Fulas Fulbarcos Fulbas Fulenes Fulisebas Fulmatanis Gaildos Garnelis Garogelas Garos Gelargens Gelipas Gemayaguis Genes Geracobas Gilos Ginarias Gioncias Granes Gregines Gualias Guelas Guelias Guines Gunayes Gusardes Hayes Hedes Heres Hilas Hilderos Hipas Hipaulines Hisios Hisons Hores Hugus Iguades Ilorebas Inaricos Inmas Irandos Irenehis Iroseros Isalbernes Isamodes Islas Ismas Istinteons Ivades Ivicias Iviros Jacialos Jacines Jacis Jacislasus Jacos Jacquises Jaimerenes Jairens Jamires Jandadomas Jimons Jonias Jores Jorgens Joros Joses Josus Juadelias Jualises Juandores Juantses Julbandos Julbas Julias Jusandos Kebabas Kebales Kebehias Kebons Ladribeles Laudesus Ledmudes Lejas Lenes Leodes Liandorens Licas Licianices Lomines Loses Louros Luces Lucias Luilas Luilioncas Macalias Macidaydes Macuanes Macundros Mandolis Mandoros Mandres Manoelas Marcelas Marcobas Maregus Mares Marnes Marnesus Maros Maximenes Maximons Mayes Medines Mencas Mernes Milinicos Mines Minesus Miramas Mirencas Mirens Miros Modernes Modes Moilomilas Motivios Muelipas Nanuelas Nebas Nelicas Nibas Nielagus Nitalvades Nitoletons Noemas Nueles Nutoles Osantses Oscas Oswalvicas Pabas Pabramires Pabursus Parcos Parieves Pascas Paulbas Paulbegus Pauris Pedes Pildelias Pildos Pililvanes Pilourobas Piolices Puraximas Purens Pures Puros Racistias Randos Redernes Renes Reses Rines Riniolons Rocines Roildes Roillas Ronsildes Rorenes Salios Salisilas Sanes Sefides Sefres Segilias Segoreias Selinesus Sercens Sermaracas Sermires Sernes Sildalises Silis Sodampas Soledes Sonis Tagros Tahipas Teopedes Teros Tertorias Tinacundis Tingensus Tivicas Toloricas Tracias Trias Trinagros Trios Triscas Trisides Ulbertores Ulias Urenes Urices Vadernes Vades Vadions Valens Valtrilos Vanances Vangens Vicas Vicias Vides Vidis Vielas Vielleons Vieves Virens Vires Virgios Ximenricas
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satorlrosecat · 2 years
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Arciela my beloved
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nohewi · 3 years
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Study sketch of Arciela from Final Fantasy XI to try and hype myself up for a big picture I keep putting off (I’ve wanted to do it for years now lol...)
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ffgirlsquad · 3 years
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Shantotto, Prishe, Aphmau, Arciela, Lilisette, Lion & Iroha - Dissidia Opera Omnia
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themadchemist · 4 years
Original Arciela and Anais:
Arciela wasn't originally my FFXIV WoL (I had another one but I forgot all the details and couldn't find my old docs so I just reused the original Arciela), she’s an OC from an original story that I've had for years!
Set in a world where I merged all the Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Warriors Orochi and some other worlds into one XD.
Her appearance is the same for the most part, the OG Arciela looked like Anais in the past and WoL!Arciela in the future.
Just like WoL!Arciela and Anais, she was originally an alchemist and a powerful mage (a sage in FF jobs) who also into botany and cooking, which is why she had a big and beautiful graden and greenhouse where she grew her own fruits, vegetables and herbs for potions. The beloved healer of the town.
One day, she was summoned to the local orphanage to take a look at a new child they had, who had "strange" regenerative abilities, that turned out to be only healing magic, but it was strange that he could use such magic at a very young age nonetheless. She took him and raised him as her own, and mentoring him in magic along the years. He was a genius with magic and he grew up to be an exceptional red mage. His name was Kazenov (another old OC of mine).
One day, during a war, Kazenov was captured by the enemy who, knowing of his genius and mastery of magic, experimented on him and imbued his eyes with a spell that would let him turn those he looked at into stone, sucking their life energy out and using it for other purposes and locked his memories away in the process, to make it easier to control him later on.
Arciela, worried about her son, went out on her own to find him. Chained and blindfolded, she found him in a prison deep in a cave, where she freed him and restored his memories. The story of the mage who slaughtered an entire army in search of someone, of Arciela, reached the people in her town, who thought that she was only a healer. They began to fear her when they knew of her power and when someone who was spying on her, misunderstood her attempt to heal Kazenov's eyes for blinding him and ruining his eyes (the excuse they used to explain the blindfolds he wore in public, the nier automata ones) and told the people about it, they began to hate her.
After an accident while trying to cure Kazenov, they became immortal. They stopped aging and being affected by most diseases. While Kazenov became completely immortal, Arciela could still die but she could be revived and healed whenever water touched her body. The townspeople, witnessed her first accidental resurrection when rain touched her supposedly dead body and that was her cue to the town for good.
They wandered for centuries (which is why I decided that Anais would be Azem, because OG Arciela also helped the people she met on her travels), without finding a cure for both Kazenov's eyes and their immortality. Considered to be abominations, the gods of the realm sought to capture them if killing them proved impossible even to them.
In that battle, Kazenov used the power of his eyes too much and the excessive use turned him into stone as well. Arciela, thinking her son was dead, went berserk and as it heavily rained, she was unstoppable, earning the titles "Slayer of the Old Gods" and "Queen of Sin" (from the song Requiem from Code Vein, that, considering that the lyrics' translation is correct, fit Arciela really really well and it's used as a ballad about her in the story). It was only when it stopped raining that Arciela ran out of power, her body reaching its limit because of the quick and constant regeneration.
Knowing that she won't die no matter what and seeing no reason to live when she failed to protect her son, she surrendered. Unknown to her, Kazenov got out of his stoned state and he was able to control the power of his eyes afterwards, but he was also captured. Separated and chained at the edges of the world, Arciela wept for an eternity, and from her tears, a magical white tree sprouted (upon which Anais' tree is based) while Kazenov waited patiently to gather enough energy and power to save him mother. (he was locked up in a deep cave, that the people on that edge of the world, thought was haunted because no one who went in to explore returned alive. It wasn't really Kazenov who killed them but the traps that were laid for him in case he managed to get out.)
The death of the old Gods sent the world into a state of imbalance and some centuries later the old world crumbled and was destroyed. Arciela, being the only one with enough power and wishing to atone for destroying the world, created the new world from the wreckage and ashes of the old one and became a sort of a Goddess, but, still mourning, she decided to stay in her old prison, chained and hidden from the world, letting other "lesser Gods" run the world.
The others were worshiped and Arciela, after the people found records of her past, was hailed as the "Fell Goddess".
Her role in creating the world was unknown to the people save for an unknown author who wrote the true story, one that was probably killed by followers of the the other Gods. Thus, very few people knew of her true role. One of them is a noble knight who would one day accidentally find the path to the world of the Mother Goddess. (Another OC, whom Ser Ausbasch is based on, who's also based on Zenon Ausbasch from Romancing Saga Re: Universe).
This has gotten pretty long so I'll write the rest later.
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vyrerus · 7 years
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I may not have my old FFXI buddies to run around with in Vana’diel anymore, but at least I can have an entire party of FFXI waifus!
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void-symphony · 10 months
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draws: no, i think i do not want to give you a single copy of arciela's fr. me: fine! i will just do this without. :/
yuna strong.
co-op version flavor:
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freyayuki · 5 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Characters Upgrades Part 4
After finding out that, sadly and unfortunately, the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game will discontinue or end its service on February 29, 2024, started spending my saved resources and upgrading the chars who I ended up skipping before.
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The end of service announcement news came as a shock. I talk more about that in another post, but I really wish the news wasn’t true. Wish the game wasn’t ending at all.
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But since the game is unfortunately ending soon, there’s no longer any reason to save resources.
Started working on maxing out chars who I may have skipped before or who aren’t fully built yet.
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Characters Notes
All the chars in DFFOO are currently at the max of Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. Too bad Level 100 and Crystal Level 100 never got unlocked for any char, not even in the Japanese version of the game.
Note about Spheres: some of my chars have real Spheres while some have RF Spheres while others have no Spheres at all. Some chars have RF Spheres which I now replaced with real Spheres while some chars have no Spheres but I now gave them some.
Will talk more about Spheres in another post so won't bother to mention them here.
Note about Artifacts: most, if not all, of my chars already have perfect Artifacts. So will only mention if a char doesn’t actually have perfect Artifacts.
Note about Bloom Stones: all my chars already have their Bloom Stone so won’t bother mentioning this anymore either.
Note about Summon Boards: most of my chars already have all of their Summon Boards completed.
But for a lot of chars, particularly the ones that I'm not currently using, haven't bothered to unlock the tiles that would complete all of their Boards even though I already have all of the points needed to do so.
This is in order to avoid collecting the gems and tickets that come with completing these Boards so I can use said resources for future banners.
IIRC, only chars that have just recently been added to the game and who I ended up skipping don't have any points needed to complete all of their Summon Boards.
Will only mention it if a char doesn’t have all of their Summon Boards completed.
Note about Character Enhancement Boards: if I decide to fully build a char (as in maxing out all of their weapons and such), then I make sure to also complete all of their Character Enhancement Boards.
If a screenshot of a char says they have 0 Char Boards completed, this doesn’t necessarily mean they really have 0 Boards completed. Usually, I unlock parts of a char’s LD Board, particularly the tiles that would give me their LD Call and/or LD extension passive.
If it’s available, I would sometimes also unlock parts of their Force Board, particularly the tiles that would give me their Force Echo and/or Force extension passive.
Will only mention it if a char only has a few or some of their Boards completed.
Reno from Final Fantasy VII
Currently, my Reno from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Force or FR fully MLB. His High Armor has been Realized to 0/3.
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Completed the Character Enhancement Boards for his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex. Unlocked parts of his LD Board and Force Board. He has Force Enhancements Level 3.
Don't have Reno's Burst or BT weapon. So after getting 50 Burst Power Tokens, went to the Burst Power Token Exchange Shop.
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Then exchanged 50 of my Burst Power Tokens for my 1st copy of Reno's BT.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Reno’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Noel Kreiss from Final Fantasy XIII
Currently, my Noel Kreiss from Final Fantasy XIII has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, FR, and BT fully MLB. His High Armor has been Realized to 0/3.
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He has the Character Enhancement Boards for his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD. Unlocked parts of his Force Board.
Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Noel’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Arciela V. Adoulin from Final Fantasy XI
Currently, my Arciela V. Adoulin from Final Fantasy XI has her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and FR fully MLB. Her High Armor has been Realized to 0/3.
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Completed the Character Enhancement Boards for her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD. Unlocked parts of her Force Board.
Don't have Arciela's BT so after getting 50 Burst Power Tokens, went to the shop to get my 1st copy of said BT.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Arciela’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the 3 Ingots needed to Blue her High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of her Char Boards and got her to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI
Currently, my Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT fully MLB. He has his High Armor.
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Have a copy of his FR that's been limit broken once.
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Now I spent the 8 High Power Stones needed to fully MLB said FR.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Locke’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV
Currently, my Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and FR fully MLB. He has his High Armor.
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Don’t have Ignis’s BT so after getting 50 Burst Power Tokens, went to the shop to get my 1st copy of said BT.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to get Ignis’s Burst to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Blue his High Armor.
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Then completed the rest of his Char Boards and got him to Force Enhancements Level 50.
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So what about you? What do you think about the news that DFFOO is ending its service on February 29, 2024? Did you build any of the chars mentioned above? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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gamingladies · 4 years
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We’re the only ones we can trust -- no, the only ones who can do anything about this.
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vantasei · 1 year
[ Lufenia 255 / Shinryu 84 ]
Mission Quest 1 Event
Zack BT/BT+/FR/UW 5/HA+ (3/3) + Cid Raines LD Call
Sherlotta BT+/FR Echoes/HA+ (3/3) + Keiss LD Call
Cor FR Echoes/UW 5/HA+ (3/3) + Arciela LD Call
Noctis BT+/FR Echoes/UW 5/HA+ (3/3) Non-mutual friend
Brothers 50 Summon
34 turns
i did this at midnight, so lets start there. 2 uniques and a greatsword + a friend. my plan was go all in on a single fr and pray. in hindsight, noctis fr leading might have been better (could use a mutual noctis then), but used a zack fr lead instead. arciela call for the boss' start (its cors event boss again). sherlotta bt+ and echo into switched with noctis with bt+ and echoes (3 turns). used zack bt mid fr at 8 turns with noctis and cor up for max off turn, and last turn summon and sherlotta final echo. boss had about 15%, but even in its fr with the hp poison, hp attacks mean nothing bc lawl zack bt effect. so just slowly grind out the last 15% without frs. couldnt get cid raines or keiss up for zacks bt either so kind of a waste but its ok.
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