#arcana apprentice backstory
yumenari · 3 months
Guys did you know today is the birthday of the loml (and their snake familiar)
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samtheplatypus · 6 months
CW for panic attack and reference to being burnt alive, I guess
Demien always finds himself safe with Julian, and as long as he's there he knows he'll be fine, the candle was just too close. Still, just having Julian there to ground him is more than enough.
This was based of one of @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia HCs (when M6 accidentally trigger MC to be specific)
And as said by our dear Brainrot, this was supposed to be a sweet gesture, a midnight treat, sadly triggering an awful event in Dem's life, or their death (?
I finished this kind of fast because I got hyperfixated and it's been laying in my gallery for weeks, yikes.
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deepiintheocean · 8 months
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hes trying really hard not to kill julian
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ms-tillus · 2 years
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I think the most interesting part of The Arcana to me is the apprentice’s backstory. You know, the cannon, unchangeable parts of the story.
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fox-daddy · 10 months
The Lazaret part 2 (mc story)
Part 1; here.
It had been Kyle's first week on the Lazaret and not much had changed yet. Kyle hadn't gotten any letters from Julian or Asra and while Julian didn't surprise him with the amount of work the Dr. piled on himself. There was something weird about having heard nothing back from Asra, even after their argument two weeks felt intense, then again he couldn't really talk having been unable to send a single letter. Each time he thought maybe it would be good enough he found himself shoving it into the chest he had for his belongings. It had slowly gone from him trying to spend an hour everyday trying to find out how to write it to slowly every moment of his free time whenever not tending to people's needs, eating and sleeping. A part of him said it would be easier if Asra had written something since replying was easier than trying to figure out exactly how to explain everything. The more he thought about it the less he knew what to say nor how to say it.
Yet writing to Julian was almost too easy. Just mentioning how his chores were mainly setting up beds, making sure they eat and drank, helping the Dr.s trying out different medicine. Truth was their was one more job, one that made the job go from gloomy to a new level of darkness, the furnaces. He had been lucky to avoid being put on them often but even only being on that job once or twice having people on the table only to be turned to ash by the fire. He hadn't been sure what was worse, being the one to push them in and close the door or being the one that had to move the ash afterwards knowing the gray easily broken apart powder was all that remained, that and charred bones. Feeling a shiver run up his spine he tried to shake it from his memory as he looked at the rough letter he had in his hands. Deciding not to mention that job he had focused on highlighting his job and everything that had been going on. Only when he was sure he had everything did he scroll it up to start work on a letter to Asra. And sat there staring at it, even as the sun set. With nothing but a chill creeping in he headed inside. Putting everything away he almost collapsed into the bed before quickly falling asleep.
When he woke up he felt tired as he stretched. Having a bad feeling he headed over to a nearby reflection. Red sclera, he knew he would have to work fast. Having rolled up the scrolls before hand it wasn't too hard ro roughly move them into a smaller container. Only taking the scrolls and his cape, it might ha e fireproof protections but he didnt want to risk it. With it in a smaller container he put on his plague dr. Mask. Taking a deep breath he made sure he had the key to the shop and some valuables he had but no use for. Picking up the chest he headed to the shore to meet with the boat person doing the first trip and least busy.
"I need your help. I'm willing to pay you this bag full of coin, a couple of pears and other treasures all for the simple price of, taking this to the magic shop and putting it inside, locking the door after with the key inside. When you come back you can have all of this."
"What makes you think that's worth my time and how do I know you wont just refuse to pay?" The sharp tone caused Kyle to flinch slightly.
"If it's not worth taking a box to a shop and leaving it there that's up to you. As for me refusing to pay, I'm four foot tall you could probably throw me over the wall without trying. I just need this box delivered because it's for someone." He decided to half lie at the end. Technically the shop would probably go to Asra and this was now a part of the shop. Shaking the thought he tried to focus.
"Fine but you better be here or I'll find you"
"The island isn't that big, I'll just stay on the beach." Kyle reassured while walking over to the nearby beach. The ash stuck to his shoes as he waited. A part of him knew they could just ditch the box and yet there was no reason to regr- he had to tell Julian and Asra. He actually had to tell them. Heading inside but leaving the bag half buried just in case, he soon returned with quill, ink and paper. It was not ideal but he had to inform them. Yet he had no idea how to write it. Straight to the point? Humor? No humor? Taking a deep breath Kyle tried to calm himself.
'Hey, Julian.
As you know I have been working on the Lazaret, well you probably know where this is going, I have it. I have been unable to process the right words to tell Asra, could you please tell him for me?.
~ Kyle'
Taking a deep breath at the messy but legible writing. Scrolling it up he got up as he saw the person returning. "Here's the bag as I promised and I was wondering since your going to shore next if you could pass this along?" He handed over the bag and letter.
"Fine." With a satisfying nod he left. He knew they hated being told what to do but also knew today wasn't the day to argue. Taking off the plague dr. outfit with nothing else to do the adrenaline of it slowly started to fade away as he felt a lot worse. Heading to the patients he decided to find a good spot and settle down. As he let time blur around him. It was weird like a single minute had passed or an hour and he wouldn't know. He found his mind drifting from Julian to Asra to his older brother he had left behind when he had run away. Was he still alive? Did he miss him? Kyle knew he missed him and the forest. Closing his eyes he tried to imagine the bird calls the bright sun, the hot yet heavily moist air, the sound of the water, just everything he could to try and let time past faster. From being tackled off the tree into the ocean by Tui, to Albatross picking him up from behind and play fighting with him. Trying to shake the thoughts away it only moved onto his time on the pirate ship, helping someone design a tarot deck in return for them fixing his cape up, he didn't even know tarot back then and yet the description's she had given him had helped him draw what she wanted. Closing his eyes he could still imagine the night they had spent cuddled up together in the crows nest before he had woken up alone. Making it to the shop and meeting his aunt and learning magic properly, the masquerade. Between his daydreaming, coughing and feeling awful the day slowly passed on.
Before he knew it he was being gently pulled onto a bed, and he made no effort to fight as he laid down. His hands barely recognizable with the plagues red veins that ran up his arm like spider webs leaving his hands red. It wasn't as bad as some patients he had seen and had the feeling if left alone he could survive a few more days maybe even a week. Yet he also knew their was no point arguing, today, tomorrow, next week his future was the fire. The only way his story would end is in fire, he had been told years ago he had a complicated relationship with fire, it had burned his house down and his sister had used it to scare him away, it had always had a way to find him and here he was facing fire again. He didn't even need to pretend to be fully focused to know where he was going, where he knew he would end up. Yet when he found himself in the confirmed dark space it fully set in this was where it was all going to end. And yet all he could think was 'I'm sorry'. 'I'm sorry I didn't leave when they wanted me to, I'm sorry I tried falling in love, I'm sorry I ran away, I'm sorry I couldn't say no, I'm sorry, I'm- I'm sorry' As he felt the heat of the fire bellow building he closed his eyes his throat dry and harsh. "-I'm sorry" he wasn't sure what part he was apologizing for, all of it? did it matter? With the heat building around him more and more he closed his eyes taking a deep breath-
He couldn't remeber anything else. Yet he could feel a soft pain all over his joints everwhere. But it wasn't pain, it didn't hurt, it was something else, a soft numbness. Lifting their head up they were in a forest. Yet, they couldn't get up. Their body felt hollow like it wasn't there like it was just their mind, was this the magic realm? why were they stuck then? trying to force themnselves to get up a thick mud clung to them dragging them down.
He had no idea how long it had been, their was no way to tell time. It was always sunny, it was always hot and it was only getting hotter. It was like when he thought it couldn't get worse the sun would shine even stronger as if to prove them wrong. It was always trying to prove him wrong. No, matter how hot it got the mud never dried up. He had hopped maybe the sun would dry it up and yet he only sunk deeper each time he thought maybe it was close to drying up. He had gone form his legs being stuck to only his arms above being out of the mud. Even then he could feel it dragging at his clothes, it wanted him to finish sinking. It wasn't just the mud, as he sunk the forest itself seemed to glitch like it couldn't keep itself alive, the trees started to bleed together into oen solid wooden wall, the sky turned from leaves to a blochy mess of greens and blues. It was falling apart within itself, breaking itself down slowly. Their was something inside him telling him to just give up to close his eyes and let himself sink into the mud, When those thoughts got loud he would struggle, no. He couldn't give up. He had no idea where he was but he wasn't goning to give up.
As he found himself struggling something changed. It was hard to know what but he could sense something nearby. Looking over he tesned, a large creature stood nearby, it's beak opened and closed as it seemed to suddenly rush towards him. Unable to predirct what it wanted he tried to cover his face as it stopped above him looking down at him with it's head tilted. While he couldn't hear it he could swear he could almost sense waht it wanted. It wanted to save him, a trade, a deal. He knew better than making deal's with demons and yet this didn't feel like a demon, but trying to think where his mind fogged over, where was he from? where were they from? The creature held out a large paw with feathers ruffled down it's arm. 'Let me live inside you and I'll give you my body and magic. You will lose waht memories you remember still, but you can gain them back again as you grow.' His memories and lettign this thing live inside him for a new body, new magic. A sharp numbness ran up what little of his spine he could still feel as he reached out grabbing the paw, a chance to be reborn and all he had to do was let this thing live inside him. Suddenly everything blurred together as he felt them suddenly tug them out of the mud, standing on their hind paws as they fell backwards, out of where they were. As they rolled he felt himself melting into them.
The next thing he felt was diorantaited, everything hurt and his hands didn't look right, his hands moved on their own ripping out the few feathers that stuck out of his arms. Sharp pain raidating as the feathers seemed to melt into a black liquid that vanished into them as he laid down unable to stay up, unable to stay awake. Unsure where he was, what he was, who he was, everything melted and blurred together as he closed his eyes. Would he even remember this, he wondered as he let the soft darkness consume him once more.
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ivquatro · 1 year
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Sabel Diaemus, my Apprentice at The Arcana!
I've remade Sabel for the fourth time! (And this post for the second time because I accidentally deleted the first one.)
Next, go at your own risk, as it's going to be a long post! :
My first version, I had thought of a raccoon as her animal, because I always imagined her as a cunning person with "dubious morals", hence the name Lotor (Procyon lotor). When I started playing, Julian was my favorite.
Sabel version n°1:
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After playing Lucio and Nadia's route, everything changed and Sabel became more like the witch she is today. I wanted to give her a seductive air, which is inconsequential. That's how version 2 of her came about. It is notable that Lucio has a certain influence on Sabel's clothes, at which time her name was changed to "Sabel Diaemus". The animal that represents her is a dobermann, which influences the way she looks and especially her eyebrows, but her surname comes from a bat (Diaemus youngi), and at that time she was thought to be albino, and to have a "vampire" look.
Sabel version n°2:
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The third version is the one I worked on the most! I gave it a story and more personality! Sabel becomes a powerful witch who is ambitious and unscrupulous, who would follow two routes: Being a person who seeks power through effort, with Nadia, or falling into hedonism with Lucio, raising her own ambition and her bad side. It got a backstory and a curse, but I never managed to develop it very well, so that was that. Version three had face sprites, the Devil version, clothes from the palace, the past and the masquerade. She got two pets, Crimson and Carmin, and a family, where her father is a baron and her mother is a witch, both equally ambitious as Sabel. Despite her good life, she decided she was bored and started working as a mercenary, using her knowledge as a witch, then meeting Lucio on one of her journeys. Much of the design was influenced by Lucio's route, haute couture clothes, brands such as Alexander McQueen and Versace, as well as music by Qveen Herby, Britney Spears (especially "criminal") and Lady Gaga, and anime characters such as Kusuriuri from Mononoke.
Sabel version n°3:
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I haven't played for a long time, but I'm very fond of my character, so I decided to remove the red eyes of the plague, the curse marks and let her just be a temptress witch! I have more things planned for her and I've lost some drawings from the previous version, so I'll continue to do more Sabel stuff soon. She still has the old influences, but I decided to give her an air of elegance, like Nadia has, as well as using elements reminiscent of vampires and bats.
Sabel version n°4:
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mjart12699 · 3 months
So I worked pretty quick on that silly headcanon I had earlier. I recommend reading my apprentice’s backstory if you want more information on MJ and Sawyer.
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rubinaitoart · 2 years
I made some major changes to Auric’s design, namely in terms of outfit and hair. I also took some time to try and really replicate The Arcana’s art style, although the shading leaves something to be desired I think I did pretty well for a first serious attempt.
Some mild spoilers below the art, but the game’s been out for six years and I assume most of the people reading this know the basics of the Apprentice’s Backstory
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The idea behind the outfit change was a spur of the moment thought that Auric might’ve strongly imprinted on Asra during the start of the three years after he lost his memory.
Now for some quick context, this isn’t a romantic relationship between Auric and Asra. It teeters on the edge of a QPR but with some familial aspects as well, Asra behaving more or less like an older brother. Their backstory before the memory loss also remains non-romantic.
Continuing on the Outfit Stuff.
It bled into how he presented himself, subconsciously seeking out the same sort of colorful outfits that Asra might enjoy even if Auric himself doesn’t like them. In reality, Auric’s sense of individuality is a bit warped and uncertain. He isn’t quite sure on some things like his own taste in style, or what he wants with his life. These things get explored and finally worked on as Auric goes through his version of the Muriel Route; I like to imagine that they both help each other in different ways, a sort of equal exchange beyond just the MC helping Muriel find his sense of self.
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bonjourxrenae · 4 months
Started embracing self-indulgence and finally doodled my lil' MC Apprentice for The Arcana (as Carvings borrows… a lot from its world, hehe)
I recycled an old D&D character and managed to weave her death into the fabric of the story - I think she synergizes pretty well with everyone!
I'm just gonna post a little bit about her backstory for my own reference, don't mind me ^^;;;
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A healer from a forgotten realm, her shy demeanor betrays her surprising talents. ♓️ Favorite Food: Peach & Blueberry Cobbler Favorite Drink: Honey Mead Favorite Flower: White Violet
Aria was originally a cleric of Athena, raised in a temple with other clerics, sworn to a vow of eternal maidenhood and a duty to uphold justice and law in the world. In fact, Aria was a chosen disciple of Athena and was blessed with her sacred wisdom. She once traveled with other adventurers to help bring spring to an endless winter.
Unfortunately, she met with an untimely end…
She awoke at a crossroads, where the skies seemed to swirl into an endless sea of stars. It all seemed so fantastical... and yet, she could not remember a thing about who she was, or where she had been going before arriving there...
A mysterious figure appeared beside her, dressed in layers of scarves and a plumed hat, informing her that she was merely in a state of dreaming. All she needed to do to take the first step was to open her eyes, and a new path would appear before her.
She woke to the smoky scent of freshly brewed lapsang souchong and the cool of a damp cloth on her forehead. The figure from the crossroads - the talented magician Asra - was there beside her, nursing her back from a high fever, helping her relearn everything. The two have been like kin ever since.
Aria became Asra’s apprentice, learning magic under his guidance and care. This magic came to her almost effortlessly. She does not remember her former profession, nor her oaths, or even her Goddess… and even still, she feels larger gaps in her memory…
So on the fated night when Asra left on yet another journey, entrusting her with his arcana deck… the moment she drew The High Priestess, she felt an instant connection with the wise, all-seeing owl.
Perhaps it was fate that the Countess would knock on the shop door soon after... and perhaps fate had bid Aria open the door, so that the two could meet again.
High Priestess, Goddess of Wisdom... were they not one and the same?
Bonus Picrew (just straight up marry that gorgeous widow YESSS)
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If you're willing, what about writing about something with an mc who's with Julian but they hide a lot of their magic abilities and past as they get their memories back and it's even memories of them stumbling into the Arcana realm and stepping into Vesuvia for the first time, their symbol always being the Phoenix and always showing up for them at times but.. what if in the original lives or their soul was a Phoenix that helped them come back from dying from the plague. Like a guide but also the past speaking to remind old powerl. How would Julian react to seeing MC go through that break through, especially when they think Julian will fear the them, showing traits of feathers ruffled out of stress (sorry for the weird ask, had an interesting dream after playing with my tarot deck that inspired this)
That sounds like an incredible dream! Have you thought about writing a fanfic for it? Now I'm going to be trying to figure out how to have Vesuvian dreams as well ... O.O
My requests are closed at the moment, but that sounds to me like the beginnings of a fantastic backstory for a Julian route OC apprentice! I'd be really interested to see how you develop it (if you choose to) ^.^
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WIP(s) Update #I
A/N: Hello everybody! As promised, this post is a little peek into what I’ve been working on as of late.
It’ll be divided into two parts: drafts I’ve been intermittently working on from 2022 and earlier (some may be all the way back from 2020 as well, YIKES), and then more recent works that have popped up within the last five to six months.
More under the cut because this got . . . very long.
Old(er) Works/WIP(s) [from 2022 and before]:
Fics I owe/want to give people [three to five in total]
Expansion of AUs Written / Noted
possible modern AU of Bảo being a gamer as a teenager like some Youtubers, but he’s small-time indie kinda guy
Reversal [within my cast of OCs] (i.e. Apprentice!Bảo and Auntie!Liên)
Celestial Sanctum
Actor AU(?) [at least Lucio’s part]
Apprenticember—DAY(s) II & III (Part II)
Main 6 LI route stories with Apprentice and/or Librarian Lyra
Maybe??? Even??? Librarian Lyra Route???
Expansion on time spent with the various in-laws for both Apprentice / Librarian Lyra and her LI(s)
All Apprentice!Lyras interacting with one another [The Observation Room]
May be a series, or it may be a set of one-shots that interconnect somehow
Finish Devil!Lyra’s Ascension [lucio x apprentice]
OC Backstories
Lyra [slight reboot/rewriting of her past, present and future within the world of The Arcana
Lyra’s extended family
Rồngkarst (village)/Leysương (country) aesthetics [parts of Fantasyland Vietnam]
specific details and whatnot
Walterine’s Parents
How Walt is related to Sekani
James’s Parents [two] and Siblings [five of them]
The Banbha [James’s tribe in The South]
The Olde Deer God
Connections / Interactions with the Heart of the Forest
Tarot [Major and/or Minor] Card Associations
Annnnnnnnd just THIS chunk is written out in about 60 or so one sentence ideas in a notebook of mine that I’ll need to break down or combine in order to make any coherence.
WIP(s) [from Jan 2023 to now]:
Ceci and Thomas
Details how they’re connected to Lyra and her family
May or may not tie in with The Observation Room shenanigans
Also Ceci and Thomas’s siren / mermaid / undine(?) background / lineage
More stories about the fan kids
Tarot [Major and/or Minor] Card Associations
Whether or not they’re aware of the canon / in-game events that their family and loved ones have gone through.
Whether or not they’re aware of THOMAS’s background as not being entirely human
Pictures of Crochet!Nook [thanks go to @fire-fira for this bit. I’m still overjoyed this could happen]
In Conclusion:
This writer’s brain is very full of ideas and I wish I had more time in the day to work on all of these.
If you made it this far, thank you so, so much for your time and patience to read all of this.
Have a good rest of your day / night!
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mino-diabolik · 1 year
My OC’s from other fandoms and their races
Thanks for the tag @redflower001!
[Admin!Danny: Some of the drawings are very old so sorry for the cringe— (There was no need for the drawings but I added it for fun lmao)
Mystic Tsukinami
(Demon) Founder
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Mystic is from the Diabolik Lovers universe, born as a Founder from Shin Tsukinami and another OC, known as DJ. (I have a quite a few OC’s in this fandom, such as Kazuha, Elle, members of the Owl Clan, etc. In fact, this is the fandom in which I have the most OC’s in.)
(Demon) Sinner
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Now we have Deth! (Read his name as the word “death”). He is from the Hazbin Hotel fandom, so of course he’s a demon lmao I’ve shown him in this blog before, but have updated his design since (the image shown; drew that one a few days ago). He died in the late 1700’s and is a mildly famous performer, as it seems his voice is quite hypnotic. I love his character and design very much, specially since he’s very easy to draw lol
(Human) Witch
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Edgar is my giving-a-face-to-the-player OC for The Arcana. Which means he is Asra’s apprentice—however, I did add certain traits to make him a lone character in the story. While I haven’t done much with him in quite a while, I still very much like him a lot.
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Cain is another giving-a-face-to-the-player OC. From the app “Fictif”, there is a story called Last Legacy. I absolutely loved Sage, which sort of inspired me to make a character for the story. (I really recommend you all to play it. The story is not completed, but the plot is very interesting imo)
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Yet another giving-a-face-to-the-player OC ^^; Adam comes from the Obey Me! universe! He follows mostly the same backstory given to the MC of the game, which is being a descent of Lilith (if you know the Obey Me! lore, you’ll get it lol). One of my favorite details that I added to his character are the fallen angel birthmarks on his shoulder blades.
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Haha… another giving-a-face-to-the-player OC ^^; Ash is from the Mystic Messenger universe! She’s not all that developed, but she came to be after I played Seven’s route. Her latest pairing is Saeran tho—
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tolltale · 8 months
you gotta admit the whole backstory in the arcana with the apprentice being asra's childhood sweetheart first and then the big fight they had and then them showing up at ilya's doorstep to be THEIR apprentice to stop the plague and them working alongside each other until they inevitably caught it and then that entire mess after . asra's desperate plot to resurrect their lost lover. the "came back wrong" trope. slapped severely. wish the plot kept being that good in the actual story 😩
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athirstygoblin · 2 years
Katarina “Tari” Hirsch
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“The Kind hearted apprentice hopeful to discover her past”
Age: 24 (As of the Prologue)
Gender: Cisgender woman (She/her)
Race: Dutch
Birthday: January 25th
Zodiac: Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising
Favourite food: Glazed Sweet Potato
Favourite drink: Ginger Tea
Favourite Flower: Tulips
Prior to coming to Vesuvia, Katarina spent her early years as the daughter of a prominent noble family in Vivelan. Her mother works closely as an advisor to king, and her father is a knight. She remembers little of her parents, but knew that they loved her and only wanted what was best for her.
At the age of five a civil war broke out in her nation, and an attack on the palace lead to many dead. She was sent to live with two family friends, Jacobus and Annike, whom she affectionately referred to as “Uncle Jacobus” and “Auntie Anne”. It was then that they travelled and settled in Vesuvia, opening up a shop.
Katarina’s childhood in Vesuvia was relatively fine. Jacobus and Annike raised her like their own, and never tried to hide the truth about her parents, though they did cover up some details until she was older. She didn’t have much friends growing up, but she found that helping out in the shop, especially helping out the people, was rewarding enough interaction. At the age of 9 was when she first met Asra, when Jacobus and Annike took him in to become their apprentice and learn magic along with Katarina. The two became close, with Asra even developing a small crush on her.
When Katarina was 18, her Aunt and Uncle travelled to Vivelan to investigate what had happened, only for them to not return. The plague had also begun, and not wanting to be useless, she became an apprentice to Dr. Devorak. This caused a rift in her relationship with Asra until they both decided him leaving was the best course of action. She caught the plague and eventually passed away, which lead to her resurrection and the events of the Arcana game.
Tari is A sweet and kind person who is willing to go out of her way to look out for others, often at her own expense. She has an optimistic worldview, and will often try to see the brighter side of difficult situations. While she is not outwardly shy, she is rather introverted in nature and does have a calm disposition most of the time. She also gets flustered very easily when someone flirts with her or gives her a compliment. She has a tendancy to struggle with depression and anxiety, but tries to hide it with her cheerful and optimistic nature. Is an overthinker and very insecure about herself, especially her body.
Because magic does not run her bloodline, Tari does not have an inherit aptitude for magic. Instead, she was taught by her Uncle and Aunt and became the first in her family to learn it. This, unfortunately, means that she draws energy from her body instead of a natural source. This leads to her getting what she calls ‘burnouts’, a period of time where she displays physical symptoms of overexertion of her magical abilities and cannot use her magic until she recovers.
Some symptoms include greying of hair (which only came about post-resurrection), throbbing headaches, nosebleeds and fatigue.
Tari is incredibly skilled in light manipulation, able to create orbs and shapes from light and even able to manifest them into a tangible form (mostly arrows as shown in Muriel’s route). She is also an incredibly skilled healer, although she is more effective at healing injuries than illnesses, and healing can be more draining when it comes to magical exertion.
Sexual orientation: Asexual Panromantic
Canon Love Interests: Muriel (Primary), Nadia, Portia (Au)
OC Pairings:
Mungo (@cinnella
Armallo (@armallo-and-roul)
Open to Shipping: Yes
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ot-hoe-me · 1 year
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by: @stephschoices
I tag: anyone who wants to do this.
I am putting this under a cut because some of these responses got LONG lmao.
* I am SO sorry that I’m so late responding to this but I needed time to Think Thoughts and then get them at least mostly in order (I hope.)
I mean, I love all of my OCs in one way or another so it’s very hard to pick. In the interest of not having any overlap with the other categories I’ll answer this one last. I was initially stuck choosing between Valencia Talward my Hunter-heritage Battle Mage, Trouble-mancing Main MC for Lena’s/ @shepherds-of-haven IF because I do love her a lot because she’s very kind and courageous, and the way Lina has coded the personality/talent stats you can excel in more than one rather than picking one and sticking with it (ONLY charisma or ONLY intelligence, cunning, etc.) and you can choose multiple and it be feasible. The biggest selling point is the immaculate found family vibe you cultivate with the ROs (that is, if you choose not to be an evil sob) and even better - see the relationship developments between each other this game and these characters and this world are made with obvious love and care. Can’t recommend ShoH enough. BUT.
I decided that the most logical choice for Favourite OC is my apprentice Estelle Circinus from The Arcana game. I have her as my icon and as my blog banner along with Asra, she’s the OC I have the most art commissions of - and I plan to add to that particular collection in the future. And finally, she’s also up there with Alice of being one of my most developed OCs with lore, backstory, what her future looks like beyond canon and I also have multiple AUs for her in various stages of development. So, Estelle is my final answer.
NEWEST OC: Aruna Chase/Singh
Aruna is my newest fleshed out OC who is my Baxter-mancer for Our Life: Beginnings and Always (surname Chase to fit this MC’s family.) and is my secondary MC for Our Life: Now and Forever (surname Singh because here the family is MC’s bio mom.) Of course she is obligated to flirt with Baxter at every opportunity before he leaves Golden Grove, but beyond that I don’t know if she’s going to actually romance anyone. (I already have a Qiu-mancer and they’re crushes from childhood. So my options are; making Aruna a Tamarack-mancer from Step 3-on, a Qiu-mancer Step 3-on, or not giving her a romance at all within the confines of the canon storyline for OLNF.) And of course, both games are by @gb-patch though the latter is only a demo at the moment. Highly, HIGHLY recommend playing OLBA though if you haven’t already (especially if you like guys but if not then that’s cool too, you can play completely platonically or aroace instead and not miss TOO much story.)
OLDEST OC: Alice Walker
Alice is my MC originally from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky so when I bought Darkness when it came out in 2008 (according to bulbapedia, geez that really was 15 years ago. I was 12 years old when I first made her. Wow I am feeling old right now lol.) So playing that, then watching Lucario and the Mystery of Mew for the first time years after it was dubbed even, which I saw for the first time around that time + the release of Sky and playing it helped me develop her more. Alice was my first OC, first with an in-depth backstory and lore, and has without a doubt been the OC who has undergone the most evolution (lol) over the years. I still think about her to this day. But yeah, first she was just my MC for Explorers of Darkness/Sky who turned into a Pikachu in Darkness, but then she became someone who could wield Aura, so when Sky came out I made her a Riolu even though only boy MCs could be Riolu but I said screw that. Originally she was born in the Dark Future, but more recently I changed her backstory to being born in the “present” of the Pokemon Universe in the Kingdom (honestly, think it should be Queendom though frfr) of Rota. She’s four??? (this is me forgetting for the moment if I have her start her journey at 13 or 14 years old lol) years older than Red, Blue/Green, Leaf, etc. but still leaves Rota to start her Pokemon Journey at the same time as them and like. Going through the regions/games including The Mains, PMD: Explorers, Rangers of Almia/Oblivia and more recently, fan games like Pokemon Reborn, Insurgence, Empyrean and Rejuvenation (Rejuvenation is without a doubt my favourite of the fan games by far, though they are all really good, but this is still a WIP while the other three are complete.) So yeah, Alice’s new canon birth timeline/existence is a mix of game and anime worlds. She’s an aura guardian and after Arceus resurrects her after her sacrifice to prevent Temporal Tower from collapsing and stop Dialga from becoming Primal Dialga - they make her immortal. But not only that, they also bestow a portion of their power on her so she can act as their agent, and essentially as an avatar or proxy to carry out their will (by continuing to carry out her duty as an aura guardian to safeguard all of creation/life - but to the extreme) in return for them bringing her back to life. So she’s elevated to become a demigoddess, essentially. After that, she’s sent back to her own time, and then all across other points time and space and other dimension, becoming The Deus Ex Machina of Heroes. Because of all this her Trainer Title would have gone from Trainer Alice -> Aura Guardian Alice -> Eternal Guardian Alice. Basically THE Ultimate Mary Sue but she deserves this as the privilege of being my first-ever OC and because cringe is dead...also I ship her with Steven Stone because the age gap definitely closes because of the time-fuckery. Shhhhh.
MEANEST OC: Araina Emroth
I don’t really have any mean OCs tbh because I don’t like making or playing rude/bitchy or cruel characters, so the closest I can get to answering that question would have to be me asking myself who is my ANGRIEST OC? And how do they use that anger/how morally dubious do their actions get because of it? I have a handful of OCs that fit the bill but my reflexive answer to this is my MC Araina Emroth from the IF Spellbound: A Ghost Story. It is solely on the CoG forum but I am begging you - if you haven’t played the demo already please PLEASE do it - it is so good!!!! Anyway, to give you tiny tidbits to make you want to play, the reason why she’s angry is that, since I chose the rebel backstory over the knight backstory, putting it mildly, her kingdom is corrupt. So not only is she out for revenge, she’s of the mindset that she’s ready to take on the ‘whole world’ to cut out the rot of her homeland in order to redeem it even if she has to do it alone. Also in regards to Callum...I chose the childhood rivals bully route for him and as in all things, she never can fully let go of a grudge. So yeah, she's the passionate, charismatic revolutionary in life. And while she mellows out after 800+ years of being dead, hm. Wonder where the future will lead? (I am torn between getting her to time travel to her own body while she was still alive, and to snatch the amulet off of Callum and destroy it and then go on how it should have been. Or her finally being able to let go and find a way for her to live a new life in the present.) ANYWAY - play it!!!
SOFTEST OC: Fallon Rose
Most of my MCs are pretty-very soft so it’s kind of hard to pick just one, but, I will go with Fallon - my MC from Underfell IF and Mafiafell IF by @darkpetal16 for the fact with how she writes MC, especially in Underfell - is very kind, empathetic, optimistic, and very very forgiving by nature. You’ll see what I mean if you decide to play~ Please do, if you enjoy Undertale and AUs. (Also fun fact, her name is a pun on Fall and Rise.)
Like with the mean OC category I don’t really have any aloof or standoffish OCs so the closest I can answer for this category is Serena Klein, my MC from @attollogame because I play her as intimidating/stoic, and cunning but. I would never say that she’s uncaring or unemotional. If anything, she cares too much and is very emotional but is able to mask it really well (unless it concerns her brother Atticus) and she also has natural RBF.
It’s a toss up between my main MC for @trinitytrilogy Zeus’ Dilemma, Belle, Demigoddess and Daughter of Aphrodite, who currently has a literal intelligence stat of 0 (RIP) though my headcanon is that she does at least have average intelligence. And my MC for Last Legacy (RIP because of NixHydra the company being complete idiots, and Dorian not really being better it looks very likely it will never be finished because the writers don’t have the creative/ownership rights to it. Not bitter about this at all.) Emma, because she is mostly a self insert aside from the whole barista and makes-own-cosplays cosplayer deal. And me being who I am...enough said lmao. 
SMARTEST OC: Chloe Rodgers
Chloe is my main MC from the Keeper Trilogy by @keeperofthesunandmoon is without a doubt my smartest MC as with how high her intelligence stat is, and how quickly she grasps magic in her new life as a magician is prodigious - she is a literal genius.
I’d be friends with Ava for sure, and why am I choosing her aside from making sure there’s no overlap? She’s one of my most normal and well-adjusted OCs, she’s successful, has no mental illnesses, she’s also plus size like me so she knows my struggles. She’s also a fashion designer so you know she’d be putting out fire clothes that I’d go broke for. She would be the extrovert who would adopt me, and of course I gave her my interests and hobbies/hobbies I wish I had as well so we’d get along really well. And I just have to say the she is defying the ‘mean girl californian’ stereotype and absolutely help a guy out with his English homework so he can go out on a date to kiss a cute guy, you know it. You best believe. Also she would threaten to beat up my depression, and I wholeheartedly believe that she would succeed in eradicating it. Right, and she’s my main MC for Our Life: Beginnings and Always by @gb-patch who eventually marries Cove.
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mjart12699 · 8 months
By the way, I uploaded a new chapter of my apprentice’s backstory and I’ve introduced some new characters! Hope y’all enjoy!
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