#apu artist
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apugharami · 10 months ago
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hika-chachachan · 4 months ago
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Translation says "Käärijä got drunk and gained 15 kgs" (the lasts words are not clear)
Can all the bodyshaming stop already ?
He opened up and told how the last year was so hard on him, he's been honest about his mental health and how he's willing to take better care of himself. The only thing that made it to this shitty headline is his weight and alcohol.
Fck media 🖕
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stickpop · 2 years ago
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akysi · 1 year ago
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I've had a few ref sheets in the works lately, and I got another one done today. :D Even after I decided to add her to Columba's pirate crew, I'd been stumped for a LONG while on what direction to actually take with the design in general and FINALLY I have one that I really like, especially after giving her a more harpy-ish treatment to add more variety to the many bird constellations. Pretty proud of the symbol integration on this one too, some are easier than others! She's the first I've fully completed of this group so things are bound to get tweaked later on, but this is a good start.
The name Apus means "without feet", as apparently these birds were once thought to not have any, and I thought that would fit perfectly into a double peg-leg to match the pirate theme. A bird-of-paradise could be any number of species under that name though, so I've incorporated attributes from several here, particularly the sicklebills and the various species that have those distinct tail feathers, of both the long and curly varieties. Colour wise, she predominantly resembles the ribbon-tailed astrapia.
Columba's crew isn't exactly evil per se, but they have lost their way a bit after losing their former captain and their ship. Apus loves combat, not for the sake of the outcome, but for the act of combat itself. If you were to lose your weapon during a fight with her, she'd gladly give you one of hers just to continue it! She'll also use her long talons to fight with, but only if she has no other weapons left. Hope you like her. :) ------- The constellation symbol for Apus was originally designed by Denis Moskowitz and released to the public domain.
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sweet-star-sketches · 1 year ago
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Rough WIP from March 17th, 2024
whoops guess you're getting a rough design for Apus tonight too lol
The name Apus means "without feet", as apparently these birds were once thought to not have any, and I thought that would fit perfectly into a double peg-leg to match the pirate theme she's got. A bird-of-paradise could be any number of species under that name though, so I've incorporated attributes from several here, particularly the sicklebills and the various species that have those distinct tail feathers, of both the long and curly varieties. I may give her an actual sickle as a secondary weapon too, we'll see!
Even after I decided to add her to Columba's crew, I'd been stumped for a LONG while on what direction to take with the design in general and FINALLY I have one that I really like, especially after giving her the more harpy-ish treatment like Grus's current sketch. Pretty proud of the symbol integration on this one so far too, some are easier than others!
Symbol Design for Apus by Denis Moskowitz
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haltijakapala · 7 months ago
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Next pages will be a full colour spread to celebrate the 99th and 100th pages!!! I'm so excited and Homer is not xD he hates it when I work at the bigger table for some reason :")
But yeah, look forward to something big for the next Avarnight update! I might plot up something else for it too >:3c
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delhe-dalim · 2 years ago
Ok guys, I have AMAZING NEWS!!
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"Illenium: Starfall" the project I was part of as a 2D animator/layout artist along with Apus Studios' amazing team, has been released!!!
You can check it on Youtube! 💖💖
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cakejerry · 2 months ago
Imagine being a korean army btw. And like deeply connecting to these 7 men that share your culture and childhood and sentiment etc. And hearing them blabber on and on for 2 years about how much they can't wait to see you. And they're doing it in your native tongue btw so you're the only one who even UNDERSTANDS them without needing to wait for a proxy. And they're bumping elbows with the president for boosting your country's economy and tourism and preaching about how korea was internationally commended for having the best covid protocols. And then you get a notification on your phone telling you that "your seven" are going to be having that first special moment of meeting eye to eye with an audience of supposed fans.... WITH FUCKASS AMERICANS ACROSS THE OCEAN. FOR 4 NIGHTS. AND YOUR OOMFS ARE GENUINELY CONSIDERING GOING. GOING TO A DIFFERENT CONTINENT WHEN BTS WERE BORN IN YOUR BACKYARD. BECAUSE THEY DECIDED TO BE ABSOLUTE CUCK FAGGOTS AND SELL OUT TO THE FIRST WHORE WHO OFFERED. BECAUSE COVID IS ABOUT WHAT SOME GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL DECIDES AND PUTS ON PAPER INSTEAD OF ACTUAL HUMAN SAFETY, APPARENTLY. 4 NIGHTS. ACTIVELY ENCOURAGING OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL. 4 NIGHTS. FOR "ARMY" THAT DISCOVERED THEM A MONTH AGO AS "THAT KOREAN GROUP" AND KNOW A GRAND TOTAL OF 3 SONGS FROM THEM. 4 NIGHTS. WITH BROKEN MEMORIZED SPEECHES AND AN INTERPRETER WORKING OVERTIME. OH BUT YOU GET AN ONLINE CON, DON'T WORRY. I would've killed myself no shade. But I guess that's what you get for stanning illuminati puppets that completely abandoned their morals, roots and nationality for the sake of money. That's what you get for stanning american cosplayers. Apu picture. American wannabe artists only using korea as an aesthetic. Don't make me laugh. By oh hayoung.
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franki-lew-yo · 7 months ago
Di Lung in Courage the Cowardly Dog is highkey the only time in history where an extremely offensive caricature actually has been a writer/artist just making fun of himself and putting himself into the cartoon he's making.
Which is funny because whenever I think 'offensive racial stereotype from childhood show', he comes to mind but, NOPE. Tim Chi Ly just really loved to play up his own tackyness for his friends and audience, like a Chinese Boomhauer.
The anti-Apu/Toshiaki.
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The Simpsons Ultimate Showdown!
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Homer Simpson TidBit: On May 30, 2003, Homer was made an honorary citizen of Winnipeg, Canada, in recognition of Matt Groening's father Homer Groening, who is believed to be from the Manitoba capital.
Dr. Hibbert TidBit: "The Problem with Apu" initiative up ahead; Harry Shearer, the original voice-actor of Dr. Hibbert replaced in 2021 by Kevin Michael Richardson, criticized the decision of the producers of The Simpsons to select voice-actors basing merely on their skin-color and of the characters they have to portray, describing it as a form of racial segregation and in total contrast to what an actor or voice-actor is supposed to do and be. This decision was criticized even in Japan by mangaka and politician Ken Akamatsu known for his anti-censorship and pro-freedom of artistic and creative expression stances and campaign, describing it as a giant step backward for humanity. Harry Shearer originally didn't want to stop voicing Dr. Hibbert, but was told by his employer that he had to hand over the role. (ripped from wiki again, I need to do 128 of these things and this is hella interesting)
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year ago
Day 15 - A song you like by an artist no longer living
30 days song challenge
Aduh ini lagu sedih bgt, apalagi pas MJ meninggal kayanya sering bgt diputer. Ya gmn ngga sedih org lagunya ttg kematian seseorang. Wkt ibu meninggal aku dengerin lg lagu ini, nangis gaberhenti sakit hati..
Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight Here one day Gone one night. Like a sunset Dying with the rising of the moon Gone too soon..
Nginget2 org yg udah ngga ada jgn lagu sedihnya aja. Ini salah satu lagu MJ fav aku, tentang chynta~. Asalnya mau milih lagu "Man in The Mirror" fuceeekk kata gua teh yg terngiang malah dubbingan si Fluxcup haaaa :( etapi lagu2 blio yg jaman kecil dan remaja jg kusuka bgt sih kaya "Ben", "One Day in Your Life"
Lirik i just cant stop loving you mengandung kebucinan yang HQQ..
Dolores, vocalistnya The Cranberries meninggal duluan dibanding member lainnya hiks. Alhamdulillah pernah liat live perform beliau yg wlpn udah berumur tapi lincah bgt, live vocalnya bagus huhuu. Kulupa waktu itu lagu When you're gone masuk setlist ngga yaa. Lagunya sedih bgt.. Apalagi sepeninggal Dolores
And in the night, I could be helpless I could be lonely, sleeping without you And in the day, everything's complex There's nothing simple when I'm not around you..
Jadi inget setelah pulang nonton The Cranberries kan venue nya jauh di Pantai Carnival, Ancol. Sedangkan kita nginep dirumah temen di Bambu Apus, Jaktim. Mayan kaan.. Disetirin sama pacar sobi gigs ku ya yg rumahnya kuinepin itu, basecamp bgt rumah diatu kalo lg ke Jkt pst mampir mau apapu urusannya. Tes Toefl Jepang, perkonseran, main, cari kerja pasti mampir. Mamanya udah sedeket itu sama kita haha.
Nah balik lg ke sehabis plg dari Ancol itu, slesei jam 2 kayanya belom jalan ke parkiran kan luas bgt ya kek Jiexpo bisa ngabisin wkt ke parkiran doang hiks. Pulang2 nyampe bambu apus kayanya jam 4an, kita ngga tidur nunggu adzan subuh dulu, pacar sobiku suruh nginep sama mamanya haha dipaksa. Nah sambil nunggu subuhan sambil liat TV ada breaking news Amy Winehouse meninggal.. Such a young age huhu.. Wlpn ngga ngikutin lagu2nya, hanya tau lagu Rehab. Tp disayangkan bgt yaa. Sempet ngikutin film dokumenternya blio di TV kabel dulu, hidupnya ya begitulah yaa huhu.
Tadinya mau milih lagu Amy Winehouse.. Taunya Dolores nyusul meninggal bbrp thn kemudian huhu
Lagu yg agak ceria.. Biar ngga sedih bahas org meninggal. Lagu Stars inget bgt ngga masuk setlist, padahal kusukaaa
'N still I have my weaknesses 'N still I have my strengths And still I have my ugliness..
But I-I-I I'll love you just the way you are I'll have you just the way you are I'll take you just the way you are Does anyone love the way they are?
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apugharami · 10 months ago
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atwozstory · 2 years ago
Satyajit Ray: A Pioneer in Indian Cinema
One of the most influential filmmakers of the 20th century was Satyajit Ray,
an Indian director, screenwriter, and author. His works have made a lasting
impression on the history of global cinema, and he has made enormous
contributions to Indian cinema.
Early Life and Career
On May 2, 1921, Satyajit Ray was born in Kolkata, British India.
His mother, Suprabha Ray, was a vocalist, and his father,
Sukumar Ray, was a writer and poet. Early exposure to l
iterature, music, and the arts helped Ray cultivate a keen
aesthetic sensibility. He continued his education by enrolling
at Presidency College in Calcutta and Visva-Bharati University
in Santiniketan, where he first encountered the writings of
Rabindranath Tagore and other notable figures in Bengali literature.
Ray began working as a visualizer for a British advertising agency
in Calcutta after he finished his education. He spent more than ten
years working there, learning vital filmmaking skills that would later
be useful to him in his work as a director.
 Also, he mastered the craft of filmmaking on his own by reading
books and watching movies.
Filmmaking Career
The first film made by Satyajit Ray, Pather Panchali
(Song of the Little Road), based on a book by
Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay, launched his
career as a director in 1955. The movie, which
was made on a tight budget with a mostly
unprofessional cast, is about a little child
growing up in rural Bengal. The movie was
a critical and financial hit and earned
numerous international honors, including
the 1956 Cannes Film Festival's Best Human
Documentary Award.
In what became known as the "Apu Trilogy,"
Ray went on to produce two further movies:
Aparajito (The Unvanquished) in 1956 and
Apur Sansar (The World of Apu) in 1959. 
The trilogy focuses on the life of Apu, a young
man who matures in India after Independence.
Jalsaghar (The Music Room), released in 1958,
Charulata (The Lonely Wife), Nayak (The Hero),
released in 1966, and Ghare-Baire (The House
and the World), released in 1984, are some of
Ray's other well-known movies. His films gained
notoriety for their realism, lyricism, and meticulousness
. He was also a master of visual narrative, making excellent
use of lighting and camera angles.
In addition to being a filmmaker, Ray was also a writer,
composer, and graphic artist. He published a number of
works, including a Feluda-starring detective novella
collection. Together with designing the posters, he also
created the music for his movie.
The impact Satyajit Ray had on Indian cinema is enormous.
His films continue to be praised for their realism, compassion,
and beauty. He is widely considered as the founder of Indian
art cinema. Many modern Indian directors, including Mira Nair,
Deepa Mehta, and Shekhar Kapur, have been influenced by him.
The Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, the Golden Bear
at the Berlin International Film Festival, and the Academy Honorary
Award for Lifetime Achievement are just a few of the countless
international accolades Ray's movies have received. He received
the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honor, posthumously in 1992.
A heart attack and other health issues led to Satyajit Ray's
death on April 23, 1992, at the age of 70.Several of his
admirers and coworkers expressed their sorrow at his
passing, which was a major loss to Indian cinema. Ray
made a significant contribution to Indian cinema, and his
works are still praised for their beauty, compassion, and
realism. By his creative output and the impact he has on
present-day Indian filmmakers, his legacy endures.
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agencyturism · 18 days ago
The Ancient Sanctuary of Kusilluchayoq
Kusilluchayoq, often referred to as the "Temple of the Monkeys," is a hidden Inka site nestled in the outskirts of Cusco. This enigmatic place features intricately carved stone figures, including representations of monkeys and other animals, suggesting its significance in Andean mythology.
The site is believed to have been a sacred space for spiritual ceremonies and meditation. The presence of finely crafted niches and altars indicates that it may have been used for offerings to the Apus, the mountain spirits revered by the Inkas.
For travelers looking to explore beyond the Inka Trail, Kusilluchayoq offers a unique glimpse into the symbolic and artistic traditions of the Inka civilization, surrounded by the mystical energy of the Andes.
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johnny-em · 9 months ago
Ioan Muntean - Apus de soare
Sursă: Ioan Muntean – Apus de soare – Cronopediada grup – Cronopedia Maraton Panorama Literară 2024, iunie Ioan Muntean – Panorama literară, iunie 2024 07. (versuri) ciclul Ghicitori inventate Apus de soare – pseudo-ghicitoare auto-referenţială – Un artist flamboiant, ce pictează pe cer un tablou grandios, Cu culori de foc și nuanțe de purpuriu, un spectacol maiestos. El își desface peria aurie,…
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pemudaafashiononline · 9 months ago
Honor Satyajit Ray's Legacy: Explore Vibrant T-Shirt Designs Inspired by His Cinematic Genius
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Are you a fan of legendary filmmaker Satyajit Ray? Now you can celebrate his timeless legacy with our exclusive, vibrant t-shirt designs, available in both cherry red and navy blue.
Our t-shirts feature a striking graphic of Satyajit Ray in his signature style, holding a vintage camera, symbolizing his iconic presence behind the lens. Surrounding him are dynamic illustrations of beloved characters from his most celebrated films. You'll find Apu from "Pather Panchali," Charu from "Charulata," Feluda from "Sonar Kella," and the whimsical duo Gupi and Bagha from "Gupi Gayen Bagha Bayen," each rendered in vibrant detail that captures the essence of Ray's storytelling.
Encircling Ray and his characters is an artistic typography of his classic film titles. The names "Pather Panchali," "Charulata," "Sonar Kella," "Nayak," "Ghare Baire," and "Gupi Bagha" are elegantly arranged in a vintage font, adding a touch of class and nostalgia to the design.
These t-shirts are more than just a fashion statement; they are a conversation starter and a piece of cinematic history. Whether you choose cherry red or navy blue, the high-contrast colors and detailed graphics ensure that you stand out while showcasing your appreciation for one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.
You can visit our website, www.pemudaa.com, to explore and purchase more Satyajit Ray-themed t-shirts.
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