#aph dprk
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taliesinman · 3 months ago
okay i've said before "maybe himaruya is wrong about some things" but i think the thing himaruya is most wrong about is making "north korea" and "south korea" separate nations that represent history... sure that reflects like the reality states wise but politically it's so incorrect.... there's no difference between the north korean and south korean people in terms of language or really much in terms of culture like north and south italy (or. idk. north and south india which isn't a thing in hetalia despite north india and south india having entirely different languages and cultures). sure there might be exclusive regional traditions but the korean peninsula is more commonly perceived as a singular nation that is artificially divided at the parallel. this is probably because himaruya is japanese but personally i feel like we probably should stray away from japanese people's opinions on korea (hint: it's a lot of empire apologia)
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catthatfollows · 2 years ago
Я нашла Северную Корею в Хеталии!
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Это во-первых.
А во-вторых я её нарисовала.
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Я взяла на себя честь дать ей имя.
Потом я выложу её партрет. А затем со своей Северной Кореей рядом.
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ask-north-korea · 6 years ago
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ask-north-korea’s Refugee Fundraiser
Hello everyone! It’s been a little over a year now since I’ve opened this blog I guess? And you guys have been more supportive than I could ever imagine. I’m really surprised by how many people have complimented me on my OC and the information on this blog.
However, I said in the beginning that I wanted to do some tangible good, so I’m going to use this blog to try and do that now. As we go into the New Year, we can collectively help someone else get a new start. So, I’ve set up a Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) fundraising page, the link to which can be found in my blog description or as a secondary reblog of this post (sorry for not putting it here but tumblr won’t show posts with external links in the search!).
Last year we managed to raise $258.54, so let’s see if we can do it again! Our goal is to raise $250 by the New Year! According to LiNK, $250 is what it costs them to “provide food, clothing, and other necessities during [a refugee’s] journey to safety.” If just 1/6 of the people following this blog donate $1, we can easily reach that goal. You can even donate anonymously if you don’t want your name shown on the page!
I know people can be strapped for cash this time of year, so don’t feel bad if you can’t donate! You can still reblog this post to help more people see it!
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dprkinsight · 6 years ago
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16th Pyongyang film festival opened in Pyongyang. DPRK desires cultural exchanges with the world.
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succulentbud · 6 years ago
i learned this trivia during my heterosexual aaliyah phase so please dont think i stan bishie third reich but iirc the creator said he was never gonna make aph ph (i dont remember why i think its bc it was too highly requested? idk this was a while ago) and like what the shit pinoy hetalia fans r so dedicated to their craft of writing intricate romances between i dont know. the fucking dprk and russia. mister hetalia please give us our mestizo island gyal we NEED her
I hate Hetalia but why does my friend have their own Hetalia India pngs to spam me with but I dont have a Hetalia Philippines? pinoys are fucking oppressed
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acehimagecom · 2 years ago
Tagore Minta DPRK Desak Aparat Penegak Hukum Usut Indikasi Dugaan Korupsi di Bener Meriah
Tagore Minta DPRK Desak Aparat Penegak Hukum Usut Indikasi Dugaan Korupsi di Bener Meriah
ACEHIMAGE.COM – Mantan Bupati Bener Meriah, Ir Tagore Abubakar datangi DPRK Bener Meriah sampaikan dugaan indikasi korupsi dan sejumlah persoalan di Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Ia meminta DPRK Bener Meriah mendesak Aparat Penegak Hukum (APH) mengusut dugaan indikasi korupsi terkait  pengadaan huller, pulper, gunting pangkas dan lain-lain di Dinas terkait. “Saya menduga keras ada indikasi korupsi…
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matsumayhem · 7 years ago
Osomatsu san and Hetalia universe switch. The neets are now immortals and have permanent jobs. The countries become neets shits who is not worth for living, how does Karamatsu and Ichimatsu react when they meet aph France and aph England?
We’re gonna keep this mostly Osomatsu San related so we’re only gonna do headcanons for the boys!
He’s got to be the British Empire.
Sort of freaks out when he finds out he can speak fluent English with the classy accent, but soon uses it for… other things.
(North Americans drool over Brits’ accents.)
Soon finds himself constantly quarrelling with Karamat- I mean, France.
Very quickly gets tired of all the work he’s got to put up with.
Finds himself complaining about everything America is doing wrong.
“Totty, you bloody idiot! Watch how your older brother does it-” *gets voted out of EU* “…oh.”
Definitely the French Republic!
I’m not sure if being French makes him more painful or more charming.
As a Frenchie, now he gets to laze around and drink wine and eat chocolate to his heart’s content.
Surrenders very easily and relies on his allies (mostly Ichi- er, Russia) to get him out of trouble.
Loves everyone, and everyone loves him! (At long last~)
Friends with Russia forever, practically. Really loves Russia. Russia is family.
“Mon frère~” “Закройте.”
Absolutely the State of Japan.
Notices Russia hovering over him… *awkward atmosphere sets in*
(Sakhalin is literally right there across from Hokkaido)
Has a particularly strong bond with Britain (Anglo-Japanese Alliance)
A quiet, peaceful country, but relations with China are rather troublesome.
Since he’s immortal, he doesn’t have to worry about getting a job or paying.
So he spends most of his time in Akihabara district.
Tries to have good bonds with everyone, but likes mostly England and America.
He looks very scary, but he’s just antisocial. And has a hard time making friends.
“I don’t need friends, they disappoint me. Cats, vodka, and mayonez are all I’ll ever need.”
Really tired of America’s bullsh*t.
Highkey loves China.
Lowkey loves France. No one must know about blyatmatsu.
He’s s t r o n k af. I guess that’s why everyone fears him… probably.
Blyatmatsu/Блятьmatsu is new nickname for comrade Kusomatsu/くそ松 (It means literally the exact same thing, but in RUSSIAN)
Блять is his new favorite word.
The People’s Republic of China!
Really really good old friend of Russia’s.
Doesn’t really like Japan nowadays, though… their relationship has been icy.
Does his best to get along with everyone, but America is seriously a pain.
“…maybe I fund Korea because I don’t want your face and your guns to be the first thing I see when I step outside.”
Not as strong as he was 1000+ years ago, which makes him kinda A N G E R Y
Even if the Internet is controlled that won’t stop him from blowing up Russia’s inbox with illegal memes.
The United States of America… honestly.
Does his best at his job, even if people don’t like his boss.
Tweets frequently.
Likes to throw shade at Russia. No one knows why, it could be because he’s salty about the Space Race (whiCH WAS A LONG TIME AGO DAMN)
Everytime the DPRK makes a nuke threat he laughs his ass off.
But he will kill for Britain. And his other relatives.
 - Mod Rice
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lanliingwang · 11 years ago
Norway-Lukas Bondevik pokes Hyun Hyun with a stick uwu)) 
Im Seung-Hyun [North Korea] is poked-]] 
Im Seung-Hyun [North Korea] hisses at the Norwegian and scurries away]]
Norway-Lukas Bondevik is curious about this particular North Korean and scurries after him.)) 
Im Seung-Hyun [North Korea] takes a hiding place under a couch, the only thing visual, and very comically, are eyes. ouo]] 
Norway-Lukas Bondevik pokes the mound of Hyun-Hyun under the couch-)) 
Im Seung-Hyun [North Korea] swats at Lukas with a stick. shoo shoo!]] 
Norway-Lukas Bondevik is swatted at-)) 
Norway-Lukas Bondevik jots down something in a notebook that he just so happens to have and scoots away-)) 
Im Seung-Hyun [North Korea] doesn't enjoy being studied and ponders on taking that notebook.]] 
Norway-Lukas Bondevik ouo)) 
Im Seung-Hyun [North Korea] ene]] 
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