#apparently it is behind an invisible wall out of bounds too which has baffled everyone.
spiribia · 1 month
i'm halfway mad that people never post pics of the creatures in fanmade mod Fallout London but it does lead to really delightful surprises on the occasions they do
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howardlinkedin · 7 years
Debriefing (And Other Bad Jokes) Part 4
Part 3 here: x
Next, Part 5: http://howardlinkedin.tumblr.com/post/168953427738/debriefing-and-other-bad-jokes-part-5
Summary: Slightly less ridiculous chapter about museum heists, unless your name is Howard Link, in which everything is still ridiculous, while Allen asks the Important Questions.
There are only three people who know the entire story of how Yuu Kanda went from absolutely loathing Allen Walker to something like positive, relationship affirming emotions. (No one can  make Kanda admit things like “love” or “romance,” even if they threatened death. Honestly, even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to succeed, seeing as the man would break the idiot who dared make threats in the first place inches away from death’s door.)
First there was the Bookman- which should be obvious given his skill set. The redhead even bragged about knowing the two were bound to become...whatever they were long before they even knew it. This bragging usually got a sword uncomfortably close to his crotch.
Next was Lenalee, who was Allen’s best friend and confidant. She actually had a front row seat to the drama that was Kanda’s and Allen’s relationship coming to a head. This was something she often reminded Allen when he was being particularly annoying, due to the fact that she had recorded most of it on her phone, and she was not afraid to use it.
Last, and probably the most baffling, was Johnny Gill. Baffling, because the forensic examiner hardly even made an appearance at the Department, choosing to spend his time at the Crime Labs. Lenalee and Lavi often wondered how the smaller man fit into this equation, since he was never around when the officers in question usually interacted.
Violently flirted.
Everyone else working in or associated with the Black Order Police Department were simply secondhand observers. Many got whiplash when word actually got out that Kanda and Walker were A Thing.
Whatever Thing the two decided to be, was the question of the century. Only Allen and Kanda knew what, exactly, they were to each other, but it was there and sometimes it was less violent and more on the sweet side.
If you squint.
Noise Marie was the Order’s top surveillance specialist. At every stakeout, he was there, hidden away in a van, abandon building or any other nondescript location to listen in on the goings on with the officers under his care to watch.
Or rather, not so much watch.
Noise, legally blind that he was, could only listen. Which made his name rather ironic, which he was very well aware of, thank you very much.
The lack of proper sight never stopped him from being the best at what he does, however. No one questioned how his unique skill set works, but altogether accepted at the Order regardless.
So when the tell-tale buzz of the speakers tickled in, he responded immediately.
“This is Marie.”
“Allen here-” (In the background, Noise could hear the new Detective Inspector chide. “Walker, don’t give your name out in the middle of a job!”  The chiding was moot considering Link just also have out the rest of the officer’s name.
“Okay fine, Eagle One-” “I’m Eagle One.” Kanda grunted over his own communication. “Darling, only when I let you.”)
“I’m listening.” Marie tried not to sound amused. It was hard, but he was a professional and this was a job.
A high stakes job.
Once again, Link was able to actually do his job, and this time it looked more promising to be solved than the current murder case.
He listened and traded notes with Inspector Galmar, who had, up until now, been the only detective assigned to the Phantom G case.
(At the debriefing, Allen had commented that it was a rather cute name for a thief. Allen also though Kanda was cute when on the verge of homicide, so Link decided the officer’s opinion of anything was to be mad ravings of a crazy man.)
“And you say that somehow, anyone arrested during this case has been framed?” Link flipped through the stack of prints of the literal dozen fingerprints uncovered from every scene of the crime.
Galmar sighed heavily. “Yes, the problem we don’t know how or have any evidence besides obvious intuition. Unfortunately, the law can’t let anyone free from arrest just on those grounds.”
Unfortunate indeed, considering that all who were arrested claimed to never have been near the areas where valuables have been stolen. But, as far as the law was concerned, fingerprints don’t lie.
“So.” Walker, who had been a silent observer, until now, leeched himself at Link’s side and stared at the images. “This kid is able to lift copies of multiple prints from several officer, who happen to always be on site during a stake out, plant them and then make off with the loot?”
Link’s brow ticked at the loss of his personal space and elbowed the officer away. “Walker, let me work.”
He paused, narrowing in on the other’s comment. “You said ‘kid.’”
Allen grinned like a cheshire. “I did.” “And why,” Link’s suspicion once again rising. “Do you believe the thief is a kid? Clearly this level of skill is not something a mere child could do.”
Shrugging, Allen had the gall to look innocent and doe eyed. “No reason.”
Howard Link decided then and there he needed to make a doctors appointment for the amount of migraines he continued to suffer.
“I thought you were supposed to casing the layout of the museum.”
“I did.” Allen chirped. The Detective Inspector pinched the bridge of his nose. “Walker, you literally have been standing behind me this entire time. What part of that is casing anything?” Phantom G, as the acclaimed thief signed their M.O as, was most often known by the many notices they leave announcing their future plans of theft. The most frustrating aspect of their taunts was that they always delivered them to the scene where they threaten to loot, and always naming said object they are wanting to steal.
No matter the security, the Phantom always, always got away with it. With false fingerprints left behind, the accused unconscious with the very same mask as the Phantom over their face.
It was a wonder the entire team working on the case thus far hadn’t quit out of frustration.
Especially considering how utterly ridiculous the masks were. What with the bright, flashy neon yellow.
This time, the threat was at the local museum, which happened to house a very expensive and very historical crown.
“I saw the glass case where the crown was.” Came Allen’s cheeky reply, as though that was all he needed to see.
And maybe it was? Because Link was beginning to believe that despite all of Walker’s oddities and nuances, they always worked.
Link took a glance around the open space of the museum. “Where is Officer Kanda?”
Allen waved a hand as if to portray ‘don’t worry!’
“He’s doing a better job than I am at canvasing the entire area.”
Because that’s what Kandas do, apparently. And Allens just pester and waste time around actual hard working investigators.
“Anyway,” Allen continued over the communication to Marie. “Quick question, and it’s very important that you answer.” “Yes?” Noise turned a dial at his soundstation, making the frequencies of the white noise in the area more clear.
“What are you getting me for my birthday?”
The surveillance specialist could hear Kanda sigh over the detectives reprimand.)
“Because I’ve been thinking of a hat. A large fluffy warm hat. Maybe a matching scarf.”
(“Walker, we are WORKING now is not the time to-”
“Jesus Christ shut up, both of you.”)
This is when the museum alarms are set off.
Arrested was yet another framed officer, with the crown missing and Officer Allen Walker-
Well. He was engaging in an actual chase with the presumed true thief.
On the rooftops.
Link had to at least admit that the other man was dedicated to his job.
The thief- Phantom G, in all their neon glory, hopped, jumped and mauvered the rooftops with the skill only someone who understand the layout could accomplish.
“Hey, you know maybe bright colors weren’t the best idea in this situation.”
Unless your name is Allen Walker, in which case he somehow managed the ability to maneuver just as, if not more, fluid after the thief and the crown.
Said thief gasped, and nearly tripped when the officer swung from a railing and landed just in front of them. They made an attempt to dash to the right, but Allen, quick as he was, flashed the crown at the Phantom’s face.
Well, assumed face anyway. It was hard to tell, what with the huge mask and all.
“Sorry, but this is mine now.”
“WALKER! You can’t keep stolen property!” Link chose that moment to leap to the roof also.
Phantom G took the momentary distraction of the Detective to leap from the side of the building and slide down the emergency fire exit.
Allen put the crown on his head and followed suit, all smiles.
And Link? Well Link followed after because Walker You Can’t Put That on your Head It’s Valuable!
Once on ground, the thief shot their arm out and Allen yanked the Detective with him to slide down the ally and out of the way.
Inspector Howard Link did not squeak, he most certainly did not, no matter what Officer Allen Walker says. (Noise Marie caught it all on tape, and he is very sorry for the man’s dignity and pride.)
The wall where they had landed was sliced through with thin threads, almost invisible if not for the moonlight.
Allen’s smile dropped off his face.
“You know, a lot of people just had their lives ruined by you. Do you really want to add manslaughter to the list?” “Shut up!” Finally, the thief spoke. They sounded young, too young.
Link didn’t have time to analyze further, and took the moment to dash out and kick their legs from under them and slapped one wrist with handcuffs. They yelled in surprise.
“Link! Move!”
The detective barely had time to flinch away before the same threads as before shot from the Phantom’s free hand and into Link’s shoulder.
With a grunt, the blonde rolled away, holding the wound to stave the bleeding. The threads were very sharp indeed.
Suddenly, the threads were sliced through, and Kanda shot out like a bullet from seemingly nowhere at the thief. “If you want to play like an adult, then play with me.”
The other man had a grin what Link could only describe as maniacal.
The thief, no the kid, which was what they could only be, because they were too small and wiry to have been an adult, and their voice too, too young, let out a sudden screech in fear at the swordsman. They leapt up and clambered over window sills in an attempt to escape.
Their retreat was cut short when Kanda sliced the wall nearest their hand, impaling his sword clean through. “You really should rethink your actions right now.” The officer was as serious as they ever were, and the warning in their words were as sharp and dangerous as his sword.
The air was quiet for exactly two seconds before it was filled with sharp wailing. The Phantom Thief G slid down to the grown, heaving. The mask was becoming soaked with tears.
“Jesus Christ you’re loud.” Kanda complained, which was not really the time or place, but still altogether a very good observation.
The wailing and crying was indeed very loud and very shrill.
With the mask off, Phantom Thief G, as deduced by Allen earlier that day (and Link still demands to know how the officer figured that, much to his ever mounting frustration) a kid.
No more than nine years of age, identified by Marie as Timothy Hearst, was cuffed and placed into the awaiting police vehicle.
With Allen, who deemed it acceptable to coddle the criminal, and let himself be sobbed on in the back of the car.
“Walker, kid or not he’s still a-” “Shh Link, you’re scaring him.”
“NEED I REMIND YOU that he could have very well killed us, and managed to stab my arm.” The Detective hissed. His arm still hurt, mind. Miranda, who was also on standby, had wrapped it. The kid’s wailing only intensified. “I’m- I’M SORRY!!!” He bellowed.
“See, he’s sorry.” “Walker.”
Kanda ignored them all and snached the very expensive and valuable crown from his partner’s head and handed it over to Inspector Galmar. Allen ‘awed’ in disappointment.
Everything was too ridiculous anymore.
Timothy had cried himself to sleep in the Order’s jail cell. Wrapped in no less than three blankets and five downey pillows piled around him. 
No one commented on this.
In his office, Commissioner Lee read over Link’s report. “How could a child have this level of skill?” He inquired.
Allen, who commandeered the room’s only couch, piped up before the Inspector could respond, literally taking the words from his mouth. “He had help. No kid could ever pull this off without proper training.”
His silver eyes were far off, and Link didn’t like it. He also did not like how Walker obviously knew more than he let on.
Link was the detective, it was his job. Yet Officer Allen Walker was able to deduce just as fast and as much as he could.
“Training?” Still, he pressed on. Confrontations would happen later.
The white haired officer hummed, eyes flashing back to the present. “Yeah. Those needle threads aren’t something easily handled without being trained in them. No normal nine year old would ever have a working knowledge of them.”
“I see.” And Link did see. He also agreed. “I believe also that Hearst had help. To pre plan exactly who to frame and have them be an officer that would be stationed during each and every heist? There’s someone else working in the shadows.”
Commissioner Lee scowled at the thought of a kid having been wrapped up in this mess. It left a sour taste in his mouth. “Do we have any leads as to who, though, is the question.”
The Detective Inspector was at a loss there.
“Sheryl Kamelot.” Allen named, looking for all the world the most serious he has ever been. “This reeks of Noah, and Sheryl would be our best bet.”
Komui straighten at the names, and leaned on his elbows. “Explain Officer.” He demanded of his subordinate.
Allen also leaned forward, unconsciously flexing his scarred hand. “Sheryl’s pride in the Noah consists of finding kids who show talent, any talent really, and exploiting them in anyway.
Stealing, information gathering, murder - there’s no limit to what he’d train a child to do. My guess is that Timothy is rather new into the fold, which was why he was scared easily enough to surrender. Anyone worth their scuff in the Noah would have needed a lot more to put them into submission.”
Howard Link frowned, scowled, and tensed the longer Walker spoke. Because, how, how, how! How does the young officer know this? Where did he get this information? To have such an understanding of one of the Noah, was nothing short of terrifying.
Did he learn this during his arrest of Tyki Mikk? Or was it before during investigation? But, as far as Link knew, Walker was not assigned the Noah case first hand. That was General Cross Marian. Did Walker learn this from his mentor? Was Cross actually reporting directly to his adopted son, and both were keeping quiet?
Why wasn’t the Commissioner demanding these details?
There were too many questions surrounding Allen Walker, and Link despised the lack of answers.
Once away from the Commissioner’s office and steps down the hall, Link demanded his answers. “How? How do you have such knowledge?” His voice was thick with distrust and accusations that he hadn’t outright stated. The implication was still there, regardless. “And for that matter, how are you able to follow thieves across rooftops and spy those threads? You said it yourself it takes training. What are you hiding Allen Walker?”
They had both stopped their descent down the hall.
Contrary to their pause, Kanda was making his way to them, but by his movement he was in no hurry.
Allen only smiled that alarming and guileless smile of his that renders everyone around him defenseless but also paranoid at the same time. “Oh Link, you should have put the pieces together by now. You’ve read my file after all.”
If Link believed in in such things, he could have sworn the air turned chill and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.
He couldn’t even deny it, not with Kanda now directly behind his partner, like the shadow he always was. Tucked at his arm was Walker’s file, which had been stolen from Link’s apartment nights before.
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