#anza oyama
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セラミュ - ラ・ソウルジャー SERA-MYU - La Soldier Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon - Eien Densetsu [Kaiteiban] -THE FINAL FIRST STAGE-
#el.nakamori#El Nakamori#NAKAVISION#Seramyu#Sailor Moon Musical#ANZA Oyama#ANZA#大山アンザ#セラミュ - ラ・ソウルジャー#ラ・ソウルジャー#セラミュ#La Soldier#SERA-MYU - La Soldier#Sailor Moon#Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon#美少女戦士セーラームーン 永遠伝説 [改訂版]#美少女戦士セーラームーン#永遠伝説#改訂版#セーラームーン
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sera myu inner senshi cast (bandai 1993-2005)
with thanks to sera myu antics for the information and miss dream for the scans!
#sailor moon#sera myu#comparison#usagi#ami#rei#makoto#minako#sailor venus#sailor mercury#sailor mars#sailor jupiter#inner senshi#sailor moon musicals#anza oyama#fumina hara#miyuki kanbe#marina kuroki
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Names derived from the English Wikipedia's "List of short place names"
Aanam Aby Aen Aind Airs Aland Alet Alle Allove Alma Almon Aly Ameng Andregic Anoa Anza Ara Aritim Arover Arrlawa Ary Ascoto Ast Astereet Astlanxi Ath
Bad Barand Barish Beas Beldloven Beley Belsicand Berlou Bold Borterlab Bortré Bostreast Bottinet Bralagn Brand Breect Briden Broven Bud Buriguime Calmodal Cand Cary Caty Celage Cely Ces Chejind Chergen Chi Chies Chigeon Chinne Chisturn Chus Cita Com Coman Corislan Cothep Cou Coublity Couters Couth Crorg Czer Dafjor Daly Dania Deran Des Devalagae Digna Dina Disted Diver Don Dounala Edestan Egord Egordis Egy Empe Enatione Enet Enordal Enthome Eogra Epa Epara Epark Epu Etwed Eur Fairs Farkdang Fast Fax Fijin Fin Fincelaby Fir Fordaleas Foria Fortre Fria Frist Fun Funt Garmeast Gawed Geon Ges Ght Glas Gos Govardy Govisa Groli Guch Guriao Gurna Gävle Hand Handeslan Haudi Hea Hebrad Her Herm Heth Heuru Higes Hildlang Hipargium Hisa Hon Hun Hund Hurg Huận Ibelanina Ice Ied Iesied Ine Ing Inowaku Ion Ippent Ire Ireet Irego Ishaug Isia Islo Ist Istai Istla Istreg Ita Japertand Jia Juthnina Jämtlan Kaghea Kaing Kaity Kand Kanine Kast Kay Kayamers Khuantal Kland Knoway Kommuay Korld Krieders Kur Kuren Kurms Kuru Kus Lag Lahong Lamagalac Land Lang Lansuda Later Ledeven Lek Leméislân Ley Lia Liaonnera Licham Lieli Lifent Lincip Lind Linne Lity Liveng Livish Localma Lomadal Lon Loon Lovaskey Lown Luim Lân Mageonsi Mal Mand Mation Mes Modal Modensu Moders Mona Mone Monght Monin Moralit Moriž Mos Mosning Mostleser Mote Moter Moulf Musaket Naanzarob Nagas Nal Namon Naweg Nerme Ners Nia Nitand Nizemian Nog Nor Norequ Norg Norpo Norranyam Nort Nowall Oaterønd Obleon Obos Odalahom Odeven Ohnigin Ohnpe Oirek Oirfas Okince Okinja Okne Olcs Onglermen Oraiferg Ordalan Ordershik Oric Orisland Orly Orma Orrisa Ort Ortreend Orweenes Orwes Oth Oyama Oyang Parace Parai Pard Pardes Parklu Pary Phorgin Phung Pierre Ping Placena Pon Pornsuld Pub Pun Pyrénée Qenia Qenizary Quand Qui Quảngeona Rad Ran Ree Regosniy Reind Res Reso Rhamn Rian Roa Roaria Roldal Roms Roon Roto Rudisa Rys Rézvárom Scoma Scorkiand Seala Sean Seconaa Seed Segionght Seis Sero Seval Seviltesi Shan Shearde Shogreg Shomic Shorany Shord Shorict Sia Sije Sionsus Ske Slanamle Slog Slâ Sma Somb Sopon Soveng Soveslag Spa Stan Ster Stesish Stlany Stra Stry Sul Sunt Surada Surd Surity Svaled Swest Swillanxi Swilloven Sykka Szatis Tameto Tentia Thejia Then Theo Thipark Tholoi Tia Tio Tisidest Tom Tomard Tomestres Torwesinh Touth Tra Traic Tre Trom Try Tshurk Tsus Tuckyotly Turesh Tuzlan Twes Ubdiffeng Udia Ukiastry Ullek Urdlocand Usaif Valu Valuczer Varter Ver Vere Vered Vet Vil Vin Ving Vis Von Vordena Vorkdaya Vys Väst Västami Wakes Wales Way When Wilan Willo Wit Witan Wition Yaman Yamesity Ybei Ybenea Zhnpe Ångent Öden Örður Öst Östal Östrad
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Woke up and randomly decided to FINALLY watch the first-ever Myu. I semi-liveblogged it on Twitter, but when I finished, I kinda made this extra gag because this was one of the things that REALLY got to me.
I knew of its existence. I had seen the screencaps and the commentary for over a decade, but it's something else to experience it firsthand.
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My package with some Sera Myu fan event photos arrived! I’ll be scanning most of them and posting over the next week or so. These are the only three from the ANZA era. [source: my scans/collection]
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First of all, I’m upset that I’m only just now learning Anza is on instagram. But also here is an amazing photo she post for Usagi and Chibiusa’s birthday with Tamaki Shirai (formerly known as Tamaki Dia Shirai), who played Chibi Usa during the first stage in both SuperS musicals plus the first Sailor Stars. “Today is Usagi and Chibiusa’s birthday. I wonder if the people who might get this photo will actually understand lol. Happy birthday Usa & Chibiusa💕“
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All about Chiho Oyama : height, biography, quotes
How tall is Chiho Oyama
See at http://www.heightcelebs.com/2017/04/chiho-oyama/
for Chiho Oyama Height
Chiho Oyama's height is 5ft 7in (1.70 m)Chiho Ooyama, also known as Chiho, was the sixth actress to play Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter in the Sera Myu musicals. Chiho is the younger sister of Anza Ooyama, the first actress to play Usagi Tsukino /Sailor Moon in the musicals. After graduating from...
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ANZA Oyama and Mochizuki Yuuta - The original Usagi and Mamoru.
#seramyu#sailor moon#tuxedo mask#anza oyama#mochizuki yuuta#mizuki sano doesn't count#I rescued these off a dying angelfire website#too pretty not to hang onto
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I finally found a copy of the DVD for Stand in the World: The Rock Musical Show of Head Phones President, starring ANZA and Head Phones President along with some notable Myu alumni! Ryuji and Hikari both had musical numbers and it was wonderful to hear them sing again.
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If you didn't cry during Anza's last performance, you're wrong.
I haven't cried that much over something fandom related in a long time.
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HEAD PHONES PRESIDENT - Kawasaki, 13 Apr 2013
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I looooveeeee Anza Oyama's voice
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Knockin' Down Hesitation
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New Head Phones President music video!
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