#apocolypse au tag.
elencr · 2 years
⸤ 🧁 ⸣  ⸻  based on your thread      ,      rebecca & bucky      |      @wnterslder​
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* .  ♡             she’s shaking her head quickly.  her lip was split and she was pretty sure that her ankle was sprained but becca KNEW she hadn’t been bit.  “ no  ,  no  ,  no  - ” she complains  ,  trying her best to slap his hand away from her face.  “ dad i’m fine.  ” it wasn’t zombies she had been fighting.  she knew that she shouldn’t have disappeared but she had been ... bored.  of course word of the winter soldier surviving d day had spread like wildfire  -  almost as much as him having a daughter (having two of his three girls killed).
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nsharks · 10 months
bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part eleven —other parts
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader words: 2.6k tags: death. blood. zombies of course. AFAB reader. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn't here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival. a/n: here ya go
A dry mouth and a symphony of aches awaken you.
Ambery light spills through the cracks of the hunting cabin, catching the silvery glint of dust particles in the air. It must be morning or possibly even noon based on how rested you feel. As your eyes peel open, you can see everything better than last night. The cramped space is mostly barren. There are some rusted animal traps in the corner and a faded poster with dancing bears and cheesy lettering: NATURE BE OUT HERE WILDIN'. Blue's head lays upon your shoulder. Gently, you maneuver it off, but her lashes flutter open despite your efforts. 
"Hey," you whisper. "Everything's okay. You can go back to sleep."
"Can you... get me some water?"
Ghost's backpack is likely off-limits, but you go through it, anyway. Beneath cigarettes and tools you don't even know the name of, you retrieve the canister of water and usher it to her lips. She sips weakly. The blanket covering her falls to her waist, revealing a bare, bandaged leg. Ghost must've taken off her blood and urine-stained jeans. You tuck the insulated blanket back over her and touch her forehead, relieved to feel the skin is cool.
"How are you feeling?" 
She lays back down, wincing. "It hurts. And... and I'm tired."
"That's normal. Your body is working hard to heal. Do you need anything else?"
There is the smallest shake of her head before her slack eyelids lower back down.
Ghost is leaning against the side of the cabin when you slip outside. He must have a tolerance for the cold to have stayed out here all night without his jacket. Only a black thermal hugs his chest, a dried stain at the side where you nursed his wound. His stare instantly finds you, alert yet ringed with faint lines of fatigue.
"She's doing good," you announce quietly. "Still sleeping and no fever. Did you see anything out here?"
Ghost clears his throat before speaking, voice rougher than usual from the hours of disuse. "No." His eyes flicker down to your legs. The jacket, although leagues warmer than your own, falls above your knees, leaving them shuddering against a crisp gust of air.
“Should be dry now," he says, motioning to a nearby tree where your clothes are draped over a branch. He must've put them there because you have no memory of doing so.
"Oh. Thanks."
Begrudgingly, you change behind the cabin, your muscles and joints groaning. Despite the dip in the river, your clothes still bare faint stains of blood and whatever fluid came out of that dead Grey. They don't offer the same physical comfort that his heavy loaner did. You can't say you don't miss it when you hand it back. 
"You should sleep, too."
He shucks it on, eyes glued to the distance. "I'm fine."
“You think there’s more of them, don’t you?”
He takes a moment before answering. "I took out five, then there's the two that attacked you. Big group. They would've left one or two behind to watch their camp."
It's true, and the thought grazes your teeth against the inside of your cheek. Either they will realize something happened to their companions and go looking for you, or they will be wary of the threat and keep to their turf. You aren't too concerned with Ghost here, but if they’re stocked on military-grade gear like he said, then it's better not to let your guard down.
"Look, you won't be able to keep her safe if you pass out from exhaustion. I can stay out here."
Finally, he exhales deeply, his chest moving beneath all the gear. "Wake me up if you see anything."
"I will."
You watch him go before a sudden realization hits you.
"Ghost, wait—"
He halts, eyebrows raising in question. 
"My bow... I think I lost it. In the river."
There is a long pause of thought before he reaches for the handgun at his waist, offering it to you with a firm look.
"Just for now, in case there's anything."
Keeping watch is far from enjoyable. Every little movement makes your fingers curl tighter around the gun. You keep your gaze up and alert while making a small fire to purify some water from the river, drinking until your stomach feels tight. Then, you settle on a tree stump by the cabin and take out the single dried squirrel you brought. But when you bite in, a strange taste floods your mouth. Blood. Cartilage. Human flesh. You spit it out, your stomach expelling more watery vomit. 
"For later, then," you whisper, wiping your mouth.
The plan was never to stay here for more than a night, but with Blue's recovery, you'll have to find more food. It could be three or four days before she’s ready for the long trip back. You ponder how you can make do without the bow, and figure you can use those animal traps. There's also a bush by the cabin that, if Paul's teachings did you any good, appears to be unripened salmonberries.
Hours drone by, each one more tedious than the last. The scent of moisture in the air begins to grow stronger. It's not until dark, swollen clouds roll in from the north that Ghost reemerges from the cabin.
"I didn't see anything, but I think it's going to storm." You gesture to the sky.
The abrupt arrival of sharp lightning and pillaging rain brings both of you back within the shelter. The storm clouds quickly swallow all the light, which leads Ghost to start another fire with the dry wood he has left. You find a few candles dressed in cobwebs and ignite them with your newfound lighter. It's not long before Blue wakes up, likely unable to sleep with all the sounds and the steady leak of water that begins to drip from the ramshackle ceiling. 
Ghost may have brought a lot with him, but he doesn't have anything to patch up a leak, which leads to a small puddle taking up space and pushing the three of you uncomfortably closer. Of course, Blue is the only one lying down. You tuck your knees under your chin while Ghost bends his long legs into a crossed position. He's wide enough that his knee and shoulder brush against you no matter how much you try to inch into the corner.
Though, you secretly can't complain. There seems to be an everlasting heat that radiates off him, even here, as the fire struggles to sustain itself and the rain thrums incessantly. 
He shifts around to fish something out of his backpack. Crackers. 
"Here, kid."
"I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat something."
He has to practically force little bites into her mouth, cradling her head up with his gloved hand. The sight makes your stomach howl, but you refrain from eating the squirrel in case you throw up again. You don't suspect either of them would appreciate that.
Blue goes back to staring dully at the wall after she eats, and Ghost continually peeks out a crack in the boarded-up window. The whole thing is quite miserable, even though, at the very least, you are all alive. The look in her eyes reminds you of how Joseph would get sometimes, and you hate it. 
At some point, you take out the book you found.
"Hey, Blue. I... I found this. Want me to read it to you?"
Her gaze shifts to you. "Oh. What's it called?"
"Um." You glance at the cover, cringing when a male model and corny title stare back at you. That's right. It was the only book in the store for a reason. "Well, maybe not. It doesn't look very good."
"You could tell me a story," she suggests in a murmur. "Ghost isn't any good at that."
You glance at him. He must be listening, but he pretends not to. Rather, he fiddles with the magazine of his rifle: taking it out, counting what's there, putting it back in. 
Under the roar of thunder, you murmur a story to her. That one your mother used to tell you. Then, you move on to memories. The happiest ones you can recall, mostly about your sister. You tell her about the time your parents surprised the two of you with a hampster, and how you argued over who got to name it, only deciding after a fierce battle of rock-paper-scissors in which you won. 
"So what did you name him?"
"Frank," she repeats. A weak smile. "That's a terrible name."
The storm ebbs on for another day. You and Ghost set up a silent routine of taking turns to sleep, though with how he leans against the wall and clutches the rifle with his eyes closed, you wonder if he is even really sleeping. Blue is only awake to eat, drink, and listen to a few stories. You steal peeks at her wound when he redresses it, pleased to see no evidence of infection. 
You finally bring yourself to eat, taking small bites and forcing it down. The pain in your limbs starts to fade, and the cuts on your face and hands are already scabbed over. When the rain clears, you set up the traps. Paul used to have ones like these. It's not long before you've got yourself another squirrel to eat. The salmonberries are terribly sour, but you wolf down a bush's worth.
Two days. You've been here for two days, and no one has snuck in an attack. There hasn't been a trace of rot in the air. You should feel relieved, but something in the way Ghost behaves makes you wary. He keeps looking through his backpack, fiddling with his guns. Perhaps over the past month, you've grown so used to his mood only shifting between hostile and indifferent, that it's easier to pick up on the signs of his unease. 
Before you can decide to question him what's wrong, he confronts you.
"Twix. We need to talk."
He's caught you with berry remnants around your mouth as you sit on the tree stump and finish your meal. You swipe your tongue across your lips, staring up at him. It's sort of awkward, craning your neck as he towers above you.
"What is it?"
"I need to leave."
You inhale sharply. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," he takes the rifle off his shoulder, "I've got five bullets for this one. And," he juts a finger to the handgun, "One magazine for this one."
Understanding sinks to the pit of your stomach. He's running low. Of course. Between the people and all the Greys, he must have used up a lot.
"That's not enough to get us back?" You tuck some hair behind your ear.
"If we run into all those fucks like before, then no. I don't feel comfortable with this much."
"So what are you going to do? Go loot their bodies?"
"I already did that," he almost growls, frustrated. "This is what I've got including what they had on 'em."
"Their camp, then. You want to go find it?" When he nods, you glance behind you at the cabin where Blue rests inside. "No. No— I don't like this idea. I have nothing to protect her with while you're gone."
"I'll leave you a gun."
"I'm not good with a gun," you protest, curling your fingers into your palm as you frown. "She can barely walk, and I can't carry her if shit happens."
"Well, I can't get us all back safely if I don't have fucking ammo. You think I want to leave her? I have no choice here."
Everything he's saying makes sense, and yet, you hate it. You just barely protected her the first time he left you alone, the memory of desperately biting that guy's nose off being evidence of that. Admittedly, you don't know what to do once someone gets close. If something were to happen while he was gone, you’re not confident that you could keep her alive again. But he needs this. The trip will be a waste if he doesn’t get this ammo— the risk to all your lives would’ve been for nothing.
"What if—" Your eyes slide shut as you swallow thickly. "Fuck— what if I go get it?"
Immediately, he scoffs. "That makes no sense."
"Your priority is keeping her safe. You stay here and do that."
"You have no bow," he reminds you, roughly shaking his head. "Don't be stupid."
"You said there's likely only one or two people guarding it. I don't have to fight them. I just have to find their place and steal from them, right?"
"Why?" He demands, eyes narrowing from their typical half-lidded state. They sweep over your face, from your forehead to your chin. "Why would you do this? Risk your life?"
It's a fair question, and you realize how ridiculous you must sound even suggesting this idea. Looking at the ground, the first answer comes to you quickly. You value Blue's life more than your own at this point. Like you told Ghost, you don't know why you even bother fighting. She's a kid. A piece of light in this world. He can protect her better than you can, and he needs the ammo to do so. But there are a few other reasons you find yourself willing to do this for him, and those are the ones you decide to share with him. 
"Because like you said, you need the ammo to get us all back safely. Plus," you look back at up him, "They probably have some things I need, too. Like more medicine." It's something you've pondered quite a few times since realizing how healthy and populated their group was. You lucked out in the village. There will never be another opportunity for medicine like this. "But... if I can get your ammo, then you owe me."
A deep breath expands his chest, then he huffs it out. "What would you want?"
You mull it over. "The couch," is the first thing that comes to mind. You imagine having to sleep in a flooded shed, which will undoubtedly happen with this northern weather, and the thought alone makes you miserable. "When we get back, I want to sleep inside on the couch from now on. And a new bow. You can make me one."
He stares at you for a few seconds before shaking his head to himself, grumbling something under his breath. He slings the rifle back over his shoulder, and you think he's ready to rightfully tell you how stupid you are again, but instead, he grits out, "Anything else?"
"A few shirts and your jacket," you breathe out, eyeing the fabric that fits his broad shoulders much better than it did yours. "And..." a flush threatens the base of your neck, "I also want you to teach me how to better defend myself. Once someone grabs me, I panic."
There's something detectable that passes through his eyes, maybe the memory of how helpless he rendered you not so long ago. He looks at the cabin, shaking his head again, before returning his stare down at you. 
"I'm going to tell you exactly how to get this done. You're of no use to me dead, Twix. Get me a backpack full of ammo, and we'll have a deal."
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thebestsetter · 3 days
Ok, so I was wondering...
Edit: I just realized my dumb ass put coffe shop 2 times 💀
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spitesprite · 1 year
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In the years following a zombie apocalypse, Charlie fights to survive every day in the harsh wastelands left behind. After finding a child abandoned in an old day care, he vows to protect her from the undead, but little does he know, someone’s looking for her.
Here is my finished piece for @enderpearlnecklace 's fic, I laugh like me again, she laughs like you for the @mcytblraufest ! It was a blast to make, close ups and no text version under the cut, and be sure to check out Zoey's wonderful fic, it's an amazing read
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myymi · 1 year
wrote this on an hour of sleep because a storm kept me up because my dog was scared of it. enjoy
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daily-rgbtrio · 1 year
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day 70
apocolypse :0
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Well I left the dump fandom and long while ago so i wanted to post an old wip fic. It was such a passion project but I never finished it because of technos death so I'll leave it here (and it's concept notes).
!! Wilburs mentioned a few times so don't be alarmed this was from like 2022, I promise I don't support that twat !!
The roaring sound of the crowd was something Techno never got used to.
They were always too loud.
That combined with the curse of his crown the voices of 100,000 people constantly yelling around him, always led to migraines that would last for days.
Yet he continues to fight in the arenas when he's invited.
He has too, it's the only thing that calms the voices.
It keeps him away from his family, he hates that. He wants so bad to stay in the castle and listen to Wilbur play his latest song, or watch Dad write in his study. Let Mom tell him stories like when he was little. He prays for the day he has perfect silence, because that's the day he can look at his little brother and not feel shame. The voices hurt Tommy and now Tommy hates him. Tommy's only 10 he doesn't need to know about the voices, it's already confusing enough for him to wonder why his brother held a sword to his throat after he asked to play.
Techno hates himself for it, he wants things to be different. He wants to be a good brother, because he loves Tommy. He really does.
"BLOOD GOD TECHNOBLADE! TODAY IS THE DAY YOU FALL FROM YOUR PEDESTAL!" The crowd screams, they seem to really favor the new guy lately. He hopes they aren't getting tired of him, that would be bad for his name. "Sure, like I'm gonna lose to a homeless man." He's sure if the guy wasn't wearing a mask he would've seen his eye twitch. "I'm NOT homeless." Techno just laughs. "Wow! So you think homeless are bad? Cancel this man, get him out of here." The new guy started studdering trying to defend himself Techno assumes to stay in public favor.
"What, no! I didn't say that, you're putting words in my mouth." Techno would've responded but his thoughts were cut short by the announcer.
"All right! Our match today is the All Mighty Blood God verses, our newest fight who's been quickly rising up the ranks.. Dream Wastaken!"
Techno blinks almost dumbfounded, "Wastaken? What kind of title is that? It sounds dumb."
Techno must have struck a nerve with that remark, Dream suddenly went still and took his position.
"I'll have your head Blood God," he could see a green glow from under his mask.
"HA, like hell you will"
The announcer signals the start and Techno lets himself go and all he sees is red.
Dream raises his sword and stabs towards Technos abdomen. Techno takes his axe and swings to hit the blade away. He ends up hitting the handle of the sword cutting deep into Dreams hands
Dream staggers back dropping his sword and clutching his hands. He inhales sharply the audience collectively gasps.
Yeah not much writen ik but here's the plans I had written in my drafts, it's so nostalgic to reread.
it starts out as Sbi + Mumza but techno and tommy get separated from Phil, Kristen, and Wilbur
(Wilbur is 17, Techno is 15 so hes less than wilbur because fuck you, and Tommy is 11)
So it's parentsduo + Wilbur and then also Bedrock bros, eventually they fins their way back to eachother. Techno and Tommy used to have this kinda tense relationship, they both cared alot about each other but Tommy always got along with Wilbur more. (Techno wasnt jealous of that, not at all.) but they just thought the other disliked them, and it's bothered them for years and now it's time for Techno to be cool and strong big brother for tommy. Being there for when he has nightmares to tell him stories, or reminding him that they WILL find the rest if their family. Running from zombies with the only weapons you have being swords and bows is a little bit difficult. but he does have one thing, his axe that was gifted to him by a neighboring kingdoms prince. To replace the one that was ruined in a duel he participated in on their behalf. Which they may or may not run into that prince and his betrothed (also his son?!?!?!?)along the way... Wilbur misses his brothers every single day, no matter how much his parents try to comfort him that they will be okay and that Techno is capable. He just can't shake the feeling that at every waking moment that he's not looking for them. They're getting hurt. He wishes it was him and Techno that got separated, cause then atleast Tommy would be with phil and Kristen. He wouldn't need to worry about his brother. He knows Techno will protect Tommy with his life.. but that's what he's worried about. If Techno dies protecting Tommy then what happens after? Tommy is left wandering untill inevitably hes... So he hopes Techno doesn't have to do soemthing that wreckless Because if he does, he'll lose BOTH of his brothers. and personally he'd rather not have that become a reality."
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sapphanimates · 1 year
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the guys
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mind-less-boy · 11 months
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I drew @somerandomdudelmao’s apocalyptic present Leo because I LOVE HIM AND HIS DESIGN SMMM
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s1utspeare · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
@hils79 and @lucientelrunya both tagged me in their WIP posts and y'all KNOW i love sharing things that aren't done yet bc i'm a little attention SLUT and also i need to prove i'm not dead!!! so here i am!!! not dead!!! also luci's snippet made me insane bc TWOGUAN and hils included CHICKENS with PANGCAN and i DIED bc of them BOTH so anyway here's some seonhwi zombie AU angst :3
“Fuck you,” Seon-ho snarls, “Fuck you, Hwi, you stupid, self-righteous—I’m killing you! I killed Yeon-ah, I’m killing you, fight back, damn you!” He lunges, wildly, and Hwi lets the blows fall against his chest. Seon-ho has always known how best to hurt him and he still does, his knuckles hitting the spot where the Infection pulses underneath Hwi’s skin. It means to hurt, this snapping, snarling, wild thing that Seon-ho wants to become, but Hwi is used to his tricks. He lets it hurt. He feels it, rattling through his body, through his stiff legs and down to his numb toes.  “Fight back,” Seon-ho begs. “For the love of God, fight back. Please. Please.”  And then Seon-ho is clutching at Hwi’s hair, his arms, his thighs, splaying his fingers and gripping the sides of the muscle and holding as tight as he can, as though he’s afraid that Hwi is going to be torn away from him and he can only use his own strength, born on determination and grit and a fucking beautiful willpower, to keep Hwi there with him. As though he’ll cure Hwi with that alone.
HAHAHAHAHA ok i'm gonna tag @pangzi, @highpriestessofjogan, @forerussake, and @humanlighthouse! OK LOVE U ALL I'LL SEE YOU SOON HOPEFULLY BYE!!!!! <3
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rosie-kairi · 1 year
Hello. I am here because Dark Road has consumed my thoughts and I wish to hear how others ramble about it.
And also because DRTD is neat based on what I've had the honor of seeing.
Would you care to share some blorbo thoughts, organized or otherwise, canon or not?
Ok!! I'm gonna ramble a bit about drtd because I've been thinking about it a bunch sdfghgf
Just like in the games, Xehanort is originally from Destiny Islands! In this au, he lives there with his mother. He does still know Player and he is still related to Ephemer! Though I'm not sure how just yet. Like, is Ephemer his grandpa, his uncle, his cousin- I don't know yet. They're related, and that's important.
I'm gonna pull out this handy-dandy map real quick:
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See, Ephemer and Player (and the rest of the khux cast) lives in Daybreak Town. In between DT and DI is Scala. In order to reach Daybreak from the Destiny Islands, you must first go through Scala and then through a small path between a mountain range. Then you just have to go through this forest and then you reach Daybreak Town.
Xehanort is travelling to go visit Ephemer in Daybreak Town for a couple weeks for Summer vacation (I imagine this takes place late May early June), he's made the trip a bunch of times, but this is first time he's gone without his mom. But, the very day Xehanort gets to Scala, the apocalypse happens. Not really a good thing to happen to you.
And just a bit of clarification, both Destiny Islands and Daybreak Town are zombie free, it is literally just Scala that's having this problem. Mamanort is perfectly fine, she's just worried sick because she doesn't know if Xehanort is ok or not.
Also Geographical side note: you can see Scala from Destiny Island, but it's a one to two hour boat ride to get there. The environment is pretty warm, I like to imagine Scala as one of those Mediterranean port towns, so just picture that.
Regarding the rest of the underclassmen crew, they're all classmates and go to the same highschool. They're not a super close friend group, but they DO know each other and are all at least acquaintances. They all form a group together because "survivors gotta stick together".
Urd was the first member who Xehanort met. They met when Xehanort saw Urd being chased by a small group of zombies as she was trying to skate away. He jumps in, grabs a pipe he found lying around, and just starts swinging with wild abandon. Urd thinks that's cool and they decide to team up from there on. After that they meet up with Eraqus, then Bragi and Hermod, then Vor, then Baldr.
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sashasactivities · 1 year
zombie apocalypse personality type quiz!
quiz made: october 2022
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foolish-gaymer · 1 year
@chmydarling [Starter Call] Louis And Jimmy / Apocalyptic AU TWDG
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Jimmy sat on Ericson's steps in silence, staring up at the sky lost in thought involving his family.
"God I hope they're okay…"
Jim said after letting out a sigh and looking at the yard in silence.
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hollowhead888 · 2 years
Zombie apocalypse oc
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He's the most uncool person you will ever meet
He still wears he's band shirt from high school that doesn't even fit him anymore
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reecehaswritten · 2 years
Okay okay. Here’s your snippet of the Scarian infected au(aka the first two-ish paragraphs) (I KNOW THE OG POST HASNT REACHED 100 BUT IM SO PROUD OF SCAR FOR THE CHARITY EVENT SO I HAD TO)
Against a wall, Scar took a ragged breath.
It was all quiet where he was. Only the soft whistle of the wind, the purr of Jellie rubbing herself up against Scar’s tired legs, and quiet groans in the far distance. He pushed himself up against the wall, trying to keep himself steady, yet his legs collapsed and he was left on the floor. He might as well be dead, his wheelchair wasn’t usable in the slightest anymore, and just stealing one was out of the question. He did however steal all of his other medication, whenever he found them. Jellie hopped onto his lap, and Scar cradled her face with his hands.
“Oh Jellie, we’ll find somewhere to stay soon. Gosh dang it, surviving on my braces ain’t fun.”
And it wasn’t, but he had to endure it to continue thriving. Because Scar did not want to die, no matter how much he joked about it. He climbed up the wall to stand up again, still tired out. “Well, let’s find a gas station, I bet they’ll stock cat food. You’re hungry aren’t you little Jellie!” He cuddled her a bit, then started walking. Any direction sufficed really, as it all meant going forward. It was good that his cane hadn’t snapped yet, or else he really would’ve been a goner.
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rillette · 2 years
i got tagged by @theduckboy​ to do this (squints at hand) fanfic trope thing 
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im tagging @theduckboy​, @theduckboy​, @theduckboy​ and whoever else wants to do it ^_^ <3 as well as @theduckboy​
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