bookoformon · 5 months
Ether 9, Part 2. "The Smear."
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A secret society is thriving and now it gets worse: A man named Nimrah, "the Smear" takes over and he's worse than the kings and leaders that came before him. And the people love it. They are ready to go balls in for him:
7 And it came to pass that Akish began to be jealous of his son, therefore he shut him up in prison, and kept him upon little or no food until he had suffered death.
8 And now the brother of him that suffered death, (and his name was Nimrah) was angry with his father because of that which his father had done unto his brother.
9 And it came to pass that Nimrah gathered together a small number of men, and fled out of the land, and came over and dwelt with Omer.
10 And it came to pass that Akish begat other sons, and they won the hearts of the people, notwithstanding they had sworn unto him to do all manner of iniquity according to that which he desired.
A smear is a kind of profanity that is so sickening it qualifies as a cancer. It spreads fast, multiplies, and causes healthy tissue to starve and suffocate and succumb. Donald Trump, the Evangelicals, Mormons and their platform, the Republican Party are a huge smear.
The Gematria reveals in four easy steps how to create a smear:
v. 7:  And it came to pass that Akish began to be jealous of his son, therefore he shut him up in prison. The Value in Gematria is 3867, ג‎חוו‎ ‎ ‎"They saw it."
Jealousy is the root cause of all sin. Animals cannot control their jealousy and will attack and kill rivals. Civilized men do no such thing. So a man who is jealous is in prison with his animal passions and only the study of the Torah will teach him how to reprieve himself. Either that, or he will die:
v. 8:  And now the brother of him that suffered death, (and his name was Nimrah) was angry. After jealousy comes anger. And as in the case of Cain and Abel, anger leads to murder.
The Value in Gematria is 9269, טבוט‎, tabot, "A torus."
1.GEOMETRYa surface or solid formed by rotating a closed curve, especially a circle, around a line that lies in the same plane but does not intersect it (e.g., like a ring-shaped doughnut).
2.ARCHITECTUREa large convex molding, typically semicircular in cross section, especially as the lowest part of the base of a column.
The structure of the Torah mirrors the development of sentience and enlightenment. It is likened to up upward coiling spiral staircase. A torus is on the same plane and traps the brain in a never ending cycle of more of the same. This is what happens when anger and jealousy are allowed to pervade human civilization.
v. 9: And it came to pass that Nimrah gathered together a small number of men, and fled out of the land, and came over and dwelt with Omer. "The Smear left the Promised Land and dwelt with the Speaker, the chairman of the Secret Combination."
The Value in Gematria is 6015, סמך המשח עשר, "Based on the tenth anointing."
This means these men of ill repute self-annointed to become the Kings of Israel and this was of course the correct appointment. Because of mankind's immense corruption and deliberate defiance of the Torah and the Commandments, God has hidden the Annointing until such time as an appropriate candidate appears, one the Rab says will quality as Annointed rather than appointed:
"The Talmud (Horiyot 11b) explains that whereas all High Priests were anointed, a king was only anointed if he began a new dynasty or if there was some controversy surrounding his appointment. This is why, as we saw above, only a few kings were anointed throughout history. (Some controversy or instability existed at the time all the kings listed were anointed, such as King Solomon, who was opposed by his brother Adonijah.)
In addition, there was also a special “Priest anointed for war” (“mishuach milchama”) – who was anointed for the specific role of speaking to the troops before they went out to battle, both to encourage them and to excuse certain classes of people who were exempt from fighting. (See Deut. 20:1-9, Talmud Sotah 42a, Horiyot 12b.)
The special anointing oil which Moses prepared was hidden away by King Josiah towards the end of the First Temple era – when he hid the Ark of the Covenant and a number of other sacred items, knowing that the Temple was soon to be destroyed. From that point new High Priests were “anointed” simply by wearing the 8 garments of the High Priest and beginning to serve. (The later King Jehoahaz was likewise only anointed with persimmon oil (Talmud Horiyot 12a).)
In the End of Days when the Temple is rebuilt, the oil will be revealed from its hiding place – together with the Ark and other items – and both the future High Priest and the Messiah, the future king of Israel, will be anointed with it.
It should be noted that since oil was typically used to anoint people to greatness, the Torah occasionally uses the term to anoint (“mashach”) where it simply means to appoint to high position, without the use of oil (see e.g. I Kings 19:16,19 regarding Elijah’s appointment of Elisha as his successor, and Isaiah 61:1).
Likewise, the Torah occasionally uses the term “the anointed one” = “mashiach” / “messiah” to refer to any person appointed to carry out an important task. People sometimes mistake this word to refer to the Messiah proper, but the word is not limited to that definition. It simply means “the appointed one,” and very often from the context is clearly referring to someone else. See for example Isaiah 45:1 regarding Cyrus, Lamentations 4:20 regarding Josiah, and Psalms 105:15 regarding all of Israel."
v. 10: And it came to pass that Akish begat other sons, and they won the hearts of the people, notwithstanding they had sworn unto him to do all manner of iniquity according to that which he desired.
The Value in Gematria is 10502, י‎האֶפֶסב, yehapesab, "God is the Father of the Alphabet."
No you may not do whatever you want out of necessity, you do not take English translations of the Torah or the Gospels literally, yes you need to take the laws of the land literally, and they forbid corruption, they forbid Pro-Life and election fraud, sex with minors, rape, murder, and terrorism.
Yes the White House legally has to enforce these laws and get rid of corruption in the government, close down all organizations that are not in compliance and declare the land free of slavery, jealousy, anger, fear, oppression, and corruption.
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scoopjournal · 1 year
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zazazumag · 3 years
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lifangnyc · 6 years
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imokfam · 6 years
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guptadeepakcom · 3 years
Innovation With Software Architectural Excellence
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Software architecture plays an irreplaceable role in enabling businesses to deliver value efficiently. This is evident in how digital natives have been challenging incumbents and forcing them to rapidly digitize and transform how they operate and innovate. Accordingly, achieving architectural excellence is a continuous process of efficient implementation, advanced planning, and executive leadership engagement. Furthermore, it’s essential to recognize that software architectural strategies and planning shouldn’t be limited to IT. Enabling collaboration between IT and business leaders is necessary as software architecture plays a key role in delivering value, making processes robust, and tackling the next wave of changes in value creation and delivery.
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The Goal of a Good Software Architecture
A good software architecture facilitates the ongoing business processes function robustly and ensures business capabilities are competitive against threatening challenges. Beyond this, the software architecture should also become the fundamental aspect of driving the next waves of business changes—whether they are processes, models, or innovative products and features. These changes result from competitive forces increasing digitization, transformation, and ecosystem-based consolidation, making change the overarching constant in various business aspects. Accordingly, conventionally viewing a software architecture at a limited software or product level doesn’t work as well as it used to. The practice of viewing software architecture at the business and ecosystem-level gains even more emphasis as digitization and innovation make businesses and ecosystems digitally intertwined in how they interact.
The following fundamental aspects describe how to innovate with architectural excellence:
Security and Privacy
Customers are increasingly becoming wary of how their data is handled and protected—and are even reluctant to do business if an organization doesn’t have clear policies on how it protects and handles customer data. On the other hand, regulators are constantly improving their compliance requirements to protect customers. This landscape is changing at different rates across multiple countries, posing challenges and equally creating opportunities for fast adapters. All of this implies that businesses need to ethically manage customer data along with protecting against the constantly evolving threat landscape. To satisfy this need, it is necessary to revise the existing software architecture and involve senior executives in making critical decisions in this respect. Moreover, architectural planning cycles should come down to a few months—instead of years. This is key to building and implementing innovative solutions rapidly to tackle changing regulatory landscape and customer expectations.
Satisfy User Needs
Since 2008, the smartphone has been changing customers’ experiences and expectations. Digital disruptors are continually challenging incumbents and threatening their survival. In this paradigm shift, businesses should understand their customers more deeply, quickly adapt their business models and introduce new products to fulfill customer needs. It requires architectural agility that offers the flexibility to innovate business models in shorter cycles and improve them faster with customer feedback. This also means keeping a long-term view towards software architecture planning and strategy development that enables seamless innovation and eliminates process and performance bottlenecks. In this view, software architecture improvements and decisions should align with business objectives and strengthen business capabilities, not just the number of implementations or technical solutions the IT has delivered.
Empower Developers
Today, more and more businesses need developers to help them digitize and transform. Accordingly, empowering developers is essential, and software architecture is the fundamental way to help them drive innovation and build critical business capabilities. Developer empowerment is usually measured in terms of developer velocity — it defines how enabled developers are to be agile and how well their talent is utilized. To improve developer velocity, provide them with a well-defined software architecture to focus on quality and consistent development. Also, the software architecture must have scope for customization so that developers can utilize it to its full potential.
While the above describes the overarching approach, the following sections detail the fundamental aspects of achieving innovation with architectural excellence.
The software architecture should support scaling applications seamlessly on-demand to accommodate spikes in user growth and scale back to save operational costs. Accordingly, this approach requires deploying your application in the cloud while ensuring not just the underlying infrastructure but also the multiple components in your entire system scale without friction or intervention. High performance should accompany this to ensure customer satisfaction and deliver a superior experience. This means that your system should perform ideally at any scale at any time.
Can the system itself or components of it be deployed in any cloud platform—public, private, or hybrid cloud? How much does it cost to move in terms of time, effort, and cost? In a world of hyperscale cloud providers and cutting-edge cloud services, a company’s IT ecosystem shouldn’t be locked into one platform or vendor but should utilize the best available services and technologies currently—that are also future-ready to improve performance and optimize overall costs.
Businesses should develop a compliance framework that aligns people, processes, and strategies with regulatory requirements to ensure compliance and avoid non-compliance risks. Also, the framework should be work-in-progress to accommodate upcoming changes from regulators across the board.
Similar to the source code of software components, software architecture should be easily maintainable—meaning that the software architecture shouldn’t introduce bottlenecks when modifying and improving it.
Maintainability issues could take many forms: is the software architecture outdated for the current technical and business landscape? Is it using legacy versions that are incompatible when other components and dependencies are updated? Ensuring the software architecture’s maintainability helps facilitate innovation and move at a competitive pace. If at all unsure where to start improving or redefining a software architecture, start with maintainability.
IT is often under constant scrutiny to justify its expenditure, and it is complicated to measure IT’s meaningful contribution to the business outcomes. As a result, IT constantly faces the risk of budget cuts and challenges in optimizing costs. Typically, the software architecture is let to grow organically, leading to duplication of system and efforts and inconsistent data across systems. To overcome this, control the software architecture on an ongoing basis, which, in turn, allows for more predictable cost-control.
In this fast-changing landscape of digital, businesses should maintain flexible architectures that facilitate innovation and continually improve the software architecture using agile methodologies to gain a competitive advantage in the business capabilities. This practice is much needed, especially when digital disruptors are increasingly threatening to take it all—leaving laggards behind.
Originally Published at DevOps
Innovation With Software Architectural Excellence
Software architecture plays an irreplaceable role in enabling businesses to deliver value efficiently. This is evident in how digital natives have been In this fast-changing landscape of digital, businesses should maintain flexible architectures that facilitate innovation and continually improve the…
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DevOps.comDeepak Gupta
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nersgadget · 4 years
AMD Ryzen 3000XT Series CPUs, Radeon Pro 5600M GPU, A520 Chipset, StoreMI 2.0 Software Announced
AMD Ryzen 3000XT Series CPUs, Radeon Pro 5600M GPU, A520 Chipset, StoreMI 2.0 Software Announced
AMD has announced a new set of processors within its Ryzen 3000 family, the new Ryzen 9 3900XT, Ryzen 7 3800XT, and Ryzen 5 3600XT. These models supersede the Ryzen 9 3900X, Ryzen 7 3800X and Ryzen 5 3600X respectively at the same prices. These are based on the same ‘Zen 2’ architectureas existing models, and the only difference is slightly faster boost speeds, thanks to a refined 7nm…
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kammartinez · 8 years
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Earthships, the Ultimate in Off-Grid Architecture
A new spin on a ‘70s sustainability movement.
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imokfam · 6 years
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Had an awesome time at MoMA the other weekend. It was really the perfect weather. Can't wait to go back and visit more museums! . . . . . . . . . . #art #artmuseum #modernart #artwork #contemporaryart #exhibition #artist #painting #artgallery #modernartist #abstractart #philadelphia #museum #fineart #artexhibition #modernartists #artmuseuma #drawing #gallery #modernartpainting #artmuseummiami #instaart #artonthephone #modernarta #designa #contemporaryartist #architecturea #modernarts #weylandt #modernartgallery (at MoMA The Museum of Modern Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRH7pxncVC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ov1dm7eo0lw0
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guptadeepakcom · 3 years
Single-Tenant vs. Multi-Tenant: SaaS Architecture
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SaaS-based cloud implications have proven effective in rendering scalability while reducing costs for the organization. Thus, SaaS has become a standard delivery model for most business applications. Mostly SaaS supports both single-tenant and multi-tenant architectures and organizations can willingly choose their SaaS environment type based upon factors like security, cost, scalability, simple migration, customizability, etc.
This article comprehensively compares SaaS-based multi-tenant and single-tenant cloud architectures along with their benefits and drawbacks. The comprehension also points out which one to choose based on the organization’s requirements and scenario.
Single-Tenant Cloud Architecture
A single-tenant architecture dedicates a single instance of the software, infrastructure, or database to a single customer. The single-tenant system encapsulates all customer data and interactions distinctly from other customers. Moreover, customer information is not shared in any way.
In a single-tenant architecture, the provider helps manage the software instance and dedicated infrastructure while giving a single-tenant nearly complete flexibility over software and infrastructure modification. Single-tenancy models provide control, reliability, security, and backup capability. In addition, each tenant has its independent database and software instance, keeping them separate from one another. Each tenant's data also has a remote backup, allowing tenants to restore their data in case of data loss quickly. In most cases, tenants can choose when they want to install any available updates themselves rather than waiting for the service provider to do so.
Ultimately, potential customers who desire more control and flexibility to meet specific needs in their environment would likely prefer a single-tenant infrastructure over other solutions.
Benefits of Single-Tenancy
Although single-tenancy architecture is less common, it caters to easy auditing and maintenance. Here is the list of some other benefits a single-tenant cloud provides:
Excellent Reliability: Single-tenant architectures are typically more reliable because one software instance serves one customer. So the entire system remains unaffected by other cloud traffic and peak load performance. Also, it becomes easier to scale as compared to the multi-tenant. Moreover, one can configure In-transit Network Routing in single-tenancy.
Enhanced Data Security: Single-tenant cloud architecture separates application instances and supporting components like database and infrastructure for each customer within the same provider. So, there is no way for others outside of your organization to access your data in case of vulnerability. As a result, even if a customer with the same service provider experiences a data breach, other tenants remain protected.
Simplified Migration: It is easier to migrate data from a single-tenant architecture since the data store contains data from a single customer. One does not need to worry about mixing customer data or using complicated migration scripts.
Easy Customizations: In the case of SaaS, mainly the services are thoroughly managed by the service provider’s team. However, the service provider can give dedicated server access to customers in the case of single-tenant—for example; server logs access to customers. The same level of ownership or customization cannot be provided for multi-tenant customers.
Drawbacks of Single-Tenancy
Despite all of the potential benefits of single-tenancy, it is still the least popular architecture among competing options, which you could attribute to some of its drawbacks. The following are some of the disadvantages of single-tenancy:
Higher Costs: Hosting one SaaS instance per customer increases the cost due to setup time, resources, customization, and maintenance.
Lesser Deployments: While releasing customer-specific updates and features, all customer benefits in case of multi-tenant. Such feature updates are not generally released for single-tenant customers because of their separate application instances and related components.
Multi-Tenant Cloud Architecture
Multi-tenancy is another cloud architecture wherein a single instance of a software program serves numerous customers. People usually refer to the real estate analogy to explain Single-tenant vs. Multi-tenant cloud architecture.
Each customer in a single-tenant cloud lives alone in a single building with its security system and amenities, entirely secluded from neighboring buildings. Tenants in multi-tenant cloud architecture, on the other hand, live in various apartments within a single apartment complex. They are both protected by the same security system and have access to the same communal facilities. However, each resident has a key to their apartment, ensuring that their privacy is protected. The actions of other tenants, however, are more likely to affect their comfort in the property.
Most startups choose a multi-tenant architecture having a single massive database containing all customer information. Customer data is kept confidential with the necessary security systems in place. While customers cannot view each other's data, they are all stored in the same database, and all of the data gets processed by the same computer.
Benefits of Multi-Tenancy
Lower Costs: SaaS allows businesses of all sizes to share infrastructure and data center operations expenditures, resulting in lower prices. It also reduces infrastructure implications as compared to single-tenancy-hosted solutions.
Frequent Deployments: All customers get the feature updates when SaaS vendors release features in a multi-tenancy environment, even if a specific multi-tenancy customer initially requested the feature.
In contrast, the single-tenancy customer does not benefit from such scenarios.
Drawbacks of Multi-Tenancy
While multi-tenant cloud architecture is usually the best option for most SaaS customers, it can have some drawbacks, such as:
Greater Security Risk: As different customers share resources, the risk factor in a multi-tenant setup increases. In contrast to a single-tenant cloud, where security events remain isolated to a single customer, it is more likely to harm other customers if one customer's data is compromised.
In multi-tenancy, an organization's data is not visible to other tenants. However, multiple users without the organization's affiliation get access to the same database. This increases the security risks.
Resource Availability: The increased load of one customer can impact other customers sharing the same resources in a multi-tenancy setup. While in a single-tenancy architecture of SaaS, this risk is not present as customers are provided with dedicated resources.
When to Use One Over the Other
A single-tenant setup of SaaS may be appropriate for certain companies or sectors where customer data privacy and security are paramount. The healthcare and finance industries are excellent examples, leveraging single-tenant cloud systems.
For example, when working with patient information, applications in the healthcare industry must comply with HIPAA regulations. To maintain compliance, each hospital may need to establish its own data center on-site. The same is true for certain forms of financial information.
Most consumer-facing applications and start-ups that require comparatively less customizability tend to use a multi-tenant setup of SaaS. Also, multi-tenancy is preferred by organizations that want to opt for a cost-effective solution.
There are a lot of other factors an organization must keep in mind while deciding which SaaS architecture to choose. Some business factors are the purpose of cloud adoption, type of application, budget, scalability, customization, migration, visibility, backup, and recovery. Finally, organizations must brainstorm what they want to achieve and how their company operates to arrive at the best, ideal solution.
LoginRadius provides both single-tenant and multi-tenant SaaS architecture for our CIAM solution.
Originally published at LoginRadius
Single-Tenant vs. Multi-Tenant: SaaS Architecture
This article comprehensively compares SaaS-based multi-tenant and single-tenant cloud architectures along with their benefits and drawbacks. The comprehension also points out which one to choose based on the organization’s requirements and scenario.
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serendipity--loves · 6 years
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