therhetoricofmagic · 1 year
Marion Woodman & the Embodied, Conscious Feminine
Marion Woodman (1928-2018) was a renowned Canadian Jungian analyst, author, and lecturer who dedicated her life to exploring the relationship between the body, psyche, and spirit. She is best known for her pioneering work in the field of feminine psychology and the embodiment of the soul. Born in London, Ontario in 1928, Marion Woodman grew up in a strict Presbyterian family. Her childhood was…
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archetypa-reloaded · 3 months
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piyalibhoir · 2 months
Khardong Monastery
Nestled in the serene landscapes of Ladakh, Khardong Monastery stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage and spiritual depth of the region. Established centuries ago, this monastery holds a pivotal place in the religious and social fabric of Ladakhi society.
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daniel-watts-art · 4 months
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Sigil 01 Night Crawler
This is a piece I made that combines original elements and collage from 16th and 17th century prints scrounged from public museum archives.
Featuring pieces from etchings by Albrecht Dürer (1507) after a design by Leonardo da Vinci, Archetypa Studiaque by Jacob Hoefnagel (1592), Daniel de Lafeuille (1600), Perspectiva Corporum Regularium by Jost Amman after designs by Wenzel Jamnitzer (1568), and other sources.
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christreginlave · 8 months
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clawmarks · 5 years
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Archetypa stvdiaqve patris - Joris and Jacob Hoefnagel - 1592 - via Internet Archive
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art-now-italy · 4 years
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Oracula 26, Stefania Puntaroli
From the main series called Archetypa, this painting on wood is a reworking of the petroglyphs done in ink and gold powder.
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fungustoenailcure · 7 years
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Just Pinned to Cure Toenail Fungus: Ever Wonder How French Tip Nails Started? French nails are an actually archetypa http://ift.tt/2G1pZ7a
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Burn Out - Definition, Causes and Solutions
Modern life manner passel piece of tail bide more than convenient, wealthier but quicker, more stressful. Human stuck in cyclone of flow and relationship and they do non take a shit time for themselves. The press people had to receive is ontogeny day by day. Therefore, we commonly listen some laments such as: Oh my god! Im so burnout. Burnout becomes a common word to guardianship about the individuals tiredness. However, most of people do not all the way know what burnout is and how to get unloosen of it. In this essay, I pass on help you in these.\n primary at all, let us define what burnout is. Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter, a psychologist and an reference who specializes in the area of women and stress, delimitate it is a stage of degenerative stress and frustration that leads to: sensible and emotional exhaustion, tactile propertying of cynicism and interval and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment. Burnout may be the result of too such(prenomi nal)(prenominal) stress, but it is not the very(prenominal) as too much stress. If stress leads people to savor overload because of pressure, burnout makes human feel empty, devoid of motivation and beyond caring (Melinda Smith). Burnout and depression have some similarities in symptoms, including catnap change, fatigue, and anhedonia-the inability to find enjoyment from activities usually found enjoyable (Renzo Bianchi). Although burnout and depression have a lot of in common, they hush up differ from some points. The biggest diverse point is burnout is generally seen as a specific worry related to stress in the workplace, whereas depression is a phenomenon that can permeate all areas of our lives.\nBurnout has a lot of negative effects; these effects are split up into three groups same as burnout definition. Chronic fatigue, insomnia, impaired absorption and attention, anxiety, etc. are signs associated with physiologic and emotional exhaustion, and they are archetypa l group. The second group belongs to odour of detachment and cynicism with some signs su... If you expect to get a plentiful essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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stefania72 · 8 years
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Con Antonio alla presentazione di Surkafkiano con mie opere Dalla serie Archetypa (at Libreria del Globo)
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archetypa-reloaded · 3 months
ARCHETYPA RELOADED è un'opera in progress di maieutica digitale atta a "mettere al mondo" immagini finora inesistenti perché correlate a termini o concetti mai postulati o tuttora orfani di una loro rappresentazione iconografica.
Effettuata per una data locuzione una rapida ricerca sul web,e appurato che nessun motore ne riporta un esempio,si è provveduto a generare tramite IA un'immagine corrispondente,e quindi a postarla nell'apposito sito www.tumblr.com/archetypa-reloaded,al fine che,registrata dai vari motori di ricerca,ne consegua un suo "certificato di nascita" ufficiale.
Sulla procedura da seguire esistono due estetiche percorribili: una prevede che si scelga la prima immagine generata (sceglie la macchina),l'altra che,una volta prodotto un corpus minimo di immagini,si scelga la preferita. Nel caso specifico si sono adottati entrambi gli approcci,con una netta prevalenza "curatoriale" della seconda modalità,che fra l'altro permette anche di arricchire e guidare con indicazioni relative allo stile,all'estetica e alla composizione,il risultato finale. Si è inoltre sempre preferito il risultato "difettoso",fedeli in questo alla lezione di Callois e alla sua teoria del fantastico come prodotto non di una scienza a tavolino (Bosch) ma frutto inconsapevole di una certa goffaggine di mano o imperizia tecnica.
Nel procedere dell'operazione abbiamo inoltre riscontrato una sempre maggiore affinità tra questa produzione automatica di immagini che attingono a quel nuovo inconscio tecnologico che altri identificano con il nome di tecnognosi e i primi tentativi di scrittura automatica esperiti da Breton in quel suo testo seminale che è "Poisson soluble".
Al di là del richiamo platonico dell'operazione,riteniamo importante sottolineare come,contrariamente alle posizioni snobistiche di chi sostiene che siamo invasi da troppe immagini (gli stessi,si pensa,che in passato hanno tonato contro -progressivamente se non addirittura da progressisti- la tv,i videogiochi,i telefonini,i computer,e prima ancora contro la lavastoviglie,il riscaldamento nelle case,l'utilizzo delle mutande),siano in realtà moltissime quelle di cui siamo ancora orfani.
Per ultimo,"reloaded"del titolo è un richiamo ovviamente al film Matrix,peraltro assai mediocre.
Questa è un'iniziativa del Gruppo Surrealista Mongolo di Bologna (GSMB).
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art-now-italy · 5 years
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Ut unum sint, Stefania Puntaroli
From the series Archetypa, this oil painting on wood is inspired by graffiti. The background is made ​​with silver and copper from the series called Archetypa, this oil painting on wood is a reworking of the petroglyphs. The background is made ​​with silver and copper leaf. It is inspired to Love. .
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vodounic · 10 years
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Special note: Rhian is perf and her muses are my favorite 5ever. If you aren't following, you should be. xoxo.
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contingere-blog · 10 years
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         ❝ Don't give me that look. ❞
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exorcismarchive-blog · 10 years
archetypa replied to your post:dudes. modern greek characters. modern...
i had actually been pondering some modern shakespearean characters
it would honestly be so amazing tbh.
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