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grntre23 · 11 days ago
modern day things jsmn characters would love:
segundus: excruciatingly detailed tea ceremonies, wearing his pjs till they have holes in the sleeve hems, afternoon baking television specials, subscribing to science magazine periodicals, indoor plant gardening, trader joe’s, (being a teacher) and decorating his classroom, weekly (gossipy) neighborhood book clubs, keeping a physical journal on him at all times, independent booksellers
childermass: not being on social media, niche tarot draw youtube videos, the concept of irish goodbyes, using the oldest working phone model possible, bed on the floor no frame, wearing sunglasses indoors, depressing british rock, guessing jeopardy/who’s going to be a millionaire answers before anyone else can, never picking up phone calls, being a horse girl, having a masochistically loud alarm, being a political centrist, being a coffee purist
vinculus: drink vouchers marketing people hand out on the street, public transport, tinder, watching a game at the pub, rentable public scooters, selling fake fortunes/conducting seances online for believing middle-aged clientele, mobile gambling apps, action movies, spending inordinate amounts of money on his tattoos
norrell: instacart grocery delivery, obsessively stalking subreddits, ebay, sending whatsapp threads of fake infographics, eating a whole foods diet with no seasoning, directing people to his PA (lascelles), obscure netflix documentaries he quotes for two weeks after watching, keeping up with the british royal family, vitamins, remote work policies, twitter conspiracy theorists
strange: starting a podcast, apple pay, getting really into running, getting really into bitcoin, being a ‘wife guy’, using his veteran’s discount for overconsumption, truth or dare and he only ever picks dare, backpacking in xyz european country, picking up his work phone during date night, making ‘am i the asshole’ reddit posts which norrell secretly and unknowingly follows, eating ‘superfoods’, ensemble cast movies
gentleman: tiktok trends, shitty reality television, amazon prime next day delivery, owning a motorcycle, going on resort vacations 6x/year, brand name clothing with ostentatious logos, biweekly hair appointments, sliding into DMs, caffeinated energy drinks you can overdose on, orange theory classes, having a miniature designer dog, acting ‘woke’, getting scammed by phishing, dentist appointments
stephen: interior design, considering veganism, high thread count bedsheets, having a cat, going to therapy and actually improving, high quality european butter, 10 step self-care routine, homemade laminated pastries, sustainability, notion
emma pole: advanced embroidery kits, spiked morning drinks, doc martens, girls’ night, having a private instagram, clubbing, cat instagram reels, 9-5 work hours, racket sports, going with bell to expensive dessert cafes, classical music
arabella: pinterest boarding, girls’ night, knowing wine pairings, being really into running (influenced by strange, she keeps going after he quits), jellycats, diverse milk options at coffee shops, watching ootds, bon appetite recipes, meal prepping, having a well-loved dog whose lifestyle needs she researches with academic detail, expensive dessert cafes, radio pop playlist
drawlight: excessive instagram posting, watching tiktok fashion critiques, weekend brunch, ‘i know a guy’, bespoke clothing, 34 hour screentime, influencer events, house parties, half off convenience store wine, being employee of the month, forgetting his wallet at group dinners/not paying back venmo requests, keeping up with celebrity drama
lascelles: group projects he can monopolize, stock market trading, expensive branded clothes without logos, being a coffee purist, driving a ridiculously loud sports car, not caring about politics, getting valet service, searching his own name up on google, winning employee of the month over drawlight, scrolling his linkedin feed
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hawkesharbor-au · 23 days ago
Hawke's Harbor: A Modern-Day AU Scene I, Part I.
[‘Bound by Design’ – Val Royeaux, Orlais; Summer, 9:41 Dragon]
*It was a bright and lovely summer afternoon in the middle of downtown Val Royeaux. Since there were generally few appointments made for a tattoo during regular working week hours, ‘Bound By Design’ wasn’t technically open – instead, Dorian Pavus and his best friend and co–owner, Zevran Arainai, were using the extra time to tidy and organize the store, restock supplies, and do whatever else needed to before booked appointments and walk–ins started showing up later that evening. Just then, Dorian had finished with his own work for the moment and was sketching in one of his notebooks as he enjoyed his lunch. On the other side of the studio, Zevran was carefully sorting out, loading, and testing out vials of a new, experimental metallic–colored ink he’d special-ordered.*
*Today, Dorian’s lunch was a handsome sandwich; his partner of nearly three years had put shredded, open-roasted rosemary–sage chicken on a thick, homemade seedy wheat roll; topping it off with fresh crunchy greens, onion, and some kind of crumbly, fancy artisan cheese he’d found at a countryside Farmers’ Market the weekend before. He’d paired it with a thermos of muddled strawberry–mint lemonade, a glass container of peeled apples and vanilla yogurt topped with toasted coconut, and two thick slices of pumpkin bread made fresh earlier that morning – Dorian ate that as a snack with a fresh hot mug of coffee earlier in the morning when he and Zevran went to the café down the street for some fresh air.*
Zevran: “Did Geth pack you lunch and supper today, or just lunch?”
Dorian: “Just lunch – he’s not working today, so he’ll pop in with something fresh later,” *setting aside his sketchbook and pen to have a few bites, careful not to speak with a full mouth* “He doesn’t like making meals ahead; he hates leftovers and wasting food. Over the years, we’ve finally reached the point we never have either anymore.”
Zevran: “I wish Jöel and Nate were half as concerned about their food,” *with a laugh as he held up his test skin to the light flowing in from the open shop windows; the warm, summer afternoon air flowing freely in along with the sounds of the busy city outside* “Jöel forgets half of the time and Nate just doesn’t care. I’ve watched them both pick mold off bread and eat the rest without thinking twice – I had to tell them it was still moldy even if they couldn’t see or taste it, and Nate argued with me! I swear for such an educated man, he is ridiculous.”
Dorian: “Some of the stupidest people I know have Masters’ Degrees or even PhD’s – on the other hand, some of the smartest people I know don’t have anything beyond a high school diploma.”
Zevran: “It’s funny how that almost always seems to be the case, no?”
Dorian: “Definitely,” *amused* “You don’t have any formal education, do you? I don’t think I’ve ever asked.”
Zevran: “I don’t even have a high school diploma – and Jöel only has that himself,” *looking over at him with a wink* “Somehow, we’ve done quite well, don’t you think?”
Dorian: “Hold on, the Hero of Ferelden just has a high school diploma?” *surprised* “Not even an Associate’s or Bachelor’s? Wasn’t he mid–twenties when the War broke out?”
Zevran: “Twenty–five; just before Ostagar, too,” *he was working with his tattoo needles again, reloading a new color with long, dexterous fingers* “He did a lot of travelling around Northern Ferelden before he was a Warden – his docuseries, ‘Beyond the Bannorn,’ got insanely popular all over Thedas once word got out he made them.”
Dorian: “I think I heard about this. It was the one about the old ruins and battlefields, right?”
Zevran: “That’s it,” *as he starts on the fake skin* “Jöel and his brother Fergus filmed them from the time Jöel was seventeen, all the way up to when he was conscripted by the Wardens and taken to Ostagar – they got insanely popular once he started making vids about the war; it helped recruitment numbers so much he had a full-force of Wardens ready by Amaranthine.”
*Dorian had finished his sandwich by then and opened the yogurt and apples – but instead of continuing to eat his meal, he’d taken his cell phone from where it was sitting on the counter beside him, unlocking it with a deft, practiced flick. Zevran looked over when he heard the familiar videos start popping up.*
Dorian: “You don’t expect the most terrifying man in the South to have started out as a semi-known videographer.”
Zevran: “He and Nate have that in common – they both love Ferelden martial history; anything to do with ‘boots on the ground,’ and battlefields. I think there’s a section they did during the war that tells the entire history of the First Ferelden-Orlesian War, broken down so even illiterate farmers could understand.”
Dorian: “During the actual war? How?”
Zevran: “Not by no lack of trying – the Second Ferelden-Orlais War was the first, and now hopefully last, times live and active combat was featured not just on radio and television, but on the internet without any form of censorship. Jöel was either recording it on the fly, or it was being recorded and sent to him by one of us. It helped prove Orlais was committing war crimes and leveled public support against them and, eventually, it led to the end of the war in Amaranthine, after the Fourth Siege,” *setting aside his work to get up and come see what was being pulled up, looking over Dorian’s shoulder with a hum* “Part of the reason Orlais took the opportunity to end it so quickly was because they were desperate to get these taken down – but since Jöel was the sole owner of the account, Ferelden couldn’t unilaterally demand he take them down... so he didn’t.”
*As Zevran watched over his shoulder, Dorian flicked through a few pages of video – there had to be a thousand or more. He’d had a passing interest, but he hadn’t come South until just after the war had ended, years ago now – during it, the biggest impact in Minrathous was that a few shops didn’t have their usual crops or products for that year and those before.*
Dorian: “I did know about the videos, about him, but actually seeing these…”
Zevran: “Knowing and seeing it are different, yes,” *quietly, pointing to one of the videos they were thumbing through* “… That one was in Amaranthine, just after the Second Siege; I’m actually there in the background with Nate – we were tracking down an Orlesian informant in the city. I think we caught and hung him shortly after this was shot. Jöel never censored anything; he said if the rest of Thedas was going to sit and watch his friends die and Ferelden burn, they were going to sit and watch every second of it.”
Dorian: “Wouldn’t that implicate Ferelden just as much as it did Orlais? Orlais had war crimes, but then Ferelden had Mac Tir.”
Zevran: “There is no real morality in war – go to Ostagar, Amaranthine, Redcliffe, South Reach, the Brecilians, or Orzammar, ask the corpses we made if honor matters more than survival – their silence is their answer, and mine,” *softer this time, as he straightened again* “That’s the one thing I always respect about Jöel, Warden–Commander or no; he didn’t play games of ‘holier than thou,’ of ‘right and wrong,’ he played to win because war is about killing them before they kill you, and because dead men can’t tell the truth.”
Dorian: *quietly, processing* “… It’s insane to even…”
Zevran: “Except it isn’t,” *answering as he walked back across the studio to his tattoo equipment and sitting down amongst his work again* “Insanity is a funny little thing; it can’t have intent, otherwise it’s premeditated, and if you’re smart enough to know what you’re doing, you’re sane. Jöel knew what he was doing, knew exactly what he wanted to say – that’s what made, makes, him so dangerous.”
Dorian: “And what do you think he wanted to say?”
Zevran: “This what happened…” *tilts his head to one side* “This is what we did,” *tilts his head to the other,* “… And this is why we mattered.” *bows his head to the center*
Dorian: “Do you remember all of the war like he does?”
Zevran: “My work with the Crows always made me a different element; I was already used to violence – maybe not wartime violence, but violence is still violence. Jöel and Nate, Anders, Carver, most of the Wardens I worked with in those years, had never seen real, active combat outside the normal bandits or random animal attacks before the war. For them, and even me to an extent, the Ferelden–Orlais War was a trial by literal fire – none of us came out the same men we were when we went in. And Jöel… Jöel was at the center of it; we got to see a man go from being just a man, to a legend. And now some of us get to see the cost of becoming one."
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fangirlingfromdownunder · 2 years ago
Solo Roadtrip Comfort
Summary - Part 12 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure)
Warnings - mentions of pregnancy, 
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N - G’day guys, I just wanna start by thanking you for all the likes, reblogs and follows since my last post, I really appreciate it. I hope you like this one too. And remember my inbox is always open for requests or even if you just wanna chat. Until next week, enjoy! 
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You and Dean stay with Bobby for a few days before Sam catches a new lead. Dean, not wanting you to travel alone again insisted you drive back to the bunker together before he and Sam headed off again. While you didn’t really want to return to being alone, you finally agreed the bunker was home and you were safest there. You all knew it wasn’t going to be a milk run, but Dean promised to be back in time for your ultrasound appointment. However, nothing had gone to plan since they left. On the third day in pursuit of the high-level demon they’d called Bobby in for assistance. You were spending every waking hour researching and looking for demonic omens. With less than 48 hours to your appointment and no significant progress, you decide to call Dean to encourage him just to come home and regroup. 
“Hey, sweetheart, everything okay?”
“Yeah, just miss you.”
“I miss you too. I really thought we would’ve caught the son of a bitch by now.”
“I know...”
“24 more hours, okay, sweetheart? I’ll come back for the appointment, demon or no demon. I made a promise and I intend to keep it.”
“I called up to convince you, but truly, Dean, it’s just an ultrasound. I’ll get the pictures and there’ll be others. We’ll probably barely be able to see anything anyway. You should keep on this demon. It could be the key to creating a safer world for our peanut.”
“We’re chasing our tails, baby. We’re no closer to finding it than we were a week ago. I just want to hold you in my arms again.”
“I want nothing more than to be in your arms, but…”
“I know. I’ll give it 24 more hours. If we catch a lead we’ll chase it, otherwise I’m coming home to you. Deal?”
“Deal. I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
“You better not be overexerting yourself with research. Promise me you’ve been sleeping and eating and managing your stress.”
“I promise. Three full meals a day with snacks and I’m in our cold, lonely bed with a book or a movie by midnight, up every day well after dawn.”
“That’s my girl. I’ll be back to warm up that bed and give you some company soon enough.”
“I love you. Get back to work, I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Alright, sweetheart. I’ll call you tonight.”
You hang up and go to the kitchen to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before going back to research, but you find the peanut butter jar empty – damn Dean putting empty jars in the cupboard. The thought of your fiance makes you smile for a second. But your craving takes over. You go to your room and change out of Dean’s T-shirt into one of your own with ripped jeans and finish your outfit with one of his flannels before slipping on your boots and heading for the garage. You take the keys for the bright red car off the hook and get in, driving to the store. Once you get there you grab a new jar of peanut butter and a range of your other favourite snacks including a fresh apple pie. You take your things to the counter but something feels off. 
You feel uncomfortable with how the cashier is looking at you. You could’ve sworn his eyes were pitch black, but when you walk over with your groceries and get a closer look they’re bright blue. You try to push the anxiety down, but you can’t ignore your years of hunting experience and the sinking feeling in your stomach. That’s when you realise you had left the bunker completely unarmed. So instead you try to be inconspicuous and just pay for your groceries and leave. You keep looking back over your shoulder with each step you take towards your extremely conspicuous car. You quickly get in and lock the doors behind you and zoom off back towards the bunker. Once you’re out on the straight road you call Dean, but after two rings you hang up and call Sam instead. 
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?”
“You with Dean?”
“I’m at the Library. Dean’s off with Bobby chatting to the locals.”
“Oh ok. Umm…good.”
“What’s going on? You know he doesn’t like it when you come to me instead of him. Didn’t you just almost break up over this a couple of weeks ago?”
“You know what he’s like…he stresses so much.”
“You know why though.”
“I know just…fine! I call him.”
Just as you’re about to say your goodbyes your phone lights up with an incoming call. “Speak of the devil…he’s calling. Thanks, Sam. I’ll see you whenever you guys get back. Be safe and good luck!”
You hang up and answer Dean’s call. 
“Hey, sweetheart, something wrong? Are you okay? The baby?”
“We’re both fine. Give me a sec,” you put the phone down while you drive into the garage, but stop halfway when something occurs to you, “shit!”
“Y/N? Sweetheart? What’s going on?”
You hear Dean’s worried calls and pick your phone back up. “Something’s not right, Dean.”
“With the baby? Are you bleeding? Does it hurt? I know I hate hospitals-”
“I’m fine. The baby’s fine. I already told you.”
“Then what’s not right? What’s going on?”
“I gotta get out of here. I think someone’s in the bunker.”
“Son of a bitch! Dammit! I’ll send Sam back on the plane and I’ll drive. Dammit! I’ll get on a plane…”
You quickly back out of the garage and speed off down the road. You don’t know where to go, but you can’t risk being caught in the bunker with a demon. You try to take deep breaths to manage your stress, completely zoning out your frantic fiance on the phone. After a few minutes, you spot a clearing in the trees, drive off the road, and park.
“Y/N? Talk to me? Are you there? Are you okay?”
“Dean. I think the demon you’re looking for is here in Kansas.”
“I’m getting in the car now. I’m gonna pick up Sam and Bobby and we’re gonna check it out. I want you to get out of there and drive to Bobby’s and lock yourself in the panic room. Don’t stop unless you absolutely have to. And call me whenever you do.”
“Dean…It’s all my fault,” you try to take a deep breath but end up crying instead. The stress is too much for you to handle alone, along with your raging hormones. “I went out. I didn’t take my gun or my knife. I just wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but you ate all the peanut butter! I just wanted a sandwich…And I-I forgot to shut the garage door. It’s my fault. They found me. The cashier-”
“Hey, hey, hey! Y/N! Sweetheart! Slow down! Take a deep breath with me,” Dean takes an exaggerated breath in and out so you can hear him. He does this a few times until he can hear you’ve settled down a little. “Okay, now start at the beginning. Tell me everything.”
You tell him everything that’s happened since you last spoke, including your call to Sam and hunch about the cashier. 
“Okay, we’re gonna stick to the same plan okay? You keep driving to Bobby’s, I can stay on the line if you want. If you need to stop to fill up, pee or get snacks you call me, Sam or Bobby – you don’t unlock or get out of the car without one of us on the line. As soon as I meet up with them we’re all gonna head back. Sam and I will go to Kansas and search the bunker and check the town for demons, Bobby will go home to be with you. We’ll go there and pick you up and bring you home as soon as we know it’s safe.”
“I’m sorry, Dean.”
“For what?”
“For scaring you, for screwing up, for not being more careful…”
“Everything’s gonna be okay. It’s not your fault. Granted it’s a little early for baby-brain to be setting in yet, but then again I’ve never been around many pregnant women, so what would I know?”
“I can’t go to Sioux Falls, what about the appointment?”
“You call and reschedule, or I can. It can be a few days late. It’s more important you’re safe. I just pulled up in front of the library, I’m gonna go get Sam and fill him in, you should start driving. Do you want to stay on the line?”
You take a deep breath. “No, I’m a badass hunter, I can do this!”
“Damn right you are! You got this. By the way, check the glove box.”
You do as you’re told and find a silver knife and gun. “But how?”
“Before we left Bobby’s I put a spare set in there. It’s your car whenever you want it, you know that, and I knew I couldn’t stop you from leaving the bunker when I’m not there. But what I could do was make sure you never left unarmed.”
“I love you, baby.”
“Be safe. You got this. And call whenever you stop, we’ll be tracking you too.”
You hang up and go to close the glove box but something catches your eye: a mix tape. You pull it out, you can’t help but smile as you read the writing: A mixtape for the love of my life. You put it in to play and start the car. Classic rock fills the car as you peel off back towards the road. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A few hours pass before the need to pee is so unbearable you have to stop. You take the next exit and call Sam before pulling up at the Gas-N-Sip. He answers quickly.
“Hey Y/N, you’re on speaker with Dean too.”
“Hey, sweetheart! First stop? Where are you?”
“I thought you two were tracking me,” you say as you get out and fuel up the car. 
“We are, but I’m driving.”
“Columbus, Nebraska. I’m fuelling up and then I really need to pee. Luckily I already had snacks, although I still want a PB&J!”
“You can make one as soon as you get to Bobby’s,” Dean says.
“Hey, we know that’s not a short drive, especially by yourself. I know you’re not supposed to be drinking coffee or energy drinks at the moment, and I know Dean’s ready to punch me for even suggesting this, but you might need to consider it. It’s not safe to sleep on the side of the road alone, nor can we guarantee any motels.”
“Thanks for the advice, Sam, but I’d rather risk it at a motel than risk the baby’s health by binging on caffeine.”
“Only you know what’s best for you-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I know really gotta pee!” You rush to the women’s bathroom keeping them on the line but telling them to shut up. You check the stalls finding them all empty before going into the first one and locking it. You listen carefully for anyone else coming and going but it’s quiet. So you do your business and get out as quickly as possible. After paying for the fuel you get back in the car and drive off. 
“I’m back on the road now. I’ll call you next time I stop.”
“Be safe!” they both say in unison.
“I love when you talk at the same time. You two be safe too! Oh, and I found the mixtape, love of my life,” you say before hanging up.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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By: Jason L. Riley
Published: Jun 26, 2019
A political scientist found that fewer than 1 in 3 of 346 such allegations was genuine.
When I asked Wilfred Reilly about last week’s appointment of a special prosecutor in Chicago to take up the Jussie Smollett case, he was cautiously optimistic. Mr. Reilly is author of a new book, “Hate Crime Hoax,” in which he details how the initial publicity for supposed hate crimes tends all but to disappear if the allegations are exposed as fake.
So does the sustained press coverage of Mr. Smollett—the television actor who was accused of staging an attack on himself back in January, only to have all 16 felony counts against him abruptly dropped for reasons that prosecutors have never made clear—represent progress of sorts?
“It’s the archetype of a hate crime hoax. It’s one of the most flamboyant examples of the genre,” said Mr. Reilly, himself a Second City native. An openly gay black man residing in one of the country’s most liberal and diverse metropolises is set upon by two white Donald Trump supporters who brandish bleach and a noose while shouting racial and antigay slurs? “It was a situation so extreme and bizarre that I think we would have had to look at how much racial progress the U.S. had actually made had it really occurred.” The appointment of a special prosecutor, and the possibility of bringing new charges against Mr. Smollett, is a good sign, Mr. Reilly added, “but will we see the same amount of coverage when the hoax involves a less famous person?”
Mr. Reilly is a professor of political science at Kentucky State University, and his interest in hate crimes dates to his graduate-school days, when he became aware of several widely reported incidents in the vicinity of his hometown that turned out to be fake. In 2012 a popular gay bar in suburban Chicago was destroyed by fire, and the owner cited homophobia as the reason. The same year, black students at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside reported death threats from hate groups and found a noose hanging from a dorm room door. Ultimately, the owner of the bar pleaded guilty to arson and insurance fraud. And a black student at the university fessed up to sending racist threats and planting a noose.
More incidents followed, and Mr. Reilly’s skepticism grew. “This phenomenon of fake hate crimes did not appear to be small-scale or regionally based,” he writes. A gay pastor in Texas accused a Whole Foods store of selling him a cake with a slur written in icing. The store produced video evidence that the pastor was lying. A white woman in Oregon disfigured her own face with acid and claimed a black man had attacked her. Later, she admitted fabricating the entire story. After signs that read “blacks only” and “whites only” were found at bathroom entrances on the University at Buffalo campus in upstate New York, a black graduate student confessed to posting them.
Mr. Reilly eventually compiled a database of 346 hate-crime allegations and determined that less than a third were genuine. Turning his attention to the hoaxes, he put together a data set of more than 400 confirmed cases of fake allegations that were reported to authorities between 2010 and 2017. He allows that the exact number of false reports is probably unknowable, but what can be said “with absolute confidence is that the actual number of hate crime hoaxes is indisputably large,” he writes. “We are not speaking here of just a few bad apples.”
The author’s bigger concern, and rightly so, is the growing politicization of hate crimes, especially when they are directed at underrepresented groups and regardless of whether they in fact happened. The sad reality is that there is no shortage of individuals and entities with a vested interest in exaggerating racial tensions in the U.S.—from civil-rights organizations to corporate diversity officers to professors of race and gender studies.
These alleged incidents are invariably seized upon by politicians and activists looking to feed a sacrosanct belief among liberals that discrimination and oppression are the main drivers of inequality. “In the mainstream media we hear almost constant talk about scary new forms of racism: ‘white privilege,’ ‘cultural appropriation,’ and ‘subtle bigotry,’ ” Mr. Reilly writes, yet “a huge percentage of the horrific hate crimes cited as evidence of contemporary bigotry are fakes.”
If “Hate Crime Hoax” merely offered examples to illustrate the extent of this phenomenon—and the book offers nearly 100—it would be providing a much-needed public service. But Mr. Reilly has a larger point to make. The Smollett case isn’t an outlier. Increasingly, it’s the norm. And the media’s relative lack of interest in exposing hoaxes that don’t involve famous figures is a big part of the problem.
Here's another database cataloguing - as of this post - 508 fake hate crimes.
If you don't already assume that any such incident is a hoax until proven otherwise, I don't know what else will convince you.
It's notable that a hate crime hoax only works in a society that is already deeply intolerant of victimization and discrimination based on these types of characteristics.
The existence of hate crime hoaxes is therefore indicative of how successful we've been at eliminating this type of victimization and discrimination, because the perpetrators seek to exploit the society's desire that it not happen, while tacitly admitting that there are too few legitimate examples for them to leverage.
That is, the demand exceeds the supply.
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sohojware · 6 months ago
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Which Payment Gateways Are Compatible for Dynamic Websites - A Comprehensive Guide by Sohojware
The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and for businesses with dynamic websites, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. A dynamic website is one that generates content on the fly based on user input or other factors. This can include things like e-commerce stores with shopping carts, membership sites with customized content, or even online appointment booking systems.
For these dynamic websites, choosing the right payment gateway is essential. A payment gateway acts as a secure bridge between your website and the financial institutions that process payments. It ensures a smooth and safe transaction experience for both you and your customers. But with a plethora of payment gateways available, selecting the most compatible one for your dynamic website can be overwhelming.
This comprehensive guide by Sohojware, a leading web development company, will equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision. We’ll delve into the factors to consider when choosing a payment gateway for your dynamic website, explore popular options compatible with dynamic sites, and address frequently asked questions.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Payment Gateway for Dynamic Websites
When selecting a payment gateway for your dynamic website in the United States, consider these key factors:
Security: This is paramount. The payment gateway should adhere to stringent security protocols like PCI DSS compliance to safeguard sensitive customer information. Sohojware prioritizes security in all its development projects, and a secure payment gateway is a non-negotiable aspect.
Transaction Fees: Payment gateways typically charge transaction fees, which can vary depending on the service provider and the type of transaction. Be sure to compare fees associated with different gateways before making your choice.
Recurring Billing Support: If your website offers subscriptions or memberships, ensure the payment gateway supports recurring billing functionalities. This allows for automatic and convenient payment collection for your recurring services.
Payment Methods Supported: Offer a variety of payment methods that your target audience in the US is accustomed to using. This may include credit cards, debit cards, popular e-wallets like PayPal or Apple Pay, and potentially even ACH bank transfers.
Integration Complexity: The ease of integrating the payment gateway with your dynamic website is crucial. Look for gateways that offer user-friendly APIs and clear documentation to simplify the integration process.
Customer Support: Reliable customer support is vital in case you encounter any issues with the payment gateway. Opt for a provider with responsive and knowledgeable customer service representatives.
Popular Payment Gateways Compatible with Dynamic Websites
Here’s a glimpse into some of the most popular payment gateways compatible with dynamic website:
Stripe: A popular and versatile option, Stripe offers a robust suite of features for dynamic websites, including recurring billing support, a user-friendly developer interface, and integrations with various shopping carts and platforms.
PayPal: A widely recognized brand, PayPal allows customers to pay using their existing PayPal accounts, offering a familiar and convenient checkout experience. Sohojware can integrate PayPal seamlessly into your dynamic website.
Authorize.Net: A secure and reliable gateway, Authorize.Net provides a comprehensive solution for e-commerce businesses. It supports various payment methods, recurring billing, and integrates with popular shopping carts.
Braintree: Owned by PayPal, Braintree is another popular choice for dynamic websites. It offers a user-friendly API and integrates well with mobile wallets and other popular payment solutions.
2Checkout (2CO): A global payment gateway solution, 2Checkout caters to businesses of all sizes. It offers fraud prevention tools, subscription management features, and support for multiple currencies.
Sohojware: Your Trusted Partner for Dynamic Website Development and Payment Gateway Integration
Sohojware possesses extensive experience in developing dynamic websites and integrating them with various payment gateways. Our team of skilled developers can help you choose the most suitable payment gateway for your specific needs and ensure a seamless integration process. We prioritize user experience and security, ensuring your customers have a smooth and secure checkout experience.
1. What are the additional costs associated with using a payment gateway?
Besides transaction fees, some payment gateways may charge monthly subscription fees or setup costs. Sohojware can help you navigate these costs and choose a gateway that fits your budget.
2. How can Sohojware ensure the security of my payment gateway integration?
Sohojware follows best practices for secure development and adheres to industry standards when integrating payment gateways. We stay updated on the latest security protocols to safeguard your customer’s financial information.
3. Does Sohojware offer support after the payment gateway is integrated?
Yes, Sohojware provides ongoing support to ensure your payment gateway functions smoothly. Our team can address any issues that arise, troubleshoot problems, and provide updates on the latest payment gateway trends.
4. Can Sohojware help me choose the best payment gateway for my specific business needs?
Absolutely! Sohojware’s experts can assess your business requirements, analyze your target audience, and recommend the most suitable payment gateway based on factors like transaction volume, industry regulations, and preferred payment methods.
5. How long does it typically take to integrate a payment gateway with a dynamic website?
The integration timeline can vary depending on the complexity of the website and the chosen payment gateway. However, Sohojware’s experienced team strives to complete the integration process efficiently while maintaining high-quality standards.
Choosing the right payment gateway for your dynamic website is crucial for ensuring a seamless and secure online transaction experience. By considering factors like security, fees, supported payment methods, and integration complexity, you can select a gateway that aligns with your business needs. Sohojware, with its expertise in web development and payment gateway integration, can be your trusted partner in this process. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and get started on your dynamic website project.
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gardenfaerie222 · 1 year ago
A Court of Glass and Steel: Chapter 1
Pairing: Eris x OC
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A dance of intrigue, lies, and Hesteya barely keeping her head as she tries to seduce the High Lord of Autumn Court, so that she can fulfill her bargain with his eldest son and murder the High Lord.
Content Warning: mentions of sex
The rest of her weeks, months, years, passed by in a flurry of appointments with clients, dress fittings, and itching at the damn thing magically stuck to her face. She hated it, more than she hated anything did she hate that intricate and expensive thing. A party for the high lord, a shallow laugh threatened to escape her, a party thrown by the person who had razed this country practically to the ground. The sounds of marching soldiers in dingy, smokey grey armor, black plumes raising from their helms. The high lords own emissary, scarred beyond belief, and still the group of them had scuttled under the mountain, in pretty dresses, pressed breeches, and expensive masks to dance to the tune of occupation. A ridiculous, idealistic high lord, not fit to rule even after all this time. She did snort then, before sucking in a breath as her corset was tightened.
“Sorry, miss,” the lesser fae seamstress amended as she continued to tighten the strings to the emerald gown, pushing her breasts practically up to her chin. Hesteya waved her off, admiring her own reflecting in the three mirrors surrounding her. The gown looked beautiful against her lightly tanned complexion, soft from a lifetime free of hard work. She knew her life offered privileges she often indulged in, the money she earned spent on frivolous gowns, servants to assist her, and the many books she kept stored in her extra bedroom. Some of the tomes were appropriate for a female of her station, some would be frowned upon, but it mattered little. Her books were her small enjoyments, a lifeline to a time before. Before occupation, and leering stares, and a madame whom she still owed a great debt to. If she ever freed herself, she didn’t know what she would do. If she could ever travel across Prythian, or even to the continent, seeing those far off kingdoms and cities where she might make a life for herself. She imperceptibly shook her head, freeing the thoughts in her mind. She would never travel, because soon, as each fae, high and lesser, around her knew, they would be delivered to the deceiver ruling her court beneath the mountain.
It mattered little to her, Hesteya supposed. Her clients and her madame would be delivered as well, and from what she could gather, her services would still be a necessity. She heard then, the whisperings of the lesser fae seamstress to another, working on a different gown for a different female, “sent her home,” the glistening skinned female murmured, the sheer wings behind her fluttering, reminding Hesteya of falling spring leaves.
“The human girl the high lord brought was sent home?” The other admonished, shocking coloring her features, the reprimanded in her tone present for someone who was not.
Hesteya excused herself soon after, changing from the beautiful green gown into her own of pale yellow, simple in design but made up for in the expense of the fabrics. She made her way through the rather large village, careful to avoid dirtying her skirts, shoulders thrown back and head held high as eyes tracked her movements. She knew what appointment she had next, and as she entered the carriage waiting for her near the edge of the village, far from her own home, she nodded to the driver as he carried her towards the high lord’s manor.
The trip was rather quick, and she entered as she always did, through a servant’s door before making her way through the manor, head bowed until she can upon the room bathed in that familiar scent of autumn woods, bonfires, and apples. She quietly opened the door, glancing upon the male with long red hair lounging on velvet and furs, his golden eye whirling as he turned his face to meet hers, the door clicking back closed as she fully entered, coyly dipping her head, “You requested my presence, lord?”
He rose, graceful as any dancer, as one of his large hands gripped her waist, the other lifting her chin, to fully look upon her face, “come here,” he growled, his eyes darkening with lust as he guided her towards his bed, taking no time to undo the laces to her gown before turning her skirts up and finding his pleasure in her.
She took no offense, allowing him to do what he needed before he rolled off her, a happy male spent and sated. She knew Lord Luicen was a kind male, who paid handsomely for her company and her time. She had serviced him multiple times before, and had known him since she was scarely grown into her own adult fae body. She traced her nails along the broad expanse of his chest, her fingers pale against his golden-brown skin as she murmured into his ear, “I heard the most interesting rumor in the village today,” he hummed in response, his eyes still closed as he enjoyed patterns she traced, so she continued, her hands never faltering, “the human girl was sent home, is it true?”
The speed in which he grabbed her, stopping her ministrations, shocked her enough that she looked up to meet his mismatched gaze beneath the mask of a fox, and there was nothing but sorrow, and an undercurrent of anger in his russet colored eye as he nodded, inhaling a breath, “The high lord is doing what he believes is best,” he placated, but she still saw it, that anger turning his gaze molten as she scoffed, the only sign of how disapproving she was that she allowed herself to show.
“How soon until she comes for us?” She asked, keeping her own angered response from bubbling past her lips, or showing in the creases of her face not hidden behind her mask, but she couldn’t keep the soft, delicate smile upon her sensuous mouth.
He opened his own to respond, but was cut off by crashing and screaming, he was up within a moment, tossing a shirt over his bare torso as he raced for the door. He turned to her, almost an afterthought, as he grasped for the handle to pull it open, “Stay here, go nowhere,” before he was gone. A useless order, if who was causing the ruckus downstairs was who they both assumed, spoken it into existence only moments before. Hesteya didn’t know how long she laid on that bed of velvet and fur before the twisting of the doorknob brought her to attention, sitting up quickly as it opened into the room. A towering, shadowed figure stood in the doorway, imposing leather wings leaving no room for her to get around even if she wished to try. As it stepped further into the light, a maw full of sharp silver fangs came into her view, dripping red onto the pristine rugs covering the floor.
It grinned then, a horrifying sight as clawed hands reached out to grab her, “Her majesty will be most interested in seeing you,” it hissed as its hands grabbed around her, claws biting into the fragile skin left exposed by the airy fabric of the. gown, pulling her from the bed still intermingled with scent of Lucien’s and her pleasure, “Most interested indeed.”
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motownfiction · 2 years ago
daniel, sadie, 11-16
for ✨daniel✨
11. most embarrassing middle school moment?
going to k-mart and stealing the millennium falcon toy with will and sam. don't get him wrong. he wanted to do it. but as he was doing it, he was thinking to himself, "this is the least cool thing we could ever possibly shoplift. what are we doing?"
12. favorite pizza toppings? list the top five in order.
prosciutto, pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, black olives. not necessarily all at once.
13. what was the last (non-story-related) dream they had while sleeping?
doing donuts in the parking lot of southland mall, but it was very clearly 1998.
14. if they suddenly vanished, what would their family assume they were up to? (shopping, pranking people, overthrowing governments, etc.)
he's probably lying in the botanical garden with his phone off. his natural habitat.
15. what’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
frank's copy of the blue hawaii soundtrack. daniel doesn't want to keep anything that once belonged to his father, but like ... it's blue hawaii.
16. write out their last nightmare as a short scene.
they said it was a player piano.
daniel's at the apple orchard. wiard's before they sold out to that stupid water park. he's walking through the country store, and he hears the piano. somebody's in there, playing "grim grinning ghosts," like this is disney world already. they said it was a player piano. automatic. nobody behind it. just a toy.
but the sound gets closer.
and daniel can hear the keys breathing.
they said it was a player piano.
but really, it's a piano with a player.
for ✨sadie✨
11. most embarrassing middle school moment?
that time she got hit in the face with a football during gym class. why in the world did they let a seven-foot-tall twelfth grade boy help out with a seventh-grade gym class? he was a nice guy, but damn, if he didn't know how to tone it down!
12. favorite pizza toppings? list the top five in order.
pepperoni, bacon, spinach, mushrooms, and extra cheese. again, not necessarily at the same time.
13. what was the last (non-story-related) dream they had while sleeping?
eating pizza with sam on the roof of his old car. and yeah, it was the current year. and yeah, sam was fifty-six, too.
14. if they suddenly vanished, what would their family assume they were up to? (shopping, pranking people, overthrowing governments, etc.)
sadie's probably driving down telegraph road, drinking an orange pop.
15. what’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
sadie ... has sam's hospital bracelet. from that night.
16. write out their last nightmare as a short scene.
lucy's not picking up the phone.
it's a wednesday afternoon, half past three. lucy's usually home from teaching her class by now. this semester, it's a seminar all about charlotte brontë. sadie remembers how excited lucy was when she put that syllabus together over the holiday break. she glows when she talks about her favorite books. even when sadie can't see her, even when it's just over the phone, she swears she can hear lucy's incandescence.
but lucy's not picking up the phone.
sadie's heart begins to race. it's not like lucy to miss an appointment. she's great at keeping schedules, and when she has to break them, she's great at making sure everyone knows the plans have changed. but when sadie texted earlier to make sure they were still on for their 3:30 phone call, like they have each week, lucy said it was fine.
she quickly calls will, just to make sure nothing's wrong. will answers on the first ring. he says lucy's there, at home, mixing up a cherry coke in the kitchen. it's the first day she's been able to walk outside without a coat, and she wants to celebrate in the way she always has.
does she want to talk to me? sadie asks.
no, will says.
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256gb · 1 year ago
i woke up at 7am just to go to the apple store the moment it opened to book an appointment to try the vision pro & snagged a 10am slot
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stroopwaifey · 1 year ago
🌸Daily Accountability🌸
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💗🧘‍♀️Physical Health
The walk to therapy
Took Advil for my massive headache
💗🧠Mental Health
Therapy appointment (was ten minutes late because there was no parking anywhere! 😱 I ended up parking very far away so I got in a walk and then on the way back I popped into a bubble tea store and got apple green tea with chia seeds so I didn't feel as bad about it.)
I was going to go to a Book club with drinks but I started my period and just wanted to curl up in bed. I just wasn't up to socializing 😴
💗✝️Spiritual Health
Spiritual podcast: The Dr. Daf Show (subject: contentment)
Litany of Trust
Started reading the French art of not trying too hard
I also started reading this manga and it is so cute 🥺
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thelasttime · 1 year ago
i put my iphone in rice and i have an appointment booked at the apple store everyone pray for my phone
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etherealyoni · 2 years ago
Chakra Check-In 🌈
(Read for your sun, moon, rising, and venus placements. This is a general message, for personal readings you can book your appointment here ✨)
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
It seems like you’re focusing a lot on the things you don’t have right now. Gratitude is so important so I would highly encourage you to pay attention to your heart and root chakras this week. You may find meditation or other forms of mindfulness can bring you right back into balance. It’s as simple as deep breathing and doing some journaling to release what’s been stored.
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Work that sacral chakra, my love. You may be feeling a bit off when it comes to your creativity, may have even taken a break from doing the one thing that helps you explore it. It seems like there’s a lot of sexual tension going on too and Spirit is influencing you to stop being afraid of your sensuality, this is your opportunity to truly embrace it and stop letting the world make you feel so ashamed about it.
AIR ☁️
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Slow down now. You could be connecting with your third eye now more than ever and Spirit supports you, they just wanna make sure you’re taking your time. It can seem scary to make these connections but this is your mind you’re exploring, not anyone else’s so tread lightly because its still full of lessons. Spirit wants you present and alert because it seems there’s been some ‘escaping’ or disconnected feelings surrounding you at this time. Look at where you have Sagittarius in your chart, this is what you’re here to master. You may even learn about this from a Sagittarius or through exploration/travel.
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
When are you going to stop spreading yourself so thin? Yes, you may have a big heart but you can’t break it off and give it to everybody. What will you save for yourself? You got the right idea and your intentions are pure but you can’t expect that from everyone else. You need to focus on your discernment and this is why you solar plexus is the chakra you can give more attention to right now. You need to learn to trust your own gut feelings when it comes to these ‘gremlins’.
Love donations are appreciated ✨
Cash App: $thesacralempress
Zelle: Ashanti Goodnight / [email protected]
Apple Pay:2709966971
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kanizhealthcare · 9 days ago
Telemedicine app development: Guidelines for building successful healthcare solution
What is telemedicine?
Telemedicine leverages digital technology to facilitate connections between patients and healthcare providers when they are not physically present in the same location. This approach enables individuals to receive medical advice, consultations, and even treatment through video calls, phone conversations, or online chat, thereby enhancing the accessibility and convenience of healthcare services.
Reasons for popularity of telemedicine
The healthcare sector is also experiencing digitization characteristic of today’s era. The growth of telemedicine can depend upon various factors such as technological advancements, rising demand of remote healthcare services, cost effective medical consultations, and benefits for both patients as well as health care providers. The covid-19 pandemic further accelerates the need of telemedicine rendering telemedicine an essential need rather than better choice.
Benefits of Telemedicine for Patients and Doctors.
Telemedicine brings significant advantages for patients, doctors and healthcare providers in the healthcare system:
For patients: 
Convenient access to healthcare professionals from anywhere.
Reduce travel and waiting time.
Cost effective consultation  compared to in person visit.
Reduce risk of infectious diseases.
Continuous monitoring for chronic disease.
For doctors:
Ability to reach more patients including rural.
Minimise the risks of contagious illness by conducting virtual consultation.
Reduced costs associated with physical office space.
Improve patient satisfaction through convenient access to care.
Manage chronic illness more effectively by remote monitoring.
Features of telemedicine app
Easy patient registration and profile management
Audio & video consultation
Appointments scheduling and managements
EHR integration
Symptom checker
Remote monitoring
Prescription & medication tracking
Web & mobile accessibility
HIPAA & GDPR compliance for data security
Secure payment & insurance integration
Types of telemedicine app
Store and forward telemedicine apps
Remote patient monitoring apps
Real time interactive services
 Technology Stack for Telemedicine App Development
Frontend and backend technologies
Database & cloud storage options
Video conferencing & chat API integration
Security & compliance measures (HIPAA, GDPR, etc.)
Steps to develop a telemedicine app
Careful planning, right technology and adherence to rules and regulations of healthcare are required before developing a telemedicine app. 
Steps for building a successful telemedicine application
 Market research and competitor analysis
Before development begins proper market research is necessary to understand target audience, current trends and competition.
Define app requirements and features
After completing market research, define functionality and features of your telemedicine app.
These may include
User authentication & profile management
Video & audio consultation functionality
Appointment Scheduling & booking 
E-prescriptions & digital medical records
Secure payment gateway integration
AI-powered chatbots for basic consultations
Multi-language support for broader accessibility
UI/UX Design Considerations
Simple and clean UI, responsive design and accessibility features enhance the patients experience and engagement. 
 Choose the right technology stack
The technology stacks depends on apps’ platform ( ios, android, web) and complexity. Make sure that chosen technologies support high performance and scalability.
 Development process
 Development follow these key phases:
Backend Development ,Frontend Development, third party integrations and testing MVP.
 Testing quality assurance
Functional, security, performance and usability testing are essential for bug-free, secure and efficient applications.
 Deployment & Launch
Once testing is complete, deploy the app on App Store (Google Play & Apple App Store) – Server Deployment and Beta Testing & Soft Launch.
 Post launch maintenance & updates
Monitor performance and user feedback, regular updates and customer support are essential for long term success.
Challenges in telemedicine app development
Several challenges come while developing telemedicine apps mainly related to security, compliance and user experience.
Data security and privacy concerns
Telemedicine app handles sensitive patient data, a main target for cyber threats.
Compliance with HIPAA, GDPR,PIPEDA and other regulations is necessary to ensure data protection.
Implementing end to end encryption, multi factor authentication, secure cloud storage is essential.
Regulatory Compliance & Legal Challenges
Different countries have different healthcare regulations, requiring strict adherence to local laws.
Licensing issues for doctors providing remote consultations across state or national borders.
Electronic prescriptions and insurance claim processing may require additional legal approvals.
Internet Connectivity & Technical Limitations
Inconsistent internet connections in remote or rural areas can lead to poor-quality video consultations.
The app must be optimized for low bandwidth usage and offer alternative communication methods (chat, voice calls).
Integration with Healthcare Systems
Syncing with Electronic Health Records (EHR), hospital management systems, and insurance databases is complex.
Standardized data exchange formats like FHIR and HL7 must be used for seamless integration.
User Adoption & Engagement
Patients and doctors may struggle with using new digital platforms.
The app must have an intuitive UI/UX, multilingual support, and easy onboarding processes.
High Development & Maintenance Costs
Implementing AI-based diagnostics, video conferencing, and cloud storage increases development costs.
Ongoing maintenance, security updates, and customer support require continuous investment.
Medical Accuracy & Liability Issues
Misdiagnosis risks due to limited physical examination can lead to legal disputes.
AI-driven features need extensive validation to avoid medical errors.
Cost estimation & monetization strategies
Developing a telemedicine app requires careful budgeting and a well-defined revenue model to ensure long-term sustainability
The cost of developing a telemedicine app depends on various factors, including app complexity, features, technology stack, development team location, and compliance requirements. 
To generate revenue, businesses can leverage multiple monetization strategies such as subscription, pay per consultation,commission, and insurance partnerships. A well-planned financial model ensures long-term growth and sustainability in the rapidly expanding telemedicine market.
Future trends in telemedicine 
The telemedicine industry is rapidly evolving with advancement in technology and increasing global demand.
Ai driven diagnostic & automation
Ai power tools will assist doctors in analysing symptoms, medical history and lab results for improving diagnosis accuracy.
Chatbot and virtual assistant will handle basic queries, appointments scheduling and patient follow ups.
Integration with wearable device
Smartwatches and fitness trackers will help monitor oxygen levels, heart rate and blood pressure.
Stronger data security with blockchain
Blockchains will be used to store patient records securely to ensure temper proof data sharing between healthcare providers.
Remote mental health services
Virtual therapy sessions and Ai driven mood tracking will help in early intervention and treatment.
5G for faster and reliable connectivity
High speed networks can improve video consultation, making remote healthcare more reliable in low internet connectivity areas.
Big data and predictive analysis
Data analysis will help in tracking disease patterns and predicting potential health risks for individuals. 
Voice and hands free technology
Voice enabled virtual assistance will help in accessing healthcare services to elderly and differently abled patients.
Doctors will use hands free technology to access patient history during consultation and to update records.
Telemedicine apps and platforms are making healthcare more accessible and convenient. With advancements in AI, wearable devices, and secure data sharing, they will continue to improve patient care and doctor-patient interactions. As technology evolves, focusing on reliability, security, and ease of use will be essential for building effective telemedicine solutions.
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himanshu123 · 17 days ago
The Future of E-commerce: Trends to Watch in 2025 and Beyond 
The e-commerce industry has evolved significantly over the past decade, with rapid technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and new platforms continuously reshaping the digital shopping landscape. As we look toward 2025 and beyond, several key trends are expected to redefine how businesses interact with customers and manage their online sales. For businesses seeking to stay competitive, adapting to these trends with the right e-commerce solutions is critical. In this blog, we will explore the most significant e-commerce trends to watch in the coming years and how companies can leverage these innovations to enhance customer experiences and streamline their operations. 
1. AI-Powered Personalization 
Personalization has been a buzzword in the e-commerce world for several years, but in 2025, it is expected to reach new heights. Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a central role in enhancing the shopping experience by analyzing customer data and tailoring product recommendations, promotions, and content based on individual preferences and behaviors. 
AI will enable e-commerce businesses to create hyper-personalized shopping journeys that feel more intuitive and engaging for customers. From personalized email campaigns to AI-driven product recommendations on e-commerce sites, this level of customization can significantly boost conversion rates and customer loyalty. 
Businesses that adopt AI tools to deliver personalized experiences will stay ahead of the curve and provide their customers with a more satisfying and relevant shopping experience. 
2. Voice Commerce on the Rise 
Voice-enabled shopping is becoming more common thanks to the widespread use of voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri. As these tools continue to evolve, voice commerce is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Consumers will increasingly make purchases, reorder items, and even track their deliveries using voice commands. 
For e-commerce businesses, this trend presents an opportunity to tap into a new avenue of sales by optimizing their online stores for voice search. Businesses that integrate voice technology into their customer experience can create more accessible and frictionless shopping experiences, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. 
In fact, voice search is becoming increasingly important in e-commerce SEO, and businesses will need to optimize their websites and content for voice queries to remain competitive. 
3. Augmented Reality (AR) Shopping Experiences 
One of the most exciting trends in e-commerce is the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology into online shopping experiences. AR allows customers to visualize products in their real-world environment before making a purchase, making it easier for them to evaluate items like furniture, clothing, and makeup. 
For example, AR-enabled apps can allow consumers to "try on" clothes virtually or visualize how a piece of furniture will look in their living room, creating a more immersive and confident shopping experience. As AR technology becomes more accessible and user-friendly, businesses that adopt it early will have a significant edge over their competitors. 
For businesses, AR technology also offers the potential to reduce product returns. By giving customers a clearer understanding of what they’re purchasing, e-commerce stores can ensure customers are more satisfied with their purchases, resulting in fewer returns and better reviews. 
If you're interested in exploring the benefits of e-commerce solutions for your business, we encourage you to book an appointment with our team of experts. 
Book an Appointment 
4. Social Commerce and Shoppable Posts 
Social media platforms have already become integral to the e-commerce landscape, and in 2025, they are expected to play an even more significant role in driving sales. Social commerce, the practice of selling products directly through social media platforms, is growing rapidly. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest have already introduced features that allow users to shop directly from posts, and this trend is expected to expand across more platforms in the coming years. 
In 2025, businesses will need to integrate their e-commerce solutions with social media networks, making it seamless for customers to purchase products without leaving their favorite platforms. This will open new avenues for marketing, as businesses can target customers in a more personalized way using data from social media interactions. 
As social commerce continues to evolve, brands that adopt it early will benefit from increased visibility, better customer engagement, and higher sales volumes. 
5. Sustainability and Ethical E-commerce 
Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases, and in 2025, sustainability is expected to be a key driver of purchasing decisions. E-commerce businesses will need to adopt more sustainable practices, from sourcing materials to packaging and shipping. 
Brands that focus on transparency, sustainability, and ethical practices will not only meet customer demands but will also build stronger customer loyalty. This could include offering eco-friendly packaging, carbon offset shipping, and ensuring ethical sourcing of products. 
E-commerce businesses that position themselves as sustainability leaders will appeal to a growing demographic of environmentally-conscious consumers, boosting their reputation and long-term success. 
6. The Continued Growth of Mobile Commerce 
Mobile commerce, or m-commerce, has been a growing trend for years, and in 2025, it is expected to account for an even larger share of global e-commerce sales. As smartphones become more powerful, mobile shopping experiences will continue to improve in terms of usability, speed, and security. 
Businesses will need to ensure their e-commerce sites are fully optimized for mobile devices. This includes fast loading times, easy navigation, and mobile-friendly checkout processes. In addition, innovations like mobile wallets and payment solutions will continue to simplify the purchasing process, encouraging consumers to make more purchases on their smartphones. 
The key to success in mobile commerce will be offering seamless and convenient mobile shopping experiences that mirror the desktop shopping experience in terms of ease and functionality. 
7. Automated Warehousing and Logistics 
The future of e-commerce will also be shaped by advancements in logistics and warehousing. Automated warehouses and AI-powered logistics systems are revolutionizing the way products are stored, sorted, and shipped. In 2025, businesses will rely more heavily on automation to streamline their fulfillment processes and reduce delivery times. 
Companies that integrate these innovations into their operations will not only improve efficiency but also provide faster and more reliable service to their customers. Faster shipping is becoming a competitive advantage in e-commerce, and businesses that can guarantee quicker delivery times will have an edge over competitors. 
8. The Use of E-commerce Cost Calculators 
As businesses navigate the complexities of scaling and optimizing their online operations, having accurate cost assessments is crucial. The use of an eCommerce Cost Calculator can help businesses understand the costs associated with launching and maintaining an online store, as well as predict future expenses. These tools allow businesses to calculate everything from product sourcing costs to shipping fees, advertising spend, and platform fees. 
By integrating an eCommerce cost calculator into your strategy, you can better understand your business’s financial health and make informed decisions about where to invest resources for growth. 
The future of e-commerce is an exciting and dynamic landscape, with new technologies, customer expectations, and market forces shaping the way businesses interact with their customers. From AI-powered personalization and voice commerce to AR shopping experiences and sustainability initiatives, e-commerce businesses must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive in 2025 and beyond. 
For businesses looking to leverage these innovations, adopting custom e-commerce solutions tailored to their specific needs is essential. With the right e-commerce strategy and technology stack in place, companies can improve customer satisfaction, increase conversions, and scale their operations more effectively. 
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differenz-system · 18 days ago
The Impact of Mobile Applications on Local Businesses
In today’s digital era, mobile applications have revolutionized the way businesses operate, especially at the local level. From enhancing customer engagement to streamlining operations, mobile apps have become indispensable for small and medium-sized businesses. With consumers spending an increasing amount of time on their smartphones, local businesses that embrace mobile technology gain a competitive edge, driving growth and improving customer satisfaction.
Enhancing Customer Engagement
One of the most significant impacts of mobile applications on local businesses is their ability to enhance customer engagement. With a mobile app, businesses can stay connected with their customers 24/7, sending push notifications about new products, discounts, and promotions.
For instance, a local coffee shop can use its mobile app to offer loyalty rewards, notify customers about special offers, and enable mobile ordering. This not only fosters customer loyalty but also improves overall sales. Customers are more likely to engage with a business that provides seamless and personalized experiences through an app development.
Improving Brand Visibility and Recognition
A well-designed mobile application helps in improving brand visibility. With an app icon on a user’s smartphone, businesses are constantly present in the daily lives of consumers. Unlike websites, which require users to open a browser and search for a business, mobile apps are just a tap away. This ease of access increases brand recall and keeps customers engaged.
Additionally, businesses can integrate their mobile apps with social media, allowing users to share their experiences, leave reviews, and promote the business within their networks. This organic marketing boosts brand recognition and attracts new customers.
Boosting Sales and Revenue
Mobile applications significantly contribute to increased sales and revenue. With features like in-app purchases, easy payment options, and personalized recommendations, businesses can encourage more transactions.
For example, a local restaurant can enable online ordering and payment through its app, making it more convenient for customers to place orders. By offering personalized promotions based on customer preferences, businesses can further drive repeat purchases. The ability to integrate mobile payment systems such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal simplifies transactions, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
Providing Valuable Customer Insights
Mobile applications generate valuable customer data that can be used to refine business strategies. Businesses can track user behavior, preferences, and purchase history to tailor their offerings accordingly. This data-driven approach helps in creating targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with customers.
For instance, a retail store can analyze which products are frequently viewed or purchased through the app and adjust inventory accordingly. By understanding customer preferences, businesses can offer personalized recommendations, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention.
Enhancing Customer Support and Communication
Customer service is a crucial aspect of any business, and mobile applications have made it easier for businesses to provide efficient support. Features like chatbots, live chat, and FAQs enable customers to get instant assistance without having to visit a store or make a phone call.
For instance, a local repair service provider can allow customers to book appointments, track service progress, and communicate with support staff through an app. This not only improves customer experience but also streamlines operations, reducing the need for manual intervention.
Encouraging Customer Loyalty
Loyalty programs integrated into mobile apps are highly effective in retaining customers. Businesses can reward repeat customers with discounts, exclusive offers, or points that can be redeemed for future purchases.
For example, a local salon can offer points for every booking made through the app, encouraging customers to return. This not only fosters customer loyalty but also increases the lifetime value of each customer.
Streamlining Operations
Beyond customer engagement, mobile apps also help businesses streamline their internal operations. Many local businesses use mobile applications for inventory management, appointment scheduling, and employee coordination.
A small business, such as a boutique or a home-service provider, can use an app to manage appointments, send reminders, and track inventory levels in real time. This automation reduces human errors, increases efficiency, and saves time, allowing business owners to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.
Staying Ahead of Competitors
In a highly competitive market, having a mobile application gives local businesses a distinct advantage over competitors that rely solely on traditional methods. A mobile app sets a business apart by offering convenience, accessibility, and a personalized experience.
For example, if two similar local grocery stores exist, the one offering an app with home delivery, digital coupons, and easy payment options will likely attract more customers. Consumers today prioritize convenience, and businesses that adapt to these changing preferences are more likely to thrive.
Austin App Development: Transforming Local Businesses
Austin app development has played a crucial role in helping local businesses leverage mobile technology for growth. With Austin’s thriving tech scene, many businesses are investing in custom mobile applications to improve customer experience, enhance brand recognition, and streamline operations. Whether it’s a restaurant offering a seamless ordering system or a retail store integrating loyalty programs, mobile apps are reshaping the way businesses operate in Austin.
The impact of mobile applications on local businesses is undeniable. From enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales to improving brand visibility and streamlining operations, mobile apps have transformed the way local businesses function. In an increasingly digital world, adopting mobile technology is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses looking to grow and stay competitive.
Local businesses that invest in a well-designed, user-friendly mobile application can build stronger relationships with customers, increase revenue, and position themselves for long-term success. As technology continues to evolve, the role of mobile apps in shaping the future of local businesses will only grow stronger. Now is the time for local businesses to embrace mobile applications and harness their full potential.
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repairmyphonetodayuk · 24 days ago
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Need Smart Watch Repair in Oxford? We fix the Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch, Fitbit, and more at Repair My Phone Today. Our expert technicians provide fast and professional service, whether it's a cracked screen, battery issues, or water damage. Walk in or book an appointment for same-day repairs using quality parts. Located in Oxford, we ensure your smartwatch functions like new. Get expert diagnostics and affordable solutions today. Visit Repair My Phone Today for top-notch smartwatch repairs in Oxford
📞 Contact: Repair My Phone Today
☎️ Phone: Oxford Store:- 01865 655 261 Bicester Store:- 01869 226 455
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📍 Select Your Near Locations: -
📍 Address1: 207 Banbury Rd Summertown, Oxford OX2 7HQ, UK
📍 Address 2: 25 Market Square Bicester, Oxford OX26 6AD, UK
📍 Address 3: 99 St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1BT, UK
📍 Address 4: 7 New Inn Hall St, Oxford OX1 2DH, UK
⏰Store Timings: Mon-Sat 9:00 AM — 6:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM — 4:00 PM
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srivastavakomal · 1 month ago
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Glamcode - the best beauty service provider
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