twodarcstudio · 3 years
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Interior Design of an Apartment Location: Kuwait Area: 266.2 m2 Date: March 2021 Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/interior-design-of-an-apartment-in-kuwait/ . . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Interiordesign #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Lumion #design #2Ddrawing #interior # Interior_design #photorealistic #Render #l photorealistic_render #Lumion10 #Facadedesign #Interior_render #3Ddesign #Residental #architectural_render #rendering #floorplan #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at Kuwait) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJHspQs1gf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yantramstudio · 4 years
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Modern Residential House 3D Rendering Services By Architectural Design Studio, Oak Hill - West Virginia
Project: Modern Residential House 3D Rendering Services
Client: 556 Jack
Location: Oak Hill, West Virginia
For More: https://www.yantramstudio.com/3d-architectural-exterior-rendering-cgi-animation.html
3D rendering services use an island in a residential area that includes housing opposite the industrial and commercial sectors.3D Rendering Services These include single-family housing, multi-family residential, or mobile homes. 3D Rendering Services It may permit high-density land use or only permit low-density uses.
This plan gives out more intricate details of a building exterior with walls, doors, windows, etc. As an architectural rendering service, maker we are providing exterior rendering services, 3d architectural visualization,3d exterior rendering services, 3D Rendering Services.
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Factors to Consider When Looking for the Best Architectural Rendering Services
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Whenever somebody is planning to construct a building, they will always consider hiring the services of a good architect that will be able to provide them with different types of architectural rendering services. One thing that you need to understand is that architects are known to be very important professionals especially when it comes to real estate industry and also in the construction of different types of buildings. This is mainly because they can provide you with a variety of services that can prove to be very essential especially when it comes to constructions and also getting perfect design for houses. It is almost impossible for you to ignore the fact that the services of architects can prove to be very important and people cannot do without them. Given that there are different types of buildings that are being constructed today, you can never enter the services of architects to be obsolete. In this article, we are going to focus on the factors that need to ensure that you consider when choosing the best architectural rendering services. One of the most important questions you probably want to ask yourself when looking for the best architectural rendering services is the amount of money that you will pay for the services. You need to understand that the services are not for free and therefore, you must ensure that you consider finding out whether it will be affordable for you. By comparing the prices of different types of architectural rendering services, you will be able to know which particular company will be able to offer you all the necessary services at an amount that is not exaggerated. Another vital factor that you need to ensure that you put into consideration when choosing the best architectural rendering services is the quality of architectural rendering services that you will obtain. The aspect of quality is always known to be very important because it is what determines whether the whole process of construction will be successful. It is therefore important that you consider determining whether that particular company will be able to offer you with quality architectural rendering services. Another vital factor that you need to ensure that you put into consideration is the certification of the company that is known to be providing architectural rendering services in your area. Chances are that you will be able to get quality architectural rendering services when you choose a particular company that has a reputation of providing quality services. If the company has been certified, it simply means that they have the ability to provide quality architectural rendering services of therefore, you must always go for a particular company that has been certified. Another vital step that you should always consider focusing on is recommendations and referrals from some of your colleagues or even some of your friends that might have hired the services of architectural rendering service providing company. This can prove to be very important because it will reduce the amount of time that you will take when looking for the best architectural rendering services. Gather more facts by clicking here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_rendering
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How to Choose the Best 3D Rendering Company
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Below are some of the vital factors that you should keep in mind if you wish to hire the best 3D visualization companies.
Be certain that the price is not your exclusive priority when choosing a 3D rendering company. While finding a good deal is definitely necessary, sometimes you need to shell out more money to be certain that the 3D architecture visualization gets done right the first time around. Even when something looks like a great bargain, keep in mind that it might be because the 3D rendering company won’t offer the full range of services that you require or can’t guarantee good results. The talent and reputation of the 3D rendering company should determine whether or not they are worth hiring.  Learn more details from Faraday 3D.
Price is an essential factor that you need to think about. Do not forget that the 3D rendering company that offers the lowest rate is unlikely to be the right choice when it comes to the quality of service. If you care about your 3D architecture visualization and if you think highly of quality over price, make sure that you research thoroughly about the qualifications of the 3D rendering company despite the highness or lowness of their rate. Go with a 3D rendering company like Faraday 3D that has reasonable rates and a laudable reputation in your community that comes from their reliability and years of experience.
Make sure that you hire a 3D rendering company that has an excellent reputation in the area. The 3D rendering company needs to be well-known for employing staff members that are respectful, professional, and honest. In addition to that, their team members must be skilled and extremely well-acquainted with your needs and requirements. You can ascertain by checking out their website and social media pages. Read through the reviews left by their customers to figure out whether or not the 3D rendering company places a high value on excellence and customer satisfaction. The reviews need to be mostly positive to be certain that you are hiring the best 3D rendering company for the job.
Be certain that the 3D rendering company has technicians that will complete the work in the most efficient way. Top-notch 3D architecture visualization entail industrial-quality tools and equipment including skilled technicians to ensure that your product is completed immediately. Even though the 3D rendering company may be highly recommended by a trustworthy source, you have to keep in mind that every person is unique and what may have worked for your friend may not work for you. Meet a company staff member before hiring the 3D rendering company so that you can understand his techniques and values. View more details here at https://faradaylabs.eu/
For more information, visit this link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_rendering
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Benefits You Get When You Hire Architectural Rendering Companies
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 When you have secured a job to do construction, it is mandatory that you stick to the guidelines that you receive. When you are getting complicated guidelines from your clients, it is vital to turn to technology such as the architectural rendering services to ensure that you come up with a proper plan. Utilization of software such as the 3D rendering services is one of the latest trends to guarantee a perfect outcome in your construction and below are the reasons to apply it.
 Most contractors struggle to describe the actual appearance of a particular building to their clients, but that can be made easier through the 3D entering. Whenever you have generated some of the photos from the 3D rendering, then your clients will know what to anticipate in the project and some of the plans that you will utilize during the construction. Your customers can become a happy lot when they know what they are paying for during the installation. Know more about Architectural Rendering Companies here!
 Most of the contractors and real estate companies are not utilizing 3D rendering, and that is the best way to make your business stand out. If you are struggling to acquire clients for your real estate or construction company, it is essential to turn to architectural rendering as it produces some of the perfect solutions. For more facts about 3D rendering, visit this website at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_rendering.
 It can be challenging to introduce changes to most of the architectural designs when you are using traditional tools. Embracing the designing software in the construction of the building can ensure that you quickly make any additions which will meet the standard that your client requires.
 It is time-saving to choose some of the most qualified architectural rendering service providers at https://faradaylabs.eu/what-we-do/ as they can create the images and send them directly to your clients. Most of the pictures that are created can be sent digitally, and that ensures that you save time and it is also convenient for your customers.
 The perfect way to get a return on your investment is by working with some of the best-rated 3D rendering and modeling companies. You are likely to fulfill a construction project on time when you use the 3D images as the customers will confirm the photos and also make any additions to the images.
 Whenever you are working with any architectural rendering service provider, it is important to analyze that technical skills and have a look at their portfolio. You should discuss with several 3D rendering experts to know the ones who understand the models that you wish to achieve and who will develop several photos so that you select one which meets your customer’s needs.
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Guides to Choosing the Right Architectural Rendering Firm
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An architectural rendering company is a firm which has specialized in animation, simulation and modelling and assists in producing a visual plan of an object.   Choosing the right company that assists in modelling and simulating objects may be quite tricky.  
The following are tips to assist overcome these challenges.   It is crucial to choose the  Faraday 3D architectural rendering company that has set up the computer programs used in generating images and simulate objects as specified by the client.  
One ought to work with the company that has high artistic skills that are unique and shows high level of creativity and this is to ensure that the final work is impressive.   Certain factors like lighting are essential in a project and therefore it is necessary to examine how the architectural rendering company handles them.   Click here for more info: https://faradaylabs.eu/knowledge-base/.
It is critical to look at what a design comprises of to examine if it captures all the necessary items like natures.   Another consideration to make is the cost of getting the services from the company and this is to ensure that it is cheap.  
These companies ought to explain to the clients on how they interact with the plan and this is to check whether it is suitable for them.  the time taken to generate a model of an object is key when choosing these firms.  
One needs to compare additional features of the plan which may include the contrast, color, saturation and many more and these are necessary for making the design impressive.  
Best architectural rendering companies follow an implantation model such as agile which allows for corrections.  
Best graphic designs should consider the aspect of movement whereby images move and sounds are produced by the visual images to show how the plan is expect to look like.  
The websites and other platforms used by the graphic designers are a reliable source of information about their services and therefore one can check for the reviews sent by past clients.   It is essential to compare the length of time different companies have served to choose one that has more experience.  
Another thing to note when choosing an architectural rendering company is the support services they offer which may include budgeting for a project.  
While a project must follow a particular procedure during implementation, a graphic designer ought to work hand in hand with the client to guide rolling out of activities.  
It is necessary for one to work with the architectural design firm that has no restrictions to what they can simulate and model and this is crucial as clients may have varying tasks such as a plan for a house, tunnel, weighbridge among many others.  Discover more about architectural rendering by clicking here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_rendering.
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Perception of 3d Rendering
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  Photograph genuine portrayal is a grouping of creating an appearance view of 3d information kept inside a processor. Three dimensional can be thought to be an irrelevant or as a portrayal of painting or shoot. Unlike photography, be that as it may, everything is fanciful and scenes should be made. 3D architectural services involves a lot of work that are usually unlimited amount of artistic control over what may act in the scene and how it is clearly offered to achieve good results. Before it could be finished you need to do the modeling or 3d architect animation procedure. It is said to be "constant" on the grounds that the PC influences the rendering immediately time, at every development or change of the 3d architectural studios to demonstrate.
 The most recent innovation for photograph sensible renderings swim past essential beam following, through the incitement of innovation, quicker PCs and another birth of gifts photograph practical 3D rendering has been universally utilized among craftsman. Three dimensional allows you to motivate your artistic distance with movement, depth and cartoons. Over the years companies realize how to debouch the power of 3D visualization adds tremendous value to their presentations and other marketing campaigns, resulting to high volumes of sales for their products and services. It is essential to increase the consciousness of what 3d can improve the situation a business' development.
 Three dimensional is the most ideal approach to demonstrate your items or contemplations and convey pictorial thoughts ostentatiously to your plausible costumers so it is imperative to know how to achieve great rendering. Your thoughts are made an interpretation of in 3D to make Photo-Perfect 3D pictures. The surface is a procedure by which you enhance the parts, which you will require the shading, the level of reflection and furthermore the review of unpleasantness to scene. The surfaces additionally consent to the 3d to look purposely more total and exact than they would something else. Be sure to check out this website at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_rendering and know more about 3d rendering.
 Keeping in mind the end goal to finish a more noteworthy level of common sense you should make sure that the specialists coordinate nearly to your thought, have countless polygons and bear in mind to achieve the great exactness. Lighting - is an essential part of scene setup in influencing it to look practical, this is the procedure where you make lightning sources to your condition, shade, shadows and reflections. Lighting special effects can give greatly to the attitude and expressive response affected by scene and can't be an easy art to master. The conception of the light space, it can affect the typical cubature and backdrop, this is one of the challenging part of architectural rendering. Straightforwardness and light avoidance inside an unmistakable material are the critical limitations with a specific end goal to accomplish reasonable rendering of a material like glass. Getting the correct Angle - having the correct edge is a standout amongst the most essential components to think of you as, need to ensure the critical perspectives are distinguishable in the scene and ought not be contorted. Getting the correct Angle - having the correct edge is a standout amongst the most vital variables to think of you as, need to ensure the essential perspectives are visible in the scene and ought not be contorted. Balance of Entourage - keeping in mind the end goal to make a practical rendering you have to populate your scene with individuals, autos, arranging, and so forth, click for more here!
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3D Rendering: What is it?
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Architectures no longer hold pencils or spend hours drawing architectural designs. Now, we are a generation where we can see the fusion of technology which helps in 3D Rendering and 3D Modeling of various designs and making them visualize in a more creative way. The animations or 3D modeling are utilized by professionals in the fashion and construction industry in order to help people see their creativity with realistic approach in regards to lighting and colors. This article thereby articulates the meaning of the two terms used below.
 Over the past, sculptors were used to build sculptures.  if the sculptors had discovered that there was a technology to ease their work, they would be very happy.  Well, the past has gone and the present techniques used in 3D Modeling are just amazing. There are many software today that make designing and modeling work to be very simple such as Maya, 3D designing and also sof-image. it is these software's that enable people to draw their imaginations in a computer representative form.  One could also design a model according to scenarios as a result of it many forms such as sub-division, primitive, NURBS and polygonal. It only later that the represented designs are developed further by designers through 3D rendering.
 3D architectural rendering is the most sought technique used by the Engineering field in today's era because of the esthetic and practical options and effects it gives your models in a 3 dimensional form.  It has created a revolution with the different angles it provides to the image along with set-ups, product modeling, animation effects and many more things. Moreover it is worth top note that this kind of rendering comes in various forms ranging from exterior to textured rendering.
 Each one of them has their own characteristics and they surely give you an excellent visual appeal. Lets take a good example of exterior and interior rendering which give a design both the water bodies, floor plan and night and day effects too.  Photo-realistic rendering is the one we look forward for as it gives our villa, bungalow or company the desired look with lighting, texture and color combinations. For more info about architectural rending, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_rendering.
 In conclusion, the strength of a human being lays in their thoughts origin. However, 3D modeling and Rendering is responsible for the success of both the designer and company.  Companies therefore use this artistic way to lure minds of people. Companies consider this to be their communication method of adding pieces of vision to their customers. These methods are therefore the best as they show professionalism and quality of graphics making the company to stand out. try it now!
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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Lexmi Sedan The project is a residential building, in which there are two types of apartments (one-bedroom apartments and two-bedroom apartments). Different areas in the building – apartments, roof garden, and lobby - have been designed and presented in the form of panoramic renders. The building’s exterior render, furthermore, has been created. • Appropriate furniture is chosen for dining and lounging on the rooftop. • The design let the space be open as it does not fill the place with many elements. • The rooftop maintains a diversity of planting (size and type) to make the place more attractive. • The walls have neutral shades in order to act as an appropriate background. • Some topical motifs and graphic drawings are considered in the spaces to give the areas a special mood. • A combination of natural and artificial light is used to enhance the quality of the spaces. Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/lexmi-sedan/ . . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #interior #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Lumion #design #2Ddrawing #interior #exterior #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #Lumion10 #interiordesign #furniture #3Ddesign #Residental #architectural_render #rendering #virtualtour #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at Kandivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXtTCyPMDZx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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Rooftop Restaurant Location: Aruba Area: 1100 m2 Date: December 2020 Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/rooftop-restaurant/ . . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Facade #architecturaldrawings #rooftop #Lumion #design # rooftoprestaurant #interior #exterior #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #Lumion10 #Facadedesign #roofgarden #3Ddesign #restaurant #architectural_render #rendering #floorplan #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at ARUBA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXnodZwsPWv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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76 Morgon Interior Design The project is the modern interior design of a family living area (which includes an electric fireplace, feature wall, and a dropdown ultra-projector) and a lounge area in the basement. • A combination of stone and wood is used for the first two alternatives. The difference is in the wood patterns. • In the third alternative, the wooden material with a smooth surface is used. The basement area that has direct access to the backyard includes a comfortable sitting area, bar, and a small kitchen and gym. The modern design is reflected on the: • Use of clean and simple lines • A sofa with a dramatic color (an accent color) in the space • Minimalistic wall arts • Oversized tiles with rectified edges The material used for the terrace floor and the shower is in harmony with the modern interior design of the basement. Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/76-morgan-interior-design/ . . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Interior #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Lumion #design #2Ddrawing #interior #exterior #basement #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #Lumion10 #Kitchen #Decor #3Ddesign #Residental #architectural_render #rendering #house #3Dsmax #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjKEnNsnlt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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TVTC Exhibition Stand Location: Saudi Arabia Area: 36 m2 Date: August 2020 Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/tvtc-exhibition-stand/ . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Facade #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Lumion #design #2Ddrawing #interior #exterior #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #Lumion10 #Facadedesign #Elevation #3Ddesign #Residental #architectural_render #rendering #floorplan #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaCuUQLM3x7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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Mishkat Hotel at Al-Ula Mishka is a 32~ rooms boutique hotel in Al Ula, Saudi Arabia. Al Ula has a history of 200.000 years! Please see here for more information (https://experiencealula.com/en/discover-alula/heritage/dadan) THE ART EXPERIENCE “From light, we shall find your way” Inspired by Arabic geometry and Islamic lanterns. Mishka comes to life as the 1st luxury capsule and Modular hotel concept. THE LOCATION Mishka is located NE of Al Ula city. Hidden one of the many rock formations, Mishka Hotel appears to those who take dirt road into the Mishka Resort. Project ELEMENTS ● Mishka has approximately 32 rooms ● The shape of the rooms/layout is like a crescent around the pool area. ● The project includes a lounge which is attached to the reception. The design of the lounge and reception is similar to the capsule ● SPA: The Spa is 10m by 10m in the shape of glass CUBE with arabesque patterns so it ties with the other structures. ● Parking area for 30 cars ● The entrance / Gate to Misahka ● Dirt Bike track around the area of Mishka Project NEEDS ● Make plans according to scale. ● renders of the prospective of the hotel and floor plans and showing the rock formations of Al Ula in the background. ● A diagram for one of the capsules. Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/mishkat-hotel-at-al-ula/ Or see the animation on the YouTube: https://youtu.be/5u-wspqa9G8 . . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Facade #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Lumion #design #2Ddrawing #interior #exterior #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #Lumion10 #Facadedesign #Elevation #3Ddesign #Hotel_Design #architectural_render #rendering #floorplan #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at AlUla, Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaEtVLHsM-Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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Zeinth Hotel Location: Saudi Arabia Area: 617 m² Date: April 2021 Materials used for the exterior facade is wooden beams and structure glass. We added black tiles to break and complement colors. Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/zeinth-hotel/. . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Facade #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Lumion #design #2Ddrawing #interior #exterior #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #Lumion10 #Facadedesign #Elevation #3Ddesign #Hotel_Design #architectural_render #rendering #floorplan #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYTO2PIs_-Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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Backyard Design - Creating an outdoor living space and the roof is attached to the house and have an upper deck is extended. - We have designed an inground pool put in that is 16x32 - In a nutshell, a roof is put above windows, a gas fireplace to the left where the red dot is located to create an outdoor living space. - We extended the deck to the end of the house; it has glass instead of spindles. - The staircase is turned to the left but does not come down in the center as it was. - It includes patio stone in the living area as well as and complete design of the backyard. - We added a pool approximately 20 x 30 and landscaping added to the visual – because of the side and rear neighbors so we added some tall skinny trees placed along the back. - Stonework around the pool cement or large stones for the rest of the yard, removing all the grass. - Stone at the footers, wood beams, are used. Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/backyard-design/ . . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Facade #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Lumion #design #2Ddrawing #interior #exterior #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #Lumion10 #Facadedesign #Elevation #3Ddesign #Residental #architectural_render #rendering #floorplan #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/twodarc_studio/p/CYGYC_dsBrI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twodarcstudio · 3 years
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Kitchen School Design Designing a cooking class studio that is fully equipped. Therefore, an instructor teaches students in real-time how to make certain foods and baked goods, and students each have their kitchen stations. Wide windows, green spaces, and landscaping have been important to bring life to the place. The project’s requirements: • A cooking classroom for 12 students and 1 instructor. • A section with 2 bedrooms for international chefs who will come for a few days to teach students • An office with a bathroom and a private kitchen for the manager. • A section within the baking classroom that has multiple ovens and could be used for other businesses (a bakery) when the school is not in session. • A small house designed separated from other spaces with access to the street and has a mini kitchen, a bedroom, and a small bathroom. This will be for the gardener who will live on this property and take care of it. • Areas for cars to drive in and park (~4 cars) • A small greenhouse for planting some fresh greens, like basil, thyme, mint, tomatoes, etc. Due to the hot weather conditions in Jeddah, it is tried to limit the movements in the outdoor areas, everything is designed under “one roof”, intending to provide the users with easy access to all services. For example, the pantry, warehouse, and freezer could be accessed easily inside, from the cooking class/kitchen. A small pool is located near the bedroom, and provides a great view in this place The design allows all rooms to have large windows in order to maximize the use of natural light. Visit complete project on website: https://twodarc.com/portfolio-item/kitchen-school-design/ . . . . #architecture #design #designer #architect #architecturaldesign #Kitchen #architecturaldrawings #architecturestudent #Kitchenschool #design #2Ddrawing #interior #exterior #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #kitchenschooldesign #Facadedesign #Elevation #3Ddesign #educational #architectural_render #rendering #floorplan #dwg #freelance #freelancing #twoDarc_studio #taravat_nourian #ehsan_shariatmadari @twodarc_studio (at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXp_RwAsY7J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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