mamaterasu · 7 years
Offered tea is bitter; citrusy, easily matching the very scent that usually clung to WARRIOR's every move. Handed porcelain was meant to perhaps hint at a desire for PEACE. -- who knew? Own tea cup only half-full, distraction found when steely eyes fixated onto the other. None of them had spoken ever since they gathered for lioness had no clue how to begin. What to say & what words to swallow; atypically hard for someone deemed so eloquent. "I apologize." Finally; tone firm but genuine,at least.
darkness bleeds from weary eyes, they are almost glacial like this, half - starved yet enduring. she wonders how many tears she has wept when no one dared asked. she wonders how it is that a girl can become a lion with no hide upon her skin, with fangs bared. she wonders many things & she cannot help it. their previous encounter proved fruitless if it weren’t for the smallest possibility that kiryuin satsuki could find the earth again. that she could somehow root herself betwixt oak & vine. 
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wildflowers are craved not because they are many but because they endure in such terrain. they are souls born from dust, salt & rain. even if she was bred for purpose the great goddess cannot help but think she a flower grown from struggle. one who does not fear the wolf for its appearance & threw away mortal desires. her spine forms glacial points where she settles a single cup before her furry companion. heels click their same tune though there is a sudden change of tune. her dance spirals outwards instead of inwards. 
she squares her shoulders. a gaze. a smile. 
❛ i forgive you. ❜
there is nothing to forgive. 
❛ you do not need to be so stiff, my friend ❜
we are both warriors. 
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hekigankiseki · 7 years
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                         “Oh? It would seem that I’m not alone for the moment...” For a realm that lies deep within the collective unconscious of humanity, there isn’t anything that will go unnoticed by the wielder of the Universe Arcana. Minato then rises from his seat on the golden floor, turning away from the massive gate that he created all those years ago to face the newest visitor of the Realm of the Great Seal. “How’d you end up here, of all places?”
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wargod-archive · 7 years
@arastiia The strong and the bold, a light florescent and ethereal. The power of A THOUSAND SUNS  ✧・゚: *✧  
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              MAIDENS, QUEENS, EMPRESSES, CONQUERORS, such of the way of the strongest, blessed woman. Arita never met the most prominent woman figure in their life, but she touched their soul and led them through the darkest of times. An oracle who harnessed the darkness of yore, a witch to some and a saint to many. HEAVEN FEARED HER and mortals worshiped. She was never meant for that limelight but she wore it well. Dazzling stars, cosmic dust, super novae and ephemeral in her eyes before it’s swallowed by pitch black. The deity looked back on her, never knowing her, never once seeing her as she was gone before their own birth, but the earn that carries her ashes tells fortunes. 
                Arita sees someone in YOU. Someone who has aged beyond her years but never died. A soul steady but fierce with flame. They look onto you kindly, a content smile gracing their features as it always did.  ❛   Are you the ruler here? You have the air of the wise and powerful, it’s actually somewhat intimidating! Although it suits you very well   ❜
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diiscordare · 7 years
                            “You have POWER.” The sentence is rumbled deep, bordering as a growl that forms in her throat; as if a warning, an unspoken signal to proceed with caution---but it is rare that powerful beings do as such. Deadly creatures are quick to recognize beings in similarity, and Adrastia renders no different as sharp gaze narrows upon the unknown.                   Nostrils flare, talons drip with the blood of another who lays deceased, their identity unimportant aside from the fact that they had been an enemy: one she needed dead, and it seemed no one else but herself was capable of managing it. Despite what little magic dwindles in this world, beings of the essence still linger, and some had history with flaming imperatrix that was all but positive.
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                  “I can smell it on you---so odd, for mortals.” There is no use in disguising her status given monstrous appearance goes unmasked, spiked tail swaying, wings slightly open. “And one so young. I hope you are not here to CHALLENGE ME.”
                  & @arastiia
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alsuetiius-blog · 7 years
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a little something for the lovely @arastiia to excuse my lack of activity on this blog and for being so fckn slow with her icons <3 they specifically fit your blog aesthetic and I hope you like them :3
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absolutiia-blog · 7 years
( repost, do not reblog. )
Tell us your favorite quotes from your muse. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said then tag your friends!!
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“Humans are such frail things, are they not?” 
“Poor girl, who doesn’t even know her own limitations... All you can do is go keep your little sister from being lonely.” 
“When man ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge he became ashamed of his nakedness and covered his nethers with fig leaves. From the time humanity first gained free will as human beings, it has been his fate to cover his body in the clothing called sin.” 
“I am the one who knows everything in this world. I am the leader of the Kiryuin Conglomerate, Rag—.”
"It would appear that I still have a bit of humanity left within me... I'll just have to rid myself of it!"
Tagged by: @arastiia & @rosecarnage (nerds :’D). Tagging: Anyone who sees this and wants to do it! 
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godpassed-blog · 7 years
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     ‘’So what’s this contract for? You want me to deal with this Ragyo person.
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ayanxmi · 7 years
"Garbage." Tone ever so spiteful not lacking any of the sharpness which their little 'conversation' undeniably harbored. Patience ran thin; the other spoke of matters far too personal to be simply brushed aside. - WARRIOR had not yet lost carefully kept supremacy but one could feel heavy heart banging in the chest & pulse accelerating whenever another word left collocutor’s lips. "Your assumptions are utterly inane."
❛ Maybe. ❜ Her hue remains cold despite the rising temperature; while she bore the Fruit of Knowledge, never did she claim to know what it was she spoke. For the reason that she held the spirit & wisdom of God gave her perspective had also given the girl a prison in the same sense that she was still but a child ( a shell of one, but still a child )—one whom had only an ill-defined idea of what it's hand grasped at... even if what it reached for was simply what her truest self knew so easily.
It made it all the more difficult to reach out, to hold out this body's hand and heal the damage done to the other's soul. The unmistakable injuries that time had done to the war-torn; the battle-weary; the battered who, like her, lost it's identity from the burden that the world had brought onto them. Isolation worn much like a veil to the dress which was worn to remind the body of it's purpose, and in so doing, divorced herself from the truth that she had only succeeded in bleeding herself dry and making the body hollow. The other's certainty & resolve had also become her own downfall as, much like any self-fulfilling prophecy, had made her future unclear, and once her purpose fulfilled... what then will await her?
Rei had seen the steady fall, the surefooted stumble, and the indomitable inevitably conquered. It never lasted, and what endured for now would eventually succumb when the time came and went. Nothing beside remains, and in the end, despair would be the fate of she who stands alone.
The girl knows this to be true because, once, the child was once like the other.
And now, here she stands: a manikin poised like a person. A husk worn by strings that it had come to despise, but knew not how to be rid of them. A carcass held by what was once mighty, now decrepit and barely clinging and forced to live because of purpose not yet fulfilled... and the body still had miles to go before ‘ The End ’ would come. For that, she would live, but she knew her fate was not uncommon, and as the oracle's eyes looked, the girl could see the same fate in hers.
But, she did not know if she spoke to her knowingly aware of the warrior outside and the conceit it held, or to the wounded lioness inside that once had the innocence of a cub. It was a uncertainty that felt like a blade drawn and quartered at her neck; perhaps an omen of what was to come had she continued to speak, possibly the prelude to the other’s wrath and the death that would befall this shell, this slave.
However, if that be the price to save a life, the price which Knowledge tells her she must take... then she shows no fear for whatever comes next as a result of the rare decision.
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❛ But, even the most inane of assumptions can still be right, as it is one of life’s greatest lessons to know that a fool can be right sometimes. ❜
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rapusodosu · 7 years
❛ justice is vengeance in prettier packaging. ❜
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      “JUSTICE, and all its ‘pretty’ little lies, does not worry me.” An HEIR OF FIRE does not lament his vengeance, nor will he conceal it under cloaks far too garish for its hide, or condemn how it sounds on his philanderer’s tongue. The weakened ones are quick to call it something different-- heroes hung on high praises painting their halls GOLD when, in all actuality, ‘neath all their filth, the DIAMOND GRIME and the obscenity of mortality, their walls were dripping red and staining the marble with WRATH.
       “I love what is raw. What is real. But I also love what is not. Either one is         charming to me.”
        He knows how much of him has already rotted away. How much of him has fallen with EMBERED WINGS clipped by the devil himself, locked in ice, with her Her hand almost there.The numbers are far-reaching, eluding the grasp of many whom try to understand him, and like a spectre in the night, the dread-wind that whispers through a blood-harp or crumples a black sail, CHAOS COMES and he flies-- far away, to the unfathomable reach, where only his melody so terrifyingly sweet remains. His rage, his sadness, the joviality he felt in the hands of a GOD-- he needn’t enshroud his heart with classic pride when the TRAGEDY is far more compelling.
   Call it justice, call it vengeance--   it burns all the same.
   “The word, ah, now ...” a wordsmith however, whom takes himself away from all the horror, from all the war and strife of his age-old bones, whom ne’er seems to find himself quite able to silence the merriment that takes hold of him whene’er one proclaims to him, on prideful grounds, the significance of a word and its hellish counterparts, will never demean the flow of such a commendable sound, “-- the word ‘justice’ just sounds so ... admirable.”
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iuvelatiius-blog · 7 years
❝ your expectations for me have been set way too high. ❞
     ▹ short stories.
⌈✧⌋ Eyebrows raise upon such statement, both of surprise & confidence. A sign of weakness from Kiryuin herself? What an unexpected response, indeed.
❝ No, they are not, young Miss, of that you can be sure. ❞ 
Words truly sounding harsh for someone not knowing what scientist was speaking of, and yet, they hid a certain warmth underneath the strictness only young warrior could understand now.
          ― But why such certainty of own beliefs? 
Oh, there was a plenty of proof memory has recorded until today. It has already been some time since they, as boss & subordinate, begun cooperating in revived REVOCs or, as it was known amongst those few remembering of now fallen monster’s atrocious plans within the textile company,the shadow of the very HELL. The efforts & capabilities heiress ( at her still so tender age, one should remember ) has shown so far as a leader were... amazing, if one wished to understate. Reason enough for visible progress. And not to forget, three years of wordless observation at Honnoji Academy sung only of STRENGTH within young Kiryuin, both body & mind... She has become a wonderful lady.
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❝ You did already prove them, back then at Honnoji. I’m sure you’ll prove them again now. If not alone, then with help of your friends. ❞
Cue a gentle smile softening features, while fingers roughened by hard work were placed upon girl’s shoulder. ( With carefulness due for a human not fond of touches that she was, of course. ) Is that an image of friendly sibling talk, no? Perhaps.
❝ ....I believe in you, Satsuki. As do Shiro, Soroi and your sister. ❞
          ― Oh, her father would be so proud of her today.
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absolutiia-blog · 7 years
“Oh, I’m leaving.”
Corpse Bride Sentence Starters 
Sweet, but oh so foolish… Beautiful, but BLIND! Little child, little child, believing to have a will of its own, waltzing out of glorified PALACE mother’s hand created for them both to enjoy, denying a weekend of being WASHED in gold— Did little warrior TRULY assume it was that easy to get her heart back from a greedy grip? Child stuck in a spider’s web simply couldn’t leave, not without permission, such a bold assumption was enough to glue thin lips SHUT, oh, little warrior should be gratfified the blood of the Kiryuins pumped through her hollow veins. Smirking, the statement “We’re not done,” escaped from the corner of director’s lips while handing beloved daughter a bathrobe ( to cover herself up? how unusual ) figuring she deserved a bit of praise for healing so REMARKABLY after giving mother a chance to perform well needed ritual. Bruises and cuts inflicted by hands other than walking divinity were so… UNFLATTERING to look at. Ah yes, mother needed to strengthen a body that was far too human, TOO WEAK, give it the opportunity to grow, correct a disgusting little error in the shape of a growing girl, mold it into a prodigy to actually be proud of. Skin was getting smoother, the child more beautiful ( causing reddened eyes to linger with hunger ) body more durable, features more sharp and womanly… A possession like this simply couldn’t walk away, and even if it did, property always came back to the owner. A beautiful fact indeed, it wouldn’t take long for her child to return to the nest—That was the raw beauty of it all, no matter WHAT maternal hands put the girl through, she always came running back to mother…Turns out parental bonds were more evident in HUMANS than one might believe. Fascinating, truly. 
“I shouldn’t need to waste my time on correcting behavior you ought to know isn’t acceptable, but what kind of mother would I be if I let you slip?” Another statement, another smirk, hands lifting to gently wrap the offered bathrobe around pristine shoulders. Features twisted in false tranquility, fingertips slowly running through some wet strands of dark locks to solve a tangle. Moments like these were far too fleeting, did prideful director need a reason behind wanting to be close to her precious? Purification was done, and the girl wanted to leave ( why? ) — It wasn’t over ( would it ever be? ) If matron had insisted on it, her darling error would’ve been free to leave, but the fact that a mind still impure took matters into own hands was distasteful! Before letting the child see the world and be gifted with a fragment of independece ( yet another sign of mother’s benevolence, for this was a matter errors shouldn’t be gifted with ) white serpent needed to be certain the young one’s faith was unyielding— Only one of them decided when the doors would open and when the doors would close, it was simple, clean, easy to keep in mind ( remember, mother is only trying to help ), and yet, the child was persistent… Too persistent, TOO HUMAN! Why did I keep it? Correct her, correct her. Or kill this one and focus on Nui. Tempting, forever tempting, but it would be a shame— This one was already too easy on the eyes to become disposed, unlike the unnamed baby girl all those years ago... Besides, mother was making progres, oh, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL progess! Splinters of perfection cut through pale skin and nestled within the girl’s soul— With time, it wouldn’t be possible to see where one ended and the other began. 
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“Sit down, my daughter. You’re not going anywhere.” 
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painwhccl-blog · 7 years
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  People fled in droves, some in cars, some on foot but their destinations were all the same. To get away. Away from the monster of a girl. The experiment had wandered long and far from Canopy Kingdom and in new lands they were still unwanted. It was’t her intention to frighten, not that it could be helped with the mask or the large prehensile saw blade extending from their backside. Only one person stood to face her hideousness in the crowd; A being made of stone. The entity felt threatened by their stare as it was unwavering and would surely petrify a lesser creature. But she wasn’t, she couldn’t be any lesser than she was now as a monstrosity. Still, she was tense in the face of this possible opponent. A normal girl in a school outfit.
  The experiment stood to their full height with their feet planted firmly on the burning concrete below. A lesser pain that she had no problem ignoring, nothing was worse than what she had already gone through. The masks’s mouth opening for a moment as if to speak before closing and continuing their booming silence. She didn’t know what to say....or how to approach. To vocalize that they meant no one any harm. It was lost on them. For now..all there was to do was stand and stare. 
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gloriatiia · 7 years
    nerves , dull   &   aching with that of phantom pain , ran deep through tissue lined marrow ; shaking very digits as they trembled suddenly into tight fist , lock unable to be broken   —   bones would creak at any attempt , protest with a clamp .     perhaps she could blame it on the damage to her body   —   the damage of wearing a THREE-STAR UNIFORM , LIFE FIBRES ... no , that seemed all too easy . regardless of the throb riveting through fingers   &   weight SEARING across shoulders ; it was not the reason for heavy heart .                                      ONLY ONE PERSON COULD BE THE REASON FOR THAT .
               ❝ SATSUKI-CHAN ... ❞ was a mutter beneath her breath , a whisper to her ears alone .     the one she held so dear , so close to the fractured heart   —   following every stern step , up until the door that stood between them ... the only thing that stood between them .   &   no matter what ; SHE COULDN’T BRING HERSELF TO KNOCK .
    how dare you think that it’s your place to present yourself   ! ?   how dare you think you have the right to visit her   ! ?   HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU MEAN SOMETHING TO HER   ! ?
     why had those thoughts lingered so long , forever haunting her every thought , every move ... it was like a parasite   —   CLINGING   &   DRAINING , tearing her emotions right through skin , rending membrane   &   tearing the threads of heart .
                                                                        A DULL ACHE .
     feet soon attempt getaway ; but the sound of heart beat rising through ears must have brought forth an ugly curse   —   there stood familiar face ; eyes , ever so lenient , gentle ...
               ❝ MISS. JAKUZURE , are you here to see LADY SATSUKI   ?   ❞
      a jerk ran from the base of spine , woven through nerves   —   the threading tight ; it forced a brief lump in her throat , tongue drying faster than desert sun .                ❝ SOROI   —   !   s-sorry , you startled me . ❞  a forced chuckle , dry in nature   —   virtuoso plastered on a bright smile ; FACADE . ❝ yeah , i was hoping to see SATSUKI-SAMA today ... is she feeling any better   ?   ❞ though smile tried desperately to remain , voice wavered   —   thoughts of HER face , the splash of resolve flooding from her eyes , burning out like wildfire   &   taken over by sickly coal .                                                           HOW HOPELESS DO YOU FEEL   ?                                                  YOU CAN’T EVEN HELP THE ONE YOU L O V E   !
                ❝ much the same , unfortunately . but i am certain she would allow you a visit , ❞ a brief pause , allowing time for continuation as he leaned into a whisper ; ❝ i think it would do her good , seeing a friend . ❞
                                                                             FRIEND .
      newfound hope in mind , virtuoso was lead inside familiar mansion   —   walls of white   &   gold , a flash of past ... JUNKETSU , RAGYŌ , riving her mind of every thought    &   disgust planted seeds of hatred `pon her mind .
       heavy feet carried her upstairs , light seeming to dim with each step taken   —   at the top lie multiple doors , she knew which one she sought , which one her legs would take lead to .         once again , she stood ; quivering hands , white knuckled   &   reddened palms , nails digging further into the crescents they created .
                                                                    OPEN THE DOOR .                                                                     OPEN THE DOOR .                                                                     OPEN THE DOOR .
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absolutiia-blog · 7 years
Cloth almost cut into broadened shoulders upon lifting dominant arm,fine threads & tentative needles scratching sullied skin raw.-WARRIOR would lose mobility, would be limited in ever form of combat; how inane. Jaw set as a single step was taken, donned heels uncomfortable & cumbersome. Oh, it felt as if tight fabric around her waist & neck tried to suffocate/crush battered lungs. Motions froze ere steely (GRIM) glare was wordlessly cast towards watching mother -posture straight,disdain flaring
Children were soft, too soft, ugly, shapeless lumps of FLESH waiting, waiting, waiting for the introduction of womanhood, slowly being molded into something a little more PLEASANT to look at. Sweet, beautiful firstborn, she is WEAK, WEAK, WEAK, had so far been allowed to wear loose-fitting RAGS of cloth, carelessly slumping over a blossoming body— NO MORE! Like mother like daughter, little Kiryuin ( children grew up so fast, didn’t they? ) would too wear something to enhance those beautiful curves, show off slender legs, display the perfect copy she was turning into… Naive child, this borrowed HUSK was never truly yours to begin with, now let mother PERFECT her doing— Everyone knew little girls would one day outgrow their old sailor uniforms. When there was nothing to see, unattractive clothing could be excused, but after a certain age, it was important for precious legacy to adapt every aspect of beloved predecessor, down to the very thread… A growing WOMAN don’t fool yourself, she’s a TOOL should after all dress like one— Cloth practically PAINTED onto smooth skin in order to intensify a womanly figure, high heels to create an illusion of a perfect posture… Now use this body with DIGNITY and make mother proud. 
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“Chin up, dear,” one spoke with a sickly sweet grin, fingertips gently running over clothed arms while greedy eyes inspected her WORK in progress, blossoming creation, yet still disgusting child ( fret not, mother will make you look beautiful ). “Now all eyes will be on you.” 
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roslicitiia-blog · 7 years
                 she had PROMISED herself not to be bitter, to not let this feeling get to her again. UGLY JEALOUSY did not suit a girl like her but the moment she heard FAMILIAR footsteps approach, the girl dressed in pink, jumped down the table she had been sitting on. Fingers were curling around the hem of her dress while she leaned onto her tip toes. ❝Satsuki-Sama❞ there it was. The BITTERNESS she was feeling covered her words like a blanket. 
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                 FEIGNED happiness managed to cover up her true feelings. Her guts were twisting and turning at the mere SIGHT of the raven haired girl. She would have to talk to Ragyo-Sama later on -- for she did not WANT to feel this way towards Satsuki. No, she somehow LIKED her but ... there was still this FEELING. ❝you must be PROUD, are you not?❞ bell-like voice rang through the air while she jumped closer to the woman on light feet. ❝the position of power does SUIT you, makes you look even PRETTIER❞
@arastiia plotted starter !
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