#arcane modern employment au
melmedarda · 2 months
Modern au car salesman Jayce is great at selling cars because he's a car fanatic. He juggles between the same three suits everyday. When selling cars, he explains to customers the inside mechanics of the vehicle, the specs of the engine, and how they work together as well as how to upkeep. For some he can recite the entire user manual. The women buy what he sells because he sounds like he knows what he's talking about and also, he's very pretty. The men buy the car because they want him to shut up. No one really cares about listening to his spiel on cars and their intricacies. He doesn't have a driver's license. His strange obsession with cars stems from when his father died in a car accident, which isn't healthy but he makes it work (hence a job as a car salesman). He doesn't drive a car himself, but takes the train to work. He lives with his mother. He tries dating, and is really good at getting laid, but the relationships don't stick. No one wants to listen to him talk about cars on every single date. His last date told him that if he liked cars so much, maybe he should date one. And then Jayce deadpanned and said that's not possible. His date told him to go to therapy and then blocked him. Jayce has exactly two friends. One is Caitlyn, a TSA agent who has a singular love of planes and an obsession with the Alaska triangle. Her parents bought her a tubroprop for her birthday, because she wanted to become a pilot, but she's afraid of heights so she hasn't learned to fly. His second friend is Viktor, a CNA who moonlights as theoretical physicist and talks in uber scientific terms no one can really understand. He drives an electric car Jayce sold him. They all get along like a house on fire. To hear the three of them have a conversation would confound even the most socially adept individuals.
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
hi! I love your write start there but I rlly don't like the recents universe? you make in your fics, like, I'm just starting reading your new fic but I think is irreal? taking as a base the series?
I hope this doesn't bother you I just wanna tell my opinion :(
I think you have skills in make such a pretty fics or requests, but the universe where silco is good w there workers or people and otherwise, just seems me a little strange to read cause in every episode of arcane they show that guy like .... I give a example where they want to caught vi and caitlyn, where the addicts to shimmer, but they fail we see silco kicking the stomach of one of he's employes just w that scene you see... idk I think silco only have the spot you want to give them w jinx and depends the time
hi anon, sorry you dont like the new fic! its a modern au, so the characters are a little more chilled out and grounded than in arcane. plus im a softie and i love giving badass tough characters a sweet side haha.
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
Pixie info?
As in what they do in my AU?
Pixies are small magical creatures, residing on almost all inhabited planets, planetoids and moons. They spawn from pure magic, the Arcane Core of the settled planets themselves. Arcane Cores are a nexus of magic that form when magic is being used in a given area for a prolonged period of time - this can be done by humans, merfolk, centauri or even magifauna. Like Magifauna, pixies are tightly linked to their external magic core and as their are weak magic conduits, most of their might comes from the Arcane core itself. The Arcane cores grow in size and power with the increasing size and complexity of the civilisations that evoked it, pixies therefore have a vested interest in making it as intricate as possible by interacting and interfering with the system and its people.
Pixies form friendships and offer little trades and services with other beings, but they can also prove to be a nuisance when their mischievous vein strikes. None of it is meant in bad blood, creating drama and watching it enfold is a service after all fun and enriching their life and the life of their target.
Pixie expressions of emotions appear always at full force and overwhelming to their no-pixie conversation partners, jumping from one extreme to the next. But pixies are in fact able to feel all those things at the same time and are absolutely emotionally stable when measured with their own standards. Dealing with them requires a special kind of patience and mindset, splitting the rest of the  population into two: they are either able to deal with pixies or not. Pixies pick up on the clues being sent and will mostly leave people who are not receptive to them. (Mostly being unless this other person has given the pixie a reason to be angry or petty at them. Then the pixie will absolutely use all their might to annoy and inconvenience the person.)
Their permanent residence varies from planet to planet. Some pixie communities live in the deep forests and only interact with people passing through, others live in the bustle of large cities and have full employment contracts. Their appearance is quite varied as well, but generally they are very small, no taller than 15cm and their skin texture often resembles tree-bark. Magics pixies for example look most like leaf insects, but there are pixies with more moth or dragonfly-like qualities to them. They are born peachy soft and fuzzy, and their skin hardens as they age during their considerably long lifetime. Pixie gender is indeterminate until pixies reach a certain maturity and can express what gender and presentation they feel most comfortable with. 
Many pixies are born with the ability (and predestination) to bond with a magic user of another species, mostly of the society that caused the nexus to form that birthed them. This cosmic link ties the life of the pixie and their companion together: they are born on the same day, are meant to meet and bond recognising each other instantly, and they are meant to pass away on the same day as well for related or unrelated causes. 
Bonding increases the emotional resilience and processing power of both participants. In a back and forth of near-telepathic thought and emotion sharing the pixie and their bondmate can help each other overcome emotionally difficult situations, process trauma and grow as a person. 
Pixies usually don’t leave their home or village, but some do have the drive to explore. It is not rare that they later find out it was because their were meant to meet their bondmate that way. Pixies that don’t bond for one reason or another grow introverted and incomprehensible to outsiders who have no knowledge about pixie societies. They most definitely still lead full lives, but prefer solitude and traditions over keeping in touch with modern whims. They can even chose to turn off the Universal Translation Spell, that enables all beings in the Magical Universe to understand each other, at will and talk in pixie language only. This skill is unique to pixies, as no other species or being is as connected to the Arcane Cores as they are. (The Arcane Cores fuel/keep the spell up)
As they are guardians of arcane magic, they are a sought after bonding partner not only for the emotional aspect of the connection. The arcane aspect of magic is being used to craft charms, manipulate language and space and subspaces. - A prime example of this would be the Relix, which is  failed attempt at creating a subdimensional space just like the Golden Kingdom, which is a supradimensional one.- The pixie bond also gives a boost to the bondmate’s magic when using generic spells, eg. levitation, notice-me-not, or search spells, or creating new ones. Pixies in turn receive a small aspect specific magic boost.
Sorcery being a stream of magic already predisposed to generic spells and crafting, it is evident why a sorcerer/ess would want to find their bonded pixie. However while bonding is most beneficial to them, among human magic users it is actually most common for fey magic users to do so. Fairies and pixies share their love for pedantic rules, regulations and agreements - only to shamelessly exploit them when it fits them. The wordsmithing and the trading of favours that powers fey magic have struck a chord with pixies, so fairies have become welcome guests in their communities. Outdated an malicious sources claim it is also because pixies don’t understand the division of species and think of human fairies as overgrown pixie folk, which while have been long since debunked, still spread harmful stereotypes.
Pixies bonded to human magic users will remain bonded even if the magic user changes their magic stream. Superficially pixies are a bit vary of witchcraft users, but that doesn’t last long enough to put a wrench in the relationship with their bondmate should they switch to witchcraft. The same way not all pixies bond, not all magic users have predestined pixies to bond with. Non-magic beings, human, ogre, goblin or otherwise, have definitely no cosmic connection to them. Doesn’t mean they can’t become regular friends though.
Bonded pixies will continue to live in their communities, but will keep close contact with their bondmate. Sometimes moving together is impossible becase the bond partner is a merperson who lives underwater, sometimes the partners just chose not to.
When their life is over, pixies’ life force returns to the Arcane Core and they will be born again in a new form.
Each of the WInx girls’ bonded pixies still lives in the Enchanted forest of Magics. The fact that the Winx found their bondmates on a planet that is not their home means they are predestined to be of great service to the Magic Universe. This is not very common, and the last who did so were the Nymphs of Magics. Their pixies being from Magics is also the basis for the Winx’s permanent residence on the planet and why Magics was immediately eager to offer Bloom, Musa and Techna guardianship of the planet once their homes did not express the desire to do so. 
I hope this answers you “question”?
EDIT: Changed parts with terminology that had harmful connotations, sorry about that. Have added a lot more thoughts tho!
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