#apples and pears always give him a little tummy ache
canisalbus · 8 months
I know it's not canon, but every now and then I like to imagine Machete with bad food allergies, eggs, wheat, dairy, whatever it is that day, because I know Vasco would go to the ends of the earth to try and find something they could eat together. He seems like the type to really value sharing meals, and would be heartbroken if he couldn't share the same food with Machete
Aw, that's very sweet ;v;
It is it's own little tragedy not being able to accept food that is offered to you, social eating is such a significant way of bonding between people (sentences that sound like an undercover alien wrote them).
Just looking at him and his malnourished chihuahua vibes, Machete certainly seems the type to have at least some food intolerances. Should I give him an allergy or two? Or would that be excessive, he's already radiating big frail victorian child energy, I don't want to go so far overboard it becomes totally unrealistic.
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