#aos ​4x15
hiddenvioletsgrow · 11 months
this is probably my favorite daisy moment ever
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
4x15 is so good im still floored honestly. the acting by chloe and elizabeth was insane, the tension, the bait and switch by the fitz lmd, especially if you know whats going to happen its just heartbreaking to watch him, and then when daisy finds simmons and they have to prove to each other that theyre them... that hug honestly broke my heart. and then the ending is just on a whole different level. id even go so far as to say that it beats the finale for this season. lmd may choosing to believe in her humanity and making sure the rest of the shield agents can get away to then sacrifice herself and take the other lmds down with her is just poetic, and terrible and sad. and thats not even touching aidas betrayal, the superior chop shop, or just the terrifying idea of all your friends being replaced and turning everyone else against you, forcing you to potentially have to defend yourself against them. this show honestly has no business being this good.
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amelia-mariee · 2 years
agents of shield 4x15 scared me and made me cry, and at the end, i was standing a foot away from the tv and yelling
it was amazing
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achingly-shy · 2 months
hi geo! for the ask game, top 10 agents of shield episodes?
hi hi hi omgggg i am so excited and glad that you asked this!!! apologies for responding so late btw; i’m currently visiting canada so i’ve been fairly busy with my family. but i have down time rn and i’ve been thinking about my answers a bit over the last couple of days, so here they are!
also disclaimer: i’m soooo bad at picking favorite episodes because in all honesty plot lines blend together for me and sometimes i forget which specific episodes stand out to me especially since it’s been over a year since i’ve rewatched this show (i need to do it again soon i know) so a lot of this is based off the episodes i find myself returning to over and over and over again
1x06 - FZZT: this episode……this episode!!!! i contemplated for a while whether this deserved the top spot and honestly idk why i was doubting it before. a lot of people say you just have to make it to the end of the season with the whole hydra reveal to get hooked on aos but this is the episode that got me. plus it’s such an important early fitzsimmons episode and you know how much i love them!! very quotable i can rattle off half their conversations i’m agent grant ward and i can shoot the legs off a flee from 500 yards as long as it’s not windy etc etc etc
4x15 - self control: ummmm single-handedly gave me trust issues and the ability to toss flip stab on cue with lmd fitz (also that skimmons hug is to die for)
6x06 - inescapable: to no one’s surprise, another fitzsimmons episode makes the top three! this one is just so rewatchable i’ve seen it so many times there is so much to unpack
1x17 - turn, turn, turn: i don’t feel like i have to speak on this much because lives were changed all around
7x09 - as i have always been: time loop!!!! and craziness!!!! and enoch????????? </3
5x05 - rewind: apologies i’m just obsessed with fitz so
7x13 - what we’re fighting for: who would i be if i didn’t put this masterpiece of a series finale on the list like let shows end on their own terms all the time so that they can have as spectacular of a conclusion as agents of shield
3x10 - maveth: when i saw that skeleton leg poking out of you know who’s pants i was just 😧😧😧 and also everybody cheer because ward’s chest got crushed in!!!!
5x22 - the end: as painful as this episode is, it’s also just very good and s5 is my favorite season so
5x04 - a life earned: am i putting this on the list just because of fitz??? no i would never 👀
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for the send me a character: Daisy Johnson!
First impression My true first impression of Daisy was before I watched the show. I just knew there was a character called Daisy Johnson who was Quake, she was at one point the director of SHIELD in the comics, and in one particular comic depiction she kinda looks like Rihanna. I'm not crazy I promise
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Impression now An absolute legend. There are parts of the show where I find her a bit annoying (s1, s3), but even then she's usually right. Just reckless or intransigent. But that's part of her character and she wouldn't be the same without those flaws.
Favorite moment Ough there are a few. The first scene where she bursts out of the cocoon, the scene in season 4 where Hydra!May gives her terrigen and she says she's powerful enough to bring the whole place down, the hug between her and Jemma in 4x15, the scene where she goes to see Jemma with flowers and tells her she can call her whatever she wants, every moment with May.
Idea for a story Philindaisy and Daisy's relationships with Coulson and May separately are probably my favorite part of her character, so most of my story ideas regarding her feature Coulson or May. I've only ever written two MayDaisy fics, because tbh Book_Freak has that niche covered.
Unpopular opinion Probably that I think she sometimes takes her ideologies too far, and that I find that annoying to watch sometimes. I don't think she was right all the time, and there were even times when she was right and I think she went about things wrong. That's an unpopular opinion in the AoS fandom, which is mostly composed of people who think she never did anything wrong ever.
Favorite relationship Oh god all of them. But the ones I actively seek out content for the most are MayDaisy, and CoulsonDaisy. I refuse to use Skoulson because I've seen people shipping them romantically in that tag.
Favorite headcanon There's this wonderful fic by agentmmayy on AO3 where the team takes Coulson to be healed in Wakanda. It's called tell me it'll be okay and it's one of my favorite AoS hc's ever. It brings together the Wakandan characters and the SHIELD team, and takes advantage of all that technology that was obviously at the team's disposal when Coulson was dying. I guess that's not Daisy-specific, but it's great. OH, my actual favorite Daisy hc is that she purrs when she's happy. Like, her powers cause her to vibrate a little as she breathes when she's feeling content, producing that adorable noise and rumbling sensation <3
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beth-is-rainpaint · 10 months
I've realized my feelings about the Loki s2 finale are roughly analogous to my feelings about AoS 4x15 ("Self-Control") in that I recognize they're both excellent episodes of television, but also they make me sad.
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fitzsimmonsyyy · 2 years
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andressa151515 · 1 year
Oii hoje eu vim saber como passaram os dois dias, pois bem notei que ontem escrevi um turbilhão de palavras aqui e também notei que a maioria desistiu de ler no começo,mas acontece!!
Vamos direito ao ponto
Dieta para o dia 09/07
Por ser domingo é permitido levantar às 07:30 e tomar o café as 08:00
Mas fique a vontade para levantar às 06:00 se preferir...
Café da manhã
1 xícara de café sem açúcar ou chá ou um copo de suco natural
2 torradas ou 3 bolachas salgadas
1 fruta de sua preferência
Manga, banana, laranja, caqui, maçã entre outras
1 iogurte natural
Almoço no domingo e sempre mais tarde kkk
100 gramas de arroz
95 gramas de feijão
Salada a vontade
Café da tarde 16:00- 16:30
1 café sem açúcar com uma fatia de pão
Ou suco e alguma fruta..
Janta 19:00- 20:00
1 xícara de chá sem Açúcar
Se sentir fome pode comer um ovo cozido de preferência
Lembrando usar com moderação essa dieta pois se começar a se sentir mal, pare imediatamente...
Metabolismo distintos reações diferentes...
4x15 agachamentos
4x30 polichinelos
4x 15 abdominal supra
4x15 Abdominal oblíquo
1min de prancha
1min de corda
Caminhada de 30 min ou se preferir pode correr também
Se conseguir mais pode fazer mais
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 9
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Je ne compte pas. (French language, T) by AngelicaR2
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Young Limbs and Numb Hymns (Drusilla/Spike, T) by SomeKindOfADeviant
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marvelsaos · 3 years
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Marvel Television Appreciation Week ▪ Day 5: Favourite Story Arc
“My programming was to get the Darkhold. That came from Radcliffe. But my impulse, to keep Coulson safe and close, that desire… that came from me.”
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amelia-mariee · 2 years
Spoilers for AoS 1x17, 3x22, 5x14, 4x15
The twists on Agents of Shield hit SO HARD omg, and one of the main reasons for that is the diversions they utilize.
Like I never in a million years would’ve seen that Ward twist coming, (most people didn’t) especially after how betrayed he seemed when it was revealed that Skye was still in communication with the rising tide. They make it seem like “oh yeah, that’s the twist, Skye is the one who’s most likely to secretly work against everyone for a little while, but she’s not doing that anymore so that’s solved” and then Grant kills Hand and stabs everyone in the back and it’s insane.
I thought that the whole Necklace Of Death storyline was leading up to Yo-Yo’s death, and that passing it around and different people wearing the jacket was just another huge diversion to make us think that it was going to be someone besides her. It was her necklace. I was absolutely certain it would be her. I NEVER would’ve thought it would be LINCOLN.
We thought it was an evil fear-dimension doppelgänger of Fitz, only to find out he was never there and it was all Fitz. They really make you think it has something to do with the fear dimension, because that’s the main conflict, right? No.
AND OF COURSE WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT SELF CONTROL. OMG. Maybe other people saw this part coming, but I never considered that one of Fitzsimmons would also be an LMD. I got literal chills when they discovered that their friends were replaced. That’s what I was focused on. And then they reveal that one of them was replaced. (Also, I just have to say the acting in that episode is absolutely phenomenal)
The writers are just so good at distracting you with other elements of the story, just so that they can completely catch you off guard with new, even more insane twists.
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agentreeb · 3 years
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agent’s of shield appreciation week
Day 5 ☆ Favorite season or episode: Self control (4x15)
This is not a sacrifice play, you know why? Because I will beat them, I know it
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moonlayl · 4 years
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There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise
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avengerdaisy · 4 years
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