johnadamsbignaturals · 2 months
i’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and never have i seen such widespread hysteria and distrust amongst leftists on here.
muslim and arab users will be explaining why they don’t have a lot of faith in kamala or walz in terms of ending the genocide of palestinians and the replies will just be overrun with white people speaking over them and convincing themselves that anyone with a mild criticism of democratic party is actually part of surge of secret white supremacist trump supporters who want them all to die.
i need you to understand that if you identify as a democrat, there are always going to be people both on tumblr and in real life who are ideologically much further left than you, and that palestinian american voters expressing their fears and dissapointment actually doesn’t make them bots or part of a far-right psyop.
the way some of you have been conducting yourself is racist, callous, and actually disgusting!!
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willsimpforazula · 3 years
Sokkla Month Day 27/28: Angst/Fluff
A/N: Song is Oath Sign by LiSA, English translation from Amalee's cover.
PS: Fate has some killer OPs.
PPS: I blame my laziness on being too engrossed in Seiba fanfics.
Anywho...bone apple tea or somthing liek dats
繰り返す世界 何度手を伸ばしたら
Once again I reach my hand into a world, repeating on end
Though it's dark, could my tears carve a path and lead me right into your heart?
Like a rose it blooms and grows inside my chest you're name's all it knows
Is this fate, 'cuz every day I pray that by your side I can stay
The first time they met, it was in an abandoned town in some forgotten corner of the Earth Kingdom. From then on, they sought to find out everything and anything they could on each other.
Every piece of information, every scrap of rumours and sightings was held tightly to their chest, blooming and growing as each of them kept tabs on the other as best they could. When asked, they casually dismissed it as 'research on the enemy', though both of them knew they weren't fooling anyone. After all, research most certainly did not include figuring out each other's likes and dislikes, as if one were to be inviting the other over for some afternoon tea.
堕ちた希望を拾って 明日に繋いでゆけば
I'll gather these fallen flowers, the hope discarded and broken
And join them where they can meet, my wish is to set them free
"Are you sure about this?"
"More than I've ever been."
"What if your sister…"
"If she wanted to, she would have done it a long time ago."
"Regardless, I don't like it one bit. Not after what she did to-to-"
"You were just itching for an excuse to bloodbend me no matter what I said or did, even after helping you track down your mother's killer. But yes, please lecture me on what your brother can and cannot do."
"That was different."
"I fail to see the differences."
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Killing her doesn't solve anything. Or taking her bending away. Your brother is the only one who can get through to her. Not me, not the therapists. I just want her to be whole again, free from Ozai's influences."
"If she ever so much as hurts a hair on him, she is dead, consequences be damned and you won't stop me. Understand?"
"Be my guest."
泣いてる夜抱いたまま 嘆きを叫んで
踏み入れた足を 遠くの理想が そっと癒してゆく
確かな絆を強く握り進もう どこまでも
Holding up the light within and with no hesitation,
To give you a future is all I wanted
Hold me tight through the dark endless nights, as I scream till the morning' s light
All my broken down ideals, I know they will heal
With every step they'll form the future
I'll hold tightly to this special bond we share, I'll follow you anywhere
Carrying onwards bearing this miracle
"Why are you here?"
"I-well, I-"
"Answer me, brother of Katara. Why do you come day after day? Is it because you wish to rub my defeat in my face? Or are you here to make me feel comfortable with my executioner? Answer me."
"It's neither of these."
"I'm not lying, princess."
"Stop it."
"Stop what?"
"This. Pretending to be my friend, offering empty words. I don't need any of these."
"That's where you're wrong. Your brother-"
"Is weak and an imbecile for letting me live."
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Even you."
"If the roles were reversed you would have been executed on the spot, after a long torture session that would make death seem like a release."
"I doubt that."
"What would you know of my methods?"
"Because I know deep down inside there is still that spark inside of you. You are only the way that you are because frankly your parents were shit."
"You know nothing!"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Pulling out a dossier, he slid it across to her.
"What is this?"
"Know thy enemy, know thyself and you will win a hundred battles. Call it a hunch, call it a brother's intuition. Besides, if you really wanted me dead I would have been killed, I don't know, about twenty times over before we got to this point?"
"Fuck off Sokka, I don't want to see your face for the rest of the month."
"Keep telling yourself that missy." he smirked, even as a fireball whizzed dangerously close to his head.
"My my, someone's rusty."
"Fuck you you no good piece of shit savage!" she snarled, even as he moved out of earshot. Sometimes, she thought, it was better to not meet one's idol after all.
創られた想い 触れればなによりも
答えなんて出ないって もう君は知っていたの?
泣いて滲んだ願いは 決して揺るぎはしなくて
Once again I hope I can regain the warmth that's ahead, and I pray these fake feelings will blur
As the world starts to fade away
Even if I lose my grip and set this question free from my lips,
I won't be surprised to know no answer will come from the light
This wish that was born from our tears, I know it'll never waver
I won't forget the pain even as we forge on ahead
"Crown Princess Azula, you are hereby relieved of all titles save your status as a princess and are forbidden from entering Caldera without prior permission from the Fire Lord himself. You are to be placed under house arrest on Ma'inka for the rest of your days. All communication will be vetted and censored and any attempt at inciting rebellion will result in your bending being stripped away as your only warning. The next attempt will result in public capital punishment. Do you understand?"
"I hear and obey."
"One question."
"Go ahead."
"Why spare me? Why let me live with my bending, knowing that it will be more trouble than it's worth?"
"It seems you have an advocate high in the system that petitioned on your behalf. Any more questions?"
"You have twenty four hours to prepare, starting now. I suggest you make full use of this time."
Why did you do it? Sokka you stupid fucking idiot, I'm a fucking liablity here. I really hope you don't regret it, she thought to herself.
Dear Suki,
I know what you're thinking. Believe me, sometimes I wonder if it's easier to just let her die or languish in some asylum for the rest of her days. But, well, I don't think I'll ever sleep easy at night knowing that perhaps I could have done something to save her.
I know with every sentence I write, I'm essentially digging my own grave. And frankly, I don't blame you. After all she did throw you into the Fire Nation's Supermax. I won't pretend her hands are clean, that she didn't know what she was doing but still, I think everyone deserves a second chance.
I'm sorry.
Sorry for leading you on all this while.
Sorry for making you think we had a future together.
Sorry for making you wait so long before I came to save you.
Most of all, sorry for giving what is rightfully yours to someone who probably doesn't deserve it.
I know that you'd most likely hop on the next boat and drag my corpse back to Caldera so you can beat the shit out of me one more time but please, whatever happens, your happiness isn't with me.
PS: Katara was just as livid when I told her about it. Also, I hear Zuko is single and ready to mingle (probably not the latter; spirits know he has the social skills of a turtleduck, which is to say none).
哀しみを知って 喜びを知った 弱さは君を変えて
立ち止まった時 剥がれ すべてを壊した
Only knowing of sadness
Never thought I could feel this
But now I know what is pure happiness
Time stops still, taking your breath away
So rip from weakness and escape
Standing on the bridge, the glowing lights of Caldera grew ever fainter until it was a distant white speck on the horizon, before it finally sank beneath the horizon. Under the light of the stars and moon, the vessel was illuminated by the moonlight and the bioluminescent blue algae crashing against the bow of the ship. It seemed ironic that a vessel that carried her off two years with the promise of greatness and glory would now be carrying her off to obscurity and exile.
"Here, wear this. Wouldn't want you getting a cold now?"
"Why?" she whispered, a stray tear falling from her eyes as she felt a coat placed on her shoulders.
"Why what?"
"Why do all of this? For me? For someone who doesn't deserve this?"
"Because no one stood up for you when they should have."
"You shouldn't have. You deserve your happy ever after with Suki, not a lifetime of pain and regret with me."
"Maybe. Maybe it's all for nothing and I deserve a lifetime of pain and regret for being an idiot. But if I'm being honest, the times I sparred with you were the times I felt most alive. Like as if I finally found what I've been seeking for all this while."
"This is a massive gamble you're taking, betting it all like this."
"What can I say? It almost worked on the Day of the Black Sun. It worked out on the day of Sozin's Comet."
"What makes you think you can save me from myself? More to the point, why do you think I want to be saved to begin with? Until you can give me a satisfactory answer, don't come and look for me." she replied.
Just as she was about to disappear into the ship, she heard him mutter "Because you deserve to be happy too."
届くはずのない言葉を託して 見えた瞳は
何を感じて遠ざけるの? 心隠すように
今ここにいる意味 教えてくれたなら
強くいられる 変わらずいつも
I keep screaming out to you though I may never reach you,
But still I can picture the light in your eyes
Tell me what makes you so afraid that you'd hide your heart away
If only you'd turn to to me and say the words that would give my life meaning
Then I would and will forever be strong enough
Ducking into her room, Azula cried into her pillow, as she asked if this was one of fate's twisted ironies dealing her a hand that seemed too good to be true. Monsters don't need saving, they need to be put down. You don't deserve him.
Shut up!
You know it's true.
What's stopping him from betraying you? Or has your adolescent heart fallen for him that you would excuse any of his actions?
Shut up!
I could go on. Do you want me to?
No, stop please!
Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands embracing her in a tight hug, making her gasp. It was warm, familiar and comforting. At once, the voices in her mind stilled, as the other person called out her name tenderly, like a parent with a lost child. Instinctively she knew it was Sokka, yet she kept her eyes screwed shut lest it all turn out to be a figment of her imagination.
After all, she had once hallucinated her mother talking to her on the day of Sozin's Comet when she was obviously nowhere near her room, much less Caldera or the Palace.
In a small still voice, she asked "Is-is it really you Sokka?", to which she felt a gentle pressure of his lips on her forehead and a response "Can hallucinations do this?"
"I don't know anymore. Please, don't lie to me."
"Open your eyes."
"No, what if it's all just my hallucinations?"
Another kiss.
"Still not convinced?"
Scooping up her hands in his, he pressed it against his chest and cheeks before asking her "Are you convinced now?"
In response, she buried her face in his shoulder, this time sobbing loudly as emotion overtook her senses. Meanwhile, Sokka just held her wordlessly, stroking her hair and back. When she finally stilled, he placed her on the bed and tucked her in. Before he left, she asked "Do you mean it?"
"What you said on the bridge, that I deserve to be happy too, even after all I've done?"
泣いてる夜抱いたまま 嘆きを叫んで
踏み入れた足を 遠くの理想が そっと癒してゆく
確かな絆を強く握り進もう どこまでも
Holding up the light within and with no hesitation,
To give you a future is all I wanted
Hold me tight through the dark endless nights, as I scream till the morning' s light
All my broken down ideals, I know they will heal
With every step they'll form the future
I'll hold tightly to this special bond we share, I'll follow you anywhere
No hesitating I'll open my eyes, though my heart's breaking
I'll reach out my hand and carry onwards
Bearing this miracle
15 years later….
"No no no Sokka you can't do this! You promised!" Azula screamed as she held his battered body in her hands.
"I-I'm sorry, firefly. I guess I was in over my head a little, huh?" he coughed, blood and spit staining the floor and her dress.
"I-we-don't have much time. There's someone else you need to protect."
"You're my only anchor to sanity Sokka! You can't."
Grabbing the nearest sheet of paper, Sokka wrote down a short message, before tearing off his necklace and dipping in it his blood, before pressing it into the paper like a seal.
"T-that should be enough, I think."
"Sokka please stop saying things like these! Our kid needs a father! She needs you! I need you!"
"Then I'm a terrible father if I can't protect those whom I love. Please, go now."
"Remember what I said on the bridge that night we left Caldera?"
"Yes, but don't you deserve happiness too?"
"Being with you these past fifteen years made me happy enough, so please, for the sake of yours and hers, go now while you still have the time."
"You're just one swordsman and a non-bender, how-"
"I have my ways. Seriously please, grab this and go! Every second we argue here is one second less you have to escape!"
"Alright, fine! But I better see you in Caldera, or else! I'll be damned if I let Risa grow up without a father."
"I'll try."
"No 'try', you will. Promise me Sokka."
"As you wish, firefly."
Present day
"Mommy, where are we going?"
"We're going to see daddy, Riri."
"Going to see daddy?"
"Yes, that's right." she replied as she stepped into the small shrine.
Turning her head and looking around, Risa could only see plaques with names and faces, but not a single person. Tugging on her mother's sleeve, she asked "Where's daddy? Why are we here?"
Scooping her up into her arms, she pointed at a plaque that bore his name and face, as well as a jet black sword encased in stone. "That-" she pointed, "is daddy."
At once, things clicked her mind and she asked the obvious "Is-is daddy gone?"
"No, no he isn't. Because he's in you and me. As long as someone remembers him, he will never be gone."
Pulling out a handful of joss sticks, she asked Risa "Could you light this for me?" Nodding, she conjured a small green flame on her fingertips and lit the incense. Handing over three of the six sticks in her hands, both mother and daughter bowed twice, before placing it in the urn. Finally, Azula unwrapped a packet of seal jerky and placed it as an offering on the altar, before bowing again and taking her daughter by the hand to leave the place.
As they did, she could feel a burden being lifted from her shoulders as they crossed the threshold and just for a moment, she thought she could smell the ocean breeze and smoke, twin scents that reminded her so much of the boy, no, man who threw it all aside for her.
"I promise Sokka, I'll make sure Risa here grows up happy and healthy." she whispered to herself.
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