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ome-magical-ramblings · 2 years ago
Chakras and Psychic Centers in the Western Magical Traditions.
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This post was inspired by @ditchdwellersupreme in a discord server that made me think deeply and sent me down a rabbit hole about how valid is the approach in this sense. https://hareesh.org/blog/2016/2/5/the-real-story-on-the-chakras Christopher Wallis, a Sanskrit scholar and practitioner goes in depth about them but the points he talks about in that specific blog is that:
There's not just one chakra system in the original tradition, there are many.
The chakra systems are prescriptive, not descriptive.
The psychological states associated with the chakras are completely modern and Western.
The seven-chakra system popular today derives not from an ancient scripture, but from a treatise written in 1577.
The main purpose of a chakra system is to function as a template for nyāsa — installation of mantras and deities.
The seed-mantras that you think go with the chakras actually go with the elements that happen to be installed in those chakras.
I am not here to argue on the validity of the practice of 7 chakras but on the practicalities of the practice itself, how it affect western practices and methodology and if they do have a place in western magical traditions?
hmm...if you imagine that the chakras are prescriptive and that they install mantras and deities into our bodies...then what about Phylacteries and talismans. What about physical body and letters in regard to that? Chaim Vital wrote: 'Know that in each and every organ of a person's body, there are letters engraved, informing us about that individual's actions. But the primary place is the forehead, as indicated earlier.' Some people might think of Jewish practices as not Western in nature and that's valid, but the Testament of Solomon also shed light on this when it associate a body part to a demon/angel combo. a fragment of Celsus from Origen says:
… the Egyptians say that the body of man has been put under the charge of thirty six daimons, or ethereal gods of some sort, who divide it between them, that being the number of parts into which it is divided (although some say far more). Each daimon is in charge of a different part. you can find a decan master list here , the sacred book of ascelpius talks about it from an astrological point of view: Aries is the head of the world, Taurus the neck, Gemini shoulders, Cancer breast, Lion the back, shoulder blades, heart and ribs, the Virgin the belly, Libra buttocks, Scorpio the pubis, Sagittarius the thighs, Capricorn the knees, Aquarius the legs and Pisces the feet. All of these could be seen as a way of diagnosing and medical magic, but also they have their own significance in this practice. I don't say to mish-mash the systems together but maybe there's more to it than what we think is not. Arab magicians write talisman for dream and tie it to their right upper arm, why the right upper arm and not the left? phylactery like the one used in the headless one is tied on the forehead...is there something more to it? I am not saying take all the chakras willy nilly, just that there's something to it. Heart, Stomach/lower belly, and top of the head.
Clearly I am taking the side of "yeah bro use dem chakranaynays" and honestly, my own practice didn't take off until I used a specific practice that dealt with dream incubation through visualizing the planetary symbols on the medulla oblongata following the Chaldean order with each symbol lasting a week. Does that mean I encourage reckless experimenting with them? of course not, they hurt and you would hurt yourself if you push yourself too hard with them. You use them as a part of a whole system, maybe you just use pillar and spheres to energize yourself or visualize the nadi/channel during nine bottle pranayama. The usual recommendation is to follow eastern procedure and it might feel weird for some people, it's honestly better to take a step back and see your own practice. The spirits would work with/without it, but your body is still gonna respond to spirits on some physiological level. Pragmatically speaking some spirits might even be more willing and might perform Nyasa for you. If you think about it, invocation and god-forms melt togethers and the product of these come closer to something resembling a similar practice. I am not saying to dilute/innovate on your first try! that's one thing I want to emphasize. I am just saying that incorporating some simple practices can allow more avenue for the spirit to contact you. Of course I am not saying..oh install demons on your head or do something reckless like that lol. To cap it off, Think of a deity you have a connection to, ask them which part of the body they relate to and ask them to inhabit that part, see what comes out of it. What if their image was on top of your head, in your heart, or in your belly, how would feel? Again this is all to be done with the deity approval or if they see the practice fit for you. "The wrong person even with the right knowledge will come to no good end. But the right person even with the wrong (or incomplete) knowledge will make it work." Sources: JSK's Testament of St Cyprian Jacobus G. Swart's Self Creation Blog. Lastly a meme that I thought was funny about this.
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apicturewithasmile · 7 years ago
LOST rewatch (season 1):
[follow the entire rewatch-tag here]
episodes 1 and 2 – Pilot:
Jack’s Angel Hair Pasta speech is making my eyes roll so far back up my head that it hurts
Kate speaks the first “we have to go back (for him)” around minute 39 of ep1
I forgot how incredibly sexy Naveen Andrews is
John Locke doesn’t speak his first line until minute 23 of ep2 when he explains Backgammon to Walt – his iconic Orange Smile scene and the Sitting In The Rain On The Beach scene actually both happen before he gets to speak
episode 3 – Tabula Rasa:
Oh, it’s the first “previously on LOST”
the sheer loathsomeness of that fucking US marshal… ugh
Michael: “I will get your dog back as soon as it stops raining.” – rain: *stops*
Wash Away playing in the final scene
that last shot that made John look like he was gonna be some mysterious villain character when actually he’s just the jungle philosopher who talks to the island
episode 4 – Walkabout:
yaaay, the first boar action
I can’t believe they waited until the airplane food was all eaten up before they thought about finding food on the island
that asshole from the office who’s bullying John makes me so angry
“don’t tell me what I can’t do” makes its first appearance at minute 21 and is quickly followed a mere minute later by the second appearance
totally forgot that John is actually the first one to see Smokey – and that early on in the show?!
Uuuuuuh first time we see ghost!Christian Shephard
Do we really think John killed that boar on his own or did Smokey help him?
episode 5 – White Rabbit:
there’s so many times they say “the others” before there’s even any sign of The Others™ I’m starting to wonder whether it’s intentional
the best thing about Jack-centric episodes is Christian Shephard (I got it hard for daddy Shephard okay!??!?!)
do Australians really sound like that or did they mainly cast American actors for the scenes that take place in Sydney?
aaaaand there they are, the Jears (Jack tears)
episode 6 – House of the Rising Sun:
god I love Sun and Jin, I hate how underrated all of their flashbacks are
bless the bad CGI bees
look! it’s Mother’s first appearance
episode 7 – The Moth:
ugh it’s a Charlie episode -.-‘
headcanon: Jacob made that cave collapse because he wanted to get rid of Charlie
John believing and being proud in Charlie makes this episode worthwhile for me
episode 8 – Confidence Man:
Kate is actually carrying a… bundle??? of bananas over her shoulder. What’s mote #jungle aesthetic?
John you manipulative bastard, I love you!!!! I can’t wait for Not Henry Gale to join you into an endless manipulation play-off
I honestly can’t remember whether or not Sawyer and Sayid will ever work out their issues in the later seasons and actually get a somewhat friendship?! I don’t remember any bro-scenes between them which is a shame tbh.
Boone: “She’s my sister!” – god how did I think it was totally reasonable to turn this into an incetuous romance?!
episode 9 – Solitary:
Yaaaaaaaaaasssss it’s Sayid’s first episode which also means: DANIELLE ROUSSEAU!!!
I am a big Shannon/Sayid shipper but I can really understand the folks who ship Kate with Sayid. It would have been soooo much better than the love triangle of hell.
And I hate that Sayid doesn’t speak Arabic in his flashbacks. I get, Naveen Andrews doesn’t speak it but… they made Daniel Dae Kim speak Korean even tho he couldn’t?!?! It’s a bit of inconsistency that annoys the crap out of me.
I’m moaning a lot considering this is my fav show… there’s just… a couple of things about season 1 that always been bothering me.
Danielle looks so fucking good and so does Sayid fnfsdkgnjkngjdfh my bi senses are tingling.
episode 10 – Raised By Another:
Claire’s nightmare is super fucking disturbing
Her ex is literally the most annoying fuckboy and I have absolutely forgotten about him for a good reason. What an asshole.
Kate’s been wearing the same green short for at least the past 3 episodes… which… I get because clothing is limited on the island but it reminds me of the Simpsons’ wardrobe
The fact Creepy Ethan™ is there after Claire wakes up the second time saying she’s been attacked should have been the biggest #clue.
Hurley getting the flight manifest from Sawyer by just… talking to him… my aesthetic!
The “Ethan is creepy”-reveal is soooooo well done gjfsngkngdg
episode 11 – All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues:
More Terry O’Quinn close ups please!!!
I love that John is “of course Kate is coming along” and just hands her a knife whereas Jack is always like “no, don’t come along, this is #dangerous” – like… by now we should all know there’s no stopping Kate!
John predicting the rain is one of my fav scenes.
Wooooow they discovered the hatch THAT early in the season?!??!
episode 12 – Whatever The Case May Be:
Sawyer really shouldn’t go swimming in sweet water with his wounded arm.
I love Rose :’)
okay this episode was kinda underwhelming but that might be because I remembered what was in the case
episode 13 – Hearts and Minds:
I do not remember this episode title AT ALL so I have no idea what to expect
Aaaaaah I think it’s the Shannon and Boone incest episode which explains why I have forgotten about it – one of the most unnecessary plots in the history of LOST ever
How is Boone still friends with Locke after this whole bondage mess? Nevermind, John could do anything to me and I’d still follow him to the end of the world.
episode 14 – Special:
I hate that Michael’s ex took his son away from him. She shouldn’t have put him in that position. I hate her.
What is it with Michael and car accidents?
and now she’s clearing her bad conscience with money. I HATE HER!
And now Charlie’s reading Claire’s diary – I hate him, too!
Aaaand here comes the bad CGI polar bear
Every time John Locke smiles an angel gets its wings.
Claire is already back?!?!?!?
episode 15 – Homecoming:
Wait…. Is this already when they kill Creepy Ethan? If so then I really liked this episode. Probably the only moment I truly liked Charlie.
The Scott/Steve-joke never gets old.
I love that Sawyer organised a gun for Kate. If I absolutely had to ship any combination of the love triangle of hell it’d be Kate and Sawyer… but only because Juliet isn’t in the picture yet.
episode 16 – Outlaws:
Oh it’s the Sawyer versus boar episode, I love that one!
Sayid you sassy fucker, I love you!!!
I love that they made the “I never…” scene so long.
“You’re not alone – don’t pretend to be!” is exactly what I needed to hear right now, thanks Sayid!
episode 17 - …In Translation:
How are Sun and Jin both so incredibly beautiful? Newsflash: I’m bisexual!
Hurley, my lovely empathetic sunshine!
Is it just me or is Michael’s first raft bigger than the second version?
John back at it again with the jungle philosophy.
Aaaah Jin’s father aka the only good father in the entire show!
episode 18 – Numbers:
John building the cradle with Claire for the baby is breaking my heart. Jungle grandpa Locke <3
I’d love for the monster to have been a “pissed off giraffe”
episode 19 – Deus Ex Machina:
Awwww I forgot that John worked in a toy shop – that’s so cute
Damn he looks so much better without hair than he does with it
Anthony fucking Cooper you disgusting weasel of a human being
I just remembered that the “Deus” that’s in the “Machina” is Desmond Hume, my Scottish puppy – can’t wait for him to be there doing his thing
God that moment with the light is sooooo good! That’s when I was #hooked the first time I watched the show.
And I just remembered: that’s John saving Desmond’s life there and Desmond saving John’s life and rgkdabgdlkgndg
episode 20 – Do No Harm:
Jack doesn’t deserve this wonderful wife…. And I really don’t like the whole “fixing things” trope that surrounds his character.
Oh riiiiiight, Claire’s having the baby while Boone dies. I totally forgot about that. I love it!
Sun is soooo strong in this episode, I love her!
Jack: “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” – I think this is the first time someone other than John said it.
god it’s so fucking tragic with everyone looking at the baby while Shannon gets told the news her brother died. it’s too much for my tiny heart
episode 21 – The Greater Good:
John it ain’t really helping that you still drowned in Boone’s blood, my guy, my buddy, my pal.
Sayid saying “I know when I’m being lied to.” is kinda foreshadowing the whole Henry Gale affaire because he was the only one who wouldn’t take any of Ben’s shit for even a second.
Sayid: “You’ve never fired a gun before!” – Shannon: *fires gun*
episode 22 – Born To Run:
judging by the title of this it’s gonna be a Kate episode
ah yes…. The horrible blond wig. I mean…. How bad must a wig be to see it’s a wig from behind?!??!?!
episodes 23-25 – Exodus:
jhbdfajksfg it’s Ana Lucia, bless her, my lovely angry smol child
it was absolutely not necessary to show Sawyer with his shirt off but I ain’t complaining
anyways… when will I ever have enough time and money to go to Hawaii?
That Walt/Shannon/Vincent-moment breaks my heart big time.
The Black Rock being an old ass ship was one of the biggest plot twists the first time I watched.
The parts of Arzt flesh raining down on our guys was really more realism than needed
IT’S SMOKEY!!!! Yaaaasssss!
Has there ever been a better finale for the first season of a show ever?
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