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piiipan · 6 years ago
年末のお出かけ . 羽田空港でのグランドスタッフさんたちの見送りはいつも嬉しく手を振ってしまう。 . その後ガクッと寝ちゃってハッと気がついたら富士山通り過ぎて焦る。 .JAL名人会聞きつつまた寝て。。。映画は、最後まで見れず。。タイに到着。 . タイのスワンナプーム空港で乗り換えてプーケットへ。 . 暑すぎないけど、水分補給忘れずにしないと〜熱中症になりそう。 . 今までAOYONビーチは、人も少なくて、穴場的なビーチだったが、すごく人が多い!!なぜ!?きっと何かに載ったのか?? 結婚式の写真まで撮っていたり。。。 あち��こちらで、撮影会!! 釣りどころではなく、退散。 . panwa地区の夕方、アザーンが響き渡る。 それもまた不思議空間。 #panwa #羽田空港 #羽田空港国際線 #スワンナプーム国際空港 #747 #b747 #777 #ジャンボ機 #jal #日本航空 #グランドスタッフ #phuket #phuketthailand #phuket🇹🇭 #phuket🌴 #phuketbeach #aoyon #aoyonbeach #aoyonbay #aoyonbeachphuket (Phuket, Thailand) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-dTvABBIM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cs1xvo76c694
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isabellayachts · 8 years ago
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🏝Some beaches in Phuket are just like 30 years ago..🌴 #island #wildside #nature #beach #holidays #tropics #love #amazingthailand #relax #palms #sabai #sunnyday #thailife #quietbay #aoyon #phuket #private #boat #charter #isabellayachts [email protected] www.isabellayachtsphuket.com (at Ao Yon Beach, Phuket Thailand)
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kocherinpro · 8 years ago
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Thai memories #aoyon #beach #phuket #thaiboat #thailand #mytravelgram (at Ao Yon Beach, Phuket Thailand)
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lasko2017 · 3 years ago
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Ci devo tornare ... Settembre si fa sempre più vicina ... 😎😎😎😎 (presso บ้านสวนอ่าวยน คาเฟ่ BaanSuan Aoyon Cafe - Halal Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccah4-VoMRqGqUwheUls7hvzdbwmO1qb-5KFxo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reportwire · 3 years ago
Digital Currency Group raises $600M in a new credit facility led by Eldridge, two weeks after raising $700M in a secondary stock sale at a $10B+ valuation (Aoyon Ashraf/CoinDesk)
Aoyon Ashraf / CoinDesk: Digital Currency Group raises $600M in a new credit facility led by Eldridge, two weeks after raising $700M in a secondary stock sale at a $10B+ valuation  —  The financing follows a recent $700 million secondary equity transaction that valued the company at $10 billion. Source link
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joynalvlog112244 · 3 years ago
BaanSuan aoyon cafe & resturent
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/gold-is-bigger-bubble-than-tech-says-63-billion-asset-manager/
Gold is bigger bubble than tech, says $63 billion asset manager
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By Aoyon Ashraf Carillon Tower Advisers Inc. portfolio specialist Matt Orton is a rare critic when it comes to gold’s meteoric rise this year. He says excitement around the metal has made it a bigger bubble than tech stocks.
Orton, who is “quite bullish” on tech stocks, thinks the price of gold has gotten disconnected from fundamentals.
The flow of funds into gold “shows how much enthusiasm and/or speculation has been going into the gold complex,” Orton said in an interview. His firm has more than $63 billion under management and is based in St. Petersburg, Florida.
“Everyone talks about the bubble in technology stocks,” but the tech sector is “rising because a lot of these companies have been able to increase their market shares during Covid,” Orton said. The tech firms also had strong earnings, providing higher visibility to their growth profile, Orton said. Gold’s rally, on the other hand, could “completely derail” once risk factors driving investors to safe havens ease, including lower rates and the weaker US dollar.
Here are other details from the interview:
Orton recommends investors hedge their portfolio by diversifying, rather than allocating money into gold. He also thinks investors should keep some cash in “some form of low-duration assets,” which they can redeploy when needed.
In terms of “tactical asset allocation,” Orton recommends overweighting equities with appropriate diversifications.
Within equities, his preferred sectors are tech and health care. He thinks tech stocks with IT services look interesting as they have underperformed peers and have leverage to the US economy.
In health care, stocks in the equipment business are “particularly interesting” as they have exposure to “durable themes” such as chronic disease treatments.
Orton’s least-favorite sector is mid- to small-cap financial stocks because they will struggle in the low interest rate environment. He also doesn’t recommend investor exposure to the energy sector.
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newsoutbursts · 4 years ago
Gold is bigger bubble than tech, says $63 billion asset manager
Gold is bigger bubble than tech, says $63 billion asset manager
By Aoyon Ashraf Carillon Tower Advisers Inc. portfolio specialist Matt Orton is a rare critic when it comes to gold’s meteoric rise this year. He says excitement around the metal has made it a bigger bubble than tech stocks.
Orton, who is “quite bullish” on tech stocks, thinks the price of gold has gotten disconnected from fundamentals.
The flow of funds into gold “shows how much enthusiasm…
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usnewsrank · 4 years ago
Gold is bigger bubble than tech, says $ 63 billion asset manager
Gold is bigger bubble than tech, says $ 63 billion asset manager
By Aoyon Ashraf Carillon Tower Advisers Inc. portfolio specialist Matt Orton is a rare critic when it comes to gold’s meteoric rise this year. He says the excitement around the metal has made it a bigger bubble than tech stocks. Orton, who is “quite bullish” on tech stocks, believes the price of gold has gotten […]
The post Gold is bigger bubble than tech, says $ 63 billion asset managerappeared…
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hkformalengwriting · 5 years ago
Canada’s Trudeau to Speak to Trump With Spat Over Masks Brewing
By Aoyon Ashraf Read More
More: https://ift.tt/2Xaa12M
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sramindukhu · 5 years ago
Morning Routne of RIZVI and AOYON
Morning Routne of RIZVI and AOYON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmkTKrXpuAM subscribe my channel, please https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsU0iK6IGjCp68UpM9bApQ?sub_confirmation=1
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mikemortgage · 6 years ago
Canadian stocks set for worst month in 7 years — but that beats the States
Canadian stocks are headed for the worst month in seven years after both the staid banking sector and newfangled cannabis stocks bruised the main index.
Together, financial and pot stocks accounted for 31 per cent of the benchmark’s decline this month, with the two sectors contributing 364 points of the 1,179-point drop in the S&P/TSX Composite Index through Oct. 30. Even with Wednesday’s early gains, the index is down 6.4 per cent in October, the biggest monthly drop since September 2011.
Still, the plunge in Canada pales in comparison to south of the border, where the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index is down about 9 per cent in October, on track for its worst month since November 2008.
In Canada, the story is more about rising interest rates and trade concerns. Generally speaking, higher rates are good for bank margins but in Canada they’ve also raised concerns about elevated household debt levels. The Canadian market has taken an additional hit from the recent rout in cannabis shares, which began one day before the country legalized recreational pot on Oct. 17. Concerns about high valuations, supply shortages and limited distribution networks in Canada have all hit the stocks. Gold shares bucked the trend, with Barrick Gold Corp. gaining 16 per cent on the month.
One technical indicator could be a sign of more positive things to come. Every time the 50-day moving average has fallen below the 200-day moving average in the past five years, a rally has followed.
That happened Tuesday and stocks turned higher Wednesday, gaining 1 per cent in early trading. The S&P/TSX appears to be “oversold,” Martin Roberge, portfolio strategist at Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., wrote in a note published Monday.
With assistance from Aoyon Ashraf.
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joynalvlog112244 · 3 years ago
Das beste BaanSuan Aoyon Cafe & Restaurant in Phuket
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