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vanillashusband · 7 months ago
Speaking Clearly
Word count: 1034 words Fandom: Cookie Run Relationship(s): Jay/Strawberry Cream Cookie A/N: YIPPIE!!! Very quick and short one-shot to help myself get back into the swing of writing after artfight! :D Maybe ooc and fluffy as hell but GOT DAMN!!! I need it hgjfhj /lh gotta give more love to the autism4autism ship 👉👈🥺
🧡TAGLIST: @selfshippinglover @honeycombscereal @tulaytullahs @sunstar-of-the-north @sunflawyer
"Can you teach me to read?" Strawberry Cream Cookie asked quietly. His clear and gentle voice, like a bell, carried a note of hope.
The Holiday Cookie inched a little closer to him on the floor as Jay bashfully hid his face in the book he was studying. Strawberry Cream wanted him to teach him of all people? Jay did want to help but...
"I… I don't know, Strawberry Cream Cookie." He muttered uncertainly. He kept his eyes on the pages of his book so he didn't have to look at Strawberry Cream Cookie directly. The fox-like Cookie stared at him curiously, his big grey eyes trying to read his face and expression as he waited for the answer. "I wish I could help… but I'm not the best teacher," Jay answered sadly. Strawberry Cream Cookie didn't miss a beat.
"I think you're really smart, Baker." He said, his eyes finally leaving Jay's face, and trailing down to his lap almost bashfully. "If you and Stollen Cookie helped me study, I could pass the exam." Strawberry Cream Cookie replied.
"Well… If I helped, you would fail for sure." Jay tried to joke lightly, but Strawberry Cream Cookie just stared at him, the self-deprecating humour going over his head.
"Why?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
"U-Uh… I-I- because..!" Jay stammered nervously, unable to come up with an excuse. He quickly clammed up, and his face flushed in embarrassment. Jay hid in his book. "I… it's because…" He whined quietly in frustration.
He was getting way too comfortable with these Cookies. There was no way Jay could let it slip about his "problem," it was way too embarrassing to admit. Especially since Strawberry Cream Cookie said that he thought he was smart.
"J-Just… because. I can't." Jay finished weakly. Strawberry Cream Cookie stared at him and blinked. He scooted closer, his shoulder pressing against Jay's in a small act of reassurance.
"You… can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone." He said quietly. Jay paused and stared at Strawberry Cream Cookie over the top of his book uncertainly, attempting to find some fault in his face. Still, the Holiday Cookie's eyes only held patience and curiosity.
Jay sighed and glanced around sheepishly. The landing of the stairwell where they had retreated to study was empty and quiet. No other Cookies or teachers were around. Well, if there was one Cookie he could tell his secret that would understand his struggles, it would be Strawberry Cream Cookie.
"Ok… just don't laugh, alright?" Jay mumbled. Strawberry Cream Cookie's ears perked in surprise.
"I would never laugh at you…" He replied softly. These words caused Jay to blush, and his heart began to race. Anxiously, he swallowed and mustered the courage to speak.
"I- actually… u-uhm… I-I actually have a learning disability. I… have trouble reading, spelling, and doing math too." Jay admitted meekly. "S-So-! Don't feel bad for struggling, c-cause I get it!" He stuttered. Strawberry Cream Cookie's eyes widened in surprise and he looked back at Jay, but he remained silent. His expression made Jay's stomach twist with anxiety, immediately making him regret saying anything at all. After what felt like forever, Strawberry Cream Cookie slowly nodded in understanding.
"… We're alike." He whispered, turning away from Jay, hiding the blush dusting his cheeks. "We both struggle a lot." Strawberry Cream Cookie said.
"Yeah, I guess so." Jay chuckled awkwardly to try to lighten the mood and soothe his own anxiety.
"But… despite that, you're still so smart. I still want you to help me study. You understand what it's like." Strawberry Cream Cookie went on. The distant droning of voices further in the school did nothing to drown his soft voice echoing through the quiet landing of the stairwell. Strawberry Cream Cookie turned slightly toward Jay, locking eyes with him. His warm, gray eyes shimmered with sincerity as he gently placed his hand on Jay's and gave it a tender squeeze. Jay's face grew redder by the second but he was unable to look away from Strawberry Cream Cookie's affectionate gaze.
"Please…?" Strawberry Cream Cookie pleaded softly. "We can learn together." He said. Strawberry Cream Cookie's eyes softened as he gazed at Jay, smiling at him as he watched Jay's face flush even darker than before. It was as if he saw something sweet behind Jay's embarrassed expression. It made Strawberry Cream Cookie chuckle softly and Jay's heart fluttered in his chest.
Jay couldn't resist any longer and pouted shyly, tearing his eyes away from Strawberry Cream Cookie's expectant look. "Ok, ok… I'll help." Jay sighed. "You can stop giving me puppy-dog eyes now." He said. Strawberry Cream Cookie smiled brightly at him and Jay felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.
"Thank you, Baker." Strawberry Cream Cookie replied gratefully. The fox-like Cookie wasted no time cuddling up against Jay's side and resting his chin on his shoulder, peering at the book in his hands. Jay blushed and tried to focus on the words on the page rather than Strawberry Cream Cookie's closeness.
"U-Uh… yeah. No problem." Jay answered hesitantly. "I-I guess we can start by me reading to you. It's easier to get the hang of pronouncing words when you hear them spoken out loud first." He suggested. Strawberry Cream Cookie nodded eagerly in agreement. Jay adjusted his position, moving closer to Strawberry Cream Cookie for comfort, and positioned the book so they both could see as he began reading aloud. Strawberry Cream Cookie listened intently to Jay's voice and followed along silently, mouthing the words as Jay spoke. Even when Jay stuttered or had trouble pronouncing a word, he continued to listen attentively and carefully. Strawberry Cream Cookie was mesmerized.
Jay was surprised at how easy it was to do this with Strawberry Cream Cookie, especially since he usually got embarrassed and disheartened when he often messed up while speaking. They were so different and yet somehow so similar at the same time. It was like Strawberry Cream Cookie knew exactly what Jay needed. It made Jay feel warm inside, and it warmed his heart whenever he thought of how caring and understanding Strawberry Cream Cookie was.
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vanillashusband · 3 months ago
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vanillashusband · 1 year ago
🧡TAGLIST: @selfshippinglover @sunstar-of-the-north @tulaytullahs @honeycombscereal
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vanillashusband · 2 years ago
OK ITS ON AO3 *hides under a rock like a crab*
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vanillashusband · 1 year ago
Moonlight Mushroom Hunting
Word count: 1845 words Fandom: K/eroro Gunso Relationship(s): Jay/Giroro A/N: yay a little fic for the prompt "moonlight" of safeshiptember! :D I actually began this oneshot forever ago as an alternate ending to ep 84 but lost steam on it and forgot about it hjghfg But I revived it for this prompt and managed to finish it!
Everyone was sitting in the living room admiring the spread of food excitedly. Keroro and the rest of the platoon had brought back wild mushrooms from their trip to the mountains earlier that day, and Jay and Natsumi had cooked a bunch of delicious dishes using the fresh matsutakes. Natsumi handed Jay a bowl of rice and soup.
"Here, Jay." She said.
"Thanks!" Jay replied cheerfully.
"Wow, that smells so good, sir!" Keroro said. Matsutakes were incredibly expensive, so having this many was a special treat, especially since they were the wild handpicked variety straight from nature. Jay sat down with everyone ready to enjoy the tasty meal they had prepared, but something stopped him. As he looked around, he realized that Giroro was missing. Jay knew Giroro was a bit of a loner, but since he went mushroom hunting with Keroro, he had expected him to be here. Maybe he had gone to grab something or was roasting sweet potatoes to go with the meal.
"How many years has it been since I had matsutakes?!" Fuyuki exclaimed happily.
"There aren't very many, so be sure to savour them," Natsumi said. Everyone said their thanks for the food before digging in and enjoying the meal.
The matsutake rice and soup were delicious. Jay never had wild foraged mushrooms before. The matsutakes taken straight from nature were robust and aromatic, with a slightly spicy taste to them. Tamama started talking about how Keroro had misled the platoon into thinking matsutake mushrooms were some horrible, dangerous beasts on Pekopon. Keroro whined when Natsumi poked fun at him for it. The group laughed lightheartedly, and the air over them was carefree. But Giroro still hadn't shown up, which weighed on Jay's mind.
"Hey, where's Giroro?" Jay spoke up. Everyone else paused mid-bite as they glanced around, seemingly noticing just then that the Corporal was not present.
"Gero!" Keroro blurted out. Keroro, Mois, and Tamama's eyes went wide as they all simultaneously realized. Kururu laughed to himself quietly. "I forgot about him…" Keroro admitted. Jay stared at Keroro with a look of disbelief.
"You… forgot him." He said. Natsumi shrugged.
"He likes camping, and he's a soldier. I'm sure he'll be fine one night alone in the mountains." She said nonchalantly.
"That's right!" Keroro agreed. Jay frowned, unimpressed. They had just been talking about how the platoon ran around for hours chasing imaginary mushroom creatures. Knowing Giroro, he would be losing his mind on that mountain trying to fight an enemy that didn't exist.
Jay sighed and put down his bowl of soup. He got up from the couch. "I don't think so. I'm going to go find him." He muttered. Natsumi let out a quiet groan.
"You're leaving right now? Seriously?" She huffed. "I'm sure he'll be fine, Jay. Can't you stay and finish dinner with us?" Natsumi urged.
"Sorry, kid. Someone's gotta look after that idiot." Jay replied with a smirk. "I won't be gone too long." He said. Natsumi pouted slightly, but she didn't raise any further objections.
Jay went outside into the backyard and pulled a small box from his pocket. He pressed the single button on the top, and two curved rods extended from it, forming a collar-like device. Jay put it around his neck, and the ends connected in the back. As soon as Jay spoke the activation command, the KLL-ETJ-00-GT armoured suit materialized on his body. After the prior incident the suit caused, Jay was hesitant to use it again. But Kururu had modified it since then, locking the berserk mode behind a special command that only Jay knew to prevent a repeat of the last time when the suit took over.
Energy wings popped out from his back, and Jay took off straight up into the sky. He went above the clouds to ensure no one saw him. He swiftly flew to the countryside. With the battle suit, Jay would be able to find Giroro and bring him back home all before his food got cold. A message came through on the communicator on Jay's arm. Kururu's distinct laugh crackled over the transmission.
"I sent you the coordinates of our last positions on the mountain before we left. Hopefully, he'll be nearby. Good luck." He said.
"Thanks, Kururu," Jay replied with a smile.
Jay followed the directions and landed gently on a dark mountain path. It was so far from the city that there was no light pollution. It would have been pitch black if not for the light of the full moon. Jay glanced around. There was evidence of a battle. The ground was scorched in some places, and there were holes from explosives. Giroro had definitely been here. Jay continued along the path, floating just above the ground, calling Giroro's name.
"Giroro! Come out, it's me, Jay! Giroro!" He shouted.
Deep in the woods, hidden in a camouflaged hole, Giroro tensely waited with his gun gripped tightly in his hand for the dreaded matsutake to make its next move. The red Keronian was drenched in sweat. He listened hard to the silence for any movement, and in his mind, every sound was that of the matsutake. But that's when a different sound pieced the stillness, one that made Giroro's heart jump from the suddenness.
"Giroro! Where are you!?" Jay called.
Jay was here!?
Giroro was worried about Jay. The matsutake was out there, and with Jay attracting attention to himself, he could get ambushed by the enemy. Giroro nearly ditched his hiding place to run to Jay's rescue, but he stopped himself.
No. It couldn't be Jay. His voice sounded close, but Giroro couldn't hear any footsteps.
The matsutake was somehow imitating the voice of his beloved to lure him out of hiding.
Matsutake… it may be an enemy, but Giroro commended its skill.
"Ugh, Giroro, come out! It's time to go home!" Jay yelled. Giroro steeled himself as shafts of light filtered through the leaves at the top of his spider hole. It was right beside him.
Giroro leapt from his hole in the ground and brandished his gun to put an end to the matsutake that had been stalking him, to put an end to their game, and emerge victorious. But he wavered as he came face to face with Jay.
Jay screamed in fright and whipped around, instinctively kicking Giroro in the face with all his strength. The small red Keronian went flying and collided with a tree trunk. He fell to the ground. It was definitely Jay. Giroro would know that kick anywhere. Once the momentary scare wore off, Jay panicked.
"Oh my god! Giroro!" He exclaimed in worry. Jay ran to Giroro's side and scooped up his small form into his arms. Giroro looked terrible. He was sweaty, dirty, covered in bandages, and his cheeks were gaunt. He looked like he spent 3 months on the mountain rather than 6 hours. And Jay kicking him in the face definitely didn't help him either.
"What happened to you?! Are you ok?" Jay asked in concern.
"You have to get away. The matsutake is… out there." Giroro grunted. Jay stared at the red Keronian for a moment and then let out a tired sigh. He had been right.
"Giroro. Keroro was wrong about the matsutake. It's just a mushroom, not a monster or an enemy." Jay explained. Giroro blinked in confusion and sat up, staring blankly at Jay.
"It… wasn't real?" He mumbled. Jay shook his head.
"Nope." He answered simply. Jay stood up and began looking around through the leaf litter for something. "Here, look." He said, gesturing Giroro to come closer. Jay crouched by the trunk of a tree, and Giroro approached cautiously, still holding onto his knife just in case. The clouds parted, allowing the moonlight to shine down through the yellowing leaves. Growing at the base of the tree were a couple of sizable mushrooms.
"These are matsutake mushrooms, or they're also called pine mushrooms." Jay said.
"That's what I've been fighting this whole time?" Giroro said in disbelief.
"Yeah." Jay nodded. Hot anger washed through Giroro like a wave. "I should have known! Keroro, that idiot!!" He shouted, angrily stomping his foot in the dirt. Jay stifled a laugh.
"Hey, he didn't know either." He reasoned. Jay straightened up and offered his hand to Giroro. "C'mon, let's go home." He prompted.
Giroro held onto Jay's shoulder as he flew them back to Inner Tokyo. The wind whipped past them. Giroro couldn't help but steal glances at Jay from the corner of his eye. Jay's soft features were washed in pale light under the glow of the moon.
"Thanks… for coming back for me." Giroro said quietly. Jay smiled, but kept his eyes locked forward.
"Of course. I couldn't just let you lose your mind on that mountain by yourself." He replied with a small chuckle.
"When I get back, I'm going to smack Keroro for all this. Especially for leaving me behind." Giroro grumbled. Jay laughed again, filling Giroro with a warm fuzzy feeling, despite the cold wind.
They touched down in the backyard of the Hinata household. Jay took off the KLL-ETJ-00-GT collar, and the suit disappeared in a flash, leaving him in his regular clothes. Jay knocked on the sliding glass door and entered the living room with Giroro.
"We're back!" Jay called. Natsumi and Fuyuki were on the couch watching TV. Natsumi turned around with a frown. "There you are. You've been gone for an hour!" She said. "Everyone left already." Natsumi pouted.
"Sorry, sorry." Jay apologized sheepishly. "I found Giroro, though." He said, nodding to the small frog alien.
Giroro and Natsumi regarded the other with a flat look. "Natsumi." The red Keronian greeted.
"Giroro." Natsumi muttered. Jay blinked.
"Um, we saved your food, Jay!" Fuyuki cut it to break the sudden tension.
"Thanks, kid." Jay smiled.
Giroro sat at the kitchen table while Jay warmed up the leftovers. He wasn't sure why he was hanging around inside. He should be going down to the base to give Keroro a piece of his mind, but still, he stayed. Listening to gently clinking tableware and Jay shuffling around in the kitchen. Then a delicious aroma caught Giroro's attention.
Jay placed two bowls in front of Giroro. One filled with rice and the other with a clear soup. Both contained fragrant mushrooms, like the ones Jay showed him on the mountain.
"Here. I saved some for you." Jay said softly. "It'll warm you right up." He smiled. Jay sat in the seat next to Giroro and began to eat the rest of his meal. Giroro picked up the spoon and began to quietly eat the soup. The matsutake soup had a subtle spiciness. It was sweet and savory all at once, reminding him of autumn, very refreshing and pleasant. Especially since he hadn't eaten anything is hours. Even if the matsutake hadn't been the formidable enemy he thought it was, Giroro still got a little satisfaction from eating the meal made from it. In a sense, he had been victorious.
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vanillashusband · 1 year ago
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making slow progress on my c.rk fic so here's a little snippet of the next chapter with Almond :3c <3
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vanillashusband · 2 years ago
Helpfully Unhelpful
Word count: 2804 words Fandom: Cookie Run Kingdom Relationship(s): Blue Jay Cookie/Madeleine Cookie A/N: Fic I keep forgetting to post!! kind of a first meeting with me and Madeleine
🧡TAGLIST: @selfshippinglover @sunstar-of-the-north
It was a peaceful morning in the Cookie Kingdom. Gingerbrave was going about his daily routine, walking around town, checking in with his friends, and running a few errands when the voice of Madeleine Cookie caught his attention. It wasn't unusual to hear Madeleine Cookie throughout the day as he made his rounds because he was loud, and when he spoke, practically every cookie in the Kingdom could hear him. Gingerbrave rounded the corner and went to see what commotion Madeleine was involved in this time, and he was surprised to see Madeleine Cookie standing in front of a tall tree, talking to seemingly no one. Gingerbrave approached the other cookie curiously. "Madeleine Cookie, who are you talking to?" He asked. Madeleine turned and smiled brightly. "Morning, Gingerbrave!" He greeted. "I was just trying to help this poor Cookie out of this tree. But he's a little too afraid to come down." Madeleine Cookie explained. Gingerbrave looked up in confusion, and sure enough, there was another cookie perched high up in the branches of the tree, sitting in a reclined position. He didn't seem like he needed help at all. It took a moment, but Gingerbrave finally realized why this cookie seemed so familiar to him. They hadn't met officially, but he had heard talk from around town that a new Cookie had appeared in the Kingdom. A very skilled beast hunter named Blue Jay Cookie. He had been taking on the monsters in the Kingdom's forests and clearing them out quickly without any difficulty. Gingerbrave had heard from Herb Cookie that Blue Jay had helped him gather some plants in a dangerous part of the woods recently. So he knew that he was a kind and helpful cookie. "For the last time, I told you I am not stuck. I do not need your help." Blue Jay Cookie said in annoyance. His eyes travelled to Gingerbrave. "Young one, please talk some sense into this Cookie and tell him that I'm perfectly fine up here." He said. "There is no need to be frightened! As long as I am here, there is nothing to worry about, jump down and I will catch you in my strong arms!" Madeleine Cookie called cheerfully. "Madeleine Cookie… I think he's ok. He doesn't need any help." Gingerbrave said. "Nonsense. Why would a Cookie be up in a tree unless they were stuck?" He questioned. "As I told you before, I was taking a rest after my hunt last night. And I would like to get back to it." Blue Jay Cookie responded with a groan. "You sleep in a tree?" Gingerbrave piped up. Blue Jay paused for a brief moment. "Well, yes. Where else would I sleep?" He questioned. "In a house?" The younger cookie replied quizzically. "If you are too tired to walk home, I will carry you there! It will be of no trouble for me, the Knight Commander!" Madeleine boasted with a hearty laugh. There was a long string of silence between the three as they waited for Blue Jay Cookie's answer. He then tentatively spoke up. "I don't exactly have a place to stay." Blue Jay said quietly. "You don't have a house yet?" Gingerbrave said in surprise. "Well then, I can talk to a few cookies in town and we can start building you a new home right away!" The young cookie said cheerfully. Blue Jay Cookie looked shocked for a moment. "Wait… Are you serious?" Blue Jay asked, his tone filled with disbelief. "Of course I am! I've heard a lot about you and everything you do to keep the kingdom and the surrounding area safe from monsters. I'm sure everyone would be glad to help out and build you a proper place to stay." Gingerbrave said. Blue Jay Cookie still seemed rather uncertain about the whole situation, but he nodded. "Alright then." He said simply. "And thank you." Blue Jay added. Gingerbrave smiled. "No problem!" He chirped happily. "Oh! And while your home is being built, perhaps you would like to stay with me? I assure you it would be much more comfortable than living in a tree." Madeleine offered, clearly hoping that Blue Jay would take him up on the offer. "Actually-" Blue Jay began slowly before getting cut off by Madeleine Cookie. "Great!" He exclaimed joyfully. Blue Jay sighed to himself. It seemed his mind was made up for him. He slid off the branch and jumped to the ground. Blue Jay Cookie's cape opened and it slowed his fall magically. Madeleine Cookie stepped forward and opened his arms to allow Blue Jay to gently drift into his waiting embrace. But he flapped his cape like a pair of wings and shot high above them, gracefully landing a few steps away. "Wow!" Gingerbrave said in amazement. "I don't need you to carry me." Blue Jay muttered. "If you insist. But I can't help but feel that it is my duty to watch over you now." Madeleine argued. "That really isn't-" Blue Jay attempted to say, only to stop short once again when he saw Madeleine's bright blue eyes. Madeleine Cookie's gaze never left Blue Jay's face and for some reason, Blue Jay found that he couldn't speak properly. He knew full well that he was blushing, which only caused more embarrassment. Blue Jay quickly cleared his throat nervously and avoided the other Cookie's eyes. "I suppose we haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Blue Jay Cookie." He greeted. Madeleine Cookie chuckled at the sudden change in topic. "I am Madeleine Cookie, Knight Commander from the Crème Republic!" He announced proudly, flipping his long white hair dramatically. Blue Jay raised an eyebrow. Was he always this dramatic? Blue Jay Cookie also noticed that Madeleine Cookie was wearing shiny polished armour, complete with an impressive shield and sword to go with it. "I'm Gingerbrave." He introduced. "Hello, Gingerbrave. It is very nice to meet you both." Blue Jay said, smiling politely. Gingerbrave smiled back. "Well, I gotta go now. Have to let the Sugar Gnome Guild know that they should start work on a new house." He said. Blue Jay and Madeleine Cookie waved goodbye to Gingerbrave as he hurried off. There was a pause as Blue Jay Cookie realized he was now alone with Madeleine, but the other cookie quickly broke the tension. "Come, I will show you to my home. There you can rest yourself." He said, beckoning Blue Jay toward him. The two cookies walked down the street side by side and made their way further into town. Eventually, Madeleine Cookie stopped in front of a fence with a large fancy gate and gestured with a sweep of his hand. "Welcome to my humble home away from home. It's not much, but it is suitable enough for my needs. I hope you will be comfortable here." He said. It was practically a mansion. It was a lot larger than what Blue Jay Cookie had been expecting. There was even a sizable beautifully manicured garden with a shrine in the backyard. Blue Jay Cookie glanced at Madeleine Cookie. He was gazing at him expectantly. Madeleine's home was twice the size of his old home, and Blue Jay had spent the last several weeks scraping by in the wilds. This was what he considered humble? "Thank you again for letting me stay, Madeleine. Your home is lovely." Blue Jay Cookie complimented. "You are most welcome! Please, make yourself at home!" Madeleine Cookie answered, leading him inside. When Blue Jay Cookie entered, he was immediately taken aback by the lavishness of Madeleine's home. The walls were painted deep blue and white with elegant detailing along the edges. There was a huge fireplace, a grand staircase ascending from the room, and even a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling with dozens of lights illuminating every corner. "Wow…" Blue Jay murmured as he took in the grandeur and luxury of the house. Madeleine Cookie's smile widened smugly at Blue Jay's reaction. "It does indeed look quite beautiful. I am so glad you like it!" He chimed merrily. "Why I will even order a feast tonight and we could enjoy a delicious meal together!" Madeleine offered. "T-There is no need to go through all that trouble just for me." Blue Jay Cookie said somewhat bashfully. "I'm going to sleep until nightfall anyhow so I won't be a bother." He added. Madeleine Cookie blinked in surprise. "Sleep until nighttime? But why would one want to sleep through the entire day and be up all night?" He questioned with a slight pout. "The beast I have been tasked with hunting only comes out at night. I need all the energy I can get." Blue Jay explained. "Are you certain that you can handle such a task alone?" Madeleine Cookie asked, his brows furrowed. "Of course, it is my job after all." Blue Jay Cookie replied. "Hm." Madeleine hummed thoughtfully. There was a string of silence between them. "Well, I suppose I shall leave you to settle in, then." Madeleine said. Madeleine Cookie guided Blue Jay Cookie to the spare guest room on the second floor and left to attend to his regular duties. Blue Jay Cookie opened the door and tried not to be overwhelmed by the spacious fancy room. The big bed was neatly made and looked fluffy and inviting. He had to admit, sleeping in such a luxurious bed would be a welcome change to sleeping in a tree every night. His dough was beginning to get sore. Blue Jay took off his cape and hat and hung them on a coat hanger. After drawing the silky curtains to darken the room, he crawled gratefully under the soft covers and quickly fell asleep. When the night fell over the kingdom, and as every cookie was getting ready to drift off to sleep, Blue Jay Cookie awoke. The sky had darkened, and it was time to start the hunt. He climbed out of bed slowly, trying to not make any sound, and donned his cape and hat. He crept across the room quietly and peeked around the doorway to see if the coast was clear. The mansion was silent and dark, with only a few lights lit throughout. Blue Jay Cookie didn't want to disturb Madeleine Cookie, so he snuck down to the front doors. He slipped outside as silently as possible and closed the door behind him. Blue Jay Cookie navigated his way to the edge of the kingdom where it bordered the forest. The moon was shining brightly overhead. A cold breeze rustled through the trees, bringing the fresh scent of the forest to him. Blue Jay sniffed the air. Most Cookies didn't have a heightened sense of smell like he did. He had trained for a long time to differentiate the scents of the many creatures and Cookies he encountered. He peered cautiously into the inky blackness of the treeline, scanning for anything moving. Nothing stirred. Blue Jay continued onward, looking over his shoulder every now and again cautiously. The beasts he was hunting were Blueberry Spiders. A Cookie from town had posted the job on the bounty board a day ago when an innocent Cookie nearly got dragged from the road while travelling. The monsters had made their nest in the forest and had been straying closer to the kingdom. Blue Jay Cookie moved through the brush with ease, barely making a sound as he checked the area for any evidence of the spiders. He took another whiff, and the smell of blueberries drifted faintly to him. Following the scent, Blue Jay Cookie discovered thin lines of silk clinging to the underbrush. Blueberry juice was spilt on the ground. Blue Jay touched the juice rubbing it in his hand thoughtfully. It was fresh. He was getting close. As the trail led deeper into the forest, the spider webs grew thicker and more numerous. Blue Jay carefully stepped over them as he scanned the darkness, looking for signs of movement. He came upon a small clearing where Blueberry Spiders had made their nest. Multiple spiders crawled over a large cocoon of webbing stuck to the trunk of a tree. Blue Jay Cookie carefully positioned himself downwind so that his presence was concealed and got down low into the brush. He crouched there, holding his breath and waiting patiently for the perfect moment to catch the monsters by surprise and strike. That was until something big began crashing through the bushes, a loud booming voice announcing their presence. "Ha ha! Fear not, for I am here!" Madeleine Cookie said. He raised his sword, it shone with the light of day, attracting the Blueberry spider's attention. "Madeleine Cookie?!" Jay exclaimed. "What on Earthbread are you doing here?" He sputtered. "My dear Blue Jay, I am here for your well-being." Madeleine responded, walking into the clearing boldly. A hoard of Blueberry Spiders began swarming out of the cocoon, hissing and screeching angrily at the intruders. Madeleine Cookie seemed unbothered and flipped his long white hair with confidence. The Blueberry Spiders rushed towards him, and he unsheathed his sword. "Wait, no-!" Blue Jay Cookie protested. Madeleine's sword glowed brightly, and with a powerful swing, a blue wave of light shot from the blade, slicing any creature in its way to pieces. The spiders retaliated by spitting globs of concentrated poison, easily blocked by Madeleine's floating shields. The Cookie raised his sword again for another attack when a Blueberry Spider shot out a sticky line of silk, yanking Madeleine Cookie's sword from his hand. "My sword!" He gasped. A Blueberry Spider leapt out at him, its fangs extended and ready to tear into Madeleine Cookie when Blue Jay Cookie swiftly jumped in front of the other Cookie, slashing and dicing the creature with the sharp edges of his cape before it could reach Madeleine. Blueberry juice spilled on the ground. More spiders surged towards them, spitting poison and bombs of silk. There were far too many to take on at once. To the knight's surprise, Blue Jay Cookie quickly scooped him into his arms and soared over the mob of Blueberry Spiders to the other side of the clearing. As soon as they reached a safer spot, Blue Jay Cookie set Madeleine Cookie down. Without a word, Blue Jay turned to the approaching spiders. He swung his cape, launching a spray of metal feathers into the midst of the swarm of spiders. But few of the blades found their targets, piercing into the ground and surrounding trees. Madeleine didn't understand the purpose of such a weak attack until he heard a hissing sound. Tied to the ends of each sharp feather were small paper bombs. The bombs exploded in rapid succession, sending a cloud of smoke over the entire clearing. Blue Jay Cookie shielded himself and Madeleine Cookie with his cape from the shower. The remaining Blueberry Spiders were immediately engulfed by the fine mist and let out shrieks of distress as they rubbed their faces with their mandibles. The area was filled with the pleasant scent of citrus and marigolds. Madeleine watched in awe and fascination as all the spiders, irritated by the scent, backed down and retreated into the dense forest. Blue Jay Cookie looked around the area, satisfied that the Spiders had been dealt with and turned Madeleine Cookie with a frown. He crossed his arms. Madeleine only stared in amazement. "Impressive strategy Blue Jay Cookie! How did you know that would work?" He questioned. "Because Blueberry Spiders are repelled by scents of citrus and marigold oil. I know that because it's my job." Blue Jay replied. "You're amazing!" Madeleine Cookie beamed. Blue Jay blinked rapidly, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. He cleared his throat and dismissed Madeleine Cookie's praise. "My job would have been a lot easier if you hadn't interrupted." Blue Jay Cookie huffed. "Why did you follow me anyway?" He questioned pointedly. "Well," Madeleine began with a smirk, "you're my friend, and I wanted to make sure you were alright. As a knight, it is my sworn duty to protect all cookies!" Madeleine Cookie explained. "I don't remember giving you any indication that I needed protecting." Blue Jay replied dryly. "Oh, there's no need for that! I'll always be here when you need me. But if you insist, we'll just have to think of something else to do together." He winked. Blue Jay rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" Madeleine prompted. Blue Jay nodded in agreement and took the lead. He waited a moment while Madeleine Cookie collected his sword from the ground, the Cookie frowning at how dirty it had become. Together, they headed back to the kingdom for some rest as the first hints of sunlight began to tint the sky.
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vanillashusband · 2 years ago
embarrassing but here's a little snippet of my self aware crk x self insert fic because... 👉👈 (381 words)
As consciousness slowly came to him, the first thing Jay could register around him was the sound of hushed whispers, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. He made a quiet groan in disapproval at being awakened. His head was hurting, his body felt weak and sluggish, and he only wished to go back to sleep. "Quiet everyone, he's waking up." A gentle, familiar voice said. The other voices in the room ceased their chatter, and a hand softly caressed his cheek, brushing some hair from his face. "You are safe now, Baker." The voice cooed near his ear. "You will feel better in a moment." He said. Jay hummed automatically in response to the soothing voice that was talking to him. Was he awake, or was he still dreaming? Jay couldn't feel his warm bed under him, but he wasn't uncomfortable either. It was like he was being cradled. Slowly, he gathered enough energy to peel his eyes open, squinting at the dim candlelight around him. It took a moment for his blurry vision to adjust, then Jay noticed someone hovering over him. Two different colored eyes gazed at him, light blonde hair framing a kind face with a sweet smile that seemed genuine. It was Pure Vanilla Cookie. This was definitely a dream. Jay's eyes closed in hopes of drifting off to sleep once again. Though the warmth surrounding him felt oddly real to him. As if, somehow, he was actually being held in someone's arms. It felt really nice. He had never experienced this before and almost didn't want it to end. He found himself longing for it to continue. Pure Vanilla continued to speak to him. "I can take away the pain. You needn't wake up. Just relax. You're still getting used to your new body." He said quietly while stroking Jay's face gently. Jay's breathing slowed and steadied, making Pure Vanilla smile. He glanced briefly at the other cookies in the room, then back down at Jay's sleeping expression. "Sleep well, my Baker." Pure Vanilla whispered before leaning down and kissing Jay's forehead gently. Even though he was so far into his sleep, Jay felt his heart flutter slightly at the affection. He drifted off again, feeling safe and secure in a warm embrace.
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vanillashusband · 2 years ago
Safe Journeys (902 words) - Caviar Cookie/Blue Jay Cookie
Quick little drabble with Caviar Cookie I wrote! This was originally going to be like a quick funny text post but I wrote a small fic instead hjgfgfh
"Are you sure you don't want me coming along? I'm sure that I can help navigate the ship." Blue Jay Cookie said. Captain Caviar Cookie grunted in disapproval. "I already said no." He replied. "It's safer for you on land anyway. You don't have any sea salt in yer dough, the sea'll swallow you up in minutes." The Captain muttered. Blue Jay Cookie didn't take any offence to the Captain's comment. He wasn't really a sea-faring cookie at all, and though he wasn't afraid of much, the ocean did strike a particular fear in him. The thought of drowning or his dough becoming so soggy that he fell apart sent shivers through him. But despite their differences, he and Captain Caviar Cookie had become fast friends. The sky was a deep blue. It was a calm and clear summer day. As Blue Jay Cookie followed Caviar Cookie to the harbour, he could see the Captain's crew stocking the ship with supplies before they set sail on another mission to the Black Pearl sea. Before they reached the ship's gangplank, Captain Caviar Cookie stopped and turned to Blue Jay, looking as serious as always. He didn't say anything and just examined the shorter cookie. "I might as well see you off then." Blue Jay Cookie said, sounding a little disappointed. The Captain frowned a little, he put his hand on Blue Jay's shoulder and leaned down slightly to the shorter cookie, as if he was trying to keep this between them. "Listen," Caviar began, his face softening. "the reason I don't want ya comin' is cause I got enough to worry about. I don't want anything tah' happen to you. If you're on that ship, you're my responsibility. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you when under my protection." He said quietly. Blue Jay Cookie looked up into the older cookie's eyes and saw the sincerity behind the Captain's words. He cracked a smile. "Caviar, you old softie." Blue Jay chuckled, hugging the taller cookie. For a moment, Caviar Cookie froze up when Blue Jay put his arms around his neck and pulled him down into a hug. Ignoring that his crew could probably see this, the Captain wrapped his strong arms around the smaller cookie and hugged him tightly. His eyes shut for a second before he released Blue Jay Cookie from his grasp. Caviar gazed at Blue Jay fondly before he remembered himself and cleared his throat loudly to cover up his embarrassment. He moved away from the other cookie quickly. "Alright, alright, enough with the mushy stuff. I got work to do." He grumbled. Blue Jay Cookie grinned. "Come back in one piece, ya hear?" He said. "Ha! Don't you know who yer talkin' to? I'm the Captain of the Salty Shark and head of house Caviar!" Caviar Cookie laughed loudly. "You got nothin' tah' worry about!" He went on. With the last remnants of tension gone, Caviar Cookie stepped onto the gangplank and waved at the cookie crew members. They waved back. Blue Jay stood there watching him go with a fond smile on his face. As soon as Caviar Cookie stepped foot onto the ship, his first mate spoke up. "Pardon me, Captain." They said. "Whadda want?" Caviar Cookie questioned gruffly. "Are you worried about us too?" The first mate asked, a slight teasing tone in their voice. "Huh!? What are ya, babies?! Get back to work, we shove off in a few minutes!" He huffed in annoyance. The first mate smiled smugly and saluted the Captain before returning to their duties. Once all of the supplies were aboard the ship, they cast off. The large sails unfurled and immediately caught the light breeze from the ocean, pulling the vessel out of the harbour and into open water. Caviar Cookie went to the back of the quarterdeck and stood staring at the gleaming white stone of the docks. Blue Jay Cookie stood at the very edge, waving goodbye. Caviar smiled a little and returned the wave. For a moment, Captain Caviar thought he saw Jay conversing with something, but since they had gotten quite far out from shore, he couldn't tell. Then a little blue and white bird flitted after the Salty Shark and landed on the wooden railing. It was Jay's pet bird, Blueberry, a rolled piece of parchment in its beak. Blueberry chirped at him. Caviar Cookie raised an eyebrow and took the parchment carefully from the bird's beak. With the note delivered, the bird darted off back to its owner before Caviar could say anything. "What's all this then?" He said to himself. Caviar Cookie unrolled the note. After a quick look at what the paper contained, his eyebrows shot up.
Good luck out there, I'll be waiting at the port when you return. Let's eat together to celebrate your successful mission! Safe journeys, Blue Jay Cookie
Caviar's cheeks flushed a little as he read the note again. He grinned from ear to ear, his heart skipped a beat every time he thought about seeing Blue Jay Cookie again. Caviar Cookie sighed happily and folded the note neatly before pocketing it. He'd missed him a lot while on this voyage, but that only gave him another reason to return quickly afterwards. Because that was basically an invitation for a date! Not all the treasure in the world would make Caviar Cookie miss that.
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vanillashusband · 2 years ago
Non-Imaginary Friend
Word count: 2445 words Fandom: TM.NT 2012 Relationship(s): Jay & Mikey (Platonic/Familial) A/N: Short little platonic fic with Mikey detailing how I met the turtles! ; w ;
Mikey sat at the kitchen island with his brothers while they ate their usual dinner of pizza. Leo, Raph, and Donnie all chowed down on their slices of pepperoni pizza but Mikey was busy playing a video game and hadn't touched his food. While Mikey wasn't looking, Raph easily stole the slice from his plate that had grown cold. The three brothers had begun to take notice of Mikey's lack of appetite since he usually was the one who ate the most and his love of pizza was almost unmatched. It had been this way for a few weeks. Donnie, Raph, and Leo exchanged a silent glance when Mikey still hadn't noticed the stolen pizza slice. "Mikey, aren't you hungry?" Leo asked. "Nope! I ate already." Mikey replied. The younger turtle swayed around in his seat as he played his video game, sticking out his tongue in concentration. "Wait, did you get pizza when you were out without us?" Donnie questioned. Mikey looked away from his video game for a moment. "No. I went over to Jay's place and we had 'less-awn-ee-ah' for dinner." Mikey said, his eyes quickly sliding back to his game of Asteroids. Leo and Donnie looked confused while Raph rolled his eyes. "What?" Donnie said. "Less-awn-ee-ah?" Leo repeated uncertainly. Mikey glanced over the top of his game system at his brothers with a smug look. "Yeah. Jay made it for me. It's like pizza but layered in a deep dish. Jealous?" He said with a grin. "Oh, brother, with his imaginary friend again." Raph muttered in annoyance. "Jay's not imaginary!" Mikey huffed. "If you say so." Raph retorted, smirking at Mikey before turning back to his slice of pizza. "I swear you're just jealous because I have a new cool human friend and you don't! Just like last time!" Mikey said. "Mikey, the last human friend you had worked for the Shredder and tried to kill you." Donnie reminded. "Yeah, so an imaginary human friend is a total upgrade." Raph jeered. Mikey pouted as his brothers laughed at him, he crossed his arms and scooped up his handheld game system and walked off. They still didn't believe him! "Whatever! I'm going out to hang with my totally real human friend Jay!" Mikey shouted back at them. The youngest turtle picked up his skateboard on his way out and left to traverse the surface. As soon as Mikey got outside, he climbed the nearest building and hopped onto his board. He rode on the roofs, jumping from building to building to keep out of sight until he reached Jay's apartment. Mikey quietly climbed down the fire escape. The curtains were drawn over the window but a warm light emanated through them. He knocked softly on the glass and waited for an answer. A moment later, the curtains were pushed away to reveal an older man. He had dark hair, its color became salt and pepper near his ears and temples, and he wore big glasses. The man smiled when he saw Mikey waving at him, and he unlocked the latch and opened the window. "Hey kid, back so soon?" Jay greeted. "Yep!" Mikey said excitedly. "Well, come inside then. I was just doing some midnight cleaning." Jay said. Mikey slid inside across the threshold and into the apartment. Jay closed the window behind him and went back to cleaning while Mikey dropped his skateboard and flopped onto the couch. The apartment was small but cozy and it was kept tidy. It wasn't super boring for Mikey to visit because Jay had plenty of video games to play on systems he didn't even know existed until now. The graphics were mind-blowing! But sometimes they made him feel a little motion sick. "So, how are things?" Jay asked as he swept the kitchen tiles. Mikey frowned a little and sighed. Seeing Mikey looking down, Jay leaned his broom against the wall and came to sit down beside the turtle boy. "Is everything alright, bud?" He said gently with concern. "Yeah," Mikey replied, his voice sounding a little gloomy. "You sure? You sound kinda down." Jay pointed out. "It's just... my brothers don't believe me when I tell them that you're real!" Mikey responded. Jay raised a brow in confusion. "They don't think I'm real?" He questioned. "Yeah, they said I made you up 'cause they can't believe that I made a nice human friend." Mikey pouted. Jay chuckled and patted the young turtle on the head. "Aw, well, that's what it's like being the youngest sometimes." He said. "They'll believe I'm real once we all meet. What does your Sensei think?" Jay asked. Mikey got a bit nervous and began playing with his fingers. "Well... I haven't exactly told him about you yet..." Mikey replied sheepishly. Jay blinked and then sighed, he stood up from the couch and put his hands on his hips disapprovingly. "Mikey, I thought I told you to get permission from your dad before you came back here. You know how I feel about you being here when your parent doesn't know me." He said sternly. "But you're nice! You're nothing like Rad Brad!" Mikey argued. "That's not the point, kid. You can't just run off with someone you barely know because they're nice. I know you're capable of defending yourself but you could still get hurt. Like what happened with your first human friend, Rad Brad." Jay said. Mikey frowned. He knew Jay was right and it felt like he was being lectured by Master Splinter, albeit Jay was a little gentler than Splinter was. "I know," Mikey replied. "Sorry, Jay." He apologized. Jay nodded and he smiled. "It's alright. But in any case, I think I should go meet your father to explain things." He said. Jay picked up his coat and put it on before walking to the fridge to grab something. Mikey got up from the couch in surprise. "Wait, right now?" He said. "Yes, right now." Jay replied. He took out a square glass pan from the fridge and held it under his arm. "I don't want your family to freak out and come here ready to beat me up because they think you're in danger." Jay said. "Man, I could have introduced you to them sooner. Why didn't I think of that?" Mikey wondered. Jay cracked a smile. "Yeah, why didn't you?" He grinned. Mikey rubbed the back of his neck bashfully and shrugged. "I guess I kind of forgot." He said. Jay laughed and handed Mikey the dish while he put his keys into his pocket and headed to the front door. The young ninja recognized the food in the dish and his mouth began to water slightly. "Oh boy, less-awn-ee-ah!" Mikey said excitedly. He attempted to lift the cover to start eating but Jay lightly slapped his wrist to stop him. "Uh-uh. That's a gift for your family. And it's pronounced 'lasagna', honey." Jay informed. "Okay, okay." Mikey laughed. "Now, come on, let's get going." Jay said, pulling open the door. Mikey grinned before leaving the apartment so Jay could lock the door behind them. Once outside, Mikey guided Jay to the closest sewer grate and helped him down into the network of tunnels below.
Jay's nose scrunched up at the horrid smell and used his sleeve to cover his face. Right... the sewer. He forgot that's where Mikey and his family lived. As soon as Mikey jumped down to the concrete floor, he immediately started running toward his home. "C'mon Jay!" He called excitedly as he ran. Soon enough, they reached The Lair. Mikey stood there quietly beside Jay while he waited for his brothers to notice them, his eyes wide and anxious. Raph was reading a magazine on the couch and Leo was entranced with his favourite show while Donnie was writing something on the kitchen island. Mikey seemed uncharacteristically nervous. He wasn't afraid of what his brothers would say, if anything he was happy to show them up, but he was more worried about what Splinter would say. He hoped that he wouldn't be grounded for this. Jay lightly bumped Mikey with his elbow and offered a reassuring smile. Mikey smiled back. He clung to Jay's arm and cleared his throat loudly to get his brother's attention. "Hey guys, check it out!" He said cheerfully. The turtles turned their heads around and looked surprised to see their youngest brother standing with an adult man they didn't recognize. The three ninja turtles immediately stopped what they were doing and jumped to their feet. "Wh-what? Mikey, who is that?!" Leo demanded. "He's Jay," Mikey explained smugly. "And he's real!" He said. Jay snickered a little and he waved casually. "Howdy." He greeted. The three turtles stared at him in disbelief, seemingly unsure of what to do, as Jay walked further into the lair, the orange-clad turtle trailing close behind him. "Shell head, what were you thinking, bringing him here!?" Raph growled. "Well, you guys didn't believe me!" Mikey piped up. Jay opened his mouth to further explain things but he was cut off by a calm but firm voice that immediately quieted the room. "Michelangelo." Splinter said seriously. Everyone looked up to see Master Splinter standing at the entrance to the living area, a jade cane in his hands. Jay was a little surprised. Mikey had told him a little about his Sensei but he didn't expect a big humanoid rat. He had thought Splinter would have also been a turtle. The young turtle looked at his Sensei and swallowed nervously, shifting awkwardly beneath his gaze. Splinter's icy stare travelled to Jay. "Who is this?" He questioned. Though his tone sounded pleasant, Jay could tell Splinter was suspicious of him. He tried not to become intimidated due to the rat's height or appearance and calmed his nerves. "Um... this is my friend Jay." Mikey said quietly. "It's nice to finally meet all of you." He began, "I'm sorry to come here unannounced but I wanted to meet you in person. Mikey was supposed to tell you about me, but it slipped his mind, and I didn't want him visiting me unless he had your permission." Jay said. Splinter looked to Mikey. "Michelangelo, is this true?" He asked. Mikey hesitated before nodding slowly. "Yes, Splinter." He replied. The rat glanced back up at Jay, then motioned his hand to invite him into the lair. "Come, let us speak privately." He said. After a brief moment of hesitation, Jay complied and followed Splinter away from the turtles. He handed off the lasagna to Mikey. Mikey and his brothers remained in the living area somewhat tensely as the paper screen to the training room closed behind Jay.
Jay sat down on a provided pillow and tried to mimic Splinter's posture by sitting on his knees out of respect. Splinter stroked his long white beard and examined Jay closely.   "So tell me, how did you meet Michelangelo?" He queried. Splinter's voice was calm and authoritative as usual but the look in his eyes betrayed his concern. Jay could understand his weariness. "Well, one night, I was feeding the stray cats around my building when something fell into the dumpster in the alley. Turned out it was Mikey. He had been goofing off and fell from the roof. He scared the hell out of me but after he calmed me down, we talked a little, and I bandaged him up since he scrapped himself when he fell." Jay explained. "Since then, he's been visiting me and we've become friends." He said. "I see." Splinter replied simply. Jay smiled a little to himself. "Y'know, at first, I didn't know Mikey had a family so I sort of tried to look out for him. He's a good kid." He mused. This made Splinter smile. He could see now that Jay had a good heart and was sincere. "What do you know about us?" Splinter asked. Jay blinked. "Mikey hasn't told me much." He answered. There was a pause. "Listen, if you're worried that I might tell someone about you or your family because well, being what you are, you don't have to worry about that. I won't tell a soul, you have my word." Jay said firmly. Splinter seemed to relax a bit. "Thank you, Jay. It pleases me to know you will keep our secret." He hummed quietly. "And I must thank you for looking out for my youngest son, Michelangelo." Splinter went on. "Of course, it was no trouble at all." Jay beamed.
When Splinter opened the screen door back to the living area, the pair saw the four turtles in the kitchen staring at them as they messily ate the lasagna right out of the glass dish with their hands. Splinter sighed heavily and covered his face with his hand. Jay laughed heartily and walked over to the group. "I see you're enjoying my gift. I'm glad you like it." He grinned. Mikey swallowed his mouthful of food and glanced at his brothers. "Told ya. Like a pizza but with layers." He chuckled, making a layering motion with his hands. "Alright, I guess we're sorry for not believing you about Jay." Leo muttered. Donnie and Raph reluctantly apologized as well, keeping their eyes on their food, and Mikey beamed. "Well then, since things have been straightened out, I should be heading home now." Jay said. Mikey dropped his now mushy half-eaten piece of lasagna into the dish making his brothers groan with disgust. "You're leaving so soon? Don't you want to stay for a while? I could show you around the lair!" He piped up. "Sorry bud, I gotta get home now. It's pretty late." Jay replied. Mikey quickly licked his fingers clean and wiped the sauce from his mouth. He rushed over and gave Jay a big hug. Jay blinked in surprise and paused before wrapping his arms around Mikey happily. "Will you come back to hang out?" Mikey asked hopefully. "That's up to your father." Jay answered with a glance to Splinter. "Please, Master Splinter, can Jay come back again?" Mikey pleaded. Splinter nodded. "You are free to visit whenever you like, but I ask that you be careful when coming here." He requested. "I will." Jay agreed. Jay gave the young ninja one last squeeze before he let go. "Alright, kiddo, I'll see you later." He said. "Bye!" Mikey called. With a final wave from Jay, he turned and left the lair. Mikey, Leo, and Donnie waved goodbye. There was a short moment of silence between them. "Wow," Raph said quietly after Jay was gone. "He was really real, huh?" He snickered.
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vanillashusband · 3 years ago
Early Morning Hair Care
Quick little fic I made of some platonic fluff with MK! 🥺
Word count: 1161 words Fandom: Le.go Monk.ie Kid Relationship(s): Jay & MK (Platonic) Content Warnings: Mentions of implied past abuse/neglect, Mild angst. (not sure if it counts but putting a warning up anyway hgjkfdhfdg)
It was morning in MK's small apartment above the noodle shop. The young boy was sleepily eating a bowl of cereal in front of the TV while Jay brushed the bed head out of his messy dark brown hair. The two had fallen into this routine as of late. Jay was an early riser because of his chores and daily training so he often swung by MK's place to wake him up for the day. MK still wasn't used to getting up so early but it was always nice to have Jay around. MK swallowed his mouthful of cereal. When Jay brushed his hair for him, he was so gentle. Never tugging and his hair was free of knots. "How did you get so good at brushing hair, Jay?" MK spoke up, breaking the blissful silence over them. "Hmm?" Jay hummed. MK leaned backwards, resting the back of his head on Jay's knees, looking up at him curiously. "Did your mom teach you?" He asked. Jay was quiet, he pushed MK's head up so he would face forwards and continued brushing. "Not exactly." He replied. "Do you really want to know?" Jay asked. "Yeah!" MK said cheerfully. Jay chuckled quietly. "Well, when I was a kid. On TV one day, I saw a girl tell a story about how her mother would brush her hair every night before she went to sleep. It was a loving memory for the girl." Jay began. "I became so enamoured with this concept that I begged my own mother to do it for me. I asked every night for her to hold me in her arms and brush my hair." He went on. MK's smile faded and his brows furrowed slightly when Jay's tone grew quieter and somewhat sad. "I would wait in bed every night with a brush at my bedside. But... she never came to my room when she said she would. No matter how many times I asked or called for her." Jay recounted. MK attempted to turn and look at Jay but he held onto MK's head to keep him from moving. Jay's strokes with the brush began to slow. "I never got to have someone brush my hair like that. So, that's why I do it for the people in my life that I love because I want them to have what I didn't. It's become how I show my care and affection." Jay said softly. MK began sniffling, his tears fell into the bowl of milk in his hands. "Oh no, MK, I'm sorry-" Jay started to say but the boy cut him off. MK whipped around to face Jay. "That's so sad!!" He exclaimed. "It- wasn't that big of a-" Jay said but MK interrupted him again. "IT IS A BIG DEAL!!" MK huffed, he wiped some of the tears from his eyes and snatched the brush from Jay's hands. "Here, let me brush your hair now!" MK insisted. "But... I already brushed my hair this morning." Jay said. MK pouted and pointed to the hairbrush. Jay sighed but smiled gently. He wasn't going to win this fight so he switched places with MK. He sat on the floor and MK sat down on the couch behind him. MK began to brush Jay's short black hair. Since it was so short there wasn't much to do with it but MK was determined to give Jay the hair brushing experience. The Monkie Kid grumbled quietly to himself as he went. "Would it be that hard to brush your kid's hair when they asked? Seems simple to me..." He muttered to himself grumpily. Jay couldn't help but chuckle to himself. MK finished grooming Jay's hair but he didn't feel content, the young boy frowned. Jay ran his fingers through his hair and looked at MK over his shoulder. "Thanks, kid." He smiled. There was silence for a moment. MK stared at Jay, his face still sad. "I'm sorry that your mom wasn't there for you." He said. Jay turned away. "She..." He began but quickly trailed off. Even he couldn't come up with an excuse. Jay got to his feet and faced MK, he placed his hand on the boy's head and ruffled his hair until it was a mess again. "It's not your fault kid. I'm just lucky that I've got you and everyone else now." Jay said. This got MK to smile finally, he laughed a little as he fixed his hair. "Yeah, we'll always be there for you. No matter what." MK replied firmly. "You're a good kid MK." Jay smiled. MK stood and hugged Jay tightly. As they embraced a small tear slipped from the corner of Jay's eye. The two separated and Jay tried to subtly dry the tears in his watering eyes so the boy wouldn't worry further, he cleared his throat to change the subject. "Ah, also, I have some news. I'm going to be moving to Flower Fruit Mountain temporarily. Monkey King offered to let me stay while I... figure out some new housing arrangements." Jay said. MK gasped loudly and the atmosphere immediately shifted due to the young boy's bursting enthusiasm. "No way! You're moving in together!?" He shouted. Jay began to blush. "We're not moving in "together" together! It's only temporary!" He sputtered in embarrassment. "Uh-huh, don't think I didn't notice you two getting closer recently!" MK said smugly. Jay groaned and avoided MK's big shiny eyes. "The Monkey King and I are just friends, MK." He muttered. Jay quickly changed the subject before the young boy could push the topic further. "Anyways, you should be getting dressed. Or you're going to be late for your shift at the noodle shop." He warned. "Oh no, you're right! I'll get an earful if I'm late again." MK said. MK rushed around his apartment sifting through the assortments of dirty clothing looking for a clean shirt to wear. As MK was nearly tripping over himself trying to get his jeans on he glanced over to see Jay picking up a few of his things off the floor. "Hey, if you had needed a place to stay why didn't you tell me?" MK asked. The young boy fell over behind the couch but quickly got up again, straightening out his pants. "I would have totally let you stay with me!" He said cheerfully. Jay's eyes wandered around the apartment. It was small, only for one person and pretty messy. "I appreciate that bud, but I think that two would be a crowd for this apartment." Jay laughed a little. MK ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth and put the final touches on his hair before racing back to Jay in the living room. "I'll be sure to visit you and Monkey King on the mountain often, ok?" MK said. "I would like that." Jay smiled. MK grinned happily and the two left the apartment, going down to the noodle shop below.
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vanillashusband · 3 years ago
Share more dad writing please!! 🌹🌹
Oops angst
Thistle scrambled to their feet and ran to their father's side, their eyes darted around anxiously at the cracks in his shell and they tried in vain to cover the fractures with their hands to prevent more blood from escaping but the wounds were too severe and bleeding heavily.
This one is a Thistle centric fic!
Dinner had been prepared and was served on the table. All of the children were hungrily digging into their meals, except one. Jay worriedly glanced at Thistle's empty seat and their plate of food growing colder.
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vanillashusband · 2 years ago
this chapter took way too long to complete HFHDGGDGDDGS pwease read my gay fnaf self insert fan fic of you haven't yet 👉👈🥺
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vanillashusband · 3 years ago
got anything for Sing or LMK in there?
Noooo unfortunately don't have any Sing or lmk related fics in the works right now. But here's a little snippet from my Digimon fic I've been trying to work on!
The only thing Jay heard before he passed out was a voice, a gentle voice, whispering to him. "I've been waiting so long to meet you."
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vanillashusband · 3 years ago
Got anymore?? :00 🌹🌹
A little fic that’s me/mato <3
Ghost glanced between Jay and Mato. It was very obvious to Ghost what was happening between their two adoptive parents, they definitely had feelings for the other but they still seemed reluctant to confess their attraction.
From my Ursa Rangers fic!
Jay practiced his moves and took out his frustration on the punching bag for a few minutes and gradually all the resentment left his body with each blow. Jay threw one last punch and put all his strength into it.
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vanillashusband · 3 years ago
From my hk/bf crossover fic I’m writing!
Though Jay had said not to worry Kabbu couldn't help but do just that. He felt bad, Jay was a single father taking care of 16 young children all by himself and he didn't want to add to his list of responsibilities.
This one is from a first meeting vessel children fic!
"Er... you know, you don't need to hold my hand. It's perfectly safe outside now and there's nothing to worry about." Jay said a little awkwardly. Rush just stared up at him innocently but they seemed to have no intention of letting go.
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