#apparently crackers make you feel better when sick so im eating crackers
jaca3rys · 4 years
I feel like shit today, I've been frequently forcing myself not to puke since midnight and I don't think me not having slept yet helped any, I'm running fever so I took some Tylenol (the liquid kind🤢) and I feel a little better, anyways what I'm trying to say I won't be active much on here for the next few days.
Byeee love u <3
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wisteria-whump · 2 years
things that are apparently supposed to help with nausea
im writing this with the intention of it being used for sickfics or whatever but i guess it could also work if you just actually don't feel well
basically any food/drink with ginger because it reduces inflammation (i think??) mostly ginger ale and ginger tea are recommended for nausea because you're obviously not really gonna wanna eat if you're nauseous, but i think that ginger snaps are nice if you're nauseous and hungry at the same time.
peppermint because it also reduces inflammation (i think)! my personal favorite forms (for the purpose of making your character quirky and different and shit) are those little lifesaver mints, mint leaves, and copious amounts of peppermint tea.
the smell of lemon! apparently there was some sort of study done with this but ive never tried it.
smelling those rubbing alcohol wipe thingies! ive also never tried this one but ive heard that it works really well.
any non caffeinated soda. i think it's something to do with the carbonation and the sugar. carbonation always makes me feel a little better so 🤷‍♀️
that pressure point on your wrist! i think this is what those anti-carsickness bracelets do? idk ive only heard of them ive never actually seen them. i think this is supposed to be used more as a preventative thing and not a cure for nausea that's already happening.
deep breaths! i hate deep breaths! they kinda work tho
distraction! this one is just one that i do bc my nausea is 80% not caused by actual sickness so distracting myself makes me feel better.
an ice pack on the back of the neck. ive never tried this one but ive heard good things about it.
crackers! theyre supposed to like reduce the extra acid in the stomach which is supposed to make you feel better. in my experience they work especially well for when you're hungry and nauseous at the same time.
now for placebo things ive convinced myself help with nausea, because ALWAYS remember that your character can have remedies that don't scientifically make sense but it's a placebo effect so it works for them. these are just my personal ones, you can come up with basically anything for this category.
sleeping while sitting upright instead of laying down! i swear laying down makes me feel worse.
pacing! i actually stopped doing this one years ago because it's not really a good idea to walk around the house if i think i might be sick because like... i don't wanna do that on the floor
ive heard people say that sitting on the bathroom floor makes them feel better but i don't like touching the bathroom floor so i cannot confirm.
freezing! when im nauseous the first thing i do is shed as many layers of clothing as i can and then turn on every fan in the room and let myself freeze.
sitting in bed! not laying in bed, not sitting literally anywhere that is not my bed, it specifically has to be sitting in my bed! i swear sitting literally anywhere else makes me feel worse.
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Get to Know This Spoonie Better
Via @chronicillschronicpills
what’s the most embarrassing question to get? - I don’t really give a rat’s ass about other people being nosy. If I don’t want to tell them I won’t. what was your most surprising diagnosis? - I mean, I only have one officially so I guess Ulcerative Colitis (even though I don’t trust it. what was your most heartbreaking diagnosis? - again I only have UC what illnesses do you have? -Ulcerative Colitis (though I think it’s Crohn’s) how do you feel right now? - pretty dang good actually 😎 do you ever wear face masks? - I made one out of equal parts baking soda and water! It’s amazing. do you have a diagnosis you’re embarrassed to divulge? - nah, just the one what is the worst you’ve felt? - when I first got sick probably because no one knew what was wrong with me so I got sent home from the ER three times before anyone would listen to me and I had fevers and chills and woke up confused as hell all the time. And I’d been suffering for quite some time before any of that and didn’t tell anyone because I’m a genius ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what branch of medicine did the worst doctor you ever had practice? -my first GI was absolutely awful. I didn’t have a choice though because he was the only pediatric GI in my network. He didn’t educate me properly on my disease, and basically told me there was only one treatment option besides surgery which is entirely false. Now that I’ve learned about other options from my new doctor I’m doing quite well. He’s also the one that diagnosed me as having UC but I think he’s wrong. worst nurse experience? - OH MY GOD okay basically he could have killed me but we’ll get to that in a bit. Basically he was decently new at his job and very paranoid about following the rules so he was super annoying. I have never ever had them turn on the alarm on the bed but he INSISTED on having it on. Wen I’m sick, I have to go to the bathroom like every 10 minutes or so and it’s urgent. I cannot wait for a nurse to come in and turn off the alarm and help me to the bathroom. It’s just not going to happen. So anyway, yeah he almost killed me. He said it would be okay to give me the antibiotic (which I didn’t even need, there was no sign of infection. I was literally only there for pain management) and my pain meds through the same IV. Apparently that’s 100% not okay for some reason and when another nurse came in and found out she immediately stopped the pain pump until the antibiotic (TAHT I DIDNT NEED) was done. I was beyond pissed. I was jut starting to feel better and they took it away from me. Fuck you. does weather affect your condition? - I’m I get migraines sometimes because of weather but that’s not UC. do you have a companion animal? - oh buddy here we go. 2 dogs, 1 guinea pig, 2 betta, 6 adult minnows and ~25 babies, 4 goldfish, and ~12 corydora 😊 do you have any rare diseases? - nah do you have any allergies? - morphine makes it hard to breathe do you use marijuana? - no but I wouldn’t be opposed to trying it. It’s supposed to be good for inflammation which I have a lot of describe your flares. - burning sensation in my lower abdomen, bloody diarrhea, nausea do you get gas? - absolutely fave safe food? - my fav is mashed potatoes but that takes spoons to make so I mostly eat crackers can you drink alcohol? - not legally what was your last cause for celebration? - friends birthday I guess do you exercise? - lol I used to dance 14+ hours a week and now I’m doing good to take the dogs for a walk do baths help you? - i hate baths! describe your last ambulance ride. - i passed out at work most expensive medication? - lol $5,000 per treatment 🙃 do you get stabby pains? - yep there’s often a knife in my ribs on bad days what are your medications? - just Entyvio right now do you get infusions? - I used to be on Remicade and now I’m on Entyvio do you like anon messages? - I’ve never gotten any but I’m not opposed to nice ones are you religious? - eh I don’t think it can be counted as religion if I don’t worship deities. what’s one thing that exacerbates your pain? - mostly food but also standing for a long no time do you use mobility aids? - no
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svetlanabelikova · 5 years
Journaling (III)
content warning:
bodily functions
food talk
i shit in a bucket.
i know that was almost a week ago at this point but it has been a rough week. im going to go through it as best i can from memory. i think my last post was about a week ago and i was dreading the ‘shit in a bucket’ moment of my life which-- did not disappoint. it was just as bad as i thought it would be. 
monday: i set my alarm for about 6am with the intention of getting up and wondering around the house until my body was like ‘aye mate, the time is upon us.’ but instead i just ran around the house trying to get myself and the kids ready for school-- which turned out to be a good thing as it turns out, when it comes to shitting in a bucket, there are some rules you gotta follow. the principle one being that you have about an hour from toilet seat to dropping it into the hands of some lab assistant. we usually leave the house at about 7:20am or so, get the older two kids to their school before 7:40am, then take the youngest to her school by 8am, so i would then need to book it across town to the medical center, jaunt up to the lab and drop off the specimen. it was going to be a fairly tight schedule but you really can’t-- well, i can’t, produce on queue and with the chaos of the kids and everything... it just didn’t happen. but it turned out to be a good thing as my stupid-ass brother took out the truck the night before, literally ran it dry and left it outside on empty. so my mom had no choice but to use her tiny car which didn’t have space for me and three kids in car seats. so they left, i was able to be alone in my thoughts and then the moment came. i-- i am sure that i looked like a totally insane person. i had a lot of anxiety, i was just pacing around the room hyping myself up. it was a lot of ‘look, this is something that, while you’ve never done anything like it before, it will be a fun story to tell. you never pissed in a cup before either-- but you just did that on friday. you’ve never told everyone on the internet your weight and yet you did that too! this is nothing. you just gotta walk into the bathroom and just do it! this is something that you really want! if you want to be successful in this program you gotta deal with all the weird shit they throw at you! come on, get in there champ!’ it was not a pretty picture and i did not believe my own lies.  eventually the dark deed was done. i got to use my super advanced, medically sterile cup and popsicle stick. sealed it in a sterile bag, put that bag inside another bag with my name, the time and date on it, then waited for my mom to get back so she could drive me over to the lab. at the lab, i stood around for almost 20 minutes just waiting for someone to come out and tell me what i was supposed to do. eventually, someone came out, got my sample, then i went with my mom grocery shopping. that ended up running a little late, so we got the littlest from pre-k, then decided to go get lump from kindergarten a little early. while my mom went in to sign him out, i got a call from the lab. apparently, someone used one of my samples for the wrong test. i kept trying to get more information but the woman just did not want to tell me over the phone. just kept saying the specimen needed to be recollected and the sooner, the better. my phone is at like 28% at this point and i still haven’t eaten anything yet. we take the kids home, i change clothes, get the kids calmed down then drive back over there absolutely furious that they somehow used an ENTIRE SAMPLE for the wrong test and scare shitless (pun intended) that i’m going to have to shit in another bucket.  i get over there, wait in the waiting room for like 40 minutes before the nurse will finally see me and then tells me they just need another vial of blood. i give them the vial and go home. at this point, i start to notice my ears are stuffy. the day before (sunday) i had noticed my throat was sore. but it was the first big wind storm of the season, there was a high pollen alert from my area so i was just trying to tell myself it was allergies-- add to that my hyperfocus on the whole ‘shitting in a bucket’ thing and i just didn’t want to realize that it was a headcold coming on-- and wouldn’t ya know it-- it was a headcold. and my white blood cell count in all my tests for this week are all high. so i’m probably going to have to take them again when i’m feeling better. so tuesday through today (friday) i have spent in an anti-histamine daze. take a pill, feel better for an hour, sleep for 3 hours, take another pill, repeat. today however, i got 2 different phone calls to set up appointments next week: an upper GI scan (which by the way and tone the lady who i talked to on the phone said “Oh those are so fun.” means it will most certainly be not fun at all so....) and a follow-up with rupinder to go over all, and there is no joke here, 20 test results from the last week or so. as i mentioned before, everything is high but not scary high. the only things scary high are my b1 levels (i take vitamins to boost those and i guess there is just a lot built up in my system. oops), insulin (like i mentioned, my body over produces the stuff) and white blood cells (cause i was getting sick). everything thing else is high due to a shitty diet and being so overweight and once i get that under control, i expect to see all those levels drop. all week i have been eating about half a cup of oatmeal and whole wheat toast for breakfast than either homemade soup and salad for my other meals. which i don’t mind at all! i was vegetarian for over 8 years. i love salads and veggie burgers, etc. it is just a combination of it being expensive and that shitty, cheap food is more available. like yes, i could have been adding only veggie burgers and salad stuff to my grocery list but when your not paying for your own food, you kind of take what you’re given. but now that i’m seeing the toll it is taking on my health and trying to wrangle in what’s going on in my body, i am going to be more conscious of what i’m eating overall. i’ve gotten used to avoiding dairy due to my lactose intolerance, and red meat/ high sugar foods due to my gallbladder issues, but not being cognizant of calorie count and sodium levels and total fat-- all the stuff i used to make fun of skinny white girls in yoga pants doing in the grocery isle. i have to be that girl-- minus the skinny part. and the yoga pants. but i do have to be the bitch in the cracker isle turning the box over and doing the math in my head, trying to add up to the magic number that will make me... better. healthier. i have a lot of deep-seated hatred and unbridled vitriol for the health and fitness lifestyle. it has been pushed upon me my entire life and i’ve always gone out of my way to try and avoid it as much as fucking possible and while i’m never going to be drinking whatever the hell kombucha is or doing px20 or whatever other health craze is going on, i am going to have to put some of that acidic anger on the backburner-- at least for now.                            
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faggvert · 5 years
havent had one of my depression meals in a while. but they are good so ill provide a guide for the experience.
heres a step by step:
step one: get a good tv show ready to watch. idc what it is long as its really fucking good. if you cant focus make it something youve seen before. again, it should be something that you like a lot. this will be a period of respite.
step two: dress for the weather. is it sizzling out? tank top or no top and shorts. freezing? get some blankets. body temperature changes quickly? get some blankets you can adjust.
step three: get your eating utensils ready. youll want to dig in as soon as your food is done.
now for the recipes.
main dish:
instant oatmeal: this shit rules. water or milk and the oatmeal mix, minuye or two in the microwave and you're ready to go. lots of flavors and you can add whatever you want in there. i like the kind with the apple bits.
instant rice: umm i like the white rice the best. one of my faves. mix in whatever you want. apparently some people put in butter but im normal so i dont. just water rice and like six minutes in the microwave and youre set.
bagel bites: love these things. pop em in the toaster oven and youre set. pizza on a bagel! whats better than that.
crackers: yummy and simple. not much else to say.
apple: theyre good for you. any fruit works i guess but apples rule. honeycrisps and fuji are my faves.
yogurt: i dont eat a lot of yogurt cause i dont like the taste of most of it but i like a few kinds. you can freeze gogurta and thats yummy. its got protien or smth in it.
gatorade: or other sports drink. has electrolytes and other healthy shit your body needs.
orange juice: vitamin d!
ginger ale: classic sick soda but also good for when youre feeling bad for non cold related reasons.
now, after your meal is ready start your show and dig in!
thats all folks!
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