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margieargie · 3 months ago
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...genuine WHAT
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randomlonelymusician · 2 years ago
Anime lesbians that not enough people are talking about
Suruga Kanbaru (Monogatari Series)
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The entire Monogatari series is quite problematic and very hard to get into, which is why not enough people talk about Kanbaru. But to my experience, at least, she's one of the more accurately written lesbian characters I've seen. She's someone who's felt isolation because of her sexuality, and who's felt that heartbreak of falling in love with a close friend. She has a discomfort with her sexuality (which I found more clear in the novels), but once she opens up to someone about it, she really talks about it. Her sexuality also isn't rigid, and she explores new avenues of it. To me, she just felt like a very real older teen girl trying to figure out herself.
Momoko Sudo (O Maidens in your Savage Season)
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I feel as O Maidens as a whole isn't talked about as much as it should be, and Momoko is talked about even less. Momoko's character really captures the experience of having these feelings that don't match what you're being told is normal or what you see around you. And because of this, she can't put words to it. She's part of a literature club and reads a lot of romance, but she's never represented in any of it. I love Momoko because she feels like a real young teen girl trying to put words to all of these feelings she's having.
Kureha Tsubaki (Yurikuma Arashi)
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Yurikuma Arashi is often overlooked due to its presentation (which actually ties into the commentary it's giving), and is the least appreciated of Ikuhara's works. But despite the show being quite messy, I can't help but love Kureha. The show as a whole represents how lesbian women are viewed and portrayed in Japanese society and media, and Kureha's character represents internalized homophobia, and the fear of being "openly gay". The whole series is fantastical in nature, but Kureha's feelings and story remain very true to many people's experiences, including my own.
I just wanted to share a few characters I connected with and I don't see being talked about enough. I wholeheartedly recommend checking out Yurikuma Arashi and O Maidens in your Savage Season, as they're excellent shows. As for Monogatari... I'd tread lightly and look at the content warnings! But it's still a great series.
General note: Yes, Monogatari is a horribly problematic series. It has a lot that I seriously do not like, but if you're able to get through the bad there's a whole lot of good, such as Kanbaru. So warning!
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animehotpot · 2 years ago
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acidd-attack · 1 year ago
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Araburu Kisetsu no Otomedomo yo.
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good-anime-food · 2 years ago
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moviewarfare · 8 months ago
A “QUICK!” Review of "The Anthem of the Heart (2015)"
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I like a lot of Mari Okada's work including Anohana, Maquia and O Maidens in Your Savage Season. However, I came out of "The Anthem of the Heart" with very mixed feelings.
It is a high school drama that feels a bit half-baked. The drama mostly revolves around the main girl, Jun Naruse, who cannot speak because of an event that occurred in the past. This is an interesting premise but the problem is that this is not the main focus as much as it should. Instead, we have a lot of romance subplots with other supporting characters that just aren't developed enough. The third act and even the ending felt incredibly forced as well. I do give props for not being predictable and being a decent message but the execution is kind of poor. This premise feels like it would be better as an anime series than a movie. That way, the supporting characters and even the romance could be more developed.
The movie does have great animation, character design and music. Unfortunately, if you wanted a good high school drama or romance, this is not it.
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For more reviews like this visit:
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anime-of-the-day · 2 years ago
Women's History Month Themed Anime of the Day: Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
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Alt Title: O Maidens in Your Savage Season
Released: 2019
This is an anime about a group of girls. They are in high school thinking about the normal things maidens think about, school, boys and reading aloud sex scenes from literature. Because their club is, er, literature focused, or rather focused on one type of literature, they have difficulty finding an advisor for their club. Because their focused nature makes the school nervous, the school threatens to disband the club. Naturally, the girls fight against this oppression and they do it in the most unexpected way possible.
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boybolt · 2 years ago
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É o pequeno príncipe mas ,lembra 🍥🦊 ❤
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braidpoll · 1 year ago
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rolorules · 4 months ago
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By Araburu Iwashi (Savage Sardine).
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bungeegum28 · 5 months ago
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[ 𝗞𝗮𝘇𝘂𝘀𝗮 ]
𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo • 荒ぶる季節の乙女どもよ。(2019)
𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 Lay-duce
𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 Mari Okada
𝐝𝐢𝐫. Masahiro Andō, Takurō Tsukada
𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘦: e05 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴
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konjaku · 19 days ago
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唐鼠黐[Tōnezumimochi] Ligustrum lucidum
唐[Tō] : Tang dynasty
鼠[Nezumi] : Rat, mouse
黐[Mochi] : 黐木[Mochinoki](Ilex integra)
It was introduced from China during the Meiji period(1868-1912), is feral and often found in many areas where people live.
By the way, 服部 嵐雪[Hattori Ransetsu], one of Matsuo Bashō's disciples, composed the following haiku. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hattori_Ransetsu
[Araburu nezumi mochi ni nagomen]
荒振る means to be savage and 和めん(和む[Nagomu]) means to calm down. But in this case, 鼠黐 does not mean Nezumimochi. This haiku does not mean that (someone is) at peace with a savage Nezumimochi tree.
鼠黐 is two words, 鼠 and 黐, and 黐 means 鳥黐[Torimochi], or birdlime. In other words, this haiku is about a rat moving violently that is gradually becoming entangled in the birdlime and unable to move even if it tries.
Thus, the meaning differs depending on the place of separation, which is called ぎなた読み[Ginata yomi]. Oshokujiken is 汚職 事件[Oshoku jiken](Corruption scandal) and 御食事 券[O-shokuji ken](Meal ticket), etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holorime#In_Japanese
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couldlesbiansavethem · 8 months ago
Momoko Sudou from Araburu Kisetsu No Otome Domo Yo
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Reasoning: "She's canonically a lesbian but she suffered a lot in the show with her friends liking boys and she was the only who didn't get that feeling and yeah she suffered a lot, she falls for her straight friend and there were even a lesbophobic scene (although her (other) friend didn't understood what it meant it was still lesbophobic). Well I'm submitting her because she deserves better and she deserves a girlfriend who loves her!" (Anon)
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lowder-the-koopa · 1 year ago
Birthday Art for a friend
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Birthday present for @narashikari.
Happy birthday Kari-chan! Have some art of some of your favorites.
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(Posting this early because timezones.)
(Quotes below)
"Kamen Riders are this city's symbol of hope!"―Shotaro rejecting Eternal's claims of being a Kamen Rider
"Beginning lookup..."―Philip's words before entering the Gaia Library
"Cyclone! Joker! (Technical guitar to orchestral hit)"―Transformation announcement
Legend Time, W!:
"Soiya! W Arms! Cyclone! Joker! Ha-Ha-Ha!"―Transformation announcement
"Kaigan! Double! (Doubledriver activation) Futari de hitori! Gaia Memory! (CycloneJoker transformation music)"―Ghost Driver transformation announcement
"Gachan! Level Up! (Gaia Memory inserting noise) Half-boiled! Kazoero! Omae no Tsumi O! Meitantei Double! (Gekitotsu Robots-styled song)"―Level 2 transformation announcement
"Are you ready?! Double! (CycloneJoker transformation sound)"―Double Form transformation
"Tantei! USB Memory! Best Match!"―Build Driver insertion announcements
"Memory no chikara de tatakau futari de hitori no tantei Rider wa... Double da!"
Translation: "The two-in-one detective Rider who fights with the power of Memories is...(clock ticking noise) W!"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Cyclone Memory-styled rock music) Cyclone! Joker! W! (Joker Memory orchestral hit)"―Rider Armor transformation announcement
"Fang Memory de kogeki kyoka! Moukou no Double, FangJoker!"
Translation: Strengthened attacks with the Fang Memory! The fierce-attacking W, FangJoker!"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! Fang! Fang~! (Fang Memory screech)"―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot
"Chikyu no kioku to hitotsu ni naru! Futari de hitori no kyuukyoku senshi! Double Xtreme!"
Translation: "Become one with the memories of the Earth! The two-in-one ultimate warrior! W Xtreme!"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! Kyuukyoku kyokugen W! Xtre~me! Xtreme!"―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot
"Progrise! Cyclone! Joker! CrimeCounting Double! Two minds, one great detective."―Transformation announcement with the Hiden Zero-One Driver
"Double Tantei Nisshi!"―Activation announcement
"Buddy Up! Araburu! Takaburu! Sora kake meguru! Eagle! Omae no hane o kazoero!"Translation: "Buddy Up! Raging! Soar! Fly in the Sky! Eagle! Count your wings!)"―Transformation announcement
"Dual On! (Raise Buckle name)! Cyclone! Joker! Ready, fight!"―Transformation announcement with a large Raise Buckle in the Desire Driver
"Gotchanko! Cyclone Tatoba!"―Transformation announcement
"Now, shall we begin the experiment?"―Sento's catchphrase before transforming
"Rabbit! Tank! Best Match! Are you ready? (Techno rock music) Hagane no moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeah!"―RabbitTank's transformation announcement
Legend Time, Build!:
"Gachan! Level Up! RabbitTank! Usagi to sensha! Best Best Match! Yay!"―Level 2 transformation announcement
"Best Match! Fullbottle de henshin-suru tensai Rider wa... Build da!"
Translation: "Best Match! The genius Rider who transforms with Fullbottles is... (Clock ticking noise) Build!"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Electronic rock music) Best Match! Build!"―Rider Armor transformation announcement
"Pandora no chikara de hajikeru power! Build RabbitTank Sparkling!"
Translation: "Power bursts from the power of Pandora! Build RabbitTank Sparkling!"
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Soda can opening noise) RabbitTank Sparkling!"―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot
"Yabei! Shikkoku no bouso senshi, RabbitTank Hazard!"
Translation: "Oh no! The jet black rampaging warrior, RabbitTank Hazard!"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Hazard Form's transformation music) Yabei! Hazard!"―Rider Armor transformation announcement
"Cho speed! Cho jump! Build RabbitRabbit Form!"
Translation: "Super speed! Super jump! Build RabbitRabbit Form!"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Techno pop music with hopping sounds) Haei! RabbitRabbit!"―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot
"Cho soukou! Cho juuryou! Build TankTank Form!"
Translation: "Super armor! Super weight! Build TankTank Form!"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Techno rock music) Tuei! TankTank!"―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's left-hand slot
"Monosugei! Bottle darake no cho tensai Rider! Build Genius Form!"
Translation: "Very amazing! The super-genius Rider full of bottles! Build Genius Form!"―Secondary activation announcement
"Armor Time! (Genius Form's transformation music) Chou tensai! Build Genius~! Genius!"―Transformation announcement
"Kin no rabbit! Gin no dragon! Build RabbitDragon!"
Translation: "The gold rabbit! The silver dragon! Build RabbitDragon!―Secondary activation announcement
"Armor Time! (Electronic rock music) Rabbit! Dragon! RabbitDragon!"―Transformation announcement
"Progrise! Fullbottle shake shake! BestMatching Build! A genius physicist whose mind surpasses all."―Transformation announcement with the Hiden Zero-One Driver
"Pandorabbit no Build!"―Activation announcement
"Kono Futatsu no Chikara ga Mazari Au Toki Sekai ni Love & Peace Otozureru"
Translation:"Love and peace visit the world when these two powers mix."―Story announcement
"Buddy Up! Tobiagaru! Maiagaru! Kangaroo! Shouri no punch ga kimatta!"
Translation: "Buddy Up! Jump up! Get excited! Kangaroo! The punch of victory has been set!)"―Transformation announcement with the Revice Driver
"Are you ready? Hagane no moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeah! Ready, fight!"―Standalone Transformation announcement in the Desire Driver
"Gotchanko! FullFull Rocket!"―Transformation announcement
"My feelings will pierce through!"―Espada's pre-battle catchphrase.
"Ikazuchi Battou! Lamp Do Alangina! Ikazuchi Issatsu! Lamp no sei to Raimeiken Ikazuchi ga majiwaru toki inazuma no tsurugi ga hikari kagayaku!"―Transformation announcement
"I'll lay down my life, if it means protecting the world!"―Demons' pre-transformation catchphrase
"Decide Up! Deep. (Fukaku) Drop. (Ochiru) Danger. (Kiki) Kamen Rider Demons!"―Transformation announcement
Legend Time, Demons!:
"Decide Up! Deep. (Fukaku) Drop. (Ochiru) Danger. (Kiki) Kamen Rider Demons! Ready, fight!"―Standalone Transformation announcement in the Desire Driver
"Psyduck, a Water Pokémon. Uses mysterious power to perform various attacks. Psyduck constantly suffers from a headache."―Ash's Pokédex EP027 "Hypno's Naptime"
"Marill, the Aqua Mouse Pokémon. The tip of its tail floats in water, so it can swim in any current no matter how rough."―Dawn's Pokédex DP137 "Three Sides to Every Story!"
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acidd-attack · 1 year ago
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Araburu Kisetsu no Otomedomo yo.
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tokusongs · 5 months ago
"Rampage! Combined Beast Warrior Bull Taurus" (Araburu! Gasshin Jushi Bull Taurus), from Seiju Sentai Gingaman (1998). Performed by Sakai Norio.
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