#archie's t.v. laugh out
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An extra long story from "60 Magical Stories": "Super Duper Party Pooper" by Dick Malmgren and Jon D'Agostino, from Archie's T.V. Laugh Out #1 (December, 1969)!
Here's our first look at orange Salem and Cousin Ambrose, back when he was grown up! And a fun story to boot! Sabrina has officially transitioned to her "I just want to be normal" phase, and you can't not feel bad for her as she tries to fit in! Thankfully, Ambrose stops Hilda from ruining the party with The Archies!
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dirtyriver · 2 years ago
Archie's T.V. Laugh Out #85, cover by Stan Goldberg
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May 1982
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troublesometrollhunters · 4 years ago
Enrique asking for a bedtime story about you while being babysat
Enrique: Tell me about your friend (Y/N)!
Jim: They always had trouble falling asleep.
You and Jim staying up together after a long training lesson because you can't sleep. You're laughing and telling jokes as you read a Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore together.
Toby: They liked to cuddle while under the sheets.
You, Toby, Claire, and Jim watching Gun Robot in a pillow fort sharing snacks and cuddling. Videogames are scattered around your feet from the videogame tournament you just had.
Claire: They loved pop songs and dancing.
You, Claire, Darci, and Mary dancing around Claire's room singing and dancing together at a sleepover. You hold a hairbrush as a mike as you sing offkey karaoke.
Enrique: Woah.
Aarrrgh: And Bad trash t.v
You, Aarrrgh, Blinky, Toby, Claire, and Jim watching bad trash t.v after a hard trollhunting mission. Your laughing at the television guessing what's going to happen next as Blinky and Aarrrgh ask questions about humans.
Blinky: There's still a few other things.
The way you smiled when you first ran into TrollMarket. You explored the stalls with no fear and asked Blinkous and Aarrrgh questions.
Training with Jim, Claire, and Toby so you can be a Trollhunter like Jim. Draal teaching you how to fight as Blinky instructs you. Aarrrgh when your ready gives you a magic weapon.
Going on adventures all around the world with your friends. Patching eachother up when you get home and staying up all night telling stories cause your restless.
Helping the CreepSlayerz out by giving them smaller trollhunting jobs when you realize Eli and Steve know the truth. Mentoring them so they don't get hurt and so Jim has less to deal with.
You reach out your hand with a smile helping villians up refusing to leave anyone behind and promising anyone can be redeamed.
Enrique: Like what?
Strickler: They loved love notes and babies.
Strickler smiling as he pretends not to see you pass notes to your crush in class. Fast forward and Strickler, Barbara, Not Enrique, and you are taking care of all the changeling nursery babies. Your only visiting but you rock a first one to sleep after it wakes up and Strickler and Barbara are proud.
Angor: And liked giving gifts.
You give Angor his eye back before slowly sliding the Inferna capula ring off and handing it to him. It's rocky at first but he becomes your ally before he becomes your friend. He helps you stop the Eternal Night and free Morgana helping you redeam her.
Douxie: Has a hard time accepting a good compliment.
Douxie and Zoe saying your fighting was impressive and that your Trollhunting is incredible. You shake your head politely saying no. They compliment you every time they see you now and let you know your a talented and smart kid.
Dictatious: They love their whole family
You standing in a giant group hug with Jim, Claire, Toby, Steve, Eli, Blinky, Aarrrgh, Draal, Dictatious, Aja, Krel, Varvotos, Strickler, Angor Rot, Morgana, Douxie, Archie, and Zoe
Everyone: And all of their friends
Everyone is beaten and down on the ground and the world is about to end. With your last bit of strength you use your magic weapon and get up. Turning you look at your friends and family smiling with tears dripping down your face.
'I love you'
And than you were gone. You'd sacrificed yourself to save the world.
The team telling Enrique all about your adventures after your gone. Inspo for this idea from the song.
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dauntless-gothamite · 5 years ago
An Aroace in Need of Space…and Hamburgers [4/8]
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | ao3
Chapter 4: Aced It
Betty grabbed the stack of paper from her mom's printer excitedly and smiled to herself; they did it. She and Jughead had written the article for Kevin's club--which turned out to be more like a poster--faster than either of them had ever written an article. It had taken a little while, but it was totally worth it, she thought to herself as she walked to the kitchen, where Jughead stood, devouring a bag of popcorn.
"Howdotheylook?" Jughead asked, his mouth full of popcorn.
"Jug, I know you like the popcorn, but please finish eating it first; I have no idea what you just said" Betty responded with a giggle. Rolling his eyes, Jughead held a finger up, signaling for Betty to hold on a second, and he finished eating the popcorn.
"I said 'how do they look?'" he repeated as his eyes drifted to the papers Betty held. Betty held up the paper so Jughead could see the poster, and she smiled brightly. She noticed Jughead was rotating his head slightly and before she could ask what was wrong, he said "I think they look good, but there seems to be one small problem," a serious expression on his face. The smile on Betty's face evaporated as Jughead said you're holding them upside down" and he doubled over in laughter.
"Jughead Jones! That is not even a little bit funny!" Betty shrieked as she attempted to hold in her laughter. She set down the papers she had been holding and walked over to Jughead, cuffing his arm playfully as he straightened up.
"Oh come on, it was hilarious. Admit it" he replied lightly, causing Betty to smile and dissolve into a fit of giggles. "Told you! You should have seen your face!" Jughead said smugly as Betty nodded her head and rolled her eyes.
"How about we hand out the paper on Monday and hang the extra copies up in the hallways so more people will know about the meeting?" Betty suggested, and Jughead nodded and pulled her in for a side hug in response. It took Betty a moment to react; she was surprised by the hug. It was rare for Jughead to show any kind of physical affection beyond a high five, and the times he had initiated contact could be counted on one hand. Despite her confusion, Betty was happy and glad to see Jughead was too, so she dismissed her confusion and relaxed into the hug.  
"I don't have to be home yet, do you want to order some pizza and watch a movie or something?" Jughead asked as he pulled away from Betty and walked towards the couch, where he sat down comfortably.
"Ok, that sounds good" Betty responded. "Will you call in the order while I go up to my room for a minute? I'm a little cold and honestly kind of want to change into my pjs" she asked from the second stair.
"You know it's not even 7:00, right? That's pretty early to change into pjs" Jughead teased from the couch with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow.
After glancing at her watch, Betty responded "It's 6:58; that's close enough! Besides, you don't know the struggle of being in a skirt all day--it gets tiring after a while!" Jughead laughed and nodded in confirmation, so she turned around and ran up to her room to change.
As Betty changed out of her clothes and into black jogger pants and an oversized sweatshirt, Jughead sat on the couch downstairs, listening to the ringing on the other end of the line, waiting for someone to pick up. After what seemed like forever, someone finally picked up and said "hello, you have reached Daletown's Delivery Pizza; how may I help you?"
"I'd like to order four pizzas: two cheese, one Hawaiian, and one meat lover's pizza."
"What is the address for the delivery?"
"Um..." Jughead's mind went blank as he tried to remember Betty's address before continuing. "Give me one second, please" he said to the guy on the other end of the line. "Betty? What is your address again? I always mix it up with Archie's address!" he yelled up to Betty. From the top of the stairs, Betty rolled her eyes and made her way down. After telling Jughead the address, the repeated it to the pizza guy and hung up the phone.
"You could have just looked at the numbers in front of the house or gone outside; you know that right?" Betty asked as she sat down next to Jughead.
"Yeah, but you and I both know I am way to lazy for that" Jughead chuckled. "But we don't need to talk about my laziness," he continued. "We have an important matter to discuss: what should we watch?"he asked, handing the remote to Betty.
After a moment of consideration, Betty responded, "how about '10 Things I Hate About You?' It's a classic, and it's funny."
"No way; I am not watching a rom-com! I am also not going to let you rent the movie before I read the synopsis; I learned my lesson from that time we watched 'Titanic' at Archie's with Kevin. I still can't believe you guys didn't tell me it was a romance and let me think it was a historical fiction documentary-style film before we watched it!" Betty laughed a little at the memory, and she recalled the way Jughead had pulled his beanie so far down on his head it covered his eyes every time there was a sappy scene.
"Alright, alright! I get it: no romantic movies" she said as she raised her hands in surrender, causing Jughead nodded in approval. After a couple minutes of debating about movies, Betty said "okay, how about for the next few minutes we take turns naming movies until we agree on one. The only rule is we have to have it picked out by the time the pizza gets here."
"Agreed. But no rom-coms."
"Only if you don't pick something really old, like 'Gaslight' or something else from so long ago that the graphics are bad."
"Fine, but 'Gaslight" is a great movie. You go first."
"Ok, what about 'Rear Window,' also known as the best Hitchcock movie in existence."
Jughead nodded, then said "I literally just watched that a couple weeks ago. What about 'Star Trek?' I know you think Captain Kirk is funny, so don't even pretend you hate that movie."
"I can't watch a space movie right now, Jug. No explosions, please!" Betty yawned as she curled up at the end of the couch and wrapped herself in a blanket. It was clear she was starting to get tired, even though it wasn't that late. Her eyes darted around the room as she thought about what movie she could suggest, but Jughead was getting a little impatient and decided to keep listing movies while Betty thought.
"Christopher Nolan films are good, what about 'Inception'  or something else with magic, like 'Now You See Me?' Oh or  'Star Wars'--which is very different from 'Star Trek'--or something animated, like 'Big Hero 6.' Throwbacks are always good, too! There's 'Back to the Future,' 'Ferris Bueller's Da--'"
"That one!" Betty interrupted, smiling. "I love that movie; it's so funny," she lowered her voice before continuing "and given how we spent the day, I think it's kind of fitting." She turned on the T.V. while Jughead got up to look through a small box of cCDs the Coopers kept in the living room in search of the movie they had agreed upon.
"Found it!" he exclaimed, holding up the disk case, triumphantly, and at the same time, the doorbell rang.
"That should be the pizza, I got it!" Betty said, springing up from her place on the couch. She opened the door to pay the guy who had delivered their pizza, having completely forgotten she was in her pjs. "Thank you," she said, closing the door.
"Anytime," the guy responded just before she shut the door. "Just make sure that whenever you're ordering pizza next, you wear the exact same thing," he said, winking, before he turned around and walked back to the delivery car. Betty glanced down at her pjs and her face flushed red in both anger and embarrassment.
She whipped around to face Jughead, screaming "did he really just say that to me?" as Jughead took the four boxes of pizza from her.
"I think he did," Jughead said. disgust visible on his face.
"Why is it that guys think they can just hit on me wherever and whenever they want? I'm not even wearing anything fancy; I'm in a sweatshirt and--oh," Betty said, glancing down, realizing she wasn't wearing a bra. She fell silent and crossed her arms in frustration.
"Ignore him, Betty. He was being a jerk," Jughead said, beckoning for her to grab some pizza and come sit on the couch next to him. "Wanna talk for a little bit before we start the movie?" Jughead asked as she sat down, sensing Betty's happy mood. She nodded and took a bite out of the slice of cheese pizza she had grabbed from the box Jughead hadn't even bothered to bring to the kitchen; he just held it in his lap for fast, easy access to the cheesy slices of goodness inside.
A few seconds later, Betty sighed and turned to Jughead. "Jug, why is it that people always seem to want to hook up, but no one ever wants romance?" Jughead's eyes widened at the question; he did not know how to respond. "I mean, is my personality so bad that people are fine with the idea of fooling around but they don't want to commit to being in a relationship with me?" Betty continued, her voice cracking when she said relationship. She was doing her best not to cry; she knew it made Jughead uncomfortable, but when Jughead said her name softly, she turned to him and couldn't keep the tears at bay any longer.
"Betty, I'm sure that's not it. It's just that guys are jerks. And, well, I guess I wouldn't really know, but everyone else our age craves a strong connection to others. It can be emotional or physical, and whereas emotional connection takes time and work, physical connection, just..doesn't."  Betty nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Why don't you, Jug? I mean, it's just that I never see you go for anyone, even though you totally could." Jughead sucked in a nervous breath at this; he was not ready to have this conversation.
"Betty, I--" he was interrupted by the feeling of Betty's lips crashing down on his, and he went stiff for a second before he recoiled in confusion and discomfort.
Betty backed away, and her face was unreadable, but her eyes seemed sad. Nodding, she said "I'm sorry Jug, I'm such a mess right now. It's just that's not the first time I've been rudely hit on and with school being stressful, all this talk about Polly coming home, and my parents always arguing that was just the last straw. I kind of just..snapped. I'm really sorry, I think it's best if you go home. If you don't want to be my friend anymore, I get it; I know we're just friends and don't have a relationship like that." Jughead had been ready to leave as soon as Betty kissed him, and he had already slipped on his shoes, stood up, and grabbed a box of pizza to take with him. But hearing Betty's words made him turn around and look at her sobbing form curled up on the end of the couch. With a heavy sigh, he turned around and set the pizza box down, slipping off his shoes in the process. He saw how upset Betty was, and he couldn't just leave when she was in such a distressed state--she was his friend, and even though it might be awkward--he couldn't just abandon her.
Betty felt the cushions sink on the other end of the couch as another person sat down, and she looked up, surprised to see Jughead hadn't left. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air, and Jughead couldn't take it anymore, so he decided now was the time to talk to Betty about something he hadn't told anyone else yet. He had to do it now, before he chickened out.
"I still want to be your friend, but you can't just...kiss me. I don't won't--no, I can't do that. And it's not because of you; it's like that with everyone. I just don't feel attraction, romantic or sexual, towards anyone. And the idea of being, uh, intimate with someone makes me feel uncomfortable. It's not even because of how people look, so I'm saying it has to do with that. I just...can't" Jughead said, talking faster as he went on. He fidgeted with his hands the whole time, and only when he was done did he look up at Betty, much like she had looked to him earlier, only now he was the one with fear in their eyes.
"Jughead, I need to ask you something, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Are you asexual?" Jughead's eyes locked with Betty's as the words left her mouth, and he nodded slowly. He looked away, but she grabbed his attention when she said "Jug, look at me." Smiling she said, "there is nothing wrong with that--at all. I'm really sorry i kissed you; I don't even know where that came from. It just seemed like what is supposed to happen in that situation, you know? I mean, on T.V. and in movies people always kiss in situations like that, and our friends seem to do it all the time, and I don't know...I just thought I was supposed to."
"Did you not actually want to?" Jughead asked quietly, and Betty shook her head in response.
"No, not really. I don't hate the idea of kissing, and it's not that bad, but I don't really enjoy it either. It is kind of just a way to pass the time, I guess. Although, I would never be able to make out with someone--much less go any further--if I didn't know them really well and trust them completely. It just seems kind of wrong to be so intimate and personal with someone you don't have an established friendship or relationship with."
"Wait a second, I'm confused. Are you asexual, too?"
"To be honest, I don't know. It's like I kind of am, but not completely. I don't even know if that makes sense" Betty whispered uncertainly.
"It makes sense. I don't get it, but it's not crazy. You know, I bet there is a word for that or something; I didn't recognize half the words in the documents Kevin sent me. Wanna take a look?" Betty nodded.
About twenty minutes later, Betty and Jughead were sitting on the floor, surrounded by piles of paper Betty had used to print out the documents Kevin sent Jughead the night before, and both of them were starting to become bored with looking over page after page of definitions and history. Betty was just about to call it quits when Jughead jumped up and said "I think I've got it!" Betty looked up at him as his eyes scanned the page before he started to read.
"So the word I found is 'demisexual' and the definition says a demisexual person is someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. Does that sound about right?" he asked, looking down in anticipation.
"Let me see that," Betty said, taking the paper from his hands. She scanned it, and she seemed to relax as she read. Looking up at Jughead she nodded and said "that sounds accurate to me."
"I guess in my sleep-deprived state, I forgot some things from my research last night, one of those things being that asexuality is a spectrum," Jughead scratched the back of his neck and blushed.  
Betty smiled and stood up. "Thanks for staying, Jughead. I really needed a friend to talk to, and even though we didn't end up watching a movie and there was a moment I think we would both prefer not to talk about, I had a good time."
"Me too. But let's make an agreement real quick to never mention the 'incident,' as we will now refer to it, around our friends.
"Ok, I should probably get going, but I'll see you tomorrow at the Wyrm" Jughead said, opening the door, only for his phone to ring.
"Hello?" he asked, picking it up without looking at the contact name.
"Jug, where are you?"
"Dad?" I'm at Betty's, but I'm about to drive home."
"No, do not do that! Ask Betty if you can stay at her house or go over to Archie's tonight!" Jughead distanced the phone from his ear due to the volume of FP's shouting. "There is some stuff going on tonight, and there are Ghoulies everywhere. No one knew they were doing drug runs tonight, but they are and it seems like they are dropping off at the Northside."
"What! Is everything ok?"
"Yes, just wait until tomorrow to go out, ok?""Alright, bye Dad. Be careful."
Jughead hung up and turned back to Betty, who was standing there with her arms crossed, having just heard the entire conversation.
"So, how about we watch that movie anyway?" Betty asked, a playful smirk on her face.
"Sounds good to me, but if I'm stating here tonight, you might want to plan on making an extra trip to the grocery store this week."
"Of course," Betty replied, laughing. "I'd expect nothing less from you, Jughead."
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years ago
Life Unexpected: Chapt. 9
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Summary: Mary Margaret and Emma talk about their shared expierences. A familiar face returns to town. David is forced to confront his true feelings.
Also on AO3
Emma didn’t move as she watched David comfort Mary Margaret. She had almost not shown up to the office to begin with, but with him calling she knew that he obviously wasn’t upset with her. She had almost gone to Lily’s, but decided halfway through that she didn’t want Mary Margaret to be able to find her. She wandered around, not sure where she could go. Back in Boston, there were plenty of places. Storybrooke was so small, it’d be easy to find her. She might as well go to David’s office.
 A part of her wished she hadn’t. She wasn’t good when people got upset, she wasn’t very great when it came to emotions period. She wasn’t sure how to feel when it came to Mary Margaret going through what she had. A part of her wanted to track her biological grandfather down, another part of her continued to remain frozen in place.
 Luckily, she didn’t have much time to think. David gestured for her to stay put and for some reason, she felt obligated to listen. She watched as he continued to comfort Mary Margaret through her breakdown. Eventually, Mary Margaret pulled away and wiped her face, clearly trying to calm down. Her eyes drifted to the doorway and she saw Emma standing there. David helped her up and he walked over to Emma, squeezing her shoulder.
 “We’re not mad at you,” he said.
“I am just…I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that.”
Emma saw the look in his eyes, he seemed so heartbroken. No one had ever gotten that upset on her account. “It’s okay,” she whispered.
“No, it’s not.”
“Well…you’re right. I just…I don’t know what else to say.”
“I know you’ve been through a lot and if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here.”
Emma nodded, forcing a small smile on her face. “Yeah. Thanks, David.”
“Anytime.” He looked back at Mary Margaret, before focusing on Emma again. “I don’t want to leave you right now, but I think that you and your mom need to talk.”
“You’re probably right.”
“I’m gonna go grab us all something to eat from the cafeteria.”
 David shut the door behind him and Emma walked further into the office. Mary Margaret had a look on her face that Emma had only seen in the mirror before. It was one of heartbreak and overall feeling like falling apart. She settled into one of the chairs in front of David’s desk and Mary Margaret sat beside her.
 “I’m sorry I didn’t come talk to you first,” Mary Margaret said, speaking first. “I was just so surprised and I didn’t understand why you didn’t tell me…not until now.”
“You could’ve come to me.”
“I know, I know. It’s just…”
“You don’t trust me.”
Mary Margaret bit her lip. “I wouldn’t say that. You haven’t done anything to make me not trust you, it’s just that we barely know each other.”
“I get that.” Emma let out a deep breath. “Astrid’s working really hard to get this stripped from my record and expunged all together, I just hate talking about it.”
“Well that, I definitely understand.”
“Your dad…”
Mary Margaret nodded. “Not many people know. Regina was the only one until today.”
“I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“And I’m sorry that it happened to you.” Mary Margaret took her hand. “I never wanted this for you. I did my research, I found you the best family that I possibly could.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I swore I would never let a child go through what I did…”
“Mary Margaret.” Finally, her biological mother looked her in the eyes. “There was nothing that you could’ve done. Even if the Swans had raised me, there was no preventing it. The only person that could was Bill.”
Mary Margaret chuckled, in spite of the fresh tears that were falling down her face. “You really are so mature.” She moved her hand from within Emma’s and touched her cheek. “You know, Ruby’s fiancé is a psychologist. I know it can be hard to talk about, but he can help you.”
“I had some counseling after I got with Astrid, but I only got so many sessions with my insurance through foster care.”
“Well, something tells me that David has a lot better coverage.”
Emma smiled a bit, this time it was genuine. “I guess it couldn’t hurt. Maybe you could go too.” Mary Margaret paused, clearly unsure. “The few sessions I had really helped, maybe it could help you.”
“I’ll think about it, alright?”
Emma nodded. “Of course.”
 Mary Margaret sighed, rubbing her own face to get rid of the tears. It was now red and her mascara had run, but Emma wasn’t about to tell her that. It was the first time she looked imperfect and maybe it was weird, but she liked it.
 There was a knock on the door, causing both of them to look up. David stood there, balancing two trays. Mary Margaret hopped up to help him, grabbing the second one. The two distributed the food and Emma watched them closely. This was the first she had really seen them get along for more than a few seconds. They were smiling at one another and David seemed to be sitting as close to Mary Margaret as possible. They clearly weren’t as over each other as they thought they were.
Over the next few weeks, Emma and Mary Margaret both started seeing Archie. Mary Margaret didn’t hear much about Emma’s sessions, but they were clearly helping her more than she expected. As for Mary Margaret herself, it was weird to tell her story to Archie, but he was giving her healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with the nightmares.
 When she told her former step-mother, Regina was really proud of her and admitted that she had seen Archie for a bit after Daniel died. It had caused her to have a breakdown and she got help for everything, from losing the love of her life to the first marriage that she had been thrust into, and the abuse she had suffered. Regina said that if not for therapy, she wasn’t sure if she would’ve been able to open her heart to Robin. Mary Margaret wasn’t sure if she’d ever let her heart open like that, she had once and it had only given her nothing but pain.
 As Thanksgiving came and went, Emma seemed to be getting a bit more comfortable around both Mary Margaret and David. She definitely wasn’t close to calling them mom and dad, but she had stopped referring to them as her biological parents. She was opening up a bit more, sharing bits of her childhood that she hadn’t previously. It wasn’t ever any of the bad, but Mary Margaret enjoyed knowing that Emma’s favorite T.V show had been Arthur and that when she was 8, she had been Peter Pan for Halloween.
 One night, the two of them were headed to Granny’s for dinner. It was getting colder, the Maine air blowing on both of them. Emma clung her coat tighter to her body and adjusted her beanie. Mary Margaret linked her arm through her daughter’s, and Emma didn’t pull away, instead smiling up at her.
 Before they could walk inside the diner, there was an even bigger gust of wind and a sound of a motorcycle behind them. Emma turned around first, a huge smile forming on her face as the person removed their helmet.
August grinned, parking officially and climbing off, giving her a hug. “Hey, Em.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I sort of got a job in town.”
Emma raised an eyebrow. “You’re a mechanic. I didn’t think that kind of work had job transfers.”
August rolled his eyes. “The shop I was working at went under. I started looking for other jobs and found one here in town. I figured why not.”
 Mary Margaret could see how happy this news made Emma. She and August talked on the phone as often as possible, texting and e-mailing as well. Still, she knew it was hard for the two to be so far apart. They were the closest each other had to siblings.
 “Do you have a place to stay?” Mary Margaret asked.
August nodded. “I’m actually staying in your building, first floor.”
Emma’s eyes brightened at that news. “We’re going to be neighbors?” When August nodded, she hugged him tightly once again, making him laugh.
Mary Margaret smiled. “Well, this calls for a celebration. You want to join us for dinner, August?”
“I don’t want to intrude,”
“Of course you’re not, come on. You can tell us all about your travels on that death trap.”
Emma rolled her eyes as they walked inside. “I’m guessing that means you’re not going to let me on it?”
“We’ll talk about it with David.”
“Great, that’s a definite no.”
 Mary Margaret smiled, knowing she was probably right. The diner wasn’t too busy, which meant they were able to pick their table. Mary Margaret settled on their usual one in Ruby’s section. Emma slid in next to August, showing him the menu and telling him all her favorites. It warmed Mary Margaret’s heart to see that in just over a month, she clearly considered this one of her favorite places.
 Ruby walked over to the table, a smile on her face. “Hey guys.” She noticed August sitting beside Emma and raised an eyebrow. “Boyfriend?”
Emma made a face. “Ugh, gross.”
August pretended to look offended. “Gee thanks, Em, glad to know I’m out of your league.” He chuckled and held out his hand to Ruby. “August. August Booth. I was Emma’s foster brother.”
 Ruby’s face grew pale as she slowly shook hands with August. He and Emma didn’t notice it, but Mary Margaret saw that her friend was looking like he had just seen a ghost. Ruby shook it off, though she clearly wasn’t her usual self as she took drink orders. Before Mary Margaret could ask what was wrong, Ruby made a beeline to the back. Mary Margaret excused herself, not that Emma or August could hear her over exchanging inside jokes and talking about an old foster parent.
 Mary Margaret made her way to the back of the diner, hiding behind a wall as she listened to Ruby on the phone, clearly sounding upset.
 “I’m telling you, it’s him!” She let out an irritated sigh. “I know it could be a popular name, but I know it…listen, Archie, just come down here and see for yourself!” There was a pause. “Thank you.”
 Ruby hung up the phone and leaned against the wall, burying her head in her hands. It took Mary Margaret a minute to realize that her best friend was crying. She walked closer to her, putting a hand on her arm. Ruby jolted, her head snapping up.
 “Mary Margaret…I…I’m gonna get your drinks.”
“That’s the least of my concerns,” Mary Margaret said. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Ruby sniffled. “I’m fine.”
“Ruby.” Mary Margaret gave her a look.
Ruby sighed, running her fingers through her long, dark hair. “There’s something I never told you, I thought you might hate me.”
“There’s nothing you could do to make me hate you, you’re my best friend.”
Ruby sniffled again. “Remember when I lived in Boston? With my mom?”
“Yeah, it’s where you met Archie.”
“Exactly, well…I got pregnant…and we tried, we really did.”
Mary Margaret frowned. This was Ruby’s big secret? She became a mom at 16? Did she really think she would judge, given her own situation? “Okay.”
“But it was just too much. Archie had a mentor at the time, Marco. We gave the baby to him and I moved back to Storybrooke.”
“I’m still lost at to what is making you so upset.” Mary Margaret put a hand each on Ruby’s arms. “Tell me, Rubes.”
“The baby’s name was August,” she whispered. “And his adoptive last name would’ve been Booth.”
Mary Margaret’s eyes widened and she glanced back at the table, where Emma and August were sat before looking back at Ruby. “You mean…”
“How much do you know about him?”
 Mary Margaret paused, trying to gather all of the information that David had told her after he confronted August back when Emma first came to town.
 “They were foster siblings, August was in the first home Emma was in after her adoption fell through. I guess it was his first foster home too. His adoptive father died…” Mary Margaret stopped, swallowing a bit. “And from what I remember David telling me, he talked about his biological parents abandoning him with an older man.”
 Ruby’s head dropped back to her hands and she let out a sob. Mary Margaret pulled her into her arms, rubbing her back soothingly. She had been in Ruby’s position over a month ago, but at least Emma knew who she was. August sat there, no idea that the woman who gave him up was in the very same building.
David sat in his home office, trying to do some research for this case. He had made the mistake of putting it off the night before when Alice came over with her girlfriend. Emma had been with him as well and he wanted to make the most of the situation, trying to avoid an incident like last time. Luckily, Emma and Alice had gotten along and there was no outright jealousy there. The night ended with hugs, not picture frames breaking. It also meant that he would most likely be pulling an all nightery with this case.
 “Dave.” David looked up and found Killian standing in the doorway. “Your mom’s in the living room.”
 For a split second, David almost told him to cut the bull. His mom hadn’t spoken to him on her own accord since she found out about him keeping Emma a secret. She saw him, but that was mainly so she could see her granddaughter. The rest of his siblings and step-mom would talk to him, but Ruth was clearly still hurt. David didn’t blame her, but it had lead to some awkward moments. Since Emma had spent Thanksgiving with Mary Margaret, Regina and the rest of their family, he had opted out of going to his mom’s. He spent the day with Killian and Alice, not wanting to deal with the awkwardness. James said that it had been the wrong move, but for once he wasn’t the black sheep of the family, what did he know? David loved his mom, but was going to give her space. There was only so much rejection he could take.
 However, Killian looked pretty sincere. David shut his laptop and walked into the living room. Low and behold, his mother was there. David cleared his throat and she looked up from the picture of Emma that he had hung up a week prior.
 “Mom,” he said. “What are you doing here?”
Ruth stepped forward. “You didn’t come to Thanksgiving.”
“I didn’t think you’d want me there.”
“That’s ridiculous, David Robert.” He cringed at the use of his middle name, he hated that he was named after his father. “Of course I wanted you there.”
“Well, you haven’t been acting like it.”
“I’ve been upset with you.”
“I understand. I just didn’t want to deal with the awkwardness.”
Ruth sighed, gnawing on her bottom lip. “I love being a grandmother, you know? I have always loved Gideon, even if he’s not my blood.”
“I know that.”
“I would’ve been so supportive of Mary Margaret and Emma.”
“I know.”
Ruth tilted her head. “I thought you didn’t want to disappoint me.”
“That was also true, but I also knew you. You loved babies, more importantly, you loved family. It’s so important to you. I knew you’d insist on helping Mary Margaret with the baby, even though there wasn’t much you could do.”
“I would’ve watched the baby so the two of you could go to school and work.”
“At the time…I didn’t want that.”
“That’s not how I raised you.”
“I know!” David watched as her eyes grew big at his explosion. He ran his hand over his face. “My thoughts were the exact opposite of how you raised both me and James. I was being a selfish, coward. I was too scared to own up to my child and be the father they deserved. I couldn’t admit that to you, not with how perfect you thought I was.”
“I heard it my entire life, Mom. You thought I was this perfect kid who could do no wrong. And a part of me got it, because of all the trouble James got in. Still, though. You went on and on about how I was the good kid. I never gave you any trouble. You were so damn proud of me and the thought of you hating me…” He trailed off, willing himself not to cry. “I couldn’t live with that.”
Ruth stepped closer to him, reaching up to touch his face. He hated that she could make him feel things he hated. “I never would’ve hated you, David. I still don’t hate you. You’re my son, I love you so much.” David nodded, feeling a tear fall down his face. “I know I put a lot on you, but I also know that you’re human. You made a mistake, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. You’re not your father.”
 David let out a shaky breath and Ruth pulled him into her arms. He hugged her tight, allowing a few more tears to fall.
 “I wanted to tell you,” he whispered. “When I was older, when I realized the mistake I made. I just didn’t know how.”
“I understand.”
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’m really sorry.”
“I know, Davey. I know.” She pulled away, tilting up his chin. “And I forgive you. The question is, have you forgiven yourself?”
 David looked down into her kind eyes, biting down on his lip. He wasn’t sure if he had the answer to that.
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choosingmylife · 7 years ago
New Addition (Maxwell x MC)
A Maxwell and MC fic. I haven’t written for Maxy boy in a while so...this’ll be fun.
I usually don’t put a plot for One Shots because I like the suspense and the surprise of it for you guys so...Enjoy lovely people!
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“Uh oh! I think I hear the....” Maxwell draws out the last word, hand raised with fingers spread out above a wriggling body on the bed.
“NO!” the little girl yells through her giggles, but Maxwell only nods, a grin splitting his cheeks.
“TICKLE MONSTER!” he screams, his large hand falling and covering the girl’s tummy with his fingers tickling her sides. 
The little girl shrieks, laughing and screaming, and takes in gulps of air whenever she has the chance. Maxwell pulls his hand back up to give her a break, but not for long. He glances at her bare feet, an look she doesn’t notice as she finishes off a round of laughter.
“I think the Tickle Monster is hungry for...feet!” he shouts, hand now going to that part of her body. She can’t even yell out for him to stop in time, falling into yet another bought of insane giggling and screaming laughter.
A toddler crying in the next room brings Maxwell and the little girl to a stop. They look at each other with wide eyes. The little girl’s mouth forms an “O” shape and Maxwell puts a finger against his lips. They stay quiet for a moment, hoping the crying will stop. When it seems like it does, Maxwell lets out a breath of air.
“Whew, that was close!” he exclaims, a bit too loudly, and the crying starts up again.
“Maxwell!” he hears his wife yell as she walks down the hallway, toward the upset baby. He grimaces at the sharp tone of her voice and the little girl laughs at him.
“Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” he asks, hand raising once more. She shakes her head wildly, eyes even bigger than before. “I guess I should really give you something to laugh about,” he says, as he dives down to tickle her again, receiving more giggles in response.
A throat clearing in the doorway forces him to stop and look up, sheepishly. His wife is standing there, a red faced toddler rubbing his still tired eyes resting on her hip, with a brow raised at him. He swallows and looks to his daughter for help, who avoids his pleading gaze.
Looking back towards Daisy, he tries to explain. “We were just-”
“Just waking up your son who’d finally fallen asleep after being up since 3 a.m.?” she finishes for him, halfheartedly glaring at her husband.
Maxwell rubs the back of his head, “It wasn’t on purpose,” he mumbles.
She sighs, “It never is, Max,” she tells him and steps into the room, walking over to him. “Here, since he’s up and you’re the one that did it, you can watch him.” 
Maxwell reaches out to take his son and then points at his daughter, still avoiding him. “She woke him up, too!” he exclaims and Daisy rolls her eyes.
“She’s also only 4 and a half. And I need her for something anyway,” she replies, giving their daughter a wink. Maxwell’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion at the action.
“What do you need her for?” he asks and Daisy shrugs.
“Nothing important. But we do need to get out of here soon, so,” she claps her hands, “Go get your shoes on, peanut. I’ll meet you downstairs in just a minute and we can go. Okay?”
“Okay!” their daughter replies and starts wiggling to get off of the bed. Daisy reaches out and helps her, grabbing the top parts of her arms as she slides to the ground. When her feet touch the hardwood, Daisy lightly taps her bottom and she runs out of the room, nearly hitting the door frame as she passes it.
Daisy shakes her head and turns back to her husband, who’s blowing raspberries back and forth with their son. 
“Okay, so, we have to go into town for a little while, but we shouldn’t be long. Archie, here,” she taps the toddler’s nose and he laughs at her, “needs a snack and a bath.” She scrunches her nose at him and he reaches out to touch it, a thing they’ve done since he was old enough to realize those things at the ends of his arms could do stuff. She grabs his hand before he makes contact and kisses it.
“Snack and bath. Alright,” Maxwell says, smiling affectionately at the interaction between mother and son.
Daisy looks at him, releasing their son’s hand and pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “And there’s a load of laundry that needs to get done because it has some clothes in there that I want both of them to wear tomorrow.”
“What’s tomorrow? And don’t we have people to do our laundry already?” he asks.
She shrugs before answering, “We do, but I don’t want our kids to get used to people just doing things for them all of the time. They need to learn to fend for themselves and they will learn that by watching mommy and daddy do it,” she looks at their son, “Isn’t that right, Archie baby?” The toddler nods at her question, making his parents laugh.
“And there’s a birthday party tomorrow for one of the noble’s kids that I apparently RSVP’d to and don’t remember doing,” she adds, a moment later.
“Oh, right. Okay. Yeah, I’ll get the laundry done. Anything else?” he asks and she bites her bottom lip as she thinks.
“No, I think that’s about it. By the time you get Archie taken care of and the laundry done, Charlotte and I should be back,” she finally responds and Maxwell tries not to sigh in relief, although it’s clear in his eyes.
She smirks at him before leaning forward and kissing their son on the forehead. “Be good for daddy while I’m gone, okay? Put your food in your belly, not everywhere else. And rubber duckies go in the bath, not daddy’s phone. You got it?”
“Got it, mama!” he chimes and she ruffles the hair on top of his head.
Turning to Maxwell, she pokes a finger into his chest, “And no using regular dish washing soap in the washing machine. We have perfectly good detergent in there that you can use. I can’t clean up another mess like that again,” she tells him.
“That was one time! And you know those bottles look very similar in color,” he defends himself.
“There’s like a 2 gallon difference!”
Maxwell lifts up one shoulder, “In hindsight, I can see how that would be a good indicator that it wasn’t detergent.”
Daisy rolls her eyes and then kisses her husband, who uses his free arm to wrap around her waist and pull her closer to him. His hand rests on her lower back and, even though their son’s foot is wedged between them, it doesn’t stop him from deepening the kiss. When they finally pull away, because of their son shoving a hand in their faces, both of them are breathless.
“Come home, soon, okay?” Maxwell says, moving his hand to lightly cup her cheek.
She nods and he kisses her forehead before letting her go. She walks to the door, turning to wave at them, before going out and down the hallway. He hears her feet on the stairs and her voice as she talks to their daughter, too low to understand what is being said. Once he hears the front door shut, he looks at his son in his arms.
“Guess we’ve got a lot to do before mommy comes back. Let’s get started, champ,” he says, as he makes his way to the kitchen to find something for his son to eat.
A few hours later, Maxwell is lounging across a couch in the living room with a half asleep toddler lying on his chest. Some t.v. show is playing, but Maxwell isn’t entirely invested in it. His attention is on the little boy on top of him and the story he was asked to tell.
“And then, as the mean trolls attacked the party, the beautiful princess managed to escape. The jester found her the next morning, and he was so relieved. He’d spent the whole night scared that he would never see her again or hear her laughter as he made a fool of himself just for her. He was worried that she’d never know how much he cared about her. So, when he got the chance, he told her all about his fear for her and the love he had only, and all, for her. He proposed to her, right there on the forest floor and, to his great surprise, she said yes! He was the happiest he had every been and, even though it wasn’t always easy, the beautiful princess and the foolish jester lived happily ever after. The end.”
Maxwell sits still for a moment after finishing the story, wondering if the toddler really has gone to sleep. A quick, and careful, glance shows the boy’s eyes are closed and his breathing has evened out. Smiling to himself, he tries to turn his attention to the t.v., but the front door creaking open and a crashing sound following immediately after makes it impossible.
It also wakes the toddler on his chest, making him jerk and nearly head-butt his father in the chin, and Maxwell fights the frustrated groan in his throat. Tilting his head towards the noise, he hears a “shhh!” sound, followed by some whispering that he cann’t quite make out.
“Daisy?” he calls out, patting his son’s back in a weak attempt at getting him to go back to sleep.
More whispering and then small feet come pattering into the room. His daughter stops just in front of him and he raises his brows in a questioning look.
“Everything okay out there?” he asks her, and she nods.
“Is mommy okay?” Another nod.
“Does she need any help?” This time, she quickly shakes her head. 
Hm. “What was that noise earlier?’ he questions, shifting to a sitting position when it becomes apparent that his son was not going back to sleep any time soon.
“It was nothing! Mommy just knocked down a vase,” she answers, but the sharp way she says it makes him suspicious.
“A vase, huh? Maybe I should go help her then...” he goes to set the toddler onto the ground when his daughter hurries to him. 
“No! You can’t go!” she yells and Maxwell tries not to smile.
“If she knocked down a vase then there’s glass everywhere and she could hurt herself. I need to go help her,” he tells her.
His daughter shakes her head, “It wasn’t a vase, daddy! It was a...uh...a....”
He waits for her to come up with a response, but she only opens and closes her mouth a few times before giving up. He stands up, taking his son with him and starts heading in the direction of the crashing sound. His daughter runs after him, attaching herself to his leg and going limp just as he reaches the entrance of the hallway.
“No, daddy, you can’t go yet! You have to stay here,” she whines and he pauses in the doorway. He looks down at her and chuckles.
“I know you’re tough little peanut, but you can’t stop me. Maybe I need to call the Tickle Monster to help me get you off my leg,” he threatens, raising his hand up and her eyes widen in both amusement and fear.
“Not the Tickle Monster! I’ll let go, daddy! Don’t call him,” she begs, hands falling from around his leg.
“Monster!” his son yells, clapping his hands before using them to reach for his sister.
Maxwell laughs at him, “Not this time, bud. Looks like sissy gets a free pass for now,” he says, before he continues walking to the source of the sound.
He makes it to the door and, finding no evidence of anything having happened, he starts to search elsewhere. His daughter trails behind him, an apprehensive look on her face and a finger in her mouth.
After looking in a few rooms and coming up empty, he walks into the kitchen. He first notices the balloons floating throughout the room, blue and pink ones with a few pale yellows mixed in. His eyes then find his wife, standing at a counter with an open pink box in front of her and a tube of white icing in her hand. Her back is to them and he motions to his children to stay quiet. By some miracle, they do, and he inches his way in until he is right behind her.
“You can’t possibly think that I can’t recognize when someone is trying to stall for time,” he says, suddenly, and Daisy shrieks, quickly turning around. A hand comes up to her chest and she closes her eyes.
“Jeez, Maxwell, you scared me!” she says and then opens her eyes. “I thought you were busy,” she continues, giving a pointed look to their daughter.
“Monster!” their son pipes up and Daisy rolls her eyes.
“The Tickle Monster? You used the Tickle Monster to bypass our daughter?” she questions, turning her attention to her husband.
“I used whatever I had at my advantage to see what you two are hiding and I am not ashamed of it,” he tells her, leaning up to try to get a glimpse of the contents of the box before she places a hand over his eyes.
“It’s a surprise! You can’t see it yet, especially since we had a little accident and it’s currently one gigantic mess. I’m trying to fix it,” she replies and he pulls away from her hand.
“In case you don’t know, I’m one gigantic mess a majority of the time. Me and whatever you’ve got behind you are two peas in a pod, I promise. Just show me,” he reasons and she sighs. 
“Okay, but it’s not that pretty,” she warns, turning her body to the side. He frowns as he steps past her, finally seeing what she had been trying to keep from him.
Inside the box was a layered sheet cake, with white icing covering it. In one corner of the cake was a baby stroller and diaper bag and another corner had a rattle and bottle, all made out of fondue. He can see where it has crumbled in places and been patched with thick globs of icing in others. None of that was what really drew his attention, however. It was the sonogram picture in the middle of the cake, a teeny tiny speck visible in the image with a box around the dot and the word “BABY!” typed out beside it. 
Maxwell takes a moment to process what he was seeing before turning to look at his wife. She’d put her the tip of her thumb in her mouth, faintly smiling, as she looked at him, worriedly.
“Is this for real?” he asks and she nods.
He looks down at her belly and back up to her eyes, “You’re pregnant?” She nods again.
“And it’s mine?” he asks and she hits his arm. “Ow! I was just kidding!” he says and she crosses her arms.
“You’re really pregnant?” he questions, one more time, just to be sure. 
Daisy rolls her eyes, “Yes, Maxwell. I’m really pregnant,” she confirms and he grins. He wraps his free arm around her and pulls her to him, squeezing her tight.
“We’re having another baby!” he yells and Daisy laughs. Their daughter, not one to be left out, joins in on the hug.
When they finally pull away from each other, Maxwell remembers something, “What was that crash from earlier?’ he asks and Daisy sighs.
“It was just this cute coffee cup that said ‘Dad x3′ but it fell out of the bag. I was going to give that to you first, watch you be confused, and then show you the cake. Didn’t work out though,” she answers and Maxwell looks around at all of them.
“I don’t know, I think things have worked out pretty well for us,” he tells her and she smiles at him, putting her arms around him and tucking into his side.
“Monster! Monster! Monster!” their son yells and his parents and sister laugh at him.
“Oh, you want the Tickle Monster?” Maxwell asks, lifting up a hand.
“Yes! Yes! Monster!” 
“Okay, but I think the Tickle Monster is hungry for....mommy!” Maxwell shouts, tickling Daisy and making her yelp in laughter and surprise. She retaliates by tickling Maxwell and their son, only to get tickled on her leg by their daughter. Soon, the kitchen is full of laughter and screams of mercy from all of the Tickle Monsters.
To some, it could be too chaotic, too loud, too much. But for Maxwell and Daisy, it was perfect and they couldn’t wait to add another one to their crazy fun life.
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rainystripe · 7 years ago
{one-shot (?)} ROLL DEEP
pairing: Jughead Jones/Betty Cooper fandom: Riverdale 6773 words Summary/excerpt: “Merry Christmas, jo—y” he mutters to himself after securing a large bite of brownie in his mouth. It’s dark in his room during Christmas, but the darkness fades away as his phone lights up with 5 back to back messages from Betty. It doesn’t take much guessing to wonder what she’s sent.
A greeting of course, and a million colorful emoji.
Merry Christmas
Jughead Jones + Netflix and Chill= Betty Cooper?
Okay, idk where to start LOL. This is inspired by my own dumb text posts and @sweaters-and-crowns inspired me to write this out. I wrote this shit in an entire sitting until my phone was about to die. ANYWAY, a huge, HUGE thank you to @theatreofexpression, @electromagnetic-waves and @rezfaultsmoke for helping me out with this! Honestly, cannot express my gratitude enough <3
I have the option for a possible follow up chapter just in case I go along with it. But lemme know if one of you is interested in collaborating with the second one?!
lastly, Happy Holidays to everyone reading this.
Being alone wasn’t all that bad. Jughead Jones knew that perfectly well. And it’s not that he’s entirely lonely, he has friends and family.
A very spotty family at that, but there’s always a family there for him. And as of late, his choice of family isn’t one by blood in fact, his best friend and his dad are always there for him. Archie and Fred Andrews are always on call for whenever he needs anything. It’s not that Jughead is some type of beggar, because he isn’t, but when he finds that he needs the comforting warmth of familiar faces, good greasy food, and overall good times, the Andrews men are always a good choice.
It’s December 13th in late 2015 when Archie texts Jughead the password to the Netflix account that had recently Fred opened up. The red haired teen has done nothing but gush about how ‘epic’ and ‘fucking awesome’ the application was and at first Jughead doesn’t understand the hype. He’s heard of it, yeah— who hasn’t? The ads are everywhere and so are the stupid memes. Jughead also didn’t understand why he would  need an online theater since there was a perfectly working on through the Bijou and the Twilight. The later of while held glorious tin encased reels from years past. Nothing could compare to the original format of film, but alas, Jughead was born in a different era: the Digital Age.
“Netflix and Chill”
Just hearing Archie talk about the popular term makes the blue eyed teen grimace as he stuffs a chip into his mouth. Archie has been on a quest to ‘get some girls’ and as far as Jughead knew, no one was biting. He does however, know what the entirety of the football team have been ‘getting some fine ass pussy’ (according to Chuck Clayton) as of late, and the not-subtle locker confessions are always accompanied by the Netflix and Chill combo. He doesn’t quite get what the fuss is all about nor does he care. But one thing is for sure, and that is that Jughead Jones doesn’t want to “chill” with a girl while he could be watching a movie on his own.
Unless that girl was blonde, green eyed and super into movies as he was. Elizabeth Cooper was the only girl that he'd hang out with and that was law. No one else could sit with him through a movie, not even his kid sister Jellybean, as she’d talk through the entire selection of his choice and whine about his top choice films for being ‘boring’. Archie was something else, maybe he’d reconsider the ginger if he’d stop falling asleep during Inglourious Basterds. So, Betty was the perfect candidate for watching a movie or t.v series with.
There’s a strange occurrence one day when they all sit for lunch one day, the blonde plops down and immediately dips her head down to ask them something. They’re outside in the blistering cold and Archie is seated next to her while Jughead sits across from the pair. It’s a normal lunch break  until Betty asks what the meaning to ‘chilling with Netflix...or whatever’ meant.
The redhead next to her strings loudly at the wooden guitar while Jughead swears the apple juice he’s just been drinking might’ve gone up his nose. Their reactions only cause Betty’s authoritative gaze to inquire for more information and in typical Cooper fashion, the look demands answers.
“Uh, w-why do you ask, Betts?” Jughead doesn’t mean to stutter, but he does and he doesn’t know why.
Betty blinks and a blonde brow shoots up “Because... Reggie just asked me if I wanted to ‘chill and netflix’ with him.” Her fingers raise to quote her own words, confusion evident on her face. “And then his goonies started to laugh!” She huffs and purses her lips.
Both Archie and Jughead share a knowing look, one of pity from Jughead and the other of awkwardness from his best friend. While Betty picks and tears at the plastic wrapped around her straw, she mumbles in annoyance, distaste as clear as day on her face.
“Ugh. What does that mean?” she mumbles.
Archie’s chocolate eyes urge Jughead’s own icy ones and vice versa. There’s a tiny tug and pull to see who will let Betty in on the dumb trend, and Jughead finally sighs. It always felt weird to talk about anything dirty or suggestive to wholesome Betty Cooper.
“Err— well, Betty…” when he finally starts, her ears perk up and all of her attention is on the beanie clad boy. The curious look and doe eyes make him gulp.
Why did he suddenly feel bad?
“Reggie is being a dumbo as per usual, so don’t listen to anything that leaves his Colgate mouth. But, if you must know…”
The explaining happens and by the end, Betty is fuming in disgust. Archie plants a comforting hand on her back and Jughead offers up the apple on his tray that he never eats as a condolence, one which Betty gratefully pockets for her walk back home after school.
That night, when he’s lounging in tiny space of his living room, his phone rings. Homework has been finished and his backpack was ready for the next class day. Jughead was fresh out the shower and attempting to write on his laptop when the password is texted to him. He stares at his phone for a good minute and ponders if his slow internet would even entice him to download the app on the older computer. It’s not until another text comes through a few minutes later that Archie reminds him of the web browser alternative that he finally gives in and signs into the page.
Writing was sort of boring and the trailer was actually warm for once thanks to the ancient heater that rumbled to life after kicking it in frustration that cold morning. Jughead turns off the light next to him by the couch, allowing darkness to engulf the tiny trailer. The website is simple enough and he realizes that one account already has been set to be his. He snorts and smiles and proceeds to click on the lazy looking image. He doesn’t know where to start; there is an overwhelming amount of content that’s plastered on the main page.
Mean Girls, The Walking Dead, Pocahontas even. Everything is new and flashy and none of it catches his attention and after scrolling for what felt like forever, a recommendation that he recognizes greets him: Rebel Without A Cause.
“Huh, not bad Netflix, not bad at all.” He mutters.
Jughead watches the entirety of the movie and then he’s watches another, and another. He watches a total of four classic films before his eyes close on him. The laptop eventually goes to sleep and Jughead has a strange dream where he’s the main character in a noir inspired film and Betty is a spy that’s out to get him.
Surprisingly enough, Netflix becomes a normal part of Jughead’s daily routine. He often finds himself watching The Twilight Zone while getting ready for school. Other times, he’s sitting on the small two person table in the corner of the kitchen while blowing on the instant ramen that he's made for dinner as Nightmare on Elm Street blares through the speakers of his laptop.
He won’t admit it to anyone because he’s not one to admit to anything, but Jughead finds himself literally chilling while watching Netflix. So maybe the concept of an online Blockbuster isn’t all that bad.
The days go on, and when Christmas break finally arrives, a selection of Christmas themed movies filter through his recommended list. Most of the films that have been selected don’t interest him—sans the original Home Alone (and that one only) so Jughead settles on binging the X-Files and going against the holiday mood that the year has bestowed on the entire planet.
“Santa, kiss my ass. Hello, aliens.”
On Christmas Eve, the trio of friends spend a few hours of the afternoon at Pop’s. Betty and Archie bring gifts and spoil Jughead. While he doesn’t have any gifts to give due to his nonexistent cash flow, he does manage to scavenge enough money from under the couch and the inside of his father's truck to pay for two milkshakes.
“Aww, you didn’t have to, Juggie!” críes Betty, but the look in her eyes say otherwise. If there was a way to describe the word ‘mouthwatering’ it would be the way her jade eyes gloss over with glee at the sight of her favorite treat being placed in front of her. Beside’s, milkshakes usually mark the end of their usual meal, so it was tradition anyway.
“It’s fine, Betty. Trust me. Just enjoy it, please.” The burning embarrassment that’s filling his belly makes him squirm at his version of a gift, but alas, his friends don’t seem to care about the quality or price tag.
“Okay.” Betty pouts back, but she cracks not a second after when her finger dips to scoop up the whipped cream topping the strawberry milkshake. The shy smile on her face makes him smile in return and before he can even register what he’s doing, the maraschino cherry from Betty’s treat is being plucked away from its creamy resting place.
“Jug!” she gasps in mild horror.
A sheepish grin breaks out on Jughead after popping the cherry into his mouth.
In the end, Archie offers his which Betty gratefully accepts and chews on while glaring at the dark haired boy sitting across from her.
Betty’s gift is a new cotton sweater in a cool grey, there’s no hoodie or zipper to it, and while it’s not his usual style, it’s very comfortable and warms him up faster than the broken heater. She’s also gifts him with the annual batch of brownies prepared by her mother, ones which he looked forward to every year. The sinful double chocolate chip fudge brownies were the epitome of heaven on earth that Alice Cooper somehow made every year. It was a treat that contradicts her usual strict style of dieting and control of food for her family, but he had no complains about the brownies, and he never will— unless she changes up the recipe to be skinny. His other gift is a 40 dollar gift card to Pops which Archie swears was the best gift ever since he will be able to reload it whenever he wanted to. A suggestion which Archie throws at him that includes the pink card being reloaded by him for his birthday and the following Christmas.
He’s grateful, he really is. Money is a problem, Jughead grew up with minimal money in his life. Being poor and broke and living off used things was the norm for him. He was still too young to find a job and while his father does provide here and there (albeit rarely being home) Jughead manages.
He always manages.
The internet that runs throughout Sunnyside is a shared connection routing through one main trailer where a guy manages to get illegal access to. It’s not the fastest or the best as every trailer uses the line, but it works fine for him when he’s nestles in bed at night. Being a night owl had its perks, no one was awake when he was, which meant that the internet was free of all the traffic that usually slows it down during the day.
Midnight arrives like any other night. There’s a distant crack in the air, fireworks most likely.
“Merry Christmas, jo—y” he mutters to himself after securing a large bite of brownie in his mouth. It’s dark in his room during Christmas, but the darkness fades away as his phone lights up with 5 back to back messages from Betty. It doesn’t take much guessing to wonder what she’s sent.
A greeting of course, and a million colorful emoji.
followed by a plethora of green Christmas trees and pink hearts (oddly enough) a few reindeer, presents, bows and confetti. All which she flawlessly executes with the dramatic background effect on the messaging app which lights up with animated fireworks.
“Geez, Betty. An enigma you are.” He reckons out loud before replying with his own simple greeting.
Merry Christmas, Betty. followed by a plain thumbs up.
Exactly two years later, 2016 Jughead Jones would have actually laughed in the face of his present self when told that he was in a romantic relationship. A romantic relationship with a girl, not a stranger, but Elizabeth Cooper.
Jughead was sure that love wasn’t for him. Love and affection had screwed him over since the day he was conceived. His father, FP Jones was a recovering alcoholic now, but he he used to be a poor father. A gang leader, drug dealer with major issues. Gladys Jones— his mother, who knows where the hell she’d fucked off to. She claims to be in Toledo with his grandparents and younger sister Jellybean, but who knows really.
Life had gotten complex during the summer of 2017. A local golden boy had been murdered and the mystery of who did it had somehow brought Betty and himself closer together, so close in fact that Jughead realized that his feelings for her were much farther from friendly.
They had their ups and downs as any couple does. At some point he was sure that they just couldn’t work out. It was as if the universe and his cursed destiny tried to pry him from anything good in his life, but he should have known Betty.
Boy, should he have, especially when dealing with Betty and her world famous stubbornness.
Her fight and reassurance kicks him in the face, planting firmly the idea that he controls his own path and destiny. So, ever since their last breakup back during Halloween, things have been well for the young couple. So well in fact that he was sure he was permanently high.
High off Betty Cooper.
A delicious high, one which he couldn’t get enough of. Her scent, her skin, eyes nose and lips, every bit of Betty was a craving that he woke up to every morning. Jughead was still somewhat shy and awkward around her, that was who he was in personality. He wasn’t some stud who walked around oozing sex appeal and constantly grabbing his girlfriends ass while out in public. Far from it.
Behind closed doors and in the comfort of certain places, both teens found solace in each other’s arms. A comfort and warm that could brave anything the outside world brought to them. No attempt at joining his father's ex-gang could break them. Alice Cooper’s demands to leave FP’s son in Southside went on deaf ears.
Jughead muttered words of love to Betty.
“I love you...I love you.”
She’d watched in surprise at his confession, one which filled her with so much joy that she found the words to mutter them back with tears looking at her jade eyes as she inched closer with a heart crushing smile on her face.
“Jughead Jones, I love you.”
Betty was a part of him then and an even more important one now.
The warm scent of coconut wafts up his nostrils. It’s Christmas again, and this year Betty is spending it with him in the dinky trailer. It’s cold inside and neither teen have bothered to separate from each other to run out and grab the portable heater that Betty had brought along.
Betty’s lips are on his, working through a wet frenzy that makes his stomach clench in need. Their kiss is sloppy to say the least. Long have the brownies been forgotten. The fresh sweets where the reason as to why she was with him in the first place, having begged Alice to let her take the car to drop them off. Even though it was midnight now, Betty had perfectly mapped out when to ask and leave the house.
“Mm—Betty, your mom—“  Jughead muttered between kisses.
“—is asleep” she replied around a mouthful full of tongue. Feverish kisses filled the air of the cramped trailer, their mouths digging deeper into one another. Betty whimpered at the feel of Jughead’s tongue curling against her own, her hands coming down to keep her steady against the edges of the couch.
“You sure?”
“Positive, now shut up and kiss me.” She smiled into his lips. The blue eyed boy eyes crinkled in response, a mischievous smile creeping tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“If you say so.” He finished before attacking her moist lips once more. Teeth came in contact and wet sounds filled the air. The short gasps of air warmed up their faces as they continued to kiss until Betty was resting her back against the worn out cushions of the couch.
This Christmas was already starting off with a literal bang and Jughead had never been so excited for any holiday in his life.
Nimble fingers slip into midnight curls, tugging Jughead closer into her mouth. The same fingers feel good against his scalp which send a delicious sensation down his spine and across his entire body. He’s positioned himself above the blonde, making sure not to crush her by hoisting his body up by one knee in between her legs while the other hangs off the couch. Betty’s legs however, are a different story. The couch was far too small and they were both too tall. One of Betty’s legs is propped up against the headrest of the couch while the other struggles to stay curled around his hanging leg. Gravity doesn’t help and her leg is constantly dragging down before she hoists it back up into place.
Betty notes the taste on his lips and tongue, it’s sweet from the brownies and strong from the coffee he’d downed earlier. The taste is delicious and she can’t get enough and makes sure to let it be known when she curls her tongue against his own, sucking on it lightly. The action causes the deep rumble of his moan to rip through the deepest reaches of his body. It strikes her as super sexy and she moans back.
Jughead latches onto her bottom lip, knipping it softly before plucking it. Her cherry lips are engorged and plump, screaming in a lovely tint that only beckons him to return. Her chest is heaving and his hand reaches out to lift the peach colored top from her body. The tiniest brush against her skin burns him and suddenly the room is no longer freezing, but scalding hot.
Sucking in a ragged breath, Betty manages to lift the top half of her body and arms to remove her sweater, leaving her in a flower patterned lace bra. The laptop screen is still bright in front of them. Home Alone is playing in the background and the hotel scene manages to accentuate the lighting around Betty.
Jughead swallows at the mere sight of Betty’s glowing honey eyes under the effect of the screen. A sheen of gloss on her lips blinds him and he wants nothing more than to kiss her again.
He’s about to lean down when she stops with him with a warm hand on his chest.
Her usually alert eyes are blown wide and lust envelops the usually sweet girl. Her bottom lip is caught between her teeth and Jughead feels his mouth go dry.
Betty is stunning.
The swell of her breasts calls to him and he can’t get close. The periwinkle tinted bra is tight against her skin and he wonders if he can free her from it soon. Betty, however has other plans. She shoots him a shy look and avoids eye contact and she wiggles out of her skirt.
“Betty?” He whispers. Why? He doesn’t know. It’s not like there’s someone else in the trailer.
When the fabric reaches her knees, Jughead takes it as a signal to move back and give her space to watch her as she lifts her long legs in the air to dispose of the wine colored skirt.
It’s a sight, and wonderful one at that. Long creamy legs, supple thighs and matching set of underwear greet him and blue eyes watch intently as Betty bends both knees in front of her stomach. Her pink sneakers dangle in front if him as her arms reach for her knees, hugging them close to her chest. A teasing smile causes his boxers to feel tighter. Blood pumps down south and Jughead groans. The only time that he chooses to wear boxers briefs too. The strain is stifling and he feels the urge to get naked then and there.
“Betts…” He sighs in desperation. He doesn’t know why she’s huddled up or why she’s smiling at him him like that, but damn does she looks good enough to eat.
“Jug…” she copies. Her hands move from cupping her knees to roaming down her legs all while keeping her knees close. It’s a movement that baby blue eyes never stray away from.
Jughead’s eyes widen slightly, urging her on. “Yeah?”
Suddenly she’s nervous, very nervous. There’s something that she’s been wanting for a few days now, a repeat of what they first tried a week prior. An experiment that involved Jughead’s mouth. It’s hunted her, the thought and memories combined with feelings causing arousal to pool in between her legs.
She can’t help wanting to stop their act to get a dose of his mouth on her nether region, but the need is incredibly strong and her panties only become wetter by the second.
“I want you...here.” Her legs part slightly, allowing enough space for her arm to budge through her thigh to cover her sex through her underwear. Betty gulps in anticipation, wondering if Jughead will say no and if she’s ruined the moment with her request.
Their sexual history was tame, wild missionary sex with the occasional ass in the air for Betty as Jughead pounds at her from behind. Sex was new, and they’d only been experimenting for a few weeks, so introducing something new was always nerve wracking. Betty remembers how shy he’d been when she had stuffed her hand into his jeans two nights after their loss of virginity. A day after that Jughead rubbed her into an orgasm over her panties while waiting for school to start. Even then, they’d both fumbled during the entire process. A series of apologies littered the entire thing consummation.
They were wet behind the ears, yes, but that didn’t stop two hormonal teenagers from lusting after each other. Two weeks prior, Jughead managed to gather his thoughts and went down on Betty for the first time, earning him a wet nose and chin with a thigh crushing orgasm against his head from Betty all while doing it on her childhood bed. It must have been good enough to want her to ask for seconds, because his heart has leapt at her sudden request.
“Oh.” He said lightly.
Noticing his response not being as enthusiastic as she’d imagined it be, Betty’s legs slowly drop back down, embarrassment engulfing her. Again, her heart quickens and a dull ring is the only thing that she can properly register. Quickly, she moves to sit up, green eyes avoiding his. The shame in her face is obvious and Betty feels stupid for ruining the moment.
Why couldn’t she have just let nature take its course without having to interrupt it for her own selfish needs?
“You know, never mind.” A nervous laugh escapes her and Betty is moving to sit up but Jughead stops her. The boy moves in closer to her, and her legs are nudged apart. Her heart slams against her chest and Betty is blinking up at Jughead in surprise.
“It’s okay, Betty. I’ll do it...you don’t have to ask.” He adds shyly. His eyes wander to hers, locking together that it becomes hard to look away.
It was surprising that she’s asked him to repeat the act. The first time was sloppy and not how he’d imagine it to be, but he had managed to make her come and since it was never brought up again until now, Jughead had guessed she didn’t like it.
But now, his member was growing stiffer against his boxers the longer that he thought about tasting Betty again.
“Oh, I just…” her green eyes also wander off with an equally awkward look on her face, but  her focus moves to his pajama pants where a bulge was beginning to form. The red in her cheeks is adorable and Jughead suddenly leans down to kiss her, catching her off guard. Betty gasps into the kiss, opening her mouth wider for Jughead’s tongue to invade every inch. The kiss gets heated, and Jughead body pushes down against her own, making Betty lay down once again.
As they kiss, Jughead inhales deeply, enjoying the mewls that escaped Betty when taking her leg to prop back up against the headrest. His hand trails down from her knee, down the smooth skin of her inner thigh.
The continue to kiss with Betty breaking contact to shuffle closer down towards his knee, spreading her legs even wider in the process by hooking an arm under her other leg. Kisses are placed against his jaw and down the exposed skin of his neck. It’s only when her nose nuzzles his sweater does he realize that he’s still fully clothed.
Jughead shrugs off the material in a hurry, his hair becoming a mess of curls jutting in every direction, a look which makes Betty bite at the corner of her bottom lip.
He looks delicious.
Shirtless, with wild hair and a trail of dark hair that disappears into his pajama pants. Jughead makes Betty’s clit throb in need, so much so that her hand leaves her leg to cup her center instead. The fabric is moist to the touch and Betty gasps at how sensitive she feels at the simplest of pressure.
Jughead’s stormy eyes shine black under the light of the laptop screen, the shadows cast complex shadows on Jughead’s body which cause Betty to lick at her lips when trailing her eyes down his exposed chest and hips. The black band of his boxers pokes through the blue hues of the plaid pattern of his bottoms. The dip in his hips is sharp and balances out the smooth taut skin of his abdomen while his arms fill out with a strong bulk of muscle that works for his body type: not too much but enough to make her mouth water.
“Lay back Betty.”
And she does, head coming in contact with the wood skeleton of the ancient armrest. The butterflies in her stomach suddenly burst into a flurry of excitement that make her suck in a breath of anticipation. Both of her hands come to lay on her stomach, her chest rising and falling at an alarming rate.
“I’m gonna go down on you, okay?” It's not until Jughead moves slightly that Betty ss able to see how deep his eyes have darkened, the pupils of his eyes gone pitch black with a single ring of blue circling the iris. The look alone cause her walls to pulse on their own and Betty nods.
The movie is long forgotten and the brownies are as cold by then. Jughead finds a spot on his stomach to lay on, its cramped on the couch. It’s one of the time where he wishes he could move them to the bed, but all that walking would ruin some of the mood.
When he’s nestled in front Betty’s spread legs, her arousal become more evident. There’s a dark patch on her panties and the fabric sticks to her folds like a second skin.
He glances up at Betty, who’d eventually moved up a bit to give him space. Her blonde head now rests on the armrest, one leg still up on the head rest while the other is dangled off his couch. Betty’s green eyes were dark and glazed over in need, both her hands fisted at her hips.
“Sorry, babe.” Her arousal was strong, enticing and doing things to him. Jughead’s hand move to hover above her panty before hooking a finger right over the soaked spot to push the material to the side, exposing Betty to the cool air. She shudders at the exposure and shifts slightly. It’s still somewhat embarrassing to be so exposed, but Jughead boosts a confidence in her that she was sure she didn’t have before and she loves it.
Gulping at the sight, Jughead inches closer to Betty, the elegant slit, moist and beckoning for attention.
“You know, somehow this is better than those brownies.” He muses, smirking.
Betty’s cheeks flame up at the comment and her legs move to close before he’s reaching up to push them apart.
She’s embarrassed and rightfully so, they both have yet to stare openly at each other so intimately.
“Please” She whispers. “I want this.” Betty whines and bucks her hips, rolling them in want. The blonde patch of hair above her pink folds is always a sight to behold. It’s cute and suits her and while he didn’t understand her need to trim, Jughead decides that it is very Betty like to have and quite frankly, he doesn’t care how she looks like down there.
His fingers brush over the tougher hair, tugging at it slightly before running them down her moist lips. And in one swoop, his face is burying down on to her warm core.
Nose deep, Jughead sucks in the air around him, slowing down to breath while indulging in Betty. A shudder rips through her body and she shakes beneath him with a moan so loud that it alarms even herself. Immediately, her hands reach to grab onto anything. And Betty finds her nails digging into the back of the armrest and the cushion beneath her. Her body arches, hips rolling into her boyfriends mouth while her body twists in pleasure. The shaking never stops and Betty knows she isn’t cold.
“Ah—“ she cries out. Jughead closes his eyes, his tongue rolling up and down Betty’s folds, making sure to stop on her clit to rub circles on the bundle of nerves. She’s shaking and he smirks into her skin.
Her body hasn’t been stimulated like that, with a ravenous mouth. As it stands, the young couple are novices who only have missionary (for the most part.) sex. So, having Jughead delicately grind his soft tongue against her aching clit sends her over the moon and Betty finds that her body won’t stop shaking from excitement.
The taste is something he can’t describe. It’s unlike anything he’s tasted before, but he likes it. It’s Betty and he’s causing her to release her juices. A boost of confidence washes over him and his mouth continues to work harder. Jughead’s dark head swivels against Betty, and she blushes when she catches a glimpse of his work.
Up, down, side to side, his tongue laps through pink folds. He even comes in contact with her entrance, teasing it with a few light probes which cause her to gasp and scramble to sit up on her elbows. He’s doing something right and he continues to pleasure Betty even more.
“Ooh, like that, Juggie...oh.” Betty moans, watching Jughead’s dark head go to work on her. The view is intoxicating and it’s hard to register that the act is happening to her. The sight is in fact her underwear, her patch of blonde, all which bluntly remind her that Jughead Jones is buried nose deep in her pussy.
She tosses her head back in ecstasy the moment the sucking on her engorged clit becomes too much. The pleasure is tingling and her body is on fire. Betty’s blonde tresses have long been let loose and she runs her fingers through her hair, gripping at the scalp to control the moans that she’s too embarrassed to release and Jughead takes notice.
The sucking become quicker, matching his beating heart, a rapid motion that causes Betty to gasp loudly. Her green eyes snap down to stare at him in awe, pink lips parted. Tiny moans and ‘yes, yes’ invade his body urging him on.
The sucking become sloppy, and Jughead returns to licking her wildly while Betty grinds her sex against his mouth. Her cries are starting to become louder, the filter slowly disappearing.
“That’s it, no need to hold it in.” He pauses to urge her on. He wants to hear Betty, he wants to hear and see how badly she wants him. The strain in his boxers is unbearable and at some point Jughead finds his own hips grinding into the corners of the cushion to release some friction. The gyration against his hips against the cushion only urges him on and before both know it, his mouth back on Betty. Jughead’s hunger is amplified by the use of his tongue on Betty.
“Oh fuck—“ the sob that tears through the living room makes Jughead stop his actions. The sight of Betty riding through her orgasm is indescribable. Like an flower bud finally unraveling and blossoming, Betty is a literal description of the act. Betty gasps, her breath hitching as her body shakes and her hips snap in front of him three times. Tiny grunts explode from her shaking body and the sounds make Jughead shudder.
The scene is erotic and beautiful, better than any scene in any movie.
“Wow.” Breaths Jughead after she’s landed back down. The shaking has minimized but her thighs still twitch against the sides of his arms. Betty pushes up against the corner of the couch with a finger trapped in her teeth. Her blonde locks are a mess and cover her eyes but to Jughead, it as the sexiest thing he’s ever witnessed.
The tired smile that Betty manages blows the air right out of him.
“God, Betty. That was...stunning.” He breathes, leaning over to her and brushing the golden strands away from her face.
“Mm, you’re so good at that, Jug.” She croaks, her voice light as she struggled to catch her breath. Somehow, Betty finds the will to smirk seductively at him. Jughead groans. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
Again, all Betty can manage to do is groan and tug him down for a kiss.
“I love you, Juggie. I love you so much.” Her declaration make his heart swell, as well as his cock. He’s sure that she’s sucking on his lower lip to taste herself, and it’s made more obvious when she laps at the bottom of his lip.
“Thank you.” She’s still shaking and her stomach continues to jerk against her will and Jughead notices when his hand brushes her navel.
And Betty can taste herself, she can also smell herself which makes her stomach coil in need. She has had a mind blowing orgasm, and she wanted more. But she was sure that she couldn’t  go through another one so soon, but she finds Jughead’s hand and leads his fingers to her sensitive folds.
“You did that.” Betty whispers hotly against his ears.
Jughead sucks in a breath and nods, his voice lowering. “I did…”
The silent foreplay continues and Jughead doesn’t move from his position right above Betty. He continues to rub lazily along her even slicker folds which cause her to gasp and buck her hips. Jughead loves the result that he’s caused. When he comes in contact with her swollen clit, Betty jerks and immediately grabs him by the wrists and shoots him a shy look.
“I don’t think I can do another one just yet.” Biting her lip, Betty blinks up at him and Jughead nods, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
Jughead freezes, silently cursing for kissing her there right after where he’s mouth has been.  Betty seems to notice and giggles.
“It’s okay, Jug. I’ll take a shower as soon as I get home...which I should be doing right about--“ when reaching for her phone on the coffee table, the blonde just about shoots up a foot high.
“Ohmygod, Jug. I gotta go! My mom's going to kill me!” Like a hurricane, Betty sprints from the couch only stopping to fix her underwear before she’s slipping the crumpled skirt back over her legs and Jughead frowns.
As confused as he is, he still manages to move out of her way. What time was it anyway? She’s been over for what? Two hours? Also, Betty had been positive that her mother would be knocked out by now.
“Betty, I’m sure your mom won’t notice—“  Betty interrupts him as soon as he starts by shoving her phone in his face. It’s 3:24 am and there are three missed calls and a text: all from ‘Momster’
“Oh shit. Betty.” Jughead’s eyes had gone wide and he moves to help her move along. He guesses that he can live with blue balls than face the wrath of Alice Cooper. After all, he can always get access to Betty when he wants to and if he asks nicely. But for now, he’s helping her by throwing the red scarf over her shoulder and wrapping it as best as he can while she retires her hair.
“She’s going to murder me. When did it become 3?” The panic is evident and he feels bad for her. If he could, he would show up to doorstep and take the verbal beating instead.
“Better yet, why is she still up?” Jughead muses. Betty stops and wonders, but shakes her head after a moment. Time was precious and Alice Cooper did not wait. Taking her bag from the single seat, she leans in and plants a kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry I couldn’t...help you out.”
Both teens move to look at his crotch and Jughead coughs. Turning at an angle to avoid the attention that his erection was receiving. It's not as bad as it was earlier, all the Alice talk ruining the mood in the end.
“It’s fine. No need to worry about me, Betts.”
Betty shoots him a sad smile, she really does feel bad. She wanted more but they had no time. So instead she makes a promise. Jughead blinks when Betty steps closer, her warm breath, ghosting over his ear.
“I’ll make it up to you. Think of it as part two to your present?” His body shudders with excitement at the thought. His body also freezes at the hand that squeezes at his cock through the thin material of his pajama bottoms.
Betty Cooper winks and waves before she’s out the door and running towards the station wagon parked in front of the trailer. Jughead stands there for a split second before rushing to the door, watching as the head beams light up the makeshift driveway and as Betty pulls out. She manages a wave through the window and he returns it. The station wagon peels out of Sunnyside Park, driving off into the distance.
Once she’s gone, Jughead takes a quick shower and drops into the bed in a heap of sexual frustration. He’d tried to help himself out under the cool water that the trailer managed to pump out, but he didn’t get far. A hand did not compare to Betty’s hands and lips. He can’t help the lingering arousal but the night had been fun and it turned out different than what he expected. It’s a Christmas completely different to the previous ones before and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
When he’s nestled into the warm sheets, his phone lights up.
A message from Betty.
Netflix and Chill? My house 6:40 sharp. Parents are visiting Polly.
He snorts at the term, the same term which he now remembers caused Betty to make the stinkiest face he’s ever seen. It’s not something he’d like back then, but he’s suddenly very grateful for Archie talking so much about the app that it somehow brought Betty and Jughead together for Christmas.
And besides, it’s not like they’ll be watching anything. There has to be something to distract them to set the mood. Who really watches a movie when they have a significant other anymore?
Netflix and Chill? You bet.
The phone clicks as it’s turned off and Jughead grins in the darkness, excited for the next couple of hours.
merry chrystler, murry curr’mas!!
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whydontweband · 7 years ago
Layers of a Snake: BadBoy!Jonah Drabble AU
South Side Serpent!Jonah
(if you’re not familiar with the CW T.V. show “Riverdale” this is set in that world where Jonah belongs to a notorious town gang called the South Side Serpents)
Requested by and Dedicated to: The lovely and amazing @jazzyjonah (and basically inspired by this seriously gorgeous moodboard Hope made so credits to her)
“In which a boy from the wrong side of the tracks gives his jacket to a cold photographer who doesn't give a shit about him”
Genre: fluff (and idk sass because somehow every damn thing I write turns into a sass fest)
Word count: 1742
Disclaimers: mild language
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"Hey, princess," a deep and uninterested voice echoed from behind her. She rolled her eyes, scoffing as she lowered the double-lensed Canon camera from her line of sight and turned around to glace up in the direction of the voice. Though the evening was dark, and her spot squatted on the asphalt didn’t make for a great view, she made out the image of the figure in front of her. A tall young man stood a few yards away, an unlit cigarette perched between his pursed pink lips as he eyed her questioningly. Of course she knew who he was- the town of Riverdale was only so big, and boys with faces like his hardly went unnoticed. The fact that he went to south side high didn't stop him from being the hottest talk around Riverdale High School- with the exception of maybe Archie Andrews. He was the, quote un-quote, "bad boy dream boat" that everyone was after. Everyone, that is, save Hope. She had no interest in bad boys, especially ones who put on a big pompous facade just to get female attention. But of course, Jonah Roth-Franzvich wasn't aware of that. She eyed him as though he were gum plastered to the bottom of her new shoes, before turning back to a rare nocturnal beetle she’d been photographing. He sighed, shaking his head as he stepped closer to her, putting a firm hand on her shoulder and leaning down so that his mouth was level with her ear, whispering in a tone that, at a glance, would have sounded far too gentle for a guy like him.
“Go home.” Hope didn’t bother turning to meet his gaze as she continued to snap pictures, raising a hand and flipping him off without so much as a glance in his direction.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Snake.” Jonah scoffed at this, shaking his head as he pressed his tongue against the inner wall of his mouth in frustration. He crossed his arms over his chest, standing up right again and speaking more firmly this time.
“It’s not safe for you to be out here on the outskirts of town at night.” He refuted. Without turning to face him, Hope adjusted the lens on her camera as she bent closer to the pavement to get a clearer shot.
“It’s only unsafe because of assholes like you who parade around town like you own the place. If you don’t want me to get murdered tell you south side buds to stand down.” She retorted dryly.
He had to admit, he’d never been spoken to by a townie that way before. Sure, his crowd was roughish and crude, but girls were usually nothing but flirtatious with him. Especially the one’s from Riverdale High- the one’s who didn’t know better. He didn’t know her name, but he knew she wasn’t a South-Sider. He would have remembered a face like hers, with big soft eyes that looked unharmed and untarnished. If nothing else, by the way she bad mouthed them to his face- there was no way she was one of his kind. In another life, maybe, he thought, her spitfire attitude just might’ve landed her in a South Side jacket.
“It’s cold out.” Even he knew his excuse was weak, but there was something in the pit of his stomach that didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone. It wasn’t that she appeared feeble or meek, she was probably physically and verbally stronger than most of the South Side girls he knew, there was just something about her that made him want to stay.
“So I’ve heard.” She replied blandly, standing finally from her spot on the pavement and slinging the camera strap over her neck. A small smile flashed across the tall boy’s face as he momentarily thought he’d won, and the odd girl with the large frame glasses would hopefully return home. She glanced back at him as she started walking in the direction of the South Side neighborhood, however, a mischievous smirk plastered across her lips.
“You didn’t seriously think I was listening to a serpent, did you?” She giggled, and despite her dig he couldn’t help but stay silent to allow her laughter to ring out against the otherwise silent night. Sighing, he smirked slightly, walking behind her as the trudge of his dark combat boots collided with the asphalt. She turned around, stopping dead in her tracks as she eyed him warily.
“What’re you doing?” She watched his caramel brown eyes through the lenses of her glasses nervously, and suddenly it was Jonah’s turn to give a snarky remark.
“You won’t go home, so I’m just walking with you until you do.” He shrugged as though it were nothing, as though he had nothing better to do than spend this frigid evening by her side while she stubbornly refused to head his word. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, pulling at the edges of her sweater and stuffing her fists inside to keep them warm as she watched him a moment longer in confusion. He wasn’t a trustworthy guy, it didn’t take a lot to pick up on that. The leather jacket adorning his broad shoulders with the large snake emblem plastered across the back was evidence enough- but for whatever reason he was trying to be chivalrous. Maybe her prejudice against him was uncalled for, but that didn’t stop her from feeling the disdain pile in the pit of her stomach as she watched him trail her on her way towards the seedy part of town. Were all South Side Serpents bad? Maybe not. But there was nothing she disliked more than bullies, and the idea that people thought it was okay to make others feel scared and mistrusting of the world. She never wanted to feel mistrusting of the world, or scared of her own shadow- so she refused to be bullied by people who did that to others. She put up walls and refused to tear them down for anyone, because no one had the right to tell her how to feel, or when to go back home. Begrudgingly, she continued walking in the direction of the White Snake tavern- there was some interesting lighting she’d hoped on capturing for the bar’s reflection. Jonah noticed the trajectory of the trail she’d been leading, clearing his throat as he fell into step beside her. Shrugging off his jacket casually, he handed the thick leather material to her without a second glance.
“Here.” She stopped dead in her tracks as she glanced up at him. Sure, his tone was cold and his eyes were distant, but a serpent never shed his jacket for an outsider- that was something she knew for certain.
“I’m not joining your gang if that’s what this is.” She responded someone reluctantly, her cool exterior fading with her overwhelming confusion as to what this bold gesture entailed. Jonah chuckled lowly, shaking his head as he met her gaze.
“It’s not some fucked up initiation into the serpents, relax. I’m just lending you my coat, your arms are shivering.” He gestured gently towards her frame which was, as he’d pointed out, less than comfortable in these conditions. Hope sighed, running a hand through her hair haphazardly as her fingers twitched ever so slightly from the cold. Jonah rolled his eyes, unfolding the jacket and draping it over her shoulders without another moment of hesitation. Her shock was evident on her face, but there was no denying the warmth of the solid material around her. Faced with the now out-standing dilemma of saving her pride or saving her body heat- she stayed still for a moment While the taller boy eyed her warily. After a moment of still silence, he scoffed, gesturing for him to follow her.
“You want photos of the White Snake?” He questioned, not bothering to turn around to face her. She raised an eyebrow, clutching onto the jacket that hugged her far smaller frame.
“How’d you know that?” Jonah smiled, glancing back at her and feeling a warmth in his chest when he saw her still wearing the jacket he’d come to know as a second skin.
“It’s the only thing around here worth taking photos of. If you wanna get close though, you gotta be a serpent.”
“Well like I said, I’m not joining the club.” Jonah laughed, and the noise echoed out against the solitude of the run-down suburb like something beautiful had finally graced the foreboding surroundings.
“Who said anything about joining? All you have to do is look like one of us.” Jonah teased. Hope looked confused momentarily, before glancing down at the jacket she’d now slid her arms inside of, smiling smally to herself as she realized what he’d done. He’d given her something to warm her, but more importantly he’d given her skin to blend in with.
“The jacket…” she mumbled softly. Jonah stepped closer to her until they were close enough to exchange body heat and whispered lowly in her ear.
“Consider it a first date gift.” He smirked, taking a step back from her now infuriated form.
“A first what!?” She exploded. Jonah only laughed, saluting her playfully before turning to leave her in complete confusion and irritation.
“Where are you going? What happened to Mr. Protection?” She sputtered. He smiled without turning to face her or slow his pace.
“That jacket is protection, Princess. And anyway, something tells me you can handle yourself.” As he continued to walk back down the road from which they’d come, Hope folded her arms across her chest, watching him leave in frustration as she adjusted the canon camera strap around her lens, folding it into the collar of the over-sized leather jacket.
“This wasn’t a first date!” She shouted in one last attempt at bruising his exiting ego. Jonah only laughed, a fair distance from her now as he held a hand up and waved, his back still towards her as he strode into the darkness.
“Goodnight, Princess.” He called out, before turning a corner and fading out of sight. Standing in the middle of the street alone now, Hope furrowed her eyebrows, still confused as to how he could have possibly turned so quickly. Scoffing to herself, she continued towards the White Snake tavern, fiddling with the edge of the South Side jacket shielding her from the cold.
“Until next time, Snake.”
A/N: This wasn’t even a drabble bc drabbles are short but whatever I had fun writing this and if y’all don’t ship Jero (Hope/Hero with Jonah) then you’re crazy bc they’re actually made for each other and that’s coming from a fellow Jonah stan. 💖 ILY Hope and hopefully this was ok! #jeroisaliveandwell 
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dirtyriver · 3 years ago
Archie's T.V. Laugh-Out #6, cover by Dan DeCarlo (pencils) and Rudy Lapick (inks)
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February 1971
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sweetpeas-serpant · 7 years ago
Jealous Sweet Pea Imagine
Ok so I did this as a request and I really hope you like it. I haven’t wrote anything in a long time so I am obviously rusty but let me know what you think!
The rain was falling down in sheets on the window of my small house on the south side of Riverdale. I was reading a book and watching my little sister color in front of the T.V, it was a nice lazy friday night. The door swung open and my mother walked in soaking wet, “It’s coming down in sheets out there y/n!”
I looked up at her and went to go get a towel from the closet, handing it to her I nodded. “I know, I was going to walk to Sweet’s house but I decided against it”
She walked over to my sister bending down and kissing her head. “I know and having him pick you up on the bike wouldn’t be any better”
I looked out the window again, disappointed I wouldn’t be able to see my boyfriend Sweet Pea tonight. We usually hang out every day and I usually stay at his house on friday nights. The phone started to ring and my mom picked it up. “Hello!.....Oh hi Jughead, y/n’s right here hold on…”
I looked at my mom and she handed me the phone. “Hey Jug what’s up?”
“y/n! Me, Betty and Veronica are going rollerblading tonight do you want to come? We can pick you up”
I smiled to myself knowing that I wouldn’t have to be stuck in the house tonight. “Sure sounds fun!” “
Alright we’ll be there in 20 minutes” I hung up the phone and went to go change.
I ran out the door pulling my hood up over my hair trying to keep from getting soaked. I climbed in and shut the door behind me. Veronica turned to me smiling, “y/n! I’m so glad you could come, are you and sweet pea ok? I know you usually hang out with him on Friday nights?”
I smiled back at her, “Yeah we’re fine I just didn’t have anyway to get to his house tonight in the rain”
“Well we could drop you off after we leave the rink?”
I lit up at the suggestion. “That would be great!” We all fell into conversation as we drove to the skating rink.
Sweet Pea’s POV
Y/n usually would be at my house by now my mom had even asked me where she was when she didn’t show up for dinner. I know it's raining but she could have asked me to bring my dad's truck to pick her up. I had wanted to call her but ended up having to help my dad out at the store. My phone buzzed and I looked down at it and it was Fang (Hey you wanna go crash the roller rink with the rest of the guys, unless your too busy with y/n ;))
I smiled. That sounded like fun, messing up the northsiders little roller rink tonight. I typed back and hopped in my dad’s truck (Sounds fun let’s pile in my truck and head there)
I had been skating with Archie who met us at the roller rink we were spinning in circles and I was laughing my head off at Archie’s face I could tell he was starting to get dizzy. I stopped my skates and tried to calm down from laughing when I heard the doors to the rink slam open followed by a bunch of hollers and whoops. “Oh my god it’s the serpent's what are they doing here?” I heard some girl whisper.
I was confused why would the serpent's be here? They never come to the Northside unless they're looking for trouble I turned and was met with my boyfriend's eyes and they were not happy.
Sweet Pea’s POV
What the fuck is y/n doing skating and laughing with fucking Archie Andrews. Fangs tried to grab my arm before I started over to where they were skating but I was already pissed and shrugged him off. And it didn't help that y/n looked amazing tonight and I could tell that Archie was definitely trying to not check her out in front of his northside bitch. I was gonna lay him out on the fucking floor.
I saw Sweets walking towards us and I knew it was gonna be trouble Archie was already puffing out his chest and Sweet’s was cracking his knuckles, it looked like two bucks about to fight. I skated between them and turned to Sweets. “Babe what are you doing here?”
“More like what are you doing here with this prick?!” His eyes were glued on Archie and if looks could kill Archie would be a goner. I put my arms around his neck knowing the only way to prevent a big fight would be to distract him until I could talk to him.
“Babe let's go sit down I want to talk to you” He was still glaring at Archie but he finally looked down at me and put his arm around my shoulder leading us out of the skating area.
We got to the eating area and sat down at a booth. Sweet’s was still pissed obviously since he continuously kept looking at Archie in the rink. I put my hand on Sweet’s face forcing him to look at me. He looked down, “Babe what’s wrong?”
He looked up at me and I could tell he was upset with me but I had no idea why. “Why the fuck are you hanging out with Archie instead of coming over like you usually do?”
I looked at him and just smiled I can’t believe he’s jealous of Archie. “Babe…..I didn't want to walk over because it was pouring outside and I didn’t want to bother you to come get me, Jughead asked me if I wanted to hang out with him so I said yes, they were going to drop me off at your house when we were done”
Sweet Pea smiled but then looked at Archie again and his eyes narrowed. “Well how about you stay away from Archie in an outfit like that and save yourself for me huh?”
I could feel the blush creeping to my cheeks as he took my hand in his across the table. “Shut up” I said giggling he smiled as well. We walked out of the rink and into the rain but with Sweet Pea it wasn’t so bad.
I turned to face him and stood on my tip toes pulling him down to kiss. I was just going to peck his lips but he ended up deepening the kiss and putting his hand behind my head pulling me closer to him, he slipped his tongue in my mouth and I let him take over. He moved his hands down to my ass and pulled our bodies flush against each other. We pulled apart panting and lust in our eyes. “Let's go back to my place so I can show you your mine” He growled in my ear, it sent shivers down my spine and I smiled climbing up into the truck with him.
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naughtynaughtyarchie · 7 years ago
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From Archie’s T.V. Laugh-Out #101.
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mylittlebubbles · 8 years ago
You Owe Me // Archie Andrews
Hi!!! I love your imagines! Can I request an Archie one where he's trying to get over Mrs. Grundy and he does that by asking the reader to fake date him so that she (Grundy) realizes he's moved on but then they (reader and Archie) actually fall for each other and Grundy tries to get him back but fails????? Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! Hey guys! I'm getting through these one at a time to the best of my ability so please be patient and if you have been thank you so much! I'm going through a rough patch at the moment so I need all the happiness I can get. If you guys have any ideas please let me know, love you all 💕🌸 *** 'Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!' I perked my head up from my English notes, seeing my auburn haired best friend running down the hallway towards me where I was standing at my locker. I frowned at him, my eyes widened in confusion. 'Archie, stop yelling my name please. You're drawing attention that is unwanted on my part.' I whacked him in the chest once he reached me, closing my locker shut. 'I need to ask you a favour, only a small one I promise.' He pleaded, following me down the hallway whilst I was reading up on Shakespeare's famous plays. 'What is it?' I asked absentmindedly, still staring at my notes, trying to understand his made up language. 'Please don't overreact, but, I need you to be my girlfriend.' 'Say what now?' I asked, raising my eyebrow, causing him to shush at me, pushing me into a vacant classroom and closing the door behind him. 'You have to be out of your mind.' I shook my head, closing my book. 'Look - I need to get Ms. Grundy off of my back ever since the whole...' 'Teacher sleeps with student scenario?' I cut him off, shrugging. 'Do you really have to put it like that?' He asked. 'Yes, yes I do.' I nodded, causing Archie to sigh. 'Continue,' I motioned with my hand, sitting on one of the desks. 'Anyway, I need to get her off of my back and I've been trying to get over her. So, I need you, my best friend in the entire world, to fake date me.' He explained. 'And why would I do that?' I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. 'Because you appreciate me and you owe me for that one time.' He smiled cheekily as I sighed, playfully frowning at him. Damn him and black mailing me. 'It was one time and I swore to never touch alcohol again after it. Why do you have to bring it up?' I groaned, running my hands over my face. 'Because I'm your best friend. Now, please, just this once?' He pleaded, standing in front of me. I sighed. 'Alright "boyfriend", let's do this.' * 'You guys are dating?!' I shushed Veronica, glaring at the raven haired girl for almost announcing it to the whole cafeteria. 'Jesus, Ronnie. Keep your voice down. I'm only doing this for him, it's not real.' I sighed, eating at my cupcake. 'It soon will be.' I frowned at her, confused at where she was going with this conversation. She rolled her eyes before continuing. 'Y/N, people who fake date end up falling for each other in the end...or have you already done that?' I bit my bottom lip, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. 'Whatever I feel, this is me doing him a favour and only a favour.' Betty and Ronnie stared at each other, almost with knowing looks that it was obvious that I had feelings for my best friend, I always did. But, I managed to suppress them, until now. 'Hey girlfriend,' I looked up to see Archie smiling down at me, kissing the top of my head before taking a seat next to me. Jughead gave me a smile and sat next to Betty. 'You told these guys?' I nodded, 'Well, they would possibly raise questions due to that romantic gesture.' I chuckled, catching sight of Ms. Grundy walking into the cafeteria. Archie quickly wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder, not really thinking about it. It was almost as though it was out on instinct. I watched her walk past our table, giving us a glare as she walked past, causing Archie and I to bump fists under the table. 'She looked happy to see us.' I snorted, trying to keep it together. Archie chuckled too, not removing his arm from me, whilst I never lifted my head from his shoulder. I could tell you one thing though; I most certainly blushed and I wasn't mad about it either. * 'Oh, c'mon! This is just stupid! No way would he have made that jump!' I exclaimed at Archie's t.v in his bedroom, the two of us watching some action movie that Archie had picked. 'It's because it's Hollywood, Y/N. What do you expect?' Archie chuckled. 'Some actual quality content.' I answered, making Archie snort. I chuckled, continuing to watch the movie. I was laying on Archie's chest, feeling his gaze on me. We'd been "dating" for over a week now and in all honesty, I didn't want it to end. I enjoyed spending time with him, doing couple things at school. The only thing we hadn't done was kiss. Did I want to? Of course I did. But, I was doing this as a favour, only a favour. 'Y/N?' Archie perked up. I turned my gaze away from the t.v, seeing him looking down into my own gaze. 'Yeah, Arch?' I asked, feeling my heart pick up of how close we were. 'You now how I only asked you to do this as you owing me?' I nodded, letting him continue, 'Well, I've been thinking about it...and I-I didn't realise it until only a few months ago - actually, a few years ago but, I don't want to fake date, Y/N. I want to date you, for real.' I gasped quietly, his words taking my breath away and my voice. 'I-I understand if you don't feel the same-' 'Oh, hush up.' I cut him off, grabbing his face, kissing him eagerly like I had been wanting to for so long. I rested my hands on his cheeks, pulling away from his lips as I rested my forehead against his. 'So...do we make this a daily thing now, or?' I joked, causing Archie to laugh and pull me in for a hug, kissing the top of my head. I know what cloud 9 feels like now. * After Betty, Kevin and Ronnie's reactions to me actually dating Archie, I needed to walk away and get some air and look for Archie at the same time. I was genuinely happy for once, Archie causing the grin on my face. I felt complete and important, especially that the boy I've liked for so long finally admitted his own feelings. It amazed me that just by the two of us fake dating made us realise our true feelings for each other, ending up together for real. I was knocked quickly out of my thoughts with shouting coming from a classroom. I frowned, walking over to the music room to see Archie and Ms. Grundy having an argument. I walked over to it, opening the door, causing Archie and Ms. Grundy to turn their heads and look at me. 'Really, Archie? Her? I gave you everything you could've wanted!' She stared at me disgusted, causing anger to bubble up inside me. 'You manipulated me into keeping a secret about Jason Blossom's murder and used me for your own good. Y/N treats me with the love and respect that I hope I can give her.' Archie but back, causing my heart strings to tug a little at his words, warming them. 'Think about what you're doing Archie, I can still give you everything-' 'No,' Archie shook his head, cutting her off. He turned his back away from her, walking over towards me. 'You can't. We're done. I moved on and I'm happy.' 'She'll hurt you, Archie.' I scoffed. 'Give it a break, honey. You're done here.' I spat, feeling Archie grab my hand, leading me out of the tension build room. I sighed of relief, the two of us being the only ones in the hallway. 'Well...that was interesting.' Archie sighed, gripping onto the strap of his backpack. I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him whilst I rested my head on his chest. He sighed, hugging me back. I felt his kiss the top of my hair, his hand cupping my face to tilt it up, pecking his lips. I hummed happily, the two of us pulling away from each other. 'I'll never get tired of that.' I mumbled. 'I'm glad.' He whispered back.
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heytherejones · 8 years ago
Mentions of self harm. ----- "Hey, sweetie. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Alice popped her head out the kitchen door, a small smile on her lips. However, her eyes were red, her face was tired, her eyebrows furrowed. "Of course, what's up?" Elizabeth Cooper stepped down into the kitchen, her head cocked to the side in wonder. She was a straight A student, a cheerleader. She was friends with Veronica Lodge and Cheryl Blossom, the two most popular girls in school. She had an on the side fling with Archie Andrews. Her life was basically perfect, almost. "We're going to have someone stay with us for awhile-" Alice is hesitant. "Who?" Her eyebrows raise. "Forsythe Jones, you remember him? His father isn't in the best place and well-" Truthfully Alice Cooper had been in love with FP Jones since high school, and when learning that his son was on the streets with no where to go, of course she'd be the first to take him in. Betty's memories of Jughead flash before her eyes, 4 years old and in the treehouse. She nods, understanding her mothers history with the Jones'. Unknown to most, Alice had been having an affair with FP for at least a year, having already known Jughead for quite some time. But Betty, she had a lot to learn. ----- Jughead was the type of kid you stayed away from because you knew his history. He was a serpent, he was from the wrong side of the tracks, raised by a dad who tried his best but always got the short end of the stick. Of course he remembers Betty, long golden hair and big green eyes. But he assumes she just might be like everyone else. Perfect. Judgmental. He had a lot to learn too. It's a normal Summer Thursday. Betty is on the couch, long sleeves and sweatpants on, covering the past decade of scarring she'd left on her skin. The T.V is switched on, reruns of New Girl playing silently in the background as she stares blankly ahead. She doesn't even notice the doorbell ring, shaken from her trance as Alice opens the front door, smiling and laughing at something Jughead must of said before she grabs the one bag he owns from his hands. His leather jacket is snug over his shoulders and it shocks her to see her mother embracing someone like him. She shakes her head and turns back to the T.V. ----- He hadn't even said hi to her and it had been days. He assumed she must not remember him, so he couldn't bother. He'd sleep on the couch, Betty sometimes in passing in the middle of the night for a glass of water would quickly glance over him, jacket slung over the edge of the couch, hair messed up and shirt on the floor. He was good looking. There was no doubt about it. She wonders why she never noticed before. ----- School starts up soon enough. Betty had been mutilating herself more than normal, the anxiety eating her alive. Medication just wasn't doing it anymore. There's only so much it can do. She'd been sitting at the table, pushing the food around on her plate with her fork. "Is it bad today?" Alice looks to her daughter, who smiles slightly and shakes her head just to please her. Jughead catches the last half of the conversation, wondering what could be so terrible about her life. Jughead knows better than any one though not to be judgmental of those you don't know. "The meds are good." Betty reassures her. "You sure?" Alice knows her daughter, she wasn't very good at lying. "Of course." ----- She lets him walk her to school that morning. It was the start of a friendship, moving slowly. And one night Veronica forces the both of them to see a double feature at the Bijou, Betty grabbing his hand quickly during the horror movie in fright. Slightly, just slight her sleeve of her shirt rises. And he sees it. ----- "Why do you do that?" On the walk home he turns to her, although it's none of his business, he's curious. "You don't have to tell me." "It's ok, I want to." She smiles slightly before her lips press into a firm line. "I must've been fourteen at the time-" She lets out a sigh before she continues. "-things were...alright I guess. My parents had been fighting, it was awful, nothing a teenager doesn't go through, but still. My father was a real asshole and one night they fighting had gone too far." "My mom had gone to sleep. And he'd asked me to...you know. I couldn't...he was stronger than me. And now he's gone, he's gotten away with it and I just, I don't know, you know?" "Betts-" "I'm sorry." And he is, but he knows there's nothing he can do. "You can't fix me. I have to do that on my own." She knows he would pity her. Everyone does once they know. But she also knows she's strong enough to overcome and recover. Just not right now. It felt good to tell someone. To talk about it. Tonight instead of her usual trip to the bathroom cabinet where the razor hides, she sits on the couch, next to him while an episode of her favorite show plays in the background. ----- It becomes a weekly thing. Double feature at the Bijou and burgers at Pop's. Sometimes with Veronica, most times with out. He makes her laugh, he makes her forget. She makes him laugh, she makes him forget. It's a perfect combination, just the two of them. She feels vulnerable with him, in a comforting way. And he feels the same. And that night he kisses her, under the blue and red lights of Pop's diner. She smiles against his lips and he does hers. It's quick, it's soft, it's sweet. It's perfect, unlike them. ----- He doesn't want to make Betty uncomfortable, he wants things to go slowly. Sometimes she has different ideas. Alice isn't home this particular afternoon after school. And when they walk in the door, his beanie falling between his fingertips and onto the floor, she pushes him slightly to rest on the couch. Legs either side of his, she sits comfortably in his lap, his fingers pull through her hair and his lips kiss hers gently. She wants more. More than she can handle. She presses her hand to his throat, tongue delving deep into his mouth, tasting him. He tastes of nicotine and honey. She can't get enough. Her hips roll forward. Doing so, although her own actions makes her still. She's frozen. She clambers off of him, panting. "Sorrysorrysorry-" Her face is flushed, eyes blown wide. "Hey-" "Don't. Not yet, that's fine." It's going to be a slow process. He knows that. He's more than willing to wait. And a week later she's more than willing to try. Maybe not go all the way, but she's ready to try at least something. He'd been sitting at the kitchen table, piece of toast in his mouth and coffee in one hand. "Juggie?" "Mhm-" "I want you to touch me." He practically chokes, swallowing hard, pressing his hand flat against the table as he lets out a cough. "Like-like...now?" "Yeah-" "You sure?" She nods quickly, pulling him by the sleeve of his gray, thickly knit sweater, practically tripping up the stairs as she drags him along. Pushed against her bed, sheets perfectly white and room a pinkish hue, he pulls away his beanie, letting his fall. She's smiling, green eyes bright and cheeks flushed pink. She looks innocent, unknowing about the world of pleasure. And God, was he about to show her how good it can be. She's pressed underneath him now, dress halfway up her thighs, his jeans tightening at the sight of her. "Are you sure?" He exhaled deeply, there wasn't enough air in this world, she left him breathless. Her hips pushed up to his, thumb looped through the side of her panties, threatening to pull them down. "Touch me." She whimpered in response leaving his head spinning. "I just want to make sure that you're sure about this." He questions one more time, slowly tugging down her panties before she even answers. "I'm sure." Her thighs are already spreading further and he has to close his eyes for a couple seconds before he passes out. She wants him to take every last ounce of her innocence and it becomes more and more tempting as he slides her panties all the way down her legs, fingertips trailing around the inside of her thighs. "Please, Juggie. Please." She pleads. She opens her mouth again to speak, but he brings his lips to hers, warm tongues instantly meeting before she can get a word out. His fingers travel further between her thighs, slipping between her, her wetness already coating his fingertips. Her hips lift against his touch. His thumb flicks over her clit, her lips parting as she lets out a cry, her hot breath against his face. "More Juggie." She moans directly in his ear, his jeans tightening even more around him than he thought possible. He pumps a finger into her, and then another and another, her breathing quickening and her moans becoming louder. She winces as he moves them deeper, but lifts her hips again anyways, pleading for even more. He pulls his fingers from her, leaving her with an empty feeling, lifting his fingers to his mouth. She tastes so sweet and he can't help but crave for more. She takes his fingers, bringing them to her mouth, taking them between her lips, the taste of herself on her own tongue. He can feel his sanity slipping away as she wraps her lips around each of his fingers, looking at him through her lashes. He pushes her further against the headboard, sliding down further until his face is where not only he, but she wants it, straight between her pale thighs. She licks her bottom lip before biting down, looking at him with young, innocent eyes. He watches her every emotion intently as he brings his lips to her, tongue savoring the sweet taste as he coaxed in between her thighs. She cries out almost immediately, biting down harder onto her lip, almost hard enough to break the skin. He repeats the action, this time slower, her fingers threading through his hair. His nails dig into her thighs, pulling her closer, wanting more, always wanting more. His tongue flicks over her clit methodically, her hands pushing his head against her even harder, her lips parting uncontrollably in soft whimpers. A shiver runs through her, the light scruff on his face tickling her thighs. Her nails dig into his scalp, her legs hanging over his shoulders as he moves his tongue faster, wanting her to let go. He stops for a second or two, demanding her to come under his tongue and not a minute later she complies with his pleas, her legs shaking and her lips trembling with profanities. "Fuck!" She cried out looking down to him as her orgasm shook her, her eyes still shy and innocent. "I want you now." She pleaded, pulling him up to her, but he could tell she was a little uncertain. "Just kiss me for awhile." He suggested to make her less uneasy, lips meeting hers roughly as he pushed her into the bed. She flipped him over, her legs on either side of him. He sat up, pulling her flush against his chest, his tongue running over hers, exploring every inch of her mouth that he already knew so well. He couldn't ever get bored of her cherry flavored mouth, ever. Her hips began to rock, a groan vibrated through his throat, his reaction making her giggle excitedly like a child. They begin to undress, him watching her so carefully. He tells her it'll hurt, because it will, but that's okay. Because she trusts him and she wants him. "I need you to tell me if you want me to stop." He's inside of her, it's painful for her, but she doesn't want to stop. "No, no don't stop. You can move." She encourages him to go on and his hips begin to move slowly. She winces, she cries. It hurts, but it all gets better. A couple of minutes pass and she pleads him to go faster, claiming the pain has subsided. He hears her moan, and that's when he knows. "Fuck Juggie, harder." She moans and he lets out a sharp gasp, the pleasure already too much to handle. He places a kiss under her ear before doing as she says, moving into her harder. "Are you okay?" He asks as she winces, hips starting to slow, scared that he's hurt her. "'More than okay. Oh f-fuck, don't slow down, keep going." She cries, leaning forward to bite into his shoulder. He looks to the door to make sure he remembered to lock it, thrusting deeper into the girl below him. A door closes downstairs and he hears a shouted hello, signaling Alice was home. Betty wraps her legs around his waist letting him go deeper and he knows that he don't want to rush this, even if Alice is home. "I'm going to need you to be quiet for me, okay?" She nods, biting into his shoulder again, her fingers tugging at his hair. He hits her at one deep angle, deep enough to have her cry out uncontrollably. He covers her lips with his, swallowing her moans. "Fuck Juggie, I'm-I'm gonna come, fuck." Nails digging into his back, clawing and scratching, hard enough to draw blood, air stinging the fresh wound, but he only works on driving into her harder. "Come, let go." He presses a long lasting kiss to the side of her neck, deciding he didn't care anymore how loud she calls out his name, because the way it sounded rolling off of her lips was enough to make his vision blur and his head spin. His hand moves between the both of them, finger rubbing lazy circles over her clit, making her cry out his name even louder and this time he doesn't stop her. She tightens and shakes around him and he comes inside of her, arms on either side of her to be sure he doesn't crush her fragile frame. They're sure at this point they love each other. No doubt. And after the first time, they become insane with need. It was quite simple actually, how they made love. She wasn't screaming and yelling and thrashing the whole house awake, no. No, he knew that at 3:29, a minute before she opened his door and shut the rest of the world out behind them, she would pull the bed a few inches from the wall. To make sure that when together they rocked back and forth, slower, faster, then slower again and then just a little bit harder on that bed she's had since she was 10 years old, the headboard wouldn't slam against the wall, and doom their middle of the night secret. But if it was however, one of those nights she needed more than what the 7 year old bed limited them with the creaking wood and the out of shape bed springs, if it was one of those nights she was in the mood to scream, and to yell, and to thrash the whole house awake, she would ask him to lay on the floor and she would climb on top of him. And with no creaking wood, no out of shape bed springs, she would fuck him, so much harder and so much faster until just maybe, he was the one wanting to scream. And then when they were done, they'd fall back into her bed, markings of his mouth at her neck, at her breasts and her thighs, all over. ----- It's a normal night at the Bijou when he tell her he loves her and she does the same. After they say they love each other they become sex crazed. They have to have each other, all the time, every minute of every day. He begins to pick her up from school so he can fuck her in the back seat of the truck, her skirt pushed up and his jeans pushed down. She'll ride him in the small, confined space till he comes inside of her and then they drive home. They aren't good at being discreet. They'll leave the dinner table so he can fuck her, pushed up against just the other side of the wall of the dining room. He'll pull her into the bathroom during movie night and fuck her on the bathroom counter. She'll pull just the right clothes out of the way so she can fuck him on the couch while Alice leaves for a minute without getting caught. They'd been so desperate one night after coming home from a party that when they stumbled through the door and fall, he just fucks her right there on the floor while her parents are asleep upstairs. They'd been sex crazed. No doubt. It's early one morning, Betty is in the bathroom covering up the markings he'd left last night. One knock at the door and she knows it's him, opening quickly to pull him inside. "Come here." She says turning to him once she notices the bruise she'd left on his skin, tube of concealer in hand. "No. Uh uh. Don't put that on me." He backs away, hands up before she fists his t-shirt in one hand, forcing him forward. "Jug, just get your ass over here." She tells him and he finally listens to her. He always does. Smearing it all over his neck he begins to look down at her, eyes on hers. "I never thought you'd do it." He laughed. "Do what?" She asked him, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Make me fall in love with you."
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idontknow-ijustwanttopost · 8 years ago
Tough love P2
Warning: fluff (does that need a warning), sexual talk I guess
Word count: 1607
A/N: TOTO AND JUGHEAD BONDING TIME. By the way this is a lot of dialogue, but yeah hope you like it.
Part 1: https://idontknow-ijustwanttopost.tumblr.com/post/161116166390/tough-love
Toto POV
That night Jughead stays over for diner and sits awkwardly in the dinning room, while my dad cooks burgers and I set the table. “Do you need any help, with…anything?” He asks fidgeting with his fingers than sitting on his hands. “You’re sweet, but no I’ve got it.” I say as I turn to grab glasses from the kitchen. “Hey Toto? Would you mind if maybe the kid stayed with us until it’s time to go?” Dad asks while taking the last of the burgers off of the pan. “I won’t mind, but I don’t think his social worker would be so keen on the idea” I say grabbing a beer from the fridge, for Dad. “Well she’ll never have to find out, besides it won’t be forever, just a couple of days.” He says. “I thought he was living with us after we moved?” I ask pulling my brows together in confusion. “Well as far as his social worker knows, he is. But, Jughead said he’d feel much more comfortable with Archie.” He explains. “Soooo he’s getting dragged into this move becaauusse?” I ask waving my hand for him to explain. “Because I promised F.P I’d watch out for his boy. This move will be good for him, and you. Let’s face it you need better friends.” He says the last part under his breath. “Yeah cause the son of F.P is a much better influence than my current friends. Ok Dad.” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and filling the two glasses with water. I walk back into the dinning room and set one of the glasses in front of Jughead and he gives me a small awkward smile. I return the gesture and take my seat as Dad comes out of the kitchen with the burger patties and buns. Diner goes by some what slow as Dad and Jughead have a riveting conversation about F.P and his reckless adventures, while I eat in silence, studying Jughead’s face as he listens intently to the tales of his father. After diner I clear the table and take the dirty dishes to the sink while Dad goes to watch T.V, beer bottle in hand. “At least allow me to help with this.” Jughead says from the doorway as I begin to wash a plate. “It’s fine Jughead, really.” I say turning over my shoulder to look at him. He’s leant casually against the door frame and pieces of his hair are poking out from under his beanie in small curls, that fall on his forehead. He looks good. I shake the thoughts from my head when he starts to speak. “Oh come on. You wash, I’ll rinse and dry. It’ll be a little bonding time.” He says with a grin, pushing himself off of the door frame and walking towards me. I turn away, bitting my bottom lip as he stands next to me, a towel in his hand. I look up at him, there’s got to be at least a six inch difference between us, smirk and hand him the now clean plate. He returns the smirk, taking the plate, and rinses it off. After a few moments of no talking he breaks the awkward silence, “So. Uh, are you nervous about moving schools?” He asks trying to make small talk. “Yeah, I mean why wouldn’t I be, I’m going to be the new kid, again.” I say. “Again?” He asks. “This, I believe, will be my sixth new school.” I say and he raises his eyebrows. “Why do you move so much,” he asks placing a cup in the cabinet. “I’m a, you know, bad kid.” I say a bit embarrassed, even though I shouldn’t be, he’s the son of a gang leader. “You’re a bad girl?” He asks leaning against the sink with a smirk and a wink. I glare at him then splash him a bit with water, “Hey!” He shouts. “Funny.” I sneer and he chuckles. “Toto?” He ask in a mocking tone. “Jughead?” I mock back and he makes a yeah-true face. “But really, Toto is just a, I don’t know, gang nick name, I guess.” I say handing him the last plate and draining the sink. “My real name is Toni.” I say turning and jumping to sit on the counter. “That’s a nice name.” He says putting the plate away then walking towards me. “And I think Toto is an adorable gang nick name.” He say in a sarcastic serious tone, placing each hand on either side of me on the counter and leaning forward a bit. “I didn’t choose it.” I defend, “my dad has been calling me that since he joined The Serpents.” I say. “Why?” He asks pushing up and down off the counter and I shrug. “Ok, your turn ask me something.” He says and I tap my chin. “Well I don’t want to cross any lines.” I say and he shrugs as if to say I’m free to ask anything I want. “Alright, I’m going to start off easy, just to be sure. What was life like on the north side before you were moved here?” I ask and he contemplates the question. “Difficult.” He says with a nod. “How so?” I ask leaning forward. “Well a kid was murdered this past summer, I was homeless, my friends betrayed me, my father was accused of murder, oh and my girlfriend was tormented for standing up for him. Just to name a few reasons.” He says and my heart kind of drops at the word girlfriend. Why do I care? “I’m sorry.” I say looking at my hands. “Ehh life gets bad sometimes. Ok my turn.” He says and I look up again. “Do you have a boyfriend?” He asks with a wiggle of his eye brows. “Nope.” I say popping the P, “my turn!” I say. “Who is your girlfriend?” I ask eager to learn about her. “Her name is Betty. She’s real sweet, smart, pretty. Nothing like me really. And to be honest I don’t even think I can call her my girlfriend anymore.” He says hanging his head. “Did you guys break up?” I ask sympathetically. “Well yes and no. No, because there was no official conversation about breaking up. But yes, because well she hasn’t talked to me in days.” He says and I frown. “I’m sorry.” I say. “Yeah well I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. But for now, it’s my turn again.” He says lifting his head to meet my eyes again. “Time to get personal.” He whispers leaning in real close, “What is the farthest you’ve ever been with a guy?“He asks and I purse my lips. "Are you asking if I’m a virgin?” I ask and he smiles. With a sigh I answer, “Technically I’m still a virgin I’ve been eaten out before, I’ve given a blow job, but no, I’ve never had dick in me. It’s all how you view virginity I guess.” I say and he nods. “Ok my turn, how often do you masturbate?” I ask with a smirk and his eyes go wide. “You can’t ask those things.” He says laughing, then attacking my sides with pokes and tickles. I yelp in shock and jump down from the counter slapping away his hands. He just laughs and continues his assault. “Why not!?” I shout, laughing, “you asked me something personal!” I defend. “Fine. Fifteen times a week.” He says stoping his attack and now my eyes go wide. “What?” I laugh out, “is that normal?” I ask. “Of course not I was teasing, you dork.” He says poking my side again. Just then Dad walks in half asleep. “Alright you two I’m off to bed. Jughead you’re welcome to crash on the couch, I know the place you’re staying at isn’t the best. But I don’t want you two up all night you still have school tomorrow.” He says from the door way. He throws his empty beer bottle into the trash then turns to head upstairs. “Do I really have to sleep on the couch?” Jughead asks as he turns to me with puppy dog eyes. “Well you’re welcome to sleep on the floor.” I say and begin to walk out of the kitchen. “Let me sleep with you.” He says grabbing my hand. “What? No.” I say and he pouts. “Come on no funny business. It’ll be like a sleep over and we can continue to ask questions about each other. It’ll be fun.” He says and his eyes light up and he looks like a little kid. “Fine.” I sigh. “YAY!” He shouts and runs towards the stairs. I shake my head and follow him then take his hand and lead him to my room. We walk in and his eyes go directly to my record player. He walks towards it then looks through my box of records. He pulls one out, places it on the machine, lowers the volume, and places the needle on the record. Hotel California begins to play quietly and he turns to me with a smirk and a raised eye brow. “You have this song on vinyl?” He asks slowly dancing towards me, “You’re so retro hipster.” I roll my eyes at him and he takes my hands. We sway oddly through the whole song then he turns it off and we sit on my bed. We talk all night about our fears, dreams, and crazy ideas until eventually we both fall asleep facing each other on my tiny twin bed. And just for that night everything is perfect.
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oliverxmarks · 8 years ago
imagine jughead and archie are hanging out and juggie is just upside down on the bed (like when your head's like over the edge yeah like that) and archie gives him a quick kiss and he ends up falling off the bed
Jughead was laying on Archie’s bed, absentmindedly flipping through the latest issue of Fangoria. Behind him, Archie was playing Grand Theft Auto, cursing under his breath. Tossing the magazine to the side, Jughead shifted himself so he was laying over the edge of the bed, watching the T.V. Yeah, he was upside down, but he could still figure the game out pretty easily. Shoot things, rob people. Not hard to follow.
Pausing the game, Archie turned to the side to see Jughead on his bed. “You know, you’re gonna fall off.” 
“I am not.” 
Smirking, crawled across the floor until he was about a foot from Jug. “Are you positive?” He asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Before he could answer, Archie quickly leaned over and pecked Jughead on the lips. 
In shock, and much to the delight of the redhead, Jughead fell off the bed. Rightening himself to sit on the floor, his face grew red. “Archie, why-”
“I’ve wanted to do it for a while. Was that too much?”
“No,” Jughead replied, “But I didn’t know you-”
“I’m bi, Juggie.”
Archie bit his lip, reaching up to scratch his nose. “I’m sorry if that was a lot, I didn’t mean to-”
“No you’re fine, just... just give me a warning next time.”
“Will there be a next time?”
Jughead smiled, nodding. “Of course, dummy.” He laughed, Archie joining in with him. 
“So... does that mean I can kiss you again?”
“Is that a warning?”
“More a promise, but yes.”
Whoops? I found this too cute not to write something...
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derangedsanity · 8 years ago
Could I request a Jughead X river vixen!reader drabble with the dialogues 11 and 39 please xoxo 💓😇 I adore your blog
11. “I think I love you. But I don’t want to. I hate you.” 39. “You got me in this mess!” Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader Warnings: Some angst , cursing, implied smut. A/N; This Jughead is the T.V. show version of Jughead (not the comic version). – Being a River Vixen was serious business, it wasn’t something to be taken lightly. There was a time when you were in the not-so-popular side of school. But that was in the past. That was before you had somehow gotten on Cheryl Blossom’s good side. And you weren’t about to ruin that in any way. Even if you did have a slight crush on the mysterious, beanie wearing kid in school, Jughead. You were supposed to hate him, therefore you did. But all of that changed one night at one of Cheryl’s parties, when he surprisingly showed up with the rest of the Sad Breakfast Club. “Who wants to play Seven Minutes In Heaven?” Cheryl randomly called out when it was getting late, and the party was slowly starting to die down a bit. Everyone knew it was bad news if they turned her down, so no one did. Everyone ended up sitting in a circle in the middle of her large living room, staring nervously at the bottle in the middle of them. “Let’s see- Y/N!” Cheryl called your name out with glee, causing you to confusedly look up at her, “How about you be ‘the one’.” “Oh, I-” “Great!” Cheryl cut you off before giving you the chance to protest, smiling brightly. “Let the games begin.” And with that, the bottle was spinning. And spinning, spinning, then slowing down. It stopped. You gulped, hesitantly looking up to see who it landed on. Jughead Jones. Fuck. Cheryl clapped, “Jughead, Y/N you two know where the closet is.” You almost tried to protest again but instead decided to get up and walk yourself over to the closet. Nothing had to happen in there. Right?
Once the two of you were finally, awkwardly standing as far apart as you possibly could in the closet everything- your plan- fell apart. “So.” You laughed a bit, trying so damn hard not to notice how good he looked tonight. He always looked good. But tonight he looked very good. Jughead didn’t say a word, looking down at his phone. “Six and a half more minutes.” He mumbled to himself, turning his phone off and shoving it in his back pocket almost angrily. You cocked a brow, “What’s wrong with you?” “Oh, nothing. It’s just I could think of a hundred different things I’d rather be doing right this second, is all.” He shrugged, leaning against the wall, looking up at the ceiling in boredom. “Wow.” You scoffed, looking down at your shoes. “Nice.” “What the hell do you expect me to say, Y/N? You’re a bitch. You’ve been a bitch ever since you decided to ditch all of us and join the River Vixens.” You scoffed again, shaking your head. “Juggie-” “Jughead.” He cooly cut you off, still not making any sort of eye contact with you. “Jughead, you knew that this was what I wanted. From the very first day we met, that’s all I talked about. And then I got it. I had to make my choice.” “And that you did.” He mumbled, grabbing his phone back out of his pocket, checking the time. “Five minutes.” He informed you. You wanted to do something, anything just to apologize. You had been friends with Juggie, Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Kevin long before you joined the River Vixens. But you felt like you had blew Juggie off the most after you got accepted. You had loved him before all of this shit took place. And here the two of you were, in a closet, all alone. “Jughead.” You sighed, whispering. “I need to do something. And I know doing this wont change anything, but this is my only chance and I just…I need to, okay?” He shrugged, obviously not expecting you to kiss him. But that’s what you did. You shoved him against the wall and kissed him so hard that your lips almost hurt and you couldn’t breathe at all. And the most surprising thing is, he didn’t fight back. After a moment of pure shock, his lips began to move back against yours just as hard. Your fingers tangled in his hair, knocking his hat off onto the floor, drawing a breathless groan from him. You eventually forced yourself to break the heated kiss, breathing heavily. The both of you stood there in shock and breathless. “I think I love you. But I don’t want to. I hate you.” You breathed out, looking down and quickly backing away. “But you don’t.” Jughead spoke, shaking his head, picking his hat up and putting it back atop his head. “I don’t what?” You asked. “You don’t hate me. Because something told me if you had even the slightest hate for me, you wouldn’t have just kissed me like that.” You shook your head, biting down hard on your lower lip. “But I’m supposed to. I’m supposed to hate you.” You caught your breath fully then, “Do you wanna get out of here?” You were taking a really big risk by asking that, putting yourself out on a very thin limb. So when he nodded, you felt so lucky. “Thank god.” The door opened then, revealing two very flushed people with severely swollen lips. “Oh, your seven minutes are up. Unless you want seven more.” Cheryl spoke sarcastically, venom dripping off her lips as she gave you the look that told you had messed up. Big time. You wished you cared. – “We really shouldn’t be doing this.” You spoke against Juggie’s lips as you stumbled up the stairs, trying not to stumble back down the stairs. “Oh, really?” He asked, pulling away, “Because, I mean, we could just stop.” “Shut up.” You growled, grabbing him by his shirt, pulling him the rest of the way up the stairs. – The next morning at school, you were greeted by a very unhappy Cheryl Blossom in the gymnasium. “ I don’t understand. Don’t put me in the damn closet with someone and not expect anything to happen between us!” You couldn’t help but raise your voice at her. But she kept her cool gaze the whole time. “I had every right to expect nothing to happen between the two of you, Y/N. You made a promise to me the second I accepted you onto our team. You were to shut them out entirely, including Jughead. Especially Jughead.” “No. I can’t do that.” You shook your head, suddenly feeling very brave about this whole thing. “Then you’re out.” “Great.” – You cried as soon as you got home. Running upstairs to your bedroom to find the bed still a mess from last night’s activities. Suddenly you felt very angry at the sight of it. You had fought so hard to make sure you didn’t fail, to make sure Cheryl was happy with you. But thanks to Juggie you failed terribly. “You got me into this mess.” You breathed out suddenly feeling so weak. You loved him. You were supposed to be as cold and as heartless as everyone else in the River Vixens. But instead you were in love with him. There was nothing that could change any of this. Everything had already happened. Eventually you made it back out the door as soon as school ended, waiting for Juggie on Archie’s front porch. As soon as he walked up the walkway, you stood up. Obviously he was taken aback by the sight of you. Your hair was a mess, your eyes were red and swollen from crying earlier, and you just genuinely looked and felt like complete shit. You walked down the rest of the way to meet him, sighing shakily. “I need to know something right now.” He nodded, “Of course, what’s wrong?” You ignored his question, deciding to ask yours. “Do you love me? I need to know that I didn’t just ruin my future as a River Vixen for nothing. I need to know that you feel the same about me that I do about you.” There wasn’t even a pause. “Of course I do. Do you think any of last night would have happened if I didn’t?” You shook your head, “I- I don’t know.” “Hey, I’m sorry you got kicked out of the River Vixens.” A shot pause and then, “Do you wanna talk about it?” You broke down in tears again at that, nodding. “Please?” Even though you were hurting now, somehow you knew you had made the right choice.
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