#archaeologist marinette
miraculousfanworks · 2 months
Writing Prompt: We Are Not Eaten By YaksAkumas
"My name is Adrien Agreste. And unfortunately for me, my parents are three things: RICH, ADVENTUROUS, and now COMATOSE after an incident involving Niagra Falls and an ancient gold-pated spleen. My plan was to cope with it by going to school and having a normal childhood for once, but no. Immediately I get recruited to become a Superhero (because of course the Miraculouses showed up again the moment my parents, the experts on magic items like the Miraculouses, are out of the picture) and to make things worse I accidentally gave a very nice girl my most cursed umbrella (they all have curses on them at this point, which due to how I was conceived is less of a problem for me, but this one was my most cursed one and I completely forgot to warn Marinette about it). Darn it, I just wanted a school year without a crazy adventure, but no. Guess I'll just have to make the best of it. At least Plagg understands where I'm coming from."
Or, the AU where Gabriel and Emilie never stopped being Adventuring Exploring Archaeologists, and dragged Adrien on crazy Indiana Jones level adventures on a regular basis throughout his life. This leads to a Chat Noir with a really interesting set of skills, and a Ladybug who has accidentally received one of the weirdest curses a person can think of.
Prompt by: Maspers
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adriensaltprompts · 2 years
Submitted prompt: This Series Needs An Adult
Edit: The prompt has been edited to fix a misunderstanding, Lila's dad is meant to be an Arab man, not black, I relied only on a quick google-image search to figure out where Maghreb was, and assumed that because it was in northern Africa that it meant he was black. This is 100% my mistake, and I apologize again, it won't happen again!
AU on many fronts, including Lila being mixed-race and having a dad that’s in the picture.
Edited a lot so it doesn't break the rules: No downplaying or defending Lila's lying, including by saying she can't help it. If you want her lying to not be a bad thing, then it can just be an AU where she doesn't go around manipulating people in the first place.
And since this is an AU where she has a parent in the picture who's not as neglectful as her mom is in canon, and actively cares for her she'd be a lot less likely to be a compulsive liar because she wouldn't be constantly starved for attention/affection. Also edited to add more details.
I named Lila's dad Mir as a placeholder name since just calling him "Lila's dad" is a bit of a mouthful when he's pretty much our perspective character. Feel free to change it.
Lila's dad is an archaeologist who knows what the Cat Miraculous looks like from ancient depictions of it, and he's great at spotting liars. And so one day when he's giving a presentation at Bring Your Parent to School day, he sees firsthand the way Adrien defends Chloe when she's openly and blatantly racist towards the other children, and even their parents. Marinette, Alya, Nino, Kim, Max, and Kagami and their parents are all targets of her racism, along with Mir and his daughter.
And to Mir's horror...Mrs. Bustier stands there with a stupid smile on her face, and does nothing, says nothing, doesn't do anything to stop her student from being horrifically racist.
None of the stories Lila had ever told him about her school ever included the fact that the teacher stood by and did nothing. He's assumed that Chloe was at least being punished for her misconduct, but now...now he sees that that assumption was giving too much credit where it wasn't due. Ms. Bustier does nothing, remains silent--
Until Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Alya Cesaire confront Chloe, telling her to knock off her racist comments. Then Ms. Bustier loses her gentle smile, and instead turns it into a frown, and scolds the two children for standing up for themselves, their friends, and their families.
And Mir gets to see firsthand how Adrien Agreste comes to Chloe Bourgeois' defense, even with all of the other students and all but one of the adults in the class arrayed against her.
The injustice of it all causes one of the other parents and their child to be Akumatized when they storm out of the classroom together, and in the ensuing chaos, Mir notices very quickly the way Adrien Agreste makes his excuses to leave the classroom to hide elswhere, even though the Akumas had already broken in to kidnap Chloe and had left.
As the kid is gesturing, Mir gets a very good look at the ring he's wearing, and recognizes it instantly, with a pit of shock opening in his stomach. He's stared at this thing's likeness countless times, he knows it like the back of his hand. It can't be possible--but it is all too possible, and now that he's seen both side of the mask, it's clear that the behavior matches up.
Adrien Agreste, the billionaire white boy who defends his billionaire white girl friends' abject racism, is the same white boy known as Chat Noir, who's been sexually harassing Ladybug, the real hero, since day one, his behavior escalating to new levels of horrible every week that went by, until now several times he'd been caught on camera trying to get people Akumatized by playing off their fears and angers.
It all makes perfect sense. Too much sense. He thought he was seeing red before, now he's more angry than he's ever felt in his life.
His only sensible course of action?
Follow Adrien as he leaves, take the damned sacred ring before Adrien can use it to transform, and go to the fight himself, leaving Adrien safely in the school with the rest of the civilians. Adrien tries to put up a fight, of course, but he’s just a kid, and Mir shrugs it off, then gives him a push back towards the classroom with a single command: “Go hide with the others. Your job here is done.”
He puts the ring on as Adrien continues to protest, and Plagg, asks one one question: “You’re here to help?”
“I’m here to help.” Mir replies.
“Then say ‘Plagg, claws out’!” Plagg commands, and Mir obeys.
They transform, and Mir and Plagg again order Adrien back to safety, then they leave out the window, ready to join the fight.
And that's how Marinette Dupain-Cheng ends up with Lila's dad joining her in the fight to rescue her friend and their family, and after the fight’s over, they meet up again for patrol that night, and-feeling she can trust him because of his actions earlier in the day-Marinette tells him just how much harassment, touching, kissing, unwanted advances, etc. she's had to deal with from Chat Noir. She finally breaks down crying at the end, too overcome with the emotions.
And Mir makes the executive decision that while he may not be what people imagine when they picture a superhero - he's in his fifties, he's a coffee addict, he's an academic not a fighter, and he’s an Arab man - he'll be happy to be Ladybug's sidekick until they can take down Hawkmoth if it means she never has to put up with someone creeping on her again. He’s not going to trust anyone else with helping this girl. He’d originally planned to give her the ring, so she could find someone to help her, but that just flew out the window along with his ability to care about how being a superhero is going to completely destroy his research schedule. 
He gives her a shoulder to cry on, and tells her, "I have a daughter. If anyone treated her like this boy treats you, I would get akumatized and I don't want to know what I would do next."
Thus begin the adventures of Ladybug and Nightcat, or, as Alya immediately dubs him on the Ladyblog, Dadcat. Because it's high time Marinette has an adult figure in her life who:
A) knows about her being Ladybug (which disqualifies her parents, unfortunately)
B) doesn't validate Chat Noir’s harassment towards her. 
And now, if Adrien wants to get to her again, he's gotta go through a superhero who’s hellbent on never letting that happen. 
Fights go a lot smoother with someone around who takes them seriously, not to mention with someone who is actually committed to fighting Hawkmoth to the point where he's trying to figure out the man's identity during their downtime like Adrien should have been doing for four seasons, and actively hindered when he lied to Marinette about finding the Grimoir in his father’s office.
In the end it turns out that with a partner who actually does his half of the work, Ladybug and Nightcat are able to take down Hawkmoth in a matter of a month and a half flat, and when that's settled, Mir gives her the Cat Miraculous with Plagg’s blessing. From now on, she can decide who she wants to work with, and if she ever needs him again, well, he had to detransform to give her the Miraculous, so she knows where to find him.
Marinette admits she's not sure if she wants to keep being Ladybug, and he tells her he supports her no matter what, because that should be her choice, too. Her consent matters, in all things.
"Chat Noir never told me that." She says.
"Chat Noir never told you that because he never believed it. Find people who do, and hang out with them instead."
Then and only then does he finally contact Adrien Agreste via email, now that he finally has time and energy to give him a piece of his mind.
He starts by telling Adrien that he and Chloe are both racist jerks, and that chloe who has absolutely made comments about Lila's skintone that Mir, a Maghrebi-French man, finds abhorently offensive and no, Chloe being Adrien’s friend does not excuse her racism, Adrien, or yours by defending her. No, it's not okay for Chloe to be racist to someone just because she doesn’t like her. The reason she doesn’t like Lila is that Chloe’s racist. This is not a difficult concept. Any comments Lila’s made back do not excuse racism. Nothing does.
Secondly, goofing around, making puns, laughing and acting like a six year old at play when akumas attack? Are you serious, young man?! People died! Too many people to count had gotten seriously hurt! No, it doesn't matter that it got fixed by magic once the fight was over, the whole experience was still traumatic, and it's disgusting that Adrien ever thought it was okay to endanger the public like this, what the actual hell was he thinking? Did he have any idea how much psychological damage he’d done to the people of this city?
Thirdly, Ladybug had clearly not been faring well with the stress of being a hero, and if Adrien couldn’t grow up for the sake of the people of Paris, couldn’t he at least act like a reasonable human being for her sake? No? He were too busy hitting on her, to the point where the people of Paris had noticed and discussions of his sexual harassment were rampant on social media? Gross. Despicable. Not how anyone should ever behave, let alone a superhero.
Fourthly, Hawkmoth had still been running around undefeated for months under Adrien’s reign as Chat Noir, thanks majorly in part to Adrien’s harassment of Ladybug, his refusal to take the fights seriously, and his directly aiding the villain by antagonizing people to the point of Akumatization.
That was why Mir had taken the Ring of the Black Cat away from him - because wearing it meant accepting a responsibility, and Adrien had refused to uphold that responsability.
Mir loves Lila, and now he loves Ladybug too like a second daughter, but unlike some people, his love translates into doing something to make the city safe for his loved ones to live in, rather than tormenting them for his own pleasure.
He ends the conversation with one scathing final comment:
(But I suppose, if you did stop the great evil, then there would have been no reason for Ladybug to continue putting up with your horrible behavior, would there have been? I wonder if that's the real reason the situation had been allowed to go on for so long.")
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Alright, let's put some nautical titles to the Miracupirates:
Captain: Juleka and Luka (but they're constantly low-key arguing about who's actually captain and who's first mate) Cook: Marinette Sailing Master (AKA Navigator): Kagami Shipwright: Max Powder Monkey: Kim Courser (person in charge of money): Chloe Quartermaster: Sabrina Helmsman: Ivan Gunner: Alix Surgeon: Rose Musician: Nino Boatswain: Adrien Deckhands: Nathanial, Marc
Then the atypical roles that would be handy, especially in One Piece. Diplomat: Lila Archaelogist: Alya
I feel like Alix should be the archaeologist but NICE
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asukiess · 11 months
2 14 and 20 for nathalie <3
oooooh bread you understand me <3
2. When I think I truly started to like them - so. I was gonna make a post about this. because the nathalie in the bubbler (the first ep I saw) is so different than what she's set in for a while--she's frazzled, a little silly, she weirdly steals marinette's present & lies (I mean. I obviously get why she does it. but the scene is so funny to me). idk, it's a side that isn't really brought up again? she's so <3 we should get more silly nathalie. as a treat.
but I think the first time I was like whoa, I kinda care about this woman? am I supposed to care about her? was that s3 ep where they just go all IN in that intro - she admits to loving gabriel & she admits she feels a bond with adrien. I think my jaw actually dropped like !!! to me then, she was just. the secretary that was hired AFTER emilie's death and then got so enmeshed in the agreste house, she wanted to be a part of it. ALSO honorable mention is the s3 finale (I love this finale so much) when nathalie accidentally witnesses the adrigaminette rooftop shenanigans and doesn't tell the gorilla they're in the ball pit. something about letting adrien have his fun.... whew !!!!
14. Best storyline they had - not to be cliche but her s5 lore, specifically passion (backstory, she says she has nothing to live for basically, asks adrien about the girl he's crushing on.... must I say more?) just rocks me. and the fact 20 years ago she made friends, close close friends, with two people who then eventually died--one of which she almost murdered HERSELF--what an incredibly interesting side story. it's tragic to me honestly. what does she do now? for the past 20+ years, her life has revolved around other people, it seems. and they're gone.
20. a weird headcanon - I am not sure I have one exactly but I keep daydreaming about an amenath scene where nathalie admits she doesn't feel like she should be the guardian for adrien, when she supported gabriel for so long. how does she move past that guilt? and amelie, from the perspective of someone who suffered under colt, helps her through it. also I think she probably was just an archaeologist student from a normal background. she probably wears the same thing bc she's the type who likes uniforms.
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spacegirl2108 · 2 years
This is the most cursed thing I've drew it
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Context: Marc's parents had to travel to another country for an investigation (HC from @andromeda612 that they are archaeologists)
And since they couldn't take little baby Marc with them, they left him with his aunt and uncle (Yes, I am also applying the HC that they are cousins)
And smol Marinette spent a lot of time with him, and in one of those moments Marc said his first word
And Marinette, very excited, went to tell Sabine and Tom
I inspired by the Simpsons episode "Lisa's First Word" as it's one of my favorites of Bart and Lisa
And I wanted to convey that energy with Marinette and Marc 🌺💖🌈
And now...MORE Simpson style
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tmorriscode · 4 years
High School Reunion AU
Marinette’s name came up occasionally, in that “whatever happened to” kind of way at reunions and class get togethers. The class hadn’t thought about her much over the years since she’d been kicked out of school and then she left to live and study with her extended family in China. It made sense. Word was she couldn’t find a good school that would take her with her record. And with Lila as Gabriel’s new muse, Marinette’s name was mud in the fashion world.
They also occasionally wondered whatever happened to Lila. The Italian girl had drifted from friend group to friend group as her extravagant promises repeatedly fell through. Just before each friend seemed to lose patience with her, she spent less and less time with them and more and more time on her various charities. Then she would resurface attached to a different friend group. Until one day, just before her social currency ran out, she simply transferred to a different school. Or maybe her mother was recalled to Italy. No two people seemed to have the same story. Who knows with that girl.
Both questions were answered in dramatic fashion the same year, when Lila was caught in a hotel room, an unregistered pistol in her hand and an Italian diplomat’s son dead on the floor with a bullet wound to the back. None of the stories connected to the event seemed to match. The whole thing was super suspicious. Poor girl, the former classmates tutted. No matter what she seemed to do, Lila just couldn’t seem to escape bad things happening to her.
Meanwhile, the familiar name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng was plastered everywhere when she participated as head textile archaeologist in the opening of the first emperor of China’s tomb. Isn’t that nice? everyone said. So glad that she could put the past behind her and move on. We always knew that Marinette was going places.
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galahadwilder · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug/Star Wars AU; Marinette and Adrien are Jedi. Thoughts?
Master Fu was an unorthodox Jedi specializing in the history of the Order and the Living Force. His specialty was tracking down holocrons, and he found a number containing particularly unusual techniques that he passed onto his Padawans.
Marinette and Adrien are his former Padawans, apprenticed under unusual circumstances as basically archaeologist field assistants. Thanks to getting first crack at the holocrons, they both have access to techniques that set them apart from other Jedi. Master Dupain-Cheng is one of the Temple's best healers, while Master Agreste has an intuitive grasp of Mace Windu's "Shatterpoint" ability. They frequently go on missions together, presumably with Marinette, the Consular, to handle the talking and Adrien, the Guardian, for the physical stuff.
While they are correct that Master Agreste is primarily Master Dupain-Cheng's bodyguard, little does the Jedi Order know that his primary job is not to protect her from others but to prevent her from throwing hands at the slightest opportunity.
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Summary: Marinette falls asleep on Damian. 
Characters: Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng 
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Marinette pulled her hair into a bun on top of her hair, and Damian smiled fondly as his girlfriend moved lithely across the wooden floor of the den. Alfred the Cat sat on the floor, asleep, and the girl reached down to grab the cat, cuddling it in her arms. Alfred the Cat gave a small, non-committal yawn and then quickly fell back asleep. Damian sat on the couch, his sketchbook open in front of him, but his drawing only the beginnings of lines that had to take a full form yet.
Marinette plopped into the chair next to him, leaning her head into his shoulder as she peeked at the sketch.
“What’cha drawing?” Marinette asked. Damian kissed the top of her head and began to add more lines in an attempt to find shape.
“Unsure yet,” Damian answered. Marinette hummed and shut her eyes, curling her legs underneath her and holding Alfred the Cat close to her chest. Damian’s grin deepened as he took in the soft sight and let a moment of peace wash over him.
Damian had to play so many roles, for so many people. For the public, he was Damian Wayne, youngest of the Wayne clan and up-and-coming target for socialites to try and schmooze. For the hero community, he was Robin, partner to the Dark Knight and one in many children to take up the crusade. For his family, he was Dami, a reluctant and (at times, he would admit) petulant younger member.
But for Marinette, he was her moitié. Her other half, her friend and companion, lover and protector. There was nothing else to it. She had no expectations for him, just that he be himself around her. That he take all that was guarding him up and tear it down for her, so that she could see the boy beneath the mask, both figurative and literal.
Damian continued to sketch on the page in front of him, the markings starting to be recognizable as the form of Ladybug, crouched on a roof top, perched like she was a bird ready to take off. Damian was not surprised he had on autopilot decided to draw the mysterious new heroine of Gotham. She was, after all, sitting right next to him, adorably propped up on her shoulder as she cuddled his cat.
Maybe he could draw just Marinette next. Catch her smiles and dimples in ink forever, so that way one day maybe some far-off archaeologist would find the sketch and be able to know how beautiful she was. Marinette deserved to be remembered for so much more than her beauty, but anyway she could be remembered was enough for Damian. She was such a bright presence, Damian wondered if it could ever truly be extinguished. There’s no way it could.
Marinette yawned lightly and Damian smirked.
“Tired, nawaret aynaya?”
Marinette opened her lids slowly, her grin sleepy and groggy as she stared up at him. She dug her face into his neck to rest, and he could feel the firm press of her smile against his skin.
“Just a little,” she whispered. Damian chortled once under his breath and shut his sketchbook, setting it to the side of the couch. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders, leaning his head on top of hers.
“Go to sleep,” Damian said. “You deserve a little rest.”
It’s true, she really did. As a budding entrepreneur and fashion designer, she would understandably already be tired what with her constantly working and trying to forge network connections. But she wasn’t just a businesswoman and designer, she was Ladybug and Guardian of the Miraculous. She had so much on her plate that it was spilling off the sides and onto the floor, and Damian was left to try and catch it before it fell to the ground. If that meant having her sleep on his shoulder, that was fine by him.
(Especially when she looked so cute doing it.)
“You do too, ma moitié,” Marinette yawned, setting down Alfred the Cat in her lap. Damian kissed the top of her head as an answer, and Marinette sighed sleepily. She pulled him closer to her and slowly her breath began to even out, so that Damian knew that she was asleep.
Damian smiled deeper and kissed her temple again, shutting his eyes and let the quiet overtake him.
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
Looking for advice on my MLB rewrite here. Since Mayura was hyped up as being a bigger bad than Hawk Moth, how would you write her that way, assuming she’s still Nathalie?
Well, there are a few options, and it can depend on what you want to do. Cause for a rewrite, well, sometimes I think it's best to just overhaul the whole thing. But that's me, I don't know how close to canon you want to be. You just got a lot of options and things to decide on.
For who is Mayura, personally, I'd have Mayura not be Nathalie. I'm not impressed to see these miraculous villains exclusively come from the Agreste household. And it's even worse how they went about it. If you want it to be Nathalie, it can stay that way.
For alternatives:
She could've been a means for Marinette to have her own personal, family villain. Maybe a cousin from her mom's side, who is well traveled or an archaeologist, hence her using Mayura as a name.
I also like @nobodyfamousposts's idea that Mayura could've been Bustier, back up that warped way of thinking and her manipulating her students.
She could've been Lila or Lila's mom.
She could've been part of Prince Ali's family.
Now, if you want her to be a bigger bad than HM, for sure she needs to be more cunning than him (which isn't hard honestly). Ideally, I recommend a character who holds all the cards, always a step ahead or able to work around hiccups.
You also need to decide on power, whether you're sticking to canon's power or would you rather change it up? What you do can shape how Mayura has an edge over Hawk Moth, cause technically, Butterfly should over power Peafowl.
You also need to decide on motive and role.
Is she going to be more Marinette villain as Hawk Moth technically is Adrien's? Is she going to be more of a rival for Fu, a dark mentor to tempt Marinette to the dark side?
Does she want to rebuild the Order in her own way?
Was she the one who gave Gabriel the Butterfly and was his boss from the start? And she comes in because literal children are outsmarting him? If she's Nathalie, this can be comedic as she's just constantly in pain seeing this grown ass man fail every time.
Or is she the one that put Emilie in that state? Is she the reason Gabriel and Emilie feared letting Adrien into the world? Is she why Gabriel has high tech security? Is she the one he's afraid of?
Mayura was a character with a lot of options and potential. It depends on what you want and what's going to work with your rewrite.
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mcheang · 3 years
Prompt: Lila claims to have interned under a famous archeologist a few years ago, unaware that the archeologist in question is Alix's deceased mother (who didn't change her name when she married Alim).
Evangeline Greene Kubdel
This is a draft
The class was taking a field trip to the museum.
Alix was introducing her favorite wing. The Egyptian section. It was where her parents fell in love.
Seeing how knowledgeable Alix was about the exhibit, Lila had to claim more knowledge (I really am starting to see her as a female Gilderoy, unable to stand someone else being in the spotlight and claiming to be better than actual experts)
Alix: and this is the tomb of Pharoah Seti, father of Princess Nefertiri (and yes, I got that from the Mummy Returns movie).
Lila interrupted, “oh, I know all about Pharaoh Seti. After all, I was at the excavation site 5 years ago.”
Alix gave Lila an odd look. “The excavation was completed more than twenty years ago.”
Lila: oh, but there was a recent discovery of a hidden library. So they called back the archaeologist Evangeline (she just read that off the plaque) to come back and supervise once more.
Alix felt cold. “Evangeline Greene died 7 years ago.”
Lila: oh not that Evangeline, I meant her daughter Evangeline Greene the second.
By now the class was staring at Lila with disgust and horror.
Max: no, Evangeline Greene’s daughter is Alix.
Lila: ...I-
Alix: get out. Now, or you’ll wish you had.
There was nothing but cold emptiness in her eyes. Her voice was a dark promise of retribution.
Lila wisely obeyed and ran the hell out of there.
Marinette: are you ok, Alix?
Dumb question but what else could she have asked?
Alix blinked back tears. “I will be. Guess you were right about Lila all along, huh, Mari?”
Marinette: i didn’t want you to find out like this.
Alix shook her head. “It’s alright. I won’t waste tears on someone like her, and I won’t let Hawkmoth akumatize me again. It’s just...I have to do something.”
Kim: revenge?
Alix: exactly.
Marinette: uh oh.
Adrien: is this really the best way to handle...
Marinette: Adrien, you aren’t exactly the best person to give advice right now. Alix, as class president, I can overlook the occasional pranks. Just don’t go Chloé mean, ok? Another Lila akuma is just annoying.
Alix: don’t worry. What Lila has coming to her will be just karma.
In short, Kim pretended to play ball with the class and Alix may have accidentally hit Lila into the fountain.
In this chilly season, Lila quickly caught a cold. She was bedridden for a while.
It was enough time for her mother to be notified of what Lila had really been doing.
Mrs Rossi informed her ailing daughter that she would be transferred to a new class since her old one hated her. But now everyone knew she was a liar and she would be serving detention once she got better. Oh, and if Lila felt like staying bedridden longer, her food options were now unfortunately disgusting healthy food. Mrs Rossi also cancelled the cable TV, and confiscated her laptop and phone. No more allowance to order take out...
The only thing Lila could do to pass the time was sleep or do her homework via textbooks. Ugh. She wasn’t much of a reader either so she couldn’t even read to pass the time because she had so few fiction books.
Fine, school was better than this boring hell.
Everyone ignored Lila at school, and she felt hostility everywhere. Lila didn’t care, she just wanted the dull cafeteria lunch and to borrow some fiction books.
In time, either the hostility would fade or she would move. This was just a temporary setback.
Bonus: that field trip to the museum was important because they would be tested on what they had learned. After Lila ran out, she missed important lectures. Even with the excuse of being sick, she still had to take the test once she recovered.
Bonus bonus: inspired by Gilderoy’s fate. One of Lila’s victim finally came to Paris to get revenge. She wouldn’t commit murder, but she could accidentally throw a basketball at Lila’s head. When Lila woke up, she had amnesia. She is ridiculously cheerful and vain as ever, but at least she will be confined to the hospital while her memory and head trauma recovers, far away from classes where she can cause harm.
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mochegato · 3 years
Me (ml fic lover): I love fics that have Marinette tracking down and gathering (stealing back) lost miraculous.
Me (an archaeologist): DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THAT IS FOR THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORD?  How are archaeologists supposed to do their jobs!?  They’re going to be speculating based on incorrect data.  Their descriptions of the culture and their beliefs are going to be soooo wrong all because of Marinette.
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maggies-scribblings · 3 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nora Césaire/Jalil Kubdel Characters: Jalil Kubdel, Nora Césaire, Alix Kubdel, Alya Césaire, Mr. Kubdel (Miraculous Ladybug), Ella Césaire, Etta Césaire, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Additional Tags: Falling In Love, School Dances, Adrienette (on the side), Rare Pair Series: Part 9 of Fluff, follies and fireworks [Tumblr requests and prompts] Summary:
Nora Césaire, tall, strong and beautiful, has a sensitive, insecure side that she tries to hide from everyone. Jalil Kubdel, diligent student, historian and archaeologist, loses his capacity to think when he bumps into Nora. What happens when such opposites meet? Well, a school party and a painfully oblivious couple of teenagers may help them find out.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Hamunatpra by Speechless since 1998
Adrien deflated. Farewell to his hopes of making an exceptional discovery. How many chances were there that she had told the truth about that? Lila surprised him, “The map is original. The person who gave it to me found it in the desert or something. " "Who gave it to you?" Adrien asked before his friend made any disrespectful comments. Lila shrugged, "It's irrelevant." “ I advise you to tell the truth if you don't want us to send you to jail. " The threat convinced Lila, “Her name was Marinette, and I think she was a nurse. She worked in the Foreign Legion, and she told me that she had been to Hamunatpra and had seen the city. But she was probably delirious because of the fever." [...] Adrien swallowed, "I always thought that if anyone was to bring the dead back to life and unleash the Apocalypse, it would be Nino." "Dude, I would be extremely offended if it wasn't accurate." ------------------ The young archaeologist Adrien Agreste has always wanted to be able to live an adventure. He certainly didn't imagine that he would have to face a mummy from three thousand years ago. This wasn't an eventuality Nathalie had prepared him for.
Words: 3448, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jagged Stone, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Lila Rossi, Jalil Kubdel, Nathalie Sancoeur, Alix Kubdel, Alya Césaire
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Alya Césaire & Nino Lahiffe
Additional Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Funny, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Alternate Universe - The Mummy Fusion, Badass Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Badass Alya Césaire, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Likes Strong Women, Archaeology, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Lila Rossi Bashing, Evil Lila Rossi, Lila Rossi Lies
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28842897
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
Miraculous Next-Gen - Classmates’ Careers
@officialmiraclequeen, @fwtcanimelover, @jazzymarie1006, @extremely-pearlmethirsty, @sailormew4, @purple-moonfang
Marinette - Fashion designer
Adrien - Fencing teacher
Alya - Journalist/columnist/former news reporter
Nino - DJ
Chloe - Retired actress/hotel owner
Kim - Retired runner, now swimming coach
Max - Video game company CEO
Alix - French women’s roller derby captain (out there I know lol)
Kagami - Former Olympian fencer, now a fencing coach with Adrien at the school for the sport they own together
Luka - Rockstar (a better Jagged Stone lol)
Juleka - Photographer (she works for Marinette and her company)
Rose - Makeup artist
Mylene - Actress
Ivan - Poet/songwriter
Nathaniel - Artist/animator
Marc - Author
Lila - Lawyer (shocker I know lol!)
Jalil - Archaeologist
Vivica - Guitarist for Luka’s band (them and other friends are on the band now, Rose quit to do her makeup, Ivan decided to be their songwriter instead, Juleka quit to take care of her kids/photography, and Kagami was temporarily on there for a few years as an electric violinist)
Felix - Jeweler
Ondine - Swimming coach (alongside Kim)
Wayhem - Agreste family assistant
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tmorriscode · 5 years
Miraculous Adventure Archaeology AU
Tikki and Plagg didn’t appear until after Hawkmoth sent out his first Akuma. So how did Hawkmoth know that they would appear? Was he fishing? What made him suspect that the miraculous box was in Paris in the first place?
Let’s rewind a bit and see how this plays out differently. Assume that Adrien’s parents found the peacock and butterfly on some wild morally-gray globe-hopping shenanigans a la Lara Croft.
When Emilie falls into her coma, Gabriel continues globe hopping, following rumors to the whereabouts of the Ladybug and Cat miraculous. After all, if he can run a fashion house as a recluse in his mansion, he can run it from a yurt in Mongolia or a canoe on the Amazon as long as he has a sat phone. Nathalie is just that good.
Adrien never gets the chance to run away to attend public school. Where are you going to run to when you are stuck with your crazy adventurer dad in an island in the Aegean following rumors that Hercules wielded the cat miraculous?
Meanwhile, without the Ladybug, Marinette comes into her own a little more slowly. She learns to stand up to Chloé with the help of her new friend Alya. She dates Nino then Nathaniel, then Kagami and then Luka.
Then she takes Audrey Bourgeois up on her offer to go to New York.
Why wouldn’t she? Her ties to Paris aren’t the duties of being Ladybug. They’re her family and her love of the city itself. Those things are constant, whether she is in New York for a short time or not.
Plus it feels good to get one over on the girl who has bullied her since they were kids.
New York is not what she expected. Working for Audrey is like every horror story she’s read in The Devil Wears Prada. It takes her a week to realize that she’s made a terrible mistake.
But Marinette is stubborn. She toughs it out. It takes a year of diligent work, of stepford smiling and quietly making contacts, but she finds a placement with a fashion house in Paris.
Citing her parents needing help to save face with Audrey (who never failed to remind her of how fortune she was, and how much Audrey had invested in her) she finally returned home.
Now, while she’s not burned out on fashion, she is burned out on the whole toxic fashion industry. So when the time comes for higher learning, she vacillates. On a whim, Marinette takes a class called “The Subversive History of Fashion.”
There Marinette learns about Catherine DiMedici’s poisoned gloves, how Marie Antoinette’s wardrobe contributed to the revolution, how in occupied Paris of the 40’s, dressing fashionably— even when it meant making shoes out of cork and bits of scraps or hiding resistance slogans in the pattern of a hat— was an act of resistance.
Audrey Bourgeois wouldn’t give Marinette’s professor a second look. The woman wears the kind of serviceable clothing that never goes out of style, does not have to be replaced, and can be afforded on a professor’s salary.
But when she talks, it’s like she’s an acolyte of a high church. Her eyes burn with passion and reverence.
Marinette is hooked. More than that, she feels the kind of excitement she hasn’t felt since before Audrey Bourgeois.
Within a few years, she holds degrees in textile archaeology and fashion history.
Although she wants a job with the Musé des Arts Décoratifs, she gets a temporary contract with Alix’s father, making interpretive drawings. His focus of research at the moment is the ladybug as a cultural artifact: the idea that a ladybug-themed hero existed in folklore through the ages and across several cultures.
The work brings Marinette in contact with Fu, and soon Marinette finds herself guardian of the Miraculous box and tasked with finding the missing pieces: the peacock, the butterfly, the fox and the cat.
One day she comes home from work early to find a man in a literal cat suit going through her things. He’s not expecting her, nor is he expecting a cricket bat across the back of the head.
When she takes back the cat miraculous, a blonde man about her age is revealed by the detransformation. She takes the box and runs, stashing it and then sleeping with her parents at the bakery. The next day, the blonde is in her office.
He introduces himself as Adrien Agreste, and asks for her help.
He has the locations of the remaining miraculous, and he wants to secure them all before his father and his new protégé Lila Rossi can get to them and accidentally destroy the world.
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pulaasul · 4 years
Luck and Order - 4
The Wizard Shazam, who was once a Lord of Order, that something was amiss. The balance between luck and misfortune was in disarray. So he implores his young Champion - Billy Batson - to investigate and correct the Balance.
Set years after the series Finale of Justice League Unlimited.
1 I 2 I 3
Monday morning, Alya was waiting for Marinette by the school’s entrance, like she usually did, while busy viewing and reviewing her the video she had uploaded a few days before. The video about Captain Marvel’s arrival in Paris.
Not a moment later, the aspiring reporter noticed her best friend, Marinette, running to school as usual.
“Come on girl!” Alya gestured at Marinette. “Hurry up!”
Not before long, Marinette arrived on school, just in time for her trip unto a lone rock in the sidewalk into the hands of one model, Adrien Agreste.
“Nice catch sunshine!” Alya praised.
“H-hey A-adrien. Marinette greeted, still on Adrien’s arms. “T-thank you for ca-catching me.” She expressed her gratitude while picking herself up clumsily.
“You’re welcome.” Adrien smiled. “You should really be careful.” He cautioned his friend.
“Seriously girl you need to watch where you’re walking.” Alya teased. “Or was that intentional on your part?” She whispered.
“Alya!” Marinette pouted. “You already know that’s not the case.” She hissed as she and her best friend walked towards their classroom.
“What’s not the case?” Adrien’s questioned as he walked behind the two ladies.
“Oh you know.” Alya shrugged. “How there’s now three heroes in Paris at the moment.” She stated as she played the video of her interview with Captain Marvel.
“I am kinda surprised that he still defends the Justice League.” Marinette voiced out. “After Superman refused to take his suggestion into account and got into an all-out brawl.”
“Girl! You’re well informed!” Alya praised. “How’d you know that?”
“I kinda checked up on Captain Marvel after watching your interview with him.” Marinette admitted.
“Neither the Justice League nor the Marvel Family confirmed why he left though.” Adrien hummed. “I just thought that he didn’t have time to be a member of both groups.”
“Still it’s kinda baffling how he knows a lot about the Miraculous.” Alya hummed. “Both Ladybug and Chat Noir had yet to comment about the Miraculous and this new guy shows up and gives more info than our local heroes have told us.”
“Maybe he’s one of the guardians?” Marinette offered.
“But he doesn’t have the symbol that the previous Miraculoous heroes had.” Alya pointed out.
Before Marinette could even reply, the three of them had already arrived by their room. They proceeded to their sits, Marinette beside Alya and Adrien just in front of Marinette.
“Okay class we’re going to have a transfer student in class.” Mme Mendeleieve started. “Mme Bustier has called in sick and I’ll be your substitute for today.” She explained her presence. “M Batson if you would.”
A boy in a red sweater and blue jeans went inside the room and stood in front of the class.
“Good Morning Everyone, I’m William Joseph Batson, I came from Fawcett City and I’m here for the exchange student program.” He informed the whole class. “It’s nice to meet you all.”
“M Batson if you have any questions, you can ask the Class Representative.” Mme Menedeleive informed the new student.
“Marinette, please help M Batson around.
“Yes Mme Mendeleieve.” Marinette stood and approached the new boy.
“Hi!” Marinette greeted. “I’m Marinette.” She introduced herself.
“William Joseph Batson.” Billy returned the favor.” Just call me Billy.” He smiled at girl.
“M Batson, you can sit beside Mme Lila Rossi.” The teacher instructed. “Lila please raise your hand.”
The girl in question didn’t even hesitate and raised her hand gleefully.
“Marinette, please escort M Batson to his seat.” The teacher continued.
“Right this way Billy.” Marinette instructed the new student and offered her hand.
“Thank you Mme Dupain-Cheng.” Billy expressed his gratitude.
“Just call me Marinette.” Marinette smiled.
“Well then.” Billy grinned back. “Thank you Marinette.”
“You’re Welcome.” Marinette responded. “You can approach me during lunch if you have any questions or want me to tour the school with you.”
As soon as Billy was seated, Marinette, although filled with pity for the new boy, left him as the teacher reviewed their lessons before starting a new lesson.
“You’re from Fawcett City, right Billy?” The girl beside him asked. “Did you know that Captain Marvel and I were best friends?” She shared. “Well his wife and I go way back, you know Mary Marvel?”
“W-wife?” Billy stuttered. “I didn’t know that Captain Marvel had a wife.”
“Oh they actually wanted to keep it on the down low.” Lila shushed. “Please don’t tell anyone I told you that.”
“Lila please share your book with M Batson and please refrain from talking any other thing while we’re in class.” Mme Mendeleieve ordered.
“Will do Mme Menedeleive.” Lila nodded as she scooted next to the new student and gave let him borrow her book.
Billy was caught off guard with the mention that his heroic alter-ego had a wife. He was even more perturbed when that supposed wife was his twin sister’s champion form.
What’s more was that this Lila person also claimed to “go a long way” with his twin sister.
That was when he noticed a very small purple orb that escaped from the girl’s mouth and made an attempt to make contact with him.
An attempt.
The purple orb disintegrated when his shirt gave off a small arc of electricity. It was probably his magic defending him from whatever that purple orb was.
“Gorgons according to the many Greek epics were immortals.” Mme Mendeleieve discussed. “One of them was just a regular mortal who incurred the wrath of Athena, the supposed goddess of wisdom.” She continued.
The bell suddenly rang, bringing the discussion to a halt.
“How was the hero Perseus able to defeat in his bout against Medusa?” Mme Mendeleive questioned. “Did he blind Medusa or did he let Medusa look at her own reflection?” She continued. “That will be your homework for Mme Bustier’s subject.” She added. That will be all for Mme Bustier’s subject.”
Mme Mendeleieve started gathering Mme Bustier’s things as she headed towards the door.
“You have a few minutes to proceed to the Science Classroom.” The Science teacher instructed.
Lunch Break came and Billy saw how her first seatmate immediately latched onto the class’s teen model – Adrien Agreste. He looked closely at his seatmate and the boy he latched onto and sure enough, a very small purple orb exited her mouth.
He looked at the orb and it made contact with boy’s silver ring and promptly disappeared.
“Billy right?” Alya asked him. “You can have lunch with our group until Marinette comes back.” She offered. “She usually eats her lunch at her home because it was near.” She explained. “Alya Cesaire.” She introduced herself to him. “
“Hey, why don’t we let Lila tour you around Billy?” A girl in pink shirt with blond hair suggested. “She’s super friendly.” She added. “I’m Rose Lavillant, everyone calls me Rose.”
“They were seatmates Rose.” The girl with black and green clothes pointed out. “I even noticed that they were talking to each other.” She added. “Alix Kubdel, call me Alix.”
“Sorry Rose, I need to get Adrien home and then I have to go to my mother’s office.” Lila apologized. “It’s about a trip to Gotham City and I really don’t want to go.”
“Don’t tell me, you’ve got into a fight with Damiboo?” The muscular boy in red jacket grinned. “Only you Lila, only you.” He chuckled.
“He’s right.” Rose nodded. “I wonder if Damien Wayne is as good as Prince Ali.” She added. “If he was, I would’ve earned their friendship and won’t fight with them.”
Billy watched as this Lila person talked and responded to her classmates’ words and questions. While there were no small and indistinct purple orbs coming out of the Rossi’s mouth but rather a tinge of pink smoke appeared on his new classmates’ head, as if she was already in control of their thoughts.
The only ones who didn’t have that tinge of pink smoke over their heads were Marinette and Adrien – the boy Lila was clinging onto.
Wait were they talking about the Damien Wayne?
As in Bruce Wayne’s son, Damien Wayne?
“These girls.” Alya shook her head. “Offer still stands Billy, you can eat with us until Marinette finishes her lunch.”
“Sure” Billy nodded.
“B-billy, I need to go home first, could you eat your lunch while you wait for me?” Marinette asked after approaching the new student.
“Got you covered girl.” Alya assured. “Billy’s eating with us.”
“Yeah, Alya already offered.” Billy confirmed. “We’ll go with the tour any time you’re back.”
“Thank you.” Marinette expressed her gratitude before running home.
“That girl needs to slow down on her commissions.” Alya chuckled. “She barely comes to school on time.” She shook her head.
Everyone has managed to introduce themselves to Billy, from Nino to Max and Kim to Ivan.
In Billy’s frank opinion, they were an energetic bunch, artistic and energetic. They were all in track for the art course once they finish their Collège.
Considering his status as an exchange student, it probably didn’t matter which classroom he’d end up with. Can’t say he didn’t like the arrangement considering his primary objective.
“So I’ve been meaning to ask this.” Alya voiced out. “Despite being an American, your French is impressive Billy.” She praised. “Were your parents French?”
“About that…” Billy trailed off. “I’m an orphan.” He admitted.
“Oh my gosh!” The entire class gasped. “I’m so sorry!” Alya apologized.
“No it’s okay.” Billy smiled weakly. “They died in a dig site in Khandaq as archaeologists.”
“That does beg to question how your French is impressive.” Max voiced out as he fixed his eyeglasses.
“Would you believe me if I said I was self-taught?” Billy asked.
“Not a chance dude.” Nino chuckled. “But if you’re uncomfortable with answering the question it’s fine.”
“Worth a shot.” Billy grinned. “Although I kinda want to keep my teacher a secret if that’s okay.”
“It’s fine.” Alya shrugged. “But I’m going to find out who your teacher is.”
“Alya.” Nino sighed.
“What?” Alya pouted. “If Billy can speak French fluently then his teacher can teach me so that I’ll also be fluent in English.”
A few more moments passed and a Marinette Dupain-Cheng arrived at school, out of breath while a certain Adrien Agreste went inside the school as calm as he can be.
Billy noticed that there were red and black something that went through the school’s wall, near the door to the men’s bathroom.
“B-billy, are you ready for the tour?” Marinette ran towards Billy.
“Breathe girl.” Alya instructed. “How many commissions girl?”
“A few.” Marinette admitted.
“Tell you what Marinette, let’s have the tour after classes.” Billy offered. “I kinda need to use the restroom now.” He admitted sheepishly.
“That works great for Marinette.” Alya responded immediately. “That way she can rest for the time being instead of rushing into things.”
“Alya! You know Jagged’s deadline is this Friday.” Marinette protested.
“And today’s Monday.” Alya fired back. “Girl you need to rest or you’ll burn out.”
“While we ignore these two dudettes, the male rest room is right in front of us.” Nino directed. “Be back before class dude.”
“I will” Billy nodded as he went inside the bathroom.
Billy rushed to the bathroom, went inside a stall and locked it from the inside.
As soon as Billy yelled the wizard’s name, lightning bolt came crashing from the ceiling, but did not damage the school in any way, and transformed him into his heroic persona, Captain Marvel.
As soon as he transformed two floating things phased through the stall’s walls and he was face-to-face with the kwamis of Creation and Destruction,
“Lord Plagg, Lady Tikki.” Captain Marvel greeted.
“Huh, you were right sugarcube.” The black kwami stated. “He really is a champion of order.”
“Why did the Lord of Order send you champion?” Tikki asked.
“Sugarcube’s right.” Plagg agreed. “We’ve been handling the Hawkmoth and Mayura issue pretty well if I do say so myself.” He bragged.
“Speak for yourself Plagg!” Tikki huffed. “Your chosen’s been acting out of character lately.”
“Really?” Plagg asked. “I hadn’t noticed.” Plagg admitted. “A-bwah.”
Green bubbles came out of Plagg’s mouth as if it was hindering him from ever saying something.
“It’s a spell to keep us from revealing our wielder’s names.” Tikki explained.
“He has been doing pretty fine, puns and all.” Plagg informed the two.
“You really haven’t noticed?” Tikki asked worriedly.
“What’s there to notice?” Plagg questioned. “My kitten’s doing his best supporting his lady.”
“Do you notice anything different whenever you’re pulled inside the Miraculous?” Captain Marvel asked his own question.
“Now that you mention it…” Plagg trailed off. “It’s like wrestling control of the Miraculous from someone.” He admitted. “But that’s easily quelled considering I am tied to the Miraculous and all.” He shrugged.
“Anyway, why are you questioning me?!” Plagg pointed at the new hero. “Is this an interrogation?”
“No Plagg.” Tikki shook her head. “Chat Noir’s been acting out of character lately.” She repeated her statement from earlier. “Instead of supporting Ladybug, all he does is flirt with her.” She informed the black cat Kwami.
“He said he’d give up on Ladybug.” Plagg narrowed his eyes.
“The magic inside Chat Noir is chaotic.” Captain Marvel informed both kwami. “You’re unconsciously fighting off that something even when you’re powering your chosen.” He added.
“Do you know what’s causing it?” Tikki looked at Captain Marvel expectantly.
“I have a hunch.” Marvel nodded. “But there’s a catch, to snap Chat Noir back to his senses, he needs to get shocked briefly.”
“What would that do?” Plagg narrowed his eyes.
“It’ll only disperse of what I believe was absorbed into your Miraculous.” Captain Marvel answered. “Or at the very least expel what you’re fighting, but it’ll be absorbed back into the ring after he depowers.
Before anyone else could even respond, yells and screams were heard from outside the restroom. Some were even hiding inside the stalls of the room.
“Another Akuma?” Someone from Marvel’s right groaned. “I have some deadlines today!”
“It’s not like you haven’t lived in Paris for the past year.” Another offered. “Hawkmoth sends an Akuma like every other day, if he’s not planning something big.”
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it!”
Plagg and Tikki nodded to each other before they flew towards their chosen.
Captain Marvel on the other hand stepped outside of the restroom before flying towards the direction the people are running away from.
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