#apple visionpro
overwritexr · 1 year
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searchsystem · 7 months
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Apple / VisionPro / Headset / 2023
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tamapalace · 8 months
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manifesting Apple Vision Pro x TamaTown 🕶️
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azspot · 7 months
Apple, a company that redefined the computer several times over, has managed to launched a $3500 device that at its most basic level cannot let me type words on a fucking page, and it is astonishing that this company would launch a product so utterly ramshackle in its execution. It isn’t clear why, for example, I cannot simply type in this document, check my texts, and then immediately return to my document without the Vision Pro either failing to let me start typing or dropping my cursor in the middle of the page.
The Apple Vision Pro: A Review
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nrnd · 1 year
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Vision Pro - Apple
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theneondreaming · 1 year
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Apple Vision Pro
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shalomguttentag · 1 year
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porracristo · 1 year
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This week, New York City, also known as "The Big Apple," had its sky turned orange due to Canadian wildfires caused by global warming. However, there's no reason to worry about this anymore because Apple has launched its VR technology, allowing us to see the world the way we want, ignoring all the mess we've made on our planet.
Nesta semana, a cidade de Nova York, também conhecida como "A Grande Maçã", teve seu céu alaranjado devido aos incêndios florestais no Canadá causados ​​pelo aquecimento global. No entanto, não há mais motivos para se preocupar com isso porque a Apple lançou sua tecnologia VR, permitindo que vejamos o mundo do jeito que queremos, ignorando toda a bagunça que fizemos em nosso planeta.
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gameofpolthrones · 1 year
React to light, and cast shadows.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
They Have A Vision
If there is any company whose IPO I wish I had bought into, it is Apple’s. Of course, hindsight is far better than my 64-year-old blue eyes. When the stock debuted on 12th December 1980 (Yeah! Forty-three years ago!), it was $22 a share. Today, if I had put only $1000 on the line, it would be worth $1.26 million.
Dang. Retirement plans foiled.
Apple is an anomaly in many ways. It has always been an innovator, even if it wasn’t necessarily first to market. It’s just that when it did come to market, it did so better than anyone else nearby. Furthermore, it has seldom worried about being the market share leader. They’re good with being Number Two in many cases, if only because the high price of their products (aka The Apple Tax) helps offset market share losses.
Yesterday at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, the tech giant announced its new Vision Pro, which combines virtual and augmented reality. The price? A mere $3499. Holy cow, that’s a lot of Benjamins. But you can probably bet your last $100 that Apple’s new product is going to knock it out of the park.
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Apple has always come in with lofty prices on its introductions. The first iPhone (2007) hit the market at $599, which was basically unheard of then. The iPad (2010) was $499, and then the Apple Watch (2015) was $349 and up. I bought into iPhone 2 and iPad 1, but skipped the watch, if only because my students had already ridiculed me back in 2010 for wearing an old-school watch while carrying an iPhone around. They said it was redundant, and made me look old.

Now I look old for not having an Apple Watch. Go figure.
Anyway, with such a high price, Apple is assuming some hefty risks. Sure, we’ve had inflation the last two years, but nothing like what could have caused an introductory price to balloon this much. Basically, the Vision Pro “looks like a pair of ski goggles and lets people overlay virtual images on live videos of the real world.” You look through it, not at it.
As per the announcement info, the device allows for apps to pop up in front of our eyes. And, our eyes will be visible to those on the outside, so we’re not exactly in another world away from others. Disney has also come on board to create content for the new device. Knowing Apple, there won’t be any shortage of content, lest early adopters be left wondering what to do with their expensive plaything.
While there have been others who have tried and failed in this space, let us be reminded that Apple typically comes along to show us how to use all the cool things. I learned this with the iPhone, whose introduction I belittled since I already owned a phone, camera, and iPod. Why would I possibly need an all-in-one? Because Apple had plans for me, you, and millions of other people.
I suspect that Apple will do with the Vision Pro what it did to Blackberry with phones, and Amazon Kindle with tablets. It will redefine the space and add far more complexity and features than earlier entrants could ever conceive. Apple has been down this road multiple times, and knows how to compete.
Companies like Google and Microsoft, known more for their software and operating systems than anything else, have not fared as well in hardware. Just ask Google about Google Glass.
I may not exactly know just yet how I will incorporate Vision Pro into my daily routine, but I bet it’s going to be amazing. I am fully invested in the Apple ecosystem (aside from the watch), and know that everything they make plays well with everything else. But it is still a big gulp moment, because this is nearly as much as the last camera body I bought, something I get lots of usage from on a regular basis. Wearing ski goggles will take some adjustments for me.
On the other hand, Apple always seems to know something I don’t. It’ll all become clear in a little while.
Dr “Saving My Benjamins“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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iphoneislam · 1 year
ملخص مؤتمر أبل للمطورين WWDC 2023، مرحباً Vision Pro
انتهي منذ ساعات قليلة مؤتمر أبل للمطورين لعام 2023 والذي ربما يعد الأضخم والأكبر في تاريخ أبل حيث كشفت فيه أبل عن تحديث لكل أنظمتها وكذلك عدد من الأجهزة الجديدة والمفاجأة كانت في عودة مقولة One More Thing مع إطلاق النظارة المبهرة والتي على الرغم من توقع إطلاقها لكنها كانت مفاجأة للجميع بكم المزايا الضخم فيها. تابع معنا المقال وسنتناول بشكل مختصر أهم ما كشف عنه في المؤتمر. Continue reading…
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overwritexr · 1 year
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searchsystem · 8 months
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Apple / VisionPro / Headset / 2023
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cizotech · 2 months
🚀 Ready to take your iOS app to the next level? Discover how AI can boost your app's performance and deliver smarter, more personalized experiences.
From machine learning to natural language processing and computer vision, our latest blog explores the cutting-edge techniques and strategies you need to know. 🌟
📞 Contact Cizo Technology today and let's transform your app into a high-performance, AI-powered iOS App Development Services!
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tretorosal · 4 months
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itiltlabs · 4 months
🚀 Step into the Future with Apple Vision Pro 🕶️
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🚀 Step into the Future with Apple Vision Pro 🕶️
Are you ready to revolutionize your business with immersive, cutting-edge experiences? At TILTLABS, we're excited to empower visionary companies like yours to explore the boundless possibilities of Apple Vision Pro.
With our advanced app development capabilities, we'll help you create awe-inspiring, interactive apps that seamlessly blend the digital and physical worlds. Imagine your customers engaging with your products and services in ways never thought possible, all powered by Apple's groundbreaking spatial computing technology. Reach out to us at [email protected], and let's start designing the future together.
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