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messy ~ an autistic!skye fic
AN ~ So the dawn of time ago, I got a handful of prompts for autistic!Daisy including one more specific one where Skye has a meltdown when everybody gets mad at her about Miles. A lot has happened with my life and writing since that prompt, but tonight I finally came back to it and realised where I had stumped myself before. I’m so happy to finally untie this knot! So, without further ado, autistic!Skye ft S1 Bus Family, especially the Bus Kids (and yes, there’s found family feels) (but they’re fluffy feels I swear)
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“I told you! I already told you, I didn’t think it would- !”
Something should have seemed off then, when Skye apparently decided to bite her own tongue and fall silent right in the middle of an argument – nay, a fight. Of course, in those few seconds it seemed obvious why she’d done it: there was no way she was going to win against the entire rest of the team, especially when even she herself wasn’t really on her own side. She knew what she had done was wrong, was dangerous, but what she was doing with Shield felt just as wrong, just as dangerous, sometimes. It was all messed up in her head, and now she was beginning to realise that it had become all messed up in her heart as well, and it didn’t seem worth questioning, that she would fall silent in the face of inevitable defeat, with an added dimension of self-exploration.
It was not worth questioning – in fact, the tension was so thick that everyone was actively avoiding questioning it – until they were sitting in the car on the way back to the Bus, and more and more things started to seem off.
Skye didn’t smile at FitzSimmons’ bickering. She didn’t help, or complain, when all their equipment was shoved all over her, she just let it happen as if she didn’t even realise she was in its way. She didn’t ask about music, or bury her head in the nearest device. She didn’t even look at the window. She stared straight ahead, at the back of May’s seat, and if somebody looked closely they might notice her shoulders shaking. Her arms shaking. Her fingers shaking. Her lips shaking.
In a way, Skye knew all this was happening. It had happened before – not for a long time, but it had. She’d forgotten how to hide it properly, she’d caught it too late, and now she was trapped. Trapped in more ways than one. Words felt sharp and stuck in her throat and it felt like she was choking, even when she gave up trying to speak them. Everyone’s anger was so loud, it felt like all the air in the car was shaking with it. Every little jingle of a zip or clearing of a throat, it all clambered on top of each other until there was no air anymore, there was only noise, and all Skye could do was tap on her own arm and remind herself that it would not be long until she could lock herself back in her room on the Bus until all the other sounds went away.
(A little voice in her head began to hiss: They already don’t want you. How much worse could it be? She tapped and tapped, but it only got worse. She’d forgotten how the song went. Had she ever even known at all?)
Then Simmons tapped her on the shoulder, and she almost felt like screaming. Couldn’t they just leave her alone? Hadn’t she already said she was sorry?
“Skye?” she asked. “Are you okay?”
Even their caring was loud. Skye felt tears well in her eyes. She couldn’t do this. What kind of spy was she? Well, she wasn’t one, and that was the whole point wasn’t it? That’s what had led her here to begin with? Failing the people she- Well, these people. Betraying them, actually. Oh, wow. She really did not need this. And the caring. And the cracking open of a bottle of water. Skye gritted her teeth and swallowed, glad that May’s door controlled the locks in this car so she couldn’t throw the door open on impulse. Objectively, she knew, that would be bad, but the sensory overload was worse – well, almost. So she kept tapping, and turned away from Simmons. Maybe they would just figure that she was upset and leave her be. Tapping, tapping. It wouldn’t be much longer.
Simmons, of course, was very good at noticing things, and had never been particularly good at leaving things be. It certainly didn’t help matters that – though in fairness, through not much choice of her own - she was pressed right against Skye’s leg in the confines of the car. She could feel the shaking. The silence in the car was deadly, and people were still annoyed, and Simmons was not all that used to speaking when people were silent and annoyed, but somebody had to, right? It seemed to be what Skye would have done. So Simmons tapped her gently.
“Skye? Are you okay?”
Skye made an uncomfortable sort of motion, almost a shrug, but one that looked like she had never shrugged before in her life. She turned to the window with a slow sort of awkwardness, like she was acting and had forgotten how. Staring out the window, her fingers were moving, tapping back and forth on her own arm, and on the side of the car door, with an incessant, spidery, anxious rhythm, and near-silent, using the pads of her fingers like she was trying to remember some sort of song.
Fitz leaned forward in his seat, and frowned. He’d seen Skye upset before, but not like this. Miserable Skye wasn’t nearly so restless. Worried Skye wasn’t usually so quiet. It made his skin crawl. He could only imagine what it must be like to be inside her head right now. What could possibly have been going on?
He shared a worried glace with Simmons, and then they both looked up into the rear view mirror. May was still paying attention to the road, thank goodness – though she’d never admit that her hands were tighter on the wheel than they otherwise might have been. Coulson looked up and then back at them with concern, even distress, in his expression.
“What is it?” he asked. “Is she sick? Skye, have you eaten today?”
“I think she’s having some sort of seizure,” Fitz put in.
“No, I don’t think that’s it,” Simmons corrected. “She was responsive. Sort of. I think she can hear us, she just… can’t ask for help.”
“What?” Coulson demanded, shifting in his seat, discomfited by the idea that he didn’t know what was going on, and apparently couldn’t do anything about it. “What do you mean, she can’t ask for help? Is it- is it an anxiety attack or something?”
“Well, I wouldn’t blame her,” Fitz muttered, “you were saying some pretty harsh things back there.”
“And you weren’t?”
“Hey, we all said things we didn’t mean, okay, and I’m sure Skye-“
“I’m sure Skye doesn’t need us to speak for her when she’s sitting right here-“
“Well clearly somebody should since she’s gone nonverb- wait. She’s gone nonverbal? Like, nonverbal nonverbal?“
“I think so to.”
Understanding flashed between Fitz and Simmons like electricity in the air. All of a sudden, bags and crates were passed back and forth with purpose as Fitz wrestled noise-cancelling headphones from one of them and his phone from another. Simmons dug around in the packs as well, but she couldn’t find something that fit what she was after quite right.
“What do you need?” May asked. “Should I pull over?”
“Buttons, buttons,” Simmons muttered, gesturing a pressing motion. “She’s doing this sort of, tapping thing. Probably more satisfying with something to push. Like, a calculator, or…”
“This do?”
Coulson held out his car keys. Since Lola was somewhere far away, he had no need of them, and judging by the way Simmons’ eyes lit up, they might just be helpful after all.
“Skye?” Simmons checked with her again, tapping her on the shoulder so that she could be more sure that she was being addressed. “It’s okay. You don’t have to speak. Fitz has something for you, you should put these on. They’re very good. They'll make it quiet.”
She gestured a sort of padding motion with her hands. Skye still looked a little dazed, but if nothing else, she recognised the headphones being held out to her and she didn’t fight it when Fitz reached forward hesitantly to put them on. Instantly, the world was muted. The rushing of the wind past the car, and the wheels on the road beneath her. The jingle of buckles and rattling of breath. All of it faded beneath the sound of her own blood in her ears. It was odd, but soothing. Skye let out a breath.
(The others did too. It had been a long, stressful day and it was nice to take a moment and rally around one of their own. And she was, one of their own, in spite of everything. They took a moment, each to themselves, to reflect on that somehow unsurprising truth.)
Fitz lifted his phone and waved the end of the aux cord.
“Do you want music?” he offered. She frowned, trying to read the shape of his lips. It really was quiet in here; she could only catch the slightest murmur of sound even though, from the shape of his mouth, he was deliberately trying to be loud. “Or can be silent. Music? No music? You know what, here, you pick.”
He plugged the phone in and passed it to her, and she realised what he must have been saying as he left a song paused beneath her fingers. You pick. Huh.
Another tapping on her shoulder. Skye looked toward it, and saw Simmons offer forth a set of car keys. She gestured the clicking motion with them, and passed them to Skye, and it felt a little silly but Skye couldn’t help but smile as she mimicked her. The tapping certainly felt a lot less neurotic this way, where she couldn’t twice feel it on her own skin. Plus, the clicking sensation was oddly satisfying. She did it again, and again, and she had to laugh at herself.
“Simmons, you’re a genius,” she said. “But I guess you already knew that.”
Skye was pretty sure they’d laughed, but she wasn’t quite settled enough to check that yet. The sounds had quietened down, but the anxiety spiral was still going strong. She’d had a lot of these on the way back to the orphanage, and she’d been really looking forward to putting them behind her. Still, at least the view outside looked a lot nicer now that she wasn’t half mad with desire to claw through the glass and get out to it. She didn’t mind the silence, but maybe, she could drown out some of the anxiety too if she tried listening to a song. She could always pause it later if she changed her mind, right?
She pressed play, and this time, it wasn’t herself she laughed at.
“ABBA?” she teased, smirking at Fitz.
“Oi, I was trying to find something you might like.” His indignance was clear, even if his voice was gloriously peacefully muffled.
“Oh, okay sure,” Skye assured him, and as he continued to blather, she added: “For the record, I can’t hear you.”
She could if she wanted to, of course, but she wasn't quite ready to jump back into the wind-whipping reality of the outside world, so instead she pointed at the headphones he had given her, and he rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in exasperation. Simmons stifled a giggle as Skye went back to staring at the view. If she was not mistaken, Fitz would be complaining right about now. Something about how you try to do one nice thing! Jemma would be rolling her eyes at his nonsense and trying to reassure him. May would, just generally, be rolling her eyes. Coulson probably still had his eyes on her in the rear view mirror, Skye mused. He was always looking out for her, that one.
(Somehow, her heart and her head didn’t feel quite so messy anymore.)
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Hello and welcome back for another year of fandom fun with
AOS Advent 2018!
We now have header banners by the fantastic @florchis and of course, plenty of fanworks from all of you!! I meant to do a lot more hyping but this year time got away from me so I would really appreciate it if you could share this challenge far and wide! The more participants, the more fun we all have after all :D
For those of you who aren’t familiar with this little shindig, here’s what’s up:
Between December 1st - 24th (AWST) I will post one prompt per day. The prompt will be a generic (holiday inspired, but not specific) word or phrase, with some more detailed suggestions also provided. You’re welcome to take it in as much or as little of a tooth-rottingly festive direction as you so choose.
Content will be accepted and promoted on this blog up until January 31st 2019. You do not have to do every prompt or do them in the right order, and no sign-up is required - simply tag #aosadvent2018 in the first five tags (or else it won’t show up in the search), and somewhere in the tags or post itself identify what prompt you are filling.
This is an all-inclusive event, open to all ships (& I encourage platonic content too) and types of fanwork.
Play nice. Ship and let ship. Please tag things & give content or trigger warnings where necessary. This will not be a heavily moderated event but basically, try to keep it a positive experience.
As far as I am concerned you are very welcome to post to the tag with gifted or exchange-based fics, responses to asks (that have creative content eg fics, art) etc. They do not not have to be created exclusively for this event.
If you’re late to fill a prompt, or don’t fill one every day, that’s cool! My main goal with this is content creation, so the more the merrier! That’s why the tags are prompt rather than day-based.
Please reblog & otherwise support this post - and when the time comes, the posted work of your fellow fans - in order to more effectively and widely spread the love!
For questions or comments, please message me at my main blog @theclaravoyant
Thanks, and enjoy!
~ Clara
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Hello & Welcome to Fitz’s Birthday Exchange!
Thanks to @florchis for her wonderful banner, and to all of you for celebrating Fitz with us after our revival earlier this year! To keep the party going for Fitz’s special day (August 19th), we’re going to be hosting an Exchange!
Rules & Requests:
Please have your askbox open and Anon enabled so that your partner may communicate with you, about your gift or general fandom love! Note that the person you are creating for will not be the same as the person creating for you, so keep it a surprise!
You may create in almost any form, but we ask a minimum of 1000 words fic, 6 gifs, or equivalent effort in other media. Mostly, we ask that you put the same amount of effort into your gift that you would hope your partner is putting into yours.
You may create for/ask to receive any relationship other than FitzWard, Fraida, or FitzSimmons-centric works, as these are against Network policy for various reasons. You are welcome to create for/ask to receive platonic relationships, as well as romantic ones, and/or Fitz-centric (rather than relationship-centric) works.
What to do now?
Sign up using this form by midnight 6th July in your local timezone.
Receive your partner by midnight 9th July in @theclaravoyant’s local timezone. Get creating!
Posting will begin August 19th, potentially with staggering, depending on the number of participants. Watch this space!
Don’t forget to reblog this post to spread the word!
and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
#leo fitz#aospositivitynet#aosfic#aosedit#leofitzedit#leofitzfic#fitzmack#fitzhunter#fitzdaisy#skitz#aosteam#admin post#fitz birthday exchange
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Thanks to @mylifemyheartmyhome for the banner
... and thanks to all of you for participating in our Pride Month challenge in June. Sorry for taking so long with the masterpost - or should I say posts because I had to split them into two! In this post you will find platonic fic, and/or fics that balance romance and platonic relationships, can be found in part II of the masterpost, coming soon!
Exclusively or almost-exclusively romantic fics can be found on part I of this masterpost here.
Pride Month Challenge: Platonic Fics
After School Special by @x-tricks (brotp: Reyes family) - When Gabe gets into a fight, Robbie gets a call to his school.
Desert Rose by @theclaravoyant (brotp: Bus Kids, ships optional) - When Jemma returns from Maveth she struggles with dysphoria because of the way her body has changed. Fitz and Daisy help her cope.
The Piano Man by @winnietherpooh (brotp: fitz & team, various) - Mack hires a pianist for his bar, only to find that Fitz’s father kicked him out for his sexuality. The regulars decide that he’s under their protection now.
we’re holding our breath by @florchis (ship: fitzhunter, brotp: huntingbird, brotp: fitzsimmons) - Fitz has a question to ask and Hunter has some issues to work through. With a little help from their friends, they try to find a middle ground to remember that they are great together in many ways.
Dreams Come True by @whistlingwindtree (ship: skimmons, brotp: philinda & daisy) - Jemma and Daisy have left SHIELD and moved to the suburbs. Melinda and Phil help them with a rough patch.
Everybody Everybody (Wants to be Loved) by @buskidsburgade (queerplatonic FitzSimmons) - When Simmons expresses a sudden desire to wrangle her first kiss (from a random stranger in the Boiler Room), Fitz is left with an unpleasant feeling he can’t quite unravel. But the root is not what most people would assume.
Research and Data Collection by @the-nerdy-stjarna (ship: FitzMack, brotp: bus kids) - Fitz is attracted to Mack, and what kind of friends would Simmons and Daisy be if they didn’t help him act on it?
Changing Stripes by @theclaravoyant (ships: various, brotp/ship: fitz & joey, fitzsimmons) - A journey over the years, in which Fitz discovers and comes to terms with his bisexuality.
Daisy comes out to May by @theclaravoyant
#aosteam#robbie reyes#leo fitz#daisy johnson#skimmons#fitzhunter#bus kids#philinda & daisy#philindaisy#aosficnet#aosficnet2#monthly challenge: pride#gen fic#aosfic#aos fic
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Hey guys! So, this is the first playlist I made, for the AoS Team (Family, actually) and I wanted to share it with you! (: Hope you enjoy!
(via https://open.spotify.com/user/b2g76ln9bc4k0982m91usbi53/playlist/31P04jfQdrtQRWkffUCDT7)
#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.#agents of shield#agentsofshield#aos#aosteam#myplaylists#myplaylist#aosplaylist#aosteamplaylist
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10 Best Hair Steamers To Buy In 2019 – Benefits, Reviews, And Buying Guide
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/10-best-hair-steamers-to-buy-in-2019-benefits-reviews-and-buying-guide/
10 Best Hair Steamers To Buy In 2019 – Benefits, Reviews, And Buying Guide
Pooja Karkala Hyderabd040-395603080 July 23, 2019
You may use a ton of hair care products – like shampoos, conditioners, serums, and oils – to get soft, silky, and thick hair. But, are you sure that these are the only products required to get healthy hair?
Not necessarily! Due to a harsh climate and busy lifestyle, the effects of these hair care products may not last long. Your pollution-damaged and unhealthy hair may not be able to absorb the products and reap their benefits. This is where a hair steamer can help you!
A hair steamer helps each strand absorb the nutrients present in the products. If you are considering buying hair steamer, you are in the right place. We have rounded up a list of the 10 best hair steamers available on the market right now. We have also put together a buying guide and a how-to-use guide to help you out while making your purchase. Scroll down to read all that and more!
But first, let’s talk about what a hair steamer actually is.
What Is A Hair Steamer? How Does It Work?
A hair steamer is an electrical device that uses water to lift the hair cuticle and allow oils, conditioners, or other hair treatments to penetrate each strand.
After applying a hair product, you need to steam your hair for 20-30 minutes. The steam lifts the hair cuticle and allows moisture to penetrate. The warmth of the steam increases the elasticity of your hair. The process ends with letting your hair cool down.
What Is The Difference Between Hair Steamer And Hair Dryer?
A hair dryer is meant to dry your hair thoroughly. On the other hand, a hair steamer warms your hair by infusing each strand with steam, making it slightly wet and moisturized.
Benefits Of Hair Steamers
These are some common benefits of hair steaming:
Hydrates your hair and prevents breakage and split ends.
Improves hair texture by making it soft and supple.
Promotes blood circulation to the scalp, thus encouraging hair growth.
Reshapes and defines your curls.
Improves the moisture balance of your hair.
Increases the elasticity of your hair.
Helps treat dryness and itchiness on the scalp.
Keeps your hair clean and healthy.
Reduces dandruff.
Makes your hair smooth, lustrous, and shiny.
How To Use A Hair Steamer At Home
Prep your hair with a leave-in conditioner or oil.
Place a cotton strip or a thin piece of cloth around your hairline to avoid burning.
Wrap a towel around your neck and shoulders so that the water does not drip on your clothes and the floor.
Place the hood of the steamer at least 6 inches away from your scalp.
Set the time limit on the device according to your preference and steam your hair.
Now that you know everything about hair steamers, let’s check out the 10 best products you can get your hands on.
Top 10 Hairs Steamers To Buy In 2019
1. Secura S-192 Hair And Facial Steamer
Moisturize and hydrate your hair with Secura Hair Steamer. It generates a fine mist that gets easily absorbed by your hair. It improves the absorption of conditioners and other hair care treatments by your hair. The built-in ozone generator releases negatively-charged oxygen that helps reduce dandruff. With just 10-15 minutes of steaming, your hair feels softer and silkier. The advantage of this product is that you can convert it into a tabletop facial steamer instantly.
Comes with a user manual
Helps reduce itchiness on the scalp
Prevents breakage and split-ends
Portable design
Suitable for hair and skin
No dual voltage facility
Buy it here!
2. Luckyfine Thermal Hair Steamer
This unique hair steamer is designed ergonomically to wrap snugly around your hair without slipping. It comes with a detachable insulated liner for easy cleaning. Apply any hair cream, wear a shower cap, and put on this steaming cap for 15-20 minutes to promote healthy absorption of nutrients. This product is suitable for extremely dry, frizzy, and rough hair.
Two adjustable temperature settings
Provides uniform heat
Prevents hair damage and split ends
Shortens the dyeing time
Takes time to heat up
Buy it here!
3. Skinact Hair Steamer Pro
This salon-grade hair steamer comes with multiple features. It is equipped with a premium quality hair steamer hood, which is made from durable tinted acrylic. The stainless steel coil produces therapeutic steam vapor. The device also has a heavy-duty water reservoir with a 32-ounce capacity. Its other features include a 60-minute adjustable timer, two power levels, and a generously sized 12″ diameter bonnet opening with 10″ depth. Additionally, it has five steady legs with easy-roll casters that provide mobility and stability to the device.
Smooth mobility
Heats up quickly
Not overpowering
Sets curls quickly
Chances of water leakage
Buy it here!
4. PrettySee Multi-functional Hair Steamer Cap
This steamer cap is one of the easiest hair steaming tools available on the market. It deeply conditions each hair follicle. The cap is made of imported heat-resistant and flame-retardant non-woven fabric, which is incredibly durable. It comes with a detachable and waterproof liner that is safe to use and wash multiple times. The thick cotton protective insulation layer provides additional bedding.
Fine stitching
Easy to detach
Portable and lightweight
Comes with a bathing cap
Takes time to heat up
Buy it here!
5. Super Deal Pro 3 In 1 Multifunction Ozone Hair And Facial Steamer
This 3-in-1 mini hair and facial steamer is an ideal product for home use. It is specially designed to treat dry, brittle, and damaged hair. The device has a powerful interior humidifier that helps moisturize each hair follicle. Its UV ozone function increases the vapor quantity for maximum effect. The 1.5 um ultra-fine mist produced by the ultrasonic atomizer get easily absorbed by your hair. It improves the absorption of shampoos and conditioners.
Table-top design
Reduces dandruff
Has a built-in ozone generator
Ultra-fine mist
Easy to maintain
Poor quality
Buy it here!
6. Kingsteam 2 In 1 Ozone Facial Steamer And Hair Steamer
This hair steamer is suitable for textured hair. It uses PTC ceramic heating technology to vaporize water and produce fine yet strong mist. It prevents hair breakage and damaged ends. Its therapeutic mist penetrates deep into each hair follicle and leaves your hair feeling fresh and moisturized. Additionally, the ozone-generated ion water particles make it makes it 10 times more powerful and effective in penetrating the hair.
Auto-off function
Ideal for dry and damaged hair
Perfect for salon and home use
Approved by TUV and CE
Buy it here!
7. Mefeir Professional Hair Steamer
This leakproof hair steamer runs on 600 W power. Made from durable ABS housing caster and iron, this hair steamer is perfect for salon and home use. One of the many benefits of this steamer is that it reshapes and defines your curls and makes them bouncier. Its other features include auto-shut off timer, two speed settings, and adjustable height. The bottle at the end of the water tube helps avoid leakage. You can use this device for conditioning, priming, and dyeing your hair. The sturdy base with four wheels ensures smooth mobility.
Easy to clean and maintain
Durable design
Huge hood opening
Suitable for thick and coarse hair
Restores moisture
Defines curls
Buy it here!
8. DevLon NorthWest Rolling Salon Hair Steamer
DevLon NorthWest’s Rolling Salon Hair Steamer has two power levels that allow you to adjust the steam intensity during your session. The device also has a reservoir that prevents excess moisture from dripping through the opening. The unit is equipped with four wheels and is perfect for home and salon use.
Easy to clean
Conditions your hair
Buy it here!
9. Aosteamer 650W Professional Salon Hair Steamer
This device is designed to accelerate your hair cuticle’s absorption level. Its warm mist increases your hair’s porosity and allows it to absorb the nutrients present in hair treatments. Made from ABS plastic and iron, this device is one of the most durable hair steamers out there. It is equipped with a built-in double heating wire for quick heating. The sturdy base has four easy-to-roll casters for stability. It works best for post-hair dye care, conditioning, and perming.
Easy to maintain
Reshapes your curls
30 minutes auto-shut off function
2 adjustable speed settings
Availability issues
Buy it here!
10. Dir Hair Steamer ION – Wall Mounted
This unique hair steamer is made for a clutter-free hair steaming experience. It uses computerized micro-mist technology to diffuse anions during the procedure for effective results. This helps condition your tresses without drying them out as the anions neutralize the positive charge in your hair. It also comes with an extra-large hood with variable temperature settings. You can adjust the angle to your comfort.
Wall mounted
Saves space
Dual voltage
Easy to use
Very expensive
Buy it here!
These are the 10 best heat steamers you can use to get soft and luscious hair. But, before making your purchase, take a look at the buying guide below to make sure it fits all your needs.
Buying Guide – Things To Consider Before Buying A Hair Steamer
1. Adjustable Heat Settings
Adjustable heat settings allow you to control the temperature setting to prevent overheating and damaging your hair.
2. Type Of Hair Steamer
There are 4 common types of hair steamers:
a. Table-Top Hair Steamer
This hair steamer has a study base that can be placed on a table. It is lightweight, compact, and inexpensive. You can also store it easily. The advantage of these hair steamers is that they come with 2-in-1 function, i.e., they can be used as both a hair and face steamer. However, the downside is that you cannot adjust the hood height.
b. Handheld Hair Steamer
This device is perfect for natural hair. It is incredibly compact and light. However, the disadvantage of this type of hair steamer is that it can cover only a small portion of hair at one time.
c. Professional Salon Hair Steamer
Professional salon hair steamers come with a stand on 3-5 wheels. You can move it around freely. It usually has an adjustable hood that covers your entire head and steams in one go. Although it is expensive, it comes with guaranteed quality.
d. Hair Steamer Cap
Hair steamer caps are highly portable. The best thing about a hair steamer cap is that you can wear it on your head and carry on with your regular activities. But, it does not produce as much mist as other types of steamers.
3. Timer
Having a timer and an auto-shut off function is great as it will let you relax during the process without having to worry about overheating. It will let you know when the steaming is done so that you don’t have to keep checking every few minutes.
4. Hood
Some hair steamers come with an adjustable hood. This will allow you to tilt or turn the hood depending on your height.
A hair steamer can work wonders on your dull and damaged hair and infuse new life into it. Which of these hair steamers do you want to try out? Comment below to let us know!
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
How long should I sit under a hair steamer?
You can sit under a hair steamer for 20-30 minutes.
Can I steam my hair every day?
No, steaming your hair once or twice a month is enough. Excessive steaming can damage your hair.
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Pooja Karkala
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-hair-steamers/
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRTGpkAUdbo)
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from the ashes [platonic fitzdaisy, S1/2]
AN ~ Not for any Bingos, but for a very patient Anon who asked for “Daisy being there for Fitz after Jemma left in S1/2″. I hope you like it!
Angst/Hurt/Comfort. platonic FitzDaisy, with background Bus Kids/FS as was canon compatible at that time. Rated G.
Read on AO3 (~2000wd)
from the ashes
Skye was busy a lot these days: May was a tough S.O., and there was a lot to be done in the wake of the fall of Shield, with hundreds if not thousands of agents in the wind who had to be tracked down, identified, and protected or blacklisted depending on which way they had turned. She had been plunged into the thick of it, but at least now she had the confidence of Coulson, May and the team on her side. Other team members were not faring so well, and especially not Fitz.
When Skye had first found out what had happened, who had done it, she was just about sick with rage. Her instinct had been to barrel after Ward, if not physically, then online. Expose him. Send the full forces of Shield to hunt him down. But there were more important things for them all to be doing and surely one of those things was helping Fitz. He had not died, after all; simply had the life he’d known blown to shrapnel. The problem with that was, though, that nobody knew how to pick up the pieces. Not Fitz himself, certainly not Skye, and not even poor Jemma, who poured her heart and soul into trying to help him and found herself running up against brick wall after brick wall after brick wall. Everything she tried to do seemed to hurt or stress or betray him, and he was so frustrated with everything, including himself, that even if he could figure out how to do it better, he couldn’t articulate it to her. Skye could never have imagined them becoming so broken, and even when they did, she couldn’t imagine Jemma leaving.
Then Jemma did.
This had shattered what was left of Fitz. His life, his friends, his confidence in himself. All of it was awash in a mad storm and Skye knew all too well what it was like to be abandoned by somebody she was sure had loved her, in one way or another. She knew all to well what Fitz must be feeling: after all, Jemma had never given either of them a reason for leaving, had never even said goodbye. Skye had thought – and so had Fitz apparently – that she had just been headed off on a visit home, but then she’d dropped off the radar. Just like that. Fitz had torn himself up over it for weeks, and had come to the conclusion that she had given up on him, or been repulsed, or been scared off: that, for whatever reason, she had abandoned him. Skye had tried and tried to promise him that was not the case, but she couldn’t give him an alternative. If she were being honest, she was feeling quite abandoned too.
Unfortunately, this didn’t really help her reach out to Fitz as much as she might like. He was feeling lower than he’d ever felt, and he was bitter and angry and horrifically depressed and honestly, Skye was worried about him, but if Jemma couldn’t help him, how could she? And it didn’t help that he struggled to communicate back, too. He was different to how he was before, and it unnerved Skye – it unnerved all of them – and though she was more ashamed by the minute to admit it, she knew the team was starting to abandon him too. They ignored him when he got upset, instead of trying to figure out why. They didn’t stop the lab techs from gossiping, or from avoiding Fitz in the hallways. They even started to avoid him themselves. It was cowardly, Skye knew, but what else was there to do? She was busy, she told herself. She was just too busy.
But she loved her friend, and it hurt to see him, hear him, feel him in pain. She just needed a push in the right direction, to help her passion overcome her hesitation, and today was the day she received that push, in the form of a crashing sound. It could have been a mistake, she thought, but then it was followed by another, and a howl of anger and despair.
It was coming from Fitz’s room, of all places, and Skye’s first thought was that he must be in danger so she ran up to his door with her heart in her throat. The smashes and thuds continued in a fairly regular pattern, with the occasional cursing and muttering and wordless screeches in between. Then there was a break. Perhaps he’d run out of things to throw around, but he seemed to be breathing heavily. Running out of momentum? Skye took a deep breath. It was now or never.
She keyed in his code and the door slid open.
Fitz turned to her and for a brief, brief moment she saw his body light up as if he thought that maybe, just maybe, it was Jemma coming home. When he saw that it was Skye, he froze up. There were books and clothes and sheets and instruments and souvenirs scattered about the place, some more broken than others, and he standing amongst it all. Helpless. Distressed. He held a plastic model Tardis in one hand, clenching and unclenching his fingers around it as if waiting for the fury and pain to bubble back up and inspire him to throw it to the ground, but it did not. It hovered below the surface, quelled by that brief moment of hope that all was not lost, and by the fact that Skye hadn’t turned and left him yet.
“I don’t think you want to do that,” Skye offered. “You don’t want to break that, Fitz. Maybe put it down?”
Fitz clenched his fist again, until he could feel the plastic straining against his fingers. Surely nothing would be such a satisfying cure to the tension beneath his skin, than to throw it into his dresser mirror, or similar. It probably wouldn’t break though, and his arm didn’t want to move anyway. Tension was turning to tears, overwhelmed by confusion and frustration and shame.
“It’s okay, Fitz, I’m not going to take it off you,” Skye assured him. “I just… I understand. I understand why you’re so hurt so angry, but this isn’t how you want to deal with it. I promise.”
He nodded. She waited a beat and asked,
“Can I come in?”
Fitz retreated and sat on the side of his bed. Skye stepped through the carnage to join him, and he realised as a bitter taste settled on his tongue, that she was right. Littered across the floor were Academy shirts and jackets and books he and Jemma had once studied together. A little carved monkey on a keychain, a gift she’d bought him from their first trip to the Central Park Zoo. An old copy of the Hobbit, with some of its pages scattered – it hadn’t been faring well before this onslaught, when Jemma had read it to Fitz at his bedside. Seeing it finally broken brought tears to his eyes, and all he could think of was how much Jemma loved that book. What had he done?
Skye inhaled slowly, heavily, as she took in the wreckage of the room. Beside her, Fitz whimpered with regret and heartache and Skye began to feel herself fill with the same. She’d been doing quite well with denying how much she missed Jemma, by hiding in the betrayal of it all just as well as Fitz did sometimes, but the loose ends still stung sometimes. Especially since she’d hoped to be putting those days behind her – which was part of the reason she had come in here. She took Fitz’s hand, the one not still half-heartedly clinging to the Tardis, and intertwined his fingers with hers. She leaned into him, until the warmth and pressure soothed them both.
“I don’t mean, like, you shouldn’t be angry,” she clarified solemnly. “I’m angry too, I get it. I know you loved her a lot and sometimes it feels like it was all some big joke and none of this is worth it anymore, right? It’s just- I’ve been there, and I wish somebody had stopped me.”
“…From what?” Fitz asked, after a moment.
Skye drew a deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. More came to take their place, but apparently it was going to be that kind of a moment, so she let them be this time.
“You know how I was… I was in the foster system when I was a kid. Some of the homes, they sucked, but some of them were great. They were really great. But even the great ones kicked me out. Sent me back. I mean, now I know it was Shield making them do it, to keep me safe or whatever, but it still- it still hurt, you know?” She sniffed again, suddenly feeling acutely like that little girl all over again. She squeezed Fitz’s hand and pushed on. It had been so long since she’d thought about this, and felt it all, that now she couldn’t stop.
“One family, they bought me this camera,” she recalled. “Oh, it was beautiful. Way fancier than I knew anything about, so I spent weeks reading the manual and watching these tutorial things, learning everything I could about it. Taking pictures of literally everything. We went on a camping trip, me and them and their son and daughter, and I documented it all on this camera and I was going to scrapbook it and everything. I finally thought I was part of something. But of course…”
“They sent you back.”
“Yeah.” Skye blinked. Closed her eyes for a moment, lost in the bittersweet memory of her last few moments of peace at that house. “As soon as we got home. I didn’t even get to unpack.
“So of course I was furious, and I smashed the camera and ripped the manual all up and everything and it wasn’t until way later, after I’d run away and was living alone in my van feeling sorry for myself one night, that I realised… I’d destroyed everything I had of the people that had loved me. That had taken me into their home, their family. I could have done photography for money, I could have even sold the parts, but that’s not what I missed. It was the photos. It was the whole thing, what it meant. It was gone. Forever. All because I’d been a bit too angry for a few too many seconds.
“I just- I didn’t want that to happen with you and Simmons. That’s all.”
She cleared her throat and wiped her eyes, and glanced at Fitz’s other hand – the one around the Tardis. He lifted it from his lap, and put the Tardis down on the bed-sheets beside him, safely away from impulsive hands. In silence, Fitz took a few moments to let Skye’s story sink in, and then squeezed her hand.
“Thank you,” he said. “I think- I think you’re right.”
“I hope I’m right,” Skye added.
“Me too.”
For a few more seconds, they sat in silence together, and then Fitz slid off the bed to the floor and began cleaning up the mess. As he cradled his precious copy of The Hobbit and tried to slip its fallen pages back into place, he had to wonder if – and if so, how – it might ever be the same again. Maybe it wouldn’t, he realised, but at least now, he had Skye kneeling beside him to help pick up the pieces. Perhaps this didn’t need to feel quite so much like an ending after all.
#fitzdaisy#daisyjohnsonfic#leofitzfic#leofitznet#bus kids#brot3: bus kids#aosteam#aosfic#aos fic#aosficnet#agents of shield#clara's fic tag#prompt me stuff
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Better Ideas for Deke’s Crush than Turning It Into A Ship
(bc I love this comedic disaster of a human but There’s A Line)
some (fun/jokey) ideas I have include:
Daisy finds out Deke has a crush on her and bursts out laughing. Deke is #wounded, but hey, it was a long shot.
FitzSimmons find out Deke has a crush on Daisy and corner him and tell him In No Uncertain Terms that he is absolutely not to put his mouth on Daisy’s mouth or he’ll be grounded for the next ~90 years
Daisy teases Deke because Fitz had a crush on her once too, and then we get a bit of a laugh at Fitz’s expense because he’s not aware of what Daisy (and Deke, and possibly everyone else in the room) is laughing at.
Mack teases Fitz about Deke having a crush on Daisy.
Jemma teases Fitz about Deke having a crush on Daisy.
May teases Fitz about Deke having a crush on Daisy.
You get the idea.
FITZ teases DEKE about having a crush on Daisy and Deke is like OKAY ALRIGHT EW GRANDDAD STOP.
#deke#fitzsimmons family#daisy johnson#aos!crack#aosteam#i have some more serious ideas too but i wanted to keep this post light#aos s5#aos spoilers#deke shaw
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Sardines ~ [AOS Team, Rated T]
AN ~ for @mcubingo, and comprised of a few combined prompts for @liz-a-bell. Fluffy hurt/comfort, ft. Daisy & the Team. I hope you like it!
Relationships/Characters: Daisy & Team Prompt: “Under the Bleachers” for @mcubingo Rating: T Warnings: N/A Other Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Coarse Language, Mild References to Childhood Emotional Trauma
Summary: When a successful mission leaves Daisy unexpectedly reeling with feelings from her past, she needs somewhere to hide. And some friends, to help her through the darkness to the other side.
Read on AO3 (~2100wd) or below
“Thank you so much, again!” Linda cried, pulling her daughter into a hug. Abby grinned and squeezed back, too overjoyed to bother with the politics of being a teenager. She’d had a long, hard, actually honest-to-goodness life-threatening day, and she wanted nothing more than Linda’s hugs and sappy music on the ride home, and Mark’s homemade pizza, and ice-cream in the lounge with the both of them. She couldn’t thank the Shield team enough.
Usually, Daisy would have been overjoyed watching such a reunion. Abby had performed bravely and her mother’s love was absolute and genuine – if nothing else, she could tell by Abby’s response to it. The pride and protectiveness and relief emanated from their embrace with a soft glow that Daisy would have thought would lift her spirits and help wash away the weight of fighting. Instead, and very much against her wish or will, she felt a rotting sort of feeling clawing at her heart.
“Ex- excuse me,” she stammered, waving her leave. “I’m just going to get some water. Long day, you know how it is. I’ll catch you later, hm?”
The rest of the team looked subtly thrown by her odd behaviour. Had she caught sight of another enemy, perhaps, and didn’t want to alarm Abby and mother before she took care of it? Was she overwhelmed, having saved not just Abby, but in doing so, her entire school? Or was she maybe even injured and trying not to let on? She had, after all, taken the brunt of the fighting. No, it was this terrible sickness, that seemed to get worse the more she tried to figure out where it was coming from. It clawed up her throat like a panic attack, and when she ran to the drink fountains and drowned it in cool, if coppery, liquid, she felt like she was choking.
Outside. She had to get outside.
But she couldn’t very well go back to where they were. Whatever this was, it was coming from them. Was it jealousy? Was it fear? Had she been poisoned? No, surely not, she could remember feeling like this before and not dying, but how? When?
Daisy staggered through the school and out the back, fortunately avoiding most people as it was long past home time. By the time she made it out to the other side, to the track field she felt like screaming. Like throwing herself into the air until pure suffocation lulled her anxiety into cloudy, dreamy, nothingness, and survival made all other thoughts into nothing. Unfortunately for her though, it seemed those who were not headed home had come out here for training. She saw the football team, running laps, and a couple of cheerleaders throwing each other into flips that turned her stomach. She couldn’t flee upwards with so many witnesses. Not least because it looked half like dying, unless she was to make a scene blasting herself out of the arena entirely and running off into the suburbs of this poor town for no reason other than a strange and sickening fear. Or was it loneliness? Or was it both?
And so, with nowhere else to go, Daisy’s body led her on autopilot to a very familiar place. A place where people had come to mourn and fear and skip and shoot up and cause mischief since the dawn of time. A place where you could hide even in a crowd; a place amidst some of the most everyday lives in the world, where anyone could take a time out, however small.
She sat under the bleachers, hugged her knees, and waited for the feeling to pass.
She was still waiting when a familiar set of footsteps approached. Stopped. She heard the crunch of the grass and grit and dirt, the hiccup in breath as her observer bent over to catch better sight of her, and made his way around. A few seconds later, Fitz knocked on one of the load-bearing pillars, with a soft but inquisitive expression. It wasn’t often, after all, that one found an agent – however newly minted – freaking out like this.
“Knock knock?” he posited, when he saw that Daisy didn’t seem to be entirely against his intrusion. At this, she rolled her eyes – and wiped at them, just in case, though she was not crying – and turned toward him, slowly uncurling from her ball as he came over and sat down beside her. A smile touched her lips as he glanced around himself uncertainly, afraid of gum or spider webs or who knows what, before turning back to her.
“How did you find me?” Daisy asked.
“Well, I couldn’t exactly check the girls toilets, could I?” Fitz returned. “You’ve been gone for a while, is all. Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Daisy snorted, shrugging it off, though the stormy sickness was not yet quelled. Fitz, of course, saw straight through this, so she pushed on and tried to forge him a vague but convincing answer, and failed. After all, how could she be vague about this feeling when she didn’t know what it was to be vague about? The more she tried to circumvent the point, the more she realised what the point was, and it was like sinking a hot knife into her chest. Tears finally spilled over as she realised exactly what it was she was feeling.
“I don’t know what happened, I just- I saw Abby with Linda, how lovely they were, and it made me remember some… bad things. About growing up. I thought I’d forgotten what that rejection felt like, you know, I’m good now right? But something about that, it just reminded me, I’ve felt like this before. I had good parents, some of them, in the system. I had families I thought I would be with forever, and they thought I’d be with them too, and- and they sent me away anyway. Nobody told me anything. They rejected me over and over again, even the good ones, and it hurts so much...”
Fitz shuffled around in the dirt to sit beside her as she paused a moment in her speech to pull herself together. It wasn’t jealousy after all, or fear for Abby’s safety or her own. It was just a memory, buried for over a decade. The memory of an abandoned child.
“You know they did it to keep you safe,” Fitz reminded her, as gently as he could. He took her hand, and squeezed it reassuringly. “Some of them, anyway, right? They loved you very much. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I know that now,” Daisy promised. “Fifteen year old me didn’t know that. Twelve year old me didn’t know that. Eight year old me didn’t know that.”
Now Fitz was starting to tear up too. He, of course, had his own experiences with abandonment and rejection from his father, and with never feeling good enough. He hardly dared to imagine what it would have been like if, rather than helping him through it, his mother had turned on him too. If it had happened over and over…
“Damn it, I’m sorry, I didn't mean to bring the mood down," Daisy backtracked halfheartedly. “Let’s just go-“
“How many was it?” Fitz asked.
“How many?” Fitz repeated, meeting her eyes. “Houses.” He re-thought his question, and dropped his gaze to where their hands still sat intertwined. “I mean, you don’t have to answer, I was just...”
“Nineteen,” Daisy said. “Yeah. I got kicked out of more houses than years I was alive. Then I got to thinking, fuck that noise, you know? I ran away when I was sixteen, moved into that van, lived there ever since.”
“Wow. That’s brave.”
“It was stupid. And really dangerous.”
“Doesn’t mean it wasn’t brave.”
He squeezed his hand again, and smiled at her. She smiled back, but for all she wanted to, she just couldn’t quite let the moment sit.
“What about you, supergenius?” she teased, nudging him with their joined hands. “You moved countries at that age, didn’t you?”
“Well, I mean, I was technically fourteen,” Fitz pointed out. “But I had a support system. I called my Mum every week. She sent me biscuits in the mail. I got teased relentlessly o’ course, but I also had a PhD at fourteen, so, what did they know, eh?”
“What did who know?”
Fitz and Daisy glanced around for the voice, and found Jemma picking her way down the under-bleachers toward them. She sat promptly and primly, studying their tearful faces and sad smiles.
“Welcome to the pity party,” Daisy greeted. “I had a freak-out, Fitz came and found me, everything’s all good now but I still kinda feel like there’s concrete in my lungs. Just a quick update.”
“Have you had enough water? Since the fight?”
“No, Jemma, I haven’t had water. So unless you-”
“Well, here then.”
“- of course you do.”
And the concrete might have got a little lighter, as she took the water bottle from Jemma. Satisfied that her mother-hen duties were complete for the time being, Jemma shuffled around to sit on Daisy’s other side.
“Watch out for the spider webs,” Fitz warned.
“Oh, never mind that,” she assured him, brushing some aside with her hand. She contemplated wiping her hand on the ground, but a look at the ground warned her against it. Instead she cleared her throat, tucked her hand into her lap and asked; “What are we talking about?”
“Moving out at 16.”
“Oh, I was fourteen, actually, when I attended an American university,” Jemma corrected. “I got myself into some rather sticky situations under bleachers like these. I found I quite preferred the library, though it’s not as good for crying.”
“I wasn’t crying-“ Daisy protested.
“Having a panic attack, then,” Jemma corrected. “You don’t have to give me the gory details, I’m just glad to know you’re okay. I’ve messaged May. She thought you might have taken off and done a runner somewhere in the suburbs.”
“I was close,” Daisy confessed. “I didn’t want you guys to have to go running around after me, that’s all.” She snorted at the irony.
Above them, the bleachers creaked and thudded under the weight of someone’s footsteps. The three of them huddled together a little on instinct, unsure where their current threat level fell, between imminent mortal danger, and children who had stayed up past curfew at a sleepover. But their fear was, fortunately, unfounded, as the head that shortly found its way to glance down between the gaps was none other than Coulson’s. He smiled at the unexpectedly cozy image.
“Hey guys,” he greeted. They blinked up at him, bewildered, and he had to ask; “Watcha doing?”
“Hiding under the bleachers while we wait for May to come get us?” Daisy offered in much the same tone. There wasn’t much left to explain by now, anyway, and when nothing more was forthcoming, Coulson nodded to himself.
“Cool,” he said. “Mind if I join?”
Upon their affirmative, he trotted down the stairs and jogged around the back, watching his head and glancing around at the things people had written, scratched, tied, and otherwise left under here. Eventually he sat, flicking the tails of his jacket out of the way and then pulling out a packet of Red Vines. Fitz’s eyes widened.
“Did you have that in there the whole time?”
He was quite sure, at one point, Coulson had flipped over a table. What kind of magical pockets did he have?
“Yeah. Want some?”
“Uh, yes,” Daisy answered for him, reaching out with enthusiasm. “I was the first one here, I get first pick of the Red Vines.”
When Fitz did not protest, Coulson moved the packet to offer them to her first.
“Why are we here?” he asked.
She ripped the top off a Vine with her teeth and gestured to her mouth as she vigorously chewed. Coulson glanced at the others, but in true high school clique fashion, they were taking Daisy’s lead and refusing to talk. He looked to her once more, studying her expression to check whether or not he should be worried. Perhaps the issue was resolved, or perhaps she simply didn’t want to talk about it any more, but either way he was glad to note that the sense of crisis that had been in her eyes when she’d left them, was there no longer. He nodded his appreciation to the three of them, for having worked out whatever it was, and bit into his own Red Vine at last.
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MCU Bingo Masterpost
Following @florchis‘ example I will be keeping a masterpost of my MCU Bingo fills here. I will regularly update the image above to show which squares have been filled, and I will link the fics below.
You are welcome to prompt me inspired by the above squares. SFW and NSFW prompts are accepted. If you wish to prompt me something NSFW, feel free to use this visual prompt list, or of course submit your own.
You can also find the masterpost for my other bingo (mcukinkbingo) here.
AOS Team (Platonic) “Under the Bleachers” - Sardines [Rated T]
Simmorse “Rain” - Petrichor [Rated T] ***NEW** “Morning” - Spooning [Rated G/T]
FitzHunter ”Weapons” - disarming [Rated T] “Vulnerability” - “Everything I Didn’t Say” [Rated T] “Free Square” - Afternoon Delight [Rated M for sexual references] “Glasses” - The New Sexy [Rated M for sexual references]. “Protective” - In Your Corner [Rated T for mild mentions of Alistair and mild coarse language]
FitzSkimmons "Comfort” - The Other Shoe [Rated T for vague 5x14 references] “Musical” - untitled [Rated G]. “Romantic Gestures” - True Colours [Rated G].
Skimmons / Bioquake “Roommates” - With Benefits [Rated M for partial nudity and sexual references].
#fitzskimmons#aosteam#skimmons#simmorse#fitzhunter#bioquake#aosfic#prompt me stuff#clara's fic tag#mcubingo masterpost
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thanks to @mylifemyheartmyhome for the banner
Reminder: One Week Left to Sign Up!
Welcome to our second annual Midyear Fic Exchange! We had a lot of fun last year, and we’re hoping this year’s Exchange will be even bigger and better! For that to happen we need YOU :D
Signups close midnight June 14th (in your local timezone). Posting will be in the last week of July/first week of August. More info can be found here.
We are a multiship network, also gen-fic friendly.
This post is mainly to remind you to sign up!
Send an email to [email protected] containing the following:
Name (or nickname)
Prompt(s) - You can submit up to two if you’re bursting with ideas or want to give your partner some options. Please try not to be too specific, to give them some creative license.
Favourite relationship(s) - You can submit up to three (romantic and/or platonic, please specify), but we do our best to match first preferences.
Likes & Dislikes - a place for squicks & triggers, as well as preferences regarding things like smut, violence, or any controversial events or characters eg. the potential 3rd party associated with your fave ships - are they good but just as friends, rather not think about them, ‘dear lord please no’? (Please try to be respectful and concise.)
Note: for likes/dislikes/squicks/triggers, if you have differences in what you would read vs write (eg if you’re happy to read smut but not write it) please let us know.
Please have your askbox open in case your partner wants to reach you.
Please reblog this post to spread the word - the more the merrier!
Any other questions, queries, etc? Message or ask @aosficnet2.
Below the cut I’m going to tag some blogs/networks that might be interested. I encourage you all to share it with your networks too if you are part of any!
@thefitzsimmonsnetwork @skimmonsfiction @philindafanfic @yoyodaily @yoyomacknet @aospositivitynet @buskidsnetwork @leofitznetwork @quakeridernet @quakeridernetwork @fyskimmons @welovedaisyjohnson @jemmasolo @jemmasimmonsdefensesquad @mcufemslash
#aos fic#aosfic#agents of shield#aosteam#aosficnet#aosficnet2#fitzsimmons#mackelena#philinda#quakerider#skimmons#bioquake#tripskye#pipsy#simmorse#fitzhunter#fitzmack#fitzskimmons#bus kids#morsecode#huntingbird#static quake#b squad#daisy johnson#robbie reyes#melinda may#mamma may#may & the kids
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thanks to @mylifemyheartmyhome for the banner!
AOSFicNet 2.0 is looking for members!
We are a multiship friendly blog and we are always looking for members, so come on in! We have a multitude of ships in our armada including FitzSimmons, Skimmons, Quakerider, Mackelena, Skitz, Simmorse, Philinda and more! We are also big fans of platonic relationships including friendship and family (both biological and found/chosen). Just check out our tag database, which is always growing! And of course, the more of you & your friends who join, the more what you love will be created & shared!
Joining is simple! but we do expect our members to play nicely.
You must be:
interested in AOS fanfic - not necessarily as an author, though most of the Net’s challenges etc. are author-oriented. Of course you are welcome to follow without joining, and to enjoy & share our members’ work!
prepared to ship & let ship - everything is clearly tagged so you should be able to blog safely and happily, and so should everyone else.
a decent person - personal hatred & bullying of authors, whether ship-motivated or otherwise, will not be tolerated
Sounds good? Follow these simple instructions to join.
In return, you can take part in a load of fun, including:
weekly prompt lists to get the juices flowing!
exclusive access - only members’ fics are reblogged to the Net
a great place to find fics you love and the authors who write them
monthly challenges, and the right to suggest challenges & other activities
promotion bonuses, including masterposts of challenge entries and our regular Writer to Writer posts.
Any questions? Ask away!
#aos fic#aosfic#aosficnet#aosficnet2#aosteam#fitzskimmons#skimmons#bioquake#quakerider#mackelena#skitz#fitzdaisy#simmorse#philinda
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okay fic or hc prompt if you can follow me: established fs + established (or not) sq + skimmons has something undefined going on and... everyone's cool w that and are pals?
yes, I think I follow! what I’m gathering is... a sort of open relationshippy, chainy, unlabelled polyamourous blob of love... and on that note have some hcs:
- everyone lives for Daisy and Daisy lives for all her baes and there’s so much love to go around it’s honestly ridiculous but also really, really sweet because who would have thought this loner street kid would be surrounded by so much love in her life??- Fitz and Daisy have a bit of friendly banter and teasing going on over their relationship(s) with Jemma, and they joke with each other at changeover times and breakfast and wherever else. Sometimes it’s a bit of “that’s not what your girlfriend said last night ;)” sometimes it’s much more sibling-y about who has a crush on whom and all that ridiculousness. Sometimes it’s a bit of fun competition about who can throw the best anniversary, get the best gift etc, but they will never live down the time Jemma “How Is Competitive Not Literally My Middle Name” Simmons had to tell them to calm tf down. Those nerds.
- when Daisy realised she had a crush on Lincoln and wanted to invite him into The Thing it was so cute she was all nervous but of course FS ship it and told her to go for it.
- Fitz and Lincoln, being at either end of this sort of, chain, thing, and not otherwise having a lot of interaction with each other, found it a little awkward at first. There was a lot of one word sentences and Manly Head Nods. There still is, but it’s much more chill now. Daisy’s fallen asleep on you and she’s half naked? makes sense. This is somehow Jemma’s bra in my room? Oh sure I’ll give that back to her. It works.
- at first they thought they were being all secretive and Adult(TM) about it but one day someone slips up in front of May and she’s just like ugh I’ve seen it all before, honestly as long as you’re happy and can do your freaking jobs *eyes them like horny teenagers* then it’s fine
- and I’ll leave you with the vision of supportive yet confused Phil “The Thing About Youth Culture Is, I Don’t Understand It” Coulson
currently accepting: pride aesthetics, hc & fic prompts
#aosteam#ask me stuff#daisy johnson#polyamory#prompt me stuff#fitzsimmons#skimmons#static quake#multishipping#Anonymous
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the fire’s out (but still it burns) - 5x14 coda
AN ~ I wasn’t feel up to it last week, and even now I’m only scratching the surface, but... basically I wanted to give Daisy the chance to react and deal with some of the shock of what just happened and have a good cry... and then Mack feels came along... and now I have this! angsty, slightly hurt-comforty bc we need SOME relief, 5x14 coda. to those who can stomach it... enjoy(?)
CW: there are no graphic flashbacks or anything, but some description of her injuries, and a lot of angsty/complicated feelings about Fitz. If you would like any more detail about what is in this fic before deciding whether to read it, feel free to message or chat with me (off anon for specifics please).
title from Flares by The Script
Rshps: Mack & Daisy, also some Jemma. Discussions of Fitz & Daisy and Mack & Fitz (though Fitz is not present). Rated T for torture & injury mentions and general angst. Set immediately following 5x14.
Read on AO3 (~1300wd)
the fire’s out (but still it burns)
“Mack, can you help?”
He gets up, moves towards the sound before he even really takes in what’s happening. Jemma’s voice is shaking, like a fence about to fall down, and Daisy is shaking just as badly, draped between the Doc and Deke and looking pale as death.
“What the hell happened out there?” Mack wonders, taking Jemma’s place under Daisy’s arm and helping lower her to the bed.
“F-Fitz,” Daisy replies.
Her voice is shaking – with fear, with anger. The air around her shakes too. The tools in the tray Jemma brings. Mack’s heart begins to feel heavier as he takes in the horrendous, bloody bruise to the side of Daisy’s head. The rope-burn on her arms. The bloody gauze that Deke is holding to her neck.
Mack’s stomach twists. He tries to imagine how Fitz could look at this, let alone carry it out, and the image won’t reconcile. A little angry spat, maybe, he could imagine. A slap, a punch, maybe even a black eye – after all, Fitz could be passionate, irrational at times, and Daisy never backed down from a fight. Mack had suspected that, should he snap one day, that might be how it would go. That would have been bad, very bad, terribly bad - but this isn’t just bad, it’s… gut-wrenchingly wrong. It’s hard to tie somebody down and cut them open in a fleeting moment of rage or frustration. This is something else entirely. Something pre-meditated. Something incomprehensible.
“Fitz did this to you?”
Daisy looks like she’s going to be sick. Over the other side of her shoulder, heart heavy and eyes brimming with tears, Jemma nods.
“Damn,” Mack whispers. It’s the only word he can find. The unspeakable, confusing horror of it all is like a nightmare.
A nightmare Daisy has just lived.
“Are you okay?” he asks. “Are you going to be okay?”
“It’s just a flesh wound,” Daisy hisses, but there are tears in her eyes, and fury competes with fear in her voice. Deke frowns doubtfully at the amount of the blood on the gauze at her neck, and he’s about to interrupt when she waves him off. “I mean it’s… It’ll heal. I’ll be fine.”
“You need stitches, Daisy,” Jemma points out.
The silence is tense as Jemma works. Daisy stares straight ahead at the wall, grinding her teeth, blinking back tears. She clutches Mack’s hand with a bone-crushing desperation, and Mack puts a hand over hers. He hopes it is comforting, despite his own nerves and uncertainty. Questions flood his mind – What happened? How, and why? - but the silence between Jemma and Daisy is too fragile to interrupt.
In the end, it’s Daisy who speaks first.
“It wasn’t really him, right? Jemma? Tell me- tell me it wasn’t him.”
Daisy holds her breath. Mack does too. The only sound is a pained sigh from Jemma, and the soft clink of metal as, task complete, she carefully lowers the tweezers and needle and steadies her hands on the tray.
When at last she replies, it’s like she has to drag the words over glass to make it out of her throat, and Mack’s not surprised. He’s a little impressed actually, by the way she maintains eye contact even though it feels like she’s reaching out and snapping the last strings of hope they have.
“I’m afraid it was,” she clarifies.
Daisy blinks at her. Reluctant. Disbelieving.
Jemma continues, dropping eye contact at last in a battle to find the words and push through to the end of the sentence. “What happened, I think, was called a psychic split. It can happen sometimes when a person with- with schizophrenia under a large amount of pressure develops a- a- an alternate personality, sort of thing-“
“So I’m right then?” Daisy presses. “The Doctor, the alternate personality, it took him over. Right? So then it wasn’t him?”
Jemma shakes her head. Tears are spilling down her cheeks now and the whole tray trembles violently in her hands. “It doesn’t work like that. It’s not like possession. The Doctor may have pushed Fitz to think from a perspective that he wouldn’t ordinarily, but… It was Fitz who made the decisions in the end. It was Fitz who– who-“
She chokes up, and Mack can’t blame her. The world is shifting around them, the whole place uncertain, and with the two people he’d bet good money on being closest to her in the world at the heart of this mess, Mack can’t imagine how twisted Jemma’s universe has become. A bullet in the leg, suddenly, is nothing.
“I got this, Doc,” he insists gently. “Go.”
Nodding frantically, Jemma shoves the tray back onto its cart and bolts from the room before she loses her last semblance of strength. Deke mumbles uncertainly and takes his leave after her, and with a heavy heart, Mack takes her seat by Daisy’s bedside.
Daisy props herself up on her arms, and her fingers clench the bedframe, even as Mack works as gently as he can to clean the wound on her head.
“I knew it,” she growls. “I knew it was him. He didn’t sound insane. He looked like he- he didn’t want to. The Doctor would have liked it. He was- He was crying. He could hear me. He knew what he was doing. He knew.”
Anger cracks and crumbles in the face of fear again. It’s more than fear, it’s horror. It’s heartbreak. It’s violation.
She sobs. Mack starts. He should have seen it coming but it feels like a gut punch out of nowhere. Never had he imagined – it was almost as unspeakable as the laws of the universe – that Fitz could have hurt Daisy so much, willingly or otherwise.
“He knew,” she sobs, tears streaming down her face in a matter of seconds. Her body shakes with them. “He knew what it means to me, what it means to us, and he still- How can I- How can I forgive him when he still-“
Mack puts the tweezers and gauze aside. This truly is a flesh wound; it can wait if it has to. It’s more important in this moment to wrap his arms around his friend. Hold her steady while the fabric of the world not only shifts, but tears beneath her feet. He’s not sure what she’s talking about, he’s not sure what Fitz did – not beyond the obvious anyway – but he’s sure that it must be something, that it must be bad, as Daisy howls and sobs in his embrace. There’s so much pain there, and anger, and grief, he starts to cry just listening to it.
She howls and the windows shake, the wheels of the bed and the med cart squeak, bottles and supplies start to drop to the floor, and Mack feels a knot tighten in his gut. He hadn’t picked up on it before but he sees it now. He pieces it together – the blood on Daisy’s neck, the profound sense of intimate betrayal, and the fact that her quaking is back. Fitz must have removed her inhibitor. Tied her down and took her Inhumanity back by force.
“Ah, Tremors,” he breathes, and it feels a bittersweet choice of nickname now. “Daisy. I got you, okay? You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
He murmurs sweet nothings and rubs her back, and it doesn’t do much to soothe the otherwordly lament of agony that’s pouring out of her, but he figures it can’t hurt either. He stays with her, holds her, until the trials of the day catch up with her and she falls into a restless sort of sleep. Then he quickly, carefully finishes cleaning her head wound and posts himself as watchman over her. He’ll move her bed to be beside Elena’s as soon as he gets the chance, but for now he sits back in the chair and turns it a little more toward the door. He holds the scalpel, lightly, in his fist, just in case they get an unwanted visitor.
He wipes the tears from his cheeks.
Apparently, you really never can tell.
#I PROMISE THE FORMATTING FIXES ITSELF IF YOU CLICK THE READ MORE#aosteam#daisymack#brotp: tremors#aos fic#aosficnet#i'm serious tho stab me#aos s5#aos 5x14#clara's fic tag#fitzdaisy#fitzmack#brotp: turbo#brotp: a tonne of weird crap
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Changing Stripes - Ch.5
AN ~ I am very pleased to announce that after LITERAL YEARS I am raising this fic from the dead to give it an ending. I got caught up in trying to make it perfect and as canon got darker I wasn’t sure how to balance it out, but some of my recent prompts about bi fitz have given me opportunity and inspiration too perfect to pass up so I am FINALLY finishing this fic! The 6th chapter, which I plan to be the last, will be released in the coming days.
For those who are not familiar, this a bit of a bi!Fitz retrofit, in which Fitz encounters and slowly comes to terms with his bisexuality. As it is intended to integrate with canon, there is a fair bit of the FitzSimmons relationship in its platonic/pre-relationship stages, as well as discussions of romances & crushes with various characters. However, the ending will be left deliberately ambiguous in terms of endgame ships, and as such I welcome readers to follow things through to their canon conclusions or to divert with ships of your own. Enjoy x
This chap, we jump forward to S3 canon. Joey pays Fitz a visit.
Read on AO3 (this chap, ~1400wd, whole fic, ~4700)
Changing Stripes - Ch.5
Joey wasn’t typically one to get involved in other people’s lives, especially the intimate parts, but he saw something of his old self in Fitz sometimes, and for some reason - maybe it was Daisy’s sense of mission rubbing off on him - he felt like he should do something about it. Nothing too elaborate, just a nudge in the right direction; just a little something like the push he got, when he had needed it, to look at his life and his heart and his mind and line it all up for himself. So he set himself a little research project, until he had enough observations and anecdotes to back his instinct, and to hold Fitz’s attention if he shied away; until he was sure, at least as sure as he could be without being Fitz, and until the only question left was when to broach the subject. With Fitz so focused on Jemma’s rescue from the mysterious rock situation, it sometimes felt almost cruel to contemplate intervening, but Joey knew more than most, that sometimes the threat of a spiraling, all-consuming depression presented a man with a prime opportunity to take stock of himself.
So it was that Joey decided to simply seize the day.
“Hey, Fitz,” he greeted, inviting himself into the lab, where Fitz was frowning at his work, pencil shavings littering his desk, a cold tea only half finished sitting nearby. He shook his head and looked up as Joey approached, belatedly pulling himself out of his own head.
“Hey, Joey,” he greeted. “Sorry, I’m a little distracted. Can I help you?”
“Actually,” Joey began, “I was thinking maybe I could help you.”
“I’m… not sure that’s a good idea,” Fitz replied, as reluctant to think about the fruitlessness of his mission as he was about the possibility of having a volatile heat source at his side in the vicinity of several combustible chemicals. “Don’t Daisy and Coulson want you on something- something else?”
“I didn’t mean in the lab,” Joey clarified. “I meant something personal.”
“And judging from that look on your face, you already know what I mean.”
Fitz cleared his throat, and mumbled along the lines of I don’t know what you’re talking about. He turned back to his work, and picked up the pencil, but seemed to have lost his train of thought. And forgotten that the nib had long since snapped off the pencil, and he’d given up on it hours ago.
“I think you do, though,” Joey continued calmly. He sat down in the chair beside Fitz, his own nerves starting to shake his hands and claw at his throat. But he could tell that Fitz was listening, and so he pushed on. “Let me put something to you. Some feelings you might relate to.
“You grew up in a conservative household. Hopefully one full of love, but one where you weren’t exposed to a lot outside of the norm in terms of love and marriage and family structure. You never knew any queer kids growing up – none that you knew of anyway – and you never saw it as a possibility until one day, later in your life, maybe at college, something happened. You felt something, maybe some guy just winked at you, and something inside of you asked a question.
“You ignored it. You had another one-off. An inconvenient boner, maybe a sex dream, and you thought, it must be the stress, the strangeness, the objective aesthetic appreciation – anything but ‘that.’ Every time, you told yourself it was an anomaly, even though, while I’m talking about all this right now, you’re counting how many anomalies there have been, in your head. Aren’t you?”
“I…” Fitz’s lips moved around nothing. His mind felt strangely clear, and yet, he had no answer for Joey other than to marvel at the accuracy. He put down his charade of a pencil and turned in his chair. “How did you know?”
“A lot of guys go through this,” Joey promised. “LGBT people, in general. Even if we’re not in a particularly hostile environment, we don’t have the resources to- you know, to recognise our feelings. It takes longer, it’s messy. With guys, there’s all the macho-fairy stuff to deal with too. And for you it’s probably different again, right? I know you’re in love with this girl, Jemma. I had help like, I didn’t like sex with girls, and I kept wishing the girls I thought I was interested in, were more like the guys I actually was interested in. Being bi, maybe you didn’t have that, I don’t know. Maybe that made it more confusing. But I’m not wrong, am I?”
Fitz frowned. Joey was not wrong, that much was true, but was he right?
“Bi,” Fitz mused. “You think I’m bisexual?”
“You know about it?”
“Not much. Not well,” Fitz explained. “I’ve heard about it, I guess. I did a couple Google searches. Chickened out of following it up every time, of course, but you probably know how it goes.”
“Right.” Joey snorted. “But actually, it’s interesting you say that. A lot of people get hung up on the concept of being attracted to more than one gender. They think they’ve gotta be gay or they’ve gotta be straight, and those are the only two options. If you’re open to a third, that’s gonna make life much easier for you.”
“Do you think that’s what I am though? I don’t- I don’t even really know if what I’m feeling is… you know…”
“Gay?” Joey teased, a smile touching his lips. “Okay, let’s put it this way. There’s a difference between appreciating how much a man can lift, and wanting that man to lift you.”
The furious blush that arose in Fitz’s cheeks at this, told both of them as much as they needed to know.
“Point taken,” Fitz conceded.
“In all seriousness, though,” Joey insisted, “I can’t tell you who you are. There are a couple more labels that might suit you better, and some people don’t want to label it at all. You don’t have to, either, and you don’t have to let it change anything about your life out here.” He waved an arm through the air, gesturing around the room. Then he gestured to his heart. Swallowed his nerves. “The change is in here. It’s a beautiful thing, whatever happens. Whatever you decide, labels or no labels – but, you know, speaking as someone who’s been where you’ve been, or somewhere close to there, I think the most important thing is recognising it for yourself. Recognising your attraction to men, and having a relationship with it. Of some kind. I don’t wanna tell you how to live, but just… think about it, okay? I think you’ll be surprised what good it does.”
Voice trembling, Joey stood up and took a deep breath. He had to stay calm these days, and he was getting good at it, but every now and then things risked getting just a little too real. This time, crisis was averted - the metal lab bench was safe - but not a moment after he had jumped to his feet, a couple of lab techs filed into the room. The conversation was over, then, at least for now. Joey gave Fitz a nod and a look that promised he wouldn’t tell anyone. Fitz nodded back, a promise that he would at least think about it, and Joey took his leave.
Fitz turned back to his work, but his mind was still distracted. What good was another vague promise, after all? Apparently, he’d been thinking about this for a decade already, maybe longer. All those not-so-one-offs. Watching Joey leave, he recalled that day at the orientation fair, when he’d found the queer guild table and hadn’t dared approach it. Looking back on it now, he wondered how he might have felt within himself, or in his relationships with Hunter or Mack or Trip or Ward, or even with Jemma or Daisy, if he’d dared to resolve that question when he’d had the chance. Well, now he did again, and apparently, he had someone personally cheering him on along this awkward personal journey. And he’d had some growth along the way in his lifetime too, in other ways. He’d learnt to start trusting himself, most of all, and to take pride in and stand up for who he was; not who he was expected to be. With this in mind, he picked up a fresh white pencil and, on another blank blueprint sheet, carefully wrote out the word:
He sat back and looked at it, and blew the air out of his cheeks.
Then he scribbled the question mark out.
#leofitzfic#leo fitz#bi!fitz#leofitznet#thefitzsimmonsnetwork#aosficnet#aosteam#clara's fic tag#fitz#agents of shield#bisexual headcanons#lgbt headcanons#aos headcanons
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