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manonsblackbeak · 7 years ago
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Crying over the fact that I had to miss today’s @piercebrownofficial signing and panel because of work. I’m much sad on this Sunday night so I’m drowning myself in a hopefully feel-good book, Openly Straight by @konigsbergbill ✨ #aprilbookstagram18 day 22: shelfie sunday 📚
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thereaderbee · 7 years ago
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☂️ Happy Wednesday, Bookworms!! ☂️ - Qotd: Have you bought any new books lately?? - Yesterday was new release Tuesday, and I added a few new books to my collection, including *Starry Eyes* by Jenn Bennett, which I’ve already started and am enjoying, and *Defy the Worlds* by Claudia Gray. I still need to start the first book in this series, but I am hoping to do that this month as well. 🤓 What new books have you purchased recently?? - We are officially halfway through the week! Are you having a good one?? Are you ready for the weekend?? I’m so not ready for this week to be over. Though we didn’t have big plans, and it’s been kind of crazy so far, I’m really enjoying our Spring Break! ☺️ - - 📚 Metallic Spines. #AlltheBooksApril 📚 Library vs. Bookstore. #aprilinbooks18 📚 Flowers. #aprilbookstagram18 - - ☂️ Sooo, what new books have you added to your collection lately?? ☂️ And, how’s your week going so far?? - - #bookphotochallenge #bookphoto #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #bookstack #yabooks #currentlyreading #happywednesday #newbook
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herbookishthings · 7 years ago
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What’s one book on your TBR you really need to read? I have so many and this is one! I’m so excited to read it. . Day 7 of #aprilbookstagram18 - author you admire! I love al of these ladies 🙌 . . . #yalit #bookstagramfeatures #bookishfeatures #bibliophile #bookstack #isleofbloodandstone #makiialucier #thequeensrising #thewinnerscurse #wonderwoman #heartofbetrayal #leighbardugo
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neverbythebook · 7 years ago
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Did you ever read that kids’ book The Best-Loved Bear? Where kids bring their teddies to class for a competition and the one that’s falling apart wins because it’s obviously been loved to pieces? My copies of Harry Potter are the best-loved books in my collection. I’ve had to buy multiple replacements because of issues like this. Thank goodness for second-hand book sales! Are any of your books battered from constant attention? Day 3: #Ampersand2018: Delicate #IAmSweetApril: Fave fantasy #AprilInBooks18: Book set in another country #AllTheBooksApril: Book you’d #buddyread #ACourtOfPrintAndLove: Fave squad #AprilBookstagram18: Made you laugh #BookishHashtags18: #flatlay 3 Apr 2018.‬ . . . . . . #harrypotter #openbook #bloomsbury #orderofthephoenix #gobletoffire #igreads #bookishfeatures #bookporn #aussiereaders #bookstagram #bookish #instaread #booknerdigans #booksofinsta #bookstagrammer
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hellostacee · 7 years ago
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“Our tricks might appear sweet, but I promise they are not treats. Are you brave enough to survive? Perhaps you’ll be another who loses their heart and their head to my midnight minstrel show. Only you can decide.” ➸ So I started this gorgeous thing last night and I was immediately captivated, laughing, swooning, and grinning like a loon. I’m so happy to be back with my lovelies and in the middle of so much murdery goodness. I made myself stop after 100 pages to try and make it last, but I’ll definitely be finishing it this weekend, if not tonight. ➸ Huge thanks to @jimmypattersonbooks for making my year and sending me an arc. ➸ Day 19 #aprilbookstagram18: favorite trope #fearyournovelapril: sail away #aprilinbooks18: latest book mail Day 20 #allthebooksapril: squad goals ➸ ➸ ➸ Do you like to devour a book you’re loving or savor it? ➸ ➸ ➸ {#EscapingFromHoudini #KerriManiscalco #bibliophile #bookstagram #vscobooks #itsnothoardingitsbooks #booktography #bookoftheday #booksandtea #flatlaytoday #bookaesthetic}
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hopeful125 · 7 years ago
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I finally finished Catherynne Valente’s Fairyland series this week and I absolutely adore these rip roaring adventures with September, El, Saturday, and all the rest! • Plus her new release, Space Opera, is on its way so I can dive into that one too! • • • Day 12 of #aprilbookstagram18 • Adventure • • #thegirlwhocircumnavigatedfairylandinashipofherownmaking #thegirlwhoracedfairylandallthewayhome #theboywholostfairyland #thegirlwhofellbeneathfairylandandledtherevelsthere #thegirlwhosoaredoverfairylandandcutthemoonintwo #catherynnemvalente #childrensbooks #fiction #bookish #booklove #bookblogger #bookstagram #bookstagrammer
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mysnarkyself · 7 years ago
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If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell. - Virgil, The Aeneid⠀ ~⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It‘s #WorldBookDay today 😁⠀ ~⠀ ~⠀⠀⠀ 🌷Wisdom #AllTheBooksApril⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌷 Balls & Gowns - I don‘t have alot of books with balls and gowns.#AprilBookstagram18⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌷Fav book title font #AprilInBooks18⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #bookish #bookworm #booknerd #booklover #bookcover
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bentchbites · 7 years ago
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April Bookstagram Day 25 The Henchmen of Zenda by K. J. Charles • This is my official [#latepost] entry for #fearyournovelapril : #WaitingOnWednesday, and it's waiting-on-wedenesday for YOU, not me, bec what I have here is the ARC! *insert evil laugh here* • This is my first KJ Charles book and I haven't read the original Prisoner of Zenda, so I dove into this with zero expectations. It was glorious! the author described it as a 'pulp adventure with strong romantic elements', and that's pretty accurate! I loved the cheeky narration and the pacing was just right for me. This is also my first historical fiction in a long while and I am glad I chose a #classicsqueered , swashbuckling title. The swordfight scenes are on point and my favorite aspect of this is the on-going mystery of where these people's loyalties lie. It also doesn't hurt that the sex scenes, oh my god ~that scene!~, are brilliantly written! That's all I'm gonna say at this point bec I fear I'll spill out spoilers in my excitement. • I meant only to start this so I could have enough time to prepare a review before publication, but it cured my reading slump! If you love crossing and double-crossing, delicious banter, and satisfying endgames to politics and romance, YOU DEFINITELY HAVE TO READ THIS! • #aprilbookstagram18: Book Quote: " "I don't need fidelity, or adoration, or extravagant vows. Those are all will-o'-the-wisps. Whereas good manners require effort." And so we rode on, talking for all the world as though we were not two murderes in the process of committing treason at a funeral, and I can only say, that is what Ruritania and Rupert Hentzau do to a man." • It comes out May 15th, on Amazon (and I believe everywhere else, too! :) ) . . . . . . . . #bookstagram #bibliophile #booknerdPH #bookworm #instabooks #bookish #pulpfiction #historicalfiction #kindlebooks #zenda #swordfight #lgbt #queerfic #kjcharles #IGreads
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novelnoviceya · 7 years ago
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The release date for ACOFAS is getting closer, and I am getting excited to return to Prythian. 🌠 . . What upcoming releases are you excited about? . . Feyre & Rhysand magnetic bookmarks from @dreamyandco - NOVEL10 to save! . . #BookstagramReadsApril - Fictional Forest // #AprilBookstagram18 - Ooh La La Romance . . #WaitingOnWednesday #acomaf #feysand #feyre #rhysand #Prythian #bookgram #bookflatlay #sarahjmaas #acotarseries #booknerdlife #openbook
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libraryinthecountry · 7 years ago
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GUYS. SEND HELP. ⠀ I finished The Mortal Instruments (for the first time, mind you) today and I am NOT okay. Every part of me is dead besides my full heart. ⠀ Really though, I didn’t expect to feel so strongly about the end of this series as I did. I mean, The Infernal Devices was one thing (because, Will) but this broke me into even smaller pieces. I swear, the last chapters were filled with intermittent tear filled moments. I cried over Church, for goodness sake (reunited, at last!) and basically every mention of Will or Simon. ⠀ I cannot get over how Clare has so brilliantly crafted each of her series together. It makes me feel as though everything has come (or rather, is coming) full circle. ⠀ I’ve come to adore Emma and Jules already and cannot wait to begin their story, but first I am working through The Bane Chronicles (I’m already about halfway through!) and then Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy (Simon!). ⠀ Initially, I had thought I would take a break from the world of Shadowhunters to read some other stuff before moving on but I’m not even sure that’s possible now. I’m ready to be shattered apart even more. ⠀ What is a series you waited forever to start that gave you all. the. feels? ⠀ #AprilInBooks18 #AllTheBooksApril #AprilBookstagram18 ⠀ #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookphotography #bibliophile #booklover #bookaddict #instareads #bookblogger #bookish #beautifulbooks #booktag #prettybooks #goodreads #bookstack #stacksaturday #shadowhunters #fantasybooks #yabooks #cassandraclare #themortalinstruments #theinfernaldevices #thedarkartifices #thebanechronicles #talesfromtheshadowhunteracademy (at Nevada)
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manonsblackbeak · 7 years ago
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No matter what, Harry Potter will always be there for me when I don’t know what to read. There’s always something new to discover. 🧡 Who are YOUR bookish besties? 👭 Day 6 of #aprilbookstagram18: book bffs; of course it’s the golden trio 💛
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thereaderbee · 7 years ago
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☂️ Happy Wednesday, Bookworms!! ☂️ - Qotd: Do you have any pets?? If so, tell me a little about them!! - Today is another National Day, and this one is all about Pets!! I have two dogs and two cats, and the one pictured above is my little camera hog. ☺️ Her name is Lizzie Bennett, named after my most favorite Jane Austen character. I also have another cat named Mr. Darcy, and my two dogs are Molly and Lucy. Do you have any pets?? - It’s officially Wednesday, and we’ve made it halfway to the weekend! How has your week been treating you?? Are you reading anything really great?? I’m hoping to start *Crown of Midnight* today, and I’m super excited to get started on it. What are you reading?? - - 📚 Book and Pet. #AlltheBooksApril 📚 Favorite Underrated Book. #aprilinbooks18 📚 Pastel Colors. #aprilbookstagram18 - - ☂️ So, do you have any pets?? If so, tell me a little about them! ☂️ And, what are you currently reading? (Or read so far this week?) - - Have a great Wednesday!! - - #bookphotochallenge #bookphoto #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #yabooks #flatlay #catsofinstagram #sarahjmaas #currentlyreading
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herbookishthings · 7 years ago
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Who is your favorite book companion (pet or pet-like)? I loved all of the ones from this series! . . . #aprilbookstagram18 #onedarkthrone #threedarkcrowns #kendareblake #booksandtea #flatlay #bookstagrammer #booklove #reader
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neverbythebook · 7 years ago
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Ahhhh, my precious. I read 10.5 books this month (I’m very nearly finished Jane Eyre)! I still need to film my wrap-up video for my #BookTube channel but I’ve been super busy with some other projects so I’m hoping to get to that tomorrow. What were your favourites this month? Mine were The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (a reread), and what I’ve read of Jane Eyre. Day 30: #Ampersand2018, #IAmSweetApril, #AprilInBooks18, #AllTheBooksApril, #RadBabesReadApril, #ReadGushMerch18, #BookReadHappyHour, #FangirlingInApril, #FearYourNovelApril, #AprilBookstagram18, #BookishHashtags18: Wrap-up 30 Apr 2018.‬ . . . . . . #igreads #bookishfeatures #bookporn #aussiereaders #bookstagram #bookish #bookstagrammer #shelfie #bookshelves #classics #bookspinebeauty
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jafinkreviews-blog · 7 years ago
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⁉️#qotd: What was your favourite read of April? • I managed to read 5 books this month (wooo!) not including my re-listen of A Darker Shade of Magic by @veschwab (as amazing as ever) and a re-read of Shadow and Bone by @lbardugo (which was also just as good the second time around). Tackling the #theunreadshelfproject2018, one month at a time! • ✨Here’s A of JAF’s April Wrap-up!✨ 📕The Serpent King by @jeffzentner - 🐲🐲🐲🐲.5/5 (review available!) 📔 Blood of a Thousand Stars by @rhodabee - 🐲🐲🐲/5 📗Herding Cats by @sarahandersencomics - 🐲🐲🐲/5 📘Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills - 🐲🐲🐲/5 📙 Shadowcaster by @cindachima - 🐲🐲🐲🐲/5 (mini review in previous post) • 📚Bookstagram Challenges: #ampersand2018 @commasandampersands #allthebooksapril @thereaderbee @loriimagination #aprilbookstagram18 @book_junkee @reverieandink @erinsummerill #aprilinbooks18 @bookisglee #fantasychezspring @chezmelodie @queen.of.fantasy (at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
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eunlya · 7 years ago
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More Than We Can Tell is told from two perspectives. Rev and Emma. They randomly meet in their neighborhood... I really enjoyed the interactions between Rev and Emma. They were both shy, awkward people but they could open up to each other and support each other. It's about pain and loss and healing and happiness. It's so good and highly recommended 😀 . I really enjoyed Kemmerer's book and I would recommend reading the duology... just because they're both so good 😍😍 Letter to The Lost & More Than We Can Tell. . “No one lives in a vacuum. Our actions have an impact on everyone around us. Sometimes without us even realizing it.” . GR: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 . #allthebooksapril |Cover Love| #aprilbookstagram18 |Book & Mug| . #bookchallenge #bookishfeatures #bookfeaturepage #bookstagramfeature  #bookrecommendations #funread #bookreview #bookstagramindonesia #bookstagram #booknerd  #mustread #bookgram #igreads #igbooks #bookaddict #sanwafeatured #sanwafeatapr18
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