#arber xhekaj fanfiction
puckbunnyera · 6 months
Second Chance | Arber Xhekaj
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pairing: arber xhekaj x reader genre: angst, fluff at the end word count: 1.9k warnings: none summary: two months after your break-up, arber comes begging for a second chance
notes: started this a couple of weeks ago and i've finally finished it. the part that took the longest was deciding which hockey player i wanted to use for it.
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Coming to the game was a bad idea. I knew it from the moment the word yes slipped from my lips, but when Mayah, the bubbly girl that sits next to me in my psychology lecture, asked if I would attend the game between the Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leafs with her after her friend bailed, I couldn't find it in me to turn her down.
In the day leading up to the game, I convinced myself that everything would be fine. That he wouldn't even know I was there. I'm not quite sure if I jinxed myself or if Karma was playing some cruel joke on me, but the second we made it to our seats, right there in the front row behind the Canadiens bench, I decided it was some sick and twisted combination of the two. Regret began to make itself right at home in my head the second we settled into our seats.
As the two teams make their way out onto the ice to head to their respective benches, the crowd goes wild. The arena fills with the sound of thousands of fans cheering and yelling. However, the sound of my own rapidly beating heart floods my eardrums, replacing the loud screams of the fans, as my eyes drift to him and our gazes interlock.
Arber Xhekaj, defenceman for the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League, known to me as my ex-boyfriend, is staring right at me and there was nowhere I can go to hide.
Once upon a time, he was a man that meant everything to me. He was my whole world. We spent a little over two years in a relationship together, happy and in love. Things were perfect between us, until they weren't. What started as small, petty disagreements that happened here and there became full-on arguments that occurred almost every day. While I was putting in the effort to fix things, he was shutting me out. I pinned all of it on stress and the lack of time we got to spend with each other because of his work and my schooling. I tried to wait it out in hopes that things would return to normal, but eventually, I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't see the point in fighting for us if he wasn't willing to do the same. I've spent the past few months trying to move on and forget about him, and I thought I was doing pretty well. That all came crashing down the moment he noticed me. I suddenly became painfully aware that I was still hopelessly in love with him.
The insistent tapping on my arm is what finally pulls me from our impromptu staring contest. When I turn to my left, Mayah is buzzing with excitement.
"Oh my god! Arber Xhekaj is literally staring at you." She squeals. "How are you not freaking out right now? He is six feet and four inches of muscle and manliness. I would climb him like a fucking tree if given the opportunity."
The ending comment causes a pang of jealousy to flare up inside of me. I push it away as quickly as it appears though. I have no right to feel that way anymore, as we are no longer together. It's a feeling that I don't want to feel again, at least not when he is concerned.
Not able to come up with a response, I shrug my shoulders to express a feeling of indifference and turn to face forward as the announcer's voice floods the arena.
• ───────────────────────────── •
Despite the Habs loss to the Maple Leafs, my body is still filled with adrenaline and excitement as I walk out of the arena with Mayah. I had forgotten how much I loved hockey. It was how I met Arber. When things ended between us, I forgot how much I enjoyed watching the game as I tried my hardest to forget him.
"Thanks for coming with me."
"Thanks for inviting me." I respond. "I think that's the most exciting thing I've experienced in a while."
"Anytime." She smiles. "My Uber is here but I'll see you in class on Monday?"
"Yeah, see you Monday." I wave her off as she climbs into the car waiting for her by the curb.
As I wait for my own ride to arrive, I feel my phone buzz in my hand, alerting me of a text.
From Unknown Number: Hey. Can we talk?
Despite there being no name on the contact, I knew exactly who it was from. I'm about to turn my screen off to ignore it when another message comes through.
From Unknown Number: I know you're seeing this.
From Unknown Number: Please
From Unknown Number: I just want to talk.
All it takes is for that fourth and final message to come through for me to make my decision. I type out a short reply just as my Uber arrives.
• ───────────────────────────── •
A couple of hours later, here I am, standing in front of his apartment door. I'm a ball of nerves as I raise my hand to knock on the door. It only takes two knocks for the door to go swinging open and I suddenly find myself standing face-to-face with the man I swore I would never see again.
"Hey." He greets, voice still as deep and mesmerizing as I remember. "Come in."
I give him a tight-lipped smile as I step past him into the apartment I once considered a second home. He closes the door without a word and then leads me into the living room.
"Do you want some water?" He asks as I take a seat on the couch.
"No, thank you." I reply, trying to keep my voice steady in hopes that I can conceal the emotions that are beginning to rise to the surface. "What did you want to talk about? It's late and I can't stay long."
"I-" He begins before quickly cutting himself off, taking a seat on the sofa opposite of me. He sighs heavily and then tries again. "I miss you."
I freeze instantly at the words that leave his mouth. A mixture of shock and anger forms in my chest. "Arber-"
"These past few months have been hell." He continues. "I know you probably don't believe me, but I'm telling the truth."
"I can't do this." My voice wobbles as I speak, tears welling up in my eyes. I stand up, making a move towards the door. "I...I need to leave. I shouldn't have come here."
"Why?" Frustration is evident in his tone as he quickly follows my movements, grasping my hand to stop me from walking any further. "Why can't you just stay and talk to me?"
"Because if I stay, I might do something stupid." I shake my head, trying to clear the racing thoughts that have taken over. "Like..." My voice trails off, not able to finish the sentence as I attempt to get my emotions under control.
"Like what?" He interrupts, inching closer to me.
"Forgive you," I answer, looking him in the eyes for the first time since I arrived. "Because God knows you don't deserve my forgiveness. Not this easily."
"You're right. I don't deserve it," He nods. "But I want it anyway, because I'm selfish and cruel, right?" He punctuates his question with an audible scoff. Throwing my own words from our last argument at me.
"Don't say that like I'm the bad guy." I bite back. "You were the one that pushed me away like I was nothing when I was the only one there for you." My words are bitter. "I've tried so hard to make myself hate you for the way you made me feel. I tried so fucking hard. Instead, I ended up hating myself for failing so miserably. Despite my efforts, I still fucking love you. And it hurts."
My chest is tight and I'm breathing heavily as I fight back the sob that threatens to leave me. His hand grips mine tighter as he opens his mouth to speak.
"I can't tell you how sorry I am. I know I fucked up. Treating you like that and letting you walk out that door were two of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my life." He confesses. "I want you. No, scratch that. I fucking need you. And I'll spend every day for the rest of our lives making up for what I did if that's what it takes."
"I waited for you." I whisper as the dam behind my eyes finally breaks, tears cascading down my cheeks. "For two months, I waited for something to change. For you to change."
"I know." His hands lift to caress my face, thumbs gently brushing away my tears. "And I promise I'll never make you feel like that again. I won't take your love for granted ever again."
"I thought you were falling out of love with me and I couldn't take it anymore."
"Never did I stop loving you." He shook his head, a deep frown etched on his face.
"Then what happened?"
"I was scared. You were getting busier with school and I was beginning to travel more. The longer we spent apart the more I began to question the stability of our relationship. I was afraid that, because of my busy schedule and how often I have to travel for the majority of the year, I wouldn't be able to be the type of boyfriend that you need. That you deserve. I convinced myself that it was only a matter of time before you realized that and as a result, I subconsciously began to push you away."
"You could have just talked to me." I sigh. "We could have figured it out."
"I know." He nods. "I wish I could take it back. I really do. If you would just give me a second chance, I'll do better."
"Yes. I promise."
"I'll give you another chance, but if you fuck it up, we're over for good."
"I won't." He shakes his head, hands moving to my waist to pull me into him. "You have my word."
"Good." I smile softly, laying my head on his chest.
The room falls silent as we stand in each other's embrace, taking in the moment. After a few minutes, it's Arber that makes the first move to separate us, but only enough to be able to see my face. He stares silently, lips parted as if he wants to say something.
"What?" I question, noticing his hesitation.
"Can I kiss you?" His right hand moves up to rest on my cheek, angling my head up a little more. It takes less than a second for me to respond.
"Please do."
His lips brush mine softly at first, a brief peck to test the waters. He pulls back slightly to examine my face. I'm not quite sure what he is looking for, but whatever he does or doesn't find has him leaning back in. This kiss is deeper, hungrier, more desperate. We stay like this for a while. Melting into each other. Once the lack of oxygen becomes too much, we finally part. Our foreheads remain pressed together, our eyes still closed as we try to catch our breaths.
"I really fucking missed you." He whispers, our lips brushing with every word he speaks.
"I missed you too." I smile against his lips.
"What?" I pull back slightly and open my eyes to look at him.
"Stay." He repeats. "Stay the night with me. It's late anyways. I don't want you going back on your own. So stay."
I take a few seconds to think it over before I respond, nodding my head. "Okay."
Smiling, he steps out of our embrace and intertwines his fingers with mine, pulling me behind him as he begins to make his way down the familiar path to his bedroom.
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swissboyhisch · 10 months
The Best Kinda Night
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Pairing: Arber Xhekaj x Reader
Summary: Your first time watching Arber play and you get to see the rough side of his job.
Word Count: 1574
Warnings: fighting, mentions of sex related things
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Since meeting Arber at a club after a game one night, the two of you hit it off. The two of you spent the whole night on the dance floor together. Maybe getting a little too handsy in public. After a couple too many drinks, you found yourself waking up in his bed. Arber woke up while you were getting dressed once more, phone held between your shoulder and ear. He protested you leaving and asked you to breakfast. Citing that he was wanting more than a one night stand with such a pretty person.
It had been months since you had had your first date and you were yet to go watch Arber play. Until tonight that is. Tonight he had a game against Arizona at home and you had a glass side ticket. You pulled out the pair of jeans, hoodie and jersey you planned on wearing before jumping into the shower. After spending the afternoon pampering, you made sure you were ready early so you could leave for the stadium and take in the journey.
What he didn’t tell you was that Caitlin, the captain’s girlfriend, would be meeting you at the stadium and sitting next to you so you weren’t alone. Not that it would have bothered you. But he wanted you to have a friend within the team because he knew you were going to be around for a while.
“Hi! You’re Wi-Fi’s girlfriend, yeah?” A blonde greeted you a couple moments after you stepped into the club bar area.
“Uh hi?” You and Arber weren’t public yet so you were very confused as to why she asked you this. She was dressed similarly to you but wearing a jersey with a C patch. Suzuki if you’re correct. “Sorry, who are you?”
The girl smiles, “I’m Caitlin, Nick’s girlfriend. Arber thought it would be a good idea you weren’t sitting by yourself.”
“Oh, that’s exciting. Thanks for agreeing.”
The two of you grabbed a drink from the bar before taking a seat. There was still half an hour until the teams took to the ice for warm-ups. You got to know Caitlin while you two bonded over the drinks. The blonde even introduced you to a couple of the other girls who walked by on their way to their seats.
“Let’s go find our seats. We’re against the glass,” Caitlin suggests when you both had finished your drinks.
Following others through the stadium halls, you find your section and descend the stairs. You made sure to take pictures of everything. Taking in all the bright lights and experience. The two of you were at a perfect spot. Across from the bench and near the penalty box. Or as you like to call it, the sin bin.
“When did you and Arber meet?” The blonde asks.
“Uh, a year ago? Dating for about 7 months.”
“He’s kept you hidden from us!”
You chuckle at the girl’s reaction. “Yeah, we just wanted to get settled and comfortable in our relationship before telling everyone.”
The two of you got to know each other while waiting for the teams to take to the ice for pregame warm ups. At least the chairs were comfier than other stadiums you have been to in the past. You glanced around at the fans around you. People watching. A few Arber jerseys stood out to you. Some Caufield and Suzuki jerseys as well.
“Here they come,” Caitlin spoke up, pointing to the tunnel.
One by one the boys stepped onto the ice and did their laps. Arber came out and skated around, looking around at the fans. He spotted a fan sign with his name on it being held up by a boy no older than 6. Watching the fan interaction was one of the best parts. Arber played paper, scissors, rock with the kid before flicking a puck over the glass and posing for a picture.
“Look who’s skating this way,” Caitlin teases as she waves to Nick standing in front of the girls.
Arber skated towards Nick and bumped him. He then turned his attention to you. The Canadian boy had the biggest smile as he waved like a kid to you. Just like he did for the little boy, he waved the puck then tossed it over the glass. You caught the cold rubber and posed for a picture that Caitlin was more than happy to take for you. Before he skated away to continue warm ups, he put his into a fist as best as he could and put it against the glass. You copied his actions and did a fist bump through the glass.
The fist bump started when you two first started dating. You had always fist bumped your best friend as a goodbye since they weren’t the hugging type. With Arber, the first time you did it was when you were both laying on the couch after your second date. Both of you were to shy to cuddle at the time. But you randomly held out your fist to him. From there it’s a daily occurrence. When it came to games, it fitted into the pregame ritual. He would kiss you goodbye then a fist bump on the way out.
“I like the jersey,” He yelled before giving you a smirk and skating off with his captain to join Caufield not far away.
“He’s so in love with you,” Caitlin pointed out. “I’ve never seen him smile that much. That wide!”
Warm ups went quicker than you’d like and next thing you know the teams skate off again. Now the wait between warm ups and the start of the game. Caitlin grabbed a silver sharpie from her bag and thrusted it towards you.
“You have to write on the puck the date and first Canadiens game.”
You agreed and wrote it on the back of the puck. One to start a collection. Or add to Arber’s puck collection when you moved in together.
The game started and was going smoothly. Kinda. There was some tension building and by the 2nd period you could see that Kassian was aiming at Arber. Wanting to drop the gloves. It wasn’t until a checking incident that Arber decided he had had enough.
“Here we go,” You smirk as Arber and the Arizona player threw their gloves off and grabbed each other. As someone with combat sport training, a fight was entertaining. “Arber’s got this one.”
Kassian’s first punch knocked off Arber’s helmet but he was sure to retaliate with multiple blows, one after the other in quick succession. The Coyotes player dropped to his knees pretty quick, allowing Arber to get some good hits in. Kassian managed to stand up again but didn’t stay on his feet for long. With the coyotes’ jersey in his grasp, Arber took him to the ground. He threw one last punch before the refs managed to pull him off. You watched as your boyfriend smirked at the sight of the player on the ice before skating to the penalty box. He even waved his arms to hype up the crowd who were all cheering by. He looked towards you, a smirk on his face as he chewed on his mouthguard.
“Fucking hell,” you mutter, turned on more than you’d admit to anyone.
“Keep it in your pants,” Caitlin laughs after she hears your muttering.
Arber took his seat in the sin bin and side glanced at you. Another smirk appeared when he noticed the look on your face. He winked at you before turning back to the game.
“Welp I’m gonna have to buy new lingerie after tonight,” You joke (slightly) to Caitlin.
She laughed, understanding the feeling, “it’s the best kinda night after a good, tense game.”
The pair of you laugh before turning back to the game that was playing. The game soon came to an end with a win for the home team. Caitlin showed you down to the family room where people waited for the players to finish changing and the media tasks.
“I’ll introduce you to some of the other girls if you want?”
You shrug, “Sure why not.”
The captain’s partner took you around, introducing you to the older players’ partners. Meeting their kids who were running around the room as well. It definitely filled the waiting time because you feel arms wrap around your waist as you talked to Caitlin and Kirby Dach’s girlfriend.
“Hey,” you grin, turning to see a freshly showered Arber.
He pressed a kiss to your temple. You could see in his eyes what he was thinking about. “Hey baby.”
“I can’t believe you hid her from us!”
“Sorry girls,” he chuckles. “You’ll have her around more but I’m gonna steal her now.”
Caitlin smirks, “don’t break any furniture.”
You blushed but Arber smirked and dragged you away and out of the arena. When you reached his car, he pushed you against the door.
“God you look so good wearing my name on your back.”
You tangle your fingers in his damp hair. Pulling him closer. “Showing everyone who I’m with.”
That snapped the tension. Arber ducked his head and kissed you roughly. He hand slid up your back and cupped the back of your hand from hitting it on the car.
“Let’s take this to yours shall we?”
Arber grinned as he opened the passenger side door for you, “you’re in for a long night baby.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens @cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22
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Having A Crush On You
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Quinn Hughes: When he has a crush on you, he's usually more shy, soft-spoken, and gentle around you. He tends to be more affectionate with you and finds ways to spend time with you. He is more observant of your likes and dislikes, and will often do small things to make you happy. He is also more protective of you and enjoys taking care of you.
Jack Hughes: He's gonna want to spend all his time around and with you as much as he can, he’ll get flustered around you alot too. He likes to hold your hand and he likes when you lean your head on his shoulder. He's protective over you and will do anything for your well-being or to make you happy. He's very attentive to you too and he likes spoiling you with gifts and compliments.
Luke Hughes: He gets really shy and blushes easily around you, and he will probably stutter at least once while trying to speak to you. But he's also really sweet to you, like getting you small gifts or just always being there to cheer you up when you’re having a rough time.
Nico Hischier: He would be really shy around you. He would try to be sweet and try to do nice things for you and just in general, be really flustered and sweet. When he's crushing on you he will be really attentive and likes to get you little gifts and make sure you always know he's there for you, and he's very affectionate.
Timo Meier: He would buy you flowers every day to show you how much he appreciates you. And, he would take every chance he got to tell you you're beautiful and how much you mean to him. He would make you feel like the most important person in the world to him because you truly would be.
John Marino: He would compliment you every moment he saw you. He would take you out on dates to places that you like, and he would be so happy to see your smiling face. He would make you feel so important, no matter what.
Kirby Dach: When he has a crush on someone, he tends to get really nervous around you. He wants to make sure he says the right thing, without looking like a fool. He will probably compliment you, but also tease you about random things. He will look for ways to be around you. When you are in the room, he will probably look in your direction more often. He will do his best to make you laugh and smile.
Juraj Slafkovsky: He goes out of his way to make you happy and comfortable. If you're sad he'll do his best to make you smile or just be there for comfort, if you're mad at something he'll stand up for you, and he'll remember little things you say.
Arber Xhekaj: With a crush, he often becomes a bit shy and nervous around the person he is interested in. He finds himself paying extra attention to what you say and do, and he can become easily distracted by your presence. He might find himself seeking out reasons to spend time with you and may feel a sense of butterflies in his stomach when you are together. At times, he might be extra flirty and playful, trying to impress you with his charm.
Cole Caufield: He tends to be shy but once he gets comfortable he starts making little jokes to test your sense of humor and makes you laugh. And once he gets really comfortable he starts flirting with you and gives you a few compliments here and there till he finally grows the balls to ask you out on a date.
Trevor Zegras: He's a huge softie, would buy you flowers and do all the cheesy stuff to make you laugh like sing stupid love songs in the store when you're shopping or make you silly cards every other day or do a romantic dinner with all your favorite food, and of course, he would be all over you 24/7.
Jamie Drysdale: His face would become red when talking to you and being around you. He would feel extremely nervous. He would feel butterflies in his stomach. He also would have a strong desire to be around you. He would start to have a small crush which would turn into a massive crush quickly.
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chukys-mouthguard · 23 days
short n’ sweet
status: being written
a series of blurbs inspired by sabrina carpenter’s - short n’ sweet
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-> auston matthews
Please Please Please
-> matthew tkachuk
Good Graces
-> william nylander
Sharpest Tool
-> trevor zegras
-> cam york
Bed Chem
-> matt rempe
-> jamie drysdale
Dumb & Poetic
-> quinn hughes
Slim Pickins
-> arber xhekaj
-> nico hischier
Lie to Girls
-> jack eichel
Don’t Smile
-> luke hughes
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ahockeywrites · 6 months
swimwear season - ax72
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word count: 4.2k pairing: arber xhekaj x fem!wife!reader warnings: 18+ only!!!! dom!arber, sub!reader, smut, swearing, oral m!receiving, cum swallowing, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it as always), butt stuff (please do your research before engaging in this) choking, mentions of a safe word but not used, rough sex, urm I kinda went a little insane with this one… I’m sorry but I’m also not sorry, let me know if there are other warnings I should add because I don’t really know what else to say. I’m sorry, but enjoy :)
authors note: again, apologies 🤭 but I can always write more like the wedding/more of the honeymoon
Those skimpy bikinis and swimsuits would be the death of him, today’s tiny leopard print two piece was no exception, as he watched you frolic about in the crystal clear water. The weight of the gold band on his ring finger felt odd, but the memory of you walking down the aisle in a white dress was one he would never forget. 
The memory of how he pounded into you in the dressing room, bridal suite, hotel room (twice), was also something he would never forget. He was ravenous for you and he didn’t think it would ever stop. 
You turned around so your back faced Arber and he took in the view. Your ass, your back, fuck. You, his wife, covered in his love bites, his scratches, filled with his cum. 
You turned once more and started walking out of the water, breasts bouncing and covered in a few droplets of salty sea water. The two rings on your finger glistened under the sun and as you looked back up onto the private beach of the villa, you saw Arber sitting on a sun lounger with a Canadiens cap on, playing on his phone. 
You waved towards him and he waved back before moving his phone so that the camera was directed towards you. A laugh escaped your lips as you threw your arms out to the side, smiling with all your teeth out. 
The rays of the sun beat down onto you as you made your way back up onto the sand and to the lounger next to your husband. It felt weird to say, you had just got used to calling him your fiancé and now he had a new title. But it was one you would settle into quickly, you were sure about it.
Arber was shirtless, in a pair of five inch inseam shorts with his thighs out to the world. His lap looked so inviting but you were tired following the morning’s excursion, he had you bent over the villa’s kitchen island as you were attempting to make breakfast. The pancakes were eaten eventually, after Arber had put his face between your legs and brought you to climax once more.
The sun lounger was comfy and you settled into the book that you were reading on your kindle. 
An hour or so later, once Arber had dragged you away from your book and into the water once more, the pair of you headed inside to shower and get ready for the dinner that was booked for that evening. Arber had found an Italian restaurant with amazing reviews and was able to get a table booked for sunset. 
He knew how excited you were for the restaurant but he couldn’t let you head off to the bathroom without a kiss. Well, maybe a bit more than a kiss. His lips kissed a path down your neck, nimble fingers undoing the knot at the back of your bikini.
The gentle burn of his beard on your skin was delicious and your brain almost short circuited when his hands moved down your back, finally resting on your ass and grabbing the muscle. 
“Fuck,” you moaned as your husband, yeah you liked that, wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, sucking and nibbling gently. 
“You like that,” Arber rasped as he continued his assault of kisses down your body, worshiping you. “My wife fucking loves this.”
The ring of an alarm broke the pair of you out of the heated bubble you were in. It was the alarm that you had set to make sure you were off the beach and headed inside to start getting ready for the evening’s meal. 
Arber rolled his eyes as he pulled away from you, looking clearly unimpressed. His eyes were dark and full of lust.
“We can skip dinner,” his lips reattached to your neck, starting to nibble on the skin. “Order in.” His voice became deeper, breaths louder. “I know what I want for dessert already.”
“Baby,” you groaned but leant your neck to the side, giving your husband more access to the skin. “I want to see sunset over the water.”
“And I want to see the sunset from between your legs,” Arber replied, sass evident in his tone. “Pleasuring my wife, my fucking wife.”
It was painful to pull yourself away from him but you knew that if you wanted to make it to dinner and not turn up in your bikini, you needed to escape Arber’s grasp. You wiggled in his arms and it took him a moment to realise that you actually wanted to get ready. He pouted and attempted puppy dog eyes which didn’t really work when he was taller than you.
You pushed yourself up onto your tiptoes, lips flush with the shell of his ear. “Tonight,” you started, “I’m all yours.”
“You’re always mine baby.”
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You swirled the glass of wine around in your hand forming a small whirlpool in the centre, looking Arber directly in the eyes. His eyes wanted to wander. Down your neck to your collarbones and even further if he knew he wouldn’t be spotted. The low neckline of your black dress was teasing him and he couldn’t help think of what he wanted to do when you got back to the villa.
Your tongue darted out to lap up the droplet of wine that rested on your lips, painted a sinful red. You watched as Arber closed his eyes for slightly longer than usual. The plan was working. 
Rile up Arber until he couldn’t take it anymore and wait for him to throw you against a wall and take you on the first surface he could find. It had happened before in Montreal after a win in the playoffs and you knew after that, you wanted it again. Wanted more. Wanted anything that he would give.
“Dessert?” The waiter asked and you shook your head.
“Just the bill, thanks,” Arber replied. You both knew that it would take them a few minutes to bring the bill over so you started a conversation about the plans for the next few days. The plans that didn’t involve you between the sheets. More time spent on the beach, a hike up in the mountains and more lavish dinners with delicious wine.
As Arber was speaking, you took a risk. You raised up one of your feet, clad with a pair of black, heeled Louboutins, and placed it in his lap. The long tablecloth was a godsend as you stroked his clothed cock with the base of the shoe. 
It was something you hadn’t felt the confidence to do before. You’d had sex in public, well, outside of bars, in toilets at friends weddings (that was one hell of an apology to the bride that you had to make). But you hadn’t actively teased Arber like this outside of your house.
You watched as his eyes darkened, gaze flicking between your face, chest and where your foot was currently resting. His hand grasped your ankle, gently stroking the smooth skin. It contrasted with the callouses on his hands from years of hockey. You tried to get him to moisturise, but he never did.
Arber tilted his head slightly and gave you a look without expression but you knew exactly what it meant. Stop being a brat. A small part of your brain agreed with him, but the devil on your shoulder was louder than the angel. 
You shook your ankle in protest, purposefully working over his clothed cock which you could feel hardening. Not like he wasn’t hard for you the entire wedding season. He was ready to go whenever you wanted. 
The waiter returned, holding the bill and Arber passed across his credit card to pay for dinner. It went quickly but you could tell that he was struggling because your foot didn’t stop moving over his groin. 
When the waiter confirmed that everything had gone through and you were free to leave, your husband walked over and pulled your chair out before offering you his hand. His arm wrapped around your waist as you thanked the staff for their hospitality during one of the best dinners you had ever had.
There was a slight breeze when you both exited the restaurant and the ends of your dress started to raise slightly, exposing more of your legs to the elements. It wasn’t uncomfortable by any means but Arber noticed you shiver slightly so he slipped off his jacket and draped the fabric over your shoulders.
“Even when she’s a brat, my wife deserves the best,” he commented when you began walking once more. The walk back to the villa wasn’t far and with Arber’s jacket swamping you, you kept yourself nice and warm whilst ogling your husband slightly. The fabric of his shirt was straining slightly with his muscles underneath but you were not complaining, especially not when you knew that you’d be the one taking it off later. 
When the villa came into view, you hurried off in front of Arber, leaving him to look at you in heels and his jacket as that was all he could see from behind. It was a private road so he knew that he could palm himself over his slacks without anyone else seeing, but he couldn’t. He needed you, even if you were in a bratty mood.
The front door had been left ajar and Arber knew that you had taken your key in that tiny clutch of yours that usually just held your phone and lipstick. That fucking cherry red lipstick. The one that had stained the base of his cock more times than he could remember.
He slipped his shoes off, emptied his pockets and walked over to the fridge to grab himself a beer. The top unscrewed easily and he heard your feet padding down the stairs from the master bedroom to the family room. You had decided to make your presence known then, he thought.
As he rounded the corner, he spotted you in a black lace bra with a matching thong and garters wrapped around your thighs. Sitting on your lower legs, ass just touching your heels. There was no way that you had that on underneath the dress. That must have been the reason why you sped off quickly, to get changed. Not that he was complaining.
There was nothing to complain about, not when his wife was sat, waiting for him in almost nothing. Not when his cock jumped when his eyes took you in.
You watched as he walked over to the chair in front of you, cock straining the front of the slacks. Your brain was telling you to undo the pants and get your mouth on his cock, get his cock in your cunt, anything. 
Arber swirled the bottle of beer in his hand as he looked at you, sat in only lingerie on the floor. His muscular frame filled out the chair he was sat in and he looked so inviting. But you knew better than to move without instruction. 
The smell of need filled the air. He lifted the bottle to his lips to take a sip of the alcoholic beverage and your pussy fluttered at the way his hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle. You knew exactly how those fingers felt inside you, pleasuring you in the way that only he knew how to.
His black suit jacket was draped over the back of the chair and a few buttons were undone, exposing a slither of Arber’s chest. His thighs were barely contained by the black slacks he was wearing and on another night, he would have made you come by you riding his thigh. Not tonight though.
You felt his eyes take all of you in, the way the black lace hugged your curves, the sharp contrast of the lace and your red lipstick that he couldn’t wait to have painted all over his cock.
“Crawl,” Arber demanded, dark eyes piercing yours. A shiver went down your spine, wetness pooled between your legs. “I don’t want to ask twice.”
You meant forward onto your hands and obeyed him, crawling the small distance to where he was sat. Between his legs had become a place where you were incredibly comfortable and it was somewhere you had spent a lot of time recently. In bed, on the private beach, a closet at an event. 
Arber undid the button at the top of his slacks and followed that with the zipper. His skin was immediately on display and that’s when you realised that he had foregone boxers for dinner. He didn’t do it often and it shocked you almost every time he did. Arber just reminded you that on most nights out you went without a bra and occasionally panties. As always, you rolled your eyes at him.
Your husband shuffled in the seat, freeing his weeping cock to the cool breeze. The tip looked a painful red and you watched as Arber wrapped a hand around his thick shaft. He gently stroked himself, watching how you looked up at him longingly, wanting to replace his hand with your mouth. He was in a mean mood tonight, but not too mean.
“Open,” Arber commanded. You obliged, allowing him to push two fingers into your mouth. You sucked on his fingers in the same way that you would do to his cock, giving the tips gentle licks. 
After a few moments, he pulled the fingers out of your mouth and then worked his cock with the same hand, using your saliva as a lubricant. Fuck, it was hot to watch your husband fuck his hand as his eyes trailed down your body.
It took all of his self control to not burst then and there, but somehow he found the tiniest slither and removed his hand from his shaft.
“Suck,” the words echoed around the room but you barely had time to notice what he had said before your mouth was full of his cock. His hand rested on the back of your head, pushing you down so that your nose was almost flush with Arber’s pubic bone. 
Almost. To work him fully, you needed to use at least your mouth and a hand but truthfully, watching his cock go in and out of your mouth was one of the hottest sights he had ever seen. 
The grip on the back of your head loosened and he allowed you to dictate the pace. At first you started slow, but very quickly increased the speed. You could feel Arber tugging on your hair, his nails scratching your scalp due to the pleasure that you were giving him. 
His hips started bucking up, forcing his cock further down your throat. Tears started pricking at the corners of your eyes, not for the first time on this holiday. 
A few rogue tears did drop down your cheeks, bringing your mascara down your face.
You loved it, the way that Arber could take control on the ice and in the bedroom. He was a gentleman in public, but a freak in the sheets. The side that only you got to see was one of your favourites, along with Arber in the mornings who woke you up with kisses to your face and neck and followed it up with gentle sex. 
Or the Arber who loved to watch you bake in the kitchen and crowned himself the official taste tester of the Xhekaj household, ensuring that all the baked goods were of an acceptable quality. 
Or the Arber who used one arm to pin your hips down on the bed and used the other hand to rub tight circles on your clit as he buried his face in your cunt. 
But this Arber, brat tamer Arber was one that rarely came out.
“Lean back princess,” you obliged your husband and watched as he jerked himself off, it took him moments to come, painting your chest with his seed, claiming you as his once more. 
You took a finger to the mess he had made on your chest and collected some of the come onto the tip of your index finger. Your eyes met his and he watched as you put your finger into your mouth and sucked off his cum. It made him almost want to orgasm again at how sexy you looked.
“Upstairs, now,” he ordered, using his hand to direct you in front of him.
Arber watched as your ass swayed as you walked up the stairs. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the thin, black lace that sat between your ass cheeks and how he wanted to bury himself there. 
The pair of you rounded the corner and a strong hand came to your shoulder. “Lay down princess, or I’ll make you.”
You listened and rested your chest on the soft fabric of the comforter, feet still planted on the floor. The globes of your ass were on display to your husband and you couldn’t help but wiggle your ass. 
A moan caught your attention, and you turned your head as much as you could to see Arber undoing the buttons of his shirt and fully taking off his slacks. He was stood behind you fully naked, except his chain, in all his glory. 
Hands roamed over your backside, massaging the muscle, moving the material of your thong from between your ass cheeks to the side. 
You heard it before you felt it. The sound of bottle of lube being opened and the cold sensation of it resting on your tightest opening. One of Arber’s large fingers circled your asshole, testing the waters, asking for permission.
“Fuck yes please,” you moaned, knowing that he needed your consent. 
“What do you want baby,” he growled in your ear, finger still skirting around where you needed him.
“You,” your words were breathless, you could barely speak. You were so strung up, wound so tight that any movement could tip you over the edge. 
“Me?” Arber questioned. “Where do you want me?”
“Want you in my ass, want your fingers,” you groaned before he slowly pushed his middle finger past the tight ring of muscle. Your moans bounced off the walls as Arber slowly moved his finger in and out, the sounds of the lubricant on his finger were drowned out by you. 
You felt Arber climb onto the bed as he continued to finger your ass. He caged you into the bed, pressing your chest further into the bed, the cool metal of his chain adding to the difference in sensation you felt in different parts of your body. It was a sight as your tried to arch your back into him but he didn’t let you, he needed to have you learn that you couldn’t be a brat in public. 
“If my wife wants to be a brat in public, she’ll get punished when she gets home,” he whispered in your ear before pulling his finger out of your ass. 
You rolled over onto your back, sweat dripping down your forehead. A pout formed on your lips and you tried to look as though you were in a mood with your husband. 
Arber completely ignored your look and walked over to his suitcase. You watched as he squatted down, appreciating his hockey training, and rummaged through his belongings. He was looking for something and your pussy clenched around nothing as you wondered what it could be.
Your husband was no stranger to using toys in the bedroom, he loved the way that he could make you writhe and squirm when he pressed your vibrator to your clit as he pounded in and out of you. The man could multi task better than anyone else you had been with.
He was muttering something to himself, you couldn’t make out the words but you could hear the jangle of metal on metal and you realised what he was looking for. The butt plugs. 
Before Arber, no one had ever entertained your interest in anal play but your then boyfriend relished the idea. You had mentioned that you had masturbated with butt plugs in before and you loved the sensation. From then, he helped you get more comfortable with the feeling of his fingers then, and eventually his cock.
He would never forget the moans you made when he played with your clit as his cock pushed past the tight ring of muscle. How you moaned into his mouth as he pressed sweet kisses to your lips when he slowly started moving his hips back and forth. The feeling of your orgasm and the way you arched your back into his chest and he watched your eyes roll back in your head. Absolute bliss.
“There it is,” Arber exclaimed when he found the right one. “Ass up again baby, you know what I want.”
“Yes sir,” you rolled over and arched your back, pushing your ass into your husbands face. His hand slapped the smooth skin of your butt, giving each cheek a hard spank. It stung, but the pain was pleasurable. You had taken more spankings before.
“It’s gonna be cold, but you already knew that,” Arber explained as he opened the bottle of lube again, coating the metal in the liquid.
You felt the tip of the plug press against your asshole and took a deep breath, knowing what was to come. 
“Breathe out baby,” Arber coached and eased the plug into you as you followed his instruction. “Fucking beautiful.” He stepped back to admire his handy work. The jewel tucked between your cheeks sparkled under the dim lights of the room and his cock hardened instantly.
He was quick to cage you back into the bed, slipping his cock into your dripping pussy. Expletives left your mouth as Arber started thrusting hard and fast into you. One of his hands roamed your back, grasping one of your breasts and using it as leverage to pull your back flush to his chest, the other snaked it’s way to find your clit and started rubbing tight circles on the bud. 
The pressure built in your core, from the sensation of the plug, your husband’s length hitting that spot over and over again and the sustained attack on your clit. Arber knew exactly how to get you to the edge and over it, if he was feeling nice.
“Fuck,” you moaned, leaning your head back to rest on your husband’s shoulder. “I’m gonna,” you didn’t have time to finish your sentence before he pulled out of you and flipped you over so your back was pushed into the bed.
“Brats don’t get to come unless I say,” he said before lifting your legs up so your ankles rested on his shoulders. He positioned himself in front of your wanton cunt before pushing himself inside your tight walls once more. 
His hands wandered again, as they always did when you were naked and on display for him. His right gently wrapped around your neck and his left played with your nipple. The extra sensation meant that you twitched up into him and he could tell that you were almost at the end of what you could handle before shouting your safe word. 
“Come for me princess,” Arber encouraged you. “Don’t hold back.” His hand that was playing with your nipple moved down to your clit and started drawing figure eights on the nerves. 
You leant into the feeling of pleasure that started building. You couldn’t say anything, your entire body was overtaken in the sensation of Arber doing everything he needed for you. 
He watched as you gasped and then he felt your walls constrict around him. Stars filled your vision as Arber fucked you through your orgasm that seemed to last forever. You were on a different planet with how he made you feel, he knew exactly what you needed and when you needed it. The strength it had taken to keep your legs on his shoulders had gone as he let them fall down.
Arber was quick to follow on your orgasm as he felt his balls tighten and he shot his seed into you, coating your walls. His large body fell on top of yours in a sweaty tangled mess. His lips found yours once more in a sweet kiss and he could tell that he had tired you out. 
“I’m gonna pull out now baby,” he told you and you groaned as you felt the sensation in your core change from full to empty. “The plug too.”
You moved your body slightly but Arber took the lead and spread your legs to get the best access to the plug without rolling you over. 
“Deep breath again baby,” you obliged Arber as he gently pulled the plug from you. Your body shook slightly at the second change in sensation but you started snuggling yourself into the comforter on the bed. 
Arber walked into the bathroom to clean the plug and then quickly walked back out with a damp, warm washcloth and started wiping between your legs. A smile made its way onto your face as your husband looked after you, even after ruining you. 
In his other hand, he had a makeup wipe. He gently ran the wipe across your face, collecting the mascara that had run down and cleaning off the last remains of lipstick.
“I know it’s not your twenty step skincare routine,” he joked. “But it’s better than nothing.”
You found the energy to run a hand through his dark locks and bring him in for a kiss. 
“If you think that’s gonna stop be being a brat, think again,” you smirked, only to be met with a bigger smirk from Arber.
“Sometimes, the sheriff needs riding darling,” he replied. “And that’s where you come in.”
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midnightsnyx · 5 months
“You have the most beautiful smile, you know that?” With Arber!
I love this prompt 🩵 ty for the request & I hope you like it!! Tw just for reader being self conscious (which I also struggle with so this was interesting to write)
It wasn’t a secret that you were self conscious. You’d always struggled to see the true beauty in yourself and you knew that it bothered Arber. You spent far too much time on social media platforms, comparing yourself to other people. Instagram in particular was your biggest enemy. You knew that it wasn’t all real, but you still couldn’t help but let it get to you.
You’re scrolling through an influencers page when your phone is snatched out of your hands. You let your head fall back against the cushion to see Arber looking at the screen and frowning. He locks your phone and tosses it to the side before climbing over the sofa to sit next to you.
“You know, normal people would walk around furniture,” you tease, a small smile spreading across your face.
He grins at you, tucking a loose piece of hair behind your ear. “You have the most beautiful smile, you know that?”
“I’m serious! I’ve never seen someone whose smile lights up the room,” he says but pauses, and then: “Well there’s one competitor.”
“Cole,” you say at the same time, before falling into a fit of laughter.
He smiles again, taking your left hand in his and rubbing his thumb against your ring finger.
“There’s no other smile I’d want to wake up to every morning.”
(7 months later, he’s kneeling in front of you, offering a ring and his heart and telling you the exact same thing)
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theywantedplayer · 9 months
You walked into your shared bedroom finding your boyfriend laying sprawled on your bed. You laughed walking to your side of the bed. You shoved him over earning a groan from him.
“God Your taking up the whole bed” you laughed
But as soon as you laid down Arber was on you his face was already stuffed into your neck and his arms wrapped around you and you copied.
You placed your hand on the back of his neck running your nails across softly 
“you going to bed?” You softly asked 
“Mmhm” He responded 
You smiled when you felt his breathing against your neck
“Goodnight honey” you said kissing the side of his head 
“Goodnight” He spoke kissing you on the neck before he was knocked out 
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hockeyboysimagines · 5 months
hi!! Can you do romance prompt for Arber #9 “However many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
you write him so sweet🥹thanks in advance I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks for this anon! Enjoy🤍
“Hey babe? What do you want for your birthday this year?” Arber asked from behind the laptop. You would be turning 20 next month, thankfully on a weekend free of games and practices. It gave him a free and open 4 days to cram everything celebratory he could think of for his favorite girl. You deserved it and now that he knew how unserious you thought of your birthday, he wasn’t going to let you get away easy. He’s gasped and nearly had a hissy when he found out you didn’t celebrate and hadn’t for a long time, scoffing at the suggestion that you continue with that theme. “Uh. No.” He said holding up a hand to silence you “We’re celebrating your birthday.”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head “Come on. Don’t be like that. I can’t take you out at midnight, so you have to let me get you something or throw a party.”
You leaned around the doorframe from where you were folding laundry to smile mischievously “Even if I was old enough, you would take me out where? You barely make it past 8pm every night.”
You weren’t wrong.
It wasn’t uncommon for Arber to suggest watching a movie only for him to asleep within the first ten minutes of it. He still glared at you either way. You were always giving him shit for the gap between your ages, though it wasn’t huge. Arber however felt most days like he was 80 years old, and being held together with screws and tape. So while he was only 4 years older, the constant beating his body took made the gap seem wider.
“What are you saying?” He turned completely around.
“I’m saying there’s no way you’d be able to party till all hours. Midnight is way past your bedtime.”
His mouth fell open “What did you just say to me?”
“You heard me. Old man.”
You immediately regretted it because the ‘Old Man’ in question was out of his chair and across the room before you even had time to scream. In one swoop he had you airborne and then on the bed with a squeal with an “OOF.” As you landed and bounced.
“Take it back.” He said fingers digging in to your sides.
You screeched and started to kick“Never.”
An all out wrestling war had started and you were losing until you heard a loud crack.
He shot straight up eyes squeezing shut “Oh Jesus!” He yelled, chuckling as he held his lower back.
“Careful grandpa.” You gasped out as you started laughing “You don’t wanna slip a disk.”
“You-“ but you had already slid out from under him and made to run before he caught you again and pulled you down on top of him.
“Okay okay you win. You win. Oh god, I think I threw my back out.”
You started laughing and took a deep breath attempting to untangle yourself and sit upright to straddle him “So when you kick it are you gonna leave me all your stuff?”
He made a face and closed his eyes “You say the sweetest things to me.”
You gave a little giggle and reached a hand forward to rub his shoulders. He closed his eyes and groaned head falling to the side “Oh my gosh that feels fucking phenomenal.”
“Your pretty beat up here.” You said tracing a finger over the scar from his shoulder operation and the scattered bruises from the game yesterday “How many good years do you think you have left?” He smiled and let out a low chuckle, eyes still closed and rested a hand on either side of your hips.
“However many years I have left, I want to spend them all with you.” A bunch of tiny butterflies started flitting around in your stomach and you smiled very slowly as he peeked at you out of one eye “Pretty smooth eh?”
“For a guy who’s almost halfway to 50 it wasn’t bad.”
He gave your hips a squeeze “Just promise me one thing. If there’s ever a time when I can’t get it up put me out of my misery.”
You gave him a smack and then a kiss.
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datsyuks · 11 months
Don’t touch what’s mine.
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(Hello! Here is a new addition. Just a fun little cute blurb. Featuring mr. heavyweight champion, Arber Xhekaj. Heavyweight on my heart that is. I normally dont care for the Montreal team but Arber just snuggled himself into my heart and never left. Not that I'm complaining. He’s a softie and u can tell me otherwise. And YES I have seen the videos of him beating the living daylights out of opponents. Also the picture I used above is so cute. That’s all. Enjoy.)
Warning: overly protectiveness and slight friskiness, lightly edited.
She could feel his eyes on her the entire time they were at the bar. He has nothing to worry about she thought as she finished her drink then simply ordering a Diet Coke. Not wanting to get too drunk tonight.
But Arber still watched. Glances between conversations with friends, coming up behind her to order another drink insead of going to an empty spot at the bar.
The truth is he wasn’t worried about her. He was worried about everyone else. And he had a right. Before he went to the bathroom, he glanced in her direction. He smiled as he watched her laugh with the other girls at the bar.
He came out ready to collect her and go home. His social battery was on empty. When a man in a red flannel stood next to her friends empty chair. He silently cursed to himself for her friend leaving her alone. Alone at a crowded bar. Alone at a crowded bar wearing that dark blue dress that he’s been thinking about all night long. And if it’s making him go wild he doesn’t want to think what other guys are thinking.
Before he knew it he was walking toward them. “No I’m hear with my boyfriend,” he could hear her say. He couldn’t hear what Red Flannel was saying but he was gesturing around the room. “I’m sure he’s here…… somewhere,” she starts, her voice sounding unsure. He makes it to her side before she can finish her sentence. “Ready to go?” Arber asks ignoring Red Flannel, feeling his stare size him up. He wasn't worry though, he knew he would win. “There you are!” She exclaims and scoops up her Gucci bag, a gift from him.
“Excuse me,” she says as she slides off her high top chair and onto the ground. Giving Red Flannel a smile, he doesn’t waste any time grabbing her and pulling her out of the bar.
"Did he touch you?" Was the first thing out of his mouth after he gave the valet his ticket. He pulled her in, chest to chest. Warmth radaiating off of her. "No. I would of made a scene if he did." "Good." His finger slide up to the thin gold chain around her neck and rub over the two numbers, his numbers. He knew you were telling the truth. He knew he could trust you.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” His hands slide down to her waist. “Hmm, only about a hundred times.” “Well this makes it one hundred and one. Should I make it one hundred and two times?” She giggles. The car pulls up and they speed away.
On the way home his hand rests on her thigh. It was a natural reaction at this point. The radio was playing softly in the background. She crosses her legs and his hand slips off. She doesn’t react but he does. His head snaps to her and she’s staring out the window. He can’t see her watching him out of the corner of her eye. She toys with him even more, scooting her legs farther away.
Suddenly, his hand slaps down on the top of her thigh. His fingertips dig into her skin as he pulls her legs apart until they are slightly spread on the seat. His hand resumes normal position, a bit higher than usual, and he pinches the inside of her thigh making her squirm. She turns to him mouth open to say something but nothing comes out. He turns back to the road with a smile on his face and speeds the car faster. He couldn’t wait to get her home.
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puckbunnyera · 3 months
♡ Montreal Canadiens ♡
key: fluff- ♥ angst- ☁ smut- ✗ smau- ❁
Arber Xhekaj
♡ Second Chance ♥☁
summary: two months after your break-up, arber comes begging for a second chance
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How They Show You That They Care
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Quinn Hughes: He loves to do little things that make life easier for you, like packing your lunch for work or getting your car washed before a long drive. He also often brings home your favorite treats or surprises you with thoughtful gifts that you’ve mentioned wanting.
Jack Hughes: He likes to do small gestures to show you that he cares. Whether it's attempting to make your favorite meal for you, leaving you surprise notes around the house, or giving you an impromptu hug from behind while you're cooking dinner, he finds little things like that go a long way in showing you how much he cares.
Luke Hughes: He would express his care through physical intimacy, like cuddles, holding hands, or giving massages. Furthermore, he would make sure to listen intently when you talk to him and be supportive in any way he can, such as offering advice or just lending a sympathetic ear to your concerns.
Nico Hischier: He shows you that he cares by listening intently when you talk, surprising you with small gestures like your favorite snacks or surprise visits, communicating his feelings openly and honestly, and consistently reassuring you of his love and commitment through words and actions
Timo Meier: He does small gestures for you like making breakfast in bed, taking you out to your favorite restaurant, or massaging your shoulders when you come home from work. He also really enjoys engaging in activities that are meaningful to you like going on nature hikes, going to concerts or shows, or playing sports together.
John Marino: It's all about the little things with him. He tries to always make sure you feel seen, heard, and appreciated. Whether it's taking the time to listen when you need to vent, doing small tasks like helping with errands or cooking your favorite meal, or giving you a surprise hug or a small gift when you least expect it.
Kirby Dach: For him, it's the little things. He likes to get you flowers, bring you little gifts, and show that you're on his mind. He always wants you to feel cared for and wanted. He makes sure to call often to check in and he always listens, and talks with you. He makes an effort to give you hugs and kisses throughout the day and he makes sure to show that he's there for you however you need him.
Juraj Slafkovsky: He would show you that he cares by cooking your favorite meal and setting up a special night full of romantic activities, from having a candlelit dinner to watching your favorite movie together. Additionally, he would show love by giving you little tokens of appreciation, like a handwritten note or flowers, to remind you how special and loved you are.
Arber Xhekaj: He shows you that he cares by listening to you, being supportive, and expressing his love through small acts of kindness. Whether it's making you coffee in the morning, surprising you with your favorite snack, or just genuinely being interested in your thoughts and feelings. He prioritizes spending quality time with you, planning dates and outings, and showing up when you need him. He also makes sure to validate your feelings and reassure you of his love and appreciation for you.
Cole Caufield: He's very touchy, he always has to be touching you in some way. Whether it's holding hands, having his arm around your shoulders, or even just sitting close enough that your legs are touching. He also loves giving gifts, both big and small, he loves picking up a little something he knows you'll like.
Trevor Zegras: He would go the extra mile to ensure you feel heard and understood by actively listening to you and taking your thoughts and feelings into consideration. He would also make a point to spend quality time together, even if it is just cuddling on the couch and chatting about your day.
Jamie Drysdale: He likes to show you that he cares in a variety of ways. He'll make sure to listen intently when you speak and be receptive to your thoughts and feelings. He'll show his appreciation for you by complimenting you or doing something small like getting you your favorite coffee. He'll also do things like surprise you with little gifts or take you out on special dates. Most importantly, he'll make sure to be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on.
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chukys-mouthguard · 28 days
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y’all….are we adding a new player to my list of who I take requests for??? 👀 because…DAMN
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ahockeywrites · 7 months
Proof is in the Pudding
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pairing: arber xhekaj x ofc!lila rogers
synopsis: Lila lives and breathes baking. It's a passion she's had since before she moved to Montreal. Her aunt runs a bakery in Montreal and Lila has joined Jessica as the main baker, due to her lack of skills in the language department. One day a mysterious man comes in, thankfully not wanting to speak French but English.
warnings: death of parents length: 2k +
authors note: chapters will be posted on every other friday at 5PM EST (thank the lord for scheduled posts) and i will update you if i reach a roadblock or don't think i'll be able to hit my target. i hope you enjoy the first chapter coming soon :)
prologue chapter 1 chapter 2 (12/04/24)
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jimothystu · 2 years
2072 - Festive Disaster
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Pairing: Arber Xhekaj x Juraj Slafkovsky (I haven't seen a ship name other than that) Prompt: making gingerbread houses together (+ hands being too big, based on this ask) Fic length: Dunno how many words, but it's just a short drabble Notes: hello, so I adore these two and uhh there's barely any fics for them, soooo here we are lol
Tag list: @zackcollins @lam-ila @staalsparkles / @seasonalwritingchallenges @jamiedryssdale @donttelltheelff (<3)
Arber woke up to an empty bed. He rolled onto his back, rubbed his eyes, then called out, "Slaf?"
He didn't get a response, which made him frown. He heaved himself out of bed and pulled on a pair of his boyfriend's sweatpants before walking out into the hall.
"Fuck." Juraj's huffy voice echoed from the dining room.
"You okay?" Arber asked, picking up the pace so the dining room and his boyfriend came into view. The sight before him made him laugh.
Sitting at the table was Juraj, fingers covered in white icing, a collapsed gingerbread house on the table before him. He looked up at Arber, eyes wide with frustration.
"Uh," Arber said, tilting his head to the side. "Whatcha doing, babe?"
Juraj frowned and looked back down to the gingerbread house. "Trying to make a house for the table."
A smirk tugged at Arber's lips. He crossed the room and stood next to his boyfriend. "Why?"
Juraj shrugged. "I thought it would make this place more festive."
Arber just blinked. "More festive?" he asked. "Because a fully decorated tree, decked out mantle, Christmas hand towels, and scented hand soap isn't festive enough?"
Juraj shrugged and looked down at his collapsed gingerbread house. "The tree and mantle are in the living room, and the hand towels and soap are in the bathroom. There's nothing here." He gestured vaguely to the dining room which, really, connected right into the living room. But Arber wasn't going to argue that little detail.
With a smirk, he took a seat next to his boyfriend. "Alright. So, you want more decorations?"
Juraj nodded. "My mother always went all out at our home."
Arber's smile shifted and he reached out to cup his boyfriend's cheek. Neither of them were going home for the holidays this year. They just didn't have the time and, selfishly, they wanted to spend their first Christmas as a couple together. "Whatever decorations you want to get, we'll get."
A smile tugged at Juraj's lips. "Can you help with this?"
Arber had to laugh because if Juraj couldn't put it together, Arber definitely wouldn't be able to. But he'd try. For him. "Sure, babe. How about we go out later to get more decorations, too?"
Juraj nodded. "Thank you."
Arber kissed his cheek. "Of course. Now, hand me the icing."
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midnightsnyx · 3 months
"You look almost as pretty as this moon." "That's a street lamp." "And you're almost as pretty." With Arber please!
this is rly silly goofy and short but i hope u like it anyways!!😂 requests are open. find my writing guide here 🩵
you hadn’t planned on going out tonight but arber had talked you into it. it was fun and you enjoyed spending time with your friends and his teammates, but you were the designated driver so when the time came to go home, you and cole were trying to get a very intoxicated arber to your car.
he mumbles something that you can’t quite pick out and you and cole share an amused look before he nudges arber.
“what was that, bud?” cole asks and arber looks at him before turning towards you and grinning.
“you look almost as pretty as this moon,” he says and cole snorts.
“that’s a street lamp,” you tell him, rolling your eyes affectionately.
he just nods his head. “and you’re almost as pretty,” he affirms.
“thanks babe,” you say dryly but you’re trying not to laugh.
you can only imagine what you and cole look like, trying to guide a 6 foot drunk arber to your car. eventually, you manage to get him there and after bidding cole goodbye, you start the drive home.
out of the corner of your eye, you can see arber staring at you. he grins when you quickly glance over at him.
“you’re really pretty,” he says.
“yeah, you’re really pretty too,” you tell him and laugh when he fist pumps the air.
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theywantedplayer · 9 months
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You and Arber have just been having casual sex for a while now. But for you it turned into something else. You started wanting him to stay after, you wanted to tell him your problems but what if he didn’t feel the same?
“Aber” you whines out throwing your head back against the pillows
He leaned down and left open mouth kisses all over your neck. Your hair was a mess all over the pillows, your lips were swollen with how Aber had kissed them.
But still he thought you gorgeous. His hands squeezed your body harshly. Arbers thrusts where slow but he snapped his hips at the end making you moan
“God fuck, Y/n” he groaned he could feel him getting closer and closer.
You pulled him closer to you as you came, you tried your best to keep quiet but couldn’t hold it in
You moaned load my as you felt him quickin his pace trying to follow him. You prayed that he’d stay with you but It was just like any other time. He laid on top of you catching his breath before he got up.
You got cosy under the blankets trying to bring sometime of warmth since he got up And you just watched him put in his boxers.
“Arber?” You whispered out
He turned to you as he grabbed his shirt but before he could you spoke.
“Can you stay?” You whispered “please”
He paused for a second before a big smile broke out on his face.
“Yea…yea fucking of course” he smiles running his hand threw his hair as he got into bed with you
He quickly pulled you into him. He rested your head in his chest and wrapped your arms around him and he ran his fingers down your arm calmy
He stayed
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