#aph Iberia
smoothie03 · 1 year
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[Ancient Hetalia]
A little illustration series I made in February/March before my exam about the Antiquity.
Here we have Ancient Egypt, Mama Iberia/Hispania (Spain and Portugal's mom), Minoan Crete (Ancient Greece's mom), Ancient Greece, Britannia, Germania and Noricum (Austria's mom and Germania's sister)
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heracleskarpusi · 7 months
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byzantine mama greece and mama iberia drawings once again because i love women 💕
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flash56-chase05 · 3 months
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«Iberia» y Roma.
Llevo con el boceto de Iberia desde antes de escribir Mujer de barro, porque me he dado cuenta que la última (y primera) ilustración que hice de ella no tenía personalidad alguna.
Roma fue una adición reciente, y un dolor de cabeza con el tema de la ropa.
Pieza accesoria a Campos del Edén.
En fin, la Hetaberia Week 2024 ya ha terminado —o por lo menos para mí; sigue habiendo dos semanas más—, aunque no quería poner el punto final sin antes una pequeña ilustración.
Tres meses he tenido los esbozos de todos los días en las notas del móvil —salvo el Día 1, que se me ocurrió a principios de junio de vacaciones en, oh, sorpresa, Valencia—, y, aun así, he tenido que escribirlos prácticamente al día.
Pero, dentro de lo que cabe, ha salido bastante bien.
A pesar de que, por ejemplo, al escribir el día 4 (Terrores de medianoche) estaba con una migraña bastante puñetera, y, al mismo tiempo, en busca de una planta que diese habas negras y que no viniese de América, porque no tenía sentido que los romanos las utilizasen para espantar a los lémures si no había variedad que la diese en los continentes a los que tenían acceso.
Y la encontré.
(Vicia faba, por ejemplo).
O que la segunda mitad del día 3 (Cristal templado) fue escrita mientras les estaban dando unos retoques a las ventanas de mi casa.
Pequeñas anécdotas a un lado, aprovecho esta publicación para agradecer a todos aquellos que hayan leído las piezas de la semana anterior, han dejado kudos en Ao3 y/o un comentario.
(Y no, no voy a explicar ahora mismo mi headcanon sobre la relación entre Iberia y Roma. No es el momento).
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
Madre Iberia
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I adored @marraiwa's version ❤
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aphspain-pure · 2 years
Mamá Iberia & papá Roma
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parsemage · 2 years
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Iberian bros! 🇵🇹🤝🇪🇸 I love these two so much 😤
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owakoblack-portspa · 2 years
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My new PortSpa story video, "Lisbon Story, 1755". 38 minutes long! Adults only! Watch here: you tube.com/watch?v=T_3la-aCSFQ
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kaimaciel · 2 years
Mandatory ask about Iberia and her relationship with her boys after Caju's ask ♡
Yay! Hi Oxi!
Iberia was a warrior first, so she was strick with her boys, she made sure they knew how to fend for themselves, so she would strap them on her back and take them to the montains and the woods to hunt and train. When Rome came over, she would send them to him because the bastard had to do his part. They were like bitter divorced parents.
As the oldest, I think she was particulary strick with Lusitania. He had to look after Hispania, make sure he didn't die eating poisoned berries or wandered off to be eaten by wolves. He'd also spend more time with her, since he ran away from Rome so often, listening to her stories, fishing, hunting and braiding their hair (like her, Lusitania kept his hair long no matter how much Rome wanted him to cut it). She would also threathen to castrate Rome whenever he insinuated her boy was a barbarian.
Hispania was her baby boy. She was strick with him, but he managed to win her over with his bright smile and cuddling with her. I like to think Hispania wanted his mama and papa to get along, wanted his big brother to get along too, but they were all so stubborn! Plus, Hispania was daddy's boy, he worshiped Rome, which made Iberia a bit sad, but also furious whenever Rome disappointed her baby by not visiting when he had promised.
I said it before, but I think the relationship was complex because Iberia knew her sons birth meant her time was coming to an end. She loved them and wanted to make sure they would be okay when she was gone. Also, two sons meant her land was going to be divided and that hardly ended well. Like Romulus and Remus, she knew her sons would end up fighting each other, maybe one would even kill the other. It was just the way things worked.
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dailyfandomaesthetics · 11 months
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Revamped Hetalia Ancients Series: Iberia
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houseofkirklands · 1 year
After watching Eurovision the only conclusion I have to make is that Spain and Portugal should kiss each other in front of all Europe
F*k France and Italy
Iberian supremacy 🇪🇸🇵🇹
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peonycats · 2 years
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Ancients Chibis!
from top to bottom, left to right:
Illyria, Iberia (+bby Port), Etruria (more accurately, Tarquinia), Dacia
Thrace, Numidia (more accurately, Masaesyli), Persia/Iran, Gaul
Pontus, Kush, Judea, Ancient Libya
Obligatory disclaimer that Illyria, Iberia, Dacia, Thrace, Gaul, and Ancient Libya had other personifications due to the number of diverse tribes inhabiting these regions they’re just standing in as overall representatives haha
These are just some cute ancients chibis I’ve been working on! If there’s interest, I might turn them into stickers hehe, but for now I’m pretty satisfied with how these designs turned out, and I definitely want to draw them more later!
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marraiwa · 2 years
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heracleskarpusi · 1 year
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doodles from last night because i have a horrible cold rn and this is all i could muster up
first one is mama iberia :3 hopefully it’s mostly historically accurate, admittedly this is not really my area of expertise,,, my one friend loves her and knows quite a bit about ancient iberia so i tried to take that with some of the refs she sent for this
and then second is mama greece, third is antonio, and fourth is young heracles :3
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flash56-chase05 · 3 months
Written for @hetaberia-week Day 7: Warmth / Eternity!
Campos del Edén (Eden's fields).
Después de la muerte, no hay nada que recordar. . After death, there's nothing to remember.
Leer en: Ao3 / ff.net.
Or every time a nation dies temporarily —according to my headcanon—, they dream. Spain visits certain places and people before coming back to life, with no memory at all.
This was supposed to be the only one with a dreamlike atmosphere.
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
How do you see Argentina's family tree?
Nice challenge, Anon! since they're all related it's difficult to spread one clean line. But let's suppose I could and this would be the result.
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(I took only references for the tree; Morra for Iberia, Peonycats for Etruria; Kuraudia for Argentina, Charrua and Pampa; Rowein for Uruguay; Bishos for Guarani; Nekichan for Paraguay. Roma, Spain, Portugal and Italies belong to their creators)
Pampa (Argentina's grandpa) and Charrúa (Uruguay's grandpa) are Ancestors OCs I've made for Latin Hetalia
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Character sheets for all my Hetalia ocs. They are ancient civilizations from the pre-roman Iberian Peninsula.
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