#apple cider vinegar is my best friend she is so tasty on salads :)
low-po1y-princess · 7 months
When you're out of balsamic vinegar and rice vinegar but you still have red wine vinegar and white vinegar and apple cider vinegar and malt vinegar in your pantry!!!
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aesethewitch · 3 years
Fuck Off Oil (Banishing  Oil)
Sometimes, just saying “fuck off” doesn’t quite do the trick. Whether it’s unsatisfying or doesn’t repel the asshole you’re trying to get rid of, it might be time to pull out the big guns.
This banishing oil is a revamped version of an oil I made for an old friend many years ago. The original purpose was to rid her home of a nasty invasive spirit and then keep it away, since it had already been banished and returned a few times. She used it to anoint her mirrors, windows, doors, and even herself, followed by a large black pillar candle coated in more of the oil and burned every day until it was just a lump of wax.
It worked perfectly for her purposes, so I have taken that old recipe and recreated it in my current style for my current needs. If you saw my earlier rant post, then you know what this is for. If not, that’s okay - just know that someone has tested my patience and taken advantage of my kindness, and now they should kindly fuck off forever.
Like most of my spells and spell ingredients, this oil is 100% edible... and pretty tasty! See my notes below for ideas on how to use it.
Oil of Your Choice (I used olive oil because it’s what was in my cabinet)
Red Chili Flakes
Smoked Paprika
Garlic, minced
Onion Powder
Oregano, dried
Caraway Seeds
Bay Leaf
A Jar or Bottle
Measure how much oil you will need to fill your jar or bottle of choice. You can pour the oil into a bowl or use a measuring cup to both measure and mix your oil, which is what I did. Fewer dishes to wash at the end!
Add each of your ingredients, one at a time, to the oil. Leave the bay leaf for last, and see step 3. I added the ingredients in the order that they are listed, but you can do them in whatever order suits you best. Be sure to give each a purpose tied back to the person, spirit, or other bothersome creature you are banishing (some ingredients have protective properties; see my note below for how I assigned a purpose to each).
Stir your mixture well. Really whip it. Beat the hell out of it. Etc.
Bay leaves are often used in wish magic or as vehicles for sigils. For our purposes, hold the leaf with both hands and stare at it hard. Think of the person, spirit, or thing you are banishing. Whisper or shout your desire to keep them away from you, adding any specifics you like. Stuff the leaf into your jar or bottle whole.
Pour your mixture into the jar or bottle over the bay leaf. Be sure to get all of the bits of garlic in there.
Cap the jar or bottle and give it a good shake. I recommend letting it sit and infuse for a few days to get a really good flavor going, but you can use it immediately if you want. Just be sure to shake it well to charge it before use.
This oil is good for up to six months, though it may last longer. Keep an eye on it; if it forms mold, throw it away immediately. Keep your jar or bottle in a cool, dark space. Refrigeration is optional, but it’ll last longer if you keep it in the fridge.
As with most oils, there are many uses for this recipe. It can be either a spell on its own, or you can create it to be a component in another spell. Or both! Both is good.
I like to use this to cook vegetables like brussels sprouts, asparagus, and potatoes, but you could also use it in a stir fry or to cook meats. This oil also makes for a very pleasant salad dressing when mixed with red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar. It would be both funny and effective to feed a Fuck Off Salad to your target. If you want to do this, I recommend making it extra spicy, especially if they hate spice and you’re feeling especially vindictive.
If you’re not looking to eat this oil in some way, you can also use it to anoint candles for a banishing spell. Or, if you want to get a little more involved, you can submerge a taglock or poppet in the oil to symbolize the person you are repelling. This would be a great way to continuously banish someone or something if they keep trying to return. Plus, it can have the added benefit of being... uncomfortable for the target.
Here are the purposes I assigned to each ingredient; feel free to use these or come up with your own based off your own experiences:
Salt - Protect the caster during the creation and use of the oil, repel bad vibes and start the process of cleansing
Pepper - First line of fuck off; give a reason or a particular attribute that you want gone, such as “aggression” and “lying”
Chili flakes - Second line of fuck off, this time with ✨spice✨; I assigned “threats” and “rancid vibes” to this ingredient
Garlic - Third line of fuck off; protection against further nonsense, repelling them from contacting me
Onion - Keeping away pests; I use the layers of the onion to symbolize the layers of “fuck off” in the oil and reinforce each one
Oregano - Now comes the part where we protect ourselves from the offending party’s possible retaliation! This is protection from backlash and luck for the success of the spell. This has extra power for me, since my mom grew this oregano and is superbly pissed about someone threatening her kids!
Caraway seeds - Boosting my convictions and inner power, preventing the spell from backfiring on me (the target(s) are also witches, so this was very important to include!)
Coriander - Personal protection against further nonsense, cementing this oil as a line of self-defense
If you use this oil in a spell, let me know how you liked it, if you made any substitutions, and/or how it worked for you!
Happy Banishing, Witches!
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wijakartuya · 3 years
Salad with a thousand dressing. She grew leaf lettuce and fixed it one of two ways: a hot, wilted salad with bacon, onion and a cider vinegar dressing or as a proper, fresh salad with a cream dressing. To make dressing, mash the hard-boiled egg with a fork in a small bowl. Measure and add the rest of the ingredients and stir.
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Serve in individual bowls with a dollop of Thousand Island dressing. This is my husband's favorite salad dressing. For a great Thousand Island dressing with a very slight kick in spice.
Hey everyone, hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, salad with a thousand dressing. One of my favorites. For mine, I'm gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
She grew leaf lettuce and fixed it one of two ways: a hot, wilted salad with bacon, onion and a cider vinegar dressing or as a proper, fresh salad with a cream dressing. To make dressing, mash the hard-boiled egg with a fork in a small bowl. Measure and add the rest of the ingredients and stir.
Salad with a thousand dressing is one of the most favored of current trending meals in the world. It is easy, it's quick, it tastes yummy. It's appreciated by millions every day. Salad with a thousand dressing is something that I have loved my entire life. They're fine and they look fantastic.
To begin with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook salad with a thousand dressing using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Salad with a thousand dressing:
{Prepare 150 kg of Chicken breast.
{Take 1 of Red Apple.
{Take of Lettuce a hand full.
{Prepare 1 of Green Apple.
{Get of Carrots2.
{Take of Mayonnaise 1tlsp.
{Get of Ketchup2tblsp.
{Prepare 1 tsp of Olive oil.
{Get 1 tsp of Veniggar.
The sliced black olives in the jalapeno are a great addition. And enjoying this Classic Shrimp Salad with Thousand Island Dressing with a friend! Right now we have gorgeous sunshine in Oregon, but there will be plenty of rain ahead. April showers bring May flowers! (My front yard tulips.) Grace, grace, and more grace.
Instructions to make Salad with a thousand dressing:
First of all you will marinade the chicken breast.
Stir fry it and cut it into big dice.
Cut the carrots,apple,chicken Breast into big dice.
Then keep aside.
Add mayoneisse,ketchup,olive oil and veniggar together.
Mix all togetherness.
Homemade Thousand Island dressing takes just minutes to whip together, and like most food, the flavor of homemade outperforms even the best bottle of store-bought. Make the best fresh vegetable & lettuce salad with homemade Thousand Island Dressing! Get this easy recipe with simple instructions from Video Culinary. Best Sellers in Thousand Island Salad Dressings. I had a really yum salad with thousand island dressing at a restaurant a while ago- i really liked the dressing and i tried to google recipes that used it, but all i could find is recipes FOR it.
So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food salad with a thousand dressing recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am confident you will make this at home. There's gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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lenaglittleus · 6 years
Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Squash and Pomegranate Molasses Dressing
Get the best of fall with this Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash and a Pomegranate Molasses Dressing. A seasonal favorite full of nutrition and delicious flavors for a side dish or main!
I knew when Jess agreed to join Team Maven that it would be a huge asset to us. Not only is she insanely talented in the kitchen, but she is literally the ying to my yang. Where I’m disorganized, she’s a neat freak. Where I don’t have the patience to test recipes 5 times, she finds joy in it. Where I forget (more like intentionally don’t remember) to clean my stove-top, she’s scrubbed it before she’s even settled in to our home. We both share a deep love for Bodhi though.
What I didn’t expect was that not only would she be a huge contributor to THM, but my Mom would also try to adopt her (that or marry her off to my brother – either works!). Like many of you, Jess has gotten to know Mama Maven over the past few years. Lucky for her, she got to meet her when she was in town a few months ago. Sparks literally flew. While I’m certain my Mom loves me and both my sisters, Jess is 100% the daughter she kind of wishes she had. I think we’re all okay with it.
They bonded over my lack of organization and tidiness (an area my Mom and I strongly disagree on). Jess also brought this Fall Harvest Farro Salad for us to enjoy. While, Mama Maven has certainly made some of my recipes, I’m pretty sure she’s now exclusively making THM recipes since Jess joined the team. These two have a special bond.
So much so that when my Mom asked me about 5 times to send her this recipe (it hadn’t been posted yet) and I forgot all 5 times, she went straight to the source. Jess and my Mom now email and IG message each other and if the adoption paperwork hasn’t been filed, I’d be shocked.
This Harvest Farro Salad 100% sealed the deal.
Jess is not only keeping my Mom happy, she’s also making me a hit amongst my friends. On the day we cooked and shot this Farro Salad, I brought the leftovers over to a friend’s housewarming party. Everyone kept asking who made the salad and I honestly felt bad taking credit for it since the credit really is due to Jess. It is definitely a team effort over here, but I have to say that Jess has elevated Team Maven to a whole other level. I’m feeling incredibly grateful to have her as part of the team…I know Mama Maven would agree!
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Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Squash and Pomegranate Molasses Dressing
Author: Jess @ The Healthy Maven
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 90 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Yield: 8-10 servings
For the Dressing:
2/3 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons pomegranate molasses
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (champagne vinegar or white wine vinegar work great too!)
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sumac
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of cardamon
juice from 1/2 a lemon
For the Salad:
2 lbs butternut or delicata squash
1 cup farro
4 medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1/4 cup currants (optional)
3/4 cup pistachios, toasted and chopped
1/2 cup castelvetrano olives, pitted and chopped
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1/2 bunch parsley, leaves picked and chopped
1 bunch mint, leaves picked and chopped
zest from 1 lemon
Cook farro according to instructions.
Peel and cube the squash. Coat with olive oil and salt and roast at 400F for about 30 minutes. Flip halfway through cooking time.
Zest the lemon and set aside. Add the dressing ingredients to a jar and shake until combined.
Add cooked farro, roasted squash, pistachios, dates, currants, olives, pomegranate seeds and lemon zest to a big bowl. Add 1/3-1/2 of the dressing and toss to combine.
Add the herbs just before serving and toss once more to combine.
This salad can be made a day ahead by leaving out the pistachios, dressing and herbs, adding those right before serving. Cover chopped herbs with a damp towel/paper towel and store in an airtight container.
Are you similar or different from your Mom? What Fall recipe are you seriously digging?
The post Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Squash and Pomegranate Molasses Dressing appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2018/11/harvest-farro-salad.html
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steffancockrell · 6 years
Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Squash and Pomegranate Molasses Dressing
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Get the best of fall with this Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash and a Pomegranate Molasses Dressing. A seasonal favorite full of nutrition and delicious flavors for a side dish or main!
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I knew when Jess agreed to join Team Maven that it would be a huge asset to us. Not only is she insanely talented in the kitchen, but she is literally the ying to my yang. Where I'm disorganized, she's a neat freak. Where I don't have the patience to test recipes 5 times, she finds joy in it. Where I forget (more like intentionally don't remember) to clean my stove-top, she's scrubbed it before she's even settled in to our home. We both share a deep love for Bodhi though.
What I didn't expect was that not only would she be a huge contributor to THM, but my Mom would also try to adopt her (that or marry her off to my brother – either works!). Like many of you, Jess has gotten to know Mama Maven over the past few years. Lucky for her, she got to meet her when she was in town a few months ago. Sparks literally flew. While I'm certain my Mom loves me and both my sisters, Jess is 100% the daughter she kind of wishes she had. I think we're all okay with it.
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They bonded over my lack of organization and tidiness (an area my Mom and I strongly disagree on). Jess also brought this Fall Harvest Farro Salad for us to enjoy. While, Mama Maven has certainly made some of my recipes, I'm pretty sure she's now exclusively making THM recipes since Jess joined the team. These two have a special bond.
So much so that when my Mom asked me about 5 times to send her this recipe (it hadn't been posted yet) and I forgot all 5 times, she went straight to the source. Jess and my Mom now email and IG message each other and if the adoption paperwork hasn't been filed, I'd be shocked.
This Harvest Farro Salad 100% sealed the deal.
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Jess is not only keeping my Mom happy, she's also making me a hit amongst my friends. On the day we cooked and shot this Farro Salad, I brought the leftovers over to a friend's housewarming party. Everyone kept asking who made the salad and I honestly felt bad taking credit for it since the credit really is due to Jess. It is definitely a team effort over here, but I have to say that Jess has elevated Team Maven to a whole other level. I'm feeling incredibly grateful to have her as part of the team…I know Mama Maven would agree!
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Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Squash and Pomegranate Molasses Dressing
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Author: Jess @ The Healthy Maven
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 90 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Yield: 8-10 servings
For the Dressing:
2/3 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons pomegranate molasses
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (champagne vinegar or white wine vinegar work great too!)
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sumac
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of cardamon
juice from 1/2 a lemon
For the Salad:
2 lbs butternut or delicata squash
1 cup farro
4 medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1/4 cup currants (optional)
3/4 cup pistachios, toasted and chopped
1/2 cup castelvetrano olives, pitted and chopped
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1/2 bunch parsley, leaves picked and chopped
1 bunch mint, leaves picked and chopped
zest from 1 lemon
Cook farro according to instructions.
Peel and cube the squash. Coat with olive oil and salt and roast at 400F for about 30 minutes. Flip halfway through cooking time.
Zest the lemon and set aside. Add the dressing ingredients to a jar and shake until combined.
Add cooked farro, roasted squash, pistachios, dates, currants, olives, pomegranate seeds and lemon zest to a big bowl. Add 1/3-1/2 of the dressing and toss to combine.
Add the herbs just before serving and toss once more to combine.
This salad can be made a day ahead by leaving out the pistachios, dressing and herbs, adding those right before serving. Cover chopped herbs with a damp towel/paper towel and store in an airtight container.
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Are you similar or different from your Mom? What Fall recipe are you seriously digging?
The post Harvest Farro Salad with Roasted Squash and Pomegranate Molasses Dressing appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 6 years
I Went Vegan And Here’s How Much I Was Judged Betches
At the start of the summer, I decided to go vegan. Before you come at me (plz chill) I know there are a billion articles about how it ruins my health, destroys the environment, and exists only as trendy holier-than-thou diet (thinking of you, Gwyneth Paltrow!)
People loveeeee to hate on vegans. Sure, we have a rep for being pretty judgmental hypocrites (like Phoebe from Friends and her love for her fur coat in that one episode—but tbh in the spirit of journalistic integrity, she was vegetarian, not vegan, but still). And I was one of those haters. I used to think veganism was a fad diet that wasn’t even that healthy. Also, how do you even get enough protein? Tofu, a chalky white sagging blob I’d seen at my dining hall’s salad bar, didn’t seem a particularly appealing alternative.
So what changed? Well, I moved to California and was brainwashed started learning more about veganism. One of my best friends at college is vegan, so I learned more about it this year by eating with her. Obviously, we went to the most extra vegan restaurants in LA, but that was the first thing that convinced me: I actually liked the vegan food.
Judging by my super healthy diet of vodka and brownies, by the end of the school year I felt like crap. I needed a lifestyle change, and this summer was the perfect opportunity for that. I would be cooking all of my own food for the first time while living in a dump old frat house on the Row at Stanford.
My family was concerned by this idea—well, actually, I didn’t tell them initially because I knew they’d freak out, but had I informed them of my plans before, these are the questions they would’ve asked:
What will you eat for breakfast?  Ummm….seaweed and hummus? Some nuts? Kale chips? Tofu? Realistically a really weird assortment of food, but also, like, who even eats breakfast? I’m in college. Coffee counts.
What do you eat at restaurants?  Since one of my best friends is already vegan and since California is the Mecca of vegan restaurants, it isn’t hard to find restaurants that served, like, salads and tofu.
Can you still drink?  JK, my fam wouldn’t have asked me that, but for all the concerned alcoholics out there, vodka is vegan. In fact, all liquor is, though some wines and beers are processed with animal products. Yet another reason shots reign supreme.
Week 1
It’s 11pm and I’d just arrived at “The House,” aka the trap fraternity house where I’d be living this summer. Even though it’s no longer a frat house, it still feels like a frat house. The state of the house may seem irrelevant to my diet, but the kitchen is a disaster. It’s a place where we’d all made blackout quesadillas at 2am during the school year, so using the same pans crusted with our drunk food seems rather unappetizing.
After moving all of my stuff up three flights of stairs alone (chivalry is dead), I head to Whole Foods to scour their vegan options. This being California, they have loads of options. I buy what would become the starting lineup for my summer diet: eggplant and tofu from the salad bar, a few pre-made salads, kale chips, seaweed, pickles, hummus, and vegan jerky. I feel so healthy.
A few vegan days pass. Do I feel any magical results? No. I do not feel less tired, as some people have promised. I do feel healthier though. Like those vegan models that I follow on Instagram, with my Bragg’s Nutritious Yeast (vaguely cheesy powder?) and zucchini noodles (these taste like zucchini, not pasta, don’t let others convince you otherwise).
That Friday my friends and I go to San Francisco. It all fun and games until everyone decides they want to go to IHOP for some drunk 3am pancakes. I then realize I can’t have any because they aren’t f*cking vegan. I eat some kale chips instead to soak up all the extra vodka in my stomach. The next morning I want to kill myself. Kale chips aren’t a good drunk food. My hangover is deadly. Who would’ve f*cking thought?
Weeks 2 & 3
The glow of being healthy is fading. First of all, I’m worried I’m anemic because I’m tired, like, all the time. Literally, allll the time. All I want to do is sleep. I went from being fine on six hours of sleep to wanting to sleep 12 hours. What college student sleeps for 12 hours? HOW IS THIS OK.
Also I really, really, really want something sweet. I’m craving chocolate like mad. So I buy some Hu Chocolate from Whole Foods and happily eat an entire hazelnut-butter dark chocolate bar. It’s vegan, so ha!
Realistically, there isn’t much more to say about these weeks. They pass in a sort of foggy blur of vegetable eating. I don’t go out because of my summer courses. This is shaping up to be the best summer ever, wow!
I questioned stopping. But that would be giving up, now, and I’m no quitter.
Week 4
This weekend, I drive down to LA with my vegan best friend, and naturally, she brings me to all of her favorite vegan restaurants. The Green Temple for the best tofu sauce (literally I want to drink the sauce). Café Gratitude has absurd buffalo cauliflower and honestly it’s expensive ($11 for a side of cauliflower? What is the profit margin here?). By Chloe (there are multiple in New York too!) has the best vegan kale Caesar salad I’ve ever tried in my life. It has shitake bacon and almond parmesan and literally, this is why I became vegan. Also, there’s a little sign that says how much waste you’ve prevented by eating vegan food inside By Chloe, which just made me feel like a really great person.
The next day I get a migraine and lie in bed for the entire day. Soooo fun. Exactly what I drove six hours for! We go to Whole Foods that night though, to find dinner stuff, and I’m delighted by their eccentric chip selection (jicama chips. WTF?) and extremely elaborate salad bar selection. They also have about five types of vegan mac and cheese, which is like, absurd.
We head to the Farmer’s Market in Hollywood the next morning. Everyone makes fun of me because I buy a jar of pickled brussels sprouts and a tin of soy shitake mushrooms to eat for breakfast. Yes, I get that’s a really weird breakfast. But seriously, anyone who knows me by now should realize that I thrive on eating really strange foods. And pickled (well, technically fermented but stick with me) foods are good for your gut health. It’s why so many people are obsessed with drinking apple cider vinegar!
We drive home, stopping at the Ostrich Farm on the way through Santa Barbara. This trip has taught me:
LA has the best vegan restaurants. New York may have By Chloe and Candle 79, but LA just has sooooo many more options.
I actually can drive for seven hours without killing someone. Genuinely a miracle!
Ostriches are vaguely cute.
There is nothing to do in LA besides workout, eat food, and sit in traffic (while occasionally visiting ostriches).
Week 5
I feel less tired, so maybe my body was just adjusting. Or maybe I am anemic and should start taking iron supplements. My doctor keeps bugging me to do bloodwork and I keep putting it off because I’d have to fast before getting it done and that’s so annoying. Yes, I am a responsible adult, thanks for asking.
I make the mistake of telling my mom that I decided to go vegan, and receive a whole lecture about how it’s a horrible idea. You will ruin your health and become anemic and are you getting enough protein and don’t you know about living life in moderation?
I give her a speech about animal rights and the environment (yes, this is a little late to the game, but I started following all these vegan Instas because I needed more motivation), and the environmental benefits of veganism. It really tugs at the heartstrings. But photos of cute little pigs with the caption “is eating bacon really worth it?” kind of make me want to cry.
Now that my mom hates my vegan diet, I’m even more motivated to continue. I’m massively stressed studying for my summer course midterms, but at least I’m stress-eating seaweed and hummus instead of cookies. After I finish midterms we go out that weekend to celebrate one of my friend’s birthdays. Personally, I blame my later behavior on the restaurant for lacking vegan options. A plain salad is not an ideal pre-drinking meal, tbh, and my lack of memory for the rest of the night can be entirely explained by my meager dinner of iceberg lettuce in conjunction with the seven shots of ginger vodka I had later.
Weeks 6 & 7
These two weeks are also a blur. My family comes to visit the first weekend and are genuinely incensed that I refuse to eat meat. We all go out to dinner to some non-vegan place where the only thing I can eat is a kale Caesar salad without dressing (because of the fricking anchovies). So I basically eat a bag of dry kale for dinner. Yummmmm. But I can’t back out on being vegan now. That would mean my mom was right. Again. I abandon my family after dinner to run to Whole Foods to buy a late night snack of eggplant and hummus (why am I so weird?!).
The next day, my mom treats me to dinner at Nobu, which opened in Palo Alto at the start of the school year. I’d been dying to go the entire year, but it’s not exactly a place you go with your friends when you’re in college on a budget. My mom orders sashimi for the entire table and I eat a piece of tuna.
Seriously though, the tuna is fine. High-quality fish, but ultimately not even that tasty. Honestly, one thing I’ve realized is that food tastes good because of the sauces and spices on it, not because of the base. It could be cauliflower or steak, chicken or tofu, all that really matters is the sauce. (Okay, clearly I’m not a steak connoisseur. Red meat has always grossed me out and I know theoretically a good steak doesn’t need any sauce. This is why I’m a mostly successful vegan, and my brother will never be a vegan. He thinks vegans are wussies and real men eat wagyu beef.)
My family leaves, and  I’m getting bored of eating the same 10 foods every day. So I start exploring some of the other weird vegan foods that Whole Foods sell. Vegan cheese dip, for example, is disgusting. It’s a mix of pureed potatoes and cashews, and it does NOT taste like cheese and now I feel nauseous. I also buy chocolate covered chickpeas a few times, which sound gross but taste like chocolate covered pretzels. They are as addictive AF so consider yourself warned. Banana brittle (pureed dehydrated bananas with coconut flakes) is also incredibly addictive. As is chocolate mousse made with silken tofu and cacao powder.
If I sound like a raving lunatic who has lost all concept of what good food actually tastes like, it is quite possible that veganism has addled my brains.
Week 8
I spend the entire week studying for my finals. Woohoo. All I want is to go home and sleep. The fatigue never entirely left, so maybe I really am anemic. But I honestly feel much healthier. My body is more toned, my hair is thicker, and my complexion is brighter. Most importantly, I don’t feel gross every time I eat. It’s nice to finish a meal and not regret eating junk, but instead feel happy knowing that I’ve put healthy nutrients into my body.
Even though I’ve been eating less protein, I feel more muscular too. Until I have to move all my crap and I realize I still lack basic upper body strength. Veganism forced me to abandon my mini fridge since I don’t have enough strength to carry it down three flights of stairs (if anyone wants a mini fridge HMU. I warn you though, the freezer has about an inch of congealed apple vodka on the bottom because my idiot friend put a bottle of vodka in it sans lid). I fly back home to New York and eat a bag of coconut chips for dinner because the airplane has no vegan food.
Week 9 – ???
Now that I’m home and no longer cooking for myself, I guess I could stop being vegan. Despite the fatigue, I really have enjoyed it. It forced me to cut the unhealthy junk out of my life but still allowed me to treat myself by eating things like chocolate covered bananas or vegan brownies. Moderation!
I did finally get some bloodwork done and it does turn out my iron levels are dangerously low (oops?), I can always start taking a supplement to fix that and start drinking blackstrap molasses because apparently, that has 20% of your daily iron per serving. Yum. Besides that, I really do feel much healthier. I feel fit again, instead of constantly stressed about what I’m eating. My hair and skin both feel amazing.
It’s honestly not hard to find food to eat, either. I just eat the vegetables my mom makes for dinner and heat up some tofu for protein. Now I’m campaigning for my dad to join me since his cholesterol is through the roof and I know he’d benefit from less butter and red meat. (I’m really trying to not become one of those preachy vegans that try to indoctrinate everyone though, don’t worry.)
If you’re still not convinced
a) I don’t care b) it’s fine, you can join my family, who are still convinced that I went to school in California and became “some sort of new-agey hippie.”
Realistically, will I stay vegan forever? I have no clue considering it’s been only 10 weeks and forever is, like, a really long time, but I have no concrete plans to stop anytime soon. Unless I actually do become anemic from an iron deficiency. Then my mom might start force-feeding me red meat again…
Images: Giphy
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