#arcane odyssey au
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conteststarribbon · 1 month ago
what if mc wakes up alone on dawn island, the only things of note being the grave of someone they don't remember and a single rowboat?
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lunastars21 · 1 year ago
Trips and drops my hooligan pirate AU
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In this Au: Fang was once an experiment that was given plasma magic, after escaping he went to become a treasure hunting assassin, killing many pirates that crossed his path, but also helped many people across plenty of islands. One of them being Corsen, who was a user of a sea curse, a curse that makes its users immortal to natural causes (specifically using fire elements), and was deemed a monster by her island. Fang Broke her out of being locked up and saved her from being executed, the two now sailing the seas together. They eventually recruited Bark and Bean, an Ice and Explosive User. Bark found bean in his island when he was just a duckling, and has been taking care of him since, but as pirates keep aiming for his home, he decided to journey with Fang to find who the cause of the pirate attacks are and put a stop to them, bean just wants chaos! XD
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Yes Fang’s Ship is called The Marvelous Queen XD
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le-fruit-de-la-passion · 2 months ago
Omg I loved your herald viktor epic line idea I’ve been thinking about it nonstop. If u have time and energy id love to read it sooo much ❤️❤️
Since the Ithica Saga dropped last night my brain has not known a single moment of peace. "Would You Fall in Love with Me Again" is just so insanely perfect for a Machine Herald Viktor x Reader AU it makes me physically ill. Like, seriously:
I am not the man you fell in love with
I am not the man you once adored
Would you fall in love with me again
If you knew all I've done?
The things I cannot change
Would you love me all the same?
Would you fall in love with me again
If you knew all I've done?
The things I can't undo
I'm not the man you knew
Viktor is so Odysseus coded it is PAINFUL. The pain of sacrificing so much of himself to survive. The regret of everyone he's had to leave behind, to betray. The ghosts of his legacy haunting his mind. All for his goal, the one thing he knows he's meant to do with every fiber of his being. Nothing, neither magic nor gods, will stop him from fulfilling that dream. He will not be the same once all has passed, and he will never regain all that he's lost. Can the person who loved him the most as he was before still love this version of him?
And the reader's answer...
I will fall in love with you
Over and over again
I don't care how, where, or when
No matter how long it's been
You're mine
Because what you loved about him is deeper than any of the ways he's changed. It's something at his core, in his soul, in the light of his eyes, no matter how tired they may seem now. It's your first kiss, it's the sound of his voice in your ear, it's the curve of his lips when he smirks, it's the way he looks at you like he falls in love all over again every day you're with him. Time may pass, and the world may change, but not this. Never this.
He is yours just as you are his, and that is the one thing that will never change.
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ikuudo · 2 months ago
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crowrave · 9 months ago
Do NOT trust Crown with Anubis, he’s gonna kick him into the sun
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strat0sfear · 4 months ago
Arcane Odyssey AI: The somniumn files Au screenshot redraws because. i am insane (Image with blood (minor), Minor spoilers for Mizuki (Due to its out of context nature) and Major AITSF spoilers under the cut (Annihilation, Resolution routes))
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vegetableharvester · 6 months ago
Comic WIP, "A world without the Protagonist."
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And this part is just Gossipers within the Museum are talking about the new story.
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beaningeneralacceptance · 1 month ago
Remember that reader-insert Isekai idea? Yeah, I am now inspired. Tell me what you guys think at the end ;D
Fate could have been more cruel when you died. It could have sent you to the depths of hell, for example. Instead, you have been transported into a world of magic. You are not sure how you arrived here nor how you died; your past memories are gone, at least those that make up the reason of your reincarnation into the wonderful world of hermitingcrafting Arcane Odyssey.
You've found yourself on Cirrus Island, taken under the wing of the Vista family. Of course, you were fast to jump to conclusions: that you are the main character, the clean slate that is supposed to be the Player. Your first instinct was to jump off the Stepstones to meet Ren or take a ship to Sailor's Lodge to continue the storyline but you were promptly stopped by many of the locals. They assured you that you would break all of your bones if you did that... after a daring jump off a metre high rock, you were convinced that fall damage was real.
For a while, you're vigilant. Nervous. You find that you have been reborn without magic. Which, fair. The universe brought you back from the dead and gave you a life you should be grateful for. Still, it sucks that you've been forced into the non-magic stat builds. Ha. Stat builds. If anyone here heard you mention stats, they'd look at you weird.
There is no sign of Iris. Neviro is nowhere to be found. Ren, or Warren, is also gone. Elius isn't at the Djinn Ruins when you work up the courage and go to check. There are a lot of scorch marks on the ground though and all of the trees are burnt to a crisp.
Over the next few days, you come to the conclusion that you aren't part of the story. None of the main characters are on Cirrus Island and the first Order boss has been defeated, meaning they've moved on. You can just, relax. Relax and enjoy life as a cottage core farmer because you've got no money to make it in the world.
So, you've built yourself a quaint little cottage on the edge of the island. You've got a little garden that you're hoping to expand into a proper field, a plant nursery, a bunch of baskets to forage for rare reagents and ingredients, a whole wardrobe of different outfits that you're pretty sure were not in the game. At least there are some jean overalls you can wear for your farm work. Every now and then, you do chores for the locals -not without a fair reward, of course. Anything for one more galleon in this economy.
And so you live out your days on the quiet sky island, immersing yourself into the experience and only caring about saving up to go on a bunch of adventures in the grand War Seas! You could go anywhere you wanted if you save up enough. With the amount of research you've done into ships and naval commands, you should be able to handle a bit of sea travel in the old vessels of wood and iron. It's peaceful and it's home.
Until a newspaper is thrown at you when you exit your house on October 1st. You're fast enough to catch it before it hits your face and like every Monday morning, you sit and read the news to see what has gone wrong and whether Prince Revon made up with his girlfriend or not. However, the headline catches your attention.
"A curse user and a lost magic user attacked the Ravenna Castello last night, wounding General Julian severely. The beloved, young general managed to fight off the attackers, securing the mage, while the Cursed evaded capture..."
The rest of the words are lost to you. If you're right -and you know you are- then the people mentioned here are Morden and Iris. Where is Neviro? Where the fuck is the Player? Nothing about the Eternal Mines is mentioned. King Calvus IV has not been mentioned. This is not how the Castello fight was supposed to go!
With a big gasp, realization dons on you. Cold sweat rolls down your temple.
You are the Player.
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prismaticstarshch · 1 year ago
some random thoughts I had based off of @2coffeeday's modern setting Arcane Odyssey AU about what my OCs would be like in that sort of thing lol
Abigail: daughter of some self-made small business owners (kinda a reference to her having been born in Palo Town in her OG backstory) who got dragged into whatever the Order of Aesir is doing in this AU
Aisha: still becomes orphaned and turns to a criminal lifestyle, but her spiel here is more akin to her being a gang member or something rather than a pirate; at some point she develops a vendetta against Abigail because she managed to get her adoptive father arrested (Abigail was the reason why Aisha's adoptive father got executed in the latter's OG backstory)
Aura: a girl who grew up sheltered but then decided that she wants to see the world for herself and started traveling a lot
Zoey: a freelancer who takes up various odd jobs and also grouped together with Aura, Amber, and Elvira and started having a crapton of misadventures with them
Amber: was orphaned and adopted by law enforcement officers, then became one herself
Elvira: was born in the same place Abigail is from (she's also from Palo Town in her OG backstory) and freaked out after hearing about her going missing (even though she didn't personally know Abigail), so she left and ended up settling somewhere else (she'd 100% go from suburban to urban life and have a hard time adjusting)
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cntoesussie · 2 years ago
so I drew a few things based off this :/
this might be the beginnings of an AU, who knows
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conteststarribbon · 1 month ago
another oc ramble... vague part of backstory for peacekeeper / aa player oc. warnings for harm and/or mutilation (some self-inflicted and some left ambiguous as to the cause of it), implied memory loss, mentions of death. Takes canon and runs with it! (mildly fucked up au with no name, suggestions welcome)
It thinks back, to the first memories.
Not the scattered memories of the ashes of those who were laid to rest so long ago and then dug up from the Sea, not the rusted yet only slightly chipped memories of the one this vessel was made for, now a barely conscious spectre dragged back here by force that accidentally pulled in so much more than just what was Its own...
Nothing but Its own memories of rebirth.
They were without any real thought, It was unable to sense or communicate (or do much of anything, truth be told...), needing to begin the process of reacclimatisation after almost a thousand years of being nothing, of not being at all.
Awareness came in waves, back and forth and back again, eventually settling into a puzzle of fragments held together by fine dust.
The dull ache that should've been a sharp pain. The chisel slamming into Itself, carving out fingers, a fortunately hazy memory. Every crack and chipped fragment scattering ashes, memories, stardust-
Everything coalesced back into Itself, once It put Itself back together. Returning, replacing, restoring what was taken away by the Fracture with what the Sea had blessed It with.
(It didn't know the name back then, only knowing it as the chaotic, blinding, painful light that took everything and everyone away. It only remembers bits and pieces of the world Before, fragments of fragments stolen from the ashes residing in this shell, the glue that kept It together.)
An unknown amount of time passing, the passing of the torch into Its own hands, now free. Grasping, clawing, grabbing at the handle, much like the desperate attempts to bring back those who were long gone done by the creator of the unfinished vessel.
(Everything he held, touched, connected to - the marks remain, even after so long.)
It gave Itself a mouth.
(Nascent cries releasing themselves on instinct, mixtures of lost languages pleading, begging, praying. The taste of sea salt, ashes and blood.)
Then came the eyes.
(Searing, pulsing, burning light of old enchantments sparking back into existence to be dulled by time no longer. The twinkling of distant stars, the much closer flicker of a bonfire belonging to Its future mentor.)
The ears.
(The crashing, humming, whispering of the waves, it felt like home. The sound of multitudes of voices vocalising together in unity, but not harmony.)
It completely ignored the present during Its reminiscence, almost like It was back there again.
Every memory past this was built on those first moments, that reaching past the fog, haze and static of returning to existence as something completely new and imperfect and despite it all, successfully changing it, refining it, polishing it...
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lunastars21 · 11 months ago
Remember my Pirate hooligan Au based on arcane odyssey?
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Also have silly comic
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Don’t worry, he just hasn’t been able to visit his nephew because of the danger of the seas! XD
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the-path-to-forever · 1 year ago
Holy crap this is the most images I have in a single post....
Ann (Thief, Buck, Doe, and Abel from pictures 16, 24, and 28!)
Flo (Chloe and Hana from pictures 15 and 26!)
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⚠️ WARNING!!! ⚠️
The next drawings contain BLOOD! If you are uncomfortable with excessive amount of blood, please proceed with caution or click off
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ikuudo · 2 months ago
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i hate drawing char ref sheets lol
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crowrave · 10 days ago
I decided to make the Overlord AU Gang in a slightly different style than I normally do! Enjoy!! :D
The Rebels
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Morden and Tucker
The Overlords
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King Boreas
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Empress Iris
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Lord Connors
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livingdatura · 11 days ago
Does anybody remember how the studio that made Arcane is now making an odyssey inspired story I did and am so fucking confused Why are war heroes now in high school?? Where are the Gods?? Why does this feel like a glorified high school au?? And why do i feel like odypen is just going to be completely cut You know THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF THE ODYSSEY?? Edit; Actually, from what's available of the plot, there's no actual fucking adventure. Which is the definition of Odyssey??
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