#aot has been in my brain for the past 6 years
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anh3d0n14 · 2 months ago
all I do is mourn arcane, aot and grind in final fantasy
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I don't think Gojo will die. In the newest chapter (145), the brain was explained to have chosen to seal Gojo because as long as Gojo is alive, another 6 eyes user can't be born. 6 eyes users in the past have always defeated him, so the brain took steps to ensure there wouldn't be another one born. Gege also said there's no point for the brain to control Gojo, so there aren't any plans to kill him.
Therefore, it seems like the better plan would be to have Gojo sealed for eternity (and he won't die because time doesn't exist in the prison realm). Therefore, no 6 eyes user will appear to interfere with the brain's plans (there can't be two 6 eyes user in existence at the same time).
Gojo dying would only allow another 6 eyes user to be born (ignoring the fact that the brain couldn't even kill Gojo, as Gege said). And if a new 6 eyes user is born, the plan would have to reset into finding him and then sealing him for eternity just like they did with Gojo to prevent another 6 eyes user being born, which is redundant. Also, if the age of curses come and Sukuna is released, even if the students are somehow able to defeat Sukuna and the brain, the world will still have millions of curses running about. Gojo's the only one with the power scale to defeat all the curses that have sprouted within (possibly) a year, and Gojo could use his power to manipulate the higher ups into lifting the executions in exchange for his help.
There's a lot of ways Gojo could manipulate the higher ups and expose them for what they've done once he's returned, actually, considering the chaos. I think Gojo coming back and saving everyone could potentially bring a new age where people are more inclined to follow Gojo, especially because his students by the time he's escaped would have proved themselves to be capable sorcerers. Gojo could show his competence and ability to lead with his students as proof that a new curriculum for Jujutsu Sorcery is necessary and begin a new era. The turning point would be having his students defeat the thousand year old curse, the brain, and this feat would be impossible for the world to ignore as they would have to respect him and his students for it. This was what he dreamed about, wasn't it? Having educated students follow him and create a new world where people will then follow in his students' footsteps and so on and so forth.
Also, Gojo's the only one who can get the higher ups to do what he says (even if they go behind his back, they still hold off on executions because of Gojo. This shows Gojo has the political power (or persuasiveness/charm) to get the higher ups to obey). Getting rid of him was the only way the higher ups could do whatever they wanted, so having him back puts a wrench into their plans whether they like it or not (which is good for the story). Even if the students end up killing the higher ups, without Gojo, the students will have trouble leading a new era as they are still children.
Overall, Gojo's death would be angsty and make everyone mad, but even for the enemies, it seems like it would be more beneficial to keep him alive. I don't see how Gojo's death could improve the story at all (cause we know Gege only kills people off if they become useless or if it would help character development). It seems like both the good guys and the bad guys need him alive. And even for character development, Gojo's death has more consequences than any other character. The higher ups will be free to do as they please without worrying about him, the curses that have been in hiding for so long will emerge, a fate worse than the Hunger Games, aka the Culling Game, will happen as more curses and curse users appear and toy with humanity- and such a thing has already come to pass just by having him sealed. Unless the point of the story is like AOT where everyone dies and there's no happiness at all, just death and destruction, I think having Gojo's dream start to manifest itself through his students' hardships and growth would be an incredible ending. The whole point in having Gojo sealed, for writing purposes, is to give his students room to grow and develop. But like Nanami said, that maturity doesn't make them an adult. No matter the feat, they are still young- Megumi and Yuji are only 15/16. And what other adult could possibly help lead the students to a new world better than Gojo, who has been dreaming and plotting this for years?
- 🤔
OMG OMG PLS LET THIS BE SO you bring up alot of valid points which gives me hope. I never knew there could be only be one 6 eyes user alive. Then again having multiple people with 6 eyes would just make the things easy, like the curses already hear Gojo but more of people like him? Too overpowered. True while there is some speculation whether or not Gojo would die or not but I don't feel like gege would kill him without a grand purpose. Will Okkotsu Yuta be the next Gojo Satoru? Idk honestly this has been a recurring theme in the manga. Pls I'm so done with the angst if they yeet my boy Gojo it's going to crush my soul and I am definitely going be writing tons of fluff to hide how sad I really am lol sorry if what I'm saying doesn't make sense I'm lacking sleep and not caught up with the manga currently so feel free to ignore what I'm rambling about in the favor of out great 🤔 anon
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catsundercherryblossoms · 6 years ago
|Chapter 6: Awakening| Her Forgotten Past //AOT fanfic//
~A/N~ Enjoy this long chappy :)
All I could do was watch.
A tidal wave of hot steam billowed over the wall. The winds were so strong it swept me clean off my feet and suddenly I was weightless. I hurled through the steam, crashing into several people, and the whole time I was crying out, my skin boiling in the torrid heat.
Then I began to descend. The steam had pushed me off the edge and I was left to fall to my death. Shock stopped my mind from piecing together a means to survive this. I was completely blank. And the ground only got closer and closer.
"... Johanna!"
Then the muscle memory kicked in. I activated the ODM gear at my hips and fired both anchors. They pierced the cement wall and my descent came to an abrupt halt, supported by the wires. Everyone else had done the same.
Except one person.
A blur— a body— fell past me. I looked below at the receding figure and gasped.
"Samuel is still falling!" Someone yelled.
A few feet away, Sasha took action. She retracted her anchors and scaled the side of the wall, running at insane speeds towards Samuel. We all watched as she reached a fairly close distance and shot one anchor at the wall above her, keeping her from falling as well, and shot the other anchor straight into Samuel's calf. There was a sickening crack, but he was hooked securely enough that he no longer fell.
"Don't move!" Sasha screamed at him. There was no telltale sign that he heard her. He seemed to be unconscious.
I hung there as the shock subsided.
"No..." someone gasped besides me. I didn't need to look to know it was Eren. I had been vaguely aware that he was there, but in all the chaos, my brain was having trouble processing things.
He stared straight below us. I followed his gaze down. Whatever shred of hope left inside me vanished the moment I saw it.
The wall was breached. A gaping hole had been kicked in by the Colossal Titan, exposing all of humanity to what was sure to be pandemonium. Fear seeped out of every pore in my body. I felt like throwing up right then and there.
"They're gonna get in..." Connie's voice echoed as he too saw the damage. He repeated it until he was full out hysterical. "They're gonna in! THEY'RE GONNA GET IN!"
Oh my god. This was really happening.
"THIS IS IT, PEOPLE! DO OR DIE!" Eren shouted. He drew out his blades and I watched in disbelief as he swung around the side of the wall, using his gas to propel him upwards. "TAKE OUT THE COLOSSAL TITAN! THIS IS OUR CHANCE! DON'T LET HIM SLIP AWAY!"
Before we could stop him he was gone. He's out of his mind, I thought in horror, he is really, truly out of his damn mind!
None of us moved from our spots. At least this meant I wasn't the only person scared shitless. But dear god, how could this be? So soon? Was it really our time to go? We're still so young...
Maybe humanity is weak. Maybe there's really nothing we can do to help our cause.
My eyes narrowed. No. The strength returned to my legs and I took one step upwards. It wasn't much, but it was progress.
I graduated second place in the top ten..., I thought over and over like a mantra. The rational part of my brain sent me warning signals, telling me that if I did this I would surely die, but I kept going. The least I can do is stop playing statue, and move...
"I'm going up there!" I said, and launched off using my gear. "Me too!" Connie said, and we landed atop the wall, greeted by slowly dispersing steam. It wasn't long before Thomas joined us too.
The three of us waved away the steam, trying to see past it. It was suspiciously quiet. Was Eren okay? Was he even alive? The air finally cleared to reveal...
Nothing. I gaped. How is it possible for such an enormous Titan to simply disappear? We checked left and right, but still nothing. It was gone without a trace, having finished its job.
A hand appeared on the edge of the wall, feeling around for a grip. Eren. I rushed forwards and took his hand, pulling him up. We bumped into each other, my face planting on his chest.
"Sorry." We both said, flustered.
I looked at him. He didn't seem to be injured. And judging by the look on his face, he was just as— if not more— confused as us.
"What happened? Where'd he go?" Thomas asked.
"I don't know!" Eren said, troubled. "I had him. I was so close and then he released some more steam. It immobilized me for a couple minutes, and when I opened my eyes, he wasn't there anymore! It was just like five years ago. Here one moment, and gone the next." He lowered his head, his lips forming a thin line. "I'm sorry, guys."
"Don't apologize. We were too scared to move. If anything... your actions were admirable." I said sincerely. Truth be told, I was bitterly ashamed at my poor behavior. Everything I had learned these past three years seemed to fly out the window in the face of danger. And this was only the beginning.
"Wallow on your own time!" Connie said in a panic. "In case you haven't noticed, there's a breach we've gotta take care of! If the titans start pouring in, it'll be the end of us."
"Look alive!" Someone shouted. We turned to see a Garrison soldier land on the wall. We got in line and saluted. "Operation Colossal Titan Response is in effect! I expect you all to take part. Report to HQ!" He ordered.
"Yes, sir!" We replied. Our voices sounded stronger than how we truly felt. "We pray the advance team is victorious!"
HQ was nothing short of a mess. People scurried around the building, trying to find their loved ones. Desperate crowds formed by the gas supply, everyone eager to fill their tanks so as to not run short mid-battle. The last thing you want is to be flying and then suddenly run out of gas. It's a sure way to find yourself dropping inside a Titans mouth. I filled my tanks and got out as quick as possible, going to the courtyard. Several people were out here too, some of them cadets and some of them Garrison soldiers. A Garrison official rounded us up for a meeting. Soon enough we were all in rows doing our salute, listening to his pep talk which consisted of distressed shouting and very little pep.
I searched the faces around me, trying to find Annie. I hadn't seen her since before the Colossal Titan showed up, and I was starting to worry.
"I expect you all to hold your posts now that the Advance Team has been wiped out! That's right! The outer gate is history! The titans are in!" The Garrison official, Captain Woerman, shouted. There were gasps and a few moans of hopelessness at these news. I felt myself spiral deeper into despair. The advance team... a large chunk of the most trained Garrisons, and they were all killed in less than thirty minutes.
The possibility that I would get to see the sunrise tomorrow was shrinking.
I'm not afraid to die, necessarily. But dying a quick, painless death is completely different than being eaten alive. I think it's the gore that frightened all of us the most.
Captain Woerman's voice cracked as he continued, "The Armored Titan is likely to reappear! If and when he does, the inner gate will also be history! Your mission is a very simple one: defend the wall until the evacuation of the citizens is done! Now, be aware all of you, that desertion is punishable by execution! If it comes to it, lay down your lives! DISMISSED!"
"Sir!" We shouted back.
Yeah. That pep talk did no one good. If anything, people looked even more terrified. I remembered the Colossal Titan, and how I'd paralyzed upon seeing it, and then pictured a whole mass of normal titans, all varying in sizes and all of their mouths foaming hungrily, waiting to fit me inside—
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Annie standing there, her expression calm.
"There you are!" I said, not bothering to mask my anxiety. "Where's Reiner and Bertholdt? Where the hell were you?"
"I was getting gas." Annie said without answering my previous question. "How're you holding up? You look pale."
"Annie, I'm not sure I can do this. It was different back in training— those dummies they had us kill are nothing compared to these monsters!" My heart sunk. "What if I can't do it? Everyone congratulated me yesterday, saying 'Oh, you're one of the bests we've got!'. But what if I'm not? I'll probably die the minute I get out there and—"
My head snapped to the side like I had gotten whiplash. It happened so quick— I barely saw it coming. Bewildered, I touched the stinging spot on my cheek.
Annie had slapped me.
"Annie, why—"
"Listen to me," she put both hands on my shoulders, gripping me firmly. "You can do this. Jo, I have watched you since day one and I knew right away that you have a unique quality others lack. Self-reliance. You depend on yourself to get what you want. You have the power to crush your weaknesses. When you're in danger, you become your own savior. That kind of mindset is what's going to keep you alive. So do all of us a favor, and hold onto it."
I was at a loss for words. In the three years that I've known Annie, I don't think she's ever spoken such amiable yet honest words before. She's never the type to uplift and sympathize with people when they're upset— she's not Krista, always going out of her way to help people. No. Usually Annie will spit out a cryptic sentence and then walk off, leaving people guessing. I always respected that. But her breaking her habits to support me like this... I appreciated it a lot.
"You're right." I said soberly. I felt I had been lost in a dark cave, panicking and with no sense of direction, but now I was seeing the light. "I'm sorry, Annie... I don't know what got into me. Thank you."
"Anytime. It's what friends do, right?" She smiled. It was a rare sight on her, but it looked nice. Like it should be there more often.
We hugged briefly and I wished her luck in battle. I turned and almost stepped into a puddle of vomit. I clicked my tongue in disgust as the cadet, Daz, continued hurling on the stone floor. Trying to get the image of sick out of my mind, I sidestepped him and continued walking.
"Everyone! Go to your assigned squads now!" A Garrison soldier barked at us. "This is the time to fight! Go!"
No, I thought and scanned the area as people started running back and forth, trying to gather their squad members. There's still someone I wanted to talk to. And I wouldn't go anywhere until I did.
I spotted Jean. Relief poured over me and I ran to him, dodging people along the way. The second we were within reach we hugged. It was unlike any hug we shared before. Jean— the boy who offered me part of his lunch and a place to sleep when I was just six years old, the boy who showed me kindness when the whole world had treated me cruelly, the boy who I've grown up with and tolerated despite his cavalier antics... In this moment, embracing each other like it would be our last chance, I realized just how much he meant to me.
I realized that even though I had no family, he was the closest thing to family this life would ever gift me. And today... I might lose him.
If something were to happen to him, I don't know how I would take it.
"Please be safe." I told him. He nodded vigorously against my shoulder.
We parted, quickly jumping into our salutes. "Yes, sir?" I asked the Garrison soldier.
His weary eyes looked me up and down, unimpressed. "We need you at the rear guard. You've been assigned to our team on special orders."
I didn't know if I should be honored or scared out of my wits. "But sir, there must be some kind of mistake. I'm a cadet, I—"
"I'm not asking you for a self-evaluation! And the Garrison doesn't make mistakes. The mass exodus is falling apart. We need as many elite soldiers as possible to get things back on track. Now get moving!" He said tersely. He turned and walked off without waiting for a second response.
"Do good out there. And promise me you’ll come back in one piece." Jean said, frowning.
Promises have never been my thing. I've never understood the reason behind them. The future is never certain. Why promise someone an outcome you can't guarantee? Well, I think I understand now. Sometimes... it's better to smile and pretend to have total control of the events in your life. All it takes is two empty words:
"I promise."
I managed to catch up to the Garrison soldier. Although there was hardly time for proper introductions, he squeezed his name in during the brief journey to our posts, which was a small distance away from the inner gate where civilians were currently evacuating. His name was Ian, and he apparently would be my leader for the day. The rear guard consisted of five people, but a single look at their stony faces was all it took to know that these were the best of the best— humanity's shoulder to lean on. I couldn't help but question... am I up to par? Will I match up to their skills?
I saw a head of shiny, black hair and the deep red of a scarf, and instantly felt more at ease. "Mikasa!" I called out to her.
She was on the roof across the alleyway from me. She turned and her eyes gleamed when she saw me. "Jo, what a relief. Nice to see I'm not the only cadet here."
"The feeling is mutual." I said with a half-smile.
The next half hour was painstakingly slow. We never let our guard down, always keeping an eye out for Titans, but it seemed the middle guard was doing an adequate job at holding them back. I tried to imagine what would happen not if, but when a Titan showed up. I couldn't lie to myself any longer. It was bound to happen, and I needed to be ready. If I froze up again... I would never forgive myself.
A rumble could be heard two streets away. We all turned and— to our shared horror— saw a group of five titans. Four of them ambled at an even pace, ranging ten to thirteen meters tall, lanky and with disproportionate limbs. I gulped at the sight, but it was the fifth one that really concerned me. It was clearly an abnormal. I remember learning about them in class at the training camp. They usually displayed erratic behavior and this one certainly had no problem showing it. The ugly beast tore down the street as though he were in some kind of marathon, flailing its arms absurdly, slapping buildings along the way.
Damn it, how could the middle guard let this happen? One is understandable, but five? I thought, gritting my teeth. Something must've gone wrong...
"What are we waiting for?" Ian yelled. "Get them!"
Before I knew it, everyone around me was diving off the roof and advancing towards the titans, flying through the air like hawks ready to catch their prey. But I didn't move an inch. Not yet.
Sweat clammed my hands, and it was hard to get a firm grip on my blades. The image of the colossal titan flashed in my mind. Not again... not again...
"Jo! Jo, you have to fight!"
I blinked. Something deep within me snapped upon hearing Mikasa's voice. I looked up and saw the team working together, jumping off buildings to avoid the titans' hits.
You have the power to crush your weaknesses...
You become your own savior...
What is this feeling? No, not feeling... power. My whole body felt charged with a newfound energy. I was suddenly aware of my pulse as it hammered in my ears with the force of a thousand drums. The sweat on my hands dried, and electricity prickled my fingertips as my grip tightened on the blades. Every fiber of my being felt alive... activated...
I knew exactly what I had to do.
I took off the roof with such force that my foot broke the tile. Wind whistled and pressed on me from all sides as I flew towards my squad at breakneck speed. Close... so close...
A girl with chestnut hair was busy trying to target the nape of a titan's neck. She was doing good— dodging cleverly as it thrashed around— but then the worst happened. A titan another soldier had failed to kill snatched her from behind. She was caught in its fist as the Titan slowly raised her up, admiring its new toy. The girl wailed in terror.
"Lise!" Ian screamed.
Not on my watch. I raised my blades and let out a war cry, spinning as I brought them down for the kill.
I don't remember the details exactly. It was over and done with in the fraction of a second. Next thing I know I'm on the ground, my legs sturdy and surprisingly not shaking. When I turned around I was met with a titan carcass— the Titan that I had just slaughtered. I took a look at its nape. A perfect crescent had been carved out of the flesh.
Wait... I did that?
I held up a blood-soaked blade in admiration. What else was I capable of?
"Lise! Are you okay?" Ian approached her as she crawled out of the Titan's limp hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She said with a hint of shame in her eyes. "I'm so—" she let out a gasp that caught all of our attentions. She pointed a finger at something over the buildings. "The abnormal!"
The Titan was visible over the rooftops as it raced down the street, heading in the direction of the gate.
The gate where the citizens were.
"Shit! I thought someone took care of it!" Ian screamed.
"Mikasa, let's go!" I shouted and launched into the air. I didn't need to check to know she was close behind me. We set foot on the roof of a bakery and then dove into the street where the Titan rampaged. We tailed after it, pushing our gas to go faster and faster. In the distance I could see the crowd of people by the gate. Screams erupted once they lay eyes on the Titan.
We finally reached a fair proximity.
"Mikasa! Now!" I yelled.
We both zoomed towards its neck and sunk our blades simultaneously. I carved over while she carved under, creating a precise crescent. The slab of flesh popped out and the Titan fell forwards. Mikasa and I planted ourselves on its back, maintaining our balance as we rode it all the way down. The people pressed back against the wall to avoid being crushed until finally, the titan fell to the ground like dead weight.
We stood on its carcass, catching our breath. I looked at Mikasa and she gave me a smile as if to say 'nice work'.
When I looked ahead again, however, my brows furrowed. "Wait..." I said to myself softly, confused.
I hadn't realized it before, but there was a reason why the citizens crowded around the wall instead of fleeing into Wall Rose. A huge wagon blocked the gate. Two merchant men tried pushing it through, despite the fact that it was obviously too wide to fit. A fat middle-aged man, who I could only assume was their boss, barked at them to try harder. The citizens, stuck in a place between relief at being saved and frustration because they could not evacuate, watched the merchants wearily.
"What's going on here?" Mikasa asked demandingly.
The fat merchant turned to us. His face creased angrily. "You couldn't come at a better time! Force these morons to push my wagon." He gestured to the people. "I'll pay you handsomely!"
I hoped to Sina he wasn't being serious. What kind of entitled asshole...
"Are you kidding me?" Mikasa said to him. "We're laying down our lives out there! All so you guys can escape, and it's taking too long because of this?"
"So?" The fat merchant spat. "That's their job! You expect me to shed a tear because you guys are doing what you signed up for? You're supposed to lay down your lives! Don't get all sensitive on me because you're finally completing your duties after all these years!"
Enough. I hopped off the carcass and Mikasa followed suit. Incense burned in my heart. The crowd cleared a way for us to pass, and we approached the merchants intimidatingly.
"Well sir," I said bitingly, "if you think people dying for other people is a given, then I'm sure you'll understand that sacrificing one life can save the many lives of others.”
He wasn't fazed. Yet. "Go ahead! Try it! Your commander and I are old friends! One word from me and he'll be all over your sorry ass. You two—" he snapped at his two employees. "Do something!" He ordered.
Unsure but too scared to disobey, the employees approached Mikasa and I. They cracked their knuckles.
I scoffed. "Is that supposed to be scary? Don't make me laugh..."
The employees ran at us. I ducked between them and clobbered the back of their heads using the handles of my blades, taking them out easily. They fell like bowling pins.
Mikasa proceeded towards the fat merchant, who now quaked in his boots. She faced him with a steely glare and raised a blade threateningly. "About that word to our commander... how will you speak from beneath the grave?" She said, her voice dangerously low.
"Wait!" He said just as she brought her blade down. It stopped at his neck and he cowered under it. He looked urgently at his employees, who were struggling to get up. "You two... pull the damn wagon out."
In a manner of minutes the gate was cleared and citizens streamed through, crossing into Wall Rose safely with their families. Mikasa watched contentedly while I disposed of my dull blades, switching them out for sharper ones.
"Both of you were amazing!" A high-pitched voice said.
We turned to see a little girl and her mother not far from where we stood. The mother smiled wanly, holding her child close while the girl's eyes sparkled with admiration
"You saved our lives. All of us are in your debt." The mother said and bowed her head.
I was surprised and flattered by her gratitude. Mikasa and I saluted. Soon they turned and walked out the gate, the little girl recounting avidly how we had killed the Titan as she skipped alongside her mother. A warm feeling blossomed in my chest. Protecting them made me feel like I had a purpose.
"We'd better head back." I said, ready to get back to business. "Ian will probably want—" I saw the frown on Mikasa's face and immediately stopped. "What is it?"
"Those five titans... how could they get past the middle guard? For that kind of number to slip past them..." She trailed off.
She didn't have to say any more. I had already caught on. "You're worried about Eren, aren't you." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. I sighed doubtfully and stared at the city around me. Gray clouds hung low, darkening the atmosphere. It was going to rain soon.
I got an idea. It was risky, but... I could do it.
"I'll go and check on him for you." I offered.
Mikasa stared at me, her gray eyes which so exactly matched the weather wide and trusting. "You'd do that?"
"I don't see why not. It gives me a chance to check up on my friends too." I said with a shrug. My hand rested on the anchor triggers.
"Thank you." She said, and taking me by surprise, pulled me into a hug. I hugged back sympathetically nevertheless. "I'll handle Ian and make up an excuse for your absence."
"Thanks. I'll be back in ten minutes, tops." I said with one last squeeze and then turned away. Building a running start, I ejected my anchors and took off.
The scenery darkened and turned more grim the closer I got to the middle guard. The cobblestone streets were littered with gore. Puddles of blood mingled with the now pouring rain and pieces of military uniform from fallen soldiers floated down the banks. But it wasn't only uniform that was left behind... mangled bits of bodies and even entire limbs were the result of the Titans feasting to their hearts content. I tried not to picture any of that gore belonging to someone I knew and instead used all the tragedy around me to fuel my rage, slaying whatever Titan I encountered along the way.
A scream. It traveled through the wind and reached me. I turned, wet hair whipping with my every movement as I blasted off in the direction of the terrified source. Rain drops pelleted my face, but I payed no mind to it. I started to see two shapes in the distance: a titan, and a person in its hold. The beast held the person like a puppy by the scruff, dangling them over its ajar mouth.
He had wheat-gold hair.
"Armin!" I screamed.
Maybe it was fate. Bad luck, some would say. But no matter what, I will still blame myself. It was my thoughtless mistake. This whole time, I had been using too much gas. My engine sputtered just as I got within five feet of Armin and the Titan. I fell with a crash onto the roof right next to them. Scraped and torn, I got up anyways.
What I do, what do I do, what do I do...., I panicked. I had no gas. How would I get to the titan's neck to kill it?
The Titan dangled Armin lower into its mouth. My brain screeched to a halt, No time to think. My instinct reacted before I could give the 'okay'.
I ran headfirst at the Titan, leaped, and clung onto its facial hair. The tufts of his beard allowed me to pull myself up. Just as I reached his tilted chin, I heard a horrible scream. The Titan had dropped Armin. I hurried and jumped into its mouth, wedged between its teeth with one arm holding the roof of its mouth up and the other hand reaching inside blindly, desperate... hoping...
A hand grabbed mine. Armin's hand.
I did not feel relief yet. My fear only intensified as I tried to pull him up with one arm, while at the same time fighting to keep the Titan's mouth open.
Armin's face was stricken beyond shock. Tears flowed down his grimy face. "Jo!" was all he could get out.
My whole body trembled as I used all my strength to pull him up, up, up until finally, with one last powerful tug I chucked him out. He screamed as he landed on the roof behind me. He was out. He was saved. He was safe.
But I was not.
My knee slipped on the Titan's slimy tongue and I lost all balance. A nightmarish scream rippled throughout the cavern of its mouth as I slipped down. It might've been mine, it might've been Armin's. It might've been both of us.
Then, an iron-grip clasped around my forearm. I hung midway down the Titan's throat, and looked up to see a pair of fiery green eyes staring back at me.
"EREN!" I shrieked. I couldn't tell if my eyes were burning because of the awful stench or the prospect of oncoming tears. Delirium was getting the best of me.
"Hold on to my leg!" He yelled.
That's when I saw it: the grotesque remainder of his left leg. The rest below his knee had been bitten clean off. I tried not to look at it too much and carefully grabbed ahold of his right leg instead. He slipped a little and I screamed.
"Armin..." He croaked, looking outside the Titan's mouth, doing the same as I had done. He struggled to keep the mouth open with one hand, pushing up as much as he could, and extended his other arm towards Armin. The gap between him and his friend was so large... but if he could just reach a little more...
Armin's wail was the last thing I heard before the mouth snapped shut, and we were swallowed whole.
End of Chapter 6
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rieshon · 8 years ago
Fall 2017 Preview
Another season, another... season.
1 Houseki no Kuni: This might be one that looks silly in three months but it's definitely the show I'm most excited for right now. 3D anime has been nothing but good to me for the past few years and has proven to me that both cute girls and the spirit of Japanese anime can be preserved in 3D. This one has got an out-there concept and aesthetic and I can't wait to see what they do with it. Add to that the best voice cast of the season and you've got yourself a hype.
2 Blend S: This is going to be amazing. Just look at what it says under the title in the logo. [x]SADISTIC [x]TSUNDERE [x]IMOUTO [x]ONEESAN [x]IDOL. It's got all the ingredients: adorable character design, a blondenblu, and a cafe theme which automatically makes me think it's better because of subconscious influence from Gochiusa. It can't miss!
3 Konohana Kitan: Cute shrine shenanigans! Blend S is my pick for cute girls doing cute things this season but this show doesn't look like it's going to lag very far behind. The director is the guy responsible for a couple of criminally underrated classics: Ebiten and Nagasarete Airantou.
4 Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou: This looks like it could be what I really wanted out of Made in Abyss: cute girls having slow adventures at the end of the world. The ever-masterful Fudeyasu Kazuyuki is penning the adaptation, so it's got everything going for it. A definite AOTS contender.
5 Mahoutsukai no Yome: This looks like one of the most... serious? shows of next season? I'm not really sure how to put it. It actually looks like it has an interesting plot and setting and stuff? Anime has broken my brain's ability to think about fiction outside of the frame of cute girls. Girls do look cute though!
6 Kino no Tabi: Kino is one of those things I've always heard about being really good but never had anything to do with. Never saw the old anime (it was already old when I started watching anime in 2004) or read any of the novel, but by all accounts it's one of the best LNs out there. Kuroboshi Kouhaku's stock couldn't be higher right now, so it's as good a time as any to do a new adaptation of it. Ao-chan and Ayaneru is a power duo in the cast department so I have high hopes for this one.
7 Imouto Sae Ireba Ii: I recently read the first volume of the LN this is based on, and honestly, I thought it was kind of bad. But if there's one thought I had while reading it, it was "this should really be an anime and not a book." There's literally no plot to speak of, it's just sequential vignettes of characters doing random things like playing a tabletop RPG or going to Okinawa because reasons. That makes for a shitty novel, but sounds like it'll be right up my alley for an anime. Plus Oonuma Shin is directing, and you know he's one of my all-time favorites.
8 Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Shobicchi na Ken: Now this, lads, is anime. It's an anime about dirty jokes starring Yuuki Aoi, how can it NOT be good?
9 Himouto! Umaru-chan R: I keep forgetting this is coming next season entirely. Umaru is one of those shows that firmly occupies a distinct "second tier" of cute girl doing cute thing shows. Not bad by any stretch of the imagination, and I have fond memories of the first season, but just lacking that je nais sais quoi that your Gochiusas and Hidamaris have. Looking forward to more Kirie-chan, who is best girl.
10 Two Car: When I see the title of this show (it's つうかあ in Japanese) I just hear the train driver from Densha de Go announcing that he's passing through a station. Everyone thinks of the same thing when you mention an all-girl sports anime based on an obscure or fictionalized concept; I don't think I even need to mention it by name. That's right, but I don't think this will be nearly as lewd as Keijo! No but in all seriousness, it's gonna be Garupan but with sidecars. I just wish the girls wore lewd outfits or something instead of race suits. What can I say, I am simple man.
11 Kujira no Ko-ra wa Sunajou ni Utau: Looks fantasy as fuck. Ishiguro Kyouhei is directing his first anime since the best show of last year, Occultic;Nine, and the usually capable Yokote Michiko is on the script (although I haven't actually liked anything she's written since uh, I guess Sekkou Boys would be the last one...) Still, this kind of artsy-fartsy show looks like a good followup to O;9 for Ishiguro so I'm interested in how it turns out.
12 Dies irae: Everyone says the game this is based on is a masterpiece, or whatever, but all anyone is going to talk about with this show is it's that one crowdfunded show. If it turns out to be bad everyone is going to feel real stupid. The character designs look pretty ugly to my taste, although Nabatame Hitomi's character is pretty cute. Man, when was the last time Naba-nee played a major heroine?
13 Ousama Game The Animation: Ah yes the Osama Game. Death game stories are always way too far up their own ass; I think the only good one I've seen was Akuma no Riddle and that was solely good because the entire cast was cute girls. There's some pretty cute girls in this one too but it looks like most of the main cast is dudes. Nice to see Pine Jam continue to raise their profile though.
14 URAHARA: The joshiryoku is takai with this one. The art looks aesthetic but the PV makes it look kind of cheap and doesn't inspire confidence. I'm not sure if Takahashi Natsuko has ever written an original anime of note so it's up in the air how this one turns out.
15 Wake Up, Girls! Shinshou: Ah WUG, or as it's known in the business, Yamakan's Folly. Funnily enough, Yamakan isn't even bothering to direct this one and I'm really interested to see if that's a good or a bad thing. WUG is definitely at the bottom of the tier ranking for idol anime but it's kind of taken on a life of its own, with the 3D version of the Wake Up Girls being pretty successful. The first anime was just okay; it'll be cool if they could pull an actually good one out of their hats.
16 Lovelive! Sunshine!!: Why do I continue to subject myself to aidorus. The first season of Sunshine was garbo and I hated it for just being the exact same thing as the original but worse. And yet I'm going to happily watch the second season because it's gonna have more Yohane in it, and Yohane is love, Yohane is life.
17 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -Washio Sumi no Shou-/-Yuusha no Shou-: Yuyuyu may have left a sour taste in a lot of mouths with the way it ended, but it was a complete story that actually, you know, ended. I'm really not sure we actually need more stories in this world, much less a prequel. We all already know what the twists are now so I'm not sure how they'll make it compelling. The second part of this weird production actually is a sequel but I think I want that even less than I do a prequel. Just leave the memories alone! At least it's got Hanabee.
18 Netojuu no Susume: Dork romance. Almost certainly a short, but Fudeyasu is writing it so it'll surely be good for a laugh.
20 Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji: This is clearly shoujo bait but I'm a total sucker for cute teacher chan-nees and this one looks cute as hell. It's the first show that airs in the season so I'll probably end up checking it out just because of that, but I don't expect to finish it. It's probbaly going to end up being a weird abusive relationship because shoujo.
21 Shokugeki no Souma San no Sara: Unfortunately I won't be watching this since Tane-chan's role was recast. Nothing against Rierie but da Tane was literally half the reason I even watched this series (the other half being Alice who never gets enough screentime anyway).
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obsessedwithereri-nz · 8 years ago
Almost at 1,000 followers!!
Holy crap, I just realised that I am almost at 1,000 followers and that is insane!! When I hit 1,000 I’m going to film a video dedicated to anime, but until then I want my followers to get to know me outside of my anime obsession :) no one tagged me but I want to answer these so meh
1: What’s the most annoying thing about your best friend/s? That they live in another country now :’( makes conversing a little challenging to say the least 2: Least favorite TV shows? I don’t have a least favorite show mainly because when I don’t like a show I typically don’t get further than the first 3-4 episodes. I have a very long list of shows to watch so I don’t bother if it doesn’t grasp my attention by a certain point. 3: Favorite moment with your best friend/s? There are too many shinnanigans we got up to to only pick one! 4: What’s one quality you would like to have? Patience. I am not a patient human being 5: Name three people of your same sex you would: marry, kiss and fuck Marry: Rebel Wilson  Kiss: Nina Dobrev Fuck: Margot Robbie 6: Do you like your full name? Not particularly... I’ve always associated myself with my nickname and usually only my mum uses my full name 7: Tell me your most embarrasing memory Jesus Christ.... okay the only one the pops into mind is in my first year at my new (and last) school, we went on our annual ‘Education Outside the Classroom’ week and we were staying in a Marae (traditional and sacred Maori buildings). One morning I went to the bathroom (as humans do) and when I looked down BAM I had periodness all the way down the back of my PJs... I has just walked through a Marae FULL of about 50-60 13 year olds with blood all the way down past my knees. And I still had to go back out. You can guess school wasn’t a fun time for me. 8: Favorite color to wear? I would say black but it’s not a colour! So either Red or Blue. 9: Favorite restaurant? Anything Italian with decent vegetarian options :) 10: What would be a good first date for you? Anything where we actually get to spend our time together (so no movies or anything). A simple coffee date would be nice (because I looooove me some coffee) 11: Are you a good wrestler? Is this even a question? .................... NEIN. 12: Are you allergic to something? Not that I’m aware of. 13: Would you be a good singer? Absolutely! If you consider an over-enthusiastic tone deaf seal good 14: Who’s the last person you told “I love you” to? My computer screen when I saw an amazing picture of Levi from AoT... That’s not weird..... Right? 15: What car would you buy if you had enough money? A Chevrolet. If possible an Impala from the 1960s or 1970s.  16: Favorite cover of a song? My favourite one at the moment is a slow cover of Reluctant Heroes, it’s so good!!!!! 17: What was your last conversation about? Mandarins. My boyfriend asked if I wanted a Mandarin. I don’t like Mandarins. You can guess where that conversation went. 18: Where were you born? NEW ZEALAND BABY! Born and raised 19: Least favorite app? Those stupid apps that we can’t delete no matter how much we don’t and never will use 20: Tell me two facts about your country of birth It’s small and everyone thinks it’s part of Australia..... IT’S NOT 21: Do you like wearing sunglasses? Not really. Only on really sunny days cause otherwise whenever the sun gets in my eyes I just constantly curse at it 22: When is it a good moment for a first kiss? When they’re not on the toilet. What? It’s true. That’s a baaaaaaaad moment. 23: What are your nationalities? Born and raised in New Zealand but the grandparents are from Europe mainly: Scotland, Denmark and Norway. Explains why I love winter. 24: What would make you drop college/university? Everything I am currently experiencing ^.^ 25: A crossover between two shows (any shows) you would like to see? I would like to see what would happen if the Attack on Titan characters would do if they were stuck in a High School drama. 26: Long or short hair? Short. It’s so much easier to manage, holy crap 27:A character from a book/TV show/movie that shouldn’t have died? SNAPE. FORGIVE BUT NEVER FORGET 28: Favorite movie scene? I’ll quote it for you..... *clears throat* ..... “It........ can’t be. THE PHARAOH HAS RETURNED!” 29: Do you ship more fiction people or more real people? Ficiton. My entire life revolves around the fictional. Real people always disappoint me. 30: Favorite country song? It’s a classic but meh. Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts (I also don’t listen to country music) 31: Favorite John Green book? No. 32: Least favorite Ed Sheeran song? Nope. 33: Favorite ship? The Black Pearl ;) 34: How do you deal with sexual tension? The same way anyone else deals with it ;) by reading some intesnes fanfiction 35: Name a celebrity who died that you miss Michael Jackson and Paul Walker :’( 36: Favorite Harry Potter spell? Alohomora 37: Something you are scared of losing? My harddrive. All my anime is on that thing! 38: Someone you regret meeting? (okay getting real her) No one because everyone I’ve met has made me who I am and I actually like who I am :) 39: Have you ever been hurt by someone you thought he/she was your friend? Hell-to-the-freaking-yes, and my brain literally suffers from their selfishness every day because of it 40: Do you easily open up to people? Yeah cause I don’t care what I tell people anymore. Either way I find out whether they’re meant to be in my life or not. 41: What is a gift you love receiving? People’s time. Yes. Yes my life is that depressing, thanks for asking 42: What is something you could leave easily? My lectures. 43: Rant about that’s eating you up I’M REALLY UNHAPPY WITH WHAT THEY INCLUDED IN THE LATEST ATTACK ON TITAN EPISODE (EP 10 SEASON 2) PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ THE MANGA KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT (HOPEFULLY) BUT THEY BROUGHT SOMETHING FORWARD BY ABOUT A WHOLE SEASON (AND MAYBE 1 1/2 SEASONS) AND IT’S RUINED THE PERFECT TIMING FOR THE REVEAL LATER ON AND IT WAS TOTALLY UNNECESSARY TO USE SO SOON AND THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THIS SHOW HAS DISAPPOINTED ME AND I DON’T LIKE IT WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY YOU DIDN’T NEED TO INCLUDE IT YOU JUST GAVE AWAY A HUGE PLOT POINT ............. okay... I think I’m good? 44: If you could make one phone call to anyone right now, who would it be and what would you say? Dominos to order a cheesy garlic pizza with creme fraiche, 2 lava cakes and a chunky chocolate chip cookie for delivery. 45: Are you easy to love? Not at all.
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