relogioserelogios · 2 years
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The new Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Concept Split-Seconds Chronograph GMT Large Date features a combination of complications first for the ROC collection. The new Caliber 4407 is housed in a futuristic-style case in titanium measuring 43 x 17.4 mm, water resistant up to 50 meters. 💰 170,000 Swiss Francs . O novo Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Concept Split-Seconds Chronograph GMT Large Date exibe uma combinação de complicações inédita para a coleção ROC, cronógrafo split-seconds, GMT e grande data. O novo Calibre 4407 é abrigado em uma caixa de estilo futurista em titânio com dimensões de 43 x 17,4 mm, resistente à água até 50 metros. 💰 170.000 Francos Suíços 📷 @audemarspiguet • • #audemarspiguet #aproc #royaloakconcept #splitsecond #gmtwatch #splitsecondschronograph #audemarspiguetroc #finewatchmaking #hautehorlogerie #relogioserelogios https://www.instagram.com/p/CoiBpKJO04D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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muxas-world · 2 months
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.....The favorite child often times turns out to be the most different from their dad
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dawnleaf37 · 1 year
why did . why did the owner of the marrio heritage posts blog contact and then block me
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destructive-ilya · 2 years
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wandering-unfounded · 1 month
sioc fic go brrr hahahahahhahah
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444names · 2 years
french forenames + brythonic deities + the entire wikipedia article on the list of rulers of wales
Abie Abled Ably Abruter Absouis Acces Acelly Adienine Adochavic Adogillon Adome Aelly Aeri Aerred Afte Allanus Allethern Alsher Alst Amedint Anal Ance Andafab Andetut Andrélic Angs Aniffers Aninge Anoweed Anown Anthrie Ançoine Aphinger Aprin Aproc Aray Arite Arthernus Arthill Ascrince Auddowers Aurnmette Bable Batre Befew Beger Belf Bely Bent Bere Bers Betwen Bledd Bles Blynllydd Bodraf Brarly Bras Brein Briales Brienty Brin Bring Brint Brish Bros Brough Buri Bush Buxen Buxove Cadaricel Caday Cadd Cadedince Cadenry Cadove Cadr Cadric Cadwrce Carawdwal Carine Carly Carn Casguy Cast Cell Cernus Chaver Chenetel Ciddia Cielydd Cien Cittel Clarna Clasgilia Claufate Clogitie Clywgo Cléa Cléath Clémed Clémie Clémyr Cogus Colaill Cons Corgain Cormadfed Coution Criceing Crok Curpentuc Cyndanny Dael Daeth Dafted Dander Ddandoms Dduis Ddured Ddyn Deanorch Dech Decrone Dection Defordin Dehenly Demon Dent Dept Deputions Dermers Dingdoms Diumed Doclast Dowrgaine Drandu Durych Dyfnwald Dyfwr Dyne DynFaws Edethory Edylog Efed Eils Eineviève Einger Einèsed Eporic Erbette Ested Exil Eximette Exis Fabus Faerverme Faliern Febelph Feberien Ffews Fich Figilip Flon Foebruly Foli Folwy Fonad Forawdwys Forwelp Fraw Frens Fris Gail Gainie Garius Gedie Gedine Gent Geoune Gers Gine Ginge Gint Gion Gise Gocédréli Gook Gookel Gords Gorvel Gradfenyr Gred Gremere Grus Grégiocis Gwynly Gélindine Hanus Haëll Heig Heine Heive Hene Hern Hers Hert Hicting Hile Hilywr Hippe Hipt Hoach Hoatch Hown Hugoc Husucim Hyfers Hywes Hywys Iddy Ieucharde Ieude Ieuder Ined Inem Ingdovic Inged Innuell Innydd Iromarche Ithenes Jach Jacidie Jeadfanus Jeas Jeater Jeavets Jecame Jocelyn Jondŵr Josed Jule Jérès Karie Killor Kince Kinch Kinck Kinderry Kindes Kiner Kinglaund Kins Knoton Lain Lane Latter Latut Latutimos Lissa Llywenice Losébarca Luce Léme Macquete Macquetwo Madig Madrown Maimed Mance Mandog Mannus Manuethue Manus Mara Mard Marts Mationt Mech Mectis Meigankno Mennusen Metthed Meuafyn Meuc Meuretus Molle Mons Mors Motertia Muron Muryfnwas Myrn Méliet Nalia Nalles Nartuely Natiove Natopped Natrenie Naum Nawg Neste Nothéo Notrochn Noval Nowel Olia Oliad Onyf Orguis Orieures Ormarn Pariael Paty Pent Pers Peste Peturydd Phiech Plasce Pledd Plind Porth Prientria Prils Prise Priso Prita Pritin Pron Putiocum Ragai Ratives Read Reanden Rech Recheyrn Reilst Reirkeve Remog Reque Rewdws Reximon Rhurey Rhus Rhylative Romicolin Rorfydd Rotain Ruff Rules Rulialod Rulins Rusech Sagn Sagragnis Sambis Sece Seed Seirèsed Seized Seliaeled Seperign Septe Septirely Sermin Sevelp Shig Shim Shiriete Sold Soleaved Souis Sourps Stater Stic Stis Stranevir Subjeangs Suce Suzannuse Sébarle Séven Séveris Talexanex Teis Tewd Thearad Thed Thenry Ther Thern Therta Thorthef Thos Thran Ting Tione Toino Tophimue Torgancle Trette Tric Tried Trin Tuded Twel Tywg Undepor Unknos Uporther Usece Valor Vannwg Vançoings Veds Vern Vidige Vindamile Vium Vius Vive Vortine Wald Walitine Walled Wassylle Wely Whiered Whowin Whowy Wory Yverme Yvolwy Éliallywg Élien Élionia Émerne Étatyl
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damayalquicira · 3 months
El esquema CARAIPER
Dra Deborah Minerva Damayanti Poblano Alquicira.
Modelo útil en la educación en ciencias de la salud para la formación y evaluación de competencias a través de las Actividades Profesionales Confiables (APROC). Se enfoca en las características clave de una actividad profesional confiable, asegura que tanto los docentes como los estudiantes puedan enfocarse en el desarrollo de habilidades críticas, habilidades, destrezas y competencias necesarias en la práctica profesional.
CARAIPER es un acrónimo que representa los siguientes componentes clave de una Actividad Profesional Confiable:
Complejidad: La actividad debe reflejar la complejidad de la práctica profesional.
Autonomía: Se debe evaluar el nivel de autonomía que se espera del estudiante o profesional al realizar la actividad.
Repetibilidad: La actividad debe ser algo que se realiza repetidamente en la práctica profesional.
Aplicabilidad: La actividad debe ser aplicable en múltiples contextos dentro de la profesión.
Integración: La actividad debe integrar varias competencias y conocimientos.
Prueba: La actividad debe poder ser evaluada de manera objetiva.
Evidencia: Debe existir evidencia clara de que la actividad se ha realizado correctamente.
Responsabilidad: La actividad debe implicar una responsabilidad significativa para el profesional.
Para los Docentes
Estructuración del Currículo:
Proporciona un marco claro para diseñar el currículo y las actividades de aprendizaje, asegurando que todos los aspectos críticos de la práctica profesional sean cubiertos.
Evaluación Eficaz:
Facilita la creación de métodos de evaluación que reflejan con precisión las competencias necesarias, permitiendo una evaluación más efectiva y justa.
Orientación en la Enseñanza:
Ayuda a los docentes a enfocarse en áreas específicas de desarrollo de competencias, haciendo que la enseñanza sea más dirigida y efectiva.
Alineación con Estándares Profesionales:
Asegura que la educación esté alineada con los estándares y expectativas de la práctica profesional, manteniendo la relevancia y la calidad del programa educativo.
Mejora Continua:
Proporciona un marco para la retroalimentación y la mejora continua de los métodos de enseñanza y evaluación.
Calidad de la Formación:
Eleva la calidad de la formación al garantizar que los estudiantes adquieran y demuestren competencias clave antes de graduarse.
Preparación para la Práctica:
Prepara a los estudiantes de manera más efectiva para la práctica profesional, aumentando su confianza y competencia al entrar en el campo laboral.
Para los Estudiantes
Claridad en los Objetivos:
Los estudiantes tienen una comprensión clara de lo que se espera de ellos y de las competencias que deben desarrollar.
Permite a los estudiantes autoevaluar su progreso y detectar áreas de mejora de manera proactiva.
Feedback Estructurado:
Facilita la recepción de feedback estructurado y específico, ayudando a los estudiantes a mejorar continuamente.
Preparación Realista:
Prepara a los estudiantes para las demandas reales de la práctica profesional, asegurando que estén listos para desempeñarse de manera autónoma y competente.
Transparencia en la Evaluación:
Promueve la transparencia en el proceso de evaluación, reduciendo la subjetividad y aumentando la equidad.
Confianza en sus Habilidades:
Al saber que han sido evaluados y han demostrado competencia en actividades clave, los estudiantes ganan confianza en sus habilidades y en su capacidad para ejercer profesionalmente.
Mejora en la Calidad de Atención:
Contribuye a la mejora de la calidad de la atención al paciente, ya que los estudiantes se gradúan con habilidades prácticas comprobadas.
El esquema CARAIPER para las Actividades Profesionales Confiables (APROC) es una herramienta poderosa en la educación en ciencias de la salud. Para los docentes, proporciona un marco claro y estructurado para la enseñanza y la evaluación, asegurando que se cubran todas las competencias necesarias de manera efectiva. Para los estudiantes, ofrece una guía clara de las expectativas y les permite desarrollar y demostrar sus habilidades en un entorno controlado antes de enfrentarse a la práctica profesional real. En última instancia, este enfoque mejora la calidad de la formación y la preparación de los futuros profesionales de la salud, beneficiando tanto a los educadores como a los estudiantes.
Durán-Pérez Verónica Daniela, Esquema CARAIPER: una estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje del razonamiento clínico, Educación Médica, Vol 20, Issue 1, 2019, P.p 55-59, ISSN 1575-1813, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edumed.2017.03.016. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1575181317300633
González-Flores, Patricia, & Luna de la Luz, Verónica. (2019). La transformación de la educación médica en el último siglo: innovaciones curriculares y didácticas (parte 1). Investigación en educación médica, 8(30), 95-109. Epub 20 de febrero de 2020.https://doi.org/10.22201/facmed.20075057e.2019.30.18165
Londres Osorio, M. D., Brooks Michel, Y., & Sierra Ortega, N. (2018). Análisis crítico de los esquemas de integración en América Latina y el Caribe . EduSol, 18(62), .
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bb-latvija · 1 year
Latvijas basketbola valstsvienības svinīgā sagaidīšana norisināsies pirmdien, 11.septembrī plkst.17.30 Rīgā, pie Brīvības pieminekļa, informēja Rīgas domes Ārējās komunikācijas nodaļā. Pasākuma rīkotāji aicina līdzjutējus nedoties uz lidostu "Rīga", bet pulcēties pie Brīvības pieminekļa. Precīza informācija par maršrutu Rīgā, pa kuru sportisti no lidostas "Rīga" dosies uz Brīvības pieminekli, tiks sniegta pirmdien. Medijiem foto un video iespēju izmantošana, sagaidot komandas ierašanos lidostā "Rīga", jāpiesaka līdz 11.septembra plkst.10 lidostā "Rīga". Plašsaziņas līdzekļu pārstāvjiem būs iespēja tikties ar valstsvienības spēlētājiem un treneriem pie Brīvības pieminekļa. Dalība pasākumā jāpiesaka līdz 11.septembra plkst.10 Rīgas pašvaldībā. Iekļūšanai mediju zonā tiks izsniegtas aproces. LETA jau ziņoja, ka Rīgas domes Finanšu un administrācijas lietu komiteja atbalstīja 64 267 eiro piešķiršanu komandas svinīgās sagaidīšanas pasākuma organizēšanai. Latvijas vīriešu basketbola izlase ceturtdien Manilā Pasaules kausa finālturnīra pusfinālā par 5. līdz 8.vietu pārspēja Itāliju un meistarsacīkstes noslēgs sestdien ar maču par piekto pozīciju.
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jauniekartupelisi · 1 year
12. Gaitenis
Pirmā augustā rītā es sapakojos, saliku somā visus našķus, parpalas, lādētājus, planšetes utt. un devos uz slimnīcu, nezinot, cik ilgi mani tur paturēs šoreiz. Nebija arī īsti skaidrības, ko ar mani tur darīs. Vienīgā spalvainā sajūta gan bija, ka MRI gribēs taisīt, lai paskatītos, kā manām smadzenēm sokas pēc tām piecām dienām IV dripu un nedēļas steroīdu ripu. Aizkratījos līdz slimnīcai un devos uz savu korpusu iereģistrēties. Tur man pateica, ka esmu nepareizajā ēkā, jāiet uz otru. Aizgāju uz otru ēku, paņēmu rindas kārtas numuriņu un gaidīju. Kad mani izsauca, ievilkos kabinetā ar visām savām parpalām, iedevu papīrus, kuri man bija ārstes iedoti, kad iepriekš mani rakstīja ārā, iedevu personu apliecinošu dokumentu un gaidīju, kad mani iereģistrēs. Tiku atkal pie aproces, kura, joprojām, apstiprināja, ka esmu vīrietis. Slimnīcas darbiniece man jautāja, vai ir kas mainījies personas datos, kopš iepriekšējās ciemošanās. Teicu, lai pārbauda kontaktpersonas tel. nr., jo iepriekšējā reizē, kad mani mēģināja dabūt rokā uz kavēto IV dripu, kontaktpersonu nevarēja sazvanīt. Protams, ka tel. nr. bija pierakstīts kļūdaini, tāpēc arī tur nevienu nevarēja sazvanīt. Izlaboju numuru, tagad piekodināju Danai, ja zvana no “no caller id”, būs jāceļ. Ja zvana no “no caller id”, kamēr es skaitos slimnīcā…nu…gatavojies. Diez vai zvana pateikt, ka man viss ir kārtībā un es sūtu sveicienus.
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Mēģināju pateikt arī to, ka neēdu gaļu un man nevajag dot šļuras vien, jo es varu sakost ēdienu pats. Abas slimnīcas reģistratūras darbinieces tikai nosmējās par man šļuru pretenziju (jā, jo viņām tas nav jāēd) un pateica, ka par gaļas neēšanu man esot jāsaka manā nodaļā. Tikai, kam tieši jāsaka? To man nepateica. Iedeva papīrus un teica, lai eju atpakaļ uz otru māju, braucu uz piekto stāvu un liekos gultiņā. Vēl speciāli noprasīju, vai tiešām uz piekto stāvu (iepriekš bija ceturtais), uz ko man atbildēja, ka esmu ielikts piektajā stāvā.
Aizkātojis atkal atpakaļ uz otru ēku, devos iekšā līdz liftam, uzspiedu podziņu un gaidīju. Pēkšņi, man blakus uzradās daktere, kura pirmajā ciemošanās reizē bija dežurējošā neiroloģe un izteica man aizdomas, ka man varētu būt audzējs. Šoreiz mēs jauki parunājām. Viņa izteica prieku par to, ka izskatos labāk, kustos labāk, ka roka jau ir daudz kustīgāka un vispārīgi par to, ka es esot saņēmies pie viņiem nākt un kaut ko darīt. Atvērās lifta durvis un viņa aicināja mani iekšā, sakot, ka viņa arī braucot turpat. Viņa uzspieda 4. stāva pogu. Ieminējos, ka otrā mājā man teica, ka esmu ielikts 5. stāvā. Uz ko daktere atbildēja: “Nū…nē. Tu joprojām esi pie mums, Tevi turpinās ārstēt tā pati daktere, Tev jābrauc uz 4. stāvu.” Te slimnīcā joprojām ir sajūta, ka viena roka nezina, ko otra dara. Un es kā nesens roku un to trūkuma eksperts varu apstiprināt…tas ir kaitinoši.
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Iegājis savā neiroķirurģijas nodaļā, apstājos pie recepcijas dāmas un smaidīju. Viņa mani pat atcerējās. Tā varētu būt, ja esmu, šķiet, jaunākais pacients visā nodaļā. Man blakus uzradās arī mana ārstējošā daktere, kura šķita priecīga, ka neesmu notinies ar galiem un esmu ieradies kā bija norunāts. Izrunājāmies, kā man sokas, kā jūtos utt. Teicu, ka ir labāk…daudz labāk. Pacilāju rociņu, nolasīju apkārt redzamos tekstus utt. Viss baigi forši. Daktere saka, ka esmu atpakaļ savā mīļajā 13. palātā, uz ko reģistratūras dāma atbild, ka…13. palātā nav vietas. Daktere saka, ka šodien tur viens džentelmenis rakstīšoties ārā, es iešot viņa vietā. Saka, lai es pagaidām pasēžu tepat gaitenī. Nu, labi. Iekārtojos krēslā, noliku parpaliņas blakus un sēžu.
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Pēc kādām 40 minūtēm nesa brokastis. Es nezinu, kas bija brokastīs, jo tos, kuri sēž gaitenī, nebaro un, pa lielam, vispār ignorē. Turpināju sēdēt. Vēl pēc divām stundām gaiteņa krēslā, pie manis pienāca reģistratūras dāma un tā mazliet žēli teica, ka man joprojām neesot gulta un, ja es neaizklīstot pavisam tālu, es varot iet kaut kur pastaigāt vai ko tml. Uzmetu plecā somas un devos ārā. Svaigs gaiss un tā. Apsēdos slimnīcas teritorijā uz soliņa, pagāja kādas 3-4 minūtes un sāka līt. Vilkos atpakaļ uz savu gaiteni un krēslu.
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Kādu pusstundu vēlāk, pie manis pienāca medmāsa un teica, ka likšot man katetru, jo es tomēr šodien tikšot uz MRI. Iegāju pie viņas kabinetā (jo palātas un gultas man joprojām nav), uzliku roku uz galda un gaidīju dūrienu. Māsa pateica, ka dikti negribētu durt elkoņa locītavā, jo, ja nu kaut kas noiet greizi un es nolaužot katetru. Nu, paldies, tāda paranoja, ka tā adata/truba nolūzīs un…paliks manā vēnā(?) man vēl nebija. Tagad ir…Viņa tur pētīja un bakstīja manu roku, līdz saprata, ka sakarīgākā vieta, kur iedurt katetru ir…elkoņa locītavā. Super! Iedūra, ielika katetru, notestēja katetru, viss forši, ej sēdi gaitenī un gaidi, kad sauks uz MRI. Sēdēju gaitenī, baidoties kustināt roku, lai katetra nenolūztu un gaidīju savu MRI kārtu.
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drevmnotnap · 2 years
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song-system · 4 years
2020 Has Forever Changed Me
I will now forever look at years as seasons on a tv show called EARTH
I have participated in 14 seasons of this accursed show
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thefoulbeast · 2 years
smagai zemei vieglas smiltis aproc mani ar akmeņiem, ar dzelzbetona plāksnēm.
aproc tā, lai šaubu nav, ka tur arī palikšu.
pie jūras, zem kāpām, ļauj kaijām knābāt manu kapakmeni
smaga zeme, vieglas smiltis. paliek grūtāk un grūtāk visu nest, dienas kā oļi krājas kaudzēs, grēdās.
dzīve kā karjers - māls un akmens, dolomīts un ģipsis.
veros pāri kraujas malai - vējš nes smiltis pār smiltīm pār dzelzs rūdas zemi.
aproc mani tepat, tieši šeit, kur starp rītu un dienu iespiežas naža asmens gals.
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gothamradiokid · 3 years
Breaking news
It seems that my predictions were correct, I knew that on December 2 Two Face would rob the biggest bank in Gotham City, so Mr. Dent decided that it would be better to rob the first of December.
I usually stay away from the crimes scenes st the moment but this time was different I was there getting money for buying Led lights for my boyfriends costume and to repair my guitar, but then I was in a living hell, when I saw Two face gang enter the bank I knew I shouldn't do anything brave so I hide; These few minutes felt like hours and I couldn't control myself but falling in Panic!, finally Red Robin enter the scene Two face active two bombs, I was deaf for a little while and my heart couldn't control itself and when I recover my senses the building was falling apart and there was fire and I didn't know what to do but then I saw biggest problems, a electricity box that controlled the building's gas was having a lack of electricity, that could explote more things than a building, hiding I tried to reach the electricity box I didn't even know how I reach it but I did it, I tried to repair it yet my efforts were stopped by a thug despite living here, had never been pointed with a gun but I always carry Pepper spray, I had to use it and put my life at risk but it was my only option after I tried to submit to this guy of almost 6'2 feet so I hit him with a piece of wall.
Anyway I kind of repair the electricity box, then I heard another gun shot and then his scream...Red Robin got shot by Two face, and he was aprocing him I was approximately 60 meters away from them I couldn't help Red Robin even if I wanted to so I had to sacrifice a little bit, some my plan was "separated the gas form the electricity box and make a overdrive, I plan to throw the box at In the light of the building making the light to explote this distraction helped Red Robin to stand so he take down some more thugs, after this little explosion I want sure if what happened, I can remember I was thinking something I am almost sure it was "Make a wish when your childhood dies, Count to seventeen and close your eyes, Love won't stop this bomb, bomb" Wich it's my favorite song.
When I looked around I saw Two face itself, maube I was scared or he it's just way bigger than I thought well you can't compare a 5'1girl(157cm with a 6.06ft (185cm grow man) he was distracted looking for his guns, bad for me or good those items where near me so I stand and kick the weapons of course this wasn't the best idea, so I guess he wanted to become the patron saint of switchblades and took out a blade and grab me; really I tried everything but I'm not strong, not even a bit and he out the blade near my neck he Throw his coin, at that moment I knew that the coin was going to land in a bad result for me but, so I hit him well in his well... private parts, but finally Batman kicked Two face in the back yet that kick made the blade to cut a little but of my neck, by just a little I mean the blade was buried in my throat Red Robin attend me, Batman was subjecting Dent, he knew that he got one of his pistols shoot in the same direction where Red Robin and I we where, when Red Robin I moved to avoid the shot, the bullet still hit my left lung, I pass away...
When I woke up I was at the hospital with my family, and I was so happy to be alive, of course I got grounded for putting my life in risk.
Thank God, Red Robin, some hostage, thugs and Two Face are safe and this man was arrested for intentional homicide, robbery, possession of illegal weapons, violence, etc.
This stays as lesson to me, in the hospital with a cut in my throat, many contusions and a Perforated lung, hopefully in 8-10 weeks I can go home, so In conclusion Mr. @twofacedcriminal you own me a bagel... No wait better Two bagels
This is Robin Falcone singing off in intensive care
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comregras · 5 years
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APROCES Acusa ME De Permitir Ultrapassagens No Grupo 420 – Economia E Contabilidade
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nighty-night-nh · 5 years
Me: *wants to be actual friends with one of my mutuals here*
Her: *is cool,talented, way the hell houta my league, will probably think im trin'a scam her out of some free art and probably already thinks im weird*
Me: ill just be in my corner neverminddontlookatmeplsimshy
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storymaker-14 · 3 years
Our Weird Love
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Word count: 1159
Kageyma x FEM! y/n
Pov: you
Hey guys! This is part 2 to Kageyma x FEM! y/n, hope you like it!
Part 1 is here.
Into: When you get to the gym where Karosuno was having their practice math with Nekoma you start to feel uneasy and wonder “What if they don’t like me and ask me to leave?” but you shake the thought out of your head when Suga calls you over and ask you to spike one of his sets.
As I walked over the butterflies in my belly were going crazy. It didn’t help that Nekoma was just looking at me and talking. “Hey suga, what's up?” sugas warm smile helped ease my nerves. “Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could spike a set for me? Your spikes are always good practice!” This brings me back to a time when I was a player for my former team. I will admit when they ask me to spike for them it always seems to lift my mood up, which makes me wonder if Suga noticed how uneasy I was and called me to spike for him to calm me down. And if he did I wouldn’t be surprised, just glad he did. After hitting a few of Suga spike I notice that Nekoma had been watching me much closer than they were before. “Hey Suga. . I think I’m gonna go back to watch.” I saw Suga’s smile drop for a bit but then he picked it back up, “sure cya y/n!” he waved as I walked away. And just like that the match started, Nekoma was ahead of them by 2 points at the beginning but Karasuno got those points back not too soon after. It went like this for a little bit until Nekoma started gaining more and more points over karasuno. But just like that Karasuno lost the game I was kinda sad but I mostly understood what had happened. Daichi had told me about them and how they analyzed their opponents. I found it hard to believe at first but now that I've seen it for myself I understand what he meant now. “Let's go again!” I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hinata demanding a rematch which made me laugh a bit. I looked for Kageyama but he was right in front of me bowing which surprised me the most and kinda got me flustered, “I’m sorry we lost. We will beat them next time.” I wasn’t too sure what to say but I thought the best aproce would be to just lay my hand on his head and say, “I’m sure you will. Now go and win for e Kags!” for some reason I wasn’t shy or flustered. I was more happy that Kageyma was being foreword I guess. I wasn’t too sure why though. The room went kinda silent after I said that, which made me panic a bit, but Kagyema rose after that, nodded and went back to the rest of the team. And just like that another game started. I was distracted by Kiyoko tapping memon the shoulder, “Y/n, thank you.” I turned to face her and just tilted my head. “Huh, why?” she then smiled at me , “What you did for Kageyma, you seemed to have done for all of them. They seemed to have been up-set about the loss but their moods were boosted after you said that.” I was confused until I started noticing it. They were trying harder, even harder than they were before. But I wonder was it really because of me? I just kept watching them until they barely won the game. I was happy for the win and so were they. I went over to Kageyma first “good job kags! I knew you all could do it!” he didn’t say anything for a bit but just looked at me surprised “t-thanks.” I saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi whisper something to each other. I guess Kageyama did too because he turned around and started yelling at them while I just laughed. ‘Did you see me y/n?! I scored the last point! I did good right?!” I didn’t get a chance to laugh because Hinita was right there jumping all around me talking about the game. “Ya you did great Shoyo!” The rest of the team came together to talk about the game as we all left.
“You coming y/n?” I looked over at Yamaguchi and Tsukishima who were standing by the door, I smiled and waved for them to go on without me “I’ll be there soon!” I saw Yamaguchi smile and walk off with Tsukishima. I continued to gather my things when I left someone hovering over me. “Your y/n correct?” I looked up it was one of the Nekoma players. “Uh, ya do you need something?” I tried my best to show I was’ intimidated even though I kinda was. He wasn’t smiling but had just a kinda blank face. “I’m Kuroo, sorry to interrupt you packing up but could we talk for a bit?” I didn’t know what he wanted to talk about, “sure?” I stood up and followed him outside the gym. “Are you Kageymas girlfriend?” I was stunned by his brod question. “Eh-” I just stood there blank faced. “I have never seen him go up to one person alone and apologize for a loss. And no one reacted that way when he apologized.” He was being serious. “I-I’m not his girlfriend. We're just close I guess.” That wasn’t a lie, I feel like I go to him for most things nowadays. Kuroo just tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow, “alright then I have to go so cya around y/n '' he patted my head as he walked away which sent shivers down my spine. I went back to the gym and kept packing up. When I had finished I left and saw everyone waiting for me by the bus. “Hey y/n! What took you so long?” I just gave Noya a blank, slightly annoyed face, “I was packing up, but sorry for making you guys wait.” I got on the Bus and sat in the back with Kageyama and Hinata. We started driving hoping Hinata would’ throw up again but if he did it wouldn’t be on me or Kags. We were both just in the corner huddled together. Being so close to Kageyma made my heart pond. Our hands were so close. I wanted to hold his hand but I also didn’t want to be weird so I just looked away sadly. “Tch.” I heard Kageyma but right before I could look at him he grabbed my hand. I just stated where I was as I felt my face get hot. And we stayed like that for the rest of the ride back.
Hope you guys enjoyed <3
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