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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
okay so, this is me starting a series that I will hopefully be able to continue properly.
as it turns out my lovely lovely girlfriend has been keeping track of the chaotic things I say and has a list, so here goes Exhibit a:
• trauma diya hai but this family does have good taste. (me on my parents' good taste in music, and movies lmao)
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
Barbie, but especially, “What was i made for” has kind of come at a really good time in my life. I could definitely use something to listen to with my existential dread along with never grow up. But really, like the lyrics feel so relatable cause i’ve felt like i kinda lost everything that i thought was me once i kind of got disillusioned and realised that i have more things in my life beyond academics and it’s been a good couple years of trying to find who I am. And the Barbie-Ken talk towards the end made me realise that DAMN, i’m not made or created to be anything at all. I’m not supposed to be the academic weapon i thought i wanted to be, or a certain label i want to put on myself and conform to, because that feels easier than really trying to find who I am. But that’s the point, something my best friend has been saying forever and a version of it that i realised myself recently, your vibe can be anything you want, and i’ve understood that everytime i try to do the thing of trying to fit into even my own expectations of how i want to be perceived, i restrict myself, i get rigid in my opinions of myself even if my “self” is not rigid. So yeah, barbie and ken and archer, can be whatever they want and they’ve not been built to be a particular thing. They are what they are.
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.
oof 5 is too little and too many at the same time so here we go
1. my friends' company
2. reading a good book/poem
3. writing a nice poem
4. gender euphoria
5. my time spent with my girlfriend
(these are not in order of rank or priority, they're all amazing amazing things on their own and I love them all a whooole lot)
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
me, knowing full well that it's a friday: on Wednesdays we wear pink hehe 💗🌸🥰💝
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
I have actually only read like 10 pages till now 😭
I've been busy with college a lot and haven't gotten a day to sit and read (+Motivation hehe)
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
tomorrow is my first university exam and I have neither prepared till now nor am I doing it now. motivation udhar de do pls
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
I finally have the answer to the one question every student faces at least once in school.
"describe yourself in one word"
my answer:
that is who I am.
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
just remembered this one time I thought I liked this one dude in my class but it was just gender envy-
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
bought a journal with the intention of documenting the highlights of my day in the start of the year, did no documenting beyond January 6. koi motivation de do thoda sa yaar kahin se
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
QOTD: are all rich people murderers?
(answer: yes, they are)
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
fuck life, honestly. nothing ever goes the way it should in life and it makes no sense ever. something that can feel so absolutely right can be so so wrong for you and you won't understand that till it's probably too late. you'll think that you've found everything you were ever looking for but uh-huh, it's just one more stupid lesson, just your character development arc yay. fuck this shit, I'm out.
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
to all DU kids here appearing for their first exams (like myself, please keep me in your prayers), good luck y'all! we are probably going to do well, and if not, it's not your fault, it's the university's. in any case, we're going to be fine and it will be okay
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
no but how do I take academia seriously when the fucking university does not.
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
Exhibit b:
• I have successfully silenced one woman. (whenever she's losing to me in banter, she says that I'm trying to silence her just because she's a woman. this was my winning line in one such interaction.)
okay so, this is me starting a series that I will hopefully be able to continue properly.
as it turns out my lovely lovely girlfriend has been keeping track of the chaotic things I say and has a list, so here goes Exhibit a:
• trauma diya hai but this family does have good taste. (me on my parents' good taste in music, and movies lmao)
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
Exhibit c:
• merko tumhari feelings tumhe mansplain karni hain (the purpose of my English degree as I say + my fun ways of gender affirmation hehe)
okay so, this is me starting a series that I will hopefully be able to continue properly.
as it turns out my lovely lovely girlfriend has been keeping track of the chaotic things I say and has a list, so here goes Exhibit a:
• trauma diya hai but this family does have good taste. (me on my parents' good taste in music, and movies lmao)
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3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta · 2 years ago
Exhibit d:
• Kalidas was one horny man. (you'd get this if you read abhijanansakuntalam tbh)
okay so, this is me starting a series that I will hopefully be able to continue properly.
as it turns out my lovely lovely girlfriend has been keeping track of the chaotic things I say and has a list, so here goes Exhibit a:
• trauma diya hai but this family does have good taste. (me on my parents' good taste in music, and movies lmao)
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