#anyways twas sitting on campus and i saw these two people sitting together and i was like. ooooh he likes herrrr
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count-woe-laf · 3 days ago
People are so cute sometimes
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I haven’t taken a photo in days so enjoy this photo of me and my new planner in light of my first day of school being tomorrow.
Day 12. Feb.26.2017
Sunday: I got burned by the sun. My legs did anyways. East had a freshers v. returners game day so we played games like cricket, rugby, and basketball. Whilst watching the boys play basketball, I was sitting with my legs crossed in the sun and so I have an intense redness on both of my inner legs! My left leg is just all red but my right one is a nice tan so it looks kind of funky. Also, the freshers lost 2-3... sad day.
I cant remember what I did after that.... Oh I took a nap!
After my nap, I headed to West where a crew of folks were meeting up before heading to the unichurch BBQ which was on campus! It was so great. I saw most of my new friends I had already met and I met a plethora of new people as well! There were delicious sausage sangers (mmmm) and kebabs! It was my first kebab so I now understand they hype about them. They are so dang good. Sausage < Kebab. MMMMM. We were all eaten by the mosies (mosquitos) together and then funneled into church (which is in a building on campus). 
It was so neat to see a range of people, students and non all come together to hear a sick message. We’re going over John and the theme is Believe! That’s funny because that’s what UNI Salt has been going through this school year! Wowza. It was just so neat and in the beginning they made it so clear that their goal is to love God and teach what the Bible says. I’m def sticking with this church. Two weeks in and I already have a community!! Guys, this is an answered prayer. I know my homies at home are praying for me and its amazing to see prayers answered here and just how Jesus is moving through uni students and in me and how he’s glorified through that. I love it. We hung around after church and socialized for a while and laughs and stories were told. Twas a good time.
We walked back in a nice drizzle and I joined Tayla for some Riverdale Netlfix watching and mozzied my way on to bed. 
The weather really has been crap these last couple of days and so it makes going to the beach and other outdoorsy things difficult. Also taking pictures has drastically decreased because of that and I am sorry (Hence the rando pic of me and my planner). 
Monday (Day 13. Feb.27.2017) I literally did nothing again because it was raining .... again. Watched some of The 100. Highlight was that Morgan finally got here! We went and picked her up from the airport around 5-5:30 and welcomed her to the wonderful Australia! I’m so jazzed she’s here. Morgan, if you’re reading this, I’m so jazzed you’re here! We got her all moved in and situated then I went back to my living space and cleaned.... I got out the vacuum and vacuumed my room ... then I crept out to the hall and vacuumed... then the kitchen... then the living room.... then I wound up doing the dishes and really cleaning the apartment! I was on a roll. It’s always good when cleaning is fun because its, well, fun and stuff gets cleaned as a bonus!  I showered and made myself some chicken and rice and cooked carrots (mmmm) and a glass of pink moscato to feel fancy. I ate in bed while starting/ watching Mad Men and it was just an all around fabulous end to the night!
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