#anyways. yeah its not people saying theyre not abusive that makes me mad. interpret things how you want etc etc
mcybree · 6 months
if i see one more person say 3l!flower husbands wasnt abusive and then go on to describe an abusive relationship im goinf to gnaw my leg off . oh hey fireworks outside
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divorcedfiddleford · 7 years
i know this is random, but do you have any tips on writing ford and fiddleford? you do a really good job on their characterizations and even though i'm very familiar with their characters i always write people out of character when i'm writing, lol! thanks !!!!
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ghhhgg i Kid but anyway im like super distracted so i just made a list of a bunch of common mistakes i see when people r writing themedit: i was so wrong i made such a long fucking post im sorry this was a Mistake (rip mobile users)
first things first everything in the journal was Fake
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“fiddleford is a poor precious cinnamon roll who is helpless and did nothing wrong uwu” fuck off he built all those robots and probably killed a bunch of people in the process he isnt some innocent sunflower he’s more like a rowdy dandelion
yes this applies even if you’re writing young fiddleford he was just more patient and less open with his life of crime because he didnt want to go to jail
his eyes are blue. theyre fucking blue. theyre fucking b
“he doesnt like swears/he’s soft-spoken” wrong he’s literally the only character to have sworn on-screen
“he started the society because he was traumatized by what he’d seen” no, where did you get that idea. he literally says he invented the gun because he was “haunted by the thoughts of what I’d done” >literally stating that it was guilt not fear that was bothering him. eventually yes he used it for erasing scary memories but that was not his initial intent
he’s not bald anymore
really any idea that fiddleford is pathetic is grossly ooc i can think of one situation in the show that he wasn’t able to get himself out of and thats because he was turned into a fucking arras
what is this southern belle bullshit… he chews tobacco and wrestles pigs please stop woobifying this force of nature
a banjo is not the same as a guitar. a banjo is not the same as a guitar. a banjo is not the same as a guitar.
if youre going to write accents don’t be obnoxious about it
EX: “How are y’all doin’ this fine evening?”NOT: “Hower y’all doien’ this fain evenin’?”you don’t have to use the mannerisms in every sentence and you don’t have to drop the g in every -ingphonetic spelling is a pain to read like at the most you should be using apostrophes not respelling words (“Stanferd” more like kill me now)
also make sure your mannerisms are geographically accurate he’s not from texas i never want to see him say “sugah” again
his accent isnt even that strong in the show …what……….
tip: fiddleford is salty as FUCK he has NO MERCY and holds onto grudges like a lifesaver in a storm
tip: he loves being around people and will talk to them about fucking anything such as his multiple cases of manslaughter but doesn’t usually open up about his insecurities unless prompted
further reading: 1 2 3 4
“everything that happened to fiddleford is ford’s fault” did ?? you even watch the show??? fiddleford did all that shit himself ford had nothing to do with it
“ford was manipulating dipper and con-” im gonna stop you right there. ford loves his niece and nephew. he agreed to leave the kids alone because stan thought he was too dangerous to be around them. stan only let dipper hang out with ford after dd&md. ford loves dipper and mabel equally and never wanted them to split up or anything. bill fucking knew this hence why he threatened ford with killing them. he made the proposal to dipper about the apprenticeship because he genuinely thought that was the best thing for dipper. he was wrong but he didnt know that
in fact while we’re at it - ford literally always does stuff with the best of intentions he’s just dumb and unlucky as shit
deal with the devil? he thought the devil was his nerdy buddy not the devil. he just was so happy to have a friend who appreciated him he didnt realize he was the fucking devil
abandon your brother? he thought his brother had sabotaged his dreams and that the only person he’d ever trusted had betrayed him. he was wrong but it’s not like stan apologized or denied it. also what was he supposed to do? challenge his dad? in case you didn’t notice filbrick was a fucking terrible dad
building a doomsday device? too bad you’re literally being manipulated and abused by Lucifer The Triangle
“ford didn’t want to make amends with stan” um, no, like obviously he’s still mad and stuff but in dd&md he stops himself from getting super mad and asks stan if he wants to play with him and dipper
“ford wanted to kick stan out” ?? when did he say that??? the closest thing he said to that was that he wanted his house back and while i GUESS you could interpret that as he wanted it back to himself he follows it up directly with “this mystery shack junk is over forever” so its pretty obvious he means he wants the tourist trap that makes a mockery of his entire life’s purpose out of his house
“fords a grumpy guy” he is the opposite . he is overflowing with love and pride for those he holds dear. he might be a little gruff but who wouldnt be after living in hell for 30 years
remember that one asshole whose kink is “ciphord abuse”. dont be that guy. dont write kink shit
just. don’t make ford the villain. dont do it.
this may come as a surprise to you..but….he DOESNT have to bring up his intellect all the time! a shock i know
tip: ford is very excitable he loves getting up and doing things and going on adventures!! he loves interacting with the creatures around gravity falls like the gnomes and steve (see: every gotdamn episode)
he’s also very sympathetic; if someone he knows/cares about is struggling he does whatever he can to help them and comfort them (see: the last mabelcorn, damvtf)
he tends to think more big picture as opposed to worrying about individual details. the priority is always solving the larger problem unless a loved one’s life is ostensibly in danger in which case that takes priority (see: damvtf, wmg1, wmg3)
tip: ford is gay
tip: he’s also anti-social and wouldn’t be very forward with romantic notions like it would take him months before he even THINKS about kissing someone and even then its like a 10 hour loop of beach boys’ wouldn’t it be nice
tip: he is the king of infodumping and explains everything in excruciating detail
tip: he likes to have a good time! don’t be afraid to let him have fun!!
further reading: 1 2 3
for both:
enough of the angst. enough. enough
if you’re going to make them trans don’t milk the dysphoria
tip from my pal rudy @blue-dipper​ (im not trans)
same kinda goes for if youre doing romance dont overplay the internal/external homophobia i made that mistake so many times its just clunky and gets in the way of the characters
the whole idea of “the innocent one” vs “the sinful one” is garbage. abandon it. you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders
realistically if it’s a reunion thing don’t make them hook up automatically this shit takes time
in general avoid stereotypes. some examples being “the hippie” or “the nerd” just write them like they act on the show its easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved
ALEX HIRSCH ≠ WORD OF GOD only the stuff in the show needs to be considered 100% canon you can pick and choose all the other stuff or ignore it entirely
in conclusion all fiction is subjective and writing someone “in character” all depends on how you perceive the character. these are my perceptions of the character and yeah i get really frustrated when people don’t agree because i believe mine are those that make the most sense and that good representation of neurodivergent and lgbta+ people is important also im petty and annoying. the most important thing is that you be consistent with your portrayals (unless your perception of the character is inconsistency in which case good luck)
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