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@storminmywake mentioned you in a post
…to @apinkandyellowgirl / @ thegirlwithmanynames , because without Nadia…
this is so sweet ;w; BIG HUGS!!!! man, this made me go back and read our old RPs, I’m so emotional!! I’m so glad that we RPed together way back when and that you still have this amazing blog and you’re writing better than ever!! <3333
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Fanfic Writer Wednesday, 7/26
I love yous in the dark by @lastbluetardis (Tentoo x Rose)
This is so sweet and real and very them. I love it.
Would Smell As Sweet by @cherazor (Ten x Rose)
The zero room smells like roses... or does it smell like Rose? Mickey figures something out.
Sculpting Lesson by @apinkandyellowgirl (Ten x Rose)
I am a sucker for Stone Rose fic, and this is so good.
Hello by @andrastesgrace (Ten x Rose)
As the summary says, Journey’s End without cockblocking Daleks. Because this reunion needs to happen properly.
Bad Wolf Rose by anonymous (Ten x Rose)
Right. You know Bad Wolf Rose is important to me. This was excellent.
Shatter and Collide by @pellaaearien (Ten x Rose)
Fixing the Stolen Earth reunion. It’s just so satisfying to see them get to kiss.
A Marriage of (In)Convenience, 2/4 by @lastbluetardis (Ten x Rose au)
This is a royalty au/historical au/arranged marriage au, and it is wonderful. James and Rose are, of course, perfect for each other.
The Best Cuppa in London by @perfectlyrose (Eight x Rose au)
The Doctor and Rose, debating who makes the best cuppa in London. I love this fic.
Prism’s Doomsday fix by @the-untempered-prism (Ten x Rose)
I really love this Doomsday fixit. I read it three or four times a year and it never gets old.
Gently, the Doctor pressed a kiss to Rose’s skin by @jeeno2 (Ten x Rose)
A lovely, tender moment between the Doctor and Rose. I can’t get enough of fic like this.
I’ll Wait for You by @perfectlyrose (Ten x Rose)
A Doomsday fic with a hopeful ending! Rose isn’t going to just wait.
Harry Potter
Dudley raised by Lily and James by @ink-splotch
Okay, this is a brilliant fic. It takes one simple idea--what if Harry and Dudley’s positions had been reversed--and it builds an entire world around it. Almost everything else you know about the series still happens, but the focus is on Dudley and how he perceives things. And it is so so good.
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"Sorry. Just-- - have we met before? You seem familiar."
#pinkandyellowwolf#apinkandyellowgirl#askperibrown#defenderrosetyler#amysdiaries#v: canon#[ thank you for following ]
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"What exactly are you doing?"
#notablondebimbo#steeverogersrp#thedoctorswiferiver#sexyforgallifreyans#apinkandyellowgirl#[[hello! Thank you for following!]]
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+ 1

He knows you.
#ic#apinkandyellowgirl#starter post#run rose run that is not a good smile/poorly written out laugh#reply whenevs querida#; default
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He'd scanned for a power source. He'd been led to wood. “ –- ah –- ”
His internal alarms ceased bleeping, attempting to preserve what little energy was left in his system. The red flickering dot in the upper righthand corner of his vision extinguished, like the solar flecks upon a human's eyes finally settling away. He did not rejoice, though. His sight began to dim. He was running out of power. ' -- but here was supposed to be –- ! ' He could not find the strength to curse. Instead, his fist slammed down upon the big blue box, and then the shoulder underneath his other arm crashed in with a limp. His legs started wobbling. His angrily quivering lower lip did, too. His systems were so outdated his scanners had mistaken a telephone for a charging point. There was nothing he hated more than this body.
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((I think I phrased that wrong, I meant that hearing everything you write in Wash's voice is kind of a given with you because you're so great, but DOUBLE NEGATIVES!!! ::shakes fist:: Screwed me over, they did!))
(( Hahahahaha! I got you i understood….
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((™, Matt, I'm pretty sure you actually /are/ the Doctor in disguise!))
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"You're the flowery girl, righ'? Um... Lily? Daisy?"
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((™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™!!! You're the greatest, it's impossible /not/ to read anything you write without hearing Wash's voice! :D))
(( SHHHHH I CAN'TTTTT!!! Perfect Rose (and mun) is perfect ))
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Potter!verse, Disc 2: Annotations.
Potter!verse, Track 3: "Pompeii." (Bastille)
(( OOC Commentary under the cut. ))
(( I'm not sure at precisely which point I realized what I was doing with Tommy's magic and wood, but I'm pretty sure it was as I worked on this chapter-- just as Dumbledore's cottoning to it looking out at Flying class.
Hufflepuff, apparently, doubles up on classes with Ravenclaw just as Slytherin does with Gryffindor, which is why Rose the Loyal gets to form more of a friendship with Tommy at first, and of course Rich is being supportive but he's not giving up his airtime.
(The precise number of students in each Year of Hogwarts is not, so far as I've been able to discern, ever clearly disclosed. So in my head, there's enough students in each Year that there's two classes for each Year of each House-- which is to say, there's two classes for First Year Gryffindors, two for First Year Slytherins, et cetera. This is my way of explaining why we don't see Claire and Kimber and them in Harry's classes-- they're in the other Gryffindor class. Harold Saxon's in the other Slytherin class, et cetera. I think I mention it at some point when Kim's storming out of Divination, cussing up a storm.)
Ah, Giles. The conversation by Floo Network is a bit different in the books-- it's just supposed to be a head in a fireplace without all the fiery special effects, but I couldn't resist borrowing the movies' visual of a "fireface." The movies and other aspects of the franchise influence The Potter!verse almost as much as the books, though I do of course strictly follow the plotline of the books.
WitchofManyNames told me right up front that Willow was a Slytherin, and I was honestly excited to have more than one main castmember in the "bad" House-- Rose the Cunning would get sucked in by that world, because, let's face it, it's pretty seductive, but Willow would know that crap for what it was and maintain her heroic nature. (Okay, she goes antihero in Year Four, but let's not split pretty red hairs.)
Here Giles implies that Willow has already had struggles with her addiction and her power, foreshadowing the Witch of Mass Destruction stuff that's to come later.
And Dumbledore points out that Giles was a Slytherin back in his day-- which, if you look at "Ripper" Giles in his Buffyverse school years, where else could he have gone? Band Candy Giles is absolutely a Slytherin. Though of course Giles has done okay for himself in the redemption department, demonstrating that Slytherin's not all a bad place to go. Dumbledore again obliquely references his own need for penance.
Oh, Romana. I cannot say enough awesome things about RomanaOfHeartsHaven. She perfectly encapsulates her character's beating hearts behind that cool reserve and tragic, war-torn background, and the fact that she permits me to approximate this character in drabbles still astonishes me sometimes. It's because of her that have a deep abiding crush on Michelle Dockery, no question.
Dumbledore's reference to a "clever little acronym" here is a perhaps obvious nod to Romana's main!verse, in which she is involved with UNIT the way The Doctor once had been.
And of course there's the making fun of Romana's name, which its itself a direct callback to The Fourth Doctor.
I was still developing backstories as I went, here, and I'm not sure if I knew at this point that Giles, Romana, Dirk, and Evelyn were together in The Tears of The Phoenix. Either way, it was a super-secret version of The Order of The Phoenix, so it's not surprising here that Giles and Romana would pretend to not know each other in front of McGonagall.
Dumbledore here references The Watchers' Council and The Devon Coven, important elements of The Buffyverse. Where the Watchers fit in the hierarchy of Wizarding society I have no idea, but it's enough to me to know that they're out there.
And now begins conversational exposition. I hate reading that sort of thing, and it bothered me to no end to include so much of it in these early chapters so much talking with nothing happening-- but it was important to establish "ground rules" for the characters and to figure out why so very many extra special students were all at Hogwarts at the same time.
They were being guarded-- just like The Philosopher's Stone (here of course I'm using the British name for the thing, because that's what it's called it alchemist history, not no "Sorcerer's Stone," sorry American audiences), because if Voldemort could possess people, he could possess people with special powers.
I do a little conflating, here-- in Heroes canon, Claire's biological parents die in separate instances before Samuel Sullivan's storyline gets going, but here the timeline goes a little differently. Sullivan is, by implication, another of these Wizards of Mass Destruction, and is decidedly Dark, ostensibly one of Voldemort's agents across The Pond.
Claire and Noah and Claude first moved to Lancashire when they came to England, but they've moved again by the time we see their house in a later track-- they're in my native Hertfordshire. I do, in fact, put them basically in my old house in Letchworth, though I gave them a nicer back yard.
I play around with Claire's ability here-- rather than having two characters with a straight up healing factor, Kim and Claire, Kim has the healing factor, but Claire's is a self-perpetuating sort of shapeshifting. I later use the term "Automorphmagus" for this kind of Metamorphmagus, etymologically suggesting self-form rather than beyond-form.
Kim's powers, on the other hand-- are a mixed bag. Her powers of empathy and telepathy and precognition from her main!verse are magic-based in this verse, but her healing powers are mutant superscience in the Marvel vein, straight out of her main!verse. This is the first hint of something else going on besides just magic in The Potter!verse. I didn't want to compromise at first, I wanted to just completely Potter!ize everything, but I decided to leave the door open for there being other kinds of super powers. In retrospect, I'm glad I did, given how much Marvel stuff happens later-- though most of the individual powers get explained as being specialized magical abilities, the basis for Witches and Wizards of Mass Destruction like Willow and Sullivan et al is that they have the mutant x-gene as well as the magic gene such that the x-gene boosts the magical one.
Minerva's explanation as Kim's mutant healing existing to protect her marvelous brain intentionally echoes one of comic character's Hank "The Beast" McCoy's explanations for his own powerful atavistic physiology-- it's keeping his supergenius brain safe, that's his real power and all the other powers exist to keep that one safe.
Romana is, of course, coolly pragmatic about stuff.
Dumbledore's comeback about eggs and baskets is a reference to Mark Twain, and one of my favorite quotes from him.
And, of course, the always is a nod to Snape's use of the word much, much later in HP canon. ))
#apinkandyellowgirl#indestructigirl#kimbermac#witchofmanynames#romanaofheartshaven#potter!verse#potter!verse: ooc#potter!verse ooc#ooc? what's ooc?#richparkerwashere
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approaching || apinkandyellowgirl
Storms weren't the same for Gallifreyans as they were for humans. From the very etymology, more than a weather phenomenon, 'storm' refered to change in the strong, even violent, kind of manner. A whirling onrush that scaled walls and forced gates, with a thundering noise that came cracking down its path. A disturbance in the force, as someone said once or five times.
And, blimey, was it pouring...
Something was coming in the air and he could feel it. All that was, all that is, all that ever could be, and what must never come to happen -- it didn't stop in his head, not even the few times he surrendered to the shadows of his eyelids, no matter how brief that lapse was. Fading dust was left in his wake and sometimes that dust was all he could think about. Had he taken the right path? What branches had he sacrificed to favor whatever he'd had to pick? What was irreversible and what would, as sure as day, come to slash him back?
The storm was approaching and the air was filled with dust; dust only he could see now, dust that made him want to shut his eyes and pretend it wasn't there as if it didn't cling to his eyes as it already was, dust that announced a foreboding too overwhelming for him to not avert his gaze from. For he could see where it would lead, yet he didn't want to. He chose not to. And, for the life of him, he didn't know if it was the right call or not. He was even unsure to want to know that.
This was one of the very, very few times he'd agreed to sleep it off. He knew it'd be useless, but Rose had insisted, and-- well, it was easier to comply than to explain all of that and worry her even more. So he'd changed into some jim jams, turned the lights off, and gotten inside his bed for the first time in months. He was out before he could properly try to calm his head.
And all he could see was darkness. Winds of change pushed him farther and farther away and she was gone, just gone, out of his reach. That very dust bound his wrists and ankles, rain painted tracks from his eyes down his cheeks, and all he could do was shout-- Rose, Rose! Please! Don't leave me, please! Rose!
#apinkandyellowgirl#starter;#verse;a hand to hold#IT GOT LONG AHHH SORRY#interpret as you like and if you have ANY questions hit me up!!#t: approaching
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[She kissed him on the cheek when she caught him coming out of the console room just as she was walking in, and when she pulled away, she gave him a wink.] Happy Valentine's!
Jack startled at the unexpected affection, before pulling her back in for a hug and kissing both her hands. "You too, dear," he said happily, "Happy Valentine's."
And then a private smile that he saved for himself as he let her go-- 'here's to hoping for many more in the future.'
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