#apparently I missed something I had to do with him
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confuzing · 9 hours ago
Bingge kidnaps SQQ and takes him back to original PIDW dimension and is like, "I'm sure you're pissed but I can Stockholm syndrome you into loving me." And SQQ goes, "Bet you dumb mfer, Stockholm syndrome isn't real and I may not be able to bring myself to be mean to you but I'm not going to be nice to you either." Bingge is just like, "lol what could you even do?"
Cut to two weeks later (Bingmei has to reforge Xin Mo he's going to be a minute):
-Wives 236, 139, and 15 are missing, apparently SQQ had a talk with them about how they only see Bingge like once every 3 months anyway so they might as well start back up those hobbies they had before meeting him right? Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all. Several other wives are talking about taking trips soon.
-The children are singing something called "the song that never ends." It, as advertised, does not end.
-SQQ is actively flirting with MBJ every time he sees him, apparently just to freak the ice demon out. (SQQ thinks he's just ignoring Bingge in favor of MBJ but he's definitely accidentally wife beaming the poor guy)
-Bingge keeps finding 'Kick Me' signs on his back. He has no idea how SQQ is putting them there since the man refuses to be in the same room as him if at all possible. Also nearly all his left shoes are missing?
-Sha Hualing straight up asks for a divorce. Says she'll be a faithful vassal and is still down for sex but that she feels like marriage is keeping her from 'living her best life'. Yeah she talked to SQQ yesterday what of it?
-SQQ is practicing inedia, but when Bingge tracks him down to ask him what he said to Sha Hualing he's having lunch with Liu Mingyan???
Bingge: ...You aren't eating.
SQQ: I'm not eating anything YOU cook.
Bingge: She hates you though, what if she poisons you?
SQQ: Guess I'll die. Also she's not an idiot she hated the other SQQ not me. As she should, fuck that guy. *turns back to Mingyan* Anyway have you ever considered taking up creative writing?
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tashacee · 2 days ago
you told me to send an ask on tumblr about bean and the hero's aspect so here i am i'd love to see what you do with that
the poor bean is NOT gonna be happy
Aspects of a Bean
(Written for the @lu-community-write-a-thon)
Link put on the Hero’s Aspect once.
Just once.
He was too nervous when he first got it. He was on his journey and busy and he wasn’t sure what it did and it all seemed like too much. Even after his journey he let it sit in his slate. The note said that it contained the soul of a pat Hero! He couldn’t just throw it on like a casual party outfit!
One day. One day long after it was over, when Hyrule was at peace and he didn’t have to fight every day…
One day. Curiosity got the better of him and he locked the door of his little hut on the plateau and shooed out all but the most resolved of cats (Mr Tubbs), and he pulled out the Aspect’s Belt.
It was beautiful. The carving of the jade, the intricate ceramics, the enamel- it was an incredible artefact and honestly, should probably be preserved for all of Hyrule to see. Zelda would like to see it, he was sure, to examine it. He just… hadn’t told her about it.
He wasn’t sure why. It felt private, somehow, in some way that he couldn’t quite articulate. He carefully clipped the belt around his waist.
The change was immediate. One moment he was himself, small and nervous, in thick, loose clothes and a big, tight, mask, and the next-
Oh no. Oh nonono, this was not good. This was bad. Wild didn’t like this, didn’t like it at all-
He reached for his belt, determined to take it off immediately, but before he could, something opened up underneath him, and the world went dark around him, swallowing him whole.
“Monster, five o’clock!”
Warriors jumped at Legend’s shout, looking around as he drew his sword. They had just been out getting some firewood but this was not anywhere familiar to them, and none of them trusted the apparent peace of their surroundings. These woods were too calm, too pleasant. There had to be a monster camp around here somewhere, the Chain simply didn’t get lucky like this.
And sure enough, there it was. Two days of peace in an attempt to lull them into a false sense of security, no doubt, but now Warriors could see it. A huge, hiking beast, kind of like some of the moblins they had, but also totally unfamiliar to him. He could just see it through the trees, its strange, twisted body, its long snout. It had fur in a few, uneven patches, but most of its body seemd covered in thick, mottled scars. Clearly this beast had been in no small number of fights, then.
Warriors switched to his bow and drew it.
The creature jolted, one remaining ear twitching towards the sound of the veteran’s shout as it turned to face them.
Warriors loosed his arrow. It whizzed past the creature, just missing its head as he got a good look at its face.
Hylia above. To say that the thing had been in a few fights was an understatement. If the rest of its body was twisted with scars, its face was destroyed. Half of its snout was gone, long, sharp fangs exposed to the world, its red mane not growing at all around its ruined left ear, its eye permanently narrowed  by the misshaping of its skin.
Warriors had never seen a monster so badly scarred. Monsters weren’t usually keen on healing and care for their wounded - that this one had lived-
The creature shrieked and stumbled backwards, landing hard on its rump and scrambling away from them, eyes wide and wild. 
The four of them advanced, but something about this didn’t feel right. What kind of monster fell over instead of fighting? What kind of monster tried to flee?
Wars slung his bow back over his back and drew his sword once more, moving forwards.
The creature let out a small bark and - and reached up, trying to? To - to cover its face? Its maw? And it scrambled up. It had long legs and a damn tail, so when it tried it could move fast. In an instant it had turned and dashed off, vanishing into the forest.
Warriors held out a hand, stopping his brothers from chasing after it.
“What the hell, Cap?” Legend grumbled.
Wars shook his head. “It-” he broke off, staring at where the creature had vanished. “It’s not a monster. I don’t think. It was scared.”
Four nodded along. “It had blue eyes, not red.” he added. “And it wasn’t armed. It seemed as surprised to see us as we were to see it.”
Warriors hummed, but before he could speak was interrupted by a sound from behind him, where Sky had been standing.
“Uh… guys?” he said softly. He had drawn the master sword and had turned his head down towards its blade. “I- yeah. Warriors is right.” Slowly, he re-sheathed his sword, turning towards them and holding out his right hand. It was already badly scarred with lightning burns, but there was a fresh injury on his palm, lightly pink with the shape of diamonds pressed into it. The shape of the decorations on the Master Sword’s hilt.
“He’s not a monster.” Sky continued. He couldn’t look at them, blind as he was, but he was turned to them with an intensity all the same. “He’s one of us. He’s a Link.”
Needless to say, they all felt sick that they had mistaken a new brother for a monster. At first Warriors had tried to run after him, but he was already long gone and likely wouldn;t take kindly to being chased again so soon after they had literally tried to shoot him.
Warriors felt awful about that.
So instead, they headed back to camp with the news that they had found a new brother, and that he looked… less than hylian and that they may have tried to attack him as a monster.
Poor guy.
Warriors couldn’t get his face out of his head. That gaping maw, the twisted eye, the burns the whole way across his body. How could anyone live through something like that? How could someone live with scars that bad - they must have pulled and ached almost constantly. And then how he had tried to cover himself before fleeing.
Warriors felt awful. He hoped that he could get a chance to apologise. The guy clearly had been through a lot.
They ended up using Sky’s dowsing ability to search for him. They may not have had anything belonging to him but he bore the spirit of courage, and it was easy enough to search for that.
Easy enough to search.
Not easy enough to find though.
Warriors was honestly impressed. The guy had to have been seven feet tall and he had a tail. How he had managed to avoid being found for so long was no mean feat.
But of course, they did find him. In the end. He was a big guy, and once they started to find the broken plants and crushed grass where he had run through, they knew that they were on the right track. And then when they found the fallen tree, hollowed out by age, when they heard the soft, terrified sobs, they knew that they were in the right place.
The Chain stopped and exchanged glances, unsure of what to do. Only the original four had actually seen him, but they didn’t exactly seem like the ideal people to go and talk to him right now. Twi was probably the most outgoing but he relied on sign and they didn’t know if the guy would be facing them or if he even knew Hylian sign to begin with.
Wind was an absolute no-go. He meant well, but he was thirteen, and sometimes said the dumbest shit.
Time sighed and knelt, taking off his sword and setting it aside before crawling closer to the hollow.
“Hello?” he called gently. “So, funny story. My name’s Link. And so are all of my companions. And I think you might be too. Can I come in and talk?”
Warriors was standing only a little behind Time, and could just about see into the darkness of the log. To the huddled, shaking figure, curled up in a ball and facing away from them. It - he - keened, shivering all over, and Time raked a hand through his hair.
“I-” he said. “I know you had a bad experience earlier. My brothers- they made a terrible mistake. And they’re sorry. They’re right here, and-”
Another keen, this one in terror. Warriors felt his stomach lurch, and before he knew what he was doing, he had knelt beside Time, peering in.
“I-” he said. “I was the one who shot at you.” he could feel the guilt pool in his gut as he said it, could see his new brother freeze in place. “I- I dshouldn’t have. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Link. I can never take it back, but- but I want to help.”
He took a shuddering breath, and then in a moment of inspiration, began to unwind his scarf. The man - the boy? - in front of him was hardly clothed, but judging by his reaction, this was not his preferred state. He must have been brought here unawares, and Warriors wouldn’t have that.
“I- I’ve got a scarf. I’m holding it out, right behind you. If you reach back you can grab it, use it to - um. Whatever you want.”
The boy took a deep breath, then another. He was still trembling, but now a single, clawed hand reached around, feeling for the scarf. When he found it he snatched it away, pulling it around to his front.
It took a few minutes for him to wrap it around himself. Warriors was glad of how big his scarf was in this moment, because the poor guy seemed to not know what he wanted to cover the most. His head and face was his first attempt, but then as he made to turn he glanced down and saw his ruined torso and whined again, pulling at the cloth of the scarf to try and make it somehow bigger.
“Oh!” Time gasped. “Oh, right - here! Take my cloak! You can use it to cover yourself too!”
Sky gasped where he stood, understanding what was going on. “You can take my sailcloth too! Maybe that can help?”
Before long they had all donated something. The new Link seemed more than a little surprised to suddenly have so many lengths of fabric and spare garments thrust at him, but he didn’t protest. Within a few minutes he was wrapped up in a bizarre myriad of cloths and fully covered, and only then did he turn to face them. Only his teary eyes and long red hair were visible and he still seemed to shrink in on himself, drawing his arms in close, tucking his tail in around his legs. Warriors felt his heart break.
“Hi, Link.” He said, his voice maybe a little hoarse. “I’m Link, but I go by Warriors. We’re gonna look out for you now. It’s gonna be okay.”
Wild, as they named their brother, was a gentle, kind boy. He was nervous around others, and though some of that was due to being the only… whatever he was … in a world of hylians, the Chain could tell that most of it was due to whatever incident in his past had left him so badly scarred. They never mentioned it, of course, and instead welcomed him in with open arms. He was their brother, after all, and they loved him.
He laughed with them. He fought with them. He turned out to be an amazing cook and took over the making of meals each night, which no one complained about. 
He didn’t have to go along in an outfit made of scarves for long. Time had a few spare clothes that only took a little altering to fit him, and he didn’t mind that they made them loose. Hyrule wove together some dried grasses to make a mask that could cover the hole in his cheek and offered him a bag of salves for his scars. And then when they went to Ordon, Uli specifically tailored several outfits for him, much to his embarrassment and very obvious joy. They all knew by then that Wild loved pretty things, after all.
And little by little, he opened up to them. They couldn’t really communicate easily, not with the language barrier between their signs, but they made it work. They got to know him. They came to love him. Not just as their brother in courage, but as himself. As Wild. As Link.
And more than that - Wild surprised himself one day by realising that he loved them too. He trusted them too.
That they were a family, and somehow, wonderfully-
He was alright with that.
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bitingdrivers · 2 days ago
hi tysh <3 i'd like a 24. showing up injured at their friend/mentor’s house for the fic game maybe?
hi esi!
so.. I kind of messed up. I meant to save the ask game post to my drafts for when I'm feeling like playing, but I posted it instead. oops!
But! I did write a little thing for you! it was actually kind of nice since I didn't write anything fic related this week.
I put a little spin on the prompt and made it bones au because I miss them. so, here. 500 words of bones au maxiel!
Max hears a muffled “Come in” from inside Daniel's apartment after knocking on the door. He slowly turns the doorknob and steps through. Max hasn't been here a lot, but Daniel's flat is easy to navigate – a short corridor that leads to the living room and the kitchen. 
On the big but worn out couch lies Daniel, still in his light blue work shirt and gray pants. His face is covered in abrasions and little cuts, and he's holding his left arm weirdly, laying it over his stomach, hiding it from Max’s view. 
“Bones!” Daniel exclaims, trying to get up from the couch, but wincing and gingerly laying back down. “To what do I owe this pleasure?"
“Just came to check on you,” Max answers, sitting on the arm of the couch, closer to Daniel's legs. 
A few hours ago Daniel went to the victim's place – a small house somewhere in a suburban area. Max wanted to go with him, but he still had work to do in the lab. He tried to convince Daniel to wait for him, Max needed half an hour at most to finish his notes, but Daniel was impatient, said it would be just a quick check, since the victim lived alone anyway, and left without Max. 
Two hours later, Max received a call from him, and had to listen to Daniel explain how when he entered the victim’s house, a man barreled into him, frantic and suspicious, trying to run away. And how Daniel heroically chased the man through the small backyards and spiky bushes, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a car and tumbling to the rough asphalt. The guy ran into a dead end and surrounded, letting Daniel arrest him. 
Apparently they had quite a scuffle, judging by Daniel's beaten up form on the couch. 
Daniel is yet to tell Max who the guy is or why he was running, but it can wait.
“Nothing I can't sleep off,” Daniel grins, waving his good hand, the other still hidden. Max needs to check on that later. “They gave me the rest of the day off, might as well use that."
Max hums. “Are the wounds that bad? What did the doctor say?” he asks, standing up and moving closer to Daniel to inspect his face. 
“Uh. Nothing,” Daniel falters, following Max’s movements. “I went straight home,” he adds, looking away. 
Max furrows his eyebrows, looking at the scrapes on Daniel's cheekbone. “What? Why?” 
“It's just a few scratches, I'm fine,” Daniel replies, still looking somewhere behind Max. 
Max asks where Daniel's first aid kit is, thinking, What an idiot.  
Max could've probably stayed in the lab, there is no serious reason for him to be here, rooting through Daniel's bathroom cabinets, looking for something that might not be there. But learning that Daniel was injured – even if it's just a couple of scrapes and a bruised hand – still made Max worry. He could've been there, could've helped Daniel catch the guy, or at least make sure Daniel's wounds would be looked after. 
But he wasn't there. So now he has to gently angle Daniel's face and dab a cotton pad with iodine on the small scrapes. 
Daniel hisses from the sting and after lifting the pad, Max softly blows on the wounds, hoping it will help with the pain.
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nowoyas · 2 days ago
koi no yokan 43: 8 october
First - Prev - Next (coming 3/8!) - M.list 1-30 - M.list 30-60 - Ao3
A/N: sorry for the missed update last week--something something author's curse. we should be back on track moving forward!
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Summary: October 8th is Sports Day. You have plenty to worry about.
Warnings and Tags: blanket series warnings
Words: 2300+
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Sports Day used to be fun. The energy, the chance to show off, no classes to sit through.
This year, of all years, it fucking sucks.
That's what happens when you're participating, apparently. The universe likes to play sick jokes, so on Asuka Chouji's first day back from suspension, he's forced to watch you run a damn competent relay race while he hangs out on the sidelines with a broken thumb and a black eye and his friends pretending like they're not laughing behind his back.
Worse, he's forced to watch you make your way to watch the club relay—of course you'd be front and center, watching the boys from the volleyball club. Somehow, the bitch Nishinoya has made her way over to join you and the two other volleyball managers, an arm slung over your shoulders. He can't help but watch you interact—smiling, rolling your eyes, looking bright in a way you never looked with him, like he wasn't fucking trying to make you happy.
But you're happy over there, watching the volleyball guys in the relay. The younger Nishinoya, your non-negotiable, is running in it, as are a couple first years, though not the ones from Chouji's class. You're laughing at something the bitch Nishinoya said, laughing harder when the redhead runs past the other volleyball first year and both of them run like idiots, like they don't know how relay races work. You're exasperated but smiling when your club gets disqualified for it.
And the bitch Nishinoya touches you the whole time.
"Dude, you are not taking your eyes off [surname]," Matsumoto says, elbowing him harshly. "Are you gonna tell us what happened or just keep staring at her?"
Chouji rolls his eyes. "Do you really think I wanna talk about it?"
"I mean, what I heard was that you started a fight and she completely fucked you up, and then got away with a slap on the wrist. Lost the fight, lost the girl, lost your season—"
"She was cheating on me," he snaps. "Alright? She cheated."
The words surprise even him, but now that he's said it, not only does it feel right, it feels good. The way you immediately jumped to your non-negotiable best friend's defense with a fist and a rage he'd never expected. The way you directed all your concern his way last week, like Chouji hadn't been standing there with a broken thumb and blood running down his face. The way Mr. Non-Negotiable looked at you, immediately proposing, and the way you took it in stride, like you were relieved at being asked to marry him.
Yeah, it makes sense.
"Dude, did you hear me? I asked with who."
"Nishinoya," he says.
Matsumoto chokes on his water, spluttering when he manages a response. "That third year?"
That third year ruffles your hair, and you press into her touch like an affectionate cat. You push her back after a moment with a downright flirty smile, and the other first-year manager looks insanely flustered, and suddenly, he remembers just how fiercely protective she'd been of you, the way she'd laughed in his face, all the threats if he got closer to you.
"No, dude, there's two," one of the other guys from his club, Kirijo, says. "She's got a little brother in the volleyball club. The dude who was just running with the bleached hair."
There's two Nishinoyas. There's two, and both hated him, and Nishinoya Satsuki was twelve hours away from showing up at his house and breaking his hand if he hadn't done it himself.
As he opens his mouth with a reply on his lips, he wonders what, exactly, it meant that the older lesbian Nishinoya kept you so close at hand.
So you survived Sports day. It had only been a problem in the first place because your classmates signed you up against your will—we just need one more person, come on, [surname]-chan, you can run one lap for our class, we've seen you in gym class—so you were forced into netting a solid third place for your class. (No fighting that one—half the first years in the track and field club are in 1-1, so even after they spared their best for the club relay, they had it more or less in the bag.)
Your classmates are getting used to the baleful glares you now shoot everyone except Yachi for subjecting you to that, and more importantly, it's Tuesday, which means tomorrow is Wednesday, which means tomorrow is the tenth.
Which means tomorrow is Noya's birthday.
For all your plans with Satsuki, what you settled on is hardly grand—not that you could tolerate some overly grand gesture. You'll part ways with Noya after practice tonight and spend the night getting everything prepared and out of the way. In the morning, you'll wake up an extra two hours early to make sure everything's ready and be on Noya's doorstep ten minutes before he normally shows up at your door in the mornings.
That'd been the plan, anyway. Sure, your nerves are brewing, but that's to be expected—part of the reason you're going out of your way to do something for him is because you were challenged to do it by Dr. Mifune, and you were challenged because it makes you want to eat an oil painting to get out of it. So you're not really sure why Satsuki texted you right at the start of the lunch, beckoning you to her classroom to talk.
When you arrive at her classroom, she's not even there. You're starting to think that she's fucking with you as Suga takes notice of you.
"Oh, [surname]-chan," he says as he and Sawamura approach. "What's up?"
"I was looking for Nee-san? She texted me saying she needed to talk to me, but I don't see her?"
Like magic, Nishinoya Satsuki teleports behind you. "Hi! [name]-chan! Glad you could come, sorry I got held up—this's Hitomi-chan."
The girl standing beside her waves awkwardly. You vaguely remember Satsuki mentioning a Hitomi-chan, Asuka's older sister in an annoyed tone from when she found out about that whole deal, and now that you've made the connection, you can see the resemblance. You cringe before you can stop yourself. "Oh. Uh, hi. This is awkward—Nee-san, does she—"
"She knows the situation better than your ex does, if that's what you're asking. Come on, walk with your big sis. Thanks for taking care of her, Sawamura, Sugawara."
They nod, and immediately, you're ushered down the hall, a hand splayed between your shoulder blades as Satsuki looks for something. Seclusion, you're guessing. "Uh—what's this about?"
"It's, um…" Hitomi cringes a little. "I should probably let Nishinoya-chan be the one to tell you."
"I'm guessing it involves your brother?"
"You could say that."
You roll your eyes. "Let me guess. He didn't take me finishing a fight he started all that well."
Hitomi doesn't answer. Satsuki guides you up the stairs and into the landing that leads to the roof. Instead of taking you outside, she sits you down on the top step, sits down right beside you. Hitomi takes your other side.
You don't feel very good about the way they're looking at you. Hitomi with guilt, Satsuki with genuine concern. It looks out of place on her face. She's supposed to be teasing, or angry, or protective. Not this.
"Okay, so… agh, I thought about how to say this all day, and it's still not quite right. Fuck it." Satsuki smooths out her skirt, takes a deep breath. "[name]-chan, did you tell anyone that you were bi?"
Your eyes flick to Hitomi. "You're doing this in front of my ex's sister eight days after I broke his nose?"
"You know that we have a thing, it's only fair. She's not out, so you have leverage, and anyway, you're ignoring the question. Did you ever tell anyone other than me and Yuu that you liked girls?"
You shake your head, dread boiling in your stomach. "No one but you, Noya-senpai, and Kaede-nee and Mei-nee. And I guess Asuka-senpai knows now, too." Your eyes linger on her. She wasn't surprised at Satsuki outing you. "Why? What are you—"
She lets out a rough exhale. "I confirmed this with Hitomi-chan, but I've got a guy in the baseball club, owes me big time, sort of a light blackmail situation, and anyway, long story short… according to the baseball club, Asuka's saying you cheated on him."
You choke on your own spit. "What? That's not—Noya and I were hardly even talking when we were—"
Satsuki shakes her head. The connection between her question and statement dawns on you as her hand settles on your shoulder. "Not with Yuu, honey. With me."
When you've been through some shit, it's easy to let your body go through the motions while your mind checks out. If your mind checks out, you don't have to pay attention to any whispers, any changed looks you're receiving at practice.
("Hey, do you think [surname]-san's alright? She looks kinda dead today."
"Nishinoya-chan was talking to her at lunch and came back late. No idea what it was about, but…")
When your mom died, you learned this skill. It became easy—after the first weeks barely able to move, you dragged yourself out of bed. Your father needed you to be strong, and your mother's daughter wasn't a failure, was brilliant, so she needed to go to school and sit in class and take her notes and take her exams, even if her mother wasn't around to be disappointed anymore.
In a strange way, you're already grieving. There's no point in looking at whether or not they know yet. You'd made plans with Satsuki. A way to prolong the inevitable, an exit strategy for when they finally found you out.
If the guys are looking at you and whispering, that's fine. It'll take a little bit longer for it to reach Shimizu and Yachi.
When they know, if you're not able to lie successfully, you're gone. You're making your peace with that. After all, it's not like they should have to share a changing room with you. Not when they know. The potential for their suspicion alone is exhausting. You don't know that it's worth it to try to hold onto this.
("I'm not sure if it's relevant, but…"
"Wait, really? No way, right? Everyone already knows she's—"
"If you keep being so obvious, she's going to hear you.")
Of course, Noya doesn't like it that you've checked out. You think he doesn't know what happened yet—not involved in the whispers, not directly—though you suspect that he intends to find out on the way home from practice. If not from you, surely Satsuki will let him know, and then he'll break into your damn house to talk to you while you're working on his birthday present, and—
Shit. You're gonna have to tell him yourself.
Satsuki had told you, when the panic attack had chilled out, to just deny everything. If anyone asks you about it, laugh them off. In the first place, Asuka's telling a petty lie to make himself look better after you wrecked his shit. He doesn't know you're bi, and you've never done more than joke-flirt with Satsuki. In the first place, you're—
I mean, Noya's right there. He's got dibs.
But you can't seem to remain calm without backing your brain out of the situation entirely. There's still the chance—that the girls will hear, that suddenly, they won't be comfortable changing with you, that they're going to slowly push you away until you have to quit for your own sake. And if you think about it at all, you spiral down that path.
So you don't think about it.
You push on through practice, dodge questions with a saccharine smile. Manage to dodge Noya until you're heading home, until you're being pulled in close with an arm around your waist.
"Hey," he says. His tone tells you that he's already heard. "Are you coming over tonight?"
"I can't. I have something important to work on." It's not a lie. "Who'd you hear it from?"
"How long until the girls hear?"
He shrugs. "Probably not very. From what I can tell, mostly just the first years are hearing about it, and mostly just the ones in that asshole's class. Yamaguchi only brought it up as a suggestion for why you looked dead."
You don't reply. You don't know what to say.
"For what it's worth, I think everyone's mostly just confused because it seems completely made up, but you're still acting like the world is ending."
"Just scared," you whisper. "Yacchan and Shimizu-senpai probably won't want to be in a club with someone who—"
"You deserve friends who don't treat stuff like that as something to overlook, or something wrong with you."
You pause. Look up at him.
He tilts his head. "You said something like that before, right?"
"I was talking about a girlfriend," you mumble, cheeks feeling hot. "You've gotta stop remembering shit I said. People are gonna think you're into me or something."
"Man, what am I gonna do if people think I'm in love with you?"
You hate him.
"But seriously. Yachi-san and Kiyoko-san are good people. They're not gonna do that to you, and if they do, good riddance."
You blink slowly. "…you're talking about Shimizu-senpai, here. Goddess among mortals? She who hung the stars in the sky?"
"Not if she's gonna hurt you for being bi, she's not."
You let out a shuddering sigh. Tamp down the threatening tears. Lean into Noya. "You're not going anywhere, right?"
"Why would I? I know you wouldn't sleep with Satsuki, and it's not like I didn't know you liked girls."
"…thank you. Really."
"I told the guys it was bullshit, but I'll keep an ear out just in case, alright? Keep me updated."
"Okay. See you tomorrow."
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory @kazunish
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beef-brisket · 19 hours ago
Adam watched as Lucifer slowly finished his cigarette. This must be a big deal of Lucifer started smoking again.
The demon smiled at the thought of feeding off not only an emotionally wrecked Lucifer but whatever Evan would bring to the playing field.
His mouth was just watering at the thought if it.
Adam: Would you like to be left alone, sir?
Lucifer: ...I ...think so, Adam. Perhaps you can help Charlie get ready for these... angels. I'm sure she'd appreciate the help.
Adam bowed: Of course, sir.
Walking inside and towards the last place, he saw Charlie, Adam could already feel the stress. And he thought last night was delicious enough. These next few days will allow him to feed on a whole bunch of emotions.
Charlie: Oh! Adam! Is dad okay? I shouldn't have dumped that all on him.
Adam: He's fine, princess. Just... well, you know how he is.
Charlie sighed: I know... I know it's your job, but I thank you for being here- with him. He's made a huge improvement. I'd hate if this is what throws away because of Evan...
Adam: Mm, it's okay, Princess. He's strong. He'll get through this.
Charlie smiled: You're right. Thank you, Adam.
As Charlie walked off, Adam stood there for a moment, feeling something was off. Staring at the wall, he titled his head when he noticed a shadow slip through a door.
Adam: Odd.
It was finally the day Lucifer dreaded. The angels were coming to speak with Charlie about her hotel.
And as each angel was lead inside by an overly excited Charlie, Lucifer felt his pulse rise once he saw Even walk in.
His breath caught. There was a part of Lucifer that was hoping he wouldn't be wearing his musk. But he was. And its expression didn't seem too interested in what was going on.
Lucifer wasn't even sure if he'd seen him. His mask doesn't have pupils, so he could be looking everywhere. Or nowhere.
Charlie hugged Emily tightly, making Lucifer smile. He wasn't sure who this young Seraphim was to Charlie, but they seemed to really like each other.
Sera gave her a soft smile and a short bow, which was kinder than Lucifer expected. It was more than he ever got.
Adam eyed each angel as Charlie brought them over and introduced everyone. Sera was definitely uncomfortable, although she was doing a good job at hiding it. Emily was... like Charlie. Although more sure of herself. And Evan was harder to gauge. He was fully covered by a mask and rode, and his expression was blank. Or bored. Adam couldn't tell.
He hadn't spoken yet.
This was a huge difference from what he had heard about him. The first man was apparently loud and destructive. Oh well, the nights still young.
Charlie: And this is Evan! He's working as more of a... security, did you say, Em?
Emily: Yeah, sorry Char. I hope that's not an issue. I don't expect anything bad to happen, but it's just a precaution, you know?
Charlie smiled: I understand! I uh... know it can be a bit rough out there. So! Would you three like a tour?
The two angels agreed quickly and followed Charlie, Evan was right behind them.
Once they left, the guests looked between themselves.
Angel: Well... not that I expected.
Husk rolled his eyes: We all knew what you expected.
Angel: The fuck does that mean?!
Husk: Exactly what you think it means, kid.
Adam glanced at Lucifer. He was definitely trying to be unreadable, but Adam could see how much being ignored by the three angels hurt him.
Adam: You'll have another change, sir. You and Miss Charlotte have a meeting with them after the tour.
Lucifer gave Adam a weak smile: Yeah, that's right. Thank, you Adam. I'd... like you there for that. If that's okay.
Adam smiled. He was hoping his king would request this: Of course, sir. More than okay.
What about a Satan x Yogirt!au, but it's Adamsapple!
(Now, keep in mind, I've never seen Helluva, so I'm sorry if I have Yogirt's roll completely wrong 😝)
Adam works as Lucifer's pride management officer. And helps Lucifer during meetings or in social situations (news flash, he doesn't help at all).
And you know he's cunty as shit.
I feel like this could be a short and sweet rp 👀👀
You haven't seen Helluva Boss!? Tsk tsk. That is your homework this weekend lol
You totally got his role right no worries!
LMAO Adam trying to keep Lucifer's pride in check 😆
Adam sighed as he followed his boss to another meeting, this would make the fifth one today.
Normally all of the sins meetings would be held together, but since Mammon made a big bitch fit out of the last one it was decided that they would do individual meetings three times a month and one group meeting once a month.
Those individual meetings took all fucking day.
Lucifer: Keep up Adam, we're nearly done.
Adam: Yes sir.
They were going to see Bee and then lastly Bel. Something about the times just working out.
Lucifer slumped when they reached the meeting room door: Remind me again why we can't space these meetings out through the week?
Adam: It would be all you did everyday.
Lucifer: Right..... Best to get it over with.
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traceofexistence · 1 year ago
current playthough chart
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cecoeur · 4 months ago
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How do you sleep at night? No one to hide behind Betrayed every alibi you had You had every chance to make amends instead you got drunk on bitterness And you still claim that you're innocent, it's sad
#daniel ricciardo#dr3#christian horner#for the blacklists#I recognize that christian horner in a gifset is NOT the kind of content people in ricnation are looking for rn#debated posting this but fuck it#me 🤝🏼 daniel: two bitches that love a depressing song lyric#it's about breaking free from a toxic relationship and the importance of prioritizing one's own needs#and that it can take a long time to recognize the dynamics at play in those relationships#and removing yourself from that situation can be just as hard and that just kind of epitomizes daniel with christian for me#in the return to rbr I think daniel trusted that CH would at the very least be straight forward and upfront with him#even if the end result wasn't what daniel wanted or hoped for#daniel could handle not getting the rbr seat#but something he couldn't handle was the truth that the one person he believed he could trust was gaslighting him and using him#and daniel had a light bulb moment - the point where you realize that sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to walk away#and so he got out#also this is obviously my interpretation of a relationship that I have zero insider info on and maybe they are chill now#as always…thinking too deeply about people I don’t know in the tags#also i recognize that this song is actually about a tiktok hype house but whatever rbr are that immature so it fits#this is my first go with this type of editing in PS so if you have any tips on style and execution i'm all ears#Apparently i also owe CH an apology bc i was so sure he didn't shake daniel's hand pre-race in singapore but he actually did and i missed i#during the breakdown i was having anyway fuck him still
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avnasace · 5 months ago
( 5.1 archon quest spoilers )
so it was really up there right on his helmet this whole time huh... big fuckin abyssal star... for like 2 years...
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oddly-casual · 1 year ago
Fiona and Cake spoilers seriously
(Something I noticed abt Betty and Simons relationship)
I love Betty and Simon’s relationship, I think their back story is so cute and romantic and all that lovely stuff don’t get me wrong.
But there’s this under tone of Betty constantly giving things up for Simon and we don’t really talk about it a lot???
Like, Betty let Simon have his moment with the artifact and the pubic, she also doesn’t go to her trip in favor of going on an expedition with Simon. Then when she goes to leave again she stays for Simon.
Even Fiona is like “you went with her on the bus?” And Simon just looks all confused like “what? No, why would I do that?” Like- hello???
Then after that she gave up her entire life and mind to get Simon back to the point where she literally says “I don’t know who I am without him anymore.” And that just sucks! Since the beginning Betty has been the one giving up the most, her mind, her own possible career, and it’s a story of love of course and it’s very sweet but it’s also a story of sacrifice.
Their love wasn’t a perfect solution, it was already sort of imbalanced when it started and I lowkey love how we see those cracks even before they’re together.
Again, I love their relationship and I think it’s sweet. I just think we should talk about Betty’s side more, especially when she tells a story of what most women do in relationships, sacrifice.
#fiona and cake spoilers#fiona and cake#simon petrikov#betty grof#It made itself really apparent in these newest episodes and I couldn’t stop thinking abt it#like Betty idolized Simon before they formally met so of course she was gonna drop everything to go on that expedition with him#but it was more after that too like she was going to leave to study in Australia but Simon stopped her#and Betty’s a grown woman she can make her own decisions#but even Betty’s friend was like ‘don’t make her miss the bus!’ because Betty had a real opportunity to do something else#and maybe It’s that true love trumps all or what ever but the way they frame it in the show feels weird to me#like Why have Fiona ask if Simon got on the bus with Betty if it wasn’t important???#the way Simon responds feels weird too he responds like Fiona doesn’t make sense when asking that question#BUT ITS VALID Like why wouldn’t you encourage Betty to go off and maybe start her own career??#or just go with her?? like she gave up stuff to go on your exhibition why wouldn’t you return the favor???#and obviously Simon doesn’t do this on purpose I’m not saying he did#he didn’t guilt trip or force Betty or even ask her to give up these things to be with him Betty did all that on her own#i think it’s just interesting the way the show frames their relationship#like Betty gives up a lot to be with Simon in Fiona and Cake and in adventure time too#but she idolizes Simon and after Simon becomes IK she’s chasing after the man he used to be#meanwhile everyone learns to live with who IK is now it was just Betty who was clinging to Simon the whole way through#obviously they love each other and respect each other but I think Betty idolizing Simon didn’t just stay when they were kids#or college students or what ever it keto’s going even when the world ended and Simon became Ice King#this is was so much more than I planned on writing-
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fabdante · 3 months ago
For the Spotify wrapped 1-100 ask: 2, 8, 39, 44, 99! :D
spotify wrapped is HERE! send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist
2) Sleep Patterns by Merchant Ships! Congratulations you won!
8) Earth Death by Baths (this is an EXCELLENT vergil song)
39) Flashlight by the Front Bottoms
44) Maps by the Front Bottoms
99) The Ex by Billy Talent (sasha and august type of song)
#music#fab talks#fabtalks#ask#THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! and excuse to ramble in my tags shortly#also im still doing this if anyone wants to send more i will answer music asks forever asdfghj#anyway its been a uh midwest emo year#to be fair im always a midwest emo girlie but like look#anywho its shocking sleep patterns didn't make number one i say a lot that heartshaped box is my favorite song and maybe it is but....#nothing has ever felt how sleep pattens feels asdfghj anyway shout out to this one daisuke playlist that has it on there you are so right#you are so right you and that one person who pujt it on their 8tracks reboot dante playlist are the most right people to ever have a#fandom music opinion like ever its you two you are the most correct#for several months every time earth death came on when i was at work i would BLAST it it's SUCH a banger it is SO miserable i love it#it's so post game vergil it's so post game vergil its insane i love it for him#i have nothing to add about the front bottoms songs asdfghjk flashlight is apparently on my nathan prescott playlist which i have not#listened to in years? i miss lis btw i miss back when that game was coming out it was SO FUN to make theories and play and the like 8tracks#music scene for that game changed my life#the ex is just a sasha and august song i have nothing to add beyond i miss my beloveds sasha and august#if i had the speed i would so make an animatic of daisuke dying with sleep patterns idk#something about it feels right#i would also make an animatic about reboot dante to it but i would spend a lot more time on that one idk asdfghjkl#im such a slow artist though idk if i could do it it'd take so long#dream projects though i dream of making anything that feels like how sleep patterns feels
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svtskneecaps · 2 years ago
the only thing stopping me from writing a fucking charlie slimecicle + elmariana + juanaflippa family centric time loop fic is the fact that i missed every single flippa stream live (finally plunged into qsmp a few days after tallulah appeared) and i don't have the time to watch back through the vods because HOLY SHIT CAN WE GET 30 FUCKING SECONDS WITHOUT SOMETHING HAPPENING ON THIS SERVER WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
#qsmp#the venn diagram of ​my awake time and bad's livestream time is a fucking circle#and i also WORK. I HAVE WORK. i can't watch vods for hours!!!#like i worked this afternoon. i got back home right as bobby's fate was sealed for the livestream. i had to watch an hour of vod to catch up#and WHILE I DID THAT#MORE LORE HAPPENED#LIKE THINGS HAPPENED WITH QUACKITY. TAZERCRAFT SCOOBY DOO'D ONTO A DRAGON SKELETON.#PEOPLE GRIEVED. JAIDEN ENDED STREAM ABRUPTLY. APPARENTLY SOMETHING HAPPENED WITH SOFIA.#I STILL HAVEN'T CAUGHT MAX'S POV FROM TUESDAY BC I WORKED THEN TOO GODDAMNIT#LIKE. APPARENTLY BAD KNOWS ABOUT SOFIA? DUNNO WHEN OR HOW. I MISSED THAT ONE. I WAS EITHER AT WORK OR CATCHING UP ON VODS#i. am. screaming.#like i understand why people watch live#it was soooo much easier to keep up when i just kept three distinct povs open and could hop between them like tv channels#oh forever just went down and richas is with him? no worries i have his stream open rn lemme just unmute#hmm cellbit is getting pretty animated let's see what he discovered i'll just unmute rl quick#quackity's saying some sus shit in chat lemme pop his stream open#instead of 'ok i want to see what foolish was doing at chume labs after bad stole his banana so lemme find the time stamp in foolish's-#HUGE FUCKING GIANT LONG VOD and watch thru that but oh. perhaps i want to see what mike was saying after foolish yeeted him.' actually uh#i don't think mike's pov was up that day (unless it was just on yt idk i'm not familiar w how tazercraft's stuff works yet)#BUT YKNOW. I'D HAVE TO VOD SCAN. ITS ANNOYING. so yea its way easier to follow#long tags#block game brainrot#shut up vic
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mieltelecheycrema · 24 days ago
ough nightmare. I swear I’ve had this game guy appear in my nightmares before and that actually scares me
#big clown statue guy that holds a fost out at you to tell you what kind of game you’re playing. it’s easy usually. at least dream me knows#most of the answers and the person i’m with knows the rest. it’s an old and filthy statue but it looks alive. very cool. kind of like a#vending machine? like the clown looks like that. certain rules change depending on how he stands or what his face looks like and how he hold#the fist up. i don’t know what the threat of failing the game is#scaryyyy stuff kinda cool though. this dream was weird#mielmbles#I haven’t had an apocalypse like dream in a while#there were like a lot of clowns in it for some reason but they weren’t important just a part of the city#like ppl were just dressed like that and huge but a lot of them were also cardboard cutouts.#there was a blond kis driving us for whatever reason and a silly threat on his life because he drank a contaminated boba drink that was#literally just water and boba. it was mean for dream me or no this girl I was taking care of? who was terminally sick with something weird.#random girls wanted us dead for some reason. cuz I fought and beat them I think? in breakdancing? or something to do with a guy#there was a train and we were trying to get back people we had lost like idk how they were lost and it was multiple reality stuff. some kids#i knew from elementary were there. god there was so much going on I feel like I barely scratched what the hell happened but I also can’t#like remember what happened. kinda fun. really scary. the place we kept returning to had running water and I could go online to see what ppl#were posting about the apocalypse. the blond kid missed water. apparently just had juice. then he asked for sleepytime tea which I said we#had the peach version and I told him he could go to the house anytime he wanted. or something.#he was a really bad driver. like leg on the steering wheel and looking at the passenger while having a convo#hate that dreams plant fake memories in my head. I don’t actually know if i’ve dreamt the clown guy before#it feels like I have but that was also what the dream called for. yk? familiarity.
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thekittenkait · 4 months ago
was anyone gonna tell me cyanide is the CEO of a successful software development company or was i supposed to find that out at midnight on a workday under a sovietwomble video myself
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depresseddepot · 5 months ago
me: hey so one of the three cats has diarrhea but I need to figure out who. can you keep an eye on your cat, because he only really comes down here to use the litter box so I can't watch how he's acting like I can the others
my mother: wh.......huh........... .? "keep an eye on him"...........i mean............ill try.......how am i expected to do that......................do i just "look" at him.....?. "pay attention to him..?"......i don't think i can do that.......... .you're being so fucking dramatic actually. this fork becoming dirty after i ate using it is your fault too
#joey i am so sorry i have to leave you with this woman#sorry ignore this lmfao i just don't understand why she acts like keeping an eye on how HERR cat behaves is so hard for her#she works less hours than i do and makes like 5x as much (literally)#''how am i supposed to know where he is'' you Look#''okay well how do i know if he's acting weird'' HES YOUR CAT. YOU LOOK AT HIM#im watching him too ofc because apparently im the only one that gives a shit about the cats in this household#but he doesn't like one of my cats so he doesn't come down here very often#is it like unreasonable of me to ask her this. like am i fucking missing something#the way she like sighed deeply after i asked and was like ''i mean.....ok....but i don't see him anymore than you do''#HE SLEEPS OJ YOUR BED#LOOK AT HIM#he walks around and plays with dogs and you pet him all the time just FUCKING LOOJ AT HIM#''and then what? youll take him to the vet?''YES????????????#yes i will take YOUR cat to the vet because you won't fucking do it#when my cat was peeing blood she wanted me to wait a week to ''see if it would clear out''#and when he couldn't use his leg she kept telling me it was just a sprain when in fact he has TORN HIS CCL#the vet told me the only other time she had ever seen a cat with a torn ccl was when a stray had been KICKED BY A DEER#yeah a sprain. uh huh. he slept for 48 hrs straight and it must've been a sprain#hes all better now thank god but im constantly kicking myself that i let her convince me into waiting a full week for his ''sprain'' to heal#just watch joey. just look at him. just literally pay any fucking attention to YOUR cat#if joey didn't hate my other cats so much i would 100% bring him with me too#but he's very much an only cat kind of cat so he WILL be happier when i leave#i just hope she gets her shit together and starts caring for him the way she's supposed to#maybe itll spark empty nest syndrome and she'll obsess over it or something#literally ANYTHING#vent
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rafey-baby · 2 months ago
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older!rafe and sensitive!reader spending the holidays together
c/w: fluff, her ovulating and being horny, smut: p-in-v, slight breeding kink, use of dad, 18+ mdni! 
wc: 1.5k
ugh i’ve missed this man
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Why is he doin’ that shit?”  
“Rafe, it’s a rom-com,” she reasons, practically glued to him on their couch with the way she keeps shifting closer and closer, almost unconsciously at this point.   
“Yeah, a shitty one. Why was it necessary to do a whole fuckin’ speech at the mall? He couldn’t jus’ I dunno, tell her how he felt?” he scoffs, clearly fed up with the entire film already. 
She can’t stop the bubbly laughter from escaping her when she looks over to his scowling face. “I mean, this is actually getting kinda weird…why’s everyone watching them?” 
“Yeah, ‘n why are they still on that fuckin’ stage?” he grumbles while the couple is now fully making out on the TV screen. 
“Please don’t ever do anything like that to me.”
“Yeah, was actually gonna ask, you, uh, you wanna go shoppin’ tomorrow?” 
“No!” she giggles before taking a sip of the hot chocolate she’d made for herself (because Rafe deliberately told her he didn’t want any) but the minute she’d sat down with the mug in hand, he’d wanted to try it, which ended up with him drinking nearly half of it.  
“Oh shit, forgot to give you this earlier, look what I got you today,” he suddenly murmurs. 
“Hm?” her eyes flit over to his face; momentarily distracted by his pretty features as he searches for something from the back pocket of his pants. Then, he’s pulling a golden necklace from a velvety box.    
“That looks really expensive,” she nervously mumbles, pausing the TV in order to concentrate on the heart-shaped locket he’s holding out to her.   
“You deserve the fuckin’ world, it was nothin’ alright? Can think of it as an early Christmas present if it makes you feel better,” he rolls his eyes, almost exasperated that she still can’t seem to comprehend the fact that he enjoys spending his money on her.    
“It’s so beautiful,” she croons as she inspects the piece of jewelry with careful fingertips, heart swelling in her chest at the sentiment— recalling how she’d mentioned something about thinking pendants like these were adorable maybe once.    
“Yeah? You like it?”    
“I love it. Wait, you had your initials carved into it too? That’s so cute, Ray, what the hell?” she feels her eyes grow watery because her boyfriend really is her favorite person in the whole wide world for a reason.    
“Yeah, know you’re into sappy shit like that, ‘n you can put m’picture inside too ‘n you’ll always have me with you or whatever the fuck.”    
“Shut up, you’re so sweet! I love you,” she exclaims before she’s wrapping her arms around his neck— climbing into his lap in the process while he murmurs into her hair how he apparently ‘loves her more’, which she thinks is not possible.    
“Let me put it on you?” he says before he’s swiping away some strands in order to clasp the locket around her neck. “Look so pretty with m’name on you.”
“Wait, you should have my name on you too,” she jokingly utters out next.  
“Been thinkin’ about gettin’ it tattooed actually,” he admits, completely serious, which makes her face scrunch up.  
“You’re not getting my name tattooed on you— you’re crazy,” she softly hits his chest. However, he can barely even feel it because she really doesn’t have a single violent bone in her body.   
“Yeah, crazy ‘bout you,” he grins, eliciting an airy giggle from her.    
Knowing she’s about to complain about him being weird again, he shuts her up with a press of his mouth against hers— a surprised noise leaving her when she’s momentarily taken aback by the sudden cushion of his lips. 
And it’s sloppy, the way they slot together like puzzle pieces when she opens up for him, but both of them prefer it that way. 
His kiss was meant to be something sweet but soon enough she’s rutting against him— whimpering into his mouth as if it’s been years since the last time they did this. And all too soon for her liking, he’s pulling away.
“Somethin’ you want?”  
“…no,” she lies through her teeth.    
“No? Jus’ uh, humpin’ me like a bitch in heat for no reason then, hm?” he raises his brows; eyes fixed on her frustrated features.    
“Ray...” she huffs out; a frown already forming on her spit-slicked lips.    
“Yeah?” he asks, giving her a soft peck as encouragement.    
“Want you…” she pants against his mouth.    
“But m’right here?” the furrow of his brows displays faux confusion.  
“You know what I mean,” she whines; shifting around in his lap some more.    
“M’afraid I don’t. If there’s somethin’ you want, you gonna have to tell me,” the edge of his mouth curls annoyingly when he decides to toy with her, always finding so much entertainment from her struggle.     
However, she merely grants him another whine.   
“Wha’s up with you today, hm? So fuckin’ needy, actin’ like you haven’t been fucked in a month when you were literally cryin’ on m’cock last night?” he murmurs while thumbing at her pouty bottom lip.   
“I don’t know…jus’ need you so bad,” her eyes begin to gloss over when he’s still not giving her what she so desperately craves.    
“Baby, there’s no need to cry, yeah?” he sticks his thumb past her lips; an attempt to placate her, even if he thinks she never looks prettier than with her eyes all wet and forlorn.   
“You’re ovulatin’ right now, aren’t ya?” his brain finally fits together the very telltale signs as he plucks his phone from the coffee table— opening the app that tracks her period cycle.  
“Think so, yeah,” she mumbles, mindlessly sucking on the digit resting on her tongue as she sniffles.  
It’s no surprise to either of them when his assumption proves to be right.    
“Think you need me to fuck a baby in you, s’that it? Wanna make me a real daddy?” he croons.    
“Mhm…want you,” her words are muffled around his thumb.    
“I know, sweetheart. Don’t want anyone but you carryin’ m’kids— think about knockin’ you up so fuckin’ often, you know?”    
“You do?”    
“Yeah, know you’d be such a good mom.”    
“You think? I think you’d be the best dad, sometimes wish you were my dad,” she rambles mindlessly, the conversation suddenly teetering on the edge of something else entirely.    
“Shit, such an angel face ‘n then there’s this rotten mind inside, huh?” he tuts in disapproval, appearing disgusted as if he doesn’t get even harder in response to her words— something raw, primitive stirring in the pit of his stomach whenever she says things like that.    
“M’sorry dad,” she offers him an impish smile.  
“Someone’s in a mood today?” he chuckles, narrowing his eyes in a playful manner.    
“Can you take off your pants?” she complains while attempting to loosen his belt but with her mind buzzing like a honeybee it’s proving to be a rather demanding.   
“Can’t do anythin’ without dad’s help, can you? Go on, let’s see if you can take me out by yourself, yeah?” he rasps out, tone challenging.    
“No, need your help, daddy, I can’t—”  
“Shit, you’re fuckin’ pathetic,” he murmurs, somehow managing to turn something so patronizing into something affectionate as he swats away her helpless hands and yanks the belt open himself.    
“See? Not that fuckin’ hard, was it?” he mutters out as his thumb slips out of her mouth before he’s pulling himself out. And even if he’s not even fully hard yet, and she’s seen it more times than she can count, she’s still mesmerized by the sight— eyes rounding out while she simply stares as if she’s under some spell.    
“You’re so pretty,” she blinks at him, eyes moony.    
“Still not tired of seein’ it, huh?”   
She shakes her head.   
And since she’s not wearing any pants (as usual), he only has to tug the fabric of her underwear to the side in order to reveal her messy cunt.    
“Ray…” she whines when he merely smears the drippy head over her folds; thudding it against her clit to get her to whimper some more.  
“Hm? Want it inside? Wha’s the magic word?” he looks at her with something amused twinkling in his eyes.   
“Please. Dad, it hurts,” she sniffles, desperately trying to rub against him in an attempt to alleviate the ache.    
“Hurts? Think you bein’ a little dramatic, no?” he lets out a breathy chuckle, making her huff out in frustration.   
“M’not, Ray, please, need you so bad,” wet droplets stain her cheeks while she tries to uselessly blink them away.    
“Shh, s’okay. Dad’s bein’ mean again, isn’t he? M’sorry, baby, I’ll give you what you want, yeah?” his voice is a deep rumble before he’s finally tucking the tip into her weepy cunt, causing both of them to moan in tandem when she practically sucks him in— his fingerprints denting the skin of her thighs when he aids her movements to his liking.   
“Yeah? That what you wanted? Always such a tight fuckin’ fit, huh?” he grunts against her mouth; hips meeting hers halfway as he stuffs himself deeper.  
“Mm, I love you,” she whimpers— practically feeling him in her guts as his cock pokes at the spongy spot inside her while his big hands help situate her on top of him, and she thinks this might just be heaven on earth.
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rueclfer · 1 month ago
best friend katsuki who starts finding himself getting a bit too flustered around you.
it starts with a hug.
you're so fucking dramatic, he thinks.
every time you see each other, you might as well be standing in the middle of an airport with the crowd split down the middle and fireworks going off in the background.
he'd never admit it, but he loves the theatrics. he loves the click between you when you lock eyes in a crowded room. he loves your "half-run" towards him and the hop you do right before you wrap your arms around his neck.
of course you two always get odd looks, because despite being best friends since childhood, and everyone knowing it, they still can't seem to understand how a person like you can get along with a person like him.
"you're choking me," he breathlessly chuckles, "ya missed me or something?"
"something like that." you murmur, the smile apparent in your voice.
katsuki stops breathing for a moment when his fingers sink into the soft skin of your waist and his palm goes flush against your bare lower back.
why the fuck is your shirt so short?
i should move my hand.
you're so warm.
i shouldn't be thinking about this.
he doesn't say anything, and he sure as hell isn't letting go first. instead, he buries his nose deeper into the crook of your neck, hoping that he could blame the blush blooming over his cheeks on the hot summer day.
"what's wrong?" you finally pull away, one hand locked on his shoulder and the other sliding down his bicep.
his eyes lock onto your own. he's fighting the urge to trail his eyes down your body- see how that crop top looks from the front now that he knows how it feels.
"you seem weird."
"says the weirdo." he scoffs. "m'fine."
you roll your eyes, letting your hands drop to your side.
"come get a soda with me." you almost demand, starting to walk off knowing he'd follow close behind.
no one else in the world would dare speak to katsuki the way you do. he’d never allow it, but that attitude coming from you only had his heart racing even faster.
"you paying?"
"i have you to do that for me, don't i?"
you turn your head over your shoulder, flashing him that toothy grin of yours, and that's when katsuki knew for certain.
he was fucked.
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