#anyways. feel free to yap at me about my picks i can and will talk about this forever.
fulgurbugs · 2 months
What would the travelers Pokémon teams be?
I can totally see Alfyn having a Blissey. Therion seems like he’d have a Gengar, potentially.
ok. upon literally hours of deliberation and team building (i actually already had ones for the OT1 travelers but decided to revisit them and change a few picks) me and my bestie @snailcruncher have settled on some teams. i will be going in depth on reasonings for these so prepare for a long post lol. im gonna put it under a readmore because really im not joking about how long it is
we also came up with some ideas/lore for why some of these would be picked in a pokemon AU setting, so i’ll be explaining any of those thoughts if they’re relevant too.
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one of the only teams left untouched, I think this is a good batch for her. i’m imagining a scenario where the sacred flame takes the form of a pokemon, and it’s a lampent. frosmoth and togetic felt just like… the right vibe. Lapras and Ampharos both have associations with guiding, so they’re in. Audino is a notable healing pokemon, and it feels in line with her personality as well.
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Alakazam for mr high iq smart guy. duh. oranguru for his role as a teacher, and Runerigus would be a late acquisition to his team in his ch4. Flareon, Glaceon, and Jolteon for the 3 scholar spell types. i also think him having 3 eeveelutions could also be kind of like, they’re really good for demonstrations for single-type stuff, as well as being popular with others. people might come up to him and be like omg you have a flareon i love flareon pleaseeee tell me more (flirtily) which of course would go over his head and he would start telling you flareon facts. I feel like Cyrus would excel in double battles.
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Meowth: the pay day signature pokemon. this is as close as i can replicate to tressa randomly finding money. Skwovet (she can now take her pet squirrel with her in a pokeball)
Gyrados for sure. one, she lives along an ocean, so she should definitely have a water type, two, i’m imagining a scenario where she buys a magikarp cheap, seeing the potential in it, then raises it into a real powerhouse. just like her!
carbink: really funny scenario me and the bestie came up with that instead of eldrite the treasure was diancieite. the carbink is from the same cave. tressa did try to evolve it with the diancieite. it didn’t work.
pidgeot… felt like she needed a flying type (wind magic rep) and i feel like she’d gravitate to the humbler normal types… doesn’t get much more straightforward than pidgeot. Dhelmise… maybe it used to be captain leons, maybe she fished it out of the harbor in rippletide herself. either way, she thinks it’s cool
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Aegislash: sword form, shield form…. this pokemon itself is the unbending blade. obviously i have given him several other sword based pokemon, too.
gallade, escavalier, and sirfetch’d badically all fit this. they’re knight-like, so they feel fitting i think to him.
as for conkeldurr and garganacl, they feel kind of… solidly built. like him. ( ⬇️ garganacl pick lore)
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almost all of her pokemon can learn some kind of dance though their level up. Oricorio is the obvious choice, dragonair reps dragon dance, beautifly reps quiver dance, and lilligant… well they can learn so fucking many. we couldn’t decide on which one to give her, so we ended up giving her both. they’re her backup dancers or whatever.
mawile just feels very primrose to me. its cute or pretty or whatever, and you might underestimate it… but watch out. it bites.
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he feels like a guy who loves a big fluffy dog. and stoutland has also been used in games for its ability to sniff out items, so it feels like it’d be a good pick for an apothecary looking to sniff out herbs and such. Comfey is an obvious pick, i mean its signature move is. floral healing. meganium also has mentioned in its dex entries its healing and calming properties. it’s also a cool as fuck dinosaur so i think alfyn would like it.
chatot. does this even need explanation
we also wanted to give him an ice type, and settled on cubchoo. it has a perpetually runny nose… even Alfyn can’t fix it, try as he might.
as for leavanny, we had some trouble picking the last slot on this team. we were looking through friendship evos, and leavanny caught my eye. it’s dex entries mention that it’s very gentle, it also shows no mercy to foes who target young pokemon. seems fitting… we decided alfyn got it as a swadloon (maybe it could be taught to use its sewing abilities to dress wounds?) and it evolved during his ch3.
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I think Krookodile, mimikyu, and klefki are quite obvious picks, so i won’t go too in on them. Ninjask and Shedinja…. Ninjask is super speedy, so it felt right to give one to therion, but also i feel like.. he’d keep the shedinja around. even with 1 hp and one billion weaknesses… it’s still a part of his team. it and ninjask were born from the same nincada. he couldn’t abandon it like that.
and applin lol. something about therion gives me “guy who’s going for a cool as fuck hydrapple and ends up with an appletun actually”
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If anyone’s allowed to have legendaries, it’s the hunters. Chien-pao is as close as we can get to a snow leopard. and yeah maybe it’s a little evil but H’aanit is built different. Decidueye feels like an obvious pick, and spirit shackle is a great signature move for the h’aanit vibe. trapinch for. leghold trap. kilowattrel is literally a thunderbird. and ariados… well, it has the ability sniper, to reference hunter’s crit boosting abilities, as well as having some trapping moves like webs. for the Hunters, I’ve left their last spot blank, but this just means like, a “flex” spot that would be different each time you battled them. H’aanits got boxes of options to choose from.
now, onto the OT2 ones!
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I’m sure you can see what i’m going for here. it’s just the closest i could get to Akala/mahina and her 3 story beasts. and again, like H’aanit, the last spot is “flex” not empty, so imagine her bringing some different new bullshit to every battle.
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i wanted to do a few things with Castti: obviously, give her some healing-y mons, but also a few oddball picks that might have you looking twice. picked Shiinotic because of its ominous dex entries, and then. toedscruel because i realize shiinotic actuallt doesn’t get spore i think? and i think castti “put em to sleep right in the street” florenz should have a mon with spore. (edit. i actually just cant read the bulbapedia tables and shiinotic does get spore. anyways she gets two spore mons i guess cuz what if she’s gotta knock out two people at the same time. or whatever. dustox emits toxic powder from its wings, which seems like it could be something castti would want to keep on hand for poison axe. these three might seem a little weird tho, and reinforce her bad first impression in canalbrine, even though i’m sure they’d all be very well behaved and nice. Blissey and Arboliva are straightforward healing picks. I feel like these would be common for apothecaries to have in general.
and then galar-slowking. poison-activated brain nonsense. i feel like she acquires this one post-amnesia. they feel a kinship with each other.
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Throné’s team is half-blacksnakes dedicated, half catered to herself. Every blacksnake has a seviper or an ekans, as well as probably most of them also having other grunt-esque pokemon, like zubats and such. throné’s taken care of hers, though, and friendship evolved it into a crobat.
chose furfrou because i think throné would like a prissy little dog she can dress up cutely. milcery, which she’s waiting on evolving until she can figure out what alcremie form she wants, and a shade-cherrim.
oh, and zangoose, of course. the natural enemy of sevipers. one appeared to her right after she left new delsta. what a sign, right?
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Osvald we had some interesting stuff to work with, I think. we decided that most of his pokemon were newly acquired after his prison escape- not on purpose. they seem to just take a liking to him and start following him around.
the avalugg helped get him out of the frozen water at cape cold, and then stuck with him.
the teddiursa.. also just stuck with him. we wanted to give him something that felt a little oddball for him… so this doesn’t evolve. it stays cute and unevolved forever.
the shuppet was found hovering around the ruins of Osvald’s house. he was reluctant to take it, but if it was formed out of some semblance of his desire for vengeance… he has to be responsible for it.
the Indeedee is the only one of osvalds old pokemon, out of this lineup. since indeedee are so helpful to people, it was kind of a family pokemon acquired after elena’s birth (dex mentions they’re good at babysitting.) Osvald could probably also trust it with simple lab assistant tasks like moving stuff around. was a very beloved pokemon within their family. anyways, following his sentencing, clarissa managed to get ahold of the indeedee and took care of it all this time. when osvald returns, it’s clear it wants him to take her with him.
the drampa was acquired after the events of montwise, having shown up and basically just forced itself to go with osvald. somehow it seems to know what’s going on and who it can trust…
and slowking.. well, smart guy needs a smart pokemon. it’s another one that took a shine to him, though at that point he was getting used to this happening.
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Talonflame: partitio’s aptitude for fire magic and the “chickadee” nickname made this an obvious choice for an ace. I can imagine a young partitio’s first pokemon being a fletchling, for sure.
bramblegast. the funny tumbleweed. put it on the team immediately.
Milotic: Paritio picked up a feebas. having a knack for seeing the potential in pokemon, he wasn’t wrong, and now hes got this thing. it’s very popular with other people, though it seems an odd pick for partito at first glance to strangers.
armarouge: ok this one’s a little convoluted so i will explain it later. kind of vibes based pick tho lol. revavroom kind of. uhh. steam engine. (we can pretend)
there ain’t a more partitio pokemon out there than gholdengo. everyone say thank you scarvi for giving partitio most of his team.
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hey, it’s another oricorio! i think you can guess why.
volcarona: learns fiery dance, but we thought up even more lore on this one. the larvesta was a family pokemon. mostly belonging to Garud (we ended up deciding that the Bristarnis had a lot of bug types, who help out with the sewing stuff and larvesta does give a little bit silkworm, lol..)
anyways, part of his blessing for sending agnea off was telling her to take the larvesta, who also turned out to be a dazzling star in the end too… after a lot of hard work.
altaria and leafeon rep dragon and swords dance. i just feel like they’re good picks for her energy, too. lunatone reps the moonstep. I’ve also opted to give her a sunny cherrim, which i think would be cute contrasted with Throné’s gloomy one.
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temenos has quite the oddball lineup for a cleric. but hes kind of an oddball cleric so i think it works.
Absol. man. a lot of shit happens to temenos. this absol is stressed tf out 24 fucking 7. sorry man.
Clefable: felt like we had to give him a healer-adjacent pokemon and this one evolves with a moonstone. feels fitting for mr night-ability mistral tbh.
Lokix. alright. another scenario based pick. Temenos caught this thing on the pilgrims way as a nymble at like level 2. probably rustling in the metaphorical tall grass, crick is all “get behind me, it could be dangerous” and then. lvl 2. nymble. doesn’t even need to be fought to be caught. and then temenos is all hey crick, it’s a “crick”et pokemon! (we’ll ignore that the dex says grasshopper) he’d keep it just to mess with crick, but it ends up sticking around.
Houndoom. well, temenos is the pontiff’s hound, so we did need to pick a dog for him. it’s a houndour in the beginning, houndoom by the end. probably evolved in a moment of crisis (in ch4?) the yamask is from crackridge.
wooloo. this is actually Crick’s. it wasn’t helping with the little lamb allegations… after the events of stormhail, Temenos takes it in.
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Kingambit: i mean. come on. gotta get a kingambit for the future king.
Gardevoirs dex entire mention that it is dedicated to its trainer/cause to the bitter end, and would do anything to protect it. perfect for Hikari.
Morpeko and Zweilous. some literally two-faced pokemon. (maybe he feels a little bit of a kinship with them in that way) i also really wanted to give Hikari a pseudo-legendary, and i think that his zweilous would probably evolve just in the nick of time to kick some ass against mugen. Hydreigons might be notoriously destructive, but something about the personalities merging into one brain in evolution seems to have mellowed Hikari’s out. it’s remarkably personable, for a hydreigon.
lucario: i really wanted to give him a pokemon that learns copycat, and lucario fits that bill. plus, he definitely needed a fighting type.
Cerudelge: formed from bitterness of old cursed armor, but also an extremely skilled sword fighter… one of hikari’s aces.
I also like to imagine that a lot of hikari’s pokemon are quite difficult to deal with (his ceruledge in particular is quite belligerent and mean) but they all have utmost respect for him as a trainer, once they’re on the battlefield. but onlookers sometimes worry… how the hell does he deal with it all?
other notes about some of the picks :
Partitio’s amarouge. Paritio picked up a. charcadet later on, and hikari personally warned him that it might be difficult to deal with. (his charcadet and later ceruledge were super hard to train for him) of course, partitio did end up in possession of the cool nice armor that evolved it into the better mannered and nobler armarouge… but honestly, even his charcadet was far better behaved.
paritio and tressa both get those shitty fish that get cool. must be because they both have an eye for a diamond in the rough.
agnea and throné’s cherrims are best friends. throné rarely got to see her cherrim sunny-form until she left new delsta… she wonders if maybe it was upset about being so nocturnal before, with the blacksnakes.
castti and osvald, team mom and team dad somehow both ended up with slowkings. everyone’s a little concerned about castti’s, though…
after the events of his story, Osvald leaves indeedee and teddiursa with clarissa and elena. the teddiursa and elena in particular take to each other very well… when osvald finally is able to return to elena’s life, the teddiursa is really much more her pokemon.
also. H’aanit and Ochette and far and away the best battlers of both groups. i know i only have them with one flex spot, but you can imagine that they’d swap out a lot more for whatever they need to do to build a good team. they’ve got loads more options than everyone else.
you know that thing about giving someone an applin in galar? therion did trade it over to alfyn at one point. but really they have joint custody of that thing. which definitely ended up as an appletun.
we also had some npc aces sprinkled in there, so here’s some other thoughts, just as bonus!
Malaya: Pawmot (revival blessing), rapidash.
Elena: Abra
Harvey: Hypno, Bacephalon
Pala: Kricketot (formerly belonged to her and agnea’s mom)
Roque: Metagross
Kazan: Husuian Braviary
Ori: Chatot
Trousseau: Glimmora
Cordelia: ….ferrothorn
Erhardt: Aegislash, Hisuian Samurott
Z’aanta: Zamazenta
Juvah: is literally a solgaleo
Darius: Scrafy/Pangoro
Simeon: Malamar
Esmeralda: Mismagius (wanted to give her something with perish song)
Mattias: drifblim? darkrai?
Lucia: Hatterene
Miguel: Grimmsnarl
Werner: spectrier
Mugen: Kingambit. mirror match with Hikari, but mugen’s has supreme overlord while Hikari’s has defiant.
Kaldena: we couldn’t pick but maybe she goes like lusamine mode and fuses with something.
Claude: Cradily. (uh. literally fossil pokemon)
Dolcinea: belive it or not, also an oricorio. also, solrock. but her oricorio is the prettiest.
veronica: she has somehow acquired the worlds first and only female gallade through the power of lesbianism.
Crick: … wooloo….
I do wanna make some drawings for these ideas, but this post was literally already one billion miles long and has way too many images, so it’ll probably be a separate post. thanks for the ask! and sorry for talking so much, but i fucking love making pokemon teams so much it’s insane.
and a big thank you again to my bestie @snailcruncher who helped me with a lot of these picks (and did basically all of the npc picks thank you so much i love you). tysm for pokemon octopath brainrotting with me for like 4 hours.
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fisheito · 3 months
If you ever feel insecure about your yapping just know that I binged your entire account for the past few hours and I was hooked. Like your account to me is what cocomelon is to toddlers you have no idea how happy you make my overly stressed student heart 😔❤ (Anon because I have anxiety (for now))
??!?!? i have enough stuff on here to entertain you for HOURS??
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....huh. guess i've amassed quite a hoard. porntime surely does fly....swim.move fast
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
hiii its the anon from yesterday who yapped abt alastor being softer to the other hazbins during/after the tickle war, and ive come to provide you with some lee AND ler al content :)
so, after briefly reading thru this blog, i can tell that everyone loves al being SO obvious when hes in a lee mood (me included tbf). so, on top of his shadow being a menace n' him being 10x more touchy/twitchy than usual when he wants to be tickled, id like to give him another tell (that i HOPE?? someone hasn't brought up yet???): his good ole ears/tail!!!
methinks that whenever he's in a lee mood, his ears pin down/to the side whenever someone approaches him, even if they arent planning on tickling him!! yk, a common sign of submission in animals. as for his tail, you couldn't rlly tell unless he had it uncovered, but it'd be face down and 'tucked between his legs', (not ACTUALLY/FULLY bc if he ever caught himself doing that he'd make himself stop immediately out of sheer embarrassment gfajafakags, but he does the closest thing to it)!!! both things he doesnt realize he's doing unless pointed out, and i imagine it as the final push a ler would need to wreck him. like.. imagine someone from the hotel who's been seeing al run around all day, just out the corner of their eye, but theyre able to pick up on him being more twitchy and clingy than usual. plus, his shadow acting up.. and then the pieces all slot into place once they approach him to ask abt it and they see his ears fold back :) they then continue to make those ears flap and that tail wag :)))
AND like i promised, some ler content, still concerning al's ears/tail bc not only am i obsessed with them, methinks they'd also be good tools for him to use as a ler!!! for the cherished moments where al uses direct physical touch instead of magic to tickle his lee, i think it'd be adorable if he brushed his ears/tail against their sensitive spots, especially if he often does so '''accidentally''' after learning about it :) these are the first two scenarios that came to mind that fit what im talking abt, but feel free to imagine your own/smthn different:
ler al and lee husk, with husk having a really sensitive chin/neck!! al keeps pulling him close, making husks attempts at pawing (ha) him off futile by al scrabbling at his ribs and stomach, which eventually leads to al leaning his head forward n' makin' his ears accidentally flap against husks neck/chin, which makes the poor kitty *squeal*. theres like that brief moment of 'oh no' from husk before al leans back in and purposefully wiggles his ears back and forth against husk until hes laughing so hard he cant breathe 🥺🥺🥺 al is teasing him the entire time, much to his chagrin
and, for the tail!! ler al and lee angel dust!!! ive always imagined angel with a sensitive stomach, so al would either have to be holding him down/or against something in this scenario, but just think abt how cute it'd be for the two to be play-fighting but then angel lets out a *yelp* whenever al's tail brushes along his stomach!! angel'd get his own 'oh no' moment where al's suddenly pinning him down, using his hands to tickle angels armpits and ribs while his tail absolutely wrecks his stomach. angel would be making witty comebacks to al's teasing if he had time to breathe :)))
okokok that should be all its past midnight here i need to sleep!!! anyways ajagsfaggaha ty for reading hope you liked ittt :)))))
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And the scenarios too omggg, I freaking LOVED the unintencional thing of the ears going down, animal features doing silly things when someone is in a lee mood or being tickled is my weak point (Alastor's tail totally wags when he's tickled tho I am SO SURE)
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coldhndss · 7 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ Blue Lock matchup No.5 @mooncakes-and-peaches
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Hello! This is my last current matchup. I’ll be writing more soon as I have 3 shorter bonus ones planned for the few people who sent in after the cut-off. I’ll be opening them up again soon once I find I have more free time! I also have some special types of matchups planned so stay tuned!
So anyways, some of the things you noted in your matchup felt really refined and sort of sophisticated, in a way? So, with that, I decided to match you to Reo Mikage!
I know you’re anime only, and so matching you to Reo might not make much sense now, but his personality really shines through in the manga, and I might write a bit over my intended limit trying to prove that to you, so hear me out!
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―୨୧⋆ ˚ “I'm a huge homebody. I enjoy watching TV… drawing occasionally.. writing ideas and characters for stories…” 
“…and working out (my goal is to look fit and I’ve actually managed to get some muscle!) I like playing tennis, but I have to be in the mood and the weather has to be right.” 
If you’ve read most of my matchups so far, I’ve said this same thing a few times, but most of your description sort of gave me Reo vibes (if that makes sense). We know that canonically, Reo is/was studious in school, achieved high marks and always performed well in what he did/does. Despite this, I feel as though he’d definitely enjoy staying home after a long day of training (as anyone else probably would). Though, Reo would definitely motivate you to play more tennis; he’d probably see potential in your skills despite you having specific conditions to be in the mood to play right! He’d also bring you along when he has training at the gym, and the two of you would train together, and this way, the both of you can meet your fitness goals together. Though on those off days when the both of you aren’t in the right mood to go to the gym, you’d stay home, and binge watch a TV show together, sharing a bowl of popcorn and different types of chocolates that he picked up from a super-high-end chocolatier earlier that day. I feel like Reo, being the rich kid that he is, is probably used to super refined tastes, like 95%+ dark chocolate. I’m not sure whether you like dark chocolate or not (personally, I absolutely love it) but if you don’t he’d try to convince you to try it, and if you do, the two of you would eat the box of chocolates together.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “I'll let things slide here and there, but I've never been a big risk-taker/have been rebellious. At the same time, and I know this is contradicting, I'm a very lazy individual, but recently I've been doing better doing what needs to be done and more.”
Seeing as Reo is kinda a textbook spoiled rich kid, he also carries a little bit of a ‘look at me, I’m following the rules’ kind of personality, but not necessarily in a bad way. Seeing as you’re someone who seems to avoid trouble, he may see you as a ‘refined’ individual and take interest in that. We know that Reo is a huge business and stocks nerd, (duh) his family says it all. So, I’d imagine that he’d constantly yap to you about those types of things, asking you if you’ve seen the stocks today, and always telling you and about the shifting economic state of whichever country is on his mind today. I may be wrong about this, but in the case that you do know about those types of things (I def do not) I can imagine the two of you talking about it for hours. In the case that you don’t really know much about business-y type things, you’d listen to him talk and talk about something he read in a book he bought earlier that day, only to end his yap session by saying: 
“Well, I don’t really care since I don’t want my dad’s company anyway. I’ve got Nagi, and together, our soccer will…”. Congratulations, yap session number 2 is about to begin! Although, you don’t really mind, because seeing Reo finally have something to call his own brings a special type of warmth to your heart. His newfound motivation towards wanting to be good at something that he grew from nothing himself definitely makes you feel like you can motivate yourself to build your own skill at things that you already enjoy doing. 
I’d imagine that Reo would obviously bring you to meet Nagi. He’d take you along to watch him practice one time and introduce you to his closest friends (literally only Nagi, maybe Chigiri? – but I won’t spoil anything for you). Seeing as you didn’t mention soccer as one of your interests he might suggest that the three of you play a sport together one day, and you’d suggest tennis. With Nagi being the talented freak he is, his general skill in almost anything he does may physically exhaust you, with you opting to watch him and Reo go against each other in a match while you keep the scores. That’s not to say that you’re bad at playing tennis, of course. Nagi is (was) known to make these types of underhanded comments at another person who isn’t up to his skill level (😭). 
―୨୧⋆ ˚  “I don't have an aesthetic, I just like to wear whatever is comfy and don't really stray from my regular stuff (another thing I need to work on).”
Given his riches, Reo would obviously have expensive taste. If I’m not wrong, he wears designer clothes and all that jazz. So, seeing as you also have a super self-improving orientated mindset, (in my opinion) he’d always motivate you to do new things and open your avenues up a little. That’s why I think he’d pamper you with new clothes, or randomly take you ‘shopping’ where in reality he takes you to get one of those colour analyses, where the person would help you figure out what colour ‘looks best’ on you. He’d pay extra attention to it and buy you things based on what the analyst says. Of course, he takes it with a grain of salt, and lets his personal opinion seep through when buying you gifts. As for you, you’d give him a little ‘fashion show’ where you try on the clothes he bought you so as to not disappoint him, even if they’re not really your style. In the end, you’d pick out a couple pieces that you ended up liking a lot and scold him for splurging (just because he has tons of money, doesn’t mean he should spend it all!). He’d also take note of the types of things you ended up keeping and use it as reference for his next shopping haul for you. From personal experience, he knows that money isn’t the only thing that can keep a person happy, so he definitely tries to not overwhelm you with all his gifts and stuff. Seeing you smile and be content is one of the most important things to him, and he’d be absolutely torn if he was the reason for you to feel any sort of sadness.
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silawastaken · 2 months
this is just a little yap because I don't know really who to talk to about something like this so I'm screaming into the void instead, feel free to ignore <3
today i finally got pain medication that should help with the chronic pain I've been dealing with for roughly three years. I'm very obviously not upset about that fact, I am incredibly relieved actually and I'm really excited to see how I feel tomorrow after it hopefully begins to take affect.
However, this just feels very anti-climactic. I'm unsure how to word it (hence my unusually pretentious way of wording my sentences, I think it's a defence mechanism in response to the vulnerability-- detaching myself through the use of formal language), but it feels as though there should be... more?
I think this is rooted in a few different places, somewhere between the sense of loneliness I have yet to address since my mum moved out, and my need to prove that I am actually sick. Usually through every step of this my mother has been there, not neccassarily to 'hold my hand', as I first thought to put it, but as an observer. She was at least there for it. Through all the things I have tried.
Now, it's just like it's a normal night. I've talked about it a lot, persistent in my attempts to share how excited/nervous I am out the possibility of what a new medication may cause-- both in terms of pain relief and in terms of side affects and how my mental health may improve/worsen (at least if it worsens y'all can get some of the GOOD Dazai angst lmao) as a result.
But everyone else has something more important to do. It feels childish to ask my dad to just sit with me while I take it, I'm 15 so I should be able to do this by myself but there's just nobody there. Nobody's here while I try it, nobody will be there if it makes me feel sick or tired and I doubt I'll be asked how I feel in the morning. It goes past the medication, deeper than I could ever hope to pick apart in a tumblr vent post but this just to happens to be the catalyst for all the Feelings to start building up. I don't want to call my mother so she can sit on the other end of a phone line not paying attention for three minutes while I take medication that really isn't a big deal to anyone but me.
There's just normally somebody there and there isn't this time. There hasn't been for more than a year now but it's just different this time. Uhmmm anyway vent over I am now going to stop being a baby and take my meds 👍 I'm going to have some apple juice with them :3
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heliads · 2 months
hallo! id like to request 💌 with newt from tmr or ron weasly from harry potter!
im a pretty nerdy persn i like to collect glass shards and i like to draw as well ! :D
people say im either cold or shy at first before i open up and start yapping about all my favorite interests like saw and other spooky things !
appearance idk if you need that but i have blue eyes, snake bite piercings and short brown hair with blonde highlights
anyways feel free to skip me if thsi is not for you !
thank u!!
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Y/N is by the water again.
Ron Weasley should not be noticing this. He shouldn’t be noticing anything, actually. He is supposed to be completing a Transfiguration essay due the next morning; even Hermione has sworn not to help him if he doesn’t get half of it finished by sundown at least, and Ron knows that he really does need to try this time, but he can’t. He can’t focus on the writing haphazardly scrawled across his parchment, because instead of thinking about the best way to turn a rock into a rabbit, he’s thinking about the student walking out by the lake, wind whipping at their robes as they slowly stroll down the shore.
Y/N L/N.
It makes perfect sense, then, that he couldn’t focus. He never can, really, not when they’re around. Ron can’t explain it. It’s just that every time he’s around Y/N, his brain starts short-circuiting. He loses his train of thought, he misplaces his bookbag, he drops things. Harry has started teasing him mercilessly about it, but Ron couldn’t do a thing about it if he tried.
So, he won’t try. Not at all. Ron abandons the essay without a backwards glance, pulling his robes tighter about him to ward off the chill as he heads out to the lake. Y/N glances up when he draws near, smiling slightly.
“Hey, Ron,” they say.
Ron ducks his head in greeting. “What’re you doing?” He asks.
He comes off a bit too brash, but Y/N has never seemed to have a problem with that. At first, Ron thought they were cold, never wanting to talk to anyone in the Great Hall, but as it turned out, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Y/N is careful in who they trust, but once Ron managed to get them to open up, they’ve been close friends. He can’t help but wish, however, that they could be closer still.
“I’m looking for glass,” Y/N tells him. “Look, the water smoothes the edges.”
They stoop and pick up a piece, then show it to him, holding it up so the faint sunlight ripples through the whorls in the glass. This shard is the precise blue of their eyes, and when Y/N passes it to him, Ron can’t help the feeling that he’s cradling a piece of them in his hand. As long as he keeps the glass close, he has them all to himself. Maybe for forever.
“Show me more,” he says hurriedly, matching their pace when they start walking again. 
Y/N smiles and starts talking about what they’ve found so far. Ron’s hand drifts to his pocket, where he carefully holds the smooth glass tight. This, at last, is something he will never let go.
harry potter tag list: @blondsauduun, @cameronsails, @neewtmas, @lovesanimals0000, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @eclliipsed, @frenchgirlinlondon, @23victoria, @ilovexavierthrope, @faerieroyal
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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handsinterlaced · 2 months
hi this is gonna be my niall experience as I just need to get it out and I’m sure irls are SICK of me talking abt it <3 pls enjoy or ignore up to u
proof being delusional works!
june 27: I fly my ass out to toronto!!! and at this point I’m just giggling w a friend joking around what if I meet Niall
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june 28: today is niall’s 1st show in Toronto hehe
I was eating lunch at a random restaurant I stopped by on queen st and I was soooo excited / nervous I couldn’t eat! basically forcing myself to eat so I don’t die at the concert fjdjskks but yeah after like half an hour of picking my food I start to feel unsettled.. and a lil bit uneasy! idk it was suchhhhh a weird feeling but u always gotta listen to ur gut!!
it was sooo strange like at that moment I knew I had to leave the restaurant RIGHT NOW and so I did! I was like half an hour walk away from my air bnb so I’m like that’s fine I’ll just walk back & still have plenty of time before the show to get ready and stuff! there were so many different ways to walk back. I could’ve crossed the street earlier or turned the corner sooner but the path I chose led me right to Niall 😭😭 I wasn’t even looking for him!!! but I was waiting for the crosswalk… look up and who do I see? NIALL FUCKING HORAN RIGHT THERE
- ngl tho niall in a cap and sunglasses is such a great disguise FJKSKAKA I would not have recognized him if tour manager wasn’t with him! shoutout to jstir (I met him when I was like 13 when he was working for Cody simpson and taking everyone’s m&g photos fjdjskks that man’s face is engraved in my mind so I was able to recognize him pretty quick!) like who knew my 13 year old phase would come back 10 years later and help me out !!!
anyways so Niall is across the street and I’m just fighting w myself debating if I should go up to him or not 😭😭 the saying never meet ur heroes is kinda true JDKDKAKA it changes u & all the expectations u have! Ultimately I figured that this was my 1 chance to say something so I just went for it. If I didn’t I’d probably regret it for the rest of my life!
I just know my voice was shaky and I was super nervous but niall was so sweet and patient <3 like I felt so bad just going up to him 😭😭 hes just out and about… trying to be incognito & enjoy some free time FJSKKA like I am quite aware but when else could this happen u feel 🥲 anyways here is the convo from what I remember bc I blacked out (as u do when u meet ur fave)
me: hi Niall!! just wanted to say hi and let you know how excited I am to see you perform tonight and tomorrow <3
niall: hi how are you! oh you’re going to both shows? is that right? we’re actually headed to the venue now
me: oh! If that’s the case I don’t wanna keep you guys. Would it be alright if we took a photo?
niall: yes of course!
the photos (cropped myself out bc Toronto humidity is my enemy & I was a sweaty mess from walking back to the air bnb)
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and then I just say thank u so much! see u at the show hahaha and SPRINT OFFFFJFKSKAK like I ran so fast bc I needed to get away and scream 😭😭
mind u I be carrying my leftovers the entire time JFKSKAK SO FUNNY
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I DIDNT EVEN INTRODUCE MYSELF! WISH I TOLD HIM I FLEW MY ASS OUT! THAT HE NEEDS TO TOUR MORE CITIES IN CANADA! TO PUT NEW ANGEL ON THE SETLIST!! so much I wish I said but again thankful they were on the way to the venue so I was forced to keep it short so I didn’t continue to yap and embarrass myself further. it could’ve been so much worse! just gotta remind myself that.
sat in the air bnb for like 2 hours in silence trying to process what happened fjdjskks would’ve been longer but I had to get to the show! anyways I was like 15 rows back on the floor and had the best time <3
june 29: Toronto night 2!!!
I’m sat 2nd row floor… right next to the barricade and I’m so close I know that niall can see me 😭😭😭 idk if it’s the delusion but I keep making eye contact with niall and he keeps looking at me! probs thinking oh is it that weirdo from the street yesterday 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAO but U TELL ME!! IS IT DELUSION BC I THINK I GOT PROOF RIGHT HERE
felt too perceived by him tbh JDKKA needed to run and hide! like eye contact was crazy djdjjsjs
OKAY THAT IS ALL FOR NOW I THINK! if u made it this far I am so amazed ty for reading the rambles <3
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platinum-iridium · 2 days
same anon from the dove whole body deo. okay okay so, maybe a bit tmi, but I half-agree and half-disagree with the idea that full body deodorants are just a scam to prey upon women's insecurities. I half-agree, in that I don't doubt at all that the intention is to keep women constantly self-checking and feeling disgusted at themselves for not smelling like vanilla extract 24/7. I CAN, however, get behind full body deodorant, because I work a labor job, and at work our AC oftentimes isn't great, so I get very sweaty, and it's good to have a product that will keep me from getting too rank. The tmi part is just that I sweat between my thighs and groin, and after a few hours on the job, it doesn't smell great. It's never bad enough for any people to notice, but the animals I work with sure do, so if having them stuff their noses into my crotch can be avoided a bit easier, I like to. The thing is, though, that I know damn well that men aren't worried about the same thing, and that women who don't have any reasonable reason to worry that their darker, sweatier areas are going to be a special breed of rank after a few hours will still purchase it to battle an insecurity they shouldn't have.
TL;DR: I don't think whole body deo is a bad idea (better to have people use a product that's safe for that purpose, instead of deodorant that's just meant for armpits being used in places it shouldn't be, if nothing else) but I think it should be a much more niche product than it is. The average person really shouldn't (and tbh, DOESN'T) have any need for it. All of that being said, I mostly named off that dove deo because it smells good, works well, and is all natural (if I remember correctly, anyway. At minimum, it is aluminum free, which was my primary concern when picking). Sorry for all of the deodorant talk, I'm a yapper
never apologize for yapping in my ask box that’s what it’s there for. a yap receptacle.
that’s a fair point about sweating at work i occasionally have to work at hot sites with a full fire resistant kit on and the pubic area can get a little smelly after a full day of work but like you said we aren’t the target demo for those products at all. and i wouldn’t wanna put full body deodorant anywhere near my sensitive parts. even the safer kind but to each their own. speaking as someone who used to nair my pubic hair lol i think i’ve done enough damage. i just let her breathe now. i just avoid bussing it wide open at the end of those kinds of days. i also don’t like live with anyone so if i get home and my musk is strong i don’t really think about it too much
that is kinda funny about the animals though. like after a few hours of real body sweat they finally recognize you as also an animal
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marzzthehuman · 10 months
this is info about me+my blog!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU FOLLOW!!!!!!!!1
☆~(ゝ。∂) current favorite thing: Lucky Star! SORRY I’VE BEEN SO INACTIVE I’VE BEEN BUSY WITH SCHOOL 😔😔😔😔 --- i’ve got a strawpage! it includes basically the same info as here but also more! and you can send me doodles and such! (i have just realized these are all things you can do on tumblr) (warning- it does contain moving images/gifs!) im aware the formatting is a little weird but i tried to make it neat :) id recommend you check it out!
I’m Marzz! (the amount of Z's does not matter!! it changes every time i type it. lately i’ve been using 2!)
i go by she/they pronouns! (AFAB) i am genderqueer and on the aro/ace spectrum!
I AM A MINOR!! (teenager)
DNI!! if you are: racist, homophobic/transphobic, an NSFW account, ableist, pedo, proship, Zionist, etc. also if you support Wilbur Soot or pusu please go away
(more, less important, info is located under the cut!! trying not the make the post TOO big!!)
If i EVER offend you in any way or say something wrong/make you uncomfy, PLEASE TELL ME!! I am never trying to be mean or disrespectful on purpose and if i have been rude to you, PLEASE inform me so i can apologize and improve my actions!!
mutuals: please tell me if you want anything tagged and I will try my best to do so!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶 for me, please tag things like nsfw/nsft (not counting on it being a common occurrence, but just in case, because some things can fall into that category!), mentions of sh and similar, and child injury, thanks!
PLEASE refrain from saying things like "this isn't real" or "you're dreaming" because it makes me upset. thank you! :)
another thing is that if you are going to make a ‘im gonna kms’ joke please use ‘/j’ or something so i know you are not serious, because saying this will get me very worried, even if i can sense you arent serious, (if i can pick up on the joke depends on how well i know you) please use a tone tag anyway!
please, please, please tag posts about suicide with ‘tw suicide’ or some variation of that please. id rather it not be mentioned around me, thanks! (if we are friends and you need to vent or something, please ask first/give me a warning. tagging it counts as a warning, im just saying if we were having a one-on-one convo)
my asks are always open, so feel free to send me an ask!!!
About me!!
I can be energetic and am a positive and optimistic person!!! Along with that, please remember I have bad days sometimes, too!!
I love getting to know people and learning fun facts about them while also sharing fun facts about myself!!
the fandoms i am most active in are: Project Sekai. that's about it. i also like other things too! I also really like Lemon Demon, Doctor Who, and The Muppets (as in any Jim Henson production)!! (I am also into TBHK, Scott Pilgrim, Lucky Star, and Warrior Cats, though I wouldnt consider myself in the fandom) i am also into musical theatere and my favorite musical is Cats!
Trust me I know how to spell it's just keyboards are hard. yk what. words are hard.
i tend to use emoticons/kaomojis/emojis a lot!! i feel like they are helpful to getting my feeling across because online you can’t read tone or facial expressions!! (ó﹏ò。) i also use hyperboles much more than i should, but they should be easy to spot!
guys guess. guess who my favorite pjsk character is. its the hardest thing to guess guys.
I write fanfiction sometimes!! You can find me on Ao3 as MarzzzzTheHuman !!
yap posts will (hopefully) be tagged with: #marzzz's yappy yap yaps ! yap posts will include either me talking about pjsk, some sort of rant, or just sharing random things. (probably most things will be tagged with this. I'm bored and have a lot of thoughts.)
just random text posts or other stuff (just random stuff basically) will be tagged with #marmalade is here
art from after july 14 2024 SHOULD be tagged with #MARZZ ART YAAAYYY ! !
'marzz, how can I talk to you?' tags of posts, (I love seeing the little messages in tags!!) asks, or DM!! I love talking to people!! 'can I call you a nickname?' Mutuals, yes!! but please run it by me first! >.< (‘marzzy’ is already a nickname given to me by a beloved mutual so i’d prefer if only they call me it, thanks!) 'can I use your art?' Yes, but please ask first! I will allow my art to be used as pfps or banners (with credit) and for personal use like wallpapers. DO NOT repost my art on other sites, don't steal, and don't feed it to AI, please!
I'm just here to have fun, honestly! I mainly post art and reblog things but when i have access to my computer for an extended period of time i just say random things. If I want to. :D
this post should update somewhat regularly, but who knows!!! (I am aware this post needs serious reformatting.. and its currently under construction. kind of. I miiigghhtt make a 'meet the artist' thing but who knows lmao)
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viburnt · 11 months
Kirishima E. || Taming
Genre: NSFW
Type: Reading bites
Characters involved: Kirishima Eijiro
Note: This was inspired by a post a saw around on my dash, I believe @dcsiremc was the one who thought of mean brat tamer Kiri. Anyway, buckle up cuz this is a dumpster fire.
Prompt: "Can't handle a little spice?"/Kiri teaches a lesson to Brat! Reader
It wasn't usual for Kiri to be so bent out of shape. Had it been any other day, he'd just go along with your little antics and laugh them off. That occasion was different, whatsoever; agency work had been difficult, his schedule merciless and his lack of sleep too much.
He was, certainly, not having your attitude today.
You could hear his tired grunts as he opened the door of your shared apartment, the sound of his gear and duffle bag rustling indicating he was done with everything.
Kirishima's eyes scanned the room, noticing it was empty and silent without your incessant bickering. He could see some of your stuff misplaced around the floor and couch, clearly you had been there not long ago.
He picked the items up and piled them on the small coffee table, calling your name so that you could come for them. His crimson eyes closed, rubbing his temples.
—Oh, hey! You're home, thought it'd be just me tonight. You didn't answer my texts.— You smirked.
Kirishima looked at you with a stern but flustered frown; the texts in question were a bundle of naked pictures of you laying over one of his favorite shirts.
—Can't you stop being a whore for a day?— He snarkily said, scolding you in a newfound way. The way he said it made your hole flutter. —Get here, right now.
You blinked but shook your head. His commanding felt like electricity, and your stupid horny brain wanted more.
—Psh, are you for real? I was just playing a little.— He heard you nonchalantly say, brushing off his discontent. A brat you were and a brat he was going to get, he guessed.
He stood up from the couch and yanked you by the collar of your shirt, pushing you against a nearby wall.
—You want to act like a bitch today? Fine.— His voice felt different from the loving, tender tone he usually used on you. His knee positioned itself between your legs, pressing your core enough to make you shiver.
It was a thrilling sensation; pulling and pushing to gauge a reaction from him. That was a side of him you were yet to discover.
He grabbed the hem of your flimsy clothing and lifted it with force, leaving you exposed. You gasped for a brief second, feeling his eyes scan the tender skin of your body.
—I'm not even doing anything yet, and you are a mess already.— He mocked, pinching your belly a little; there was a slight pain to it, but the knee between your legs had you distracted from it.
—Come on, Kiri I was just toying around. Besides, it was just a shirt, it can be-
—Shut up.
The words died in your throat, swallowing hard as his hand traveled to your neck. Said hand slowly made its way to your jawline and then, with no warning, tugged your hair.
—Ow, hey, that – you're so mean!
—Say one more word, see what happens.
You stayed still for a second, biting your lip.
—It doesn't suit you to be this big and scary. What are you gonna do, punish me?— You talked back, ignoring your better judgment.
The man holding you didn't allow you a second to drink his reaction, pulling you by the hair until he reached the couch. Compared to him, you were nothing but a rag doll he could drag around; no comparison to Red riot.
He bent you over on his lap, his free hand roughly stripping you from your bottoms. Your complaints fell on deaf ears.
The first hit landed, burning your skin as you hissed in pain.
—Go on, keep talking. You seem to have a lot to say today, what were you yapping about before?—
—Fuck!— You yelped as you wiggled under his touch. —Can't handle a little spice? So sensitive.— He heard you say.
His gaze was daring you, unamused by your snarky attitude.
Landed the second one, this time with a little more force. His rough, calloused hand was leaving red marks on your skin. It was appropriate, if you think of it, a redhead spanking his whore until she was as red as his hair. You would've laughed if you were in a better position, but the next slap had your mind busy.
—What? Too shy to speak up now?— He asked, giving you faux hope. —Tch, get on your knees. Quick.
Trembling, you kneeled between his legs, attentive to his next movement. The belt of his hero suit was soon out of the way, his pants now allowing you access to his cock.
—Make it hard, I'm still not done with you.
You pouted, turning your face to the side. Even if your cunt was dripping from all the excitement, you still had energy to misbehave.
Kirishima grunted, using your hair as a handle once more. Taking his cock out, he guided your mouth to it.
—Be of use, suck it.
Shutting your eyes, you hollowed your cheeks to create some suction. It didn't take long for his girth to harden, considering how many times you'd sucked on it. You knew all the spots that made him whimper, but something told you this time was going to be different from before.
His hips didn't give you time to breathe as they rammed deep inside your throat, making you choke. It was fast, rough, and spiteful. Fat tears rolled down your cheeks, messing up your eyeliner in the process; he was using your mouth for his satisfaction, not yours.
If you had been good, if you had been “Kirishima's pebble”- as he liked to call you-, perhaps he would've come home and relieved his stress with tender love making. Instead, you were a brat today; bound to happen, this was the aftermath of your lack of discipline. Whores are treated like fuck toys, they don't get to pick and choose.
The way you gagged on his cock as you desperately tried to get it out to get some air had his balls clenching. Deciding to test your limits a little more before letting go, he buried your nose against him, his length fully engulfed by the walls of your throat.
He held you for a few seconds like that, watching you beg with your eyes. Your glassy eyes could see him swiftly reach for his phone, the sound of his camera snapping a picture being present.
—Breath, and get on fours.
You gasped for air and coughed as he released you. It was a carnal scene, Kirishima had to admit; you were partly undressed, your makeup ruined, and if he had to guess, your pussy was aching to be split in half.
—I don't think you'll act up ever again after this.
Like my content? Comment and follow! The feedback encourages me.
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riekirei · 4 months
hi <3 so this is gonna be a long ass jake request with two parts so bare with me as I explain my deepest desires lol
(1) firstly have you heard that song baby can I be your favorite something like this ?! I'm sure you did anyway there's a part in the song that goes "my name's whatever you make it" and first time I heard it I instantly thought that it sounds like something jake would say to a girl he's trying to hit on and is a simp for in the answer to what's your name ?! what should I call you ?! I feel like he would be the kind of man who would make you feel like you're the centre of his world, like he didn't exist before you he breathes for you, he's an idol now and making his fans feel so loved and special imagine how is s/o would be treated !! so therefore I was gonna request something like a simp jake having a crush on one of his friend's friend and finally deciding to shoot his shot and he is just such a romantic man he would start the sugar coating and flirting right away !! but at the same time he would still be the one in control of your relationship regardless of how soft he is to you man is a scorpio he will dominate your life softly !!!
(2) I saw this video on twitter that he says "what you gonna do in five seconds" in response to be my boyfriend for five seconds, and oh dear heavenly father the way he looks at the damn camera saying this ?!?!? I'm just on my knees instantly !! you know he's usually this cutie pie softie bubbly person running around being fun but then he suddenly shows his smart ass serious manly side and I just get physically shocked !! the way he looked dead seriously to the camera asking "what you gonna do with 5 seconds ?! tell me" it's like him showing that yeah I'm a cutie pie but at the end of the day you do as I tell you (NOT in a fake alpha wattpad daddy way BUT as in a mature guy even though he's younger than you but he's wise and smart and knows you so well way) so I would like to request yet another smut but also angst cause I'm sad and I wanna fight someone and who better than jake who would know his girls mood swings so well to let her cool off by pushing his limits until he ends up fucking the attitude out of her, it would be like the reader getting mad at him for the very small things and nagging constantly and picking up fighta until he's mad mad and he tries to hold her but she pushes his hand away harshly and he gets to the last level mad "okay you're done level" grabs her arm and take her to their room and ends up in fucking the frustration out of the reader
Here's the link to the video I yapped about for an hour:
also I said younger than the reader cause he is two years younger than me and I know it's not much but still he's the first ever younger bias I have and it felt weird to begin with but now that I'm seeing underneath all that puppy like personality he's actually mature and a man I need in my life I'm getting along with it better but still please somehow include this in them writings (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
At the end I just wanted to share my thoughts and I can wait for a response as long as you need (you can fully ignore it too I don't mind) but yeah thank you in advance hahaha
thank youu sm for the ideas hehehe, i’ll definitely look into the song ure talking about bcs im not sure if the song im thinking of is the one ure describing?? but omg id def write for jake using both of these sorta plots. feel free to always share ur thoughts in my inbox hsjahs i dont mind at all!! i enjoy reading stuff like this. thanks again anon, please look forward to the stories ill write for these reqs 🫶
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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Guys, it is El WooWoo Wednesday and all the others. We know the drill by now. But you know what is big news? It’s February, aka Figuary! Thank you @artsyunderstudy​ for the tag on this fine Figuary day.
(Gonna plug my figure drawing Snowbaz AU The Naked Truth real quick!)
Yesterday I didn’t write anything new to make a fire out of this flame, but instead I spent an hour formatting it. The good thing about textfics is that I do not care for typos etc., but the bad part is the formatting. I should’ve taken the Little Numbers approach, but I also love the occasionally silly usernames.
I am actually a bit stuck on the ending, though. Like... I am so close to finishing it, I can practically taste it, if it were able to taste fics (this would be a fun ask game, as in, what would your fic taste like?)
Have some pining Baz:
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I have some general writing thoughts under the tags and cut, so feel free to skip them, but first the weather, and by weather I mean the tags. I started Welcome to Night Vale yesterday after all the #cecilsweep hype, but I actually used this bad joke before.
ANYWAY. Tags! @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @cutestkilla ​ @nausikaaa​/@wellbelesbian​​ @facewithoutheart @boyinjeans​ @captain-aralias​ @martsonmars​
Basically I am thinking about how I want to approach writing this year. I like writing. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here yapping about writing, but I have talked plenty about what I have dubbed “my girlboss situation”, which is that I took on so many things last year that I was “girlbossing too close to the sun”, which I need to credit Christina’s fic Thirst Trapped for, which in turn has to credit TikTok. So I am already not doing potenial challenges like the Klaine CC Valentine’s challenge and the Carry On Big Bang, and I am very on the fence about the Klaine Roulette because I want to join but also... no... girlboss situation. But I do want to do something.
I know I have many WIPs and that I also want to finish them, but there is just so much to write and honestly, I don’t mind if it takes a while. That’s why I came up with the whole hospital thing.
So I guess I am doing smaller new things now? I knew I was fucked when I claimed not one, but two prompts at the AU Please! fest, but come on, one was “Dex has the superpower to turn into a lobster”. I might actually drop that one, because I have no idea what to write for it, so ideas are welcome. And the other is a prompt where Jack travels in time and meets his past/future self, and I picked that one in the hope to get me back into my own Zimbits time travel fic. Apart from AU Please! I will do some small things for that new Radio Silence challenge, because if there’s one thing that will break my restraint, it’s a small fandom. If someone takes the effort to make the possibly first challenge for a fandom, then I am 🥹. But I hope that all of these fics will be around 1k. There was, for example, another prompt in AU Please! that I absolutely love, but the story that I saw unraveling in my mind was a big one so *wink wink nudge nudge* if you are a Zimbits writer, please claim the role reversal one so that I can read it.
I don’t really have a point here. I said above the cut that it’s just some musings. It’s on my mind because my 3rd university semester happened and I had an existential crisis at 1:30AM, as you do, about my potential OFFLINE girlboss situation (2 commissions at my queer organisation, master thesis, Chinese classes, art organisation, sidejob, intensive university course... ya... I may have girlbossed too close to the sun here) and I had a moment of “what do I do with my limited free time I do not have time to write if I also want to read and paint and draw and game.”
Look, I know I just wrote a WIP for my SJAEU about how terrible it actually is for Luke to be awake 24/7, but also, he does have more time than I do!
But yeah. Just some musings from a 24 year old having a potential quarter to life crisis. Also, I only recently found out I’ve been misspelling potential for over a decade. I wrote potentional. No idea where the extra o and n came from.
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krunchylegs · 7 hours
literal yap
i am so mad at myself bc i feel like ive basically reset my progress, ive walked a lot today (18k steps) but i feel sick rn bc i overate. i literally planned out my meals but when i was out i ate twice and then i was like, 'itll be fine ill skip dinner and it wont be too much' but then i ate dinner bc i played badminton (which im happy to get back into) but i think that made me hungry, and then i made myself breakfast and lunch for tomorrow and atm im using a protein powder with fat free greek yogurt and peanut butter mix for my breakfast (it is not low cal unfortunately but idk how to make it any lower and i dont want to remove the peanut butter). but anyways, thats what ive been eating for breakfast since like today basically, but i like it a lot and i wanted to eat it so bad but i knew id be so pissed and i was gonna just wait but then i decided to be an idiot and just made another serving of it and ate it and i didnt even measure anything properly and now i feel so dumb😭😭 im trying to give myself a little bit of slack bc today was super stressful for me bc im starting college and today was my first day and theres been a little family issues recently and i felt like shit and super emotional today so i think that might be why i just gave in to my cravings, its not even actual hunger its just what my brain wants not what my body is even asking for.
im not going to let this stop me tho, failing is just apart of the process ig 💔
also i was thinking about beginning ballet as an adult, ive only had a few classes when i was really little but ive been obsessed with ballet for like 2 or 3 years now and i felt too old to start but now im 18 and im like damn i couldve started during that time and i wouldve at least been somewhere with it by now 😭 but who cares, ik ballet is one of those things that most ppl only do if they grew into it but i feel like i didnt really get the chance to have a feel for it and if i hate it then at least i tried it. and ik its hard and ik itll be difficult but for me its more about having fun so yeah, im gonna ask my mum soon if i can join a class, she basically said that this year is my year to get all of my artsy stuff out of the way :/ so i may as well try pick something up to do. i just hope im not as isolated this year. i hated 6th year (final yr of highschool), literally no friends 😭 but like fr no one talked to me and i was so isolated it literally felt weird to talk for more than a few seconds. hopefully itll be different this time and i can make some friends, being lonely sucks so hard and its so cringe too like wdym ur in the bathroom stall the whole lunch period bc you dont want to eat + u got no friends, like bruh.
that school food was nasty tho idk why mfs were genuinely running for it...
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seikyoko · 2 years
Hi....How are you? After reading your post, can I ask the rest of your top 20 of top 30 fav characters?... Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not why you like them.....(sorry for asking almost the same ask like someone before this)....Thanks a lot for your blog...love reading them.....🥰🤩
I know this isn't much of an excuse but I straight up forgot I had this ask. I'm really, really sorry
NOW ONTO THE CONTINUATION OF MY TOP 30 CHARAS (this is my top 10 ) I'm dividing this into two posts
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3
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11) The whole damn cast of Beelzebub
There are "two/three chara's braincells are allergic to the other's " and there is the utter dumbassery energy field that is this mess. The reason I spent so much time answering this was initially bec I tried really hard to pick a fave among them, yet even picking my top 5 Beelzebub charas among the rest was like asking a mother which child to kill off. The entire manga was so wild I couldn't believe what I was reading with my own two eyes and I wish I could say that iwas because of an epic mastermind or some complex conflict but it was because each chara was so off their rocker it degenerated into something insane. Even if no demon chara whatsoever appeared the human high-school charas would have done Something (TM) or several Somethings that would leave me on the floor laughing increduously.
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12) Lloyd Forger (Spy x Family)
He's cool, hot, he drink his respect women juice, he's a kind and moral and caring person, I love the moments he get unlucky. he's an amazing father and has been doing amazing at it despite it having happened because he scrambled to adopt a kid after a mission requested it out of the blue and not having much of an idea on how to go about it. He did fuck up with Anya several times (like how he was too harsh on her about her education in order to complete his mission) but he learn from it, apologize, and do better by her and prioritize her well-being and happiness despite that being in the way of his mission, his interactions with Yor are very cute, and his spy feats being cool af are a nice bonus
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13) Leorio Paladknight (Hunter X Hunter)
I love him, he's so kind, ressourceful, and utterly shameless about what he seeks. He states "I want money" without any kind of pretentiousness or fancy-talk, because even if it was all there was to it, seeking a more comfortable living for yourself isn't anything to be ashamed by, and he doesn't owe them the information of his tragic backstory. But also because the whole yapping about honor and "not being swayed or greedy for money" is hella annoying for someone all too aware of how even the most basic of necessities like food, shelter, clothes or a child receiving cure for a mortal disease depends on money. I really like that about his character
He's an incredibly compassionate human being, he said in live TV he spent the summer "jerking off" then got self-conscious about what he said immediately and said"forget about it".
He's a beyond amazing friend and that sometimes lead to stuff like being involved in a revenge quest against the Phantom, flipping off Chrollo while knowing what he is and what he's capable of and yelling at him "you want a piece of me ?", punching Ging on live TV and running for president and telling his audience he'd basically just mobilize the Hunter Association to heal his friend. And they voted for him anyways, because they had taste (and also because of the Ging-punching euphoria, but once again, it was because they had taste).
He didn't know jack shit about nen in York New then re-appeared in Election arc with a teleporting punch of all thing which sparked all kind of hilarous headcanon of what Leorio's teacher must have thought about the whole thing/having a good laugh about what he'd teach Leorio
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14)Fujishiro Nageki (Hatoful Boyfriend)
No words are needed.
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15) Light Yagami (Death Note)
Don't have much to say other than "Utter buffoon", the whole Death Note anime was a ride, even simple potato-chips eating moments, and he spent every single second of it clowning on himself. He should have been number one of this goddamn fave list.
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16) Rina Song (Surviving Romance)
My beloved, My sweetie. Overpowered high-school girl who just want to pursue romance, except stuck on a zombie apocalypse with a mostly female cast. Extremely good and supportive friend when you happen to win her over, keep her goddamn promises, called Min-woo "my little pop rock" with a straight face. Her friendship with Chaerin is something I'd obsess over until the end of the universe, no, probably even after that.
I loved the whole damn chapter 47 where the one thing that contrast the creepiness of the whole thing is Rina Song getting moved and being happy because Chaerin's "crush" is confessing to her. Like, she's a little confused but she sure know how to be a supportive friend.
And even more, because of her scary appearance and how vocal she is about her crush, and how the people wary of her/terrified of her find that off-putting, maybe make the author and the narrative itself make fun of the scary muscly girl for having a crush or frame it as creepy, yet it doesn't go that path. The way she talks about and reminisce about her feelings in the latest chapters are some of the most moving stuff I'd seen. I'm not even into romance or the like but the earnestness and selflessness of her feelings left me contemplative, they'd leave me contemplative even if it wasn't all that self-less, because it's how strongly her love came across.
I got misogyny-caricature-trope baited, and I'm glad how the whole thing turned out.
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17) Shiba Ganju (Bleach)
You'd think that I've chosen him because he's an underrated chara or something and that there are Bleach charas or even other mangas charas that I like more, and you would be wrong. This is his genuine place on the list.
Certified dumbass, made a "map" of Soul Society though he doesn't know any locations so he basically just drew a big circle and kept mentionning his "Soul Society map" to the high-strung Ichigo, the Hanatarou-Ganjuu-Ichigo trio was very charming, love his dumbass-resonance with Ichigo, love how he objectively state his titles being preceded by "self-proclaimed".
And, though he has all the reasons in the world to hate Shinigami (Rukia), who just showed one day dropping his brother's corpse that she skewered and said herself that she'd killed him with, like, zero explanations. He's not fully satisfied with dropping it at that, because he can't help but wonder why Kaien didn't hate the Shinigami (Rukia), and why he thanked her, and it just haunt him for years, despite everything else pointing out that he should objectively loathe the Shinigami (Rukia) and find them detestable, and the fact that he suffered a very big and hurtful loss, he's not fine with dismissing Kaien's reaction/input or leaving it at that, not even because of what Ichigo told him about the Shinigami (Rukia) who saved him, but because he pondered on that for longer than that. So he head out and get involved in that big mess because he wants to forge his own answers and opinion on the matter. This fucker is incredible.
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18) Mayuzumi Chihiro (Kuroko no Basket)
He is so full of salt, poor fucker was minding his own damn business in the rooftop reading and probably getting ready to study for his entrance exams or something and got involved in the Miragen mess and the Akakuro Divorce, participating in some bball tournament should never have landed him in such telenovela, yet he might as well have expected it because from what we see, that dude's luck is cursed. He does stuff like get on random trains and wander around, he has a very entertaining and salty monologue and snarky thoughts, go king. I'm sad we didn't have more of his screen-time but he was probably internally like "ugh finally" so I'm gonna cheer for his off-screen peace
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19) Azudora (Helck)
It's one of the rare serious-complex-like to put on a comical front -prankster but done right unlike all the other obnoxious representations of that trope. I find his backstory with Uria and how he deals about the whole human-demon thing very compelling, I like his level-headedness and maturity and kindness and wisdom and strength of heart and the fact that he's a dork. I very much love that instead of saying an actually serious argument/his actual feelings on the matter he was like "wait we shouldn't annihilate humans, guys imagine the effect of wiping out an entire species would have on our eco-system"
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20) Chaerin Eun (Surviving Romance)
I love her growth, her chara development, the whole expanding on her actual feelings of being unable to see anyone other than Jeha and how scared and isolating the experience was for her. In another universe she would have been the bitch protagonist a beloved isekaied into a villainess protag would have fought and won against. This time around our protag is the self-absorbed superficial obsessed by her crush shallow girl, without even the cop-out of another mature/modest person taking her place or her travelling back in time or her "going to her senses" too rapidly. I am utterly in love with her journey and story And I'm not the only one
0 notes
aetheternity · 3 years
Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, the Kawata twins and Kazutora in:
When they see you with your ex.
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Disclaimer: E/N means Ex's name. The ex changes gender for each one to be more exclusive I'm sorry if it feels confusing. Kazutora's has mild angst but otherwise this is really sfw.
🌟 Draken
☆ He'd kinda crashed Mikey and Emma's day out. You'd told him you had something to do this weekend so what else was he supposed to do with his free time? The three of them had stopped to eat on the outdoor patio at a nice restaurant and while Emma and Mikey chatted away about something school related. Draken sat quietly sipping his tea.
☆ You'd been kinda weird when he'd asked why the two of you couldn't hang out today. You didn't even tell him what it was you were doing instead. And you always told him literally everything about your life. Sometimes unprompted.
• "Hey, isn't that Name?" Emma's voice suddenly caught his attention.
• "Who's the guy?" Mikey questioned in between bites of his food.
☆ Draken's head shot in the direction Emma had pointed in. Sure enough there you were, talking with a guy who was about the same height as Draken. Weirdly enough Draken felt like he'd seen this guy somewhere before.
• "Is that?.. E/N?"
☆ Draken squinted still staring at the two of you talking. You didn't exactly look happy but you and your ex were standing way too close. He felt a little pang in his heart.
• "Maybe she just.." Emma cut herself off. Your arm came up to wrap around your ex's neck. Pulling him in for a hug which he just as soon reciprocated.
• "Let's just go." Draken said and Emma seemed to immediately agree. As soon as Draken and Emma squeezed back into the open doors of the restaurant Mikey hightailed it in the opposite direction.
• "Dammit Mikey!"
• "Mikey!" Emma called but it was definitely too late for that.
☆ Mikey ran up behind you tapping your shoulder as Emma and Draken made their way down to the scene that was now forming.
• "Are you cheating on Ken chin?" Mikey questioned with zero hesitation. His face stern and his shoulders bared.
• "Mikey.." You said
• "I would've preferred to do this later." Draken grit. Though Mikey didn't even spare him a glance.
• "This is.. your new boyfriend right?" E/N asked
• "Name." Emma began "I know you wouldn't cheat on Draken.."
☆ You sighed putting some space between Mikey who looked two seconds away from punching someone and your ex whose confusion seemed to grow the longer this went on.
• "I'm not, I would never.." You sighed before continuing on. "He's dating my friend now and since we had some bad blood between us.. I figured I should try to get along with him since he's staying in my life. But I'm so sorry Ken Ken, I should've told you yesterday when you asked."
☆ Mikey stepped to the side as you held out your hand for Draken to take. He wasted no time pulling you into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead.
• "Don't ever do this again."
• "Go out with my ex without explaining myself? Or get caught going out with my ex without explaining myself?"
• "All of it." Mikey interjected, hands placed in his pocket but his normal smile was starting to reappear.
• "Go home you two. I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon with these two."
• "Oh? Is it because you're worried something will happen?" You asked Draken laced your finger tips slipping your hand into his pocket.
• "I was never worried, I just wanted to spend time with you." He explained
☆ Definitely should've just invited him in the first place because within a couple hours your ex and Draken have become better friends than the two of you were supposed to be.
🌟 Chifuyu
☆ Him and Takemichi decided to spend the afternoon in Chifuyu's favorite manga shop since sitting at home had become tiresome.
☆ Takemichi had organized a small pile of books around his body like a nest while Chifuyu just searched the aisles aimlessly. He didn't have a book in mind before coming here so he figured he'd pick one out from his favorite section once they got there.
• "Hey Chifuyu?" Takemichi looked up as Chifuyu flipped through one book while he held another in his hand.
• "I can't buy both of these. Takemichi which one do you think is better?"
• "Isn't that Name?" Takemichi pointed over the stack of books on his left sure enough just outside the aisle was you with a girl chatting away.
• "Who's the girl Name's talking with?" Takemichi asked looking up at Chifuyu, though Chifuyu had already ducked his way behind the bookshelf peering out of the aisle at the current scenario.
• "What the hell are you doing?" He asked coming over.
• "That's Name's ex."
• Takemichi fell in line next to Chifuyu peering over his head, "I didn't know Name dated girls too.."
• "Yeah.. it's not a big deal.." Chifuyu said as the two of you giggled about something a couple feet away.
• "If it's not a big deal why are we hiding?"
• "Shh!" Chifuyu ducked back as you and your ex walked a little ways away. "Come on let's follow them."
• "Why don't we just go talk to them?" Takemichi followed reluctantly.
• "I don't want Name to think I came here because I was stalking-"
☆ Just as Chifuyu had made it to the next aisle he tripped over a snag in the carpet causing an oblivious Takemichi to bump into him. A loud oof from both of them alerting you and your ex of their presence.
• "Chi?" You called annndd now you were coming over. "Hey Chi, what are you doing here?"
• "This is my favorite manga place." Chifuyu answered with a grunt, stepping into the aisle.
• "I know.. I just thought you and Takemichi would be at your place."
• "What's going on?.. This is what you were busy with?" He gestured between the two of you.
• "Chi." You stepped forward and Chifuyu took one step back. "You know how me and, E/N are childhood best friends and how my grandmother is sick right now? My grandmother is basically a second mother to her so she invited me out to take my mind and her's off things, She suggested we come in here and I said ok but it wasn't right of me to not tell you, I'm sorry baby."
☆ Chifuyu looked between you and your ex his eyes slowly beginning to soften.
• "I'm not mad love. It was just weird you don't normally do underhanded things like this." He pulled you into his chest for a hug and you wrapped your arms around his waist.
• "You should come with us." E/N said pointing to Chifuyu and Takemichi. "Name won't stop talking about how wonderful you are as a boyfriend anyway."
☆ A bright pink flutters over both you and Chifuyu's cheeks as Takemichi snickers behind you both.
• "Next time you can bring Hina and we can make this into an outing." Chifuyu said, poking Takemichi in his side with his elbow before wrapping his arm around your midsection.
☆ You guys probably end up staying in the store for a couple more hours honestly because if there's anything you and Chifuyu have in common it's your love for manga.
🌟 Mitsuya
☆ He'd been running errands for his mother all morning so by the time he reached the supermarket he was completely exhausted. He pushed his shopping cart through the aisles with a long sigh, checking off items as he went.
☆ He rounded the last corner glad that his day was nearly over and already thinking about what he was going to prepare for dinner when the sound of your voice caught his attention.
☆ His first assumption was that he was so tired he was imagining it but the airy ring of your laugh soon validated his suspicions. You'd told him you were hanging out with friends today after all.
☆ He grabbed the last thing on his list deciding to go say hi. He wheeled the cart directly into the next aisle walking up as you and a person he didn't recognize were having a chat with an elderly woman.
• "You two are so cute together." The woman gestured with a small smile.
• "Oh.. no we're exes and friends." E/N explained
• "Aw I'm sorry things didn't work out for you two." The woman nodded
☆ You opened your mouth to respond but Mitsuya's warm gaze caught your attention first.
• "Suya, hey!" You greeted, walking over to greet your boyfriend with a small hug.
• "That's the actual boyfriend." Your ex explained to the woman.
• "This is the friend you told me about yesterday?" Mitsuya asked looking at your ex with a blank expression.
☆ The tension in the aisle could be sliced with a knife and the lady from before quickly walked away to another side of the store.
• "We are just friends now I promise. There's nothing going on between us and they're having a party tonight that's why we're here." You gestured to your ex who awkwardly waved back. "I was going to invite you later so that you could sneak out when Luna and Mana are asleep."
• Mitsuya nodded his expression softening as he reached up to cup your cheek, "I wish you had just explained that earlier, next time just tell me I won't be angry."
• "I will, I promise." You gave him a quick peck which he reciprocated. "I'm going to head with Suya but I'll see you at the party later?" You asked turning to your ex.
• "Yeah, I'll see you then." They replied as they left.
☆ And yeah sure Mitsuya said he was cool with it but you two ended up skipping the party and after dinner you both stayed in bed all night.. (Do with that what you will. 🙃)
🌟 Nahoya/Smiley
☆ You'd only been dating Nahoya for a month and everyday you two met up at the same place after school.
☆ Sometimes (like today) he'd grab Souya/Angry and head out to meet you. Today the three of you were just supposed to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to the Toman meeting.
☆ The second the two of them had stopped their bikes Souya pointed you out where you were holding a box and talking to some stranger.
• "Who's that guy?" Nahoya's grin tightened as he watched the way the guy yapped away while you just silently listened.
• "He looks like somebody." Souya pondered for a second before his gaze fell on his brother. "I recognize his face he was in some picture on Name's wall."
☆ Nahoya didn't wait another second to storm over to the situation Souya trotting along behind with his teeth grit.
• "What the hell is this?" Nahoya grunted though his smile never wavered. The indent of anger extremely noticeable on his forehead.
• "Hoya, this is E/N he-"
• "E/N as in your ex?" Souya chimed up before you could finish.
• "You invited your ex here when you knew I was coming? What kind of shit are you pulling here Name?"
☆ His smile began to dip at the edges but it was obvious he was trying to keep up his natural facade. His fists clenching at his side, book bag carefully slipped into Souya's arms behind him.
• "I just needed my stuff back, I promise." You tried to explain, shaking the box in your possession for Nahoya to see.
• "I didn't mean to intrude on your-"
• "You shut the fuck up!"
• "Hoya!"
• "So you thought you should invite him on our date? Are you trying to piss me off?"
• You stomped your foot exasperation slowly starting to take over in your face and tone. "Hoya, I didn't invite him! I told him I was here and he's gonna be on vacation for three weeks but I needed my camera back." You hold up the camera that you'd fished from the box, Desperation thick in your voice. "So he decided to drop my stuff off with me and you just happened to get here before he could leave." You rest your fingertips on the bridge of your nose. Glad for the silence that soon arises.
• "I should go." Your ex whispers doing a little scoot around Nahoya who still hadn't completely cooled off.
• "Hey, stop it." Nahoya grips your chin pulling your shaky form closer to himself. "You should've just asked me to get your shit for you."
• You muster a little giggle, sniffling and wiping your face with the back of your hand. "You would've kicked his ass then brought me my stuff."
• "He would've deserved it."
☆ You pull Nahoya closer though he's still a little hesitant to return your affection.
• "Let me make it up to you please? You and Souya." You turn to Souya who's still holding both his and Nahoya's backpacks.
• "You're paying for lunch today." Nahoya replies pulling you into his side. He lowers his voice leaning into your ear as Souya walks ahead to his bike. "And if I ever see that jackass again I'll break his jaw."
🌟 Kazutora
☆ Baji and him had spent the day riding their motorcycles until they decided to take a break not too far away from the shrine where Toman meetings were always held.
☆ They soon found themselves parking their bikes and skipping stones by the riverbed.
• "So, why is it that you're hanging out with me instead of your partner today?" Baji asked as his stone plopped into the water.
• "They said they had something going on." Kazutora replied
• "If I was with someone that gorgeous I'd be willing to go with them but whatever."
• "Maybe you should have someone before you start dishing out relationship advice."
☆ Baji grinned wide throwing a soft punch which Kazutora caught with a snicker pretending to right hook him. It soon lead into a chase with Baji dodging all of Kazutora's playful jabs walking backwards and making sound effects to go along with each swipe of his fists.
☆ Baji grabbed both of Kazutora's fists pushing him back until he nearly tumbled onto his ass. His laugh unbridled in its volume.
• "Come here Kazutora I'll show you how to throw a real punch."
• "What the fuck.." Kazutora's gaze followed two people walking along the path that went just overhead.
☆ Baji's head whipped around to track Kazutora's gaze stopping on the two people walking side by side almost out of sight at this point.
• "Is that-" Kazutora was nearly gone by the time Baji had processed the words. "Hey!" He called out running to catch up but Kazutora had already sprinted to the top of the bank, jogging along to catch up to the people they'd spotted.
• "Name!" His voice boomed closing the distance scarily quick.
☆ You'd stopped dead in your tracks, turning to face the chilling look in your boyfriend's eyes as he stood before you. Baji right behind and practically out of breath.
• "Who is that?" Kazutora pointed
• "Tora.. baby don't freak out.."
☆ His earring clinked against his face as he stared into your eyes.
• "Are you leaving me now? Is that it?"
• "Tora!" You huff, putting your hands out.
• "Kazutora.." Baji called out already sensing the weight of the situation.
• "She's my ex but listen-"
• "So you are cheating on me.." Kazutora's jaw locks and when you reach out for his sleeves with pleas of his name he just slaps your arms away.
☆ When he leaves he runs for his bike. His leg anchored over the side already gripping the handle bars tightly when Baji's loud scream of his name rips through the air.
☆ He's got his bike out of park but just as he starts to drive away you dash out from nowhere and yank his handle bar.
• "Dammit Tora listen to me!!" You beg, he can clearly see the beginnings of tears stinging the corners of your eyes as you hold onto the hand still clutching his handlebars.
• "What could you possibly say? That it didn't mean anything? That you love me?!"
• "Yes! I do love you! You mean everything to me! I needed to be with E/N today because her mom went missing a couple days ago! The woman that took me in and loved me all my life is out there somewhere and no one knows anything about it so dammit Kazutora if you love me even half as much as I love you, don't leave me right now!"
☆ You latched onto his jacket letting your loud sobs fill the now quiet air.
• "You told me.. You love me.." His whispered tone barely reaches your ears as you continue to choke on your own tears.
• "I.. love you.. Tora.." You hiccuped
☆ His arms wrapped gently around your waist, face deep in the crook of your neck as you slowly began to relax.
• "I'm sorry." You felt him tremble as he held you closer than he ever had before. "I love you.." He reciprocated. "I'm here.."
🌟 Souya/Angry
☆ Souya tended to listen more than you realized. Like when you go on and on about a band you absolutely adore to the point where he stays up until almost 12 am to snag tickets for the two of you to go see them on the weekend. And this was that weekend.
☆ He'd been nearly bursting with excitement over it and now he could finally surprise you with the news after holding it in for a solid week.
☆ He parked his bike across the street from your house, reaching into his jacket pocket for the umpteenth time to check that both tickets were there. After a few more minutes of preparing, blowing into his hand to check his breath, smoothing his sweaty hands over his jacket. He rung your doorbell. The heel of his toe tapping against the floor as he waited for you to answer.
☆ When the door finally opened a person much taller than Souya answered.
• "Yup." The person pursed their lips one hand on the tool belt wrapped around their waist. For a second Souya pondered if he'd somehow rung the wrong doorbell until he looked at the number in plain view embellished on your door front.
• "Who are you?" It definitely came off more aggressive thanks to Angry's naturally violent resting face.
☆ Before the person could answer you came bounding down the stairs, pulling the door open wider.
• "Why the hell would you answer my door?" You spit at the person standing beside you as you pull your boyfriend inside, shutting the door behind him.
• "I think you mean thank you."
• "Fuck off." You tell the person who was already walking back to the kitchen.
☆ The naturally angry imprint on Souya's face seems to deepen as he makes eye contact with you.
• "I wish you had called." You sighed, tugging Souya into the living room by his jacket sleeves.
• "Who the hell is that?"
• "You remember how I said my ex is in the remodeling business.."
• "That's your ex?"
• "Yes but listen! If I work with him I can get a discount, I just want that wall taken out to open up the space a bit more." You gesture to the kitchen where your ex is currently examining the wall. "I would've told you sooner but between my friend coaxing me into doing this remodel and that drunk night with you and Nahoya it was hard to find time."
☆ Souya dipped his hands into his pockets, staring blankly into the distance. His brow furrowed deeper than normal and his foot tapped against the hardwood.
• "If you're uncomfortable with this I'll get someone else.."
• "Get someone else."
• "Wait before you answer." You scoot closer to your still ticked boyfriend and he makes eye contact with you again. "This kind of remodel normally costs way more than the bargain I'm getting with them."
☆ Souya blinked blankly at you.
• "Sou plllleeeeaaasssee, you can be here whenever they are." You gesture to the kitchen.
• "No I can't I have a job."
• "Fine.. I'll call you the entire time." He sighed with a roll of his eyes. And you rubbed both his arms with a long groan of his name. "How about this, I bring you and them to dinner. Once you see how disinterested I am you might be more for it."
• "Not worried about you, I'm worried about them." His forehead rubbed against yours and you giggled.
• "I promise I only love you."
• "Would you love me more if I got tickets to your favorite band for today?"
• "I'm never leaving you." You proclaim wrapping your arms tightly around Souya's midsection. "That's a proposal by the way we're engaged now. I don't make the rules."
• "E/N I'm engaged now!" You yell towards the kitchen.
• "I heard, congrats!" They yelled back
☆ Souya just scoffed but his cheeks bloomed into the deepest shade of red as he walked upstairs with you to your bedroom to help you pick out an outfit for the concert.
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restapesta · 3 years
23. Don’t you get it? You’re the only one I can be honest with.
Mickey takes being alone with Ian for granted. He really does.
It's quite sad he only realizes that when he's not alone with his ginger life companion—specifically when he's stuck in a moving car with him and fucking Phillip, feeling like a pussy for not having the guts to just open the door and jump out.
Did Ian put child's lock on his door, what the fuck?
He can't do this. It's a fifteen-minute ride to the Gallagher house and Mickey won't be able to survive it. No fucking way. Why did Ian have to say yes to picking Lip up from work? Did he know what hell he would be putting his poor husband through, huh?
If college bitch says something about his shitty delivery job one more time, he swears to God—
"And you know what the best part about this shitty delivery job is?" No. Please, God, make him stop. "Bathroom? Doesn't even fucking exist,"
If Mickey had a gun, he'd stuff it in his mouth.
From the corner of his eye, Mickey sees Ian's gripping the wheel slightly tighter, his knuckles turning white, his tongue bitten between his slightly clenched teeth. Sadly, only Mickey can see him be so frustrated from the passenger seat. He wishes Lip would lean over from the back and see how fucking annoying he really is with his constant babbling.
Maybe it's good he didn't bring a gun with him—Ian looks like he'd wanna stuff it in his mouth, too.
Does he have child's lock on?
"Anyways," Lip breathes out and Mickey focuses on the buzzing of the AC so he wouldn't have to endure the brainwashing his brother-in-law's—why him?—voice is doing.
Ian seems to be thinking the same thing, his eyes rolling discreetly to the back of his head, staying there for a moment or two.
Mickey's torn between telling him to keep his eyes on the goddamn road or just letting him crash their new car into a pole. At least then they wouldn't have to listen to the yapping that's filling every nook and cranny of the fresh interior.
Their car had never seemed so small. Since when is Mickey so claustrophobic? There used to be so much room.
Oh right, Lip's ego is taking up most of it. How could Mickey forget?
"Oh, yeah," He says suddenly, and Ian and Mickey share a look. What now? Will he ever stop? "I meant to ask you about your meds, Ian. You told me you were visiting your doctor or some shit like that."
Mickey reclines back in his seat, lips pursing as he waits for Ian to fill Lip in on the new prescription and its side effects, and whatever other shit Mickey's already got written down in the notes on his phone from when Ian told him in detail about it.
He had been pretty down when he came home from seeing his doctors, listing off all of the shit he was worried about with the new therapy and adjusting to it. He even had a couple of sleepless nights that resulted in him seeking out different pharmacies to buy sleeping pills, which ultimately led to a night of sleepless vomiting because the cocktail of pills didn't really bode well for Ian's stomach.
Mickey doesn't mind reliving it. Doesn't mind listening to his husband talk about the things important to him and things that Mickey should know about.
And, truthfully, Mickey's already come face to face with the fact that he likes knowing about all of Ian's shit—they're already living, sleeping, and working together, so the prospect of knowing that new meds give Ian diarrhea if they're taken on an empty stomach doesn't really seem like a TMI-type of thing to know.
When Ian's related, nothing and everything is pretty much TMI.
"Oh," Ian responds after a moment of silence. His eyes aren't focused when Mickey turns to look at him. It seems as if he's racking his brain around for the proper words, yet can't seem to find them. Eventually, he just lets out, "Everything's the same. Nothing new."
Mickey knows that's not true.
"Didn't you say you were being put on some new shit?" Lip's confused. Mickey is too.
Ian was put on new shit. Shit that landed him with a week of goddamn exhaustion and a fucked-up stomach.
"No. It's the same."
"Oh," Lip mutters. "Okay then."
And he continues to go into another monologue about why being a delivery boy is such a shitty job to have with a mind of his.
Mickey stares at Ian's side profile for as long as it takes him to turn around and meet his eye. It takes him long—in fact, Mickey's pretty sure Ian won't be turning around any time soon.
Why would he lie? Why would he hide the fact he did change his meds when it's really not that big of a deal?
Mickey's even more confused by it because Ian had ranted about his doctor's appointment the day of it, nearly talking Mickey's ear off. He had been annoyed, relieved, and worried, all at the same time, and the entire Tuesday was just spent with them talking about bipolar like the mundane thing it was.
So, why wouldn't Ian just want to retell that shit again? It wasn't as if he didn't still have frustrations over it. Not like he wouldn't fucking jump on the chance to talk about his biggest concerns the second the opportunity presented itself.
Why then?
Lip's still talking and Ian's still not looking at him.
Mickey places a gentle hand on his thigh, trying to get his attention. In response to Mickey's thumb running over his husband's jeans, Ian just places a hand on top of his, picking it up and raising it to his mouth until the rough skin meets the smoothness of his lips. When he finally looks at him, there's a plead in his eye. An answer to Mickey's unasked question.
"Ugh, can you guys not do that here? Since when did you become that couple?"
They both ignore the dumbass in the backseat of their car. Ian turns to look ahead, and he pushes his foot down visibly on the gas pedal, and Mickey knows that the time until they're able to drop Lip off is cutting shorter.
"You guys are really annoying with that mind-reading shit, you know that?"
Mickey breathes in deeply.
Five more minutes. Just five more minutes and they'll be alone.
Ian's hand doesn't disentangle from his, but Mickey does move them so they're laying on top of his leg, palms pressed tightly together. He squeezes at it once.
Ian squeezes back.
There's a faint mumble from the back.
"I fucking hate being the third wheel."
Mickey barely stops himself from jumping into Ian's lap, just in spite.
Instead, with his free hand, he just flips him off.
They're driving to their place when Mickey finally asks the question. They've been alone for a couple of minutes now, after a prolonged—much to both their dismays—goodbye to Lip in front of the Gallagher house. As soon as it was appropriate to, Ian peeled out of the driveway, putting as much distance between him and his family—his annoying-ass brother—as he possibly could in a record time.
At first, Mickey fiddled with the radio until he landed on some radio station that played pop-shit music, lowering the volume until the Taylor Swift song—he hates that he knows it—was just a hum filling the silence. Ian isn't speaking, but he doesn't seem tense.
He seems just as always, shoulders even further relaxed—slumped, actually, because he has the posture of a question mark—now that Lip is out of the car and in the hands of the others to deal with.
"So," Mickey starts casually when his weirdo of a partner starts singing lowly to Lover on the radio. It's a song they only listen to when they're feeling sappier than usual, but Ian tends to always be sappy, so none of this sweet singing shit was a surprise for Mickey. The lyrics coming out of Ian's mouth still make his chest swell pleasantly, despite him barely holding himself back from rolling his eyes. "What was that?"
"Hm?" Ian's eyes momentarily move to eye Mickey. They go back almost immediately. "What was what?"
"What was that thing with Lip?" The question isn't meant to be judgmental nor accusing. Mickey really is just curious.
It wasn't him whom Ian had lied to. But why did he lie in the first place?
Ian shrugs, lowering the volume with the switch on the wheel even further until they can barely hear the soft voice.
"I just didn't feel like telling him." Is the simple reply.
"Come on, man, don't give me that bullshit."
"I'm not—I don't," He exhales roughly as if finally forcing himself to admit to something he doesn't want to admit to. "I don't like anybody knowing about it. It's nobody's business but my own."
Mickey makes a face, still confused as fuck. He gets the reasoning behind the words, but it's just not clicking in his brain. Maybe Lip really did brainwash it. "You say you don't like anybody knowing, but you told me."
Ian glances away from the road and sends Mickey the type of look that says he thinks what Mickey just said was the dumbest thing possible. It's incredulous.
"You're not anybody, Mick."
And that's sweet and all, but—
"Lip's not anybody either."
Ian sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, dramatically exasperated. "Don't you get it, Mickey? You're the only one I can be honest with. Completely transparent."
Mickey doesn't know why he's still pushing, but fuck, there's no way. "You can be transparent with Lip. He'll hear you out, give you advice. Won't judge you." Why is he defending Lip again? "I'm not the only one who understands."
"Yeah, but you're the only one who isn't annoying about it. If I wanted Lip to know, I would've called him straight away. But instead, I talked to you. Mickey, you're a dumbass if you don't see that you're the only one I want to tell."
Well fuck.
Mickey blinks. He actually is a dumbass, but that's already been genetically proven. This is something else.
Mickey feels Ian's words deep in his chest. His heart jumps to his throat—it's one of the best things Ian could've said to him. It doesn't feel fucking real.
"Really?" He asks pathetically. It's not like Ian would lie; he's always had a knack for saying everything that's on his mind. Mickey loves that about him right now. It's just that—Mickey? He wants to tell Mickey about it and nobody else?
Ian smiles at him. "Really, babe," Mickey blushes as the nickname. "You know just how many questions to ask. When to listen and when to talk. When to give me advice and when to tell me to get out of my own head." Ian's eyebrows furrow. "Lip doesn't know how to do that. Not like you—"
No. Mickey will not cry. No. It's just eyeball sweat.
"—With you, I know that I can say whatever is on my mind and won't feel like shit about it. It's fucking liberating, having somebody like that."
Mickey breathes in deeply. Fuck Ian for using his words like this and making his heart squeeze impossibly. Why is he so fucking perfect all the fucking time?
How did Mickey get so fucking lucky?
"Yeah," He responds dumbly, out of breath—because it legit is logged up in his throat at the moment. He clears it. "I guess that's what best friends are for."
And the grin Ian sends him in response to the sheepishly-said sentence is enough to make butterflies explode inside Mickey's belly—ugh, no, he's supposed to be past that stage, for fuck's sake.
Ian's still grinning as Mickey's whole face probably turns the shade of Ian's favorite vegetable—maybe that's why Ian likes it when Mickey blushes—and he has to avert his gaze so he doesn't go even redder than Ian's hair.
"Best friends? I feel honored, Mick."
"Shut up."
"No, for real."
"Shut up."
Ian laughs and spares Mickey the embarrassment by raising the volume up on the radio, the song now booming loudly through the space.
Ian glances over at Mickey right as he starts singing it joyfully, a wide smile on his face. This is the Ian Mickey knows and loves—happy Ian.
Mickey's favorite Ian after the horny one.
Mickey's chest swells with pride. He ended up with Ian. The Ian who loves him unconditionally; who knows just the right to say and when to say it; who just told him Mickey's the only one he can be real with.
I can only be honest with you, too. He wants to tell him. I only am honest with you.
Instead of saying the words, he starts singing himself, and the screeching voices of two men stupidly in love are seeping out of the slightly opened windows, the wind whooshing them away.
I can only do this with you, Mickey thinks. I'm only this free with you.
Judging by the way Ian's smiling, Mickey guesses he's thinking the same thing, too.
"Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover."
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