#appreciate you x100
poisonedfate · 5 months
Sends hugs
for a second there i thought i had said something concerning and that's why this was in my inbox, but i don't think i have? not that there must be a reason for hugs. sending them right back!!!!!!
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tohjwcc · 1 month
My mom's catch phrase is literally "shit happens". She uses it all the time, seriously lmao. It's so funny.
Sammy's catch phrase is "controversial", which I still don't understand cuz I've never heard her use that word ever.
A funny thing is that I always thought it was "cat phrase" and not "catch phrase". It would be hilarious if it wasn't even "catch phrase" either- 😭 (hilarious as in it would be embarrassing as heck)
Bro I am too tired now, gtg to sleep, it's 4am and I have school in 4 days. Ugh I don't wanna, I'm stressing over it so much. I actually made a whole entire post about it just before I started this one, but I saved it in drafts cuz I was being so annoying.
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goldennightengale · 2 years
Hello there! Here's my request for the day, could I have the Dorm Leaders hearing their female musician s/o sing a love song dedicated to them at VDC? As an added bonus, everyone (including their families) saw her performance and really liked it.
AAA I loved writing this so much!! I always have songs I assign to the boys going through my head all the time so this was so much fun writing! I hope you enjoy it~ -GN
Warnings: N/A
Fem! MC
A Song for Your Love
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Riddle Rosehearts (Sombody to Hold My Heart - Lindsey Sterling)
When I tell you this man was flustered when you pointed him out in the crowd. Not only was your song full of love and energy, but all of your attention was on him, laser-focused on his face in the roaring crowd as you danced and sang across the stage like a professional. He’s the type to try and show his affection through actions instead of words, so expect a lot of flowers, gifts, and lots of hand-holding!
What made it even worse was he knew this was being broadcasted. Though he felt horrified by the thought of his mother watching you perform, specifically with him in mind, he was quickly reassured that she was more than amused by your eccentric proclaims of affection. She appreciates a confident woman speaking her mind, especially towards her son.
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Leona Kingscholar (Lazy Love - Chloe X Halle)
Smug Bastard x100 He’s making that concert seat look like a throne with how confident he looks, knowing full well that you are talking about him. Nobody else in the thousands seated near him. (Don’t mention how he might have a slight ego about being the second prince, he can’t give you the throne you deserve but he can give himself to you instead. Knowing you return the gesture makes him unreasonably happy)
Forgot it was being broadcasted until he got a facetime call from his brother congratulating him on having a mate of his very own, especially one so talented! Cheka starts begging him to bring you back to the palace and Leona hangs up before he can get the waterworks going. 
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Azul Ashengrotto (Cariño - The Marías)
Stuck between stunned, smug, and highly embarrassed. He has this goofy smile as he watches you strut across the stage, occasionally ducking his face into his hands when you purr the lyrics into the mic and wink at him in the crowd.
His mama went NUTS when she caught her guppy getting serenaded on live broadcast and demanded that he bring you home. She wants to meet the gal who made her baby smile like that!
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Kalim Al-Asim (What is Love? - Jonelle Monáe)
Your hype man. He’s jumping, dancing, screaming your name, and “I love you”s as you perform. Jamil tries to get him to calm down but how could he when you look like the brightest star in the desert sky? His Jewel has talent!
His father was laughing so loudly when he called, delighted with his son’s choice in love. Immediately offered to build you a personal stadium in return for you (marrying his son) performing for the entire Al-Asim family.
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Vil Shoenheit (Only Girl (In the World) - Rihanna)
Smug x100 pt. 2, He is preening under the spotlight of your affections and, while he may be judging your routine (lovingly ofc), he genuinely likes how you make it clear to others that he chose you above everyone else. Though he does question if you have a death sentence announcing your relationship so boisterously.
His father loved your performance! Bold and confident, you really must have what it takes to make his son fall so hard for you. While he may not be at the front of the musical entertainment business, he’d be willing to get you some connections if you ever decide to pursue music in the field.
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Idia Shroud (Icarus - Grant Knoche)
Hates the attention but melts under your loving stare, completely enraptured by your declaration of love and the thought that you did all this for him. Is 100% recording everything so he can rewatch it over and over again late at night and squeal like a fangirl in the privacy of his room.
His parents teased him relentlessly for finally getting a girlfriend, calling you his Pomegranate, and begging him to bring you home so they can meet you properly. Your references to a well-known myth are not lost on them, and the dedication to get close knowing the potential to get hurt is more than enough to get their trust. His hair is pink by the end of the call but you can tell he’s really happy they like you.
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Malleus Draconia (Sunset - Caroline Polachek)
Smug x100 pt. 3, because not only did you invite him to this whole ordeal, but you were performing for him and admitting how much you felt about him in front of such a large crowd. Is not aware of your performance being broadcasted, but knowing that everyone will know who you chose as a mate is more than enough to get him all smug again.
Oh, his grandmother is more than pleased that her grandson found someone so wonderful to rule beside him.  The trust you put in him, the clear admittance that you see him as a safe place, it's all proof to the reigning Queen. She’s heard a lot about you from Lilia so it only makes sense for you to visit Briar Valley to make your engagement official, no?
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I know this was very short but I hope I fulfilled your wish! -GN
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ozzy-boy · 1 year
Volks' love languages
(his deluxe date made me start thinking about this... I'm definitely going to make more of these for the other guys <3)
-Volks isn't a touchy feely guy. He just isn't. Sure, he opens up a lot more around you than he does around other people, but that doesn't mean he isn't awkward and cagey about it.
-Won't initiate physical touch. Practically refuses to. You have to be the one to initiate everything.
-It isn't even that he doesn't want to touch you- no, he's just too stubborn to ask. Because (clearly) asking your significant other for a hug is embarrassing (obviously). He always has to bring it up in a round-about way, like "If you tripped and fell on me-" or "If you wanted to-".
-He eventually gets more and more used to it the longer you're dating.
-Just don't call attention to it when it finally happens. If you make a big deal out of him hugging or deciding to kiss you first, he'll get embarrassed and stop. It's like getting the trust of a wild animal- he's skittish. (lmao)
-In general though, physical touch just isn't really his thing. He doesn't hate it (even if he pretends he does), but it's not usually his first thought either. Hates PDA don't even try it with him cause he'll refuse.
-Isn't the biggest fan of gifts, either... He just isn't very materialistic. He could take or leave most presents, unless they were particularly thoughtful or really to his taste.
-The best gift you can give him is an activity to do together, or something for him to cook. If you ever want to get Volks downright giddy, get him the expensive wagyu. Seriously, he'll be like a kid on Christmas.
-Which leads into one love language Volks is very much a fan of: Acts of service.
-It stems from his childhood. His mother was an ER nurse- and he did everything he could to make her life less difficult.
-He got good grades, kept his room clean, didn't get in fights... He was kind of the definition of a 'good kid'. Started doing his own laundry and making his own meals a lot younger than a lot of kids typically would. He never really minded it, either. Usually, when the house was already clean and dinner was already cooked, it meant that him and his mom could spend more time together since she didn't have anything extra to do after work.
-This bleeds into his romantic relationships too, even if he doesn't realize it. The biggest way Volks shows he loves you is by doing things for you. This trait comes out x100 if you live together.
-You are NOT going to work without a packed lunch. If you bug him about it enough he might even leave you cute little notes. Usually just stupid little doodles of wolves and stuff but he doesn't understand why you love them so much.
-Cooks most of the meals and does most of the chores. (malewife fr)
-You try to insist that you should split the chores 50/50... but he just ignores it. He wants to make your life less difficult.
-"So what if I did the laundry already? We don't need to take turns doing it... C'mon, don't look at me like that."
-"Don't worry about the dishes, I'll do them myself later... Seriously, there are better ways to spend our time together."
-He's secretly such a sweetheart, although he struggles with words of affirmation.
-Sometimes, Volks will say something so incredibly sweet that it makes you swoon but it's never on purpose.
-If he's TRYING to use his words, he can't come up with anything. He's plagued with awkwardness and an emotionally stunted personality, words are hard for him. He struggles to string words together that really explain how much he likes you...
-When he says something really sweet, it's probably because he's just being honest and not putting any thought into it.
-Which... Volks kind of has a problem with sometimes. It's difficult for him to really talk about his emotions and feelings and that's why he always pushes this cares about nothing/nonchalant attitude- you can't be disappointed if nothing ever bothers you.
-So, he actually really appreciates having someone that speaks their mind and means it. You manage to fluster him so much just by being nice and honest with him.
-Hearing you say how much you like him, how attractive you think he is, how much you appreciate what he does for you... Really makes him swoon.
-He's never really put much faith into people's words- actions are what speaks loudest- but it's different when it's you. He loves your words.
-Just... tone down the flirting and compliments in public, okay? He thinks he looks like a dork when he blushes like crazy in public and he'll pout about it.
-Volks' other main love language is quality time.
-Just wants to spend time with you. He doesn't really care what you're doing, or where, or for how long.
-Whether it's for a couple of minutes between your busy schedule, or for hours at a time. Any time he spends with you is good time spent.
-Volks is a homebody and an introvert at heart. His personal time and space are not something he gives up lightly. Just the fact that he allows you in his apartment when you start dating is a high honor, because it's a privilege only few are afforded. (few = you and his mom)
-You don't even have to be doing anything when you're together. Volks is the type that's perfectly content to just exist in the same room. It gives him a good opportunity to stare at you without you noticing.
-Speaking of staring, it's practically a love language in it of itself for him. He loves to just look at you, and he doesn't really care if it's 'weird'. So what if he's staring? You're hot. It'd be a shame not to stare.
-He'll also love it if you engage in his hobbies, especially if you agree to go camping with him. Just be careful, his idea of camping is closer to straight up survival. But he'll be happy, so you figure it's worth giving up your comfortable bed and learning to spear fish in the wilderness.
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bonerot19 · 2 months
ur post x100. so desperate for SOMETHING to look at i went to the for you tab. lasted 2 minutes before deciding if i'm going to be looking at shit content anyways i might as well get it from instagram, at least then i won't be forced to read the worst character takes that have ever cursed my eyes.
…unfortunately instagram sucks ASS. got any fic recs for a fellow desperate insomniac, Rot? they would be GREATLY appreciated
real. my whole dash rn is just me and the the for you (cursed) is just posts I've already seen??? often things mutuals are reblogging from me??
i honestly don't know what I've been reading lately. mostly going through old bookmarks. here are some of the things I go back to and reread though
the neighborhood watch by alexaaffect (anything by them, really)
both harm reduction and echoes of future past by orangesky37 (my beloved @kindlingkeen here on tumblr) are favorites of mine
pain is just pain entering the body by femme_morte (@theeclecticenquirer here on tumblr) is fun if you like things that have medical things going on and lets ya test how much you learned watching house md and greys anatomy
lowkey I haven't had the attention span to read things lately (my job is reading things and I Have Not been getting my work done :D) I am suffering
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Silverrr! How about the flags with a s/o who is always making them food and checking up on them like a mom. She likes to cup their face in her hands and coo about how handsome they are.
I consider myself to be a mom girlfriend so.
Anonnnn! Can I just tell you how cute this idea is and how much I adore it? And yes the Flags are handsome, but they're also hot ;)
The image does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None
Flags with a female S/O who is like a mom girlfriend
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-He wasn't very used to someone always taking care of him and checking up on him, but he loves it! It's quite refreshing for him since being a leader sometimes could feel like it takes a lot out of you, and the Flags are quite an energetic bunch to handle
-Loves your cooking. Pianoman sometimes insists that he does the cooking for you, but let's be honest your cooking is better than his lmao. Make him a bento! He'd love it so much and definitely wants to learn cooking from you now
-Pianoman also appreciates how much you care for him. Since his job is quite demanding, he often gets stressed and/or anxious, and you comforting him and helping him to de-stress really makes him fall in love with you more I'll leave it to your imaginations on how you help him destress ;)
-Make some snacks for him and the Flags! Pianoman is proud of you and your cooking skills, and subtly brags about you to the Flags sometimes. And having the leader of the Flags as your boyfriend certainly is nice, because all the Flags listen to you. Chuuya looks up to you as a mom figure, but he’ll never admit it
-The first time you held Pianoman’s face and told him that he was handsome... he blushed a little. AND HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE WHEN HE BLUSHES!!! But he didn’t blush for long though, because he quickly regained his composure and smirked that sexy smirk, teasing you for how down bad you were for him I don’t blame you though this man is hot
-Especially loves it when you look after him if he's sick. I feel like he hates being sick since it interferes with his work, and it also makes him vulnerable. But your patience and loving nature already makes him half recovered from his illness; just please make sure he actually gets at least 10 hours of rest for once
-My man is kind of bad at taking care of himself, so having an S/O that was as caring as you definitely is a lifesaver for him
-Brags about you to the Flags, and even shares some of your cooking with them. Albatross loves your cooking nearly as much as you, and one time he tried to cook something for you it failed horribly
-He loves it when you check up on him, and in return he’s going to check up on you x100 and giving you lots of affection. Cheek kisses, playful hugs, he’s going to give you the whole package
-When you tell him how handsome he is, he’s going to snuggle his cheeks in your hands and return the compliments, calling you all sorts of affectionate nicknames he could come up with. Don’t do this in public though, because Chuuya is ready to throw Albatross across the room if he calls you ‘mom’ one more time
-Teach him how to cook. Actually on second thought don’t because he might burn down the kitchen
-He will try his best to take care of you too, but in his vocabulary it’s ‘protect you from anything that could harm you’. Albatross is a very good fighter, not to mention he’s quite fast at doing stuff too, so you’re in very good hands 👍
-Would also playfully tease you about how much he loves you, 
-Is proud and honoured of the fact that you were like this with him and him only
-He’s another person who isn’t good at taking care of himself. Even when he’s a doctor who graduated from America he’s still unhealthy asf smh. So he’s very lucky that you take really good care of him
-If you are ever injured, even if it was a slight scratch from a cooking incident, Doc is insistent on treating it for you. He’s gentle when it comes to you, and your injuries quickly heal. It isn’t even painful Doc teach me your ways
-I feel like he has weird tastes in food, so don’t be surprised if you see him snacking on something odd at random intervals in the day. But cook something nice and nutritious for him! It would help his health a lot, not to mention he probably hasn’t eaten something that was actually good in a while
-Secretly is flustered when you call him handsome. Doc probably has a few insecurities about his appearance, and might think that you were just being nice. But assure him that your compliments were genuine, and he would burst from happiness
-Just loves it when you take care of him in general. He’s secretly a precious boy, so give him all the love he needs and he’ll reciprocate it twice as hard
-Iceman is pretty capable at taking care of himself, but he secretly loves it when you do it, even though he insists that he could do it
-He will look after you as well, because in his eyes it’s unfair if you kept taking care of him while he didn’t take care of you. Iceman is actually pretty doting in private, and wants to do what he could for you
-Iceman also checks up on you frequently. It’s often a quiet ‘how are you doing?’, that even though it sounds simple, behind it lies a lot of love and care for you I love Iceman so much hsdjjh
-Loves your cooking, and in return he would cook for you. Iceman might cook simpler meals than you, but those meals are equally as great as his love for you. He would be open to learning different recipes from you, and in return he would brew the best coffee that you’ve ever had ☕
-Sometimes you two would have cooking competitions to see who is the better cook, and the other Flags members are the judges. But you and Iceman’s cooking is just so good that the Flags can’t decide on a winner
-Iceman doesn’t really show much reaction when you call him handsome, however he loves it when you do. He might even start reciprocating it, such as buying you outfits and accessories that he thinks you’d look beautiful in (he has great taste dw)
-Please I can go on and on about how cute of a couple you two are!!! 💖
-You’re literally everything that he could ask for 💕
-Due to his jobs in the Mafia and the acting career, he barely has enough time to rest, let alone take care of himself. It sends his heart fluttering every time you look after him, and he returns the gestures through affection
-Lippmann would leave delicate kisses over your skin, while murmuring ‘what did I ever do to deserve you?’ Indeed, your girlfriend is one-of-a-kind so you better take good care of her as well Lippmann 👿 /lh
-Your cooking is his number one favourite thing in the world (after you; not saying that you’re a thing btw ;w;). He would appreciate it a lot when you prepare him his favourite food after he comes back from a long hard day at work. Makes him fall in love with you even deeper than before
-Also checks up on you a lot, mostly through text. Lippmann uses a lot of affectionate nicknames like ‘baby’ and ‘honey’, and when he’s feeling extra he incorporates a quote which basically says how much he loves you (He’s just fancy like that lmao)
-We all know Lippmann’s quite the charmer and a pretty boy, but when he hears you call him handsome his stomach is going to be filled with butterflies. He reciprocates it though by telling you how beautiful you were and how he didn’t deserve you, with some extra kisses and hugs added in 💗
-Lippmann just hurry up and propose we’re all waiting 💍
@pixyys @pianotross @angolicious @yuugen-benni @nekokinax  @catzlivedforbsd
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ghostiiess · 2 years
[NSB HEADCANONS] - the boys taking care of you while you're sick
pov: you're sick and your boyfriend want to take care of you
warnings: none that i can think of
type: comfort and super wholesome
members: all of them!!
also, thank you guys for the big support and likes <3 i really appreciate it! it make me smile that you love what i'm writing and my content! lot of love, mwahhh!!
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would take care of you x100
he would stay by your side and make sure you stay in your bed and relax (and sleep)
oliver would *ofc* sing you to sleep if you can't sleep or don't want to!
oliver scream the words "comfort" and "safe place" to me
so he would make sure you're comfortable and okay
need more pillow? he'll go take some more
want something to drink? he'll make it for you
tired of being tired? he'll listen to you and try'll to help you
for real, oliver just want you to feel better
whatever he'll do, he'll do it with love
and since you're someone who's not totally okay with the idea of being helped, being cherish, being affective... he'll finally be able to take care of you and to spoil you as much as he want (since you're sick and can't really do smth abt it)
he'll order boba and sushi for you :(
and some soup too!
he'll feed you if you're comfortable with this kind of things
oliver moy is just a kind and caring guy who love spoiling, helping, making people's day, so if you're sick, be ready to receive A LOT of little attentions and cuddles
plus, this man doesn't really care if he's sick after
he say that he have a good health system, so...
"y/n, i don't mind being with you. you're my priority, okay?"
(the rest of the members are under the cut!)
this man-
he would tease you so much-
sorry not sorry
"hahahaha, you're so sick.. get it? you're sick and are sick as a person.." (flashback to heeseung from enha saying "yeah i'm sick! i'm dope!")
nah for real, i think seb would also take care of you SO SO SO MUCH
be ready for this man's attention
because he's going to give it all to you!!
you want some food? he'll order it (he'll try to cook what you want first and it's not really good looking, he'll order the food and say that he cooked them for you 😭)
"oh yeah, i totally cooked it for you!"
sebastian would also be the type of boyfriend to spoil you a lot during your sickness
want some cuddles? he'll gave them to you even if he might be sick for the next few days
this boy do not mind it
all he want is you to feel better
he'll check on google "how to help someone with sickness"
he's so cute-
sebastian moy would find some "solutions" to your sickness :( and he would gave them to you
he would also play with your hair
he'll try to make you asleep with his singing voice
and would set a timer of 20-25 minutes during your nap so he could check up on you just to make sure you're not dead in your sleep
seb know how you're not really used to people who always check up on you or take care of you. he know it's not easy understanding that people actually do that because they care about you, but he's willing to try and show his affection to you
he would also check up on your needs and change your water bottle times to times (even while you're sleeping) to make sure you have fresh new water during the day
isn't he so caring?
please, let this man take care of you :(
this boy would ask the stars on his snapchat (or any of his social medias) some tips to help you during your sickness
"hey stars!! long story short: y/n is feeling sick and idk what to do or what to give her. do you guys have any tips/products that i should need to help her out? thank you in advance guys, love you <3"
he'll also search on google the best ways to help you out with your sickness
like this man is 100% into it
and we love seeing it lmao
he would take notes of the products he found interesting
plus with the replies the stars sent to him.. he's ready to go!!
he would kiss your forehead and write on a sticky note something, just in case, you wake up and you're like "where is ryan???"
"hey pretty baby. went to the supermarket since ur sick. if you're hungry, i made you some tea and oatmeal. apparently, it give you energy and it hep when you're sick. anyways, ily, i'll back soon <3"
tell me this boy isn't adorable and kind?
he bought you some chicken soup, some spicy food (apparently it help) if you're in the mood for that, some ramen, some avocados and yogurt!! he also have chocolate and some bottles of fresh water! he also have different kind of tea for you to try if that's something you like
he's into it, yeah..
but he want you to feel better
he know being sick is so annoying..
he'll sing you to sleep or let you rant about your problems
he want you to know that it's okay to be sick and okay to be scared of what we're going throught
since you're sick, he'll do your chores or the things you needed to do that day or that week
"ryan, you don't have to wash my clothes. i can do it. i'm only sick, not dead. i can walk and do it by myself!"
"what did i tell you, baby? if you're sick, then i'll take care of anything. i really don't mind, love. please, go back to bed, i don't want you to catch a cold"
"how can i catch a cold-"
"everything's possible okay? one time, seb catched a cold while it was summer. everything can happen, im telling you."
to conclude ryan's part: he would take care so much of you :( please, never let him go because he's so adorable and so clingy to you when you're sick
he can finally take care of you without you telling him to go away >:)
ooh and if you're lucky enough, he'll let you play videogames with him on his lap ;)
the moment justin know you're sick, you're done
i mean, not literally, but like you can't do anything else about it
this man'll spoil you very much
he'll buy you so much food and goodies to make your sickness week not so terrible
"hey my love, i'm currently in target. what do you need or want? oh and btw, forget money exist, thank you!! i love you" he send through a voice message because he know how you love hearing his voice!
" wdym 'forget money exist' you still have to take care of your wallet lol.. but if you could find any of *fav food/desserts* it would make me super happy
he would smile in front of his phone
"k perfect, thx u!!"
he would also buy some blankets and more pillows :)
and squishmallows
he love squishmallows!!
he would make your breakfast and he would bring it to your bed
for lunch or dinner, he would cook you some pasta for you since spicy food really help when we're sick and we already know good jp is as a cook
if he have things to do, he would make them first, but don't worry! he would also check up on you!
his texts be like "hey baby, im thinking abt you, pls don't forget to drink water and to eat some soup :)) i love you, i'll be with you tonight, i promise!!"
and voice messages be like "hi babe, me and the boys are going to film the video for this week.. humm.. i don't really know what to say, but i hope my voice can make you feel a bit better. darren say hi btw! okkk byeee my love!"
justin would try his best to help you, for sure <3
this man is excited
and super happy
i mean, he's not excited and happy because you're sick, but because he can *finally* take care of you!
"YAYYY!! i can finally take care of her without her complaining!"
he would do anything for you lol
want some soup? he'll buy you some
want to drink boba? he'll buy you some
want so milk? LETS GO, HE'LL GIVE YOU SOME
although he have to film and work, he'll make sure you're comfortable and have everything you need close to you while he's gone so you don't have to move
you have medicine, big bottle of water, different kind of food, you also have your phone and some headphones if you want to listen to some music
he'll check up on you during the days like "hey, are you feeling better?" or "hey, have you been taking care of yourself?"
since you're sick and stuck to bed, he'll think it's a good oppurtunity to watch animes with you!
"wanna watch the latest episode of our fav anime?"
if you had something important to do, to go to, or something like that, he'll make sure it'll be done by him!
needed to give a paper to your friend? he'll do it!
"hey hum... y/n needed to give you a paper"
needed to go to that place? or missed an event? he'll make sure to take pictures and videos and film EVERYTHING he can so you don't really miss it
kane ratan is such a sweetheart, for real :(
he would tell you about his life, about his day... just to make you know he's here for you and that he want to change your ideas for a little while
darren liang would take care so much about you :(
having a headache? he would give you medicine and toasty
you're tired? he would sing you to sleep and tell you "good night stories"
his good night stories are just a way to say that he's telling his schedule for today, what he's going to do with the boys today, his thoughts.. random thoughts, you know?
he would text you during the day
"i'm sorry you feel this way baby :( i'm here if you ever need anything. call me whenever you need or want to, i'll reply. my schedule might be busy today, but i'll always find time for you"
he would cook you a good soup
and make food just for you
"why would i bought these when i can make these? plus, i know you love my cooking skills"
he's so adorable
he would send you pictures of him and the boys to make you smile
"i'm the only hot in this picture haha 😎😋"
"did you hear that sex help with sickness?? lol, want me to help you? 😏😏"
he would cuddle you and give you forehead kisses
he would also tell you affirmations like "you look super sexy right now, like sheesh..."
"dar', i'm wearing your hoodie,i have a messy bun and i have no makeup on. i'm everything but sexy rn"
he would caress your cheeks with his fingers and make you sure you understand how beautiful you are
"stop saying that, baby. you look so good, y/n. trust me. you're beautiful, so so beautiful. wearing proper clothes or my hoodie, good looking hair or messy bun, makeup or not, you'll always light up my day with your beauty"
he would sing his outro song to you
his singing voice is amazing omg
idk how to conclude headcanons, but know that dar will be there until the very end, sick or not :)
as soon he heard you were sick, regie ran to the closet supermarket to buy whatever you needed
he bought more medecine, bought you some magazines/revues, and some books/mangas!
he also bought you food, like chocolate, candies, gummies.. stuff like that in case you were hungry for that type of thing
he made a soup for you <3
he searched online "best soup ever when sick" like isn't he adorable and cute?
regie macalino would *always* be here for you
always, always, always
"idc if i have to film smth for the channel. i want to make sure my girl is doing fine, first."
he would give you fresh bottle of water, check up on you, take your temperature..
regie would also be here for you by sending you random selfies or random texts messages
"the boys says hi"
"if you ever need anything, please text them to me and i'll do my best to give it to you"
"hey my love, don't forget to drink water and to eat some soup"
"y/n, baby, are you okay? just checking up on you"
"just finished to film. going to the store. if you need smth, pls, text them to me"
he care so much about you
he would even give you massage
and run you a nice hot good bubble bath if you love these kind of things haha
he'll make food he know you like
he'll put your fav movie on the tv and cuddle with you if it can make you feel better
regie would do his best to make you see that being sick with him isn't too bad
like he's trying his hardest here to make you know you're okay and that you're his priority atm
he would also give you his clothes and do some selfcare with you if it can make you feel more relaxed
and of course, he'll sing to you :(
"i don't know you" would be heard lol
if you guys didn't know, idky is an unrealeased song that nsb made! i think the song is also on youtube (thankfully a star publish it, otherwise it wouldn't be here lol) for those who would want to hear it
it's so good, and so soft, and so relaxing?
to conclude this headcanon, macalino would take care so much about you :(
he's really screaming "boyfriend material" lol
hope you guys liked it!! <3
taglist open!! if you want to be added, please send a request and not on my forms. i have a problem there and i'm trying my best to fix it asap!! : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf
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buckera · 5 months
thanks to your kissy series I'm realizing we did get some steamy scenes even on fox and now what if we get that turned up x100 for bucktommy? I will die a happy death
yyyyeah I am having my fingers crossed for some action... like, if we just get the 'undressing each other while kissing and getting closer to the bed' thing that they did with Buck and Abby that'd nurish me for days and weeks to come...
but then again, I would truly just appreciate some softness, lying in bed together (shirtless for the implications lmao) and just you know... giving soft kisses, talking quietly, drawing little patterns into each other's chest... yeah. 🫠
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the-solver-system · 3 months
This is helping us bounce back so much..
You guys have no idea how much this is helping
I can actually.. feel like i can eat without sickness
I already feel so much less guilty..
Uzi has been able to front, hell she may not go dormant. I've already felt so much better. W is feeling better.
Everyone is feeling a lot better
Thank you all for the support, though sorry if we have caused any trouble "^^
may not be able to answer all the support since we're getting so much.. but we appreciate it all and thank y'all x100
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kafkaoftherubble · 2 months
Hi! I've really enjoyed your tags on the reblog of the screencaps of The Believers on my sideblog @nonkunchanon. I was wondering what are your thoughts on Monk Dol's next move now that he's been rejected by Dear, whether he would disrobe or not. And I think Pup will be back for The Believers Season 2 though, since at least according to this interview, it seems like Pup is ready to shave his head again to be Monk Dol. Also do you think Win has any feelings for Dear?
HOLY SHIT. With this ask you've basically allowed me to ramble about The Believers. THANK YOU THANK YOU SADHU X100 Also, Pup has an interview?! And he's ready to be Monk Dol again?!
SADHU X1000. Thank you for linking it, fella appreciator!
Okay. I'll tell you what I think, but you're gonna have to reblog this and tell me what you think too, because I'm also interested in your thoughts!!!
Monk Dol's next move
Okay! There are two perspectives I can go for: the showrunners' + actor's, and the character's. Judging from both Thai and international fans' reviews and reception, Monk Dol is a really, really popular character, isn't he (who can blame him)? Popularity usually incentivizes bringing a character back for Season 2, and Pup does seem pretty happy playing the character. All that means there are really good grounds to think he'll return, ahahhaha! I'm with you on this one!
However! From the character's perspective, it's a bit more nuanced, methinks!
I, uh, study Buddhist Philosophy for fun, so I can tell you that the biggest reason why I like Monk Dol is that every single dhamma talk/sermon he gave, as well as his character traits and personality, are aligned with Buddhism. In a show criticizing the commercialization of Thai Buddhism (and its relation with politics), Dol provides an example of what Buddhism "is supposed to be about."
I've been rewatching the series every now and then when I'm free, so I got to re-watch his scenes and Dhamma talks. The teachings are actually legitimately correct. Not even "Pop culture-diluted correct" or "I guess it's a correct interpretation," but befitting the dhamma as espoused in Theravadin Buddhism, which Thai Buddhism falls under.
That means Monk Dol's themes and character arc are deliberately woven with Buddhist philosophy, including concepts like anicca ("impermanence") and nekkhamma ("renunciation; letting go"). This makes it harder to write him back into Season 2 without hurting a little of the themes he's supposed to represent, you see?
In his letter to Dear, he talked about how, thanks to his love and attachment for Dear, he realized that "there are many more things about myself that I need to train on." It's a very Buddhist sentiment (the Buddha's last word before death/parinibbana was, reportedly, "strive diligently." You might also remember one of Dol's Dhamma Talks on the importance of self-effort over superstitious reliance on holy objects and the Buddha; it was his first talk since joining Wat Phummaram).
The way he exited the story was him practicing nekkhamma and the sort of "love" he talked about earlier. He also alluded to their interaction as remnants of their past kamma (this is how it's spelled in Pali; it's "karma" in Sanskrit) influencing their current lives.
Just a brief explanation in case you don't understand the "kamma" thing! In a supernatural reading of kamma, the effects of your actions in your past lives with other people can bring over to your current life. Therefore, Dol was saying that him falling in love with Dear/Dear unintentionally "charmed" him was no fault of himself nor Dear, but simply the effects of their collective kamma. He merely saw his experience—of falling in love and being rejected; of being conned and used because of said love; the general dukkha (suffering) of it all—as a lesson illuminating aspects of himself that he should overcome.
Dol recognized that he needed to let go of his attachment to Dear as she never belonged to him; previously, he explained that as part of the Buddhist doctrine of Anattā ("non-self") when he answered Dear's question about love. He also told her not to remember him, which to me, all adds up to him hoping this is it. He's hoping that the effects of their past kamma had burned out.
Now, if they want to continue the Buddhist philosophical theme undergirding Monk Dol's character, then the "good end" will be him not showing up in Season 2 at all. From a storytelling perspective, it makes sense too: his arc has a definite end already.
However, I can also imagine ways to pull Monk Dol back into the fold without costing his underlying Buddhist themes. For one, "kamma," to the Buddha, mostly means "action" when it's not "cause-and-effect." While Dol would like to think his kamma with Dear is over, it's also possible that his actions and interactions with Dear—and to an extent, Win and Game—have planted seeds of their own, with their own effects to be reaped. These effects can be explored in Season 2.
Where should he go? He has already exchanged his forest monk lineage for a city monk's, but his idea of Buddhism is embodied in the Thai Forest tradition, not the city ones. Can he return to his original forest temple, though? We saw that he was "punished" by one of the eminent temple monks when Win and Dear were trying to collect sacred ingredients for their amulet.
His changing of lineage was not without consequences, and it's a bit hard to imagine him being accepted back to his original temple easily. Thai Forest Tradition is a lot stricter than other schools in Thailand, and a monk who pivots from one school to another can be seen as wishy-washy, unreliable, lacking in discipline, and rather disgraceful by forest monks.
Hence, I would imagine that he either joins a very remote forest temple far away from Wat Phummaram and the show's central background region... or becomes a solitary monk.
No matter which way he chooses, though, I can imagine him being even more ardent in his practice, and perhaps rather avoidant of female laypeople. Even if he has no intention to discriminate, he might try to overcorrect his previous lapse with Dear by putting a wide berth between himself and other women no matter their intentions. I can also imagine him struggling with the actual process of renunciation, which is never as easy as it might sound. His experience with Dear is going to affect him a lot. Even dreams of her are possible.
And from there, I suppose there are two ways for him to join with the trio's Main Plot. Either he coincidentally gets roped back into their activities, or he deliberately looks out for any news about Dear and her gang because he still cares about her wellbeing.
If Monk Dol takes a more active role, he might gradually come into the line of fire by standing up against this sort of commercialized Buddhism. He might also try to help Dear (plus Win and Game; it's more understated, but Dol also cares about those two. We see it in the interrogation scene) to get out of their quandary.
I think Dol will be quite punished for his actions, though. As in, he'll suffer quite a bit. Not sure if he might die, per se, but I'll suspect something worse than what he got in Season 1. I hope he doesn't die, but that's only because I'm personally no fan of martyr tropes, ahahha!
There are also significant odds that Dol will manage to change Dear and Game's hearts through his actions and counsel once he rejoins the trio in the Main Plot. It will be harder to reach Win, I assume, because Win is the least receptive and warmed up to religions, and his attitude toward Buddhism has been very irreverent. Throughout Season 1, Win's attitude toward Monk Dol has been that of a tech bro looking at his most valuable asset.
Nonetheless, Dear and Game, being Win's friends, can bridge that gap along with Dol and Win's mother. Philosophically, it will exemplify paṭiccasamuppāda, "dependent co-arising"—causes are interdependent with one another as people are also interdependent with one another. Whether that's enough to change their fate in Season 2 is a whole 'nother thing!
That's as far as I can hypothesize about Monk Dol! I'll expect even more Buddhist-flavored character study, a psychological/philosophical arc, and if Monk Dol inclines, a more active counter-power to the corruptive political forces that have claimed Dear, Game, and Win.
Does Win Like Dear?
It's hard to say. I have to put out a disclaimer that I'm terrible at understanding human emotions and especially love because I... personally cannot feel it nor understand it! I honestly didn't even realize that Dol likes Dear until the Repentance Ritual!
I lean toward thinking Win doesn't love Dear or like her the way she—or us normal folks—hopes for a healthy romantic relationship. Win is a pragmatist who's pretty obsessed with "winning." He has a very strong ego; he wouldn't even talk to Game after the amulet business was booming, almost as if he's hoping to see Game climb back to him and apologize for being wrong and doubting him. He also saw no problem using Dear as an unwitting honeypot trap to control Monk Dol, despite Dear being someone who likes him.
I especially love the flashback scene to Dear's mother's passing. You can see Win's character in detail there; he engaged with Dear on a surface level, thinking it's enough to comfort her by telling her facts about death and failing to realize what she actually needed until Dear requested it upfront (it also served as a great contrast to Win's foil: Monk Dol interacts with other people differently. Dol always tries to address the underlying questions, takes time to listen, and only gives answers he believes are beneficial and helpful. He's like this to Monk Ekechai and even the cop who looks like fucking Robert Downy Jr.).
Win exhibited very little empathy for other people. Remember how he didn't help a granny with her bag until he realized he could talk to her while they walked together, so he could fish out any potential bait to lure Monk Dol into their scheme? If I were to describe this particular aspect of Win's character from a Buddhist perspective, I'd say he displays the near enemy of the concept of mettā, "friendliness." He is capable of caring about people only from an explicitly egocentric view, instead of caring for others for their own sake.
This hinders whatever he could have had with Dear, I think. Even if these two get together romantically, I honestly don't think it will be a rewarding relationship to Dear at all. Win is callous to everyone and is more obsessed with feeding his ego through perceived victories against the odds than anything else.
However, I don't actually think Win is incapable of caring about Dear, Game, or anyone else. I can't point fingers and tut-tut Win when I myself am also really low on empathy. In fact, from my own experience, I know that low empathy doesn't preclude apathy or an immutable lack of care. You can even catch a glimpse of Win's capacity for care in how he treated his cat.
Win also clearly suffers from trauma related to his father's disappearance. In true Buddhist fashion, there is an emphasis on cause-and-effect (i.e. kamma) in the show, telling us that he's the way he is precisely because of his experiences growing up.
We can also use his most obvious show of care as a comparison. Win is fiercely devoted to his mom and loves her deeply, and yet he's also dismissive of her thoughts, feelings, and sentimental offers to deepen their relationship. His care for her only showed when his mom was directly threatened, or when he believed his image in his mother's heart was close to being destroyed.
I think this allows the audience a bit of insight into how Win treats his loved one; he's also dismissive of Dear's feelings, thoughts, and needs... and yet that doesn't mean he doesn't care about her. There were times when he clearly cared and relied on her as a friend; he tried to call her near the end of Season 1 when he was feeling emotionally vulnerable as he was undergoing an onset of PTSD, for example.
Can that platonic care become a base for romance? I don't know. But to me, it really shows us that none of the trio are "evil," unlike what Cop RDJ insisted while interrogating Monk Dol—not even Win. In true Buddhist fashion, Win was just deluded ("moha," one of the Three Poisons) and merely needed more guidance.
Since his past is coming into the spotlight at the end of Season 1, going into Season 2, I think Win's character arc has only just begun. Dear and Game will play big roles in that as his friends and confidants, for sure, but this is also where Monk Dol's role in Season 2 can fit (as stated above).
I can't say if Win will end up falling in love with Dear for real at the end of S2 since it's not gonna be my personal subject of interest. But I'll love to see Win's striving in Season 2. As a certain monk says in his letter, I sure hope Win can also be free from his suffering, ahhahah!
Thank you for reading my ramble!
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fobnsfwdoodles · 11 months
Young tarentine anon and WOW! First of all thank you so much I will be printing it out and eating it and also framing it in one of those oval Victorian cameos, brooch style.
Secondly, I love taking "silly" art seriously. It brings up the whole "is fanart art? Is commission art?" because the Sistine chapel was a commission too yknow. And what you said about letting art be old and masculine and chubby and like. Not young, thin, victimized women. It takes the eye off of female exploitation while also empowering different body types.
You're the only blog that can post a glory shot of Patrick penis and have me appreciating the use of perspective and line weight (and also his little tits). It (and you) makes me think about art and fanart differently and critically and more appreciatively. Thank you so much for your art and thoughts and still doing requests. I know it's funny to call nsfw band member fanart noble but art is intent. Thank you thank you thank you x100!!
Brb crying about this message, thank you
Tumblr media
Also hoping the powers that be let this one slide!
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bunnihearted · 6 months
hey ❤️ from someone who used to beat herself regularly as well: I'm so sorry you feel this way too. I know how it makes you feel better when you feel guilty, insecure and like you deserved all the bad things that happened to you and more. But we feel this way because we didn't get justice, people who treated us badly didn't apologise and change for the better. We internalise what they've done to us because there was no help or no help that was good enough. I want you to know I understand and won't judge you at all, I just want to help you overcome what people made you internalise. You deserve love and kindness. Someone who's tender to you. Right now and you deserved it in the past even though you are not able to see it at the moment. ❤️ Please think about what I wrote here at least once a day so you can maybe get started with realising the internalised things you're in pain from. I hope you'll be able to fight your way out of this. It's possible to get out of it and I hope you will be able to get into this headspace rn and soon again. You don't deserve to get hit. You don't deserve to hit yourself. ❤️ It pains me to know that you do this to yourself. :( Seriously. ❤️❤️❤️
hi i didnt reply right when i saw this bc i didnt know what to say.. i still dont, but i wanted u to know that this rlly does mean a lot to me, thank u 💗 everything u said makes sense to me, like i do feel like i deserve it. but also that it's smth that's been internalized. im sorry that u have felt this way also, i hope u've been able to heal as much as possible. u deserve healing too, i hope u know that now 💗 seriously thank u so much for this message, i rlly will think abt what u said as often as i can. it means a lot to me that u'd take the time to write me this, and that u care. (i dont do it often, just so you know since u said that it pains u). ah i feel like i cant properly express how thankful nd appreciative i am for your message, so if i dont stop now i'll just keep saying thank u x100. sending u lots of love 💗💗
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3mixs · 1 year
I absolutely would love the smut in a part two <3 and I don't mind long stories. I love them ^^ and please take your time =D I shall be sending more mihyo asks in the future. You're an amazing writer.
thank you so, so much for your patience! it's finally done, yay! and thank you again for taking the time to send me a request! i had fun writing it so i hope you enjoy part two. also thank you x100 for being so kind to me! i can't tell you how much little compliments like that mean to me and are encouraging my writing! without further ado, here is the continuation of this request.
“i want you to make love to me.”
mina’s declaration lit a fire in the pit of jihyo’s stomach. she’s longed to be with mina like this. to make her feel as loved and appreciated as mina makes her feel every day. jihyo poured all of her passion into their kiss. her tongue brushed against mina’s, earning a content hum from her girlfriend. they had kissed like this many times throughout their relationship; passionate, loving, and full of need. but this kiss had felt so much better. unlike all the times before, they knew this one wouldn’t end with guilty looks or insecurity. this one would end when their lungs needed more air and would be followed by another kiss.
jihyo slid her hand down mina’s side, feeling the silk fabric of her robe cover her waist. oh right, the robe. in a reluctant motion, jihyo pulled away from mina. the loss of contact made the younger whine, “what are you doing?” mina asked, a performative pout now decorating her reddened lips. in a swift motion jihyo straddled mina’s lap, “needed a better angle.” mina smiled as she tilted her head up with expectations of another kiss. jihyo couldn’t help but giggle at the display, “cute but i need to see what’s under here.” jihyo’s fingers ran down the soft fabric, her eyes shining with excitement at what hid beneath the garment. “may i?” jihyo asked, fingers tracing over the loosely tied ribbon that kept the robe shut. mina nodded this time. a giddy rush of anticipation coursed through her veins. she was so used to the anxiety that wracked her body every time it got to this point, she wasn’t sure what to feel now that jihyo would finally see her in her most vulnerable state.
jihyo bit her lower lip, as she pulled the ribbon and unveiled a sliver of mina’s body. mina quickly moved to remove the robe from her body to fully expose the red lingerie that clung to her curves. the lacy fabric left little to the imagination. mina expected to feel shy now that her body was exposed, but the look in jihyo’s eyes filled her with a confidence she didn’t know she had. “holy fuck,” the older muttered in a low tone. jihyo’s eyes were fixated on mina’s body. her gaze trailed down from mina’s collar bones to her soft, perky breasts and her small dusky nipples to her toned stomach then finally to her cloth covered pussy. 
a fluttery sensation pulsed through mina’s core as she looked at jihyo. jihyo’s gaze was so intense on mina’s body, the younger felt like she would melt. no one had ever looked at her with such raw desire before and god it turned her on. jihyo leaned forward and placed a slow, sensual kiss on mina’s neck. mina leaned back a little to give jihyo more access to her body, anchoring herself on the palms of her hands. another kiss was planted on her neck, but this time lower and wetter. then another at the base of her neck. then another on her just above her collar bone. mina’s defined collar bones had often been the subject of jihyo’s staring. the older had longed to trace her fingers over the contoured bones. but now her teeth grazed over the soft skin, her tongue tracing along the defined area. the swipe of her tongue was followed by a kiss on the top of her breast. then another just above her nipple. 
the fabric of mina’s lingerie dampened as jihyo wrapped her lips around the clothed nipple. the dusky bud hardened against the fabric barricading her from jihyo’s mouth. the sensation invoked a breathy gasp from mina’s parted lips. jihyo turned to do the repeat the same action on mina’s other taut nipple. the older pulled away for a moment, just long enough to undo the clasps of the lingerie bra. with her breasts now fully exposed, jihyo moved her hands to cup mina’s chest. mina arched into her lover’s touch as jihyo’s grip around her flesh tightened into a squeeze. “so fucking perfect,” jihyo muttered more to herself than to mina. mina’s cheeks reddened at the sudden praise. 
jihyo’s lips made their way back around one of mina’s nipples. the pleasure of her mouth all the more enjoyable with nothing in the way. jihyo sucks the hardened bud for a moment, then drags her tongue across it. her tongue licks across the bud again, and again, and again. mina can’t help but moan at the sensation. she’d seen things like this before in porn, but never experienced it for herself. nothing can really ever prepare someone for how good it feels. the warmth, the wetness, the movement all dancing around her sensitive nipples is indescribable. god, this was so worth the wait.
again, jihyo repeated the same actions onto the other nipple. each breast receiving equal amounts of attention. for a moment jihyo straightened her posture, her stature looming over mina. jihyo placed the palm of her hand on the center of mina’s chest and pushed gently. mina complied with the unspoken request and moved farther down, supporting herself on her elbows. jihyo’s lips curved into a smile at mina’s obedience. jihyo moved off of mina’s lap and onto her knees in front of the bed. she draped herself over mina’s torso as much as she could given the angle. her lips pressed wet kisses onto mina’s toned stomach. her tongue tracing down the center on her abs, licking the soft skin. 
mina knew she was already wet, but at this point she must have completely soaked through her panties. jihyo continued to pepper kisses along mina’s skin on the way down to her core. mina watched with rapt attention, anticipating every movement. jihyo pressed a light kiss onto mina’s thigh, “is this still okay? do you want me to keep going?” jihyo asked. mina appreciated the concern, her jihyo was always so thoughtful, but right now all she wanted was for jihyo to continue. “please. i want- i need you.” mina couldn’t get the words out fast enough, she needed jihyo to resume. jihyo flashed her girlfriend a quick smile, “if you want me to stop at any point or want me to do something differently, just tell me, okay?” mina nodded and spread her legs apart. eager to continue. 
jihyo settled in between her thighs, her hands pressed into the corners of her thighs keeping the spread apart. with each kiss she pressed into mina’s thigh, her lips dragged for a moment. each kiss slow and sensual. mina couldn’t look away, totally dazed by jihyo. once jihyo finally reached her girlfriend’s clothed core, she decided not to tease her like she did last time. she placed one quick kiss on the top of mina’s panties then removed them to expose her glistening pussy. mina’s cunt was covered in slick. so sensitive and needy. jihyo’s mouth watered at the sight. the older girl slid her finger through mina’s wet folds, with the intent to spread the slick and cover all of mina’s pussy. with her pointer and index finger she spread mina’s folds apart, “you’re so fucking wet.” 
jihyo swiped a tentative kitten lick across mina’s clit. mina bucked her hips at the sensation. she was so sensitive. jihyo licked her clit again, this time more sure of herself. she flattened her tongue against mina’s clit for the next lick, covering as much space as she could. a low moan echoed through mina’s bedroom as she gave into the pleasure. jihyo swiped her tongue across the sensitive bud. her tongue quickening the pace for a few moments. once she grew bored of swiping her tongue back and forth, she switched to licking small circles around mina’s clit. after every few circles, she alternated directions then gave the bud a forceful suck. “holy fuck,” mina cursed as she threw her head back. her mouth parted and brows furrowed, but no sound came out. she felt so fucking good. after a moment, she turned her gaze back to her girlfriend. 
mina had always loved jihyo’s eyes. they were so pretty and big and always so expressive. mina often regarded them as the her girlfriend’s most charming feature. she could look into jihyo’s eyes for hours if jihyo let her. but right now, she found maintaining eye contact to be nearly impossible. jihyo’s eyes were so big and pretty and filled with so much lust. they peered into mina’s soul as she ate her out. mina almost came from the sight alone. almost. 
jihyo continued to run her tongue across mina’s clit, sucking occasionally. she was unrelenting in her motions. she wouldn’t stop until her tongue was coated in her lover’s cum. she knew mina must have been close. the younger girl clearly didn’t know what to do with herself as she moved against jihyo’s mouth. her back arched at the continued movement on her sensitive clit. the burning in the pit of her stomach was so intense at this point she was desperate to alleviate it. “so close baby. i’m so- fuck” mina sucked into a sharp breath as jihyo quickened the motions of her tongue. 
they both knew mina was about to unravel. mina pinched her aching nipples and her back arched. jihyo frantically swiped her tongue across mina’s clit, desperate to make her girlfriend cum. after a few more swipes, a semi-sweet liquid spilled into jihyo’s mouth. mina’s eyes screwed shut as she grabbed tight handfuls of the duvet beneath her. her body twisted at the intensity of her pleasure. her orgasm rolling through her body. a loud gasp slipped through mina’s lips as the waves of pleasure continues to wrack through her body. jihyo gave her clit soft licks as she rode out every last moment of her euphoria. jihyo relishing in the fact she just made her girlfriend cum for the first time.
once mina’s body went still, jihyo removed herself from between her thighs and moved to lay beside mina. “so?” jihyo asked, propped up on her elbow, looking down at her tired girlfriend. mina laid still, eyes still closed. she needed a moment. “so?” mina repeated the question. “did you like it?” jihyo asked. mina hummed as she pretended to contemplate her answer. “it depends. are you fishing for a complement?” mina moved to lay onto her side so she could look at jihyo, who was entirely too proud of herself. jihyo shook her head, although they both knew the answer was yes. “it was okay. i’ve had better.” mina said deadpan, though the smile on her face gave her away. jihyo playfully hit the younger girl’s arm, “oh shut up. you’ve never had another. so by default i’m the best head you’ve ever had.” jihyo huffed. mina scooted closer to her girlfriend and placed a small kiss onto her lips. “it was perfect baby. but i’m going to be even better. it’s your turn.”
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greedysadistdada · 14 days
Hello I hope you're doing well although from your most recent text post you don't seem to be doing well. I hope it gets better with the thoughts and workload. It was very unfortunate that your account got terminated but there are so many people that genuinely like and support your content. Take the time you need to support yourself that's the most important. The most I can do to support you right now is send a message of my words. And if you don't mind I probably will send you your old posts that I find. Its not easy to accept love and care from others, especially if you've made a lot of mistakes or have been told/shown that it's not possible. You've made it this far in life. Whether you accept it or not, as a fan of some of your gross thoughts I have some level of care towards you. I think maybe I have to tweak the tone of my words but I hope you understand my message. Lots of care (not in a creepy way)
From 🥟
I still don't know how to reply to you other than saying thank you x100
I'm not going to lie I feel so insignificant most days it's really really difficult to grasp strangers on the internet caring about me
I've been pretty open and honest about my emotions on here and it's given me more support than some people in my actual life
I really appreciate you and others for being lovely to me. I hate talking about how sad I am or how shit life is. I don't like bringing my unhappiness to this blog when a lot of people just want some perverted posts to distract themselves with. Most days I want to hide all of that and not feel like such a burden on everyone.
The truth is I hate taking care of myself. It's so much easier to shut my self out of my head and just care for others. I know how unhealthy all that is but God is it easier than feeling like hell everyday trying to process everything while life also doesn't really change
Anyways I'm venting because I'm trying to distract myself from dentist/overall health thoughts and the fact that it's still too hot outside for me to function properly
Thank you for the care and it's not creepy at all ❤️🫶
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flightfoot · 1 month
As an author's comment, I agree that bookmarks are the best way to judge a fic.
I honestly don't understand the use of hits, I don't think they are indicative of anything. I once saw someone say that they judge 10 hits per kudo and I'm pretty sure that the hit is registered every time you enter the fic even if you don't get to the end and it counts rereads and other chapters. (As anxiety-inducing as the ff.net stats were, I think they were more reliable because they allowed you to see individual fics and by chapter)
I think kudos are a better way to judge whether the fic is being read and that at least people have made it to the end. Plus, it's a nice way to lift your spirits and motivate Authors. There are times when I remember an unfinished fic because someone left a kudo after a long time and suddenly inspiration comes to me. It's also a nice thing to wake up to when I see that email.
The comments... Well, I think we all know what has been happening with the comments. But apart from the general speech (please leave a comment, the authors really appreciate it and it is a motivator x100) It is also actually a gauge of popularity not quality.
I don't know if you've ventured to review but it's always been more likely that things like saltfics [(no offense to the authors because all work takes time and you put love into it) with quick plots encoded by clichés (clichés are not bad and once again it is a work that someone put love into) intended to provoke strong, rapid and intense emotions] have a higher number of comments than fics with other types of premieres.
In addition to other types of factors such as popularity of the author, popularity of the couple (there is a tendency that shipfics are more popular than genfics) and typical plots of the fandom.
The bookmarkers, as you say, indicate that the person wants to find a fic again and it is also a way to recommend fics. I have entered an author's profile and after reading their other works I go to the bookmarks because it is very likely that something that this author liked I will also like.
So actually 'how many people want to find it again' is a pretty good way to judge a fic. My only criticism, for people who leave comments on the fic in bookmarks... Please consider leaving a comment as well. It feels a little bittersweet the times I check my bookmarks and see wow they liked it enough to bookmark it and when I see there's even a review or a 're-read' 'I love this'.
Some bookmarks are very personal (there was a fandom where a witch hunt took place and dozens of authors deleted their fics so many started to bookmark with the name of the work and the author to find out what was lost) or one I saw that gave a star rating for the level of work (which would be unpleasant for someone to read in a comment), but the others? You would make an author happy for a week if you told him you loved his work and would reread it.
Regarding your comment that you can't check series bookmarks... I don't think that's necessary. I've seen many who mark a series but I've also seen that sometimes the works in the series have a VERY uneven number of bookmarkers. If you find a work that is part of a series and is, say, the third, you will still have to go to the beginning if it is a continuity series and not a thematic series. It's no different than when you search for fics by update date.
Yeah as many problems as FFN's stats had, I did like how you could check the hits for each chapter, it told you how many people kept on reading, and which chapters people liked to reread.
I do notice that in fandoms, there tend to be certain stock fic types that are more popular and will get more attention than other fic types of similar quality. For Miraculous, that tends to be saltfics and Lovesquare fics, especially old Marichat fics. Kudos and Bookmarks numbers are more useful for finding the BEST fics in a fandom when there's a relatively small amount of fics, like under 5000, since it's more feasible for fans to keep up with all the fics for that fandom when there's a smaller amount of them.
And yeah, sorting by comments is a terrible way to find great fics. That biases towards fics with high chapter counts rather than actual quality. Same thing for number of hits.
I don't know if you've ventured to review
...okay, clearly you haven't gone to the comment sections much for Miraculous fics. Yes, I promise you, I've ventured to review XD
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thisdreamplace · 2 months
dear dream
I just wanted to thank you for your constant kindness and willingness to help people. even in this most complex situations and the toughest.
I love watching your put in advice and your love to help others. I hope you know how lovingly beautiful you are. So thank you. you are appreciated and so kind and it’s truly inspirational.
you are one with love beacuse that’s all you truly are.
you deserve millions of beach days and plenty of piña colada’s haha!🍹🌊⛱️
with much love anon
this means the world to me, dear anon, you have no idea !! <3 i love you, seriously thank you x100 for being SO sweet! 💛🐚☀️
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