#aquatic caterpillar
anipgarden · 4 months
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Experimenting with new phone camera vibes.
It gets fairly pixelated (in my opinion) if you zoom further than 3x (15x is offered but pretty rough) but it gets really nice quality stuff at 1x if you get riiiiiiight up to the thing
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bogleech · 9 months
i keep wanting to draw anthro maggots but they end up looking like beetle larvae instead- any ideas on how one might stylize a maggot person to make it a little more distinctly A Maggot? it's especially hard to me bc maggots are like THE MOST featureless insect larvae.... which i suppose counts as a defining feature in and of itself- but i dunno. im mostly just curious to hear your approach!!!
Yeah beetle grubs, caterpillars and a lot of other insect larvae have armored heads with complete jaws structures as well as six little legs, plus they often have a defined looking "top" and "bottom" with ridged and wrinkles almost like they got soft armored down their back
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But maggots are weird! They streamlined EVERYTHING down to where they have no legs at all, not even vestigial ones, and their body segments almost evolved towards something like radial symmetry by being the same all the way around!
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Then there's the fact that they sort of lost most of a "head." Not only is there no exoskeletal cranial case (bug skull) to protect it but there are no jaws and never any eyes; there's just a little hole for drinking liquefied food, a pair of tusk-like hooks for gripping surfaces, and a pair of eye-like knobs that are actually chemosensory (noses)
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The weird, tiny walrus-face is totally unique! They don't have any chewing mouthparts because they only need to "drink" the particles of rotting matter they live on, and like adult flies, they help this along by secreting digestive enzymes!
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Maggots also have these very distinct, furry looking bands at every segment, which help them grip surfaces like a tire tread or the sole of a shoe. If you compare this photo with the one above you'll also notice how the segments can retract in and out like a telescope!
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The last special thing about common maggot anatomy is that they are technically semi-aquatic animals, because maggots evolved to be buried head-first completely in their own food as much as possible and rotten corpses are WET. In order to breathe, maggots have a pair of breathing spiracles on their rear ends, which they try to keep exposed to the air!
There are exceptions to all of this, though; there are species that can be fully aquatic, fully terrestrial, herbivorous, parasitic or predatory, and some ancient fly groups (including mosquitoes!) whose larvae still have fully armored heads and even eyes. Everything above is universal to the maggots you find in rotten stuff though, so what most people think of when they hear the term :) When I designed a hybrid human and blowfly maggot for the Mortasheen setting I deliberately made it look like a doofy cartoon Walrus, and I gave its segments large spines that can be seen in some parasitic maggots, including botflies:
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And when I made a maggot character for my webcomic Awful Hospital I designed her like a little spacesuit or a parka (the resemblance to Kenny was an accident)
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Actually I don't think I ever shared this most recent "main artwork" of Maggie. I don't know what idea inspiration any of this might provide but basically a maggot is a prickly living sock with fangs. Or I guess from a design and engineering perspective, a maggot is a biological drill. The tiny end starts a hole, the rest of the body is just a flaring cone perfectly equipped to keep making the hole deeper.
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espighty · 2 months
Alright Espighty,
Tell me of the anatomy of bugs in your au.
I need to know
Ok, SO. In my COTL canon, most creatures actually still have their species-specific breathing systems. Bugs still have spiracles, fish still have gills, etc. They have all evolved to have a psuedo-lung system so they can talk like mammals can, but that's the only function the pseudo-lungs have. The species-specific respiratory systems are what actually get oxygen into the blood.
For instance, Leshy.
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I like to think he has spiracles on his sides like a caterpillar. They're just behind his short extra arms. It's part of why he prefers to wear just a cloak instead of a full outfit. He doesn't really like having to breathe through fabric. (It's just a personal taste thing. Some bugs are ok with it, some aren't.)
This also ties in to why Leshy does the little 'raptor hands' pose all the time. Whenever he's standing still, he will unconsciously hold his arms out of the way of his spiracles. It's a worm mannerism. Most other worms do it too.
Shamura is a bit of a special case, but I ultimately decided to just give them a similar system placement to Leshy.
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They are one of the aforementioned "bugs who do not mind wearing regular clothes".
And then for the fish side of things, Kallamar.
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Aquatic creatures can breathe underwater and on land. However, they do still need some level of moisture. If the gills get too dry, breathing becomes extremely uncomfortable, even painful, and it gets significantly harder to get enough oxygen. It's not necessarily enough to suffocate, but it's very unpleasant and best avoided. Anchordeep had enough dew in the air that aquatic creatures could breathe very easily, but for those that live elsewhere, it's common practice to wrap damp cloth around the gills. Which is why I always draw Kallamar with the scarf. It helps him breathe.
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fafnir19 · 10 months
A swimming lesson
It was another typical day at school, and as usual, I found myself in the crosshairs of Mr. Coachman's disdain. My name is Tristan, and I am what one might call an "unsporty" student. Thin, nerdy, and full of useless facts, I was the kid who always got picked last in gym class. Mr Coachman, a former athlete turned sport and philosophy teacher, had no patience for my know-it-all attitude. He believed that my incessant need to correct everyone was hindering the class and, quite frankly, his sanity. One day, Mr. Coachman approached me after yet another unnecessary correction during PE. He offered me a chance to improve my abysmal grades in sports by taking extra swimming lessons with him. Reluctantly, I agreed, desperate to boost my overall GPA. At our first swimming session, Mr. Coachman handed me a peculiar-looking swimming cap. He claimed it would allow me to hear and see his instructions directly in my head. I thought he was out of his mind, but upon putting on the cap, I realized it actually worked. It was a surreal experience, feeling Mr. Coachman's voice and visual cues echoing in my mind as I swam. The instructions were crystal clear, making it easier to perfect my stroke and improve my technique in record time. Weeks later, Mr. Coachman, noticing my progress, approached me with a new pair of swim goggles. He said they would help me focus better in the pool. Skeptical yet willing to try anything, I put them on and dove in. As soon as the water enveloped me, I felt a heightened sense of concentration. The outside world disappeared, and all that mattered was the water beneath me. Mr. Coachman's voice became a distant echo, guiding me through each stroke and turn. It was as if the goggles had transformed me into a single-minded swimming machine.
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Mr Coachman observed my newfound dedication and satisfaction. I was exhausted from the intense swim training, which left me with no energy to display my usual know-it-all tendencies in class.
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Several weeks later, Mr Coachman's next request gave me pause. He presented me with a slim blue Speedo and promised that it would enhance my speed in the water. There was just one catch—I had to shave off all my body hair. He argued that professional swimmers did it all the time for better speed and reduced resistance. I protested vehemently. "Shave off all my body hair? Are you out of your mind?" I exclaimed, my voice filled with disbelief. Mr Coachman, with a grin on his face, replied, "Of course not, Tristan! It's a small sacrifice in pursuit of greatness. Trust me, you'll thank me later." I crossed my arms stubbornly, determined to resist this outrageous demand. "Absolutely not! I'll wear the Speedo, but I draw the line at shaving my body hair. It's like asking a caterpillar to give up its fuzzy coat!" Mr Coachman's smile didn't falter, and he simply said, "Suit yourself, Tristan. But just remember, the pros do it for a reason." His words lingered in the air as an internal struggle waged within me. The temptation to conform and become the ultimate swimmer clashed with my natural inclination to rebel against such absurdity. In the end, though, curiosity won over. I figured, if I could endure the grueling training and wear these magical swimming items, what harm could a little body hair removal do? With a hesitant sigh, I finally agreed to Mr. Coachman's request. Trudging to the bathroom, I grabbed a razor, examining its gleaming blade with trepidation. As I stood before the mirror, thoughts of caterpillars and metamorphosis floated through my mind. I wondered if shaving off my body hair would truly transform me into a swimming powerhouse. With each stroke of the razor, I felt a mix of excitement and unease. Whiskers and hairs fell, leaving behind smooth, hairless skin. Trapped in my thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder what my friends would say or how they would react when they discovered my newfound aquatic obsession and hairless body. Finally, once all the hair was gone, I took a long look at my smooth reflection. It was a strange sight, almost otherworldly. I felt a mix of vulnerability and exhilaration, like a sea creature shedding its scales and emerging anew. Standing tall in my hairless glory, I slipped into the slim blue Speedo. Ready or not, I was about to dive into the next chapter of this bizarre journey, hoping that my shaved body would indeed prove to be a worthwhile sacrifice in the pursuit of greatness. Emerging from the water for the first time in my stylish Speedo, I had transformed. My physique resembled that of a Greek statue, not an ounce of body fat in sight. I was an athletic swimmer, a force to be reckoned with.
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With my old clothes no longer fitting, Mr. Coachman outfitted me with a tight beige chino and a light blue shirt.
As I squeezed myself into the outfit, I couldn't help but complain about looking like a preppy dork. However, Mr. Coachman assured me that it was all about how I wore the clothes. Skillfully, he rolled up the sleeves of my shirt, unbuttoned the top buttons, and stood back to appraise his handiwork. "Aren't you a handsome devil?" he remarked with a satisfied grin.
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Surprisingly, I found myself thanking him, swallowed by a sense of excitement and self-confidence that I had never experienced before. Something about Mr. Coachman's approval made me feel alive and validated, even if I couldn't pinpoint exactly why I had become so susceptible to his influence. And thus, Mr. Coachman's cunning plan had come to fruition. Those magical swimming accouterments had not only transformed me into a skilled swimmer but also had slowly but surely chipped away at my once-sturdy resistance. When I wore all three items—cap, goggles, and Speedo—I was utterly beholden to his every command, a true embodiment of the "perfect student-athlete" he had envisioned from the onset. Now a member of the swim team, I had gone from a nerdy outcast to a charming and good-looking athlete, the joy of all my teachers. But deep down, I couldn't help but wonder if Mr. Coachman's methods were entirely ethical. Regardless, I was living proof of his success, and the sensation of hearing Mr. Coachman's voice and visualizing his instructions while wearing the cap and goggles had left an indelible mark on my perception of swimming, forever changing the way I experienced the water.
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dragimalsdaydreams · 11 months
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[image ID: several cartoony diagrams and infographics of Melusines from the game Genshin Impact, but re-imagined as nudibranch-like creatures.
the first image is a diagram of a Melusine's basic anatomy. they're shaped like typical nudibranch sea slugs, with a mantle over top a muscular foot. the front half of the body is lifted up, with the rounded head facing forward. a couple of round, antennae-like rhinophores sprout from the head, with the text, "scent and water/air currents provide sense of spatial awareness." a mass of rounded, feathery gills sprout from the back end of the mantle, just above the foot. ocelli/eyespots sit on the head just in front of the rhinophores, with text reading, "wide range of color vision, poor depth perception." five sets of legs are situated underneath the body, with the foot partly hanging over the lower legs. these legs are much like caterpillar prolegs-- chunky and short, hydraulically powered, with cup-like suction grippers. the two front sets of legs are lifted up above the ground, with the lifted half of the body, and have slimmer grippers that look modified for grasping.
a doodle below shows the Melusine walking with all five sets of legs, with text reading, "'rippling' walking motion. they normally walk on just the lower 3 sets, but can use all 5 sets. usually reserved for running." another doodle shows the Melusine swimming flat in the water, with text reading, "legs pull up into body cavity when swimming. foot extends out farther and provides wavelike locomotion."
another doodle shows the Melusine slowly forming around a mechanical gear, with text reading, "Elynas goop clung to 'tokens' over time, leading to current forms."
the next image show a simple doodle of Melusine skin covered by a layer of Hydro particles, with oxygen molecules in the air gathering towards the Hydro. nearby text reads, "Hydro layers over the skin on land, protecting Melusines from desiccation and sun damage, and providing support to their soft bodies. Melusines can also pull oxygen and water from the air through the Hydro layer, breathing and retaining moisture as they would in water."
below that we see a human hand patting a Melusine on the head, with text reading, "the Hydro layer also provides some protection from physical damage. touching a Melusine, one would only feel the cool, smooth, somewhat rubbery surface of the moisture-wicking Hydro layer, rather than the truly moist, slimy skin of the Melusine. this layer can technically be broken, but it's difficult to break the molecular bonds outside of elemental damage."
below that is a doodle of a healthy Melusine on land in Fontaine, then that same Melusine on land anywhere else, laying on the ground dried up and dying. nearby text reads, "this semi-aquatic lifestyle is only possible in Fontaine's heavy Hydro concentration (arguably Watatsumi as well)."
the next image starts with text reading, "Melusines can change their color/patterns, and their language is based in complex color/pattern cues. each Melusine has developed unique color/pattern preference over time, so communication rules/cues vary widely between individuals. (though they've learned to telepathically communicate using common human languages, with Neuvillette's help)." a doodle below that shows two Melusine staring blankly at one another, with text reading, "having a heated argument (they've been completely silent and still for 10 minutes, but their patterns are rapidly shifting)."
a short comic sits below that, starting with text reading, "*early in Sigewinne's career*" Sigewinne-- a light blue Melusine with pink accents, wearing a white nurse's cap-- stands silent, staring into a box at her feet. Wriothesley the human stands nearby, thinking to himself, "Hm, Sigewinne hasn't moved in a while." grabbing Sigewinne's attention, Wriothesley says, "doin' alright there, Sigewinne?" Sigewinne flips through a yellow book with the title, "Human Expressions for Dummies" with a simplified Melusine mascot on the cover. then she turns back to Wriothesley to telepathically yell, "No, I'm not!!!" with angry eyebrows and a cartoonish pulsing vein on her head, created using color patterns on her face. Wriothesley simply replies, "Ah."
the next image shows many different Melusines, with text reading, "Wide variation in body, rhinophore, and gill shape." indeed, some Melusines are thin and tall, others are short and round, while others are stocky and squared-off. some have thin, upturned snouts, while others have short, stubby snouts, or blocky, drooping snouts. some of their rhinophores are thin and straight, or round and curved, or branch/antler-like, or have more pronounced nodes/ridges. some of their gills are bulbous and pointed, or thin and wavy, or feathery, or branch-like, and some Melusine even have extra gills higher up on their bodies. all of these Melusines have different colors and patterns, with text reading, "Melusines can be found in all colors across the spectrum (including colors humans can't see), but individuals usually prefer a few specific colors."
a doodle below shows off Sigewinne's present-day outfit. she's wearing a white nurse's cap tied to her head with a pink bow, on top of a grey wig with a bob cut and curling bangs. a white apron with blue hearts and pink ribbons is tied to her front, with a two-tier cut to allow her front legs to move freely. another white apron with pink and blue bows is tied across to her back, covering most of it. nearby text reads, "no concept of nudity, clothes are just fun accessories. wigs are both exotic accessories, and a way to show kinship with humans."
below that is text reading, "Melusines usually darken their tones outdoors, for extra sun protection." a nearby doodle shows a pale Melusine indoors, then that same Melusine outdoors, her colors visibly darker.
the final image is an edit of a meme, reading, "If a Melusine wore pants, would she wear them like this or like this?" above two drawings of the same Melusine. in the first, the Melusine is wearing jeans cut to fit around her three lower sets of legs and the bottom edge of the foot. in the second, she's wearing jeans cut to fit around the back end of her body and last set of legs, covering the back end of the foot and mantle, and cut around the gills.
end ID]
I swear I had no idea it was nudibranch day yesterday, this was just a happy coincidence LMAO
anyways, I hate how Melusines look in-game, so I decided to make them Actual Slugs b/c that's objectively cuter. obvious nudibranch base design, but I added in some planaria and caterpillar elements for the eyes and legs, respectively. it's a bit goofy, but I'm real happy with how it all turned out <3
also sorry if the Sigewinne comic isn't true to her early career, personality, or her relationship w/ Wrio. we haven't seen her much yet, and tbh I didn't rly care to look into her current lore all that deeply
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I've been dreaming of the Undersea Advisor.
In life, there are many variables to account for. Ah, but variables can be manipulated.
He remakes the world in his image.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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There are several little glass containers, lined up in a neat row, on his work bench. He is the master, and this is his craft: pocket dimensions, each with a different biome bottled.
Here is a lush garden with enchanted roses and caterpillars that blow smoke, and a savanna where miniature beasts race about. A desert with its own oasis--a massive scarab running amok, a regal castle he had painstakingly constructed with a pair of tweezers for a peacock no bigger than his thumb... He had even somehow managed to create a sleek building blinking blue lights and a crumbling chateau overrun with moss and bite-size bats.
His current project is a bowl of salt water, a layer of sand decorated with seaweed and coral at the bottom. He had taken the liberty of tucking fake jewels, a plastic treasure box, and a model of a sunken ship in.
For flair, he chuckles to himself. All that's left is to find proper aquatic specimens to house in it.
From the doorway, Jade adjusts the straps on his backpack, making sure that they're secure, that his supplies are in order. His boots laced, his jacket buttoned, he marches out the door and into the wilderness.
The forest is quiet and without trees but is not devoid of life.
Instead of trunks, there are stems--plump, pillowy, in various shades of white and cream. They are wider at the base and narrower at the head, which gives way to fluted undersides. Gills, Jade knows, a very different kind than those of a merman.
The air is clean and refreshing, lightly washed with spores. Not visible to the naked eye, but at the right refractions of sunlight, Jade can see them dancing into shapes upon the wind.
Circular shadows are cast across the ground, belonging to the caps that tower far above him. Mushrooms--macro-sized--have taken over the feet of the mountain, making it a suitable hideout for his hobbies. Sunlight spills through the cracks between the clustered caps, forming golden pools along the forest floor.
Jade makes a game of hopping upon them, one by one.
It isn't long before he comes upon the stream that cuts through the heart of the wood. A thin and humble little thing, able to be crossed in a single stride of his long legs.
Jade drops his backpack and drops to one knee. He inspects the fresh water up close with a careful eye. It's clear and still at the edges, white and foamy in the center, where it flows the fastest.
His heart leaps when he sees it--a streak of silver darting by.
He kicks off his footwear and rolls his pants up, silently stepping into the stream. Jade is cautious about not splashing, to avoid making noises or movements as that would disturb the wildlife.
He stands there, watching. Waiting, waiting, for that next fish to pass.
He thinks he sees it, a glimmer laid deep in the water. He reaches for it, fingers grazing wetness, but does not complete the grab.
“You like that, don’t you? The feeling of being in control, a life dancing in your palm,” a musical voice rings out. “It grants you security, assuredness.”
His eyes flicker down. His reflection shifts in the churning water, but he can see its mouth moving when his doesn’t.
An obstacle—amusing.
Jade purses his lips into a patient smile. “Oya, does a pixie presume to know those who visit their forest?”
“I am no pixie. In this pool of tears, all is laid bare,” his reflection says, “and given truth.”
“You claim to speak the truth. If that is the case, then you take no issue with divulging sensitive state secrets?” Jade’s smile grows, turning sharp. “To demonstrate your veracity, of course. I do not intend to misuse the information.”
“I know that you lie as easily as you breathe,” the pool replies, “for I have knowledge of only the souls that gaze into me.”
“A shame. I was quite curious about your awe-inspiring powers. Alas, there are limits put on greatness. It appears as though a puddle can never match the ocean in size nor in bounty.”
His reflection is not irked by his needling. “If you wish to take, then you must offer up a piece of yourself of equal value.”
“You have said that I lie as easily as I breathe. Is the word of a liar worth its salt?”
“You must speak truthfully.”
“But if I am a liar, and you have assumed my appearance, does that not, by proxy, make you a liar as well? That means what was uttered earlier is a lie, and I must tell an untruth—which I have already provided.”
The reflection pauses, considering the logic. Slow horror dawns on its expression—stolen from him—and it glowers.
"Liar," the reflection bitterly spits. It vanishes into the frothing waters.
There's a sigh, then the shudder of a release that fills the forest of mushrooms. Something, somewhere, has shattered.
Silver fills the clear stream, coloring it one shiny, metallic shade. Fins and scales bat against his skin. Healthy, plentiful.
Jade plunges an arm elbow-deep, and--
He gasps.
Something latches onto his arm and violently tugs. He's brought face-to-face with his own shocked expression, droplets hissing at him.
The stream, Jade realizes, should not be this deep.
He resists, trying to throw his body weight back, but the force holds tight. The slimy grip tightening like a fist.
He does not to fully relish in the surprise, so rare a feeling for him, before there is another strong pull. Jade falls forward, eyes wide as the water hits him in full.
Slowly, slowly... he finds himself sinking into an abyss.
It's the sea, deep and dark, shrouded by black mist. A ship-shaped shadow looms, at the inky depths--and through holes punched in the hull, undiscovered treasures wink up at him. Chests of forgotten gold and gems, like stars blinking in and out of view.
He dangles, suspended, like a puppet left upon the stage that has closed for the night. The scene, the stands, empty, save for the vague shapes of coral and twisting tendrils of seaweed.
Something shifts among the plants, and Jade tenses, preparing for a fight.
A long shape darts by, and his gaze tracks. The markings on it glow teal, peering through the murk--he recognizes it at once, relaxing.
The name bubbles up and breaks upon the surface of the stream.
His twin circles him, his weaving tail sending Jade's jacket billowing. One is in the body of a human and the other, in their true form.
Floyd wordlessly grins, showing teeth like knives.
Behind him, the shadows swirl--a mess of writhing, squishy limbs and agonized moans. Tentacles, tentacles, painting a canvas with darkness.
A voice calls from somewhere in the void.
Floaty, far away.
"... de....... ade..."
He snaps awake, drawing in a deep gulp of air. As if he had just arisen from a dive.
Jade is seated at his workbench, blanked on either side. "Floyd, Azul..."
"We came as you had instructed, but it appears that now is not a good time," his dorm leader remarks. "You were sleeping like a log when we arrived."
"So I smashed a window with a rock and we let ourselves in!" Floyd declares proudly. Azul casts him a wary look.
"Just so you are aware, I am not to be held accountable for any damages incurred," he says hastily. "It was entirely Floyd's idea--I warned him against it and had him sign a liability form to assume any and all fees, should he ignore my advice and proceed with his ill-advised plot."
"Pfft." Jade chuckles. "My apologies. I must have become so enraptured in my project that I neglected to maintain a proper sleep schedule. The fault is mine, so I will not press charges."
Azul sighs, relieved. "Now, back to the matter at hand. For what reason have you summoned us here today?"
"Ah, that." Jade holds up his fishbowl, beaming. "I wished to share this with you both."
"Mmm, what is it?" Floyd asks, peering into the container. His face comes out the other end of it stretched wide and distorted, like the result of a funhouse mirror. "Looks like just some water to me."
"Another terrarium, I suspect." Azul pushes up his glasses as he surveys the other containers on the work bench "I see, so you've made one each in the image of the dormitories at Night Raven College. This one must be Octavinelle."
He suddenly frowns.
"Wait a minute, what is this?!" Azul thrusts a finger at a round little octopus suctioned to the inside of the bowl. The area around it is clouded with wisps of black.
"Hehehe, looks like Jade was right on the money with this one. That's so you, Azul."
"I-It is NOT!!"
"Really?" Jade's brows lift. "As I recall, you were exactly like this, tears and all, when..."
"AAAAAAAAH, stop, stooooop!! D-Don't say it, I can't bear that!!"
Jade laughs--soft and musical--granting his wailing dorm leader that single mercy. His chest is warm and full, a feeling his lies don't come close to.
I believe I’ve found myself company that is much more entertaining than any world right at my fingertips.
It’s his truth, the only one he has told this entire time.
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fluffle-writes · 3 months
Alien Abduction AU - Species list + info
This is a list of the alien species and traits that I've come up with for some of the TWST characters - I mostly mushed certain animal traits together and built off of that lol. If anyone has any thoughts about my ideas then do feel free to let me know! My askbox is open for messages!
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Hegehog-like aliens with a similar build to caterpillars.
Edonals are a species that is shorter by average, standing at an average height of 4'8-5'6 - although someay be taller or shorter depending on genetics.
They have eight limbs - two to four being used for walking whereas the others function as hands. Their choices on how they use their limbs can be affected by their need or desire to multitask, or the need to have extra stability for whatever reason.
Edonal communities have a mix of diurnal and nocturnal Edonals in order to maintain a smoothly running society that remains active both night and day.
Riddle, Sam
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Trey (Violet-Green Swallow), Rook (Martial Eagle), Crowley (Crow)
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Butterfly or Moth-like aliens with more human-looking limbs and faces.
Mairans have eerily human-like faces and limbs, however they are often far more slender to allow their wings to lift them off of the ground. Their body - besides their wings - is protected by chitinous plating and their mouths actually open up more similarly to mandibles than human mouths.
Some species of Marian may grow soft, fluffy fur on top of their chitinous plating as an adaptation to survive colder climates or to blend in better with their surroundings.
Cater (Orange-Tipped Oakworm Moth), Vil (Mourning Cloak Butterfly), Epel (Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly)
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Fox-like aliens with much shorter, rabbit-like, tails and stronger legs. They are also, on average, much fluffier than normal foxes unless they're adapted specifically for hot environments.
Ace (Red Fox), Kalim (Fennec Fox), Idia (Silver Fox), Ortho (Cybernetic Silver Fox)
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Canine species with a large range of appearances depending on their genetics. 'Thesti' is generally seen as an umbrella term containing many subspecies.
Deuce (Pitbull), Ruggie (Hyena), Jack (Wolf), Sebek (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel), Silver (Saluki)
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Feline aliens with Scorpion tails and chitinous plating in some areas of the body. Lonkat Royalty is made up of those who are similar to Terran 'big cats' - whereas common society and lesser nobles are more similar to either domesticated or 'lesser cats' Such as Cheetahs or Pallas's Cats.
Leona (Lion), Trein (Persian Cat)
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An aquatic species that serves as an umbrella category for many subspecies.
The Chel'ir are the newest species to have joined the galactic union.
Jade, Floyd, Azul
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Malleus, Sebek
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crevicedwelling · 2 years
are there any omnivore arthropods or are they exclusively carnivore or herbivore?
roaches, various beetles, and isopods are the first that come to mind, but there are many, many others!
roaches, for example, are primarily adapted for digesting plant matter with a long digestive tract (termites are just a specialized family of roaches!) but many species love meat. I’ve used my Suriname and B. dubia roaches to eat the flesh off of bones for preservation. in the wild, these roaches would take advantage of carrion and other dead insects—Suriname roaches belong to a genus often found in bat caves, and they’ll spring on any downed sickly bats or fallen pups and eat them alive.
same with isopods! they can be surprisingly predatory things, both cannibalistic and eagerly eating carrion and weakened live animals. this is why any isopod larger than 5mm is a bad choice for a cleanup crew with an arthropod pet—they will devour it as it molts. many aquatic crustaceans like crayfish and crabs also are highly generalist and will pretty much eat any old organic material they can get their claws on.
ground beetles, darkling beetles, and rove beetles span a range from generalists that eat anything to specialists on fungi, plants, or animals. caterpillars can be surprisingly cannibalistic, like corn earworms in which the largest in an ear of corn devours its smaller siblings.
there’s also a lot of bugs that are more specialist carnivores that readily eat fruit, like giant centipedes! Lucinda here loved her bananas. some spiders will eat pollen that gets blown into their webs, and there’s even a species of jumping spider that only eats little nutrient packages it steals from a tree which grew them to feed its personal ant army.
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in insects that molt, there can be a switch from larva to adult! many solitary and social wasps are parasitoids or predators that as larvae feed on other insects caught for them by their mothers (solitary) or siblings (social). when they mature, they mostly drink nectar because most wasps can’t digest solid matter as adults. a similar shift is seen with many flies—mosquitoes are filter-feeding larvae that mature into nectarivorous adults in which females need to take blood to lay eggs, and houseflies or flesh flies that feed on dung or carrion as maggots primarily drink nectar as adults as well.
a fun example of a shift in diet is the click beetles I’ve tried to keep. they feed on rotten wood for the first few weeks of their lives, and after gaining some size start a predatory lifestyle hunting other wood-boring grubs with sickle-shaped mandibles. after they mature, the adult beetles feed on sweet fruits and sap.
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so yes, there’s no simple carnivorous/herbivorous split between arthropods. there are many omnivorous or detritivorous arthropods that typically eat a variety of foods, but more specialized predators or herbivores will also opportunistically meet their nutritional needs. and different lifestyles for larvae and adults mean that the same insect can use very different food sources throughout its lifespan!
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loth-creatures · 1 month
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
Some moths have aquatic caterpillars!
Ask game :)
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
You said I could talk about moths whenever, so have a list of Links as moths. I’m so tired right now, but that doesn’t matter, because it’s mothing time. Just me rambling about moths while slapping some Links onto them based on vibes. Well, I tried to that ha.
Twi - Luna/Moon Moth. The main lime green color of the wings fits so well with the rest of his outfit. Also, moon, night, twilight? Thematic themes is theming. And fun(debatable) fact, Luna moth caterpillars vomit to scare away predators!
Wild - Uropyia meticulodina. They don’t have a common name :( but they are typically called “dead/curly leaf moths,” so I guess that’s the closest thing. They mimic dead leaves, their wings being curled. And when their wings are spread out, they are shown to be quite fluffy. And their antenna look a bit stick-like in my opinion.
Wind - Small emerald moth. Cute little moths, much love, I love for them. There are also very pretty. Their wings are more blue-green than emerald, and they have white cross lines on them. Just look at them, look at them, they make me want to move to England so I can see them. I’m probably hyping them up too much, but I love them.
Wars - Pompelon marginata moth. Also no common name I could find. Closest thing I could find is “day-flying moth,” but that’s not really a nickname. They are beautiful. Their wings are mostly black, with a striking, vibrant blue coloring on the ends. They look more like a butterfly then a moth. They are the only species in their genus, Pompelon.
Time - Imperial moth. The wings are super cool, they are yellow and rusty in color. I don’t have much to say for this sadly, but the wings do look a bit like semi-circles in some pictures I’ve seen, and that’s cool.
Sky - Atlas moth. They are big. They are one of the biggest moths in the world. The tips of their wings look like snakes. They are so cool. They are just super cool what much can I say.
Four - Madagascan sunset moth. They’re super colorful and pretty, butterfly looking ass(positive). They also drink nectar :)
Legend - Rosy maple moth. They are yellow and pink, they are his colors, and they soooo cute. I beg you to look up pictures of them and just scroll, they are so so so cute. According to one website, they are sometimes called flying kittens. I couldn’t find any other site confirming this, but I like the nickname.
Hyrule - Snowberry clearwing moth. They act like hummingbirds and are so cute. They hover when they drink nectar, like hummingbirds. I also love hummingbirds, so I might make a list of the Links as hummingbirds next. They also have a lobster-like body at the end.
Honorable mentions aka moths that almost fit:
Southern pink moth: They look so goofy and kinda ugly, but in a cute way.
Painted lichen moth: They are tiny and poisonous and also really cute.
White witch moth: Supposedly, its name comes from people trying to shoot it, but they couldn’t hit its body, leading to people thinking it was an unkillable witch.
Texas Wasp Moth: They mimic wasps but don’t have any actual stingers, they’re harmless. They’re two hind legs look like stingers, and they are so funny to look at when they are climbing.
White Plume Moth: They’re funny to look at hehe. They have feather-like wings and hold them in a T-shape.
Greater death's head hawkmoth: They are also called bee robbers, since they steal honey from honey bees.
Any aquatic moths: Some moths leave their eggs in/near water, and they have to crawl out and dry their wings. I just couldn’t look at any of them because the caterpillars and stuff started to freak me out unfortunately.
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revenant-coining · 2 months
hi, I really like the aquatic, buggy, and fruity system flags you made, could you make some more? Specificlly for:
- caterpillar
- dragonfly
- butterfly
- grasshopper
- firefly
- mantis
- wasp
- lychee
- grape
- lemon
- starfruit
- dragonfruit
- pomegranate
- mango
- pear
- mangosteen
- octo
- isopod
- nautilus
- eel
Sorry if it's too much
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butterfly (fem/masc/xeno presenting), caterpillar (fem/masc/nonbinary/xeno presenting), dragonfly (masc/nonbinary/xeno presenting), firefly (nonbinary/xeno presenting), grasshopper (masc/xeno presenting), mantis (xenine presenting), & wasp (masc/nonbinary presenting) (coining link) flags!
since there's an image limit the rest will be posted in a bit & linked here: fruit system flags (link) & aquatic system flags (link)!
symbol sources: butterfly (link), caterpillar (link), dragonfly (link), firefly (link), grasshopper (link), mantis (link), & wasp (link)!
tagging; @radiomogai
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@aldamiriel-necrococo submitted: I recently finished up installing a wildlife pond and have been finding these grey caterpillar lookin things with tails in the water! What on earth are they?
Also have been finding a bunch of eggs laid neatly in rows (unfortunately they got messed up here) in the curl of a vertical sagittaria latifolium leaf. Any idea what those could be from?
Also not an ID request, just exciting news that I saw my first damselfly visiting the pond yesterday!
Location is Chicago area in Illinois.
Ohhh wet children. They're rat-tail maggots, which are the aquatic larvae of certain drone flies and hoverflies (family Syrphidae, subfamily Eristalinae). I couldn't say which species at that stage, though. The eggs are fly eggs and they look exactly like what I'd expect the eggs from the rat-tail maggot flies to look like, so likely they're the same species. Hoverflies are great pollinators, so it's a very good thing to find! And hello to the damselfly as well :)
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star-crossed-mid · 11 months
I assign squishmallows to the gods based on vibes
Some of them were easier than others
Leon (self explanatory)
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Scorpio (also self explanatory)
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Teorus = (Pink+ Cow)
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Karno- crab
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Ikky- Fish have rainbow scales, I really like ikky's color themes being a light blue base with colors.
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Huedhaut- This was hard. Gave him the tea bcuz he gives out drinks. The dolphin for some aquatic influence. The caterpillar bcuz it looks like a giant nerd and it would be mean to me for answering a question wrong.
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Partheno- I associate partheno with birds (cuckoos specifically) and feathers. Also pink demon plush
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Aigo- goat(s)
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Dui- Squishmallows sell duo cherry plushes. Also dui gives me the vibe of wendy the frog but only the negative implications
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Zyg- I love that Zyg loves dogs. I also associate Zyglavis with butterflies/birds too or any animal that is super symmetrical.
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Tauxolouve- Horse girl Lou
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MC- I want to make a different post for all the gods+ mc's color schemes. I believe MC would be a light orange or green to fit in with everyone on the color wheel. I also associate MC with goldfish but clotho with butterflies/moths (boom butterfly effect)
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also i had a bunch of Halloween memes planned for spooky season. I love fall, I love autumn its my favorite time of year but gamers I cannot catch a schedule break my Halloween posts are coming out by January at this point 😭😭 my friends just bought me bg3 and im def not being productive now
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jupiterswasphouse · 11 months
Trick or treat!! 👻🫀🍬🎃
Happy halloween! Did you know there are several different species of wasp that are aquatic? Notably, this includes a relatively recently discovered species of wasp called "Microgaster godzilla" (source)! Obviously, this species is named after Godzilla, and is a known parasitoid of Elophila turbata caterpillars
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[Image sourced from: ResearchGate, as uploaded by Kaoru Maeto | Image ID: A collection of photos of a female holotype of Microgaster godzilla, a small black and yellow braconid wasp /End ID.]
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
Most Essential Vocabulary #3
Part 3 of some of the most essential Spanish vocabulary!
This time I decided to go with mostly nouns - animals (minus fish/marine life for the most part), metals, materials, fabrics, and basic weather expressions!
There are always going to be words I miss, but these are some of the most common ones you come across. Though if you’re watching nature documentaries or getting into crafting you might find other words or more specific words than these; still, this is a good baseline for things you’ll come across in everyday Spanish
Los Animales  [Animals]
el perro = dog la perra = dog [f] / bitch [the literal word for “female dog” Spanish-speakers do call their female dogs perra or perrita; but it is also the insult “bitch”]
el gato = cat la gata = cat [f] [again sometimes some unsavory elements to la gata but still very common]
perrito/a = puppy
gatito/a = kitten
el cachorro = puppy, pup el cachorro = pup / baby animal [mammals; it’s not specifically dogs]
el pájaro = bird
el loro = parrot
el lagarto = lizard la lagartija = lizard [small]
la tortuga = turtle / tortoise [large land turtles are sometimes called el galápago like the islands]
la serpiente = snake
el ratón, la rata = mouse / rat [interchangeable at this point]
el erizo = hedgehog
el hurón = ferret
la cobaya = guinea pig [in the medical sense too!] el cuy / el cuyo = guinea pig [South America] el conejillo de Indias = guinea pig [lit. “little rabbit from the Indies”; occasional, but not standard]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
el pez = fish [as opposed to el pescado “fish” which is fish you eat, aka “seafood”]
el reptil = reptile
el ave = bird
el mamífero = mammal
la mascota = pet [and “mascot” for teams]
gruñir = to growl
masticar = to bite
ladrar = to bark
maullar = to meow
arañar = to scratch
lamer = to lick
acariciar = to pet / to caress
Also, not totally necessary unless it is - el sabueso is “hound” while el galgo is “greyhound” or “running dog”
Los Insectos [Insects]
el insecto = insect
el bicho = bug [sometimes means something very different in other countries but it is generally “bug”]
la mariposa = butterfly
la hormiga = ant el hormiguero = anthill
el gusano = worm / maggot
la oruga = caterpillar
el ciempiés = centipede [lit. “hundred feet”, just like what “centipede” means]
la mosca = fly
el mosquito = mosquito
la araña = spider la telaraña = web, spiderweb, cobweb [lit. “spider fabric”]
la abeja = bee la colmena = hive, beehive el panal = honeycomb la reina = queen
el enjambre = swarm
la avispa = wasp
el zángano = drone el obrero, la obrera = worker
la picadura = bug bite / sting
la mantis (religiosa) = (praying) mantis
el escorpión = scorpion el alacrán = scorpion
el caracol = snail
el saltamontes = grasshopper
el grillo = cricket
la langosta = locust [also the word for “lobster”, which is unfortunate]
la cucaracha = cockroach
la pulga = flea
el escarabajo = beetle / scarab
la luciérnaga = firefly, lightning bug
la libélula = dragonfly
la mariquita = ladybug [lit. “little Mary”, because ladybugs are linked to Mary in Christianity in many languages]
I know some of these aren’t technically insects don’t @ me
Las Aves [Birds]
el pájaro = bird
el ave, las aves = bird, birds [technically feminine; umbrella term] (el) ave rapaz, las aves rapaces = birds of prey las aves acuáticas = waterfowl [lit. “aquatic birds”] las aves marinas = seabirds
el águila = eagle [technically feminine] el águila calva = bald eagle
el gorrión = sparrow
la golondrina = swallow
la alondra = lark
el petirrojo = robin
la urraca = magpie
el buitre = vulture
el pájaro carpintero = woodpecker [lit. “carpenter bird”]
la paloma = dove / pigeon
el pavo = turkey
el pavo real = peacock la pava real = peahen
el ganso = goose
el pato / la pata = duck
el pollo = chicken
el gallo = rooster
la gallina = hen
la gaviota = seagull
el cisne = swan
la garza = heron
la grulla = crane
el cuervo = crow
la corneja = raven [but usuallly cuervo; even in literature, Poe’s “The Raven” is El Cuervo]
el búho = owl
la lechuza = owl [the ones with flatter faces; those owls... think Hedwig from HP]
el cucú = cuckoo
el loro = parrot [sometimes el papagayo]
la cotorra = parrot [regional, such as las cotorras de Murcia]
el avestruz = ostrich
el pingüino = penguin
el ala, las alas = wings [technically feminine]
la aleta = flipper
el pico = beak
la garra = talon, claw
la pluma = feather [or “pen”, since it all originally came from the idea of a “quill” which is pluma]
el huevo = egg
el nido = nest
el polluelo = chick, baby bird
Los Animales De la Granja / Domésticos [Farm (Animals) / Domesticated Animals]
el ganado = livestock / cattle
la vaca = cow el toro = bull
el buey = ox
el caballo = horse la yegua =  mare
el establo / la caballeriza = stable, stables
el potro, la potra = foal / colt, filly [baby horse]
el ganso, la gansa = goose
el pollo = chicken el gallo = rooster la gallina = hen
el gallinero = chicken coop
el palomar = pigeon coop
el cerdo, la cerda = pig, sow el puerco, la puerca = pig, sow
el chiquero = sty, pen / pigsty, pigpen 
el corral = corral
el carnero = ram
la oveja = sheep
la cabra = goat
el cordero = lamb el borrego = lamb, yearling
el rebaño = flock (of sheep)
el asno / el burro = donkey
la mula = mule
dar de comer (al animal) = to feed (an animal)
ordeñar = to milk (an animal)
montar = to ride (an animal/bike)
a caballo = on horseback montar a caballo = to ride on a horse, horseback riding
Los Animales Salvajes [Wild Animals]
el lobo, la loba = wolf
el oso, la osa = bear el osenzo / osito/a = bear cub, cub el oso negro = black bear el oso pardo = grizzly bear, brown bear el oso panda / el panda = panda bear el oso polar = polar bear
la serpiente = snake la víbora = viper, venomous snake [poisonous snake, used almost like a generic name]
venenoso/a = poisonous, venomous no venenoso/a = non-venomous, not poisonous
el búfalo = buffalo
el buey, los bueyes = ox, oxen
el bisonte = bison
el jabalí = boar
el mono, la mona = monkey
el simio = ape, simian
el chimpancé = chimpanzee
la gorila = gorilla
el león = lion la leona = lioness
el tigre = tiger la tigresa = tiger [f], tigress
el línce = lynx
el elefante, la elefanta = elephant
la jirafa = giraffe
la cebra = zebra
el cocodrilo = crocodile
el caimán / el aligátor = caiman / alligator [sometimes it has other names that are regional]
el hipopótamo = hippopotamus
el rinoceronte = rhinoceros
el leopardo = leopard
el ciervo, la cierva = deer, stag / deer, doe el venado, la venada = deer, stag / deer, doe
el alce = elk / moose
el reno = reindeer
la ardilla = squirrel
la nutria = otter
el zorro = fox [the female form is la zorra which is “female fox” or “vixen”; also a very mean insult like “bitch”]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
la liebre = hare, rabbit
el mapache = racoon
la comadreja = weasel
el castor = beaver
el canguro = kangaroo [also a slang word for “babysitter”]
la hiena = hyena
el chacal = jackal 
el murciélago = bat
la foca = seal
la morsa = walrus
el delfín = dolphin
la ballena = whale
el asta = antler [technically feminine]
el cuerno = horn
el colmillo = fang el colmillo = tusk [boar, elephant, etc]
el hocico = snout / nose (of an animal)
la garra = claw
la zarpa = claw (feline)
la guarida = lair, den
la madriguera = den, lair, hideout
el depredador = predator
la presa = prey [la presa also means “reservoir” or “dam”]
el macho = male
la hembra = female
salvaje = wild / savage
manso/a = tame
la manada = pack / herd [generally the word for “a group of animals”, so you see it everywhere for animals but the most common example is la manada de lobos “wolf pack”]
Los Metales [Metals]
el metal = metal
metálico/a = metallic
el oro = gold
la plata = silver
el bronce = bronze
el cobre = copper
el plomo = lead
el hierro = iron
el acero = steel
el aluminio = aluminum / aluminium
el zinc / el zinco / el cinco = zinc
el platino = platinum
la lata / el estaño = tin / tinplate / tinfoil [la lata also means “a can” as in food]
el latón = brass
You will also find that el hierro “iron” is used very idiomatically just like in English to mean “strong” such as la Dama de Hierro “Iron Lady” which was the nickname for Margaret Thatcher; or the translation of Xiran Jay Zhao’s book la Viuda de Hierro “Iron Widow”
And many metals or things made out of metal can be called férreo, férrico, or ferroso. A common example is el ferrocarril or la vía férrea for “railroad” or “railway”. 
In etymology, you also see this linked to el herrero, la herrera “smith” or la herrerería “blacksmith” or the metal section of a hardware store; and the word for “hardware store” is sometimes el ferretero 
Additionally, though not metals some general materials:
el carbón = coal el carboncillo = charcoal [charcoal is also el carbón vegetal “plant coal”, el carbón de leña “firewood coal”] 
el papel = paper
el cartón = cardboard
el cristal = crystal / glass [more formal is el vidrio “glass”]
el cuarzo = quartz
el diamante = diamond
el rubí = ruby
la esmeralda = emerald
el zafiro = sapphire
el ópalo = opal
la amatista = amethyst
el topacio = topaz
el ámbar = amber
la joya = jewel
la gema = gem
la perla = pearl
el nácar = nacre, mother-of-pearl
el yeso = gypsum, plaster [also a “cast” for broken bones, which were made out of plaster] el revoque = plaster
la madera = wood
el plástico = plastic
el pegamento = glue, paste
la resina = resin
el ébano = ebony
el marfil = ivory
el mármol = marble
la piedra = stone
la arena = sand
el ladrillo = brick
la arcilla = clay
la arenisca = sandstone
la caliza = limestone la cal = limestone, lime
el granito = granite
el alquitrán = tar
el hueso = bone
la mina = mine
la veta = vein (for metals)
cavar = to dig
forjar = to forge fraguar = to forge [interchangeable; la forja “forge” and la fragua “forge” are also interchangeable]
la aleación = alloy
el crisol = melting pot, crucible
La Tela [Fabric]
la tela = fabric
la fibra = fiber
el hilo = thread / string / yarn
la aguja = needle
la cinta = ribbon
la seda = silk
el algodón = cotton
la lana = wool / yarn
el terciopelo = velvet
el encaje = lace
la red = net, fishnet
el poliéster = polyester
a lunares / de lunares = polkadot, with dots [lit. “with circular”]
a rayas / de rayas = striped, with stripes [lit. “with lines”] de raya fina / de raya diplomática = pinstripe
a cuadros = checkered, gingham, plaid escocés / tartán = plaid [lit. “Scottish”] / tartan cuadriculado/a = checkered [lit. “with little squares”]
la piel = leather [lit. “skin”] el cuero = leather [formal]
el pelo = fur, hair la piel = fur / hide las pieles sintéticas / la piel falsa = faux fur, synthetic fur, fake fur
la gamuza = suede
orgánico/a = organic
artificial = artificial, manmade
sintético/a = synthetic
coser = to sew
cortar = to cut
tejer = to knit
ajustar = to tighten / to adjust
You may find something like un abrigo de piel which would be like a “fur coat”, as opposed to una chaqueta de cuero “leather jacket”, as opposed to a “fur jacket”
The issue here is that la piel is “skin” but it also means “pelt” or “animal hide” [el pellejo is another one] which has fur attached, so depending on the context it could be “leather” or “fur” for materials depending on context
El Tiempo / El Clima [Weather]
el sol = sun
la nube = cloud
la lluvia = rain / rainfall
el aguacero = downpour
el hielo = ice
la nieve = snow la nevada = snowfall
el viento = wind
la ventisca = blizzard
el vendaval = strong wind, gale
el remolino = whirlwind / whirlpool / swirl
el granizo = hail
la tormenta = storm la tormenta eléctrica = thunderstorm la tormenta de arena = sandstorm
la tempestad = big storm
el trueno = thunder
el rayo = lightning bolt
el relámpago = lightning flash
el tornado = tornado
el ciclón = cyclone, tornado
el tifón = typhoon
el monzón = monsoon
el huracán = hurricane
hacer sol = to be sunny soleado/a = sunny
nublar(se) = to be cloudy nublado/a = cloudy
llover = to rain lluvioso/a = rainy
nevar = to snow
granizar = to hail
hacer viento = to be windy
tronar = to thunder / to boom, to be very loud
hacer frío = to be cold (weather)
hacer calor = to be hot (weather)
asomar(se) una tormenta = “for a storm to be brewing”
caer un rayo = for lightning to strike [lit. “for a bolt to fall”]
la estación = season [or “station”]
la primevera = spring de primavera / primaveral = springtime, spring [adj]
el verano = summer de verano / veraniego/a = summertime, summery, summer [adj]
el otoño = autumn, fall de otoño / otoñal = fall, autumn, autumnal [adj]
el invierno = winter de invierno / invernal = winter, wintry [adj]
La Transportación [Transportation]
la transportación = transportation
conducir = to drive [also “to guide” or “to conduct”] manejar = to drive [also sometimes “to manipulate”, or “to work by hand”]
el conductor, la conductora = driver / conducter
el carro = car [general Latin America] el coche = car [Spain and parts of Latin America, still understood] el auto = car [often South America but still understood; short for automóvil “automobile” which is also “self-moving” literally]
la carretera = highway / roadway / motorway [lit. “car-way” or “place for carts”]
la autopista = highway / roadway / motorway  [lit. “car-track” or “road/track for cars]
el camión, la camioneta = truck [regionally dependent [el camión is sometimes “very big truck” like the 18-wheelers, while la camioneta is sometimes a smaller truck that a regular person might drive; all regional but all makes sense]
la furgoneta = van / pick-up truck [regional; large car]
arrancar = to start a car (or machinery) [arrancar is actually “to yank” or “pull up/out”, but with many machines originally having a lever you had to “pull” the word became arrancar for starting machinery]
acelerar = to accelerate, to speed up
decelerar = to decelerate, to slow down
parar = to stop
dar (la/una) vuelta = to turn around / to make a U-turn
dar marcha atrás = to reverse, to drive in reverse retroceder = to go backwards
el autobús, el bus = bus
el taxi = taxi
el avión = plane, airplane
el helicóptero = helicopter
el aeropuerto = airport
el boleto / el billete / el pasaje = ticket (for a plane) [boleto and billete refer to a “slip of paper”, while el pasaje is literally “passage” or “fare”]
el pasajero, la pasajera = passenger
el viajante, la viajante = traveler 
el asiento = seat
la parada = a stop, a layover
el tren = train
la estación de tren = train station
el andén = platform (often for trains)
el ferrocarril = railroad, railway
la vía férrea = railroad, railway, tracks [lit. “iron way”]
el metro = subway, “tube”, metro [short for el metropólitano “metropolitan” which literally  means “inside the city”]
el subterráneo / el subte = subway / “underground” [regional for “subway”, usually Rioplatense Spanish; it’s literally “subterranean” or “underground” which is a basic enough adjective, but here it’s “the underground” as subway slang]
el túnel = tunnel
la bicicleta = bicycle la bici = bike (abbreviation)
la motocicleta = motorcycle la moto = motorcycle / motor bike (abbreviation)
ir = to go irse = to go away, to leave
marchar(se) = to go away
viajar = to travel, to voyage
volver = to return
de ida = one way el/un pasaje de ida = a one way trip/ticket
de vuelta = back / coming back el/un pasaje de vuelta = return trip/ticket
de ida y vuelta = round trip
¡Buen viaje! = “Have a good trip!” / Bon voyage!
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millipedefan · 3 months
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hi!!! <33 lovely moth? you have there :)
fun facts time:
just like butterflies they have a proboscis! which is kinda like a straw? which is a feeding & sucking mouthpart, so yknow it sucks & feeds :) they use it to get nectar out of flowers mostly. that means that they also pollinate some flowers :))
just like with butterflies, some species do not eat as adults, this is bc they only live for like a week after becoming adults & they have food stores left over from being a caterpillar & eating nonstop almost
a moth i currently love a lot is the white witch moth, one of the largest moth species in the world, and i know they arent as pretty as atlas moths, but theyre still gorgeous to me <3 we dont know much about them at all, we dont even know what they look like before reaching adulthood.
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also! there are moths whose caterpillars live under water :) a lot of them are only partially aquatic, they might spend a lot of time above water too, or bring air down with them. my favourite aquatic moths are snout moths, some of which are delightfully stupid looking :)))
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there's also a recently discovered parasitic wasp that lays eggs inside caterpillars, that feed on water plants. it even dives under :) its called the microgaster godzilla
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