allfcnso · 4 years
@apolloniacolonna  sent  :  🎧 + apollonia
lsd got me feelin’ empathy; warfare out to mind chemically, ‘cause we suffer endlessly. could be kamikaze, only time will tell; even though i’m godly, might end up in hell. 
they were closer now fernando; every hour every minute seemed to last eternally. i was so afraid fernando, we were young and full of life and none of us prepared to die, and i’m not ashamed to say the roar of guns and cannons almost made me cry. + the stars were bright, fernando, they were shining there for you and me, for liberty, fernando; though i never thought that we could lose, there’s no regret. if i had to do the same again i would. 
those nights were on fire, we couldn't get higher; we didn't know that we had it all, but nobody warns you before the fall. 
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williamoflancaster · 4 years
Date: July 18th For: @apolloniacolonna
Since arriving in Portugal, William had heard more rumors about royals than he could count and there were certain whispers of conversation that he couldn't recall just who had shared them or even if he had been the one they were shared with. Usually those were the more innocent sort of murmurs, those that didn't seem like they would have great diplomatic impact like if someone insisted on a drink before bed or wanted to use exactly seven blankets. With rumors like that, it was more interesting to see who was aware of the bed habits of whom, but this particular incident wasn't like that except in that William didn't quite remember where he'd heard it.
Regardless, word had it that the Holy Roman Empress Apollonia was interested in falconry, archery, and hunting, and those seemed like things that would serve as an excellent conversation starter between her and John at some point since William was certain that John would make use of the chance to talk to such an influential woman. For William's part, he mostly appreciated that she seemed like she would enjoy the event and William moved his horse closer to her as they readied to set off.
"I'm honored you were able to attend, your grace," William admitted, reaching out to rub at the neck of his horse. "I must admit that I'm eager to see your skill as I'm certain you'll be as accomplished in this as you seem to be in other such avenues." After all, anyone that saw the Empress would be able to see her as a predator, it only made sense she would be skilled at this.
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ofshiraz · 4 years
💛 The HRE; Emilia, Apollonia, Albert
“ all right then, the austrians, let’s see ─ i would fuck... albert, he’s a very handsome man, i can’t deny it. i would marry apollonia, she’s too highly situated for me with my standing, but it could secure an excellent alliance against the ottomans were the holy empire to agree. unfortunately, i have to kill emilia - i don’t really have anything against her, she just didn’t fit into any of the other spots.”
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princefranjo · 5 years
franjo had been prone to teasing his elder brother but when it came to his wife, he became a man filled with respect and reverence. apollonia was a formidable woman and if hadn’t been her, he would have never met his beloved wife. and for marija, he’d do anything thus he was happy to serve her. while franjo was proud to walk with arrogance and pomp in his step, at the empress’s court, he remained far more humbled in her presence. 
once he was given permission, he greeted her with royal protocol. “I hope these past few days have been well, your imperial highness. I have strengthened security measures for all of our premises. I must also ask, would you know where the young prince has been off to these days? I have a project at hand in which I believe will help counsel him. stimulate his mind as young men need,” franjo commented with full confidence. “and are there any other things that you may need?” always quick on his feet to please. 
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austrianblood · 5 years
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having spent most of the morning with her son, henrietta was pleasantly tired and found herself content to sit nestled in a hall window seat, watching the sun start to set outside the palazzo, tinting the sky fiery pink. elsewhere in the palace, a soiree was underway, hosted by one of the great italian families. she had attended after hearing that the austrian party would be present as she longed to hear of her motherland but while the celebrations carried on, she snuck away, feeling a tad too drowsy to continue participating. a servant had offered her food and soon she was eating a peach, sweet and in season, her icy stare gazing out into the courtyard below. she slipped into a daydream, eyes unfocused as she finished the fruit, her lips still tasting of the syrupy flesh and then suddenly, she saw movement in her peripheral. snapping into focus, she spotted a low fig tree and the partially obscured silhouettes of a couple rutting beneath its umbrage. her eyes widened at the sight and despite her better judgment, she found herself unable to look away, watching with bated breath and morbid curiosity. so engrossed in the spectacle she was that she hardly noticed that the hall was no longer empty and she, no longer all alone. when she finally did hear footsteps, she whipped her head around so fast it made her dizzy and she dropped the pit of her peach to the floor, the soft sound it made against stone coinciding with a gasp from the blonde. @apolloniacolonna
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hurrcm · 5 years
❝ With this family, when you’re in, you’re never quite sure that you’re in. But when you’re out, there’s no doubt at all. ❞ ~apollonia
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          “  SUCH  IS  THE  CASE  FOR  MANY,  i  imagine,  and  it  isn’t  a  fact  reserved  for  families  alone.  ”  the  osman  family  was  one  unlike  any  other  -  in  hürrem’s  opinion  -  for  the  respect  and  loyalty  they  shared  for  one  another  went  unmatched  and  was  supported  by  their  way  of  life,  though  the  sultana  had  no  doubt  that  those  on  the  margins  felt  quite  as  apollonia  described.  hürrem  had  the  luxury  of  being  at  the  centre  of  it  all,  journeying  FAITHFULLY  through  this  life  at  her  brother’s  side  and  with  the  guidance  their  valide,  but  those  who  sought  to  climb  the  ranks  from  the  bottom  were  often  faced  with  difficulties  and  could  not  imagine  how  it  would  feel  to  be  thrown  out  into  the  cold.  “  the  same  might  be  said  for  alliances,  they  appear  unsteady  until  you  are  on  quite  the  opposite  side.  ”
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beauchampx · 5 years
❝ Lost my heart, but what of it? ❞ ~apollonia
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        “  WHAT  OF  IT?  ”  the  young  lady  repeated,  her  tone  echoing  hints  of  something  that  might  have  been  confusion  or  surprise  at  such  a  bold  notion  from  the  empress;  at  the  thought  that  she  might  be  WORTHY  of  personal  insight  from  a  woman  as  high  as  she.  the  heart  was  a  fragile  thing  in  both  theory  and  reality,  living  beneath  thin  layer  of  clothing  and  skin  where  it  could  easily  be  struck  by  arrow  or  the  kindness  of  another,  and  yet  it  held  its  owner  firmly  in  its  grasp  and  at  its  mercy.  even  the  highest  of  society  were  surely  servants  to  the  heart,  if  not  their  own  then  at  least  the  heart  of  another,  or  so  elizabeth  believed.
“  your  imperial  majesty,  the  heart  may  be  silenced  or  hidden  away  but  i  do  not  believe  it  cannot  be  LOST.  not  forever.  if  i  may  be  so  bold  as  to  say  so,  we  do  have  some  power  over  what  we  expose  the  heart  to  and  i  am  most  certain  that  listening  to  it  can  have  a  strengthening  result.  ”
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ofmarquessa · 4 years
✿ pre-estab for apollonia
(( bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.))
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  / work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends (soon to be)  / friends with benefits  / smoking buddies  / adventure buddies  / fake friends  /  recently friends  / party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  / [ your muse ] is the bad influence  / [ my muse ] is the good influence  / [ my muse ] is the bad influence  / opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
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joannaofportugal · 4 years
STATUS: closed to @apolloniacolonna​ LOCATION: Chateau de la Tournelle, interior TIMESTAMP: February 1459, early morning
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By history and bloodline, it was understood that the Archduke of Austria was one of the last living from the line of Habsburg. Such a royal blood was outstanding, wouldn’t it force everyone to look towards him? Instead of the Castilian King? Was he not meant to be the Emperor? Or at least, in force, the heir? Joanna, who was betrothed to such a man, found Apollonia to be a strange creature — was she not meant to disappear into obscurity? Alas, she waited for her audience, and came before the Holy Roman Empress dressed in the Portugal colours. “Your grace, thank you for seeing me. I am Infanta Joanna Braganza, daughter of King Cristiano and Queen Crara of Portugal… The betrothed to the Archduke of Austria, in turn.”
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allfcnso · 4 years
@apolloniacolonna​  */  𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓
          the convent that the castilian retinue had been annexed for their own during a prolonged stay in lisbon was cold, perpetually cold, even as the portuguese sun shone down upon it and june’s hot waves of steam rolled across the clamorous city. it was as if the light of god within it had perished, snuffed out as though a candle in the weaning hours of twilight. yet, much had been done to make the space –– at least appear –– sumptuous and comfortable for the empress apollonia’s impending arrival, including adorning the stone walls with magnificent tapestry, ceiling to floor depictions of the lengthy history of the house of anscarids hand in hand with the late emperor and his regnant consort, and candelabrum to warm and embellish the space in gilded accents that brightened the empress and her daughter’s likeness, woven into the aforementioned tapestry, illuminating the halos around their tow-coloured heads. 
wine had been imported by the boodles; arranged in great quantity across a spread of libations, paired with a smorgasbord of spanish delicacies from each of her treasured regions –– tapas platas, roasted aubergine, bite-sized portions of octopus, a plate of sharp manchego viejo, and rustic breads smeared with tangy honeys and sweet apricot jams –– that both delighted the eye and encouraged in the stomach an acute craving that he found conducive to positive discussions with foreign monarchs. alfonso plucked one of the many goblets, draining its contents of spiced wine in one fell-swoop, as an attendant announced the empress’ arrival. his tongue curled atop his lips, swiping away the scarlet stain of vino that dyed his flesh, as he crossed the oak floors to greet the empress. 
the room warmed to the touch as she entered, alike the sun –– chasing away shadows with her brilliant radiance –– a radiance alfonso had hoped her daughter, his wife, would have brought with her to the darkest corners of iberia. on bended knee, he presented the empress’ delicate hand with the caress of his mouth, and subsequently the touch of his forehead in reverence. 
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“your most sacred caesarian majesty. i commend you on your swift arrival, and thank you for your agreement to speak with me.” he gestured to the spread made available to her, “please, indulge. we will drink and eat and be merry –– as we are family now, no?” 
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devidaure · 4 years
location : the audience rooms of the palacio da correio-mor, the residence to the holy roman empire timestamp : just past noon, the first week of the summit status : closed to @apolloniacolonna​
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She was not sure if she should’ve been allowed in the halls of the Holy Roman Empire, and yet, she persisted. Treading a path ever so fickle to find a chance to meet the infamous Apollonia. With a hitched breath and anxious fidgeting, she followed the sound of women and music, hoping that she would find the Empress that she had heard so much about. A woman on the throne of the Holy Roman Empire was surely an impressive feat, one Lucrezia could not quite fathom. And even if she held little love for the ones who held royal blood, she sought the eye of ones who were quite so special. 
Stood to the back of the arrangement, Lucrezia slowly waded against the current of pretty noble women of all ethnicities, leaving the lady-in-waiting from Aragon and now France to seek the very eye she had wished upon. With the sort of cocky confidence you’d find in an aged military commander, Lucrezia went to the spot before the Empress, dropping to a curtsy of such stature and poise, before lifting her head to meet a pair of eyes she had only seen depicted in oil on canvas. 
“Your Imperial Highness…” She began, practising her German that came coated in the Iberian tongue. “It is a pleasure to have an audience with you, I am but a daughter of the humble house de Vidaure when active in Aragon territory,” she announced, stating her place of birth with pride with anyone else would’ve grimaced at such a confession. “I am also the lady-in-waiting of Queen Alexandrina of France… Though I am not an official envoy for France not Her Highness, I do hope I can offer you something, or someone, of use.”
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williamoflancaster · 4 years
While England didn’t have any significant formal relations with the Holy Roman Empire, it was impossible not to hear about the reputation they held and William thought that Empress Apollonia was likely the most notorious ruler in Europe.
The rumors of witchcraft and harlotry that follow her are things that are ignored because while William didn’t believe having the title of Holy made one so, there were too many whispers of Isabel being a witch for William to listen to them. They were the accusations of the jealous and attack of the bitter, William didn’t listen to those rumors when he knew the person who started most of the rumors against his own sister were caused by a Prince.
What William did pay attention to was her accomplishments, respecting the way she protected her empire and the wisdom she was said to have when it came to battle. For all that peace was being lauded, William knew that not all wounds were so easily recovered from and not all transgressions were forgiven.
England wasn’t in conflict with anyone, but he knew the same couldn’t be said for the Holy Roman Empire. Things were tense between them and France, a country that England had only recently reconcilled with after years of discord.
William had controlled the forces in Normandy until it’s loss to the French and no matter what terms England was on with that country, William couldn’t say if he was personally over that failure.
“Your Majesty,” He greeted as he approached the Empress, making sure to bow and show his respect. “Forgive my curiosity, but what does it feel like to attend a pageant of peace when your home is still in disagreement with others? I don’t wish to pry into secret affairs, but I imagine you have a different view on these events than others.”
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vasilyofbezukhov · 4 years
It was far warmer than he expected it to be for the evening, which Vasily rather enjoyed as is body had long since been acclimated to bitter chills and nights spent bundled up for warmth. While he was loyal to his own country, he had to admit that he was fond of Portugal. Even the sun setting seemed to have a unique beauty to it that he had never noticed, which was why he excused himself from whatever strategic game was being played in the parlor and wandered to the balcony. His intention was to take the air and watch in a moment of silence there, possibly let his mind find a rare moment of peace, but someone had already beaten him to the location.
She stood there, back turned and seeming to take in the view as well as not notice that he approached, Vasily amused but the idea that he had any bit of stealth. From the back, he couldn’t place her, approaching her side with much heavier steps as not to startle her.” Might I be permitted to join you, my lady?” He asked politely. It was only as he was at her side that he recognized her from some sort of banquet -- a queen or something -- and paused at her side.” I came to take the view, this is a pleasant surprise to have my choice of lovely views to enjoy..”
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tscsarevna · 4 years
location : the meeting halls of palacio da correio-mor, residence to the holy roman empire timestamp : mid-noon, july twenty-third status : closed to @apolloniacolonna​
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It would not be the first time Eudoxia would meet the Holy Roman Empire’s beloved leader. But it would be the first time she would meet Apollonia without the guidance and over-bearing hand of her father, who had hoped to cultivate trade routes to assume their position and wealth over the Rurik household. Through ink and parchment the Tsesarevna proposed to meet, but perhaps the shocking fact was that Eudoxia did not simply hope to find trade, items or money in the presence of the Empress, but hoped instead to form a connection with Apollonia, hoping without question that she may be an ally for her to call on (and when the time arrived for Konstantin and Eudoxia to rise to the head of the Tsardom, an ally in all of Russia). 
With a servant announcing Eudoxia’s title and forenames, she entered, to be shown to the glorious Apollonia who stood with the sun from behind glowing against her. It was surely impressive, leaving Eudoxia almost shaken — was her pride all that certain when there was such a woman waiting in another land? 
But even then, Apollonia could not diminish the fire that burned beneath the soles of her feet, as Eudoxia presented herself to the Empress, dropping to a curtsy as her Russian garbs fanned around her — her robes held down by pearls and precious gems, a mere hint toward her wealth and rich tapestries of history. “Your Imperial Highness,” Eudoxia greeted, rolling the title from her tongue before her eyes raised to meet the very visage of Apollonia. “I am unsure if you remember me…” lifting herself to her feet, Eudoxia held her hands together, and offered a smile that lingered more than it’d normally do so. “I am Eudoxia Glinskaya Rurik, Tsesarevna of Russia…”
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glcsterdux · 4 years
♕ → closed starter, @apolloniacolonna Lisbon Cathedral, Lisbon
The low peal of the bells at angelus drew the faithful for morning prayer. Conspicuous were the absences of several he knew by face and by name, though he’d long been seasoned enough to know better than to place such importance in the religious fervor of his peers. Devotion and observation were two pillars upon which the Church stood firm, but even common faith proved to fall short of bridging the gulf between kings and common men. 
God’s anointed would continue to do as they wished.
Such a vexing thought pondered in prayer beneath the tall spires of the ancient cathedral made him thankful for the company of the Empress, sovereign of the first of the Christian kingdoms to rise from the ashes of Rome’s bloody fall. Her reign had proven her an able inheritor of Charlemagne’s crown, a steady hand holding fast against the looming threat of further Ottoman encroachment. Such was his respect for her realm that he had traveled there as a religious pilgrim on numerous occasions, humbling him with her generosity when she accepted him as a guest in her court during one such journey to a revered shrine deep within the lands of the long-since eradicated Saxons. 
“I take great comfort in knowing that those of us assembled will find guidance from your presence here,” he greeted earnestly in accented German moments after the order of the Mass was concluded. The faithful begin to depart, passing peacefully to the rear of the cathedral; the duke remained seated a moment longer, left leg outstretched, battered knee aching from the time spent kneeling in reverence. It’s only the briefest of respites, one he dutifully abandons to rise and offer a solemn bow to the empress. “I do hope that you might excuse the quality of my German — I fear I have lost practice since last we met.”
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allfcnso · 4 years
@emiliaofaustria  sent  :  💛
fmk  #random  edition  
FUCK  :   adalsinda  MARRY  :   apollonia.  awk.  KILL  :    hurrem
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