     the first thing ezra is aware of is the crashing sensation.  his grip on thrawn weakens, && HE STAGGERS FORWARD, looking to the place outside of the ship.  somehow, it’s still stabilised; he can still breathe.  but now, judging by what ezra thinks is going on, well--it looks as if they’ve crashed into another star destroyer.
     he thinks.  it looks a little different.
     but he feels the ship falling, && has no time to think of any differences.  part of him is aware of the purrgil releasing the ship, && then thrawn is released entirely from ezra’s hold as pain spreads through every bit of ezra--it seems as if with the purrgil leaving, the ship’s integrity is breaking, it’s getting harder to breathe--
     everything goes black.
     when ezra comes to, he’s inside a huge amount of debris.  how any of it avoided him, HE’S UNSURE, though he thanks the force silently that he wasn’t destined to die here.  he navigates around the crushed remains of the ship, looking for any survivors--because if there’s more imps out there, then ezra’s a lot to worry about.  but if they’re dead--&&DAMN, he’d like thrawn to be dead, as terrible as it sounds--then it’s one less problem for him.
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     he pushes a door open, wincing as he sees a human’s body crumpled up on the lopsided floor.  he looks like he’s still breathing, though--so ezra approaches.  he’s not DRESSED like an imperial officer--&& closer inspection reveals that this man has a lightsaber.
     HE, KANAN, && AHSOKA WERE NOT ALONE, it seemed.
     ezra tries to shake the man awake, thinking back to a lesson on force healing that ahsoka had once tried to teach him, before it became revealed that a younger ezra bridger didn’t have the patience for it.
     right, right--he had to get this man up && moving.  he had to.
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darkestheir · 6 years
apscondita replied to your post
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laerkeodinsdottir · 6 years
@apscondita answered
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                    [ txt to ⭐️ laerke ⭐️] so… wanna do some irresponsible hiking? 🤔                     [ txt to ⭐️ laerke ⭐️] it’s like regular hiking except there’s more alcohol                     [ txt to ⭐️ laerke ⭐️] I promise we won’t die
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[Text: Assher] I mean I guess if you promise we won’t die….
[Text: Assher] that’ll be a good stretch of the legs. Do you have a place in mind??
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aladyonce-blog · 6 years
‘shh, it was just a nightmare.’ (obviously I had to send something from Dismas)
        “ i’m a-aware of that, dipshit. ”
    audrey’s hands are shaking as she paces back and forth. she wants to ask a thousand questions: why he woke her, why he was in her room at all, but there’s terror thrumming through her veins still and it makes her want to hurt something.
     she thumbs the knife at her side. there’s only her and dismas here and her paranoia is making her want to bolt into the forests. dismas lays a hand on her elbow and it makes her jump, but she cants her head to peer at him.
     the snippets of her dream are lingering on the edges of her mind, but she can’t shape them into actual thoughts for the moment.
         “ . . .y-you’re lucky i like you, or you’d have a knife in your eye for being in my room. ” she tucks her legs up, tipping to rest her cheek against his shoulder. “ don’t say anything. let me just wake up. ”
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isdamned · 6 years
@apscondita | sc
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he’s strangely dressed, even when it comes to the standards of super heroes and villains. floyd isn’t the most low-key of killers when it comes to his costume, but he likes to think he has some semblance of sense in his deadshot uniform.
but the poncho? really? figures that the man is probably a hero come to put an end to this job with the guns that hang on his hips - the ones that glow with something that tells of a higher brand of technology than floyd is used to.
it doesn’t matter. floyd finds the reliable steel of a bullet just as apt for murder as any new, alien tech, and deadshot is the best around when it comes to such things.
‘ the 1800s cosplay convention ended this morning, pal. ’
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luvandcr · 6 years
Are we not devils? [ PROBABLY FROM DISMAS ]
deathless | accepting
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     “ I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, or were, for that matter, ”  luvander says in a calm that borders on dangerous,  “ BUT I AM NO DEVIL.  i’m more than something so base. ”
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motherbuilt-blog · 6 years
               “You’re not fine you’re bleeding- oh god I’m so sorry,” Lou repeats. She reaches into her school bag and grabs a pack of tissues holding one out to him. Looking at him though she changes her mind and grabs two more holding all of them out for Stefan to take.
    She’s distracted and she knows it but she can’t help it there’s college applications, grades, home life, and a nasty stomach bug she can’t shake. Still none of that matters she's just the jerk who runs into strangers.
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     “You didn’t scare me I just got distracted you know my phone, life, and all that shit .” She tells him as if he even cares. She thinks she should probably shut up and leave this poor guy alone. “You can just ignore me- I’m Louisiana I live around here. I promise not to run into you too often- well you know physically anyways.”
@apscondita // continued from (x)
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everyroadends-blog · 6 years
MOVED → apscondita
I’m not a hard man to convince. I’m gonna move Dismas over to my multimuse! I’ll be continuing all my threads from over there from here!
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apscondita replied to your post: SKYBEAN.  so ive been playing breath of the wild...
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SKYBEAN.  i’ll dm u all my hcs but mostly it’s trans girl link bc she’d be a lovely lady knight,,,
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apscondita liked your post “SKYBEAN.  lyric call.”
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     “ I STEAL only what i can’t afford.  && THAT’S EVERYTHING. ”
one jump!  -  aladdin.
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darkestheir · 6 years
@apscondita​ !
     bloody hell, regulus wasn’t sure which way was up anymore. his armored companion groaned nearby, helmet knocked askew by the crash of the stage coach that had been carrying them to his new home.
    the letter sat crumpled in his pockets amongst gold and heirlooms he’d grabbed while packing. a birthright unknown to him, an estate left by a distant relative that would be his and his alone. . .was it really worth this? he had told that damned caretaker to drive slow, to let him get a look at the grounds that would be his, but now he wished he’d told him to be slow because of the state of the old road leading from the manor and the hamlet it overlooked.
     now regulus’s luggage was scattered across the ground and the stagecoach was broken atop him and the knight he’d paid to accompany him in the town before this. and -- and there was someone looking through the wreckage.
     with a pounding head, regulus reached out to push a plank off of himself so he could properly sit up, pausing halfway upright when there was the flash of a blade at his throat. instead of what one might do in this state ( begging for their life, perhaps ), regulus couldn’t help the cocky little smile that touched his face.
         “ i wish this was the first time i could say i’d found myself on this end of a blade, but alas, i’m a man of many enemies. be a kind man and put that away, alright? ”
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