#apply online turkey visa for pakistan nationals
turkeyviisa · 2 years
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
BRUSSELS (AP) — Abdesalem Lassoued had been denied residency in four European countries by the time he chased two Swedish men into a building in Brussels this week and gunned them down at close range with a semiautomatic rifle.
The 45-year-old Tunisian arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa in a smuggler’s boat in 2011. He spent jail time in Sweden and was refused entry to Norway. At one point Italy flagged him as a security threat. Two years ago, Belgium rejected his asylum claim and he disappeared off the map.
Until Monday night, that is, when he killed the two Swedes, wounded a third and forced the lockdown of more than 35,000 people in a soccer stadium where they had gathered to watch Belgium play Sweden. In a video posted online, he claimed to be inspired by the Islamic State group.
Within days he has become the new face of the European Union’s campaign to toughen border controls, rapidly deport people and allow the police and security agencies to exchange information more efficiently.
“It’s important that those individuals that could be a security threat to our citizens, to our Union, have to be returned forcefully, immediately,” EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson told reporters on Thursday, as EU interior ministers met in Luxembourg.
Only around one in four people whose asylum applications are denied ever leave or are deported from the 27-nation bloc. Often the countries they come from, including Tunisia, are reluctant to take them back.
With EU countries constantly bickering over how to manage migration – their differences lie at the heart of one of the bloc’s biggest political crises – the European Commission has sought to outsource the challenge.
The EU’s executive branch has helped to seal deals with Turkey and Tunisia to persuade these countries to stop people from the Middle East or Africa – not to mention their own nationals – from trying to enter Europe, as they did in large numbers in 2015.
About 25 countries that people leave or transit to get to Europe are of concern. Egypt is the next country on the list. The commission is already helping to locate and pay for new boats for the Egyptian coastguard.
Belgium’s top migration official, Nicole de Moor, said that countries refusing to take back their nationals must be made to cooperate.
“The terrorist that committed an attack in Brussels on Monday had asked for asylum in four different European countries, and every time he was rejected because he did not qualify for protection,” de Moor said.
The EU does have coercive tools at its disposal. The commission has used visas as a lever, making it harder, more time-consuming and costly for the citizens of migration source countries to gain entry to Europe’s ID check-free zone – the 27-country space known as the Schengen area.
Thanks to this, Johansson said, the EU now has “much better cooperation” on deportation with Iraq, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Senegal.
The shooter Lassoued’s case was also marked by other failures. He applied for asylum in Belgium in 2019. His application was rejected a year later, and a deportation order was issued in 2021. Officials said this week that he couldn’t be found, as they had no address for him.
Within a few hours, admittedly with public help, prosecutors conceded, the authorities had discovered where he lived. He was shot dead by police at a café nearby the following morning when they tried to arrest him.
“It turns out that the individual had been convicted and had served time in a Swedish prison, which was unknown to our police and judiciary,” Belgian Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden told reporters.
“We need to improve the information exchange on these kinds of things. The man apparently arrived in Italy in 2011 (and) wandered around Europe for 12 years,” she said. Migration services and the police must share information, she said, “to ensure that this cannot happen.”
The clamor for tougher laws and better intelligence sharing are fresh, but the problem is not new. Lassoued’s case resembles that of another Tunisian man, Anis Amri, who drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin in 2016, killing 12 people and injuring 56 others.
German authorities tried to deport Amri after his asylum application was rejected but were unable to because he lacked valid identity papers. Tunisia had denied that he was a citizen.
On Tuesday, after leading security talks throughout the night while the hunt for Lassoued went on, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo loosened his tie from around his collar as he answered a reporter’s thorny question about the failings of Belgium’s police, justice and migration services.
“An order to leave the territory must become more binding that it is now,” De Croo conceded. “We have to respect the decisions that we take.”
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How to Apply for Turkey e-Visa from Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide
Traveling to Turkey is an exciting prospect for many Pakistanis seeking to explore its rich history, culture, and stunning landscapes. A vital first step in this journey is applying for a Turkey e-Visa. This user-friendly guide will help you through the entire process, ensuring you understand how to apply for a Turkey e-Visa from Pakistan effortlessly.
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What is a Turkey e-Visa?
The Turkey e-Visa is an electronic travel authorization that allows travelers from eligible countries, including Pakistan, to visit Turkey for tourism, business, or transit purposes. How to apply for Turkey visa from pakistan? The convenience of the e-Visa system means you can apply online without needing to visit a Turkish.
Eligibility for Turkey e-Visa from Pakistan
Before proceeding with your application, it’s crucial to understand if you’re eligible. Generally, Pakistani citizens can apply for a Turkey e-Visa if they:
Hold a valid Pakistani passport.
Have a valid credit/debit card for payment.
Provide a recent passport-sized photo.
Have travel plans, including a return ticket and accommodation details.
Meet any health and safety regulations, particularly those related to COVID-19.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for a Turkey e-Visa from Pakistan
Step 1: Prepare Your Documents
Ensure you have the following documents ready:
A valid Pakistani passport (should be valid for at least six months from your arrival date in Turkey).
Personal information (name, date of birth, and passport details).
Travel itinerary, including accommodation and return flight information.
A recent passport-sized photograph (check specific requirements regarding size and background).
Step 2: Fill Out the Application Form
Select “Apply Now.”
Fill in your personal details, including your passport number, nationality, and travel date.
Review the information carefully for accuracy.
Step 4: Upload Required Documents
After filling out the application form, you’ll be required to upload your passport-sized photo and any other necessary documentation. Make sure the photo meets the criteria laid out on the website.
Step 5: Payment
Once your documents are uploaded and your details are verified, you’ll proceed to the payment section. The e-Visa fee can be paid using a valid credit or debit card. Ensure you keep a copy of the payment receipt for your records. You will need to pay the applicable fees before submitting your visa application.
Step 6: Wait for Processing
After completing your application, you'll receive an email confirming that your application has been received. The processing time generally ranges from a few hours to a couple of days. You can also use the tracking feature on the website to check your application status.
Step 7: Download Your e-Visa
Once your application is approved, you will receive your Turkey e-Visa via email. Download the e-Visa and print out a copy to carry with you during your travel. Make sure the details on your visa align with your passport information.
Step 8: Check Requirements for Entry into Turkey
Before heading to the airport, double-check the current entry requirements, including any COVID-19 related travel restrictions or health forms you may need to complete.
Important Tips for a Smooth Turkey e-Visa Application
Apply Early: It's advisable to apply for your e-Visa at least a week in advance of your travel dates to avoid any last-minute issues.
Follow Guidelines: Carefully adhere to the passport photo guidelines, filling out your details accurately to prevent any delays.
Keep a Backup: Keep both a digital and printed copy of your e-Visa and other travel documents.
Understanding how to apply for a Turkey e-Visa from Pakistan can make your travel experience seamless and enjoyable. The entire process can typically be completed in just a few simple steps, all from the comfort of your home. From the breathtaking sites like Hagia Sophia and Cappadocia to the vibrant culture waiting to be explored, Turkey promises an unforgettable adventure.
By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the e-Visa application process and embark on your journey to discover the beauty of Turkey. Safe travels!
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rohanseoewe · 5 months
FOR CHINESE CITIZENS - TURKEY Turkish Electronic Visa System Online - Government of Turkey eVisa - 土耳其政府官方在线电子签证,快捷的在线流程
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来自 50 个国家/地区之一的游客现在有资格使用手机或电脑完全在网上申请土耳其签证。 土耳其签证申请表可以通过手机、电脑或其他电子设备提交。 只需花几分钟时间即可完成土耳其电子签证的在线电子申请。 凭借受支持的电子签证,外国人可以计划访问土耳其共和国长达 30 或 90 天的休闲旅行或商务访问。 时间跨度取决于您护照上的国籍,可能是 30 天或 90 天。 申请人根本不需要随时访问土耳其政府办公室或大使馆。 此外,无需通过快递或邮寄方式运送文件和护照。 该应用程序 100% 在网络上。 您将通过电子邮件获得电子签证,您可以将其打印出来并在旅行时随身携带到机场。 所有符合资格的护照持有者都需要申请电子签证才能进入土耳其,包括未成年人。 监护人或父母可以代表孩子完成签证申请。 土耳其电子签证处理时间,土耳其电子签证申请只需几分钟即可完成。 考生可以在家里或办公室在2-3分钟内完成电子结构。 您的护照在进入土耳其共和国时必须有 6 个月的有效期。 以下国家有资格申请土耳其签证:巴哈马、加拿大、格林纳达、巴巴多斯、百慕大、圣文森特、墨西哥、塞浦路斯、多米尼加、多米尼加共和国、安提瓜和巴布达、澳大利亚、圣卢西亚、南非、香港-BN (O)、阿拉伯联合酋长国、科威特、马尔代夫、美国、斐济、牙买加、海地、阿曼、巴林、苏里南、中国、毛里求斯、东帝汶、亚美尼亚和沙特阿拉伯。 Those visitors who are from one of the fifty 50 countries are now eligible to apply for a Turkish visa totally on the web using their phone or pc. The Turkey visa application form can be submitted from a cell phone, PC, or other electronic gadgets. All that's needed is a couple of moments to finish the online electronic for for Turkish eVisa. With a supported e-Visa, foreigners can plan visit the Repubic of Turkiye for up to 30 or 90 days for the recreational trips or business visit. The time span relies upon your nationality on othe passport, it may be 30 days or 90 days. Applicants are NOT at all required to visit a Turkish government office or embassy anytime. Also, there is no need to courier the documents and passport by courier or mail. The application is 100 percent on the web. You will get an electronic endorsed visa by email, which you can print out and carry with yourself to the airport while travelling. All eligible passport holders need to apply for an eVisa to enter Turkey, including minors. Guardians or parents can finish the visa application on behalf of a kid. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, The Turkey e-Visa application will just require a couple of moments to finish. Candidates can finish the electronic structure from the home or office in 2-3 minutes. Your passport must be valid for 6 months at the time of entry into the Repubic of Turkey. The following countries are eligible to apply for a Turkish Visa, Bahamas, Canada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mexico, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Hong Kong-BN(O), United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Maldives, United States, Fiji, Jamaica, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Suriname, China, Mauritius, East Timor, Armenia and Saudi Arabia.
Address : 22 Dongfang E Rd, Sanyuan Bridge, Chaoyang, Beijing, China, 100600
Phone : +86 10 6532 7650
Website : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/zh-CN/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Albert Deniz  Dilara
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zrvisas · 6 months
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🇬🇧 UK Visa Approvals Jan-Feb 2024, helped clients from 60+ Countries https://zrvisas.com/our-success-rate. ZR Visas is a Top Rated 5 🌟 UK Registered Visa Services Firm, 100% Success Rate in many UK Visas since 2006, 5 🌟 700+ Google & Trustpilot Reviews, 17 Years Experience, UK OISC, 🇬🇧 Registered Visa Firm Reg. F201100207, Clients in 60+ Countries, ⭐️ One Fixed Competitive Fee- No hidden cost. Advice in 5 languages including English,اردو, پنجابی & हिन्दी. 100% Success Rate since 2006 for UK Fiance Visa Applications, Spouse Visa Extension and Switching Visa Applications, British Nationality, ILR, Fee Waiver Applications, Partner and Parent Route (further leave to remain, extend visa in 5 years, 10 years partner visa route), Dependent Children Application to join parent, Sponsor Licence Applications, Applications for Certificate of Sponsorships (Cos), 7 Years Child Residence route, EUSS, Skilled Worker and Dependents Visa Applications. Expert advice for Corporate Immigration Advice Services to UK companies to sponsor migrant workers. Whichever part of the UK & world you live, we can provide visa services.
Success Rate- Visa Approvals from 60+ Countries
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Fixed Fees
Verify Our Registration on Gov.uk
We look forward to working together with you soon.
Feel free to contact us, should you need any further assistance. WhatsApp is a TEXT only service.
ZR Visas, UK
OISC Registration No. F201100207
📞 +44 1782 977899
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🌎 https://zrvisas.com/
Apply UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan for husband or wife 29 Feb 2024
Apply UK Spouse Visa for wife from Thailand 21 Feb 2024
UK Partner Spouse Visa Extension Application Under 10 years partner visa route 20 Feb 2024
UK Spouse Visa Extension Application Under 10 years visa route for partner 6 Feb 2024
Indefinite Leave to Remain ILR Application to get permanent residency in UK 22 Jan 2024
Spouse Visa Extension Application after 2.5 years under 5 years spouse visa route
Skilled Worker Dependent visa application for visa extension 6 Feb 2024
UK Fiance Visa Application for girlfriend from Veitnam to get married in UK 13 Jan 2024
UK Spouse Visa switching applications from UK fiance visa to settle in UK 12 Jan 2024
ZR Visas’s Clients around the world: 60+ Countries
Afghanistan 🇦🇫, Albania 🇦🇱, Algeria 🇩🇿, Argentina 🇦🇷, Austria 🇦🇹, Australia 🇦🇺, Bahrain 🇧🇭 , Bangladesh 🇧🇩 Belgium 🇧🇪, Botswana 🇧🇼, Brazil 🇧🇷, Burkina Faso 🇧🇫, Canada 🇨🇦, Cuba 🇨🇺 , Cyprus 🇨🇾 , Denmark 🇩🇰, Egypt 🇪🇬 , Gambia 🇬🇲, Ghana 🇬🇭, Guinea 🇬🇳, Hong Kong 🇭🇰, Hungary 🇭🇺, Iran 🇮🇷, India 🇮🇳, Italy 🇮🇹, Jamaica 🇯🇲, Jordan 🇯🇴, Kenya 🇰🇪, Latvia 🇱🇻, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Malaysia 🇲🇾, Mexico 🇲🇽, Morocco 🇲🇦, Namibia 🇳🇦, Nepal 🇳🇵, Netherlands 🇳🇱, New Zealand 🇳🇿, Nigeria 🇳🇬, Palestine 🇵🇸, Pakistan 🇵🇰, Philippines 🇵🇭, Poland 🇵🇱, Portugal 🇵🇹, Romania 🇷🇴, Russia 🇷🇺, Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, Spain 🇪🇸, Sri Lanka 🇱🇰, Sweden 🇸🇪, Syria 🇸🇾, Thailand 🇹🇭, Timor Leste 🇹🇱, Turkey 🇹🇷, UK 🇬🇧, Ukraine 🇺🇦, Uzbekistan 🇺🇿, USA 🇺🇸, Vietnam 🇻🇳, Zambia 🇿🇲, Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
1. OISC UK Registered, Registration No. F201100207
2. 5 Reviews 700+ reviews on Google & Trustpilot
3. Business since 2006 helped 1000s of clients from 60+ countries
4. Professional Indemnity Insurance £250,000
5. Visa advice in 5 Languages
6. High Success Rate- 100% Rate in most of the visa categories
7. Allocated Adviser for full application service
8. Fixed & Transparent Fees
9. One to one confidential online advice (Phone, Email, WhatsApp)
10. Best possible customer experience
UK Fiance Visa and Spouse Visa are also referred as Marriage Visa for UK. In Pakistan, they are referred as Managater Visa or Mangater visa.
UK Spouse Visa Application was made within UK as a Married Partner of a British Citizen to start family life in UK. Bringing families and loved ones together ❤️. UK Spouse Visa Application allows married, unmarried and civil partners to join their British Citizen or Settled partners in the UK. The partner visa is valid for 2 years and 9 months for visa applications from outside UK called Entry Clearance Applications.
For spouse visa switching applications, the length of the visa is 2 years and 6 months.
Ones who wish to get married and settle in UK, the UK Fiance Visa from Philippines (and all other countries) allows non-British citizens to arrive in the UK, get married to their British partner within 6 months visa validity period. On getting married, non- British partner can switch from UK Fiance Visa to UK Spouse Visa, without having to leave the United Kingdom, to start their family life. Fiancé Visa (Fiancee Visa) commonly referred as UK Marriage Visa as this partner visa allows to get married in the UK.
Applying UK Fiance Marriage Visa or Spouse Visa Application from France to UK or from any other country, contact our team of UK Registered Immigration and Visa Team to get help and support. As of today, we have 100% success rate since 2006 for UK Fiancé Visa Applications, Partner Visa commonly referred as UK Spouse Visa- Switching and Visa Extension Applications. To sponsor your French partner to UK to get married in UK and switch to spouse visa (a long term 2.5 years visa), UK Fiance Visa is the obvious choice.
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zrvisas · 8 months
From 60+ Countries, 100s of UK Fiance Visa & Spouse Visa Approvals just in last 12 months. Get visa advice from 'the Best UK Visa Advice Firm' who do these applications everyday. https://zrvisas.com/our-success-rate. ZR Visas is a Top Rated 5 🌟 UK Registered Visa Services Firm, 100% Success Rate in many UK Visas since 2006, 5 🌟 700+ Google & Trustpilot Reviews, 17 Years Experience, UK OISC, 🇬🇧 Registered Visa Firm Reg. F201100207, Clients in 60+ Countries, ⭐️ One Fixed Competitive Fee- No hidden cost. Advice in 5 languages including English,اردو, پنجابی & हिन्दी. 100% Success Rate since 2006 for UK Fiance Visa Applications, Spouse Visa Extension and Switching Visa Applications, British Nationality, ILR, Fee Waiver Applications, Partner and Parent Route (further leave to remain, extend visa in 5 years, 10 years partner visa route), Dependent Children Application to join parent, Sponsor Licence Applications, Applications for Certificate of Sponsorships (Cos), 7 Years Child Residence route, EUSS, Skilled Worker and Dependents Visa Applications. Expert advice for Corporate Immigration Advice Services to UK companies to sponsor migrant workers. Whichever part of the UK & world you live, we can provide visa services.
Apply for UK Fiance Visa to Get married in UK https://zrvisas.com/fiance-visa-getting-married-to-british-citizen-in-the-uk-get-married-in-uk
Apply for UK Spouse Visa as a partner of a British Citizen https://zrvisas.com/spouse-visa-fiance-visa-getting-married-to-british-citizen-sponsor-partner-to-uk
Success Rate- Visa Approvals from 60+ Countries
Customer Reviews on Google
The UK Government has announced changes to the Financial Requirements for UK partners visa such as UK Fiance Visa, Spouse Visa, Dependant Children Visas.
"The spouse/partner visa minimum income will first increase to £29,000 on 11 April 2024; to around £34,500 at an unspecified time later in 2024; and finally to around £38,700 in early 2025."
Team at ZR Visas, UK can help you legally represent your family visa applications in best possible way.
Top reasons to Choose ZR Visas, UK
1. OISC UK Registered, Registration No. F201100207
2. 5 🌟 Reviews 700+ on Googl, Trustpilot, Yell, Facebook
3. Business since 2006 helped 1000s of clients from 60+ countries
4. Professional Indemnity Insurance £250,000
5. Visa advice in 5 Languages
6. High Success Rate- 100% Rate in most of the visa categories
7. Allocated Adviser for full application service
8. Fixed & Transparent Fees
9. One to one confidential online advice (Phone, Email, WhatsApp)
10. Best possible customer experience
ZR Visas, UK
OISC Registration No. F201100207
UK Visas, Immigration & Nationality Services since 2006.
Phone: +441782977899
WhatsApp Text Only Service: 07944 132344
#zrvisas #visaconsultants #success #visaservices #fiancevisa
#partnervisa #unmarriedpartner
ZR Visas’s Clients around the world: 60+ Countries
Afghanistan 🇦🇫, Albania 🇦🇱, Algeria 🇩🇿, Argentina 🇦🇷, Austria 🇦🇹, Australia 🇦🇺, Bahrain 🇧🇭 , Bangladesh 🇧🇩 Belgium 🇧🇪, Botswana 🇧🇼, Brazil 🇧🇷, Burkina Faso 🇧🇫, Canada 🇨🇦, Cuba 🇨🇺 , Cyprus 🇨🇾 , Denmark 🇩🇰, Egypt 🇪🇬 , Gambia 🇬🇲, Ghana 🇬🇭, Guinea 🇬🇳, Hong Kong 🇭🇰, Hungary 🇭🇺, Iran 🇮🇷, India 🇮🇳, Italy 🇮🇹, Jamaica 🇯🇲, Jordan 🇯🇴, Kenya 🇰🇪, Latvia 🇱🇻, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Malaysia 🇲🇾, Mexico 🇲🇽, Morocco 🇲🇦, Namibia 🇳🇦, Nepal 🇳🇵, Netherlands 🇳🇱, New Zealand 🇳🇿, Nigeria 🇳🇬, Palestine 🇵🇸, Pakistan 🇵🇰, Philippines 🇵🇭, Poland 🇵🇱, Portugal 🇵🇹, Romania 🇷🇴, Russia 🇷🇺, Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, Spain 🇪🇸, Sri Lanka 🇱🇰, Sweden 🇸🇪, Syria 🇸🇾, Thailand 🇹🇭, Timor Leste 🇹🇱, Turkey 🇹🇷, UK 🇬🇧, Ukraine 🇺🇦, Uzbekistan 🇺🇿, USA 🇺🇸, Vietnam 🇻🇳, Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
Apply for UK Marriage Visa Application
Apply for UK Mangatar Visa Application
Apply for UK Fiance Visa Application
UK Spouse Visa Application for married Partner from Sri Lanka 02 Jan 2023 ZR Visas
UK Married Fellow Marriage UK Visa Application from Sauida Arabia 09 jan 2023
UK Spouse Partner Suitor Visa Application from Bahrain 11 Jan 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application for Married Spouse from Tunisia 17 Jan 2023
UK Spouse Visa for Married Partner Application to join British wife, from Kenya 26 Jan 2023
UK Partner Visa Application for Married Spouse to join husband from India 26 Jan 2023
UK Partner Visa Application for Married Spouse from Canada to join British partner 26 Jan 2023
UK Betrothed Visa as a Fiance of a British citizen partner to get married in UK from Syria 27 Jan 2023
UK Fiancee Visa Application from Pakistan to get married to British partner in UK 27 Jan 2023
UK Partner Visa Application from Kenya to join husband in the UK 28 Jan 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application from Morocco as a married partner of a British wife 31 Jan 2023
UK Fiancee Visa Application from Brazil 03 Feb 2023
UK Partner Visa Application from a Moroccan husband to join British wife 03 Feb 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application from Pakistan to join newly married partner 05 Feb 2023
UK Partner Visa Application as a Married Husband of a British wife, from Pakistan 10 Feb 2023
UK Fiancee Visa Application to join and get married British partner, from USA 14 Feb 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application from Tunisia after marriage in Tunisia 17 feb 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application for Husband from India to start family life 19 feb 2023
UK Groom Visa Application from Pakistan to join British counterpart in UK 20 Feb 2023
UK Spouse Visa after getting married, Application from Ghana 20 Feb 2023
UK Switching Fiancee Visa to Spouse Visa Application after getting married in UK within 6 months validity period of Fiance Visa 21 feb 2023
UK Partner Shadi Mangatar Visa Application from Pakistan 23 Feb 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application from Ghana as a married partner of a person with EU Settled Status 23 Feb 2023
UK Fiancee Visa Application from Nepal to join British citizen partner 23 Feb 2023
UK Occupied Partner Visa Application from Nepal 23 Feb 2023
UK Fiance Visa Application from Jamaica to get married in UK and switch to long term partner visa as a married partner 24 feb 2023
Application for UK Visa Switching from UK Fiance Visa Application to Spouse Visa 28 feb 2023
UK Partner Visa for Married Spouse Application from Pakistan for Mangatar 02 arch 2023
UK Partner Visa Application for Married Spouse from Romania after a failed EUSS Application as a dependent 08 March 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application for Husband from Romania to join a partner with EU Settled Status in the UK 15 March 2023
UK Consort Partner Visa Application from Ghana as a married partner of a British National 16 March 2023
UK Fiancee Visa from Australia to get married in UK to switch to UK Partner Visa 22 March 2023
Switching UK Fiance Visa Application to Married Spouse Visa Application for Husband 11 Apr 2023
Fellow Visa Application UK for Mangater from Zimbabwe 14 Apr 2023
UK Partner Visa Application for Married Spouse from Pakistan 17 apr 2023
Companion Visa Application UK for Spouse visa Application as a married partner from Ghana 17 Apr 2023
UK Partner Visa Application after getting married from Ghana 19 Apr 2023
UK Spouse Visa after getting married Mangeter Shadi Visa Application from Pakistan 21 Apr 2023
Spouse Visa Application UK after getting Married from Morocco 21 Apr 2023
Consort Visa Application UK for Married Spouse from Pakistan 24 Apr 2023
UK Fiance Visa Application to join partner from Pakistan 26 April 2023
Spouse Visa Application UK for Husband from Pakistan 26 Apr 2023
UK Spouse Visa Application from Pakistan 29 Apr 2023 Converting UK Fiance Visa Application to Spouse Visa 05 May 2023
Spouse Visa Application for husband after getting married from USA 05 May 2023
Partner Visa Application UK for married Spouse to join partner from USA 09 May 2023
Fiancee Visa Application UK for Mangater for getting married from Philippines 09 May 2023
Converting Fiancee Visa Application UK to join married Partner Spousal Visa Application 10 May 2023
Partner Visa Application for married Spouse to join British Partner from USA 15 May 2023
Diverting UK Fiance Visa Application for Mangater to Spouse Visa for Wife to be british 22 May 2023
Shifting Fiance Visa Application UK to Spouse as a married partner Visa Application UK 22 May 2023
Partner Visa Extension for Married Spouse UK to stay British 24 May 2023
Switching Fiancee Visa Application UK for Mangater to Spouse Visa for getting married Application 07 June 2023
Partner Visa for Married Spouse Application UK from Italy 12 Jun 2023
Partner Visa Application UK after getting married for wife from Philippines 13 Jun 2023
UK Spouse Visa after getting married UK for Married Spouse from Philippines 20 June 2023
Switching Fiance Visa Application for Mangater to Partner Visa Application to get married UK 20 Jun 2023
Spouse visa Application UK as a married partner for British Husband from Bangladesh 22 Jun 2023
Married partner Visa Application UK for Husband from USA 05 July 2023
Spouse Visa Application UK for Married Spouse to join Partner from USA 07 July 2023
Partner Visa Application UK for Spouse as a married partner from Cuba 14 July 2023
Converting Fiance Visa Application for Mangater UK to Spouse visa as a married partner Visa Application 06 Aug 2023
UK Spouse Visa for Husband Application as a married partner Extension 17 Aug 2023
Switching Fiance Visa for Mangatar to Spouse Visa Application for Wife for getting married 19 Aug 2023
Diverting Fiancee Visa for Mangatar Application UK to Spouse Visa for getting married and continue living there with married partner 21 Aug 2023
Partner Visa for Married Spouse Visa Extension UK 26 Aug 2023
UK Spouse Visa after getting married Extension 29 Aug 2023
Shifting Fiance Visa Application UK to Married Spouse Visa to live as a British for long time 30 Aug 2023
Switching Fiancée Visa for Mangater Application to Spouse Visa for getting married Application 30 Aug 2023
Spouse Visa for Married Partner as Husband Application UK to join partner from Pakistan 31 Aug 2023
Fiance Visa Application for Mangater from Canada to join and stay with partner 13 Sep 2023
Changing UK Fiance Visa Application UK to Married Spouse as British Visa Application 15 Sep 2023
Diverting Fiance Visa Application to Spouse for Husband Visa 21 Sep 2023
UK Partner Visa Application for married Spouse from Italy 25 sep 2023
UK Partner Visa Application after getting married from Pakistan 03 Oct 2023
UK Spouse Visa after getting married Application UK to live as British from Philippines 31 Oct 2023
Switching Student Visa Application UK to Spouse Visa after getting married Application 01 Nov 2023
Fiance Visa Application for Mangater UK to join British Partner fromThailand 02 Nov 2023
Spouse Visa Application UK for getting married and join Partner from France 07 Nov 2023
Companion Visa Application UK to live as British from France 13 Nov 2023
Partner Visa Application for Married Spouse UK to stay in UK for long time from Philippines 13 Nov 2023
UK Shifting Fiancee Visa Application UK to Spouse Visa Application to join British Partner 14 Nov 2023
Converting Fiance Visa Application UK for Mangater to Spouse Visa Application for getting married as Husband Application 07 Dec 2023
UK Partner Visa for Married Spouse Extension UK 18 Dec 2023
New Income Requirements for UK Spouse Visa from 11 April 2024, minimunin income requirement increasing from £18600 per year to £29000. The new financial requirements for UK fiance visa, spouse visa and Dependent Children will apply for all applications from 11 April 2024. The new Higher income requirement 2024 for UK partner visa will only Apply to visa applications who make first visa entry clearance applications after 11 April 2024 and subsequent visa extensions including ILR applications.
UK Fiance Visa Application for American Girlfriend
UK Settlement Visa application as a Partner of a British Citizen
UK Engagement Visa Application to marry in UK
Visa to marry British partner in UK
Shadi Visa to marry in UK to settle
UK Mangatar Visa Application, Mirpur, Pakistan
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