#arcane reactions
the-faceless-bride · 2 years
Scar figuring out he is in love with reader? Pwease?
Falling in love !reaction! 🧑‍🍼Scar🦇
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🦇🧑‍🍼• Now scar has closed himself off from others, the one person he considered a TRUE friend, was Ekko. Elko was the one who created the firelights and was the one to help Scar back on his feet so he could Feed, protect, and care for his child. After the streets were flooded with Shimmer and everyone became addicted or was used as test subjects. His lover sadly has succumbed to the Shimmer and died trying to get more of it.
It was something he never wanted to go through again. Ever.
🦇🧑‍🍼• when he first met you he didn't trust you, at all. Gave you a side-eye, scoffed at your attempts to joke with him and the others, and went out of his way to keep his child as far as could. He almost lost his kid once he wasn't gonna risk it again.
But slowly over time, the more Ekko showed trust in you, it would rub off on Scar. He would start actually watching your back for you when on missions, he would let out huffs of amusement when you said something he liked, he wouldn't be as nervous to let his child around you.
🦇🧑‍🍼• Scar would mostly be oblivious to his affections towards you. Like when he was not only watching your back but got very very worried when he felt you were in danger of any kind, but brushed it off as you just became a very important friend of his and the team. However, that thought would quickly be thrown out of the metaphorical window when he finds you comforting his crying child.
The kid was still very young, barely a toddler. And often got scared when he has to leave for a long time.
Seeing you hold them in your arms cooing at them and making them feel safe. He understands. And only one word comes to mind.
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sage-nebula · 3 months
It blows my mind that in 2024 there are still people who want to be like "it is 100% all Vi's fault that Jinx is the way she is" or "Jinx is 100% just an ax-crazy hell monster that Vi needs to be saved from" when the entire point of the show is that, yes, both sisters are flawed human beings who have made mistakes, but the true failure lies not with them, but with the overall system that was destined to fail them at every step.
This is most obvious with Powder, who shows signs of her psychosis within the first opening beats of the show, the little scribble hallucinations popping up between her fingers. Powder's mental illness is genetic. Trauma exacerbated her symptoms, but the illness was always there. And there are absolutely no resources in Zaun to give her the care she needed to healthily manage that illness. And the solution isn't "make her a Piltie instead," because Powder wasn't the only Zaunite with mental illness. The problem was that Zaun was in that state of poverty, police brutality, and systemic oppression at all. Powder was failed by by the social structure that killed her parents, that parentified her sister, that ensured she went hungry, was constantly at risk of police brutality, and had no means of accessing adequate mental health care. All of THAT is what led to Jinx.
Oh, and speaking of parentifying her sister — this system failed Vi, too. Not only does Vi also have hallucinations, but Vi never got to be a child from the moment her parents died. She had to be BOTH sister AND surrogate mother to Powder. No, Vander never told her to, but he also does spell it out. Powder, Claggor, and Mylo follow her every word as the oldest. She was their leader. And for Powder especially, she was all they had left of their biological family. Vi stepped into the role willingly, but at an age so young she had no idea what it was she was sacrificing. What she HAD to sacrifice, after her parents were killed, after she and Powder were, yes, rescued by Vander, but Vander could only do so much and had two other kids besides. Vi was only 15 when Powder accidentally killed Vander, Mylo, and Claggor; despite having to sacrifice her childhood, she was still a traumatized adolescent. She should have been allowed to act like it. But the systemic oppression and structure of the Piltover - Zaun setup didn't allow for that. It certainly didn't do her any favors when an enforcer's idea of saving her life was to leave her to rot in a cell indefinitely. The system failed Vi, too. Just like it failed Powder.
Arcane is a tragedy. It's a tragedy in all aspects, but it is primarily a tragedy about two sisters. And the fact that some people want to wholly blame one sister is just beyond me. They've both made mistakes. But they also both had the decks stacked entirely against them from the beginning. That's what makes it a tragedy. It didn't have to be this way. And yet, there's no other way it could have ended.
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mollysunder · 22 days
A while back I saw someone ask if Vander would have accepted Jayce's deal to give Jinx up for Zaun. The resounding response was "No", because Vander was already put in that position (sort of), and he chose to protect his children by giving himself up, and Vander would never be in that position to begin with. Those are correct statements, but they're not relevant to the question.
The question was, if Jinx decided to escalate tensions with acts of theft and violence that brought Piltover's attention, would Vander let Jinx be sent to Stillwater? I think the chance of him saying yes is at least more than 0.
We're not talking about all the kids getting caught up in a robbery gone wrong. We're talking about an older Jinx going solo into Piltover for targeted destruction havoc. In a universe where she everyone's still alive, Piltover still exists, and her hatred for that place would still burn and grow with time. The question really was, if Jinx put Vander in the same position Silco did in the past would he decide to give her up?
For Vander, what's on the line isn't Zaunite independence for Zaun, it's the safety of his family, his friends, and the population of the Undercity against Piltover's retaliation. He'd probably have even less moves to play than Silco did at the end. Vander can't give himself up, Jinx's name has already been leaked, and he is agonizingly aware of what Piltover's capable of.
Would he try to have her sent away? Vander wasn't willing to throw someone else under the bus for the kids in the past, so would he do it for a young adult Jinx who's more responsible for her actions? Would he think Stillwater is a better alternative for Jinx who may end up getting herself killed? Maybe he can try to plead for banishment (though that seems to be reserved for Piltovans)?
The question really stuck with me because Vander was willing to kill a man he considered his brother because he went too far, what does that mean for a daughter that won't back down from her own agenda?
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chaiteahd · 5 months
@Hafoeuvre Via Twitter
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This is way too good to not be in Tumblr
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pacificwaternymph · 4 months
Okay, with the new teaser that just dropped a lot of people are freaking out about Vi being an enforcer now and like- can you all just- wait until the show comes out?
All of these bad faith takes are already so tiring like holy shit. Hold your judgments for a couple months and wait to see what they do, instead of automatically deeming the show ruined over what I see as a very interesting turn of events.
Have just an ounce of faith that the same writers, animators, and actors that produced the first season actually do know what they are doing, and will find a way to address the most likely intentional conflict this creates with Vi's character.
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brainrot-time · 1 year
I'm once again thinking about how alone Victoire must have felt living with Letty, outside the bubble of best friendship that Robin and Ramy shared, conveniently paired with the other girl in their cohort.
Robin and Ramy got each other and Letty was always unwilling and unable to get Victoires experience. It breaks my heart that Letty could rely on Victoire for emotional support but not the other way around. No doubt she delved into all her childhood issues and the loss of her brother and Victoire did nothing but listen and be understanding while knowing she'd never be able to count on Letty for the same.
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haemosexuality · 8 months
small brain: the scene where jayce gets it on w mel and the scene where sky asks viktor out and he refuses are paralleled to show that jayce has decided to focus on politics (mel) and neglect his partnership with viktor, while viktor continues to focus on science and experimentation (as well as poiting out viktors growing isolation from those around him).
big brain: the scene where jayce gets it on w mel and the scene where sky asks viktor out and he refuses are paralleled to show that viktor is not interested in women and is gay. and in love with jayce.
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bubblesandpages · 1 year
people who want to read dark academia while still in school are madmen
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inthefightgarden · 4 months
in both my reads of mother of learning so far, temporary looper daimen's sacrifice hit me like a truck. in my opinion it is one of the most powerful moments in the whole story.
i finished my re-read yesterday, but i only just digested this line.
Those people had died forever, even their souls erased and denied afterlife.
just. the cruelty of the sovereign gate. and the horror of the idea that someone should go through it alone. how is one person supposed to bear that weight? the millions or billions of souls, times dozens of thousands of loops. how is one person supposed to go through that chamber and not become someone who can only see other's as fuel for their own greatness?
i don't particularly believe in the afterlife in the real world. but the denial of it for these characters makes me rage.
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melmedarda · 5 months
Why isn’t Mel’s trauma as talked about I mean she still has nightmares about living in Noxus and someone having to be executed
Hey there!
Mel isn't much liked in many spaces, and outside of Tumblr, where there remains of pocket of her fans, you'll find a lot of hate for her. People hate her because she is manipulative, she used Jayce, etc etc. And so rather than talking about her history, exploring the depths of her character, or attempting to understand her past, they opt to give her unnecessary hate. (Can you imagine seeing your mother kill a girl your age without remorse? That could have been her. What if it was her.)
Mel isn't perfect. She has her issues. In this fandom, her issues are magnified over the good she does, over the trauma she has experienced. Arcane fans allow and celebrate nuance in all the characters except for Mel, infantilize characters because of their trauma yet give Mel no understanding. It's unfair, and I hope that season 2 will show her recovering from her trauma, continuing to rise above it. I want nothing more than for my girl to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep.
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haloabove · 2 months
“Is there anything so undoing as a daughter” OH MY FUCKING GOOOODDDDD
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mollysunder · 6 months
Idk who needs to hear this, but in the event Jinx and Viktor do partner up, Jinx is the more normal one of the two. Imo people in Zaun LIKE Jinx better than Viktor. Viktor's association with Jinx alone is damage control for his reputation.
If you think about it for even 10 seconds, you'd see how Viktor is just an offputting dude. Yeah Jinx has volatile outbursts of destruction, but that's concentrated at specific people and at Piltover. Jinx isn't out here performing strange feats of blood magic that turns innocent bystanders (Sky) to dust. Jinx dealing with hextech recognizes it's dangerous (it connects to the realm of Heebie Jeebies) and is hesitant with it. Viktor knows he doesn't know what he's doing and just keeps going. That's worse, that's so much more dangerous.
You could say that Viktor's well-meaning and eventually develops a cult following from it. But one, Jinx has a cult too, and it's more successful (they steal real estate). Two, Viktor's time in Piltover has really skewed what needs to be done. At best, as a part of the hextech duo, Viktor might have improved workplace safety with his inventions, maybe, but not really. He wants to help Zaun, but he's lost the plot in the frenzy of Piltover's trade expansion.
Ironically, Jinx almost certainly has a better handle on understanding Zaun's politics and issues than Viktor ever did. Jinx spent her formative years at the top of Zaun's hierarchy while being raised by the defacto kingpen/political leader and actively enforced Silco's regime as well. So Jinx knows who and what's up in Zaun because she kind of made it happen, lol.
Tldr: Between Viktor and Jinx, Jinx is the more charismatic and likable figure to Zaunites. Take a step back and notice how Viktor is an extra level of weird compared to Jinx.
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helo everyone id like to show u something I made today
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Graphic deisgn is my passion ❤️
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bellshazes · 3 months
python only joined hc in s3 and bdubs "technically" was in s1 (2 episodes, mostly what he did play he didn't release, CLASSIQUE) so they presumably never ever met until uhcs9 when bdubs is like. hey let's make a suicide pact. and then it's rendered null and void by bdubs beating everyone including false and etho in the new combat update teams uhc. he doesn't even die. he doesn't even ride the coattails of his teammate he ruins his own suicide pact. and that's one thing with etho, who he's been insane abt since day 1 advocating for etho on mindcrack doing ooge being a fan etc. but he didn't even know python. can you even imagine
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First off, what a title! Included here in its full glory because I didn't realize it was that long, but I delight in academic titles when played for poking fun especially.
I've been reading about a chapter of this a night, so far, and I'm enjoying it! It's much more approachable than I was afraid it would be, given the comp to Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell--this one is a doorstop, but it's a very readable doorstop! I'm excited to see where it goes.
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gregrulzok · 1 year
Rewarching Arcane and man, I'd totally forgotten that the only reason Jayce is alive is because Viktor actually deadass 100% non ironically pulled a "Nooooo don't kill yourself you're so sexy aha"
And then proceeded to insult him into developing feelings, apparently
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