#ao3 feed help
ao3feed-radskier · 10 months
heys there, I'm from https://ao3feed-geraskier-backup.tumblr.com/ which I'm trying to set up, I'm having many issues on the RSS feed, and i know you fixed yours, can you please tell me what setup i should use to have the links look like yours?
I'm panur over at discord, if that makes it easier ;_; again, apologies for the inconvenienc,e but i would really appreciate any and all advice!
Hello, sorry it took a while to answer! I'm now using Zapier for this feed.
He's a link to the template, so you don't waste time creating yours :)
NB: given the popularity of your tag, i have to warn you the free version of Zapier has a limit of 100 "tasks" per month
Here's an article with alternative websites.
Pabbly is also limited to 100 tasks/month, so not worth it imo
Make has a limit of 1,000 tasks/month. 2 active workflows
Parabola doesn't have Tumblr integration
Pipedream, same as Parabola, but it's more coding-oriented so you can try to create the integration yourself (rip to my below beginner brain). 100 tasks/day and 3,000/month. 5 workflows.
Most of them don't suit my other 3 "niche" feeds' needs… I'm still trying to find a website that includes filtering in the free version :⎜
Though I am looking into creating an RSS feed outright but I'm having trouble with the formatting
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honneywithuhhtummy · 2 months
Anyone wants to sponsor a stuffing !! You will get before and after stuffing in return 🥰🥵
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brb gonna daydream about writing fanfiction for several hours without actually writing a single word
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ao3feed-romitri · 2 years
Ifttt is hard to work with in formatting the posts properly. Either I lose the clicky link or I lose the summary/fic info. If anyone knows how I can get both (and I know it can be done because I follow a feed that does it) please let me know because Google is being shockingly unhelpful.
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goldencurlzfeedeee · 28 days
Ya girl just tryin to get thick dm if you wanna feed me 😘
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ate-2-much · 16 days
Daddy please make me the fattest piggy 🐷 alive 🙂
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jessfeeds · 2 months
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Hey there 🤭🤗
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florabarley · 9 days
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Would love to get stuff 🥰
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feedthefandomfest · 5 months
I have a question because I want to comment but I feel nervous. It is very foolish but it is seriously something that prevents me from commenting-
So English is not my first language and I suffer from a disease known as 'fuck you all English leaves your brain when you tap on the comment box'. Like I'm fluent enough to write a fic but the comments break me and I can only do basic 'subject verb complement' and forget half my vocabulary because I'm so nervous, so it often ends up being broken English.
I back out of posting comments except 'i love this this is amazing thank you for writing I love it' because I'm too scared the author will take it badly ? Like, what if they find it annoying ? What if they believe I think they write bad English and I'm mocking them and they don't want me to ever read their works ever again ?
Anyways, my question is : Does it actually bother anyone to receive broken English comments? Do people find it annoying ?
I would never be annoyed by such a thing and I'm positive that's true of others as well. On the contrary, it kinda blows my mind whenever I stop to think about how members of fandom for whom English is not their first language are so often working in translation. Like the trickiest barrier I have to contend with when writing anything is sleep deprivation and your average writer's block 😅 so to imagine also rendering those words in a different language?? 🫠
To varying degrees, the tragic disease of "empty comment box = empty brain" can strike anyone, regardless of language. On the plus side, some of the tricks to break through the blankness are also broadly applicable, such as
drawing from a list of sentence starters like the ones offered here or here (the beginner bingo card also has similar tasks!!)
installing this handy script that generates a positive comment on demand, which you can modify or expand on as needed
using the floating comment box to track moments or quotes you want to compliment specifically, even with just a string of emojis 💕💕💕
I can recall a couple comments I've gotten where the person apologized or gave a sort of disclaimer that English wasn't their first language, and honestly it just made me even more appreciative of the comment? Because there are so many reasons that a reader doesn't comment, and a language barrier is the most understandable!! And yet here they are, making me smile with their words. I always want to reassure them in my reply that an apology/disclaimer isn't necessary, but I don't always know how. (And there's nothing wrong with acknowledging something you're self-conscious about, after all.)
The concept of "broken English" has also got me thinking, though... And since it turned into a bit of an essay I'll leave it under the cut. 💛
Because the term "broken English" has a lot to unpack, seeing as it's always unfairly positioned those who speak English as a second language imperfectly as lesser (broken = defective). And that strikes me as a bit ironic, considering the degree to which English is a Frankenstein's monster of a language—this conglomeration of every language it encounters and subsumes. In that sense, English itself is a broken language? Or rather the shards of numerous languages held together with duct tape and gum and a whiff of imperialism. Its usage is always in flux, always evolving as speakers adapt it to new circumstances, and those adaptations become dialects in and of themselves. There is no one English language.
I teach high schoolers, and I'm consistently struck by the growing chasm between the kinds of English I can speak and the kinds of English they can speak. And technically my job is to train them in how to use American Standard English and read literature written in American Standard English, but really I find that pretty limiting.
Take the tone of this response, for instance! The more I've leaned toward trying to articulate these complicated issues of language, the more formal my speech has become. Contrast that with the first paragraph, where I'm trying to get across this awkward earnest admiration for the extra effort required of some fans just to engage in fandom, and so I ended up using more casual phrasing and emojis in a way that (hopefully) conveys a certain warmth and self-deprecating humor and whatnot.
If I were to leave a comment on a fic that blew me away, left me in a state of awe or delight or anguish—just a puddle on the floor—I'd find American Standard English quite lacking. Downright restrictive. The unique jumbled babble of fandom-speak functions on breaking the standard rules in order to evoke an intensity of emotion that meets the demands of the moment.
Another thing about commenters who really commit to throwing the rules out the window in favor of vibes is that I get such a strong sense of personality beaming through. A distinct voice that's generated, an intense impression of there being an individual on the other side with a particular shape. And there's something delightful about that.
...I suppose this is all a very roundabout way of saying that if there's anywhere to just unleash, vocab and mechanics be damned, where it's more than okay to string together whatever words you can in service of how you're feeling, it's the AO3 comment box. 💛
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jamietarttlookalike · 4 months
my brain has thrown me through a loop and now i ship gregory eddie and jacob hill
so genuine question…
what do i do????????????
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honneywithuhhtummy · 2 months
Dm me if you wanna feed me 🥰
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total-ecclipse · 6 months
Slinking Shadows
After a strange man breaks into your home, you start seeing him in the oddest of places. You can’t escape him—So, a smidge unwillingly, you start to get used to him.
Gavril/Reader, Slow build.
Chapter 1: Shadows After Midnight
Read it on AO3 Here!
Gavril (and the other Bubo characters to be added down the line) belongs to @partuulla! And check out the IGG campaign if you haven’t already!
[We could get more chapters of the game, and that’d give me even more to write with!]
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muldxr · 2 years
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Hill Country - written for @1dcountryfest
harry/louis | explicit | 11k | friends with benefits, family angst
Louis is a farmer. His family gives him hell for it, only because it’s not a nine to five job and he should set a better example for his siblings. When he's invited (scratch that, required) to pay a visit for a will reading, he has to double down on his work chores in advance. But spring break is just around the corner in Austin, which means Harry's free and he really, really wants to hang out.
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tsnwrites · 18 days
i need recommendations
i am looking for a very specific type of fic. a princess/royal woman x male bodyguard fic. any fandom or original fiction is great tysm:)
also bonus points if it takes place in a historical setting instead of modern-day
ive tried the tags on ao3 and am coming up empty handed so maybe im not searching correctly
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