#aph engfra
vanesslock · 8 months
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That French guy, he has so many secrets to hide…
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vanessalocke · 2 months
You and your crush
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FrUK's relationship, especially Arthur Kirkland's feelings towards Francis Bonnefoy, has always been a interesting topic for me.
I have many perspectives to exploit, but if based on England's "tsundere" characteristics in official to develop, there is indeed a lot to say:
Arthur is quite stuck, easily depressed, has difficulty controlling his life, so he is always worried and self-conscious. He establishes a safety circle for himself and always pushes others away from him. Francis is like the opposite of Arthur, so it's natural that Arthur is always upset and suspicious of Francis.
From Arthur's perspective, Francis is essentially a narcissist who hides his narcissism well. To Arthur, Francis doesn't know how to love, but he's just "pretending" to love. The only person he loves is his perfect image below the river surface. It's because he doesn't know how to love, doesn't love at all, that he can pursue love so tirelessly. Because no matter how rejected and cold the other person is, because he doesn't love, he won't be hurt. Like walking on a bumpy road, the more people walk, the more painful it becomes, the stones cut into their feet, making them bleed, but he could run as far as he wanted, because he was wearing shoes, and his soft, sensitive feet never directly rubbed against the hard ground. Not only is he narcissistic, but Francis is also incredibly arrogant and hides his pride well behind his tolerance and patience. He will never bend down on his knees and beg for anyone's affection. His lover says he/she doesn't need him anymore? Okay. There are many people out there who are willing to bend down and obey him. His lover is just a grain of sand in the ocean of sand that he has.
Because he thought Francis was like that, Arthur's feelings for this Frenchman were extremely complicated and confusing. On the one hand, Arthur has a strange obsession with France in general and Francis in particular, and on the other hand, he never, I repeat, NEVER says that he loves Francis. Never. He has always bottled up his feelings in his heart and never dared to express his feelings. Arthur was very afraid of the prospect of how Francis would react if Francis knew about his feelings for him. His feelings have great weight, so he must do his best to protect those feelings from outside eyes. What he was most afraid of was that Francis would look down on him, and worse, take advantage of that love (that's what he thought). Love and fear intertwine and turn into hatred. Arthur hated Francis when Francis was strong and radiant in golden light (and looked down on Arthur), loved Francis when Francis was weak and lonely (and relied on Arthur). Arthur hated him when he was sweet, and enjoyed seeing him angry with Arthur. Arthur was annoyed with Francis when he put on that perfect elegant mask, and was happy to see that mask crack, and Francis lost his temper and revealed his true thoughts to him. So instead of letting him know how much Arthur loves him (something Arthur sees as a fatal weakness), he prefers to provoke him, making him angry at Arthur. In love there is hate, in hate there is love.
However, when Francis proactively approached Arthur, flirted with Arthur, gave Arthur flowers, loved Arthur, confessed his love to Arthur and eroded Arthur's thorny aspects, everything took a different turn. Arthur really didn't expect Francis to have such a gentle and soft side. He didn't think that Francis was not what he thought for so long. The stray cat Arthur, who had been wandering and robbing and fighting for his whole life, was suddenly picked up by Francis to bathe, feed, care for, treat, and sleep in a warm blanket and soft mattress. Therefore, Arthur was very dependent on Francis, like an arrogant cat, fighting with all other cats because he was assured that behind him there was a very pampered, tolerant and protective Francis. Each of Francis' true strengths and weaknesses were gradually peeled off in front of Arthur like when he peeled an onion.
And then Arthur gradually remembered, the reason why Francis was his first love in the first place. Not only did he admire Francis' beauty, style, and thinking, he also felt that Francis was truly mysterious and deeper than what those around him could realize. During the times when Francis unintentionally became weak in front of Arthur, Arthur could vaguely sense Francis's innermost feelings. It feels like, if there is a rose, Francis will sit day and night guarding that rose so that no sheep would come and eat it. Or if there is a kitten with muddy fur shivering in the rain, Francis will not hesitate to hug the cat no matter how much the cat scratched him. Or if he is betrayed, he will accept that betrayal as a respect for the other person's decision, without resentment or blame, with a gentle and sad attitude.
And how beautiful Francis is. Melancholic beauty, brilliant beauty, dreamy beauty, feminine beauty, masculine beauty, sophisticated beauty, simple beauty, he has it all. That soft blonde hair, will probably have a fragrance that makes Arthur think of jasmine and sunshine.
Francis's intelligence is also something that Arthur loves. Francis is the only one who can understand the hidden meanings of Arthur's cruel jokes, is the only person who can discuss literature and philosophy with Arthur, who can grasp Arthur's ideas in just a few sentences without Arthur having to explain too long. Arthur really enjoys chatting with Francis late into the night and spending a lot of time with Francis, because Francis is always the only person who can keep up with Arthur's thinking.
Francis' gentle smile is a smile that Arthur both love and hate. Arthur loves it because it soothes his cold heart. Arthur also hates it because it is the smile Francis gives whenever he want to keep everyone at a distance. Arthur is always angry because Francis never want to open up to him. Arthur will always be fascinated and softened by Francis' eyes and smile, always. That Francis would cry for Arthur's sadness, and Arthur would be angry for Francis' injustice.
Because of that extreme pent-up love, Arthur is indeed an extremely jealous person. He will fight with a stranger who flirts with Francis in a bar, he will question Francis who is with Francis, he will be angry at Francis just because Francis introduced him as a friend. He will demand that Francis always hug, pamper, and look only at him, not at anyone else. Sometimes Arthur will worry until midnight because he will not understand why Francis married him, and he will only go to sleep just when Francis hug him. He does everything (I repeat, everything) to possess Francis as his own, and he doesn't even hesitate to "steal" Francis back if he sees Francis in another relationship (as long as Francis agrees). If Francis does not agree to leave his current relationship to be with Arthur, Arthur will be very bitter and pretend that he does not need Francis, but is always worried about following Francis to see if Francis is living happily. Luckily, that scenario never happened, because Francis would never be the asshole who plays a double game (The country of love understands very well who he loves). Arthur is essentially a thug and a robber, he really doesn't care too much about his morals. A gentleman's appearance is to deceive others.
They broke up and got back together countless times. Both of them know clearly that "break up" between the two does not mean "the end", but just a "temporary separation" and that one day they will get back together. During those times, they always missed each other and bothered the people around them because of their nostalgia for each other.
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pvffinsdaisies · 1 year
Truly quite impressed by how England & France manage to be so horrible for one another and so perfect for one another all at the same time. They’re so incompatible that they accidentally became extremely compatible.
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mcsketchy · 4 months
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What if your rival turned into a cute girl and you kissed
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coralcatsea · 2 years
FrUK is one of the most popular (and accepted) England ships, yet I don't seem to find much variety when it comes to characterisation. France almost always seems to be either confidently seductive or annoyed towards England.
Can we have more of France just being...oh, I don't know, cute? Excited? Flustered, even?
And then England is usually annoyed, annoyed, jealous, annoyed, insecure, secretly pining, annoyed, etc.
I want to see more of his playful side, more of his calm side, and less of him being frazzled by absolutely everything France does. I mean, I can think of canon examples where he's just being casual with him, so it's not like it could never happen.
Don't try to tell me I'm "wrong", as this is simply my experience. If you've seen content of them being portrayed as I've described wanting to see, just send it to me in the comments. 👀
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panfrycek · 5 years
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day 2 - middle ages england and france
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HWD Drabble Games – September 15th 2018
Fandom: Hetalia
Prompt: Decadence
Characters/Pairing: France/England
Notes: I slapped my low energy to post this drabble. Edit: ops, I post only half of it
England looked across the window with such bittersweet smile. At his hand, a bottle of wine.
"I'm a fool," he said. "I'm an empire at decadence. What a terrible fate..."
A fairy sat at his arm and struggle to take the bottle of his hand. He smiled and put it at the table, after taking another sip. He was clearly drunk.
He rose up from the chair and, almost tripping over, he went to the window.
He could fall. Maybe he would die. No, his fate wouldn't allow. He would survive and maybe became a joke. What a drunkard, to fall from the window...!
No one cares about his heath anyway.
The door opened and he look over there – it was France.
"Where are your manners?"
"I knocked... Wait, England, are you drunk?"
"Shuuut up!"
France only rolled his eyes and fill a glass cup with water. Then gave it to England, who, very opposed to it, drank it.
"You should take a rest."
"What are you doing here? Came to laugh at my state?"
"I was worried."
England laughed, not believing at him. Then he muttered an insult. France didn't cared and took him to bed. He didn't fight against him. Too tired for that. He welcomed his bed, so comfortable...
When he woke up, he saw a very worried France next to him.
"Why were you drinking when you had a terrible fever?"
"W... What...?"
"Don't you remember?" France was surprised. "You slept during two days and the fever made you delirious. God, I take care of you, you made me so worried."
"Do I need a reason to take care of you?"
England fall silent. Maybe someone really cared about him.
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ask-aph-francis · 6 years
Entente Cordiale
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cloversreblogs · 6 years
Brass in the grey- chpt. 14
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Previously on Brass in the grey: Arthur was reluctant to attend his brother’s wedding-- it had been seven years since he had seen him, seven years since he had seen any member of his family at all. Finding out that Francis was invited too was what had convinced him to go. But all day long, Arthur dreaded what was to come once he arrives. 
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing: FrUK
Genre: Artists AU, Modern AU, hurt/comfort, slowburn, drama
Chapter rating: K+
Chapter warning(s): none, apart from language
Arthur wasn't sure how he had not realised that Francis was the penpal of Angus' old French class. Again, it had been years since he had seen Angus, the likelihood that he remembered his penpal's name was very slim, anyway.
Arthur scrolled through the train's schedule on his phone as he stood at the platform, a suitcase in his other hand. Their train was arriving in 5 minutes. Like any other Friday, the station was buzzing like of bees, of people leaving the city for a weekends escape. Being the only suitable formal wear he had, he brought his regular work suit. He wrote down to buy another one— the seams of this one were starting to split — but he kept on forgetting. Well, at least it wasn't like his family knew that he wore his suit for work at his brother's wedding. Worst case scenario, he will just buy another suit there.
Links: FFN.net, AO3, Wattpad
Whole story (AO3): (x)
Prev. chapter (13)
Next chapter (15)
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vanesslock · 9 months
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The wedding of Dover
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vanessalocke · 1 year
Everyone: Francis and Alfred hate each other, don't like each other, implicitly oppose each other.
Me: Francis is Alfred's healer, one of the few people Alfred truly respects, Alfred's free spirit is inherited from Francis, Alfred loves the Statue of Liberty (a gift given by Francis) the most, Francis was the first friend Alfred had, France was America's oldest ally, France risked its life for independent of America, their relationship has always been good despite the diplomatic crises between the US and France.
Everyone says the relationship between Britain and America is father-son. I agree, so I would say that the relationship between France and America is mother-son. If Britain was a strict father, France would be a mother who risked her life for America to be born.
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redmageofvoid · 7 years
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Inktobertalia Day 14: Song inspired
The song used (appologies if i got the words wrong)
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verrelune-blog · 7 years
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If anyone is at all interested by the crap that this trashy artist continuously makes, please let me know Q-Q because I need motivation to finish this. I always feel really, really bad because of how long I take on each piece and yet often ending up with unsatisfactory results, and the struggle of this one might literally kill me, about seventy percent of the time was spent on redrawing because I could not stand the sight of the great ugliness that is my skill level product OTZ. (Also I truly need to stop now because it has literally hurt my wrist and I need a break)
Title: Hum of our swords(rough version)
The hilt is shown in the corner is one of the intended sword in the title, it bears a significance to France’s national symbols which I will explain if I ever finish this. The same goes for Arthur(completely out of frame here and it’s mostly from his perspective). The broadsword will not end up the option here, most likely, due to the necessity of showing the pommel and the lower grip along with both characters swinging one-handed.
Almost forgot: Happy Easter! (Gosh how did I do that, and it’s right on the day too)
“Tes excuses ne changent rien. Ça n'a pas d'importance ce que tu voulais faire.”
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vanesslock · 8 months
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vanessalocke · 5 months
Entente Cordiale 2024
Because Marianne was a head taller than Alice and was wearing high heels, she had to bend down to put her eyes at Alice's level.
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vanessalocke · 1 year
Some things never change
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